Guess the baby food free printable

Guess The Baby Food Game

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I organised several games and activities for my sister’s Pink Flavoured Baby Shower and they were a whole lot more successful than I had anticipated! Everyone really got into the spirit of things and they were great fun, as well as bringing all the guests who didn’t know each other together.

The first game I’m going to tell you about is ‘Guess The Baby Food’. And if you’re thinking, “OMG, do we have to eat baby food?!” Let me tell you yes, yes you do!

2015 Update – By request, I’ve added these as free printables for you to download here: Guess The Baby Food Game – Baby Shower Free Printable

It was a fun game…even if a little on the gross side – do we really feed babies this jarred stuff? Blech! Everyone joined in, except for me, because, you know. Answers… >_>

It’s easy enough to set up – you just need a little preparation! I bought 6 jars of baby food – 3 savoury and 3 sweet. You could have more or less if you like, but it felt like a good amount. It’s best to try and get varying flavours if you can.

To keep the jars a mystery you will need to take off the labels. I created some custom labels to stick on, but you could just as easily use sticky labels that you write numbers (or letters on) and keep tally of what is what on a hidden sheet of paper.

What I did, was put each label into a corresponding envelope to reveal when everyone had made their choices.

I also made a sign to sit next to the game, along with answer sheets. But you can be as creative (or non-creative!) as you like!

I also provided lots of plastic teaspoons so as not to double dip! Initially, the weather was looking a little suspect on the morning of the baby shower, so I set everything up inside, eventually, as the sun came out to play, we all moved outside, including the games!

When game time came around, I removed the jar lids, and gave out some paper plates for people to scoop food onto to taste from. It was quite amusing to watch people’s reactions to the taste of the food and to hear their guessing of what each jar was!

I think you only have to look through the reaction photos to know how this one worked out!! It was hilarious, and if you’re holding a baby shower for someone, I encourage you to give this game a try!

You will have to excuse the minging-ness of my garden in the outside photos – it really needs ‘doing’!

Mummy and Daddy to be start the proceedings!

My brother is keen to start with
Eventually he proclaims that the food tastes like feet!


My brother’s face in the background cracks me up!


My brother-in-law thinks “what the hell is this?!”


Then he thinks “hmm, not bad!”


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Printable Guess The Baby Food game signs and cards


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