Full body silicone baby feeding
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Full Body Silicone Baby Boy
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Questions and Answers - NCCH
The most important thing about breastfeeding
1. Why is it important to breastfeed a child?
Breast milk is a unique and irreproducible food product, which contains important components that reduce the risk of developing an infectious pathology, allergies, overweight, cardiovascular pathology, and diabetes mellitus in a child. Only with breast milk can a child receive a unique complex of immunoglobulins, enzymes, growth factors, prebiotic fibers, which has not only an immediate, but also a long-term beneficial effect on the subsequent development of the child. During breastfeeding, a close psycho-emotional bond is formed between mother and child, laying the foundation for mental health for the rest of her life.
2. How do I prepare my breasts for breastfeeding? How to take care of the breasts?
Preparation of the breast for feeding includes the usual hygiene procedures (hygienic shower 2 times a day, washing hands with soap) and does not require any special treatment of the mammary glands. Underwear should not be too tight or, on the contrary, very loose.
3. What is the correct way to attach the baby to the breast?
To prevent painful sucking and nipple cracks, it is important that when sucking, the child must grasp not only the nipple, but also partially the areola, while the child's lower lip must be turned outward.
4. Is there a strict feeding schedule for an infant?
In the first 1-2 months. lactation - a period of adaptation - it is important to feed the child at his request, without missing night feedings. In the future, gradually the intervals between feeding will increase and a regimen that is convenient for mother and child will be formed.
5. Why might a baby be anxious while feeding?
The baby may be anxious during feeding for various reasons. It can be colic, abdominal pain, nasal congestion, as well as insufficient milk supply due to improper nipple grip or the presence of a lactation crisis.
6. What is a lactation crisis?
Lactation crisis - a temporary decrease in milk production, which is of a functional nature, lasts no longer than 3-4 days, disappears on its own with frequent attachment of the child to the breast. During this period, supplementary feeding of the child with milk mixtures is not required.
7. How can a nursing mother eat so that her baby does not have allergies/colic?
If the child has allergies, the mother should analyze her diet and possible connection with the appearance of allergic reactions (skin or gastrointestinal), exclude foods with a high allergenic potential from the diet: whole cow or goat milk, seafood, honey, nuts, eggs , chocolate, peanuts, citrus fruits, mushrooms.
If the child has colic, whole cow's or goat's milk, fresh vegetables and fruits (which, however, can be taken in baked or boiled form), yeast-containing foods, spices, spicy and fried foods should be excluded.
8. Products that are recommended to be limited to a nursing mother.
The diet of a nursing mother should be varied, complete and balanced. You should not adhere to restrictive diets if the baby is well tolerated with breast milk. Only in the presence of manifestations of food allergies, with colic, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods with a high allergenic and gas-forming potential (beans, peas, white cabbage, fresh yeast pastries, carbonated drinks).
A breastfeeding mother should not eat fresh onions, garlic, other strong-smelling herbs and spices, pickled foods.
9. How much fluid should you drink per day?
It is advisable for a nursing mother to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.
10. Should I express my milk?
It is not necessary to express milk after each feeding. However, pumping may be necessary if you need to stock your own milk (individual bank). In this case, you can express after each feeding of the baby and whenever you feel a “rush” of milk.
11. What should I do if I have cracked nipples?
The resulting cracks must be treated with special healing creams that do not require rinsing before feeding the baby. In your underwear, you should put special absorbent pads to keep the nipple dry or special nipple shields that do not allow the nipple to come into contact with the linen. With deep cracks or severe soreness of the nipples, it is necessary to start feeding the baby through special silicone pads on the nipples. If sucking through the pads is impossible, then it is worth temporarily stopping feeding the child from the diseased breast until the cracks are completely healed.
12. If I have mastitis, can I continue breastfeeding? Is it dangerous for the baby?
In case of lactational mastitis, in case of taking antibiotics that are compatible with breastfeeding and the absence of pus with milk, you can continue feeding from the breast, including from the patient. This does not pose a danger to the baby, since breast milk contains a large number of antibacterial factors.
13. What should I do if I am unable to establish lactation?
The vast majority of women can successfully breastfeed. Only in 2-3% of cases (primary hypogalactia) lactation is insufficient, in connection with which the child can be supplemented with milk mixtures with the continuation of measures to stimulate lactation.
14. Until what age should I breastfeed? How can I make it easier for both me and the baby to endure weaning?
It is considered permissible to breastfeed up to 2 years of age or more if the woman wishes.
However, after one year, the frequency of breastfeeding should be reduced to 1-2 times a day, and after 2 years, the advisability of breastfeeding is most likely questionable.
During the weaning period, a close friend or relative can help the mother. During this period, it is important to exclude the joint sleep of the mother with the child while providing him with increased attention during the daytime in the form of organizing joint games and developing activities.
15. Until what age should you feed at night? How to wean from night feedings?
Night feedings, if desired, mothers can keep up to 2 years of age, but not more than 1 time per night. The absence of night feedings contributes to a deeper sleep of the child, the proper functioning of his digestive organs and, as a result, the formation of a good appetite in the morning and afternoon.
Weaning from night feeds is best done with the help of a person close to the baby who is assigned night care for a few days.
16. Is it possible to partially replace breast milk with cow/goat milk? Which one is closer to my mother's?
If it is necessary to supplement with a lack of mother's milk, it is important to use only adapted infant formulas, which, unlike whole cow's or goat's milk, correspond to the physiological needs of the child.
17. How can you tell if your baby is getting enough milk?
Often a lack of milk is suspected in case of restless behavior of the child during or after feeding, or judged by the amount of milk eaten per feeding or per day. However, both approaches cannot give a clear idea of sufficient lactation. A clearer indicator is the increase in the body weight of the child per day, which should be at least 20 g for a full-term child in the first months of life. In addition, it is important to assess the general condition of the child, tissue turgor, urination frequency, and the nature of the stool.
18. When should I supplement my baby with formula?
Supplementation with formula should only be carried out after consultation with a pediatrician, after a thorough assessment of the child's nutrition, general condition and physical development.
19. How can I tell if formula is right for my baby?
If the mixture is well tolerated, the child does not experience discomfort while eating, does not vomit, has regular mushy stools without pathological impurities, clear skin, physiological weight gain.
20. How do I switch to another formula?
The transition to another mixture should be gradual - no faster than 3-5 days. On the first day of administration, the amount of the "new" mixture should be no more than 10-30 ml, which can be added to one bottle to the "old" mixture.
In the future, the amount of the "new" mixture is increased daily by 30 ml. at every feeding.
21. Do I need to supplement my baby with water?
Breastfed babies do not need to drink water, except in special cases (high room temperature, dehydration of the baby in case of vomiting, diarrhea, high body temperature).
A formula-fed baby may require additional water intake in the amount of one feeding - 150-200 ml / day. if desired by the child.
22. How do I hold my baby and bottle properly if I am formula feeding him?
It is important when bottle feeding your baby to hold him in your arms so that he lies as in a cradle. When holding the bottle, you must be careful to ensure that the mixture or milk completely fills the nipple. It is necessary to tilt the bottle so that the air bubble is above the level of the nipple and the baby cannot swallow air.
Formula milk
23. What is formula and formula feeding?
Mixed feeding is the feeding of a child of the first year of life with breast milk in an amount of at least 1/5 of the daily amount of food (150-200 ml) in combination with infant milk formulas.
Formula feeding is the feeding of infant formula alone or in combination with breast milk, which is less than 1/5 of the daily intake.
24. Why shouldn't a baby be allowed to fall asleep with a bottle?
Sucking a bottle in bed while lying on your back can cause some milk to enter the Eustachian tube, which connects part of the larynx to the middle ear, which can cause inflammation of the middle ear. Also, when a child falls asleep, part of the milk mixture may remain in the oral cavity and promote the growth of bacteria that destroy tooth enamel. In addition, a child can get used to falling asleep only with a bottle and keep this habit for a long time.
25. If we travel far from home, is it better to take ready-made formula with us or dilute it on the road?
It is recommended to consume formula immediately after preparation. Therefore, it is better to take formula powder with you, a thermos with warm water to dilute it, and prepare the mixture just before feeding the baby.
The main thing about baby food
26. Why is nutrition so important in the first 2 years of life?
A child's nutrition in the first two years of his life has the greatest impact on the further development of the child's body. It is during this period that the foundations of proper metabolism are laid. A rationally organized diet at this time can reduce the risk of further development of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
27. Why is it said that "immunity is in the gut"?
The human gastrointestinal tract performs not only digestive, but also a pronounced immune function. Up to 80% of all immunocompetent cells of the human body are located in the intestinal mucosa, thanks to which protection against potentially dangerous microorganisms is carried out throughout a person's life.
28. Does the baby need additional vitamins in winter and spring?
If the child receives foodstuffs that are not fortified with vitamins, then additional intake of vitamins in preventive doses should be carried out throughout the year, given the low level of vitamins in natural products.
29. How to choose food if you have been diagnosed with celiac disease?
With celiac disease, all products from wheat, rye, barley and oats are excluded from the child's diet: bread, pasta, confectionery, sausages, etc., including the flour of these cereals.
For celiac disease, products from rice, corn, buckwheat, millet (millet), sago are used.
30. Can adults eat mashed potatoes from a jar?
Baby food, including cans, is a product of high quality and guaranteed safety, therefore, if necessary, it can be used in the human diet at any age.
31. Will the child be able to get enough, will he have enough nutrients if I feed him only industrial food?
A diet made up of only commercial baby foods can fully satisfy a child's basic nutritional and energy needs. However, for the formation of proper eating behavior and chewing skills from 8-10 months. it is desirable to gradually expand the child's diet by introducing some home-made products (meat soufflé, steam cutlets, finely chopped boiled vegetables, pasta), as well as bread and biscuits.
From 4 to 6 months - First food
The timing of the introduction of complementary foods is individual for each child and lies in the range of 4-6 months. The baby is ready to take the first solid food if he drinks well from a spoon and does not push it out with his tongue, if he remains unsatisfied after feeding with breast milk or formula, and if he actively shows interest in the parents' food and tries it.
33. Where to start: with cereals, vegetables or fruits?
Complementary foods should be started either with vegetable puree or porridge. For children with reduced body weight and frequent loose stools, it is advisable to start with porridge, for children with overweight or with a tendency to constipation - with vegetable puree. After that, you can enter the fruit.
34. When, how and what to inject? (Complementary food table.) General recommendations.
Name of products and dishes (g, ml) | Age (months) | |||
4 to 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 to 12 | |
Vegetable puree | 10-150 | 170 | 180 | 200 |
Milk porridge | 10-150 | 150 | 180 | 200 |
Fruit puree | 5-60 | 70 | 80 | 90-100 |
Fruit juice | 5-60 | 70 | 80 | 90-100 |
Curd* | 10-40 | 40 | 40 | 50 |
Yolk, pcs.![]() | - | 0.25 | 0.5 | 0.5 |
Meat puree* | 5-30 | 30 | 50 | 60-70 |
Fish puree | - | - | 5-30 | 30-60 |
Kefir and other fermented milk drinks | - | - | 200 | 200 |
Rusks, biscuits | - | 3-5 | 5 | 10-15 |
Wheat bread | - | - | 5 | 6 |
Vegetable oil | 1-3 | 5 | 5 | 6 |
Butter | 1-4 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
* — not earlier than 6 months.
The sequence of introducing certain products and complementary foods depends on the nutritional status of the child and the functional state of his digestive system. So, for children with reduced body weight, frequent stools, it is advisable to prescribe cereals as the first complementary foods, with excess nutrition, constipation - vegetable puree.
New product to be given before breastfeeding/formula, starting at 1 tsp. with a gradual increase in volume to the age norm.
35. Why start with a one-component diet?
In order to identify a possible intolerance reaction to a particular food, it is important to start complementary foods with monocomponent meals.
36. Is it true that fruits contain acid that is harmful to teeth?
Fruits are rich in various organic acids that have a positive effect on digestion. However, excessive consumption of juices can adversely affect tooth enamel. Therefore, do not exceed the recommended age limits for fruit juices and purees.
37. Is it true that for a baby with a risk of developing allergies, it is better to start complementary foods as late as possible?
Numerous studies have shown that later (after 6 months) introduction of complementary foods to children at risk of developing allergies does not reduce the likelihood of developing it, and in some cases even increases it.
38. What measures to take to prevent allergies?
In order to prevent allergies, it is important to continue breastfeeding and start introducing complementary foods with single-ingredient foods no earlier than 4 months and no later than 6 months. In this case, the first complementary foods should be dairy-free gluten-free cereals or vegetable purees from green-white vegetables.
39. How can a food allergy manifest itself?
Food allergies can manifest themselves in different ways. Skin manifestations of allergies can be in the form of dryness and redness of the skin, the appearance of single or multiple rashes on various parts of the body, itching. An allergic lesion of the gastrointestinal tract can be manifested by the presence of regurgitation, vomiting, refusal of the child to eat, abdominal pain, loose stools or constipation, mucus or blood in the stool. Less commonly, swelling of the eyes, nasal mucosa, and respiratory tract can develop.
40. What should I do if I notice redness and rashes on my baby's skin after introducing a new product? When can I give the product that caused the allergy again? Or is this allergy for life?
If after the introduction of a new product, dry skin or rashes appear, then for some time the product should be excluded from the child's diet. This reaction to the product may be temporary, so its administration can be repeated after 1 month. after the complete disappearance of the pathological process on the skin. Most often, allergic reactions to food in early childhood do not persist for life.
41. What vegetables and fruits do not cause allergies?
Any product can cause an allergic reaction. However, it is possible to single out low-allergenic products to which allergic reactions develop the least. Among the vegetables are cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, white cabbage, green beans, green peas, squash, potatoes. Among the fruits are green apples, pears, yellow plums.
From 6 to 9 months - diet expansion
42. What kinds of fish are recommended for a first acquaintance?
Fish is introduced into the diet of children from 8-9 months. age. It is better to start with low-fat or “lean” varieties of fish, which include: hake, haddock, pollock, pike perch, navaga.
43. When can I switch to multi-ingredient dishes?
Multi-ingredient meals are usually introduced to the child from 8 months. age.
44. What should be done to diversify the baby's diet?
Increasing the variety of the diet increases its nutritional value and "accustoms" the child to new tastes. In order to expand his child's diet, it is necessary to offer him not only new products, but also their various combinations, which is easiest to do with the help of industrial food products, a rich assortment of which at any time of the year will help form a varied and balanced diet for your baby.
45. Should vegetable oil be added to vegetable puree?
Despite the fact that some vegetable purees of industrial production already contain vegetable oil, it is recommended to add it to vegetable puree or porridge, given the pronounced nutritional and energy value of this product.
46. Is it true that it is better to combine meat or fish with vegetables? What is a meat and vegetable and fish and vegetable dish?
The combination of meat or fish with vegetables promotes better absorption of animal proteins, iron, so this combination is considered optimal.
Meat-and-vegetable or fish-and-vegetable dishes are ready-to-cook complementary foods, the content of meat or fish in them is 16-20%.
47. Why can't children under one year old drink cow's milk, but can you cook porridge based on it?
Whole cow's milk is not an adapted food product for a child of the first year of life, and therefore it is not recommended to use it as an independent food, but it can be used for cooking porridge in order to increase the nutritional value of the finished dish.
From 9 to 12 months - adaptation to the adult table
After 1.5-2 years, the child's diet can be gradually expanded by introducing dishes from the "general" table, but on condition that a specialized product for children aged 1 to 3 years is preserved in 1 feeding (milk formulas, the so-called 3 or 4 formulas) and the presence of proper culinary processing of products. Boiling, baking, stewing, steaming is recommended.
49. How many fish per day can a child under one year old eat?
From 8 months age child 1-2 times a week instead of a meat dish, you can offer fish puree, in an amount of not more than 70 g per day.
50. What kind of food will help the baby to train chewing skills?
To develop the skills of chewing and swallowing hard food after 8 months. instead of pureed or mashed boiled vegetables, you can gradually begin to introduce finely chopped vegetables containing individual small pieces into the child’s diet; mashed and mashed boiled meat should be replaced with finely chopped meat, as well as meatballs, soufflé, steam cutlets. Cookies, bread, dryers, soft pieces of fruit, muesli also help to train the skills of chewing solid food.
51. How much salt can a baby eat? What are the consequences of excess salt?
It is not recommended to add salt to a child's food until the age of one, taking into account the amount of natural mineral salts in food products sufficient for this age. After a year, home-cooked food can begin to add a little salt. Additional salting of industrial products is prohibited. The rate of consumption of table salt is 3 g per day. (1/2 tsp). An excess of salt in a child's diet can lead to metabolic disorders and, as a result, to overweight, an increase in the load on the kidneys and heart, which can subsequently cause hypertension, diabetes, and kidney disease.
52. Why is starch added to puree?
The addition of starch to some vegetable or fruit purees binds the excess water that is released during the puréeing of fruits and vegetables, resulting in a "stable" consistency of the finished product, which makes feeding the baby more convenient.
53. Why is vitamin C added to fruit purees?
During the preparation of fruit purees, the natural content of vitamin C in fruits decreases due to their heat treatment. To compensate for this loss, an additional amount of vitamin C is introduced into the puree, which is also a good natural preservative.
54. What does “no added (added) sugar” mean?
This means that no additional sugar (sucrose) has been added to this product, and the natural taste of the product, including its sweet taste, is due only to natural sugars that are part of the original fruits or vegetables.
55. Can grains cause allergies?
Cereals, like any food, can cause food allergies, regardless of the type of cereal.
Myths about baby food
is an approved component and is included in most infant formulas and food products for both healthy and sick children.
57. Myth: Is gluten a bad ingredient in baby food?
Gluten is a complex cereal protein with high biological and nutritional value and is beneficial for any child. The exception is children suffering from a rare congenital disease associated with gluten intolerance - celiac disease.
58. Myth: “Milk fat in baby food can harm a child’s health…”
Milk fat is a valuable source of nutrients and energy and is therefore included in most dairy products in baby food: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt , some types of milk porridges, baby milk formulas. Milk fat is a source of cholesterol, phospholipids, gangliosides, which play an important role in the formation of metabolism and the development of the child's brain.
Implants and breastfeeding | Beauty Surgery
No matter how much they talk about the safety of breast augmentation, women still worry. Therefore, the main question that is asked at the initial appointment with a plastic surgeon concerns, first of all, breastfeeding: is it possible to breastfeed, will silicone get into breast milk, will the presence of implants affect the development and health of the child?
Let's start with the fact that breastfeeding with implants is allowed and shown to absolutely all women. Implants do not affect the lactation process, since their location is in no way connected with the milk ducts. When installing an implant, the glands that are responsible for the production of milk are not involved in any way. It is installed under the muscle and glands, which does not interfere with the lactation process at all. The material used to make the implants is completely biocompatible. Lactation remains possible, since in the body of a woman after the birth of a child, the production of hormones that are responsible for the appearance of milk begins.
Also, do not be afraid that the silicone implant will break and its contents will end up in breast milk. Firstly, the child will not physically be able to have such an impact on your breast during the feeding process. Secondly, this cannot happen with good, high-quality implants: all materials undergo the necessary certification and are tested in laboratories. Thirdly, implants do not have an expiration date, so they cannot break or deteriorate from old age. Breast implants come with a lifetime warranty. The most important thing in this matter is to perform the operation in a good clinic and choose only certified implants for mammoplasty.
A feature of the body is the protection of any foreign bodies by forming a protective shell. With the introduction of silicone, the body's defenses form a capsule around it, which protects the systemic blood flow from a foreign body. Thus, the foreign body is completely protected from the functional glands responsible for the production of milk. Its walls are highly durable, so the mother can not be afraid of rupture and leakage of silicone.
Be careful with stitches left after surgery. Often, during the consultation, the doctor takes into account the desire of a woman to breastfeed her child in the future. If a woman is planning a child, then the incision is made under the mammary gland or in the armpit. In other cases, the incision may be made in the area of the areola of the nipple. This method is less desirable, since atrophy of the nerve endings may develop as a side effect and this will cause difficulty in lactation.
You should also not worry that the installation of silicone implants will adversely affect the health of the child. Silicone is widely used in medical practice today. A huge number of products for newborns are made from it, including nipples, pacifiers, toothbrushes, first spoons, etc. Silicone is a safe material for both mothers and babies.
Despite the safety of the materials and the procedure itself, breast augmentation should be taken more than seriously if you are thinking about future childbearing:
First of all, , if you are planning both breast augmentation and pregnancy at the same time, it is better to wait for the installation of implants and do it after the birth of the child. Between breast augmentation and pregnancy, at least six months must pass, which are necessary for the body to fully recover after the operation.
Secondly, , pregnancy and lactation affect the size and shape of the breasts even if you have implants installed - during these periods it becomes many times larger. However, you should not panic and think about repeated mammoplasty immediately after the birth of a child. It is necessary to give your body time to restore the hormonal background, on which the size of the breast depends on it - you may not need surgery.
Thirdly , the decision on whether you need a breast correction can be made only six months after the birth of the child, if you initially refused breastfeeding, or six months after the end of lactation. 6 months is the time it takes for your breasts to take their final shape.
Breast care with an implant during lactation is no different from the standard. Special oils should be used to prevent the occurrence of stretch marks and a contrast shower. When feeding, take a comfortable position for both you and the baby, so that the process is enjoyable, not tiring. In addition, an uncomfortable position can lead to the fact that the baby takes the breast incorrectly and injures the nipple.