Guess the baby food free printable
Guess The Baby Food Game
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I organised several games and activities for my sister’s Pink Flavoured Baby Shower and they were a whole lot more successful than I had anticipated! Everyone really got into the spirit of things and they were great fun, as well as bringing all the guests who didn’t know each other together.
The first game I’m going to tell you about is ‘Guess The Baby Food’. And if you’re thinking, “OMG, do we have to eat baby food?!” Let me tell you yes, yes you do!
2015 Update – By request, I’ve added these as free printables for you to download here: Guess The Baby Food Game – Baby Shower Free Printable
It was a fun game…even if a little on the gross side – do we really feed babies this jarred stuff? Blech! Everyone joined in, except for me, because, you know. Answers… >_>
It’s easy enough to set up – you just need a little preparation! I bought 6 jars of baby food – 3 savoury and 3 sweet. You could have more or less if you like, but it felt like a good amount. It’s best to try and get varying flavours if you can.
To keep the jars a mystery you will need to take off the labels. I created some custom labels to stick on, but you could just as easily use sticky labels that you write numbers (or letters on) and keep tally of what is what on a hidden sheet of paper.
What I did, was put each label into a corresponding envelope to reveal when everyone had made their choices.
I also made a sign to sit next to the game, along with answer sheets. But you can be as creative (or non-creative!) as you like!
I also provided lots of plastic teaspoons so as not to double dip! Initially, the weather was looking a little suspect on the morning of the baby shower, so I set everything up inside, eventually, as the sun came out to play, we all moved outside, including the games!
When game time came around, I removed the jar lids, and gave out some paper plates for people to scoop food onto to taste from. It was quite amusing to watch people’s reactions to the taste of the food and to hear their guessing of what each jar was!
I think you only have to look through the reaction photos to know how this one worked out!! It was hilarious, and if you’re holding a baby shower for someone, I encourage you to give this game a try!
You will have to excuse the minging-ness of my garden in the outside photos – it really needs ‘doing’!
Mummy and Daddy to be start the proceedings! |
My brother is keen to start with |
Eventually he proclaims that the food tastes like feet! |
My brother’s face in the background cracks me up! |
My brother-in-law thinks “what the hell is this?!” |
Then he thinks “hmm, not bad!” |
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Printable Guess The Baby Food game signs and cards
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The child does not say what to do, the causes of violations in the development of speech in children
Why is the milestone - 3 years?
The child is intensively developing in all directions: physically, intellectually, emotionally, the speech centers in the brain are also intensively developing. Speech development depends on the neurophysiological capabilities of the child (more on this below) and on the social environment. It is by the age of 3 that children accumulate an active and passive vocabulary and can speak in sentences, build them grammatically correctly (of course, not always without the help of an adult). If by the age of 2.5–3 years the child speaks only separate words or does not speak, but only understands what is being said to him, then this should be paid close attention. Otherwise, time will be lost, and corrective work will require a lot of effort.
Formation of speech by age:
- newborn child - screams, cries;
- 2-3 months - there is a "coo";
- by 10 months the child reacts to his name, the first words may appear - “ma” or “mother”, “pa” or “dad”;
- by 12 months, the child can anticipate actions in the nursery rhyme “shu, flew, sat on the head”, when the baby covers his head with his hands, or in the “cuckoo” game, where the child closes his eyes with his hands;
- by the age of 1.
5, the baby can call objects in abbreviated form, in his own language - “bee-bee”, “av-av”. For the child, a “word-object” connection is established;
- by the age of 2, the first sentences of 2 words appear: “Kisa am-am”, “Bi-bi zhzhzh”. As a rule, there are no prepositions yet;
- by the age of 2.5, the child begins to ask questions: “Who?”, “Where?” etc. Begins to put together sentences of 3-4 words. If by this age there is no increase in vocabulary and the child does not speak in small sentences, then you should start sounding the alarm and turn to a neurologist and speech therapist;
- by the age of 3, the grammatical structure of speech is formed. Vocabulary increases to 1000 words;
- by the age of 5, a child can and should correctly build sentences and pronounce all sounds.
That is, there is an intensive development of speech, they are important literally every six months. If new words do not appear in your child's speech, there is no progress in sound pronunciation, then it is worth contacting specialists to clarify in a timely manner the reasons that prevent the child from mastering speech.
Causes that lead to speech disorders
Period of pregnancy and childbirth
First of all, the reasons why the child does not speak may be problems during pregnancy - these are hypoxia, infectious diseases, premature or, conversely, post-term pregnancy, alcohol and drug use, etc. During pregnancy, the central nervous system develops in the fetus, including including speech areas of the cerebral cortex. Childbirth can be difficult, and their course can also affect the development of the child's speech.
The hereditary factor is also important
It is necessary to find out at what age the parents began to speak, because it may turn out that in the family of one of the parents everyone began to speak late. This does not mean that you should not contact a specialist for clarification, but you need to understand that heredity also plays a role.
Severe injury or illness in the first years of a child's life
There are cases when a child, starting to speak, falls ill with a high temperature, and after recovery does not utter a word or the vocabulary is significantly reduced. In this case, all the forces of the child's body go to recovery, and speech seems to disappear. But within 1-2 months after recovery, vocabulary is usually restored.
Bilingual family
When children hear speech in a family in two languages, then for them there is a certain difficulty in separating one language from another so that they can build speech correctly. Therefore, children may begin to speak a little later, and difficulties in constructing phrases may appear for a long time.
Hearing impairment
The reason itself is already speaking, and for this there is an otolaryngologist who can determine the level of a child's hearing.
Intellectual development
Speech, mental development and mental development are interconnected. It is important to determine why there was a delay in the development of speech, you should not reassure yourself with a common phrase: "The boy was silent, silent, and then spoke in whole sentences, and did not speak, because there was no need. " The sooner attention is paid to the problem, the more favorable the forecast of its solution will be.
Articulation system
“My child does not eat food with pieces, chokes”, “Drooling all the time and his mouth is open” - this is worth paying attention to. Reduced tone of the muscles of the tongue, a short frenulum will cause articulation difficulties. You will have to work with a speech therapist to fix this problem.
Individual pace of speech development
If you see that the child’s speech is progressing, the active vocabulary is growing, but the baby does everything a couple of weeks later than his peers, then most likely this is a tempo delay in the development of speech, there is nothing to worry about, the main thing is to make progress.
Family factor
The child was born healthy, but it so happened that the young parents did not consider it necessary, it was important to talk with the baby, address him directly, explaining that "he is still small, he still does not understand anything. " Rather, they approached the parental role functionally: swaddled, fed, walked. But we must remember that the passive, and then the active vocabulary is formed from the speech addressed to the child.
Emotionally tense situation in the family also negatively affects. When a child is at war in parental quarrels. The kid is scared, and when it's scary, then the forces go to the search for safety, and there is less for their development. Such an environment can cause not only a delay in speech development, but also stuttering, developmental delay.
What to do if the child does not speak
Many young parents think that the development of a baby's speech is very difficult and difficult. But there are also simple activities that a child can do at home every day effortlessly.
To help develop the articulatory apparatus or strengthen it, you can lick jam from a saucer, lick ice cream or a lollipop, bite an apple or gnaw a carrot, shift a piece of food in your mouth from one cheek to another. When a child eats, all the organs necessary for good articulation are trained. It is also useful to rinse your mouth and drink through a straw, blow on a candle and send kisses to each other, blow soap bubbles and blow on the white heads of dandelions.
For the development of fine motor skills, you can collect beads, shift small objects with two fingers, etc.
To develop the child's hearing, you can play "Guess the Sound", that is, make sounds with different objects, and the child must guess what it sounds like; you can sing songs together. When the baby is very small, it is important that he sees your face, your mouth, when you talk to him.
All these simple games help prepare the articulatory apparatus, develop the child's speech, create an emotionally positive environment that helps the baby develop.
Which doctor to contact
If you notice that the child’s speech development lags behind their peers, then do not put off visiting the following specialists: an otolaryngologist, a neurologist, a speech therapist and / or a defectologist, a psychologist. These doctors will draw up an individual plan for the child's classes, they will be able to choose the type of therapy that is most suitable for your baby.
The main thing is to do the tasks that the specialist will give systematically, and not once a month. It is the system that leads to a good, sustainable result.
Free baby food - Children's City Hospital of Nizhny Tagil
Dear parents!
The right to receive social support measures have parents of children:
- at of the age of 8 months, located on mixed and artificial feeding.
- at from 8 months to 1 year of age.
- aged from 1 to 3 years, from families with an average per capita income below the subsistence level, with a certificate from the social protection authorities.
For children not attending preschool.
As well as nursing mothers during the first three months of a child's life.
what parents need to do:
liquid and paste baby food support
( milk, kefir, cottage cheese ), sign informed consent.
2. Order a prescription for baby food before the 15th day of the month preceding the month
receiving baby food (for example: until August 15 for the month of September)
For children of the second and third years of life who do not attend kindergartens
institutions, it is necessary to submit to the joint venture a statement confirming the family income ( term
certificate validity - until the next date of birth ).
3. Come in the clinic ° 20 to 30 (31 ) Numbers , pre -prior
receiving groceries, for obtaining an electronic prescription form.
If the prescription is not received on time, it is withdrawn and destroyed on the 01st day of the month
receiving products.
4. Get products in the stores of the Monetka network, the address of which is indicated in the electronic prescription form .
- baby food is issued by e-mail
prescriptions on the days and in the amount indicated in the electronic prescription ; for
month the child will receive food in the norm approved by Decree
Governments CO dated March 2, 2011 No 167 - PP
- returns for missing dates are not processed the same way as
electronic prescription (program mma) does not allow this.
The issuance of baby food from May 1, 2021 is carried out in the stores of the Monetka retail chain. Approved addresses of baby food distribution points through Monetka retail chain stores: download file Surikova, 18/1
Children's polyclinic of Victory, 42 - "Coin" st. Victory, 48
Branch of the polyclinic Dzhambul, 45 - "Coin" st. Altaiskaya, 27a
Polyclinic Balakinskaya, 16 - "Coin" st. Popova, 12a
Polyclinic Chernykh, 28 - "Coin" st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 79
Children's clinic of Karl Marx, 36 - "Coin" st. Parkhomenko, 3
Branch of the polyclinic Kurortnaya, 18 - "Coin" st. Kaspiyskaya, 23
Children's polyclinic st. Tagilstroevskaya 4 - "Coin" st. Chernoistochinsky highway, 15A.
When preparing a draft contract for the free provision of services for the storage and distribution of baby food, drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, it was taken into account that the stores of the Monetka retail chain should be located in terms of territoriality close to the addresses of the dairy points of the institution.
1. Issuance of dry adapted mixtures from 05/17/2021. until May 31, 2021 will be carried out through the children's polyclinics of the institution.
2. From 01.06.2021 the issuance of dry adapted mixtures should be carried out in the stores of the Monetka trading network.
3. Addresses of “Monetka” stores where dry formulas will be distributed:
Nizhny Tagil, Dzerzhinsky pr-kt, 57,
Nizhny Tagil, Pobedy, 48,
Nizhny Tagil, Krasnoarmeyskaya, 79,
Nizhny Tagil, Parkhomenko, 3,
Nizhny Tagil, Chernoistochinskoe highway, 15A,
Nizhny Tagil, Caspian, 23,
Nizhny Tagil, Altai, 27a,
Nizhny Tagil, branch of the clinic of Surikov, 18.
Government of the Sverdlovsk Region dated March 2, 2011 N 167-pp on the implementation Social support measures living in the Sverdlovsk region of pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under the age of three years to provide full food, children suffering from heavy food allergies with intolerance to cow's milk proteins, and children with extremely low mass during birth with specialized products of therapeutic nutrition REGIONAL BUDGET ACCOUNT
List of amendments dated 05/31/2018 N 334-PP) download file
If you receive a social support measure in the form of free food for children and nursing mothers from 01/08/2018, you must provide the following documents:
SNILS of mother and child, birth certificate of the child and mother's passport.