Fruit baby food flavors

What Are the Different Flavors of Baby Food? (with pictures)



Fact Checked

M.C. Huguelet

Whether one buys baby food or prepares it at home, there are many different flavors that can be offered to babies at mealtimes. Understanding the different flavors of baby food can make it easier for caregivers to decide which ones to choose for their babies. The most common flavors of baby food generally fall into one of five categories: fruits, vegetables, meats, meals, and desserts. When deciding which flavors of baby food to choose, it is important to note that a flavor’s suitability may depend on a baby’s age. Finally, some health experts suggest avoiding store-bought baby food from the meal and dessert categories, as they may contain unwanted ingredients.

Many common flavors of baby food fall within the fruit category. Some fruit baby food consists of a single fruit, such as apples, bananas, peaches, or mangoes, that has been cooked and then strained or pureed. Other fruit baby foods contain two or more types of fruit that have been blended together.

Vegetable baby foods are also popular. As with the fruit category, many vegetable baby food flavors consist of a single ingredient, like carrots, peas, or sweet potatoes, that has been cooked and then mashed, strained, or pureed. It is also possible to buy or prepare mixed vegetable baby foods, which feature a blend of two or more vegetables.

Some flavors of baby food are modeled after adult meals, but with a milder taste and a softer texture that babies can enjoy. For instance, it is possible to buy or make macaroni and cheese, chicken and rice, and ham and peas for babies. After they are cooked, the ingredients in these meal-style baby foods are usually pureed to a smooth texture.

Certain flavors of baby food can be classified as desserts. Like meal-style baby foods, these foods are intended to mimic adult desserts, but with a mild flavor and a smooth consistency. Examples of baby food dessert flavors include banana pudding and apple cobbler.

Caregivers who are overwhelmed by the many different flavors of baby food available in stores may find it helpful to know that not every flavor is suitable for every baby. Foods that consist of a single, well-pureed ingredient are generally best for young babies. Conversely, baby food flavors that contain multiple ingredients that are a bit “chunkier” in texture tend to be better for older babies. Usually, a baby food’s label indicates which age group it is most appropriate for.

Some nutrition experts caution that store-bought meal-style and dessert flavors of baby food should be avoided. This is because these foods can contain high levels of starch as well as added ingredients that may not be healthful, such as sugar and corn syrup. Caregivers who wish to feed their babies these types of baby food might want to consider preparing them at home.


20 Amazingly Healthy And Tasty Fruit Purees For Babies

These fruit purees may become your best friend as your baby transitions to solids.

Image: iStock

Once your baby reaches six months of age, you need to reduce the share of breast milk and gradually introduce solids in their diet. A fruit puree for babies is a great way to start this transition. Breast milk is a great source of nutrition, and hence the substitute foods should be highly nutritious to fulfill the baby’s needs for healthy, all-round growth. In addition, the baby will not be able to consume foods that are difficult to gulp or digest. Fruit purees are easy to prepare. They are tasty and packed with essential vitamins and other nutrients. Read on the post for some simple fruit puree recipes that your baby will love eating. We have also added some tips on making purees and introducing them to your little ones.

5 Tips To Make Fruit Puree For Babies

Knowing a few ways to puree the fruits will make your task easier:

  • Steam the fruits as it preserves the nutrients in the fruit and helps you serve as wholesome food in the early days of weaning.
  • After steaming, you can mash the fruit with a little breastmilk or formula.
  • Do not cook soft fruits such as banana, avocado, and kiwi. Just puree them with some water in a processor.
  • Make sure the puree consistency is runny in the initial days, and reduce the water quantity eventually.
  • Puree the fruits in a blender or food processor. If you believe in pureeing the traditional way, a fork will suffice.

Quick tip

It is best to offer organic fruits to your babies. Organic food does not contain antibiotics, artificial growth hormones, and other harmful chemicals and is a much safer option for your baby (4).

How To Introduce Fruit Purees To Babies?

Remember, your baby will not be able to digest solids immediately after introducing them. So do not introduce a variety of foods at a time.

Follow the 3-Day Wait Rule to introduce new foods so that any intolerance or allergic reaction to a particular food can be known:

  • Start with one tablespoon one time a day on day one.
  • Increase it to two tablespoons twice a day on day two.
  • Make it three tablespoons twice a day on day three.

Now, let’s see the various fruit purees you can offer to your baby.

Fruit Puree Food Recipes For Babies

Here is our list of easy-to-make fruit puree recipes you can try making for your baby.

1. Apple Puree for Baby:

Image: iStock

Sweet, cooked apples are great as early foods. They are easily digestible and unlikely to cause any allergies. You can give them from the fifth or sixth month.

You will need:

  • Apple – 1/2
  • Cinnamon – a pinch

How to:

  1. Peel and core the freshly washed apple fruit.
  2. Cut it in half and take the required quantity.
  3. Cook the apple by any of the below methods:
  • Steam the fruit using a steamer.
  • Keep the apple chunks in a bowl and pressure cook it with water. Cook for three whistles.
  • Add apple chunks in a thick-bottomed pan filled with water. Cover and cook until you get the desired consistency.
  1. Once the apple is cooked, mash it using a spoon or masher or blender.
  2. Add breastmilk or formula to make it runny. Avoid adding water.
  3. Add the contents in a sterile feeding bowl and serve. You may add cinnamon.

2. Banana Puree:

Image: iStock

You may introduce bananas as early as four months, but the recommended age to begin solids is six months. They are the ultimate weaning food for babies: easy to peel and prepare. Moreover, they provide significant amounts of energy.

You will need:

  • Ripe banana – 1 small
  • Water, breastmilk or formula feed – as required

How to:

  1. Peel and cut a banana into small pieces.
  2. Mash using a fork, or you may puree it in a blender or food processor.
  3. Add some breastmilk, formula or water to make a thin consistency.
  4. Serve it fresh.

3. Apple and Banana Puree:

Image: iStock

Get the best of apple and banana through this recipe. Moreover, banana is ideal for constipation and other digestive problems.

You will need:

  • Apples – 2 whole (sweet)
  • Banana – 1 full (ripe)

How to:

  1. Peel the skin and cut the apples into small chunks.
  2. Chop the peeled banana into small pieces.
  3. Keep them in a thick-bottomed pan, bring to a boil and leave until they get soft.
  4. Puree them in a blender to required consistency.
  5. You can also add breastmilk or formula feed to make it runny.

4. Mango Puree for Babies:

Image: iStock

Mangoes may pose allergic risks in some babies. Therefore, make sure that your baby does not develop any allergies with mango. You may give the fruit after six months of age, and follow the 3-day rule.

You will need:

  • Ripe mango

How to:

  1. Wash the fruit and peel the skin.
  2. Cut it in half and remove the seed. One-half can make enough puree for your little one.
  3. Cut into small chunks, and mash them using a fork or in a blender.
  4. Serve it plain. You can also mix it with other fruits, oatmeal or full-fat yogurt.

Related: Mango For Babies: Nutritional Value, Benefits, And Recipes

5. Banana and Mango Puree:

Image: iStock

Tropical mango and banana are mellow on your baby’s tummy. This combination would be a great addition from six months and up.

You will need:

  • Banana – 1
  • Mango – 1 (small-sized)

How to:

  1. Peel the mango and banana, and cut them into small chunks.
  2. Transfer all the pieces to a food processor or blender.
  3. Process until the mix turns smooth.
  4. You can add a little water, breastmilk or formula to make the puree thin.
  5. Serve immediately or freeze for later.
  6. Store the puree in an air-tight container.

6. Avocado Baby Food Puree:

Image: iStock

Avocados are excellent sources of unsaturated fats and vitamin E. This can be given from six months.

You will need:

  • Ripe Avocado – half fruit

How to:

  1. Peel and remove the pit of the fruit.
  2. Scoop its contents and do not cook.
  3. Mash the meat using a fork or a blender.
  4. Serve the freshly prepared puree.

You may also add a banana for taste or milk for thinner consistency.

Health fact

Avocados can be used as the first food for babies. They are rich in fiber and healthy fats, which aid digestion and promote brain development (5).

7. Quinoa, Banana, Apple and Dates Puree for Babies:

Image: Shutterstock

Quinoa is a gluten-free grain and superfood. When added to the list of your baby’s food menu, she cannot resist this delicious puree.

You will need:

  • Quinoa – 1 cup
  • Banana – 1
  • Apple – 1
  • Dates – 4 to 6 soft
  • Cinnamon – a pinch (optional)

How to:

  1. Wash the quinoa well to remove bitterness.
  2. Bring two cups of water to boil and add quinoa. Leave for about seven minutes on a medium flame.
  3. Peel and cut the apple into small pieces, cut soft dates and add them to quinoa. Leave for 20 – 30 minutes.
  4. Once the above ingredients are cooked, you may blend or make a puree; add mashed banana and a pinch of cinnamon powder if you require.
  5. You can either serve it like that or add milk for a thin consistency.
  6. Freeze the remaining puree to use it later.

8. Peach Puree:

Image: iStock

Peaches contain abundant beta-carotene and potassium. Here is our method on how to puree frozen or fresh peaches.

You will need:

  • Ripe peach – 2

How to:

  1. Wash the peaches using 3:1 ratio of water and vinegar to remove any bacteria. Rinse again under cool water and dry.
  2. Boil water in a medium-sized saucepan, add peaches and leave for 45 seconds.
  3. Remove the peaches and put into an ice bath immediately.
  4. Once the fruits are fully submerged, peel their skin. Slice them half and remove their pit. Now slice each half into even sized pieces.
  5. Puree the slices in a blender or a food processor until you get a smooth consistency. Add the required amount of water to make it runny.
  6. Serve the sweet and mild tasting peach puree to your baby.

9. Nectarine puree:

Image: Shutterstock

Rich in vitamins A and C, nectarines are similar to peaches and make a delicious fruit puree for the baby.

You will need:

  • Ripe nectarine – 2

How to:

  1. Wash the nectarines using water and vinegar in 3:1 ratio. Run them under cool water and dry.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan, add nectarines and leave for 45 seconds.
  3. Remove them and put the fruits into an ice bath or cold water.
  4. Once they are fully submerged in water, peel the skin. Pit and slice them into small pieces.
  5. Puree the pieces in a blender or food processor for a smooth consistency. Add water to make a thin puree.
  6. Serve the sweet and mild flavored puree. You can refrigerate the leftover nectarine puree.

10. Plum Puree:

Image: iStock

Plums are rich in dietary fiber, which is a natural cure for constipation. It has a pleasing combination of tart and sweet flavors.

You will need:

  • Pitted prunes or fresh plums – 6

How to:

  1. Wash fresh plums using a mixture of three parts water and one part vinegar. Clean under running water and dry.
  2. Add plums into boiled water and leave for some 45 seconds. Remove them and add into an ice bath or cold water immediately.
  3. After the plums submerge completely in water, remove and peel them using a sharp knife or fingers. Pit and cut them into small chunks.
  4. Puree the chunks in a blender or a food processor. You can also add water for the desired consistency.
  5. Sweet and mild tasting plum puree is ready to serve.

Related: 10 Delicious Plum Recipes For Your Baby

11. Kiwi puree:

Image: iStock

Kiwi fruit is rich in fiber and vitamins A and C. However, its acidic nature could cause diaper rash or mouth rash in babies. Therefore, take care to notice any signs of allergy when you give it to the baby for the first time. You may give this fruit after six months.

You will need:

  • Kiwi fruit – 1

How to:

  1. Peel the fruit and cut into small slices.
  2. The fruit need not be cooked or de-seeded.
  3. Mash or puree the pieces in a blender or a food processor.
  4. Serve the freshly prepared kiwi fruit puree.

12. Chikoo or Sapota or Sapodilla puree:

Image: iStock

The fruit is rich in fiber and vitamins A and C. It is good for digestion, effective against cold and cough, and promotes healthy immune system in babies. It can be given after seven months of age.

You will need:

  • Chikoo – 1

How to:

  1. Cut the fruit into two halves, and remove seeds.
  2. Mash it using a fork or in a food processor.
  3. You can add a little breastmilk or formula feed to improve its taste.

13. Papaya puree:

Image: iStock

Luscious and sweet papayas are filled will high amounts of folate, fiber, and vitamins A, C and E. You can introduce it as a later first food around seven to eight months of age.

You will need:

  • Ripe papaya, which has dark yellow and orange hue on the skin, and is free of blemishes.

How to:

  1. Wash papaya with water and vinegar mixture to remove any bacteria. Rinse under running water and pat dry.
  2. Peel and slice the papaya in half and scoop out the seeds. Wash again to remove the leftover seed residue.
  3. Cut the fruit into pieces, and puree it. You may add water depending on the consistency you want to make.
  4. Serve the plain papaya puree to your baby.

14. Guava puree:

Image: iStock

Guava is rich in vitamin C and helps improve the immune system. The dietary fiber in the fruit boosts digestive health.

You will need:

  • Ripe guava – 1

How to:

  1. Cut the fruit into two halves.
  2. Remove the seeds using a spoon.
  3. Now cut the fruit into small pieces and take in a saucepan. Add some water, cover with a lid and keep in simmer until it is cooked.
  4. Pierce a knife to check whether it is cooked.
  5. Puree them in a blender. Add water to get the desired consistency.
  6. Take the puree into a sterilized bowl and serve your baby.

Related: 7 Health Benefits Of Guava For Babies

15. Dates puree:

Image: iStock

Dates is a superfood to include in your baby’s diet. However, you cannot offer it as a whole food as it can be hard at times. You can mix a spoonful of dates puree with other baby food or milkshakes.

You will need:

  • Dates – 15 to 20 (deseeded)
  • Water – 1 cup

How to:

  1. Add dates along with water in a saucepan. Let the mixture boil, and keep in simmer for about 10 minutes.
  2. Cool the mixture and blend it until you get a smooth consistency.
  3. Strain and again heat and cook till the puree thickens.
  4. Cool the mixture and store in an air-tight container for a week or more.
  5. You can add it to sweeten any of your baby’s foods.

Quick tip

Since dates are sticky in texture and may cause tooth decay, be sure to clean your baby’s mouth and give them water after feeding dates puree.

Related: Dates For Babies: When To Introduce And Recipes To Try

16. Apple and Raspberry Puree:

Image: iStock

Raspberries have a sweet and delicate flavor. You can make this puree during the raspberry season. It offers abundant vitamin C for your baby.

You will need:

  • Raspberries – 100 grams
  • Apple – 1 large fruit

How to:

  1. Peel the apple, remove the core and cut into pieces.
  2. Put the apple pieces and raspberries in a saucepan with a little amount of water.
  3. Cook for five minutes over a low heat until they turn soft.
  4. Puree the ingredients and run through a sieve to remove raspberry seeds.
  5. Serve it warm to your little one.

17. Avocado and Banana Puree:

Image: iStock

This combination need not require cooking as both are soft fruits. They offer enough amounts of healthy fat and potassium to your baby.

You will need:

  • Ripe banana – 1/2 small
  • Ripe avocado – 1/4 small
  • Breastmilk or Greek yogurt – 1 or 2tbsp

How to:

  1. Peel and remove avocado pit. Likewise, peel the banana.
  2. Mash them together in a blender or food processor.
  3. Add required milk or yogurt to make it runny.
  4. You may also substitute papaya for avocado.

18. Blueberry Baby Food Puree:

Image: iStock

An antioxidant-packed superfood, blueberries make a great meal for babies with their pleasant taste. They are stage two foods, which can only be offered after eight months of age.

You will need:

  • Blueberries – 1 cup (fresh or frozen)
  • Water – 1/2 cup

How to:

  1. Boil water in a saucepan.
  2. Add blueberries and keep in simmer for about 15 minutes. Frozen berries take more time to cook. Keep them until they turn soft.
  3. Now transfer the boiled berries into blender and puree to required consistency.
  4. Serve it fresh, and you can freeze it for three days.
  5. Add baby cereal to make it thick.

Related: 8 Delightful Health Benefits Of Blueberries For Babies


Tropical fruit puree:

Image: iStock

Banana, mango. and papaya make this vitamin-packed tropical puree suitable for your baby from six months of age.

You will need:

  • Banana – 1 whole
  • Mango – 200gm
  • Papaya – 200gm

How to:

  1. Peel and cut the mango into small pieces.
  2. Peel papaya, remove the seeds and scoop out the fruit.
  3. Peel and slice the banana.
  4. Put all these in a blender and puree to required consistency.
  5. Add water or breastmilk to make it smooth.
  6. Serve fresh tropical puree to your baby.

20. Summer berry puree:

Image: iStock

Berry puree, including all those top-notch berries, is tasty and full of flavor. It can be a wonderful treat filled with antioxidants and vitamins from six months and above.

You will need:

  • Strawberries – 100gm (fresh or frozen)
  • Raspberries – 100gm (fresh or frozen)
  • Blueberries – 100gm (fresh or frozen)

How to:

  1. If the fruits are fresh, then wash and clean them to remove any stalks. If frozen, defrost them following the instructions on the packet.
  2. Combine all the berries and put them in a mixer or blender.
  3. Puree until you get a required consistency.
  4. Pass the puree through a fine sieve to remove small seeds.
  5. Serve the freshly made berry mash to your baby.

These simple puree recipes will help you begin with weaning the baby. The choices are not limited to a few. You may experiment with any combination of fruits and vegetables and mix them with oatmeal or yogurt, provided they blend well with each other and do not pose an allergy risk to the baby.

However, here is a word of caution:

1. What are some of the best fruit purees for babies to start with?

Smooth textured and ripened fruits such as bananas, apples, papaya, and pear are some of the great choices to prepare purees for young infants (1).

2. Are there any fruits babies should not eat?

It is best to avoid serving hard and raw fruits such as apples and unchopped grapes for babies below one year as they might increase the risk of choking (2).

3. What fruit purees can be mixed for babies?

Initially (when beginning solids), you must avoid serving a mix of purees (such as apples and pears) to babies. Nevertheless, as they learn to enjoy a greater variety of tastes and textures (with age), you may try mixing two purees or a combination of suitable fruits (3).

4. Are fruit purees healthy for my baby?

Hannah Whittaker, a pediatric and pregnancy dietitian from Liverpool, England, says, “Fruit puree is a great way to start weaning; however, as babies grow, I would recommend introducing a variety of fruits. Also, I suggest giving soft pieces of finger foods alongside fruit puree to support the baby’s development.”

5. Can I give my baby apples everyday?

“I wouldn’t recommend sticking to the same foods daily. Instead, I advise parents to provide a variety of tastes and textures. You may add variation to fruit purees through spices; for example, adding a small amount of cinnamon to apple puree will change the flavor and expose the baby to a different taste,” Whittaker suggests.

Fruits offer great health benefits and are the first choice for a baby’s weaning diet. If you plan to include fruit puree for babies as a part of their weaning diet, wait till they reach six months. These simple fruit puree recipes could help you pick the most suitable meal to initiate weaning. You may also try fruit and vegetable combinations and customize the recipe as per your baby’s preferences. However, always consult your baby’s pediatrician before introducing fruit purees to your baby, specifically if they are allergic to any fruit.


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.

  1. Healthy Eating for 6 to 24 month old children; Getting Started. html
  2. Do’s and Don’ts for Baby’s First Foods.
  3. Feeding Your 4- to 7-Month-Old.
  4. 10 Tips for Starting Your Baby on Solid Food.
  5. Avocado for Babies.

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flavor enhancers, flavourings, dyes, preservatives

Flavor enhancers

In the territory of the Russian Federation, 22 flavor enhancers are allowed to be used in food production. Of these, only one is used in baby food - sodium citrate (E331).

It is most often found in children's yoghurts and curds with fruit. Sodium citrate enhances the sour taste of the product and extends its shelf life. The additive is approved for use in baby food throughout Europe and the Russian Federation.

View products without harmful additives


Flavors are natural and identical to natural (chemically obtained).

Natural flavors are dill, pepper, bay leaf, etc. Vanillin is often controversial, but chemically speaking, its molecule is no different from vanilla. For homemade cereals and pastries, you can use both vanillin and vanilla pods, just keep in mind that there is only 2% of vanillin in a pod, and besides it, there are about 200 more flavors. Children are sometimes allergic to bean vanilla.


The names are long and the label space is often small. Therefore, most dyes are denoted by indexes E.

Let's list those that are allowed in baby food:

E101 - yellow This is vitamin B2 or riboflavin
E140 - olive Chlorophyll, extracted from the green leaves of plants
E120 - purple to orange Carmine
E150a and E150b - caramel color Sugar color, aka burnt sugar. In addition to coloring, it adds a sweet taste and smell of caramel
E160a - orange Known as beta-carotene. It is found in large quantities in ordinary carrots


Needed to increase the shelf life of the product.

There are a lot of preservatives, we list those allowed in baby food:

E270 - lactic acid Found in yogurts, kefirs, cheeses
E300 - ascorbic acid aka Vitamin C
E330 - citric acid Lemon juice is sometimes added instead of citric acid
E333 - calcium citrate Considered to be a completely safe supplement throughout the world. Used in dairy products, jams, etc.


Provides a thick product consistency.

There are many of them, so let's just list them:

E406 agar
E410 locust bean gum
E412 guar gum
E440 pectin
E1400 dextrin
E1420 starch

All these additives are approved in the production of baby food in almost all countries of the world.


Current legislation requires manufacturers to list on the packaging all food additives used in the manufacture of the product. You can always write off the data from the package, study the information in detail and choose the best product for your baby.

What do we have for dessert?

Reviewer Kovtun Tatiana Anatolievna


Throughout your pregnancy, you read books about caring for your baby, study the advice of experts on healthy nutrition for a baby under the age of 2-3-7 years, make an oath to yourself not to introduce chocolate to your baby at least until he reaches 5 years old, and also not to indulge him in ice cream . But then the first year of the baby’s life passes - and he seems to you already so big and grown up, and even, perhaps, he is already trying to eat the soup himself with a spoon. And, of course, you want to treat him with dessert! This is possible, because dessert is different for dessert.

Do babies need desserts

Dessert (from French. Dessert) - the final dish of the table, designed to get a pleasant taste sensation at the end of lunch or dinner, usually these are sweet delicacies.

It is important to remember that the correct formation of the taste habits of the child depends only on you. He himself does not need sweets as such. Yes, this is his usual taste, because mother's milk is sweet, but its sweetness is natural. So, this is what we start from.

Here is what experts in the field of baby food say about carbohydrates: a growing child's body needs a sufficient supply of sugars that perform important functions - plastic, energy supply, nutrition of muscle tissue and the central nervous system, maintain a constant level of glucose in the blood, influence the formation of taste habits. It is known that excess sugar leads to the deposition of adipose tissue, increased load on the pancreas, restriction or cessation of the intake of other important products, the development of caries.

Parent Guide

How to be?

It is not recommended to use additional sugar in the child's diet until 1 year of age.

It should be remembered that sugar is already added to many industrial products.

Up to a year, fruit puree, baby biscuits and baby juice, as well as fruit-milk and fruit-grain purees, recommended for the child by age by baby food manufacturers, serve as dessert for the baby. After a year, the dessert story becomes more complicated.

So, what requirements should a dessert for a baby meet?

  1. It must be secure. The baby should be offered only those products that will not harm his health, do not provoke allergies or indigestion.
  2. It should be useful. “Empty” calories and simple carbohydrates are useless for a baby. Preference should be given to products containing natural sugar. And when choosing a product processing, choose the one that will allow you to save useful vitamins and minerals.
  3. It should be comfortable, that is, its consistency should be suitable for the baby by age. And if a child at 1.5 years old for some reason still does not know how to chew, he is unlikely to be happy about the prospect of nibbling on delicious homemade oatmeal cookies.
  4. He must be familiar. This means that if you decide to cook soufflé, mousse or pudding for a little gourmet, then you need to use only those products that the baby has already managed to get acquainted with during the feeding period.
  5. It must be natural, free of "forbidden" flavors for children, artificial flavors, colors, thickeners, preservatives, and suitable for feeding a young baby.

Based on this, you can create a "dessert menu" for the baby. First of all, fruits and berries, which contain natural sugars, get into it. In addition to fresh fruits, berries and mashed potatoes, a baby after a year can be offered mousses and jellies, but only allowed for babies. The surest way to not make a mistake in choosing a dessert for a little gourmet is to use commercially produced baby food.

Never forget the possibility of individual food intolerance. Each new product, including fruits and berries, should be given to the baby carefully, at first in small doses, and the reaction should be carefully monitored.

Dairy desserts

Dairy desserts can also please the baby - all you need to do is add fruits or berries already familiar to the child to the children's cottage cheese. Up to a year, fruits are used in the form of puree, and after a year, whole berries and pieces of fruit can already be added. And for older children, soufflés, casseroles and puddings based on cottage cheese and cereals familiar to the baby are suitable.

What is prohibited

Products containing artificial flavors, flavor enhancers, dyes, preservatives, hydrogenated fats, harmful food additives are categorically not suitable for children in the first three years of life as a dessert.

Learn more