Gerber baby food plan

Closer to Zero: Reducing Childhood Exposure to Contaminants from Foods

About | Approach | Action Items & Proposed Timeline | On-Going Work | Announcements

About Closer to Zero

The FDA’s goal is to reduce dietary exposure to contaminants to as low as possible, while maintaining access to nutritious foods. The agency’s work to date has resulted in significant progress in reducing exposure to environmental contaminants from foods and Closer to Zero builds on this progress. We have prioritized foods commonly eaten by babies and young children because their smaller body sizes and metabolism make them more vulnerable to the harmful effects of these contaminants. To meet the goals of Closer to Zero, we have focused our efforts on:

Research and Analysis:

  • developing new and improved testing methods to measure lower levels of contaminants in food;
  • conducting surveys on foods commonly eaten by infants and young children to understand variability in concentrations of arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury in these foods;
  • working with federal partners to identify strategies to reduce contaminant levels in food products;
  • evaluating consumption patterns for different populations;
  • measuring dietary exposures to these contaminants;
  • identifying reference levels for these contaminants to determine levels of concern; and
  • understanding how nutrients can help protect against the health effects associated with contaminants.


  • establishing action levels;
  • increasing targeted compliance and enforcement activities; and
  • monitoring levels over time to determine potential adjustments to proposed action levels.


  • encouraging adoption of agricultural and processing best practices by industry to lower levels of environmental contaminants in agricultural commodities and products.

Reducing levels of contaminants in foods is complicated and multifaceted. It is crucial to ensure that measures taken to limit arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury in foods do not have unintended consequences—like eliminating from the marketplace foods that have significant nutritional benefits or reducing the presence of one element while increasing another.

The FDA is committed to a science-driven, transparent, and inclusive process that will include active stakeholder engagement and public sharing of data and information. We will update our action items and timelines as new data, information, and resources become available.

More information, including links to FDA guidance and data tables, can be found on FDA’s lead, arsenic, mercury, and testing results webpages.

Understanding the FDA’s Approach

Closer to Zero uses a science-based, iterative approach for achieving continual improvements over time.

The Four Stages of the FDA’s Approach:

Evaluate the scientific basis for action levels. The cycle of continual improvement starts with the FDA evaluating existing data from routine testing of the food supply, research and data on chemical analytical methods, toxicological assays, exposure and risk assessments, and other relevant scientific information. Through a process that may include engagement with stakeholders, advisory committees, public workshops, and consultation with scientific experts, federal agency partners and other stakeholders, the agency will establish interim reference levels (IRLs) as appropriate. An IRL is a measure of exposure to a contaminant from food that the FDA may use to determine if the amount of exposure to the contaminant across foods could result in a specific health impact.

Propose action levels. The IRLs may be among the key factors that inform the development of the FDA’s proposed action levels for arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury in categories of baby foods (e.g., cereals, pureed fruits and vegetables) and other foods commonly eaten by babies and young children. After the FDA identifies action levels, the agency submits our draft guidance on action levels for review by other federal agencies, including The White House.

Consult with stakeholders on proposed action levels, including the achievability of action levels. For each individual element in every identified category of food, the FDA will gather data and other information through a process of consultation which could include workshops, scientific meetings, and collaboration with federal partners to assess, among other things, the achievability and feasibility of the proposed action levels and the timeframes for reaching them.

Finalize action levels. The FDA will use the information gathered from stakeholders, updated scientific research, and routine monitoring of data to make any needed adjustments and finalize action levels.

The FDA's Approach in Action

Once the FDA has published final action levels, the agency will establish a timeframe for assessing industry’s progress toward meeting the action levels and resume the cycle to determine if the scientific data support efforts to further adjust the action levels.
The availability of data and additional research needs for arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury are different. Therefore, because of currently available data, we will start with proposing action levels for lead while we evaluate data for arsenic, cadmium, and mercury. We will then progress through the cycle for each element as we gather more data and information across various categories of food eaten by babies and young children.

As action levels are finalized, we will continue the cycle of continual improvement, addressing arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury to evaluate whether downward adjustments of interim reference levels should be made; proposing new action levels, as appropriate; consulting with stakeholders on feasibility, achievability, and other issues; and adjusting (as needed) and finalizing action levels.

While action levels are a useful tool to drive down levels of contaminants in foods, the agency does not need an action level for a contaminant to take enforcement action on a food product that violates safety laws. By law food manufacturers and processors have a responsibility to implement preventive controls as needed to significantly minimize or prevent exposure to chemical hazards—including lead, arsenic, cadmium, and mercury. If the agency finds that the level of a contaminant in a food causes the food to be unsafe, we take action, which may include working with the manufacturer to resolve the issue and taking steps to prevent the product from entering, or remaining in, the U.S. market.

Planned Action Items

Action Levels


Evaluate the

Gather data and collaborate with federal partners.

Propose Draft Action Levels

Propose action levels for specific contaminants for foods or food groups in draft guidance to industry and open for public comment.

Consult with Stakeholders

Engage with stakeholders to assess, among other things, feasibility and best practices.

Finalize Action

Review new scientific data, assess progress on reducing environmental contaminants in products and feasibility of attaining even lower levels.

Lead in Juices February 2020: Interim Reference Level for lead identified April 2022: Issued draft guidance

June 2022: Stakeholder webinar

No update
Lead in Foods Intended for Babies and Young Children August 2022: Interim Reference Level for lead updated April 2022: Developed action levels and submitted draft guidance for interagency review
January 2023: Issued Draft Guidance
March 2023: Stakeholder webinar No update
Arsenic in Foods Intended for Babies and Young Children 2022-2023: Continue evaluating, together with federal partners, the science for arsenic and other work related to establishing interim reference levels. 2024: Develop action levels and submit draft guidance for interagency review No update No update
Cadmium in Foods Intended for Babies and Young Children 2022-2023: Continue evaluating the foundational science for cadmium to establish interim reference levels 2024: Develop action levels and submit draft guidance for interagency review No update No update
Mercury in Foods Intended for Babies and Young Children 2022-2023: FDA and federal partner’s sponsor study on the role of seafood consumption in child growth and development January 2023: NASEM webcast No update No update

Research, Monitoring, and Compliance

Activities Status
Research: Cadmium - toxicology 2022: Completed systematic review of adverse health effects from oral cadmium exposure; review of adverse health effects of cadmium in infants and children, modeling of low bone mass and osteoporosis in US adults; and modeling of cadmium dose response.
Research: Lead - toxicology

2020: Identified Interim Reference Level for lead to calculate maximum daily intake from food.

2022: Completed updating the Interim Reference Level for lead to align with CDC’s 2021 updated blood lead reference value (CDC’s BLRV of 3.5 µg/dL).

Research: Arsenic - toxicology Ongoing: evaluating data and other information on the dose response of arsenic.

Research: Mercury – toxicology

2022-2023: Contracted NASEM for an independent consensus study on the role of seafood in child growth and developing, including mercury.
Research: Predictive toxicology 2022: Applying predictive toxicology to assess toxicity of arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury using predictive toxicology. FDA assessed developmental toxicity of arsenic and mercury in a non-vertebrate, alternative model using C. elegans and developmental toxicity and neurotoxicity of arsenic in a vertebrate alternative model using zebrafish.
Research: Methods development Ongoing: Developing and validating analytical methods for toxic elements in foods.
Research, Monitoring, and Compliance: Testing foods commonly consumed by babies and young children, for arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury.

2022: FDA Total Diet Study (TDS) FY2018-FY2020 Elements Report and Data

2022: A survey of toxic elements in ready to eat baby foods in the US market 2021

2022: Analytical Results for Lead in Juice -TEP FY2005-FY2018 - PDF, in XLSX

2022: Analytical Results for Total Arsenic in Single-Strength Apple Juice-TEP (FY2013-FY2022)

2022: Speciation Results from Arsenic Analysis in Single-Strength Apple Juice -TEP (FY2013-FY2022)

Issue guidance chapter on chemical hazards in the Draft Guidance for Industry on Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food Target 2024
Research: Consumer studies to inform educational content for target audiences

Ongoing: In-depth interviews with health educators and additional focus groups with parents and caregivers are under development.

Ongoing: Focus groups conducted with parents and caregivers.

Ongoing: FDA and USDA collaboration to gather informational needs for consumer and health professional education.

Public Meetings, Workshops, and Webinars*

Events Related Links
Stakeholder Webinar on Action Levels for Lead in Food Intended for Babies and Young Children: Draft Guidance for Industry March 2, 2023 Event Page and Recording
Partnership for Food Safety Education 2023 Consumer Food Safety Education Conference, Pre-conference Workshop: FDA’s Closer to Zero Action Plan – What’s the Food Safety Message? March 1, 2023 Event Page
The Role of Seafood Consumption in Child Growth and Development (Meeting #2), February 23, 2023 Recording
NIH-FDA Joint Scientific Workshop “Bridging the Biological and Communication Sciences on Nutrients and Environmental Contaminants in Foods to Support Child Development” February 9-10, 2023

Event Page

Recording Day 1

Recording Day 2

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Committee Review of The Role of Seafood in Child Growth and Development Information Gathering Session, January 19, 2023


Science Board to the Food and Drug Administration Advisory Committee – Cadmium, December 8, 2022 Event Page and Recording
FDA Stakeholder Webinar on the Draft Guidance for Industry on Action Levels for Lead in Juice, June 14, 2022

Event Page and Recording

JIFSAN-CFS3 Advisory Council Virtual Annual Symposium: Understanding of the Impact of Arsenic, Cadmium, and Lead Across the Food Supply, May 25-26, 2022

Event Page

Recording link

USDA-FDA Joint Public Meeting - Closer to Zero: Impacts of Toxic Element Exposure and Nutrition in the Food System, April 27, 2022 USDA Closer to Zero Page
USDA NIFA Workshop on Toxic Elements in Food: Identification of Critical Knowledge Gaps to Ensure a Safe Food Supply, April 4-5, 2022

Workshop report

FDA Grand Rounds on Closer to Zero, December 9, 2021

Event Page and Recording

FDA-Society of Toxicology Colloquia on Emerging Toxicological Science: Challenges in Food and Ingredient Safety - Arsenic and Children’s Health, December 1, 2021 Event page
FDA Public Meeting: Closer to Zero Action Plan: Impacts of Toxic Element Exposure and Nutrition at Different Crucial Developmental Stages, on Closer to Zero, November 18, 2021 Event page and Recording

*Includes public events that are hosted, co-hosted, and/or funded/sponsored by FDA.

Ongoing Work to Support Closer to Zero

Trends in Exposure to Toxic Elements from Foods for Babies and Young Children (PDF: 1.7MB)

To help us reach the Closer to Zero goals and build on the significant progress that has already been made in reducing contaminants in the food supply, we will also continue:

  • Developing and validating analytical methods.
  • Continuing toxicological research on impacts of arsenic, lead, cadmium, and on development in children.
  • Developing new dose-response models to consider the probability of other adverse health effects in different sub-populations, including infants and young children.
  • Collaborating with the U.S. Department of Agriculture on research on agronomic techniques that may mitigate uptake of these elements in agricultural commodities
  • Collaborating with the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to better understand impacts of these elements on development and the role of nutrition for mitigating those impacts.
  • Evaluating potential impact of new technologies, interventions, or mitigation controls to reduce exposure and resulting risk to consumer health.
  • Reevaluating risk assessments based on declining levels of toxic elements in foods.

The FDA’s regulatory actions, along with research and collaboration with all of our stakeholders – industry, advocacy, policy makers, academia, and consumers – will result in significant reductions in exposures to arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium, among children and the general population and have lasting public health impact.

For FDA’s published research, please visit our FDA Monitoring and Testing sections on the Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium, and Mercury pages.


  • FDA to Hold Webinar on the Draft Guidance for Industry on Action Levels for Lead in Food Intended for Babies and Young Children (January 26, 2023)
  • FDA Issues Guidance for Industry on Action Levels for Lead in Baby Foods (January 24, 2023)
  • Registration Open for Scientific Workshop Exploring Research on Nutrients and Environmental Contaminants in Foods and Child Development (January 12, 2023)
  • Update on Study of the Role of Seafood Consumption in Child Growth and Development (January 12, 2023)
  • FDA and Federal Partners Launch Study on the Role of Seafood Consumption in Child Growth and Development (October 11, 2022)
  • FDA to Hold Webinar on the Draft Guidance for Industry on Action Levels for Lead in Juice (June 20, 2022)
  • FDA Issues Draft Guidance to Industry on Action Levels for Lead in Juice (April 27, 2022)
  • FDA Announces First Closer to Zero Action Plan Public Meeting (October 8, 2021)
  • FDA Statement: FDA Releases Action Plan for Reducing Exposure to Toxic Elements from Foods for Babies, Young Children (April 8, 2021)
  • FDA Shares Action Plan for Reducing Exposure to Toxic Elements from Foods for Babies and Young Children (April 8, 2021)
  • FDA Letter to Industry on Chemical Hazards, including Toxic Elements, in Food and Update on FDA Efforts to Increase the Safety of Foods for Babies and Young Children (March 5, 2021)
  • FDA Statement: FDA Announces New Actions Aimed at Further Reducing Toxic Elements in Food for Babies, Young Children (March 5, 2021)
  • FDA Response to Questions About Levels of Toxic Elements in Baby Food, Following Congressional Report (February 16, 2021)

Feeding your baby: 6–12 months

At 6 months of age, breastmilk continues to be a vital source of nutrition; but it’s not enough by itself. You need to now introduce your baby to solid food, in addition to breastmilk, to keep up with her growing needs.

Be sure you give your baby her first foods after she has breastfed, or between nursing sessions, so that your baby continues to breastfeed as much as possible.

When you start to feed your baby solid food, take extra care that she doesn’t become sick. As she crawls about and explores, germs can spread from her hands to her mouth. Protect your baby from getting sick by washing your and her hands with soap before preparing food and before every feeding.

Your baby's first foods

When your baby is 6 months old, she is just learning to chew. Her first foods need to be soft so they’re very easy to swallow, such as porridge or well mashed fruits and vegetables. Did you know that when porridge is too watery, it doesn't have as many nutrients? To make it more nutritious, cook it until it’s thick enough not to run off the spoon.     

Feed your baby when you see her give signs that she's hungry – such as putting her hands to her mouth. After washing hands, start by giving your baby just two to three spoonfuls of soft food, twice a day. At this age, her stomach is small so she can only eat small amounts at each meal.

The taste of a new food may surprise your baby. Give her time to get used to these new foods and flavours. Be patient and don’t force your baby to eat. Watch for signs that she is full and stop feeding her then.

As your baby grows, her stomach also grows and she can eat more food with each meal.

Feeding your baby: 6–8 months old

From 6–8 months old, feed your baby half a cup of soft food two to three times a day. Your baby can eat anything except honey, which she shouldn't eat until she is a year old. You can start to add a healthy snack, like mashed fruit, between meals. As your baby gets increasing amounts of solid foods, she should continue to get the same amount of breastmilk. 

Feeding your baby: 9–11 months old

From 9–11 months old, your baby can take half a cup of food three to four times a day, plus a healthy snack. Now you can start to chop up soft food into small pieces instead of mashing it. Your baby may even start to eat food herself with her fingers. Continue to breastfeed whenever your baby is hungry.

Each meal needs to be both easy for your baby to eat and packed with nutrition. Make every bite count.

Foods need to be rich in energy and nutrients. In addition to grains and potatoes, be sure your baby has vegetables and fruits, legumes and seeds, a little energy-rich oil or fat, and – especially – animal foods (dairy, eggs, meat, fish and poultry) every day. Eating a variety of foods every day gives your baby the best chance of getting all the nutrients he needs.

If your baby refuses a new food or spits it out, don’t force it. Try again a few days later. You can also try mixing it with another food that your baby likes or squeezing a little breastmilk on top.

Feeding non-breastfed babies

If you're not breastfeeding your baby, she’ll need to eat more often. She'll also need to rely on other foods, including milk products, to get all the nutrition her body needs.

  • Start to give your baby solid foods at 6 months of age, just as a breastfed baby would need. Begin with two to three spoonfuls of soft and mashed food four times a day, which will give her the nutrients she needs without breastmilk.
  • From 6–8 months old, she’ll need half a cup of soft food four times a day, plus a healthy snack. 
  • From 9–11 months old, she’ll need half a cup of food four to five times a day, plus two healthy snacks.

Gerber by Nestlé launches plant-based baby food

USA 04/25/2022

Source: The DairyNews


Nestlé-owned Gerber has announced the launch of a new line of carbon-neutral plant-based protein baby food called Plant-tastic, The DairyNews reports citing Foodbev.

Plant-tastic includes a selection of organic foods, snacks and meals made with plant-based, nutrient-rich ingredients. Every Plant-tastic recipe is made with legumes like chickpeas, beans and lentils.

Gerber President and CEO Tarun Malkani comments, “We hear from parents that they want a greater variety of plant-based protein products that are in line with their nutritional and environmental values. Gerber Plant-tastic offers nutrition for all stages of a child's life, from organic baby foods, snacks and meals. We are proud that the entire Plant-tastic product range is certified carbon neutral, further confirming our commitment to climate-smart nutrition.”
The range is available in retail stores throughout the United States.

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As it became known on March 16, the Department of the Russian Investigative Committee for the Republic of Karelia initiated a criminal case against the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Republic of Karelia, Vladimir Labinov. The official is suspected of taking a bribe on an especially large scale. The DairyNews recalled what the minister remembered in his work, what was his path in the dairy industry, and also found out what market participants think about the situation with a bribe.

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Dairy Index Dia decreased by two kopecks to 34.58 rubles/kg


Dairy market of the Republic of Karelia: development of the industry in northern conditions


Dia: milk consumption for milk consumption per capita in Russia in 2022 decreased by 12. 1% compared to 2021


Ivan Sauer, General Director of the agricultural company "Rodina"

No one will go to raise virgin soil from the city. Those who left, they left forever. I'm just scared if we do not take drastic measures, what awaits us in ten years.

Ludmila Karnyushkina, Head of Marketing and Assortment Management Department, TS Europe

The modern buyer is very selective, he wants to have a guaranteed high quality, he prefers a fresh product - today's milk or kefir, yesterday's maximum. When choosing products, there is also another clear trend - a commitment to a local manufacturer.

Tatyana Gordeeva, Director of Development and Sales Department, Neos-Ingredients LLC

If earlier most of the modified starches were imported from Europe, then at the time of their inclusion in the sanctions list, no one could figure out what to do next. Because, in principle, modified starches were not imported into Russia from countries other than European ones.

Andrey Dakhnovich, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Elan and Semikarakorsk cheese-making plants

We see that if there are no shocks in the market, then the existing trends - the growth of milk production, the weak purchasing power of the population, the virtual absence of exports of dairy products to non-CIS countries - will lead to a decrease in the purchase cost of milk.

Igor Baringolts, Chairman of the Board of Directors of RM-Agro

We are developing a project for a hay dehydration plant, which is being promoted by the Association of Hay and Feed Exporters - we see the future behind this, because high-quality hay allows us to make high-quality feed for animal health and increase milk yield. At the same time, today a ton of hay costs twice as much as a ton of grain - this is also a separate type of business.

Igor Moskovtsev, General Director of JSC "Korenovsky MKK"

The production of cheese curds is loaded at 100%. And we plan to increase production volumes, carry out reconstruction, install new equipment in order to maintain the entire range of produced curds in the right amount. This category is fresh, expiration dates are limited, so you need to produce everything at once. I think we'll manage.

Igor Eliseenko, General Director of MolSib

In milk production among farms, the process of consolidation has been going on for a long time, and nothing will change radically. Small and inefficient farms will either be sold or abandon animal husbandry in favor of crop production. As for processing, in my opinion, we should not expect a serious reduction in enterprises here. Everyone prepared for the situation in whatever way they could, huddled, found their own ways to sell products, perhaps even gray schemes.

Alexander Zernov, General Director of Pöttinger LLC

In order not to find yourself in a situation where your expansion is hindered by the level of equipment, you must take as a basis the goals that the economy sets for 3-5 years. This is the optimal horizon, taking into account the depreciation of equipment and the development of technologies. The realistic life of the equipment is 7 years, the maximum is about 10.

Elena Kruk, Head of Communications Department, JSC Zolotye Meadows

Many suppliers of packaging and spare parts for equipment have switched to prepaid relationships with manufacturers, which entails additional unforeseen costs on the part of the dairymen. We had to revise budgets in order to purchase packaging. The cost of packaging has doubled, its cost reaches 15% depending on the product.

Dmitry Mironchikov, independent consultant of the dairy market

Everyone has their own vision of milk prices: processors want a lower price, producers want a higher one. It's always like that. Personally, I do not see any prerequisites for a rise in prices for raw milk next year, but I do not see any reasons for a decrease either. There should be some stability in general, at least the first three quarters.

Alena Krekoten, chief technologist of Ice Plus LLP

At first, the farmers did not understand what we wanted from them at all. What kind of indicators are these: somatic cells, QMAFAnM, bacteria contamination ... But over time they got used to it, got involved. And those who do not pass in terms of quality were eliminated on their own, because they began to pay less. And for high-quality milk, on the contrary, we raised the price. And the producers have a healthy motivation. Any sane person understands: "Why "chemical" when you can make normal milk - and get a good price?"

Svetlana Kuzmicheva, Development Director, MLK Group

We do not accumulate anything in an attempt to "catch the wave" of prices. We have our own development strategy, we clearly understand that there are stock fluctuations, but keeping something in stock and then trying to sell it is not about us. In our opinion, it is not very expedient to keep money in warehouses.

Armen Khurshudyan, Production Director of Ice LLP

Of course, genetics plays a very important role. But genetic potential is one thing, and how it is realized is another. And it depends on how good farmers we are. The fact that we took the best genetics does not mean that the cow should give us something. If you asked me what the biggest problem of all cows is, I would say that they are farmers. We create most of the existing problems for the cows ourselves.

Gennady Zenchenko, Chairman of the Board of the Meat and Dairy Union of Kazakhstan

Who from the Ministry of Agriculture even thought - who will work? Where are the doctors in the countryside? Where is the person who will go directly to the cow? We have one farm after another "burning" from brucellosis, from foot-and-mouth disease - without having time to receive subsidies to the end.

Vladimir Labinov, Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Karelia

Identification must be - this is an axiom that is not subject to discussion. We will try to keep up in this direction, support it in every possible way and implement it at home. In Karelia, the livestock is small, it has long been identified. We have no problems with this at the level of the republic. Another thing is how this system will work on a national scale.

Igor Eliseenko, General Director of Molsib

I do not know a single leader in the industry who would throw up their hands and say that they will not do anything else. A business can be closed, but it is almost impossible to restore it, especially for dairy farms where livestock is kept and trained personnel work.

Lyubov Guseva, Director of Liton

Now we have switched completely to Russian raw materials. We tried to level out all the shortcomings in the film, since this is a rather capricious package, with its own shortcomings, for example, when welding. We did everything to level out shortcomings in equipment, in the qualifications of personnel at dairy plants. That is, the efforts of both parties were required here, and the film also had to be slightly adapted at the dairy plant.

Olga Kosnikova, food technologist, popularizer of science

It often happens that ordinary employees, not technologists, do not have sufficient knowledge about the product, simply because their activities have a different specificity. It is also important to tell employees about what consumers may ask, what they are interested in, what the product actually consists of.

Andrea Paoletti, Export Manager Ave Technologies

In the 1990s, we visited dairies in Italy to convince them to try bottling in PET bottles - none of them used to bottle in PET, they used glass, film, cardboard. From that moment on, we began to supply them with equipment for filling milk in PET. Today in Italy we supply 80% of PET filling equipment to dairies.

Alexey Komarovskikh, General Director of A7 Agro Holding

We do not have good high-performance solutions here and now. We understand that if the situation persists, in 2-3 years we will not have spare parts for milking parlors, parallels, production lines. I really wish our agricultural machine builders to catch up. It is important to catch up not only in terms of price, but also in terms of the quality of equipment.

rating of the top 11 Russian and foreign brands with reviews according to KP

Products for children are always under special quality control. Including food. After all, food for a baby is not only a way to satisfy hunger, but also acquaintance with different tastes and a guarantee of healthy development (1). Today there are many different brands. Among them, we selected the best manufacturers of baby food, based on the reviews of parents and expert opinions.

Rating of the top 6 Russian baby food manufacturers according to KP

There are many popular brands among Russian baby food manufacturers. Basically, various purees, juices, cereals and dairy products are presented on the market. There are also formulas for babies, but in smaller quantities. The popularity of food is due to high quality and rather low (in comparison with foreign analogues) price.

"Egor Ivanych"

"Egor Ivanych"

Egor Ivanych is a serious kid, so he chooses the best raw materials for the production of baby food. Only selected, most delicious vegetables and fruits, fresh dairy components and meat of the highest quality are used, which a little later will fall on the table to the kids in the form of mashed potatoes. Egor Ivanych is a rich assortment of products that can provide a complete diet for a baby.

Meat purees are made according to GOST with a high percentage of meat filling. There are unique products such as cod with vegetables, chicken with hearts and turkey with turkey liver. This is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients for the nutrition of the baby. Egor Ivanovich - in an adult way for kids!

Main characteristics
Producer Open Distribution Company LLC
Assortment Vegetable, fruit purees, meat and fish products for the first feeding
Recommended age from 4 months (there are products that are suitable from 5, 6 and 8 months)
Foundation 2013
PLASS and minuses

many different tastes; contains no starch, wheat flour, sweeteners and sugar; There are a variety of unique flavors in the range.

The product line is presented only puree.

Editor's choice

Egor Ivanych

Adult style for kids

Purees are made from selected products - healthy, tasty, high quality.

BuyLearn more

Advertisement . LLC Open Distribution Company. LjN8KUFzq


Agusha. Photo:

Agusha is one of the most popular manufacturers of baby food in Russia. The trademark appeared in 1992 and has a wide range of products for children of all ages. Newborns are offered powdered milk formulas, babies from 4 months - a variety of purees, sour-milk products, water, older children - ready-made cereals (both dairy and non-dairy), juices, fruit drinks, compotes and fruit bars for a snack.

Thanks to the availability and variety of products, the manufacturer is confidently holding onto the Russian market. The safety and quality of Agushi is also confirmed by some neutral studies. For example, fruit cottage cheese, as well as kefir from this brand, received the highest rating from Roskachestvo (2, 3).

However, some parents are confused by the rather high price of certain items.

Key features
Manufacturer PepsiCo Russia

Some of the brand's products have received high ratings from Roskachestvo, for example, biocurd, buckwheat porridge (4, 5).

Nutrition from this brand is designed for both the first complementary foods and for babies after a year. The composition contains salt and sugar, which are not recommended for children under one year old.

Main characteristics
Manufacturer Progress
Assortment purees, drinks, soups, snacks, cereals, snacks, water
Recommended age from 0 months
Year founded 2000
Pros and cons

5 There are hypoallergenic products.

May contain allergenic ingredients (eg sugar).

Grandmother's Basket

Grandmother's Basket. Photo:

The manufacturer has been present on the Russian market since 1999. The main product is a variety of purees, which are available in glass jars and soft packs. For example, apple puree from this brand received the highest rating from Roskachestvo in all analysis criteria and was awarded the Quality Mark (6).

For older children, prepared meals, meatballs, healthy snacks such as fruit lozenges and biscuits are available. Also, "Babushkino Lukoshko" produces children's herbal teas. Salt in some products is not always welcomed by parents.

The main characteristics
Manufacturer “SIVMA”
Assortment puree, Fictions, Drinks, drinks, fruit pastilles
recommended age0150 from 4 months
Founded 1999
Pros and cons

Relatively low price in the segment; varied products.

There may be undesirable auxiliary components in the formulation (eg salt).


"Subject". Photo:

"Theme" offers products for children from 4 months to 3 years. The assortment includes a variety of meat, fish and vegetable purees, dairy products, ready meals and juices. But fruit purees are not presented. Packaging 一 is one of the distinguishing features of the brand. Thanks to special tin cans, the products are reliably protected from sunlight, which prolongs the shelf life. Also, many products of the brand are available in non-spill packages, so it is convenient to take them with you on the road. According to the results of the research, cottage cheese and juice "Theme" received the highest rating from Roskachestvo (7, 8).


Diaper. Photo:

All ingredients for production are supplied from our own farm. The manufacturer claims that thanks to this, it is possible to set fairly low prices for products.

The potential buyer is offered fruit and vegetable purees (some with cottage cheese), soups, various juices and fruit drinks, as well as water. Some of the products are hypoallergenic. The composition does not contain unnecessary components: salt, sugar and preservatives. Meat and fish products are not represented in the product line.

Rating of the top 5 foreign manufacturers of baby food according to KP

There are many foreign companies that produce baby food on the Russian market. A century of history, many years of experience and a good reputation helps to supply the market with quality products, which are preferred by many parents.


Gerber. Photo:

The assortment of the American manufacturer includes products for children from 4 months. In supermarkets and online sites, you can find vegetable and fruit purees, cereals, healthy snacks, juices, and desserts (cottage cheese treats, smoothies, and others). Hypoallergenic food is also provided. For example, dairy-free buckwheat porridge of this brand is highly appreciated by Roskachestvo experts, who noted the safe composition of the product without dangerous and harmful substances, including no added sugars (

Founded 1927
Pros and cons

Hypoallergenic products; natural composition; high quality.

High price in the baby food segment.


HiPP. Photo:

German manufacturer's products are suitable for children from birth. Infants are offered hypoallergenic powdered milk formulas enriched with vitamins. For feeding - various purees, cream soups, cereals, and as a snack for older children - snacks and dairy desserts.

Meals are made exclusively from natural ingredients, without added sugar. The high price, according to the manufacturer, is due to the use of special technologies and high-quality products.

The main characteristics
manufacturer HIPP
Assortment puree, soups, cereals, sles, dry milk mixtures
recommended the age recommended0153
Country of origin Germany
Year founded 1957
Pros and cons

Natural composition; There are baby formulas in the assortment.

High price of products.

Fleur Alpine

Fleur Alpine. Photo:

Natural baby food of premium quality. The range includes purees, cereals, cookies and juices - both regular and for children prone to allergies or intolerant to gluten. In addition to the usual products, the manufacturer offers olive oil (from 6 months) and sauces (from 3 years).

From time to time, the products of this brand come under the attention of experts from Roskachestvo and Roskontrol. For example, Three cereals porridge showed excellent results: a good composition with dietary fiber and no foreign impurities, the appropriate taste, color and smell (10), and buckwheat porridge meets the advanced standards of Roskachestvo, except for the increased protein content (11).

Not all products on the official website can be purchased in a regular store. However, they can be purchased on marketplaces.

High price; Not all brand products are easy to find on offline sites.


Semper. Photo:

The Swedish company offers a wide range of products for children of all ages. Dry milk formulas are suitable for newborns, and there are even specialized ones that are best used for constipation. Some of them are designed for babies older than six months. For crumbs older than 4 months, the manufacturer offers a variety of vegetable, meat, fish and fruit purees, cereals, juices and children's tea with vitamins. In addition to the usual products for children, there are wellings — oatmeal and multi-cereal porridges with natural additives, cookies, and meatballs.

Roskachestvo examined this brand's applesauce and, apart from its high carbohydrate content (higher than indicated on the package), found no drawbacks (12). In addition, some purees contain starch.

Main characteristics
Manufacturer Hero Group
Assortment Dairy mixtures, pure, porridge
Country of origin Sweden
Founded 1963
Pros and cons

There are mixtures in the product line interesting combinations of flavors.

High price in the segment; the presence of starch in the puree; the product according to BJU may differ from that stated on the package.


Heinz. Photo:

American food company offers a wide range of products at affordable prices. There are fruit, vegetable and meat purees, cereals (dairy and non-dairy), soups and drinks. As a healthy snack for babies from 5 months, special cookies are suitable, and fruit and cream puddings will be a great dessert for older children. You can also find a special vermicelli that will suit crumbs from 6 months. The manufacturer's porridges received the highest rating from Roskachestvo (13). However, some products contain sugar and starch, which many parents of babies do not approve of.

Some products contain sugar and starch.

How to choose the right baby food

A child's menu may differ from another baby's diet, not only due to age, but also due to health conditions (for example, a tendency to constipation or a dairy allergy) and personal preferences. However, the first thing to consider is age. It’s also important to keep in mind that your baby’s diet should be free of added salt and sugar (14). Certain positions deserve some explanation.

Milk formulas

Designed for feeding babies. In fact, they are designed to become an alternative to mother's milk. For the full development of the crumbs, it is necessary that vitamins and trace elements are present in the composition.

Canned puree

Introduced from 4 months. There are fruit, vegetable, meat and fish options. Combinations are also possible. For the first feeding, it is recommended to choose one-component purees from vegetables or fruits.


Porridges, as well as mashed potatoes, are recommended to be offered to a baby from 4 months. Thanks to the special processing of cereals, baby porridge is easily boiled, which significantly saves cooking time.

Nectars, juices

You can give your baby juice or nectar from the age of 4 months. As long as it doesn't contain sugar. If available, it is better to wait at least up to 1 year.

Frequently asked questions and answers

How to choose food for the first feeding?

Pediatricians recommend starting the first complementary foods with vegetable puree. Fruits contain a large amount of fructose, which can irritate the lining of the stomach and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Of course, the parent himself can boil and grind vegetables to a puree-like consistency, but it is easier to purchase products in the store, since baby food is made in compliance with special technologies, taking into account all the rules and regulations.

Another question is how to choose a brand among such a variety of baby foods. The best solution is to stick with a well-known brand. Large companies care about their reputation, and therefore strictly follow all established quality standards and do not violate production technology.

The next step is to study the information on the label, make sure the quality, evaluate the following indicators:

Natural composition. Preservatives, salt, sugar and other ingredients should not be present in the composition (at least in products for children under 1 year old).
Consistency (grinding quality). A good puree should be smooth and without lumps.
Multi or single ingredient . The first puree should contain only one ingredient. The child should get used to a certain vegetable, after which it will be possible to introduce others, adding each one in turn, so that the baby gets used to everything separately.
Hypoallergenic product. Formula must not contain ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction.
Package integrity . It is important to inspect the container in detail for dents, scratches or cracks (chips). Tightness must be observed. Don't forget to check the production date.
Child age appropriate . The age for which this or that product is designed is usually indicated on the packaging in compliance with the recommendations of pediatricians.

When all these factors are taken into account, it can be said that the product is really suitable for the child and will not cause side effects (15).

Which of the Russian manufacturers should you pay attention to?

Baby food brand Agusha has been producing products for over 30 years. The assortment has everything you need for a complete diet for kids: dairy products, cereals, fruit, vegetable and meat purees, juices and compotes. The company produces safe, hypoallergenic, complete nutrition for children of all ages. High-quality substitutes for breast milk and subsequent complementary foods are also produced. It is also recommended to pay attention to the manufacturers "FrutoNyanya" and "Theme".

What composition should healthy baby food contain?

When choosing puree in jars, pay attention to the composition. The ingredients should be natural, a good option (especially for younger kids) if the puree is a one-component puree - a fruit or vegetable plus water. Please note that the product does not contain salt, flour, starch, dyes and preservatives, and is not too diluted with water. The vegetable itself may contain starch, but its additional additives are very undesirable.


  1. Once again about baby food. Ladodo K. S. 2003.
  2. Roskachestvo rating. Children's cottage cheese "Agusha". URL:
  3. Roskachestvo rating. Children's kefir "Agusha". URL:
  4. Roskachestvo rating. Biocurd "FrutoNyanya". URL:
  5. Roskachestvo rating. Buckwheat porridge "FrutoNyanya". URL:
  6. Roskachestvo rating. Apple puree "Babushkino Lukoshko" URL:
  7. Roskachestvo rating. Biocurd "Theme". URL:
  8. Roskachestvo rating. Apple juice "Theme". URL:
  9. Roskachestvo rating. Buckwheat porridge Gerber. URL:
  10. Roskachestvo rating. Porridge "Three cereals" Fleur Alpine. URL:
  11. Roskachestvo rating. Buckwheat porridge Fleur Alpine. URL:
  12. Roskachestvo rating.

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