How much food should a 7 month old baby be eating
7-Month-Old Baby: Your Questions Answered
7-Month-Old Baby
Your baby is 7 months old! As your little one is now more active, you’ve got to get your home ready. We know you probably childproofed when baby first came home, but having a mini mover and shaker changes everything. Get down on your hands and knees to see what hazards are around that you'll need to guard against. That includes anything baby could tumble over, bump into, get cut or pinched on or get tangled in. Also, make sure anything that could fall onto your child (a dresser, a bookshelf, the TV) is securely strapped into place, and be cautious to keep all choking hazards out of reach—that includes looking for small things that could easily drop on the floor unnoticed, like coins.
As your 7-month-old baby gets stronger and smarter every day, you may find yourself with a whole new slew of questions and concerns. What can a 7-month-old see? What can you give a 7-month-old for meals? Should you be worried if your 7-month-old doesn’t have teeth yet?
To help you navigate and prepare for the seven-month mark, we’re sharing a guide with all the 7-month-old baby milestones. From sleeping schedules to eating routines to fun activity ideas, here’s the intel you need to ensure your 7-month-old baby is on a happy and healthy track.
In this article:
7-month-old development
7-month-old health
7-month-old baby food
7-month-old sleep
7-month-old schedule
Activities for a 7-month-old
7-month-old checklist and tips
7-Month-Old Development
In the last three months, baby’s probably grown about 2 inches and their head circumference may have grown about an inch. They’re still developing their senses and skills that will lead to more independence.
7-month-old baby weight and length
Typically, how much does a 7-month-old weigh—or, rather, how much should a 7-month-old weigh? Average weight of a 7-month old is 16.8 pounds for girls and 18.3 pounds for boys. Average length is 26.5 inches for girls and 27.2 inches for boys, according to the World Health Organization.
But don’t get too caught up with the “normal” weight of a 7-month-old baby. Height and weight can vary widely between healthy babies, so as long as your baby is growing at a healthy rate—on a steady upward curve on the chart at the doctor’s office—and the pediatrician doesn’t see any signs of a problem, your baby’s growth is right on track.
7-month-old’s five senses
- What can babies see at 7-months-old? A lot! Baby’s distance vision is improving every day. And they can see everything in full color now.
- The parts of baby’s brain dealing with sound processing have developed, which means baby can fully process and understand a range of sounds.
- Baby’s been listening to your voice and may try to copy the pattern and tones of your voice when they babble. So chatty!
7-month-old baby milestones
What should a 7-month-old be able to do? Remember, all babies develop at their own rate, but this is a peek at what might be happening with your baby this month.
- Baby might be able to sit up without any help, though they might have to keep their hands on the floor to stay upright.
If they haven't already started crawling, keep an eye out this month. Many babies start making moves as early as 6 or 7 months. However, if they’re not scooting around just yet, don’t worry. They’ll strengthen those muscles and get moving on their own time. And, FYI, some babies skip crawling and go straight to walking.
- Baby is starting to work on fine-tuning their grasp. Now, baby probably picks things up with their whole hand, but they’ll also soon start working on the “pincer grasp,” where they’ll pick things up with their pointer finger and thumb.
- Baby bears weight on their legs when you hold them upright, and might even start to jump up and down in this position.
- Baby babbles and imitates sounds. They know what things to do to attract your attention (and isn’t it adorable?).
7-Month-Old Health
Click through for answers to some of 7-month-olds’ parents’ biggest health questions:
7-month-old teething
Got teeth? If your 7-month-old is still all gums, know that some pearly whites will probably pop up pretty soon. Typically, the bottom incisors are the first two to make an appearance followed by the top incisors.
7-Month-Old Baby Feeding
Seven-month-old babies are eating some solid foods, but their main source of nutrition is still breast milk or formula.
How much should a 7-month-old eat, and how often?
- Bottle feeding: How much formula for a 7-month-old baby? They should be drinking about six to eight ounces of formula, four to six times per day.
- Breastfeeding: Seven-month-olds still typically nurse about every three or four hours.
- Pumping: If you’re pumping, baby needs a total of about 25 ounces of breast milk per day. So you’ll need to divide that by how many feedings your baby typically has. For example, if you feed baby about six times per day, they should get about 4.2 ounces of breast milk at each feeding.
- Solid food: How much solid food for a 7-month-old? Baby should be starting to get three meals of solid food each day.
Depending on the baby, a meal might be as little as a tablespoon or two or as much as four to six ounces (eight to 12 tablespoons) of baby food.
What can a 7-month-old eat?
What to feed your 7-month-old baby is mostly up to you! There aren’t strict guidelines about when to feed baby certain foods, but you do want to stick to nutritious, unprocessed foods. Purees remain great options for you new eater. You can’t go wrong with mashed or pureed fruits and veggies and whole grain baby cereal. Here are some nutritious options.
Be aware that there are a few foods you should avoid giving baby at this point. These include honey, cow’s milk and unpasteurized and/or raw foods. Try not to give baby foods that are high in salt or sugar. Finally, watch for items that pose a choking hazard (hard veggies, whole nuts and anything cylindrical that can block an airway, such as whole grapes or hot dogs, should be avoided).
Can a 7-month-old eat eggs?
Eggs make some parents nervous because of the allergy risk. In the past, pediatricians used to tell parents to wait until 9 months to introduce egg yolk to baby, and to wait until 12 months to give baby the egg white. But newer food allergy research suggests that in fact it might benefit baby to introduce allergenic foods early and often. So the short answer is yes, you can probably give baby eggs if they’re at least 6 months old, and if they haven’t had an allergic reaction to other foods; talk to baby’s doctor and decide together. (Baby’s allergy risk may come into play.) And as with introducing any new food, watch your baby for signs of an allergic reaction in the following days.
If your pediatrician wants you to hold off on eggs, there are still plenty of delicious and nutritious breakfast options to try. Go with blends like banana and apple, peach or berry purees. Oatmeal is often a hit, as is whole milk yogurt.
Can I give my 7-month-old finger foods?
If you choose to try baby-led weaning, make sure to give baby finger foods that are soft and cut l so baby can easily mash them with their gums.
7-month-old feeding schedule
Here’s a sample 7-month-old feeding schedule with solids:
Image: Megan Rubey
7-Month-Old Sleep
Sleep! Parents with babies always have questions about sleep. Here, we answer the biggest ones.
How much should a 7-month-old sleep?
Baby sleeps about 14 to 15 hours per day—6 to 11 of those hours are at night. Some babies sleep through the night at this age but others may still be waking up in the wee hours. It’s typical for a 7-month-old baby to have about two naps totaling three or four hours of daytime sleep.
7-month-old sleep schedule
Here’s an example of a 7-month-old sleep and nap schedule:
Image: Megan Rubey
My 7-month-old won’t sleep! Why?
In a 7-month-old baby, sleep regression can happen for several reasons. Babies might start waking in the middle of the night because of illness or teething pain. During a growth spurt, they might be extra hungry and want to feed more. Now that they’re learning how to roll, creep and crawl, they might wake to practice their new skills in the middle of the night. They might just miss their parents and want some cuddle time!
How can I begin sleep-training a 7-month-old?
To sleep-train your child, you’ll want to gradually remove yourself from baby’s efforts to get to sleep; self-soothing is an important step. Babies, just like adults, wake up throughout the night. But being able to go back to sleep on their own is what will give them the ability to “sleep through the night.” Baby needs to practice in order to develop that skill. Here’s the full scoop on how to sleep train a 7-month-old baby.
Is a 7-month-old sleeping on her stomach okay?
Stomach sleeping is totally fine, so long as baby is skillfully rolling over on their own and able to hold up their head and shoulders. Still, put baby to sleep on their back. If they choose to flip to their tummy, you shouldn’t worry about SIDS at this point.
7-Month-Old Schedule
Baby’s daily schedule seems to be constantly changing and evolving, but this month’s routine probably looks pretty similar to the one they had last month—though we hope you’re getting more uninterrupted nighttime sleep!
7-month-old schedule example
A 7-month-old’s daily schedule might look something like this.
Image: Megan Rubey
Activities for a 7-Month-Old
Your little busy bee loves activity. Here are some ways to keep a 7-month-old entertained:
- Flip through baby’s favorite board books or a colorful magazine, and describe what’s in the pictures. For more interaction, get some “lift and see” books or try one that has textured images, so baby can have a full sensory experience.
- Right now baby is thrilled by “cause and effect” activities. Find an interactive toy that rewards them for pushing a button.
- Looking for more games to play with a 7-month-old? Get baby activity ideas here.
7-Month-Old Baby Checklist and Tips
- Schedule baby’s nine-month checkup, if you haven’t already.
- Introduce a high chair—if you haven’t already—for baby to enjoy meals with the rest of the family and work on self-feeding from the tray.
- Does baby need a new car seat? A car seat for a 7-month-old baby should be rear-facing (until age 2 or 3). We recommend a convertible seat that can be used for at least another year or two.
- Take baby’s 7-month-old baby milestone photo.
- Baby is bound to start scooting or crawling any day now, so make sure to babyproof your home to keep your 7-month-old safe.
- Baby is making progress with their babbling. Continue to encourage them to make sounds and repeat after you. They will also begin to understand more words like “hi” or “dog.” Keep talking, singing and reading to your 7-month-old every day.
It probably feels like baby is marking off the 7-month-old baby milestones left and right, and that’s certainly something to be proud of. Each day is a new adventure as baby grows and learns. If they haven’t started crawling yet, enjoy the serenity while you can. Once baby is on the move, there’s no stopping them!
Medical content was reviewed by Dina DiMaggio, MD, a board-certified pediatrician at Pediatric Associates of NYC and NYU Langone Health in New York City, and a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics. She is also the coauthor of The Pediatrician’s Guide to Feeding Babies and Toddlers.
7-Month-Old Baby: Your Questions Answered
7-Month-Old Baby
Your baby is 7 months old! As your little one is now more active, you’ve got to get your home ready. We know you probably childproofed when baby first came home, but having a mini mover and shaker changes everything. Get down on your hands and knees to see what hazards are around that you'll need to guard against. That includes anything baby could tumble over, bump into, get cut or pinched on or get tangled in. Also, make sure anything that could fall onto your child (a dresser, a bookshelf, the TV) is securely strapped into place, and be cautious to keep all choking hazards out of reach—that includes looking for small things that could easily drop on the floor unnoticed, like coins.
As your 7-month-old baby gets stronger and smarter every day, you may find yourself with a whole new slew of questions and concerns. What can a 7-month-old see? What can you give a 7-month-old for meals? Should you be worried if your 7-month-old doesn’t have teeth yet?
To help you navigate and prepare for the seven-month mark, we’re sharing a guide with all the 7-month-old baby milestones. From sleeping schedules to eating routines to fun activity ideas, here’s the intel you need to ensure your 7-month-old baby is on a happy and healthy track.
In this article:
7-month-old development
7-month-old health
7-month-old baby food
7-month-old sleep
7-month-old schedule
Activities for a 7-month-old
7-month-old checklist and tips
7-Month-Old Development
In the last three months, baby’s probably grown about 2 inches and their head circumference may have grown about an inch. They’re still developing their senses and skills that will lead to more independence.
7-month-old baby weight and length
Typically, how much does a 7-month-old weigh—or, rather, how much should a 7-month-old weigh? Average weight of a 7-month old is 16.8 pounds for girls and 18.3 pounds for boys. Average length is 26.5 inches for girls and 27.2 inches for boys, according to the World Health Organization.
But don’t get too caught up with the “normal” weight of a 7-month-old baby. Height and weight can vary widely between healthy babies, so as long as your baby is growing at a healthy rate—on a steady upward curve on the chart at the doctor’s office—and the pediatrician doesn’t see any signs of a problem, your baby’s growth is right on track.
7-month-old’s five senses
- What can babies see at 7-months-old? A lot! Baby’s distance vision is improving every day. And they can see everything in full color now.
- The parts of baby’s brain dealing with sound processing have developed, which means baby can fully process and understand a range of sounds.
- Baby’s been listening to your voice and may try to copy the pattern and tones of your voice when they babble. So chatty!
7-month-old baby milestones
What should a 7-month-old be able to do? Remember, all babies develop at their own rate, but this is a peek at what might be happening with your baby this month.
- Baby might be able to sit up without any help, though they might have to keep their hands on the floor to stay upright. If they haven't already started crawling, keep an eye out this month. Many babies start making moves as early as 6 or 7 months. However, if they’re not scooting around just yet, don’t worry. They’ll strengthen those muscles and get moving on their own time. And, FYI, some babies skip crawling and go straight to walking.
- Baby is starting to work on fine-tuning their grasp. Now, baby probably picks things up with their whole hand, but they’ll also soon start working on the “pincer grasp,” where they’ll pick things up with their pointer finger and thumb.
- Baby bears weight on their legs when you hold them upright, and might even start to jump up and down in this position.
- Baby babbles and imitates sounds. They know what things to do to attract your attention (and isn’t it adorable?).
7-Month-Old Health
Click through for answers to some of 7-month-olds’ parents’ biggest health questions:
7-month-old teething
Got teeth? If your 7-month-old is still all gums, know that some pearly whites will probably pop up pretty soon. Typically, the bottom incisors are the first two to make an appearance followed by the top incisors.
7-Month-Old Baby Feeding
Seven-month-old babies are eating some solid foods, but their main source of nutrition is still breast milk or formula.
How much should a 7-month-old eat, and how often?
- Bottle feeding: How much formula for a 7-month-old baby? They should be drinking about six to eight ounces of formula, four to six times per day.
- Breastfeeding: Seven-month-olds still typically nurse about every three or four hours.
- Pumping: If you’re pumping, baby needs a total of about 25 ounces of breast milk per day. So you’ll need to divide that by how many feedings your baby typically has. For example, if you feed baby about six times per day, they should get about 4.2 ounces of breast milk at each feeding.
- Solid food: How much solid food for a 7-month-old? Baby should be starting to get three meals of solid food each day. Depending on the baby, a meal might be as little as a tablespoon or two or as much as four to six ounces (eight to 12 tablespoons) of baby food.
What can a 7-month-old eat?
What to feed your 7-month-old baby is mostly up to you! There aren’t strict guidelines about when to feed baby certain foods, but you do want to stick to nutritious, unprocessed foods. Purees remain great options for you new eater. You can’t go wrong with mashed or pureed fruits and veggies and whole grain baby cereal. Here are some nutritious options.
Be aware that there are a few foods you should avoid giving baby at this point. These include honey, cow’s milk and unpasteurized and/or raw foods. Try not to give baby foods that are high in salt or sugar. Finally, watch for items that pose a choking hazard (hard veggies, whole nuts and anything cylindrical that can block an airway, such as whole grapes or hot dogs, should be avoided).
Can a 7-month-old eat eggs?
Eggs make some parents nervous because of the allergy risk. In the past, pediatricians used to tell parents to wait until 9 months to introduce egg yolk to baby, and to wait until 12 months to give baby the egg white. But newer food allergy research suggests that in fact it might benefit baby to introduce allergenic foods early and often. So the short answer is yes, you can probably give baby eggs if they’re at least 6 months old, and if they haven’t had an allergic reaction to other foods; talk to baby’s doctor and decide together. (Baby’s allergy risk may come into play.) And as with introducing any new food, watch your baby for signs of an allergic reaction in the following days.
If your pediatrician wants you to hold off on eggs, there are still plenty of delicious and nutritious breakfast options to try. Go with blends like banana and apple, peach or berry purees. Oatmeal is often a hit, as is whole milk yogurt.
Can I give my 7-month-old finger foods?
If you choose to try baby-led weaning, make sure to give baby finger foods that are soft and cut l so baby can easily mash them with their gums.
7-month-old feeding schedule
Here’s a sample 7-month-old feeding schedule with solids:
Image: Megan Rubey
7-Month-Old Sleep
Sleep! Parents with babies always have questions about sleep. Here, we answer the biggest ones.
How much should a 7-month-old sleep?
Baby sleeps about 14 to 15 hours per day—6 to 11 of those hours are at night. Some babies sleep through the night at this age but others may still be waking up in the wee hours. It’s typical for a 7-month-old baby to have about two naps totaling three or four hours of daytime sleep.
7-month-old sleep schedule
Here’s an example of a 7-month-old sleep and nap schedule:
Image: Megan Rubey
My 7-month-old won’t sleep! Why?
In a 7-month-old baby, sleep regression can happen for several reasons. Babies might start waking in the middle of the night because of illness or teething pain. During a growth spurt, they might be extra hungry and want to feed more. Now that they’re learning how to roll, creep and crawl, they might wake to practice their new skills in the middle of the night. They might just miss their parents and want some cuddle time!
How can I begin sleep-training a 7-month-old?
To sleep-train your child, you’ll want to gradually remove yourself from baby’s efforts to get to sleep; self-soothing is an important step. Babies, just like adults, wake up throughout the night. But being able to go back to sleep on their own is what will give them the ability to “sleep through the night.” Baby needs to practice in order to develop that skill. Here’s the full scoop on how to sleep train a 7-month-old baby.
Is a 7-month-old sleeping on her stomach okay?
Stomach sleeping is totally fine, so long as baby is skillfully rolling over on their own and able to hold up their head and shoulders. Still, put baby to sleep on their back. If they choose to flip to their tummy, you shouldn’t worry about SIDS at this point.
7-Month-Old Schedule
Baby’s daily schedule seems to be constantly changing and evolving, but this month’s routine probably looks pretty similar to the one they had last month—though we hope you’re getting more uninterrupted nighttime sleep!
7-month-old schedule example
A 7-month-old’s daily schedule might look something like this.
Image: Megan Rubey
Activities for a 7-Month-Old
Your little busy bee loves activity. Here are some ways to keep a 7-month-old entertained:
- Flip through baby’s favorite board books or a colorful magazine, and describe what’s in the pictures. For more interaction, get some “lift and see” books or try one that has textured images, so baby can have a full sensory experience.
- Right now baby is thrilled by “cause and effect” activities. Find an interactive toy that rewards them for pushing a button.
- Looking for more games to play with a 7-month-old? Get baby activity ideas here.
7-Month-Old Baby Checklist and Tips
- Schedule baby’s nine-month checkup, if you haven’t already.
- Introduce a high chair—if you haven’t already—for baby to enjoy meals with the rest of the family and work on self-feeding from the tray.
- Does baby need a new car seat? A car seat for a 7-month-old baby should be rear-facing (until age 2 or 3). We recommend a convertible seat that can be used for at least another year or two.
- Take baby’s 7-month-old baby milestone photo.
- Baby is bound to start scooting or crawling any day now, so make sure to babyproof your home to keep your 7-month-old safe.
- Baby is making progress with their babbling. Continue to encourage them to make sounds and repeat after you. They will also begin to understand more words like “hi” or “dog.” Keep talking, singing and reading to your 7-month-old every day.
It probably feels like baby is marking off the 7-month-old baby milestones left and right, and that’s certainly something to be proud of. Each day is a new adventure as baby grows and learns. If they haven’t started crawling yet, enjoy the serenity while you can. Once baby is on the move, there’s no stopping them!
Medical content was reviewed by Dina DiMaggio, MD, a board-certified pediatrician at Pediatric Associates of NYC and NYU Langone Health in New York City, and a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics. She is also the coauthor of The Pediatrician’s Guide to Feeding Babies and Toddlers.
Seven Months Menu
- Breastfeed your baby every 3-4 hours.
- If you give your baby expressed breast milk, he needs approximately 710 grams per day. With 5-6 meals a day, this is about 120 to 200 grams of milk per meal.
- If the baby is formula-fed (FW), he needs 170 to 230 grams of formula up to 4 times a day, provided that 2 more feedings replace complementary foods. To find out how much mixture you need, be guided by the instructions on the package, the recommendations of the pediatrician.
- From the age of 6 months, only mother's milk or adapted infant formula is not enough for a baby - he needs a variety of complementary foods. Introduce no more than one new product per day into the child’s menu at 7 months and consult a pediatrician first. After getting acquainted with different foods, up to three complementary foods can be given daily: this can be one or two tablespoons or 115-170 grams (8-12 tablespoons), depending on the baby and the specific product.
Important The calculation of servings and the number of feedings depends on the individual characteristics of the development and needs of the child. Therefore, first of all, be guided by the recommendations of your pediatrician and the needs of the baby.
Baby's menu at 7 months: introducing new products
The basis of the diet is still breast milk or infant formula. To diversify the menu, children's adapted food will help: fruit and vegetable purees, milk and dairy-free cereals, juices, as well as some products from the "adult table".
At 7 months, dairy-free and milk porridges, along with breast milk, are the basis of a child’s nutrition. To start complementary foods, choose gluten-free liquid one-component cereals with a high iron content: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. A little later - corn and semolina. Start complementary foods with half or a whole teaspoon, gradually increasing the serving to 150 grams.
Important Dairy-free porridge is diluted with breast milk or milk formula, milk - with purified boiled water. Find out more: Gerber® Baby Cereals: product range
Vegetable and fruit purees
Vegetable and fruit purees will diversify the diet and introduce new tastes to the baby. According to WHO recommendations, the best product to start with is a one-component vegetable puree made from zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower or potatoes. These vegetables are less allergenic than other foods. If the child does not have allergies, pumpkin, carrot, pea and tomato puree can be given a little later.
Find out more: Gerber® Vegetable Purees
After introducing vegetable purees into your diet, it's time for your little one to get to know sweet and healthy fruit purees. Like vegetable, fruit complementary foods are also recommended to start with one-component low-allergenic foods. Apple, pear or banana puree is best for this. Start with half or a whole teaspoon and gradually increase the serving to 100-150 grams.
Learn more: Gerber® 9 fruit purees0004
Your baby's introduction to a variety of flavors is the best place to start with Gerber® vegetable purees, specially formulated for baby's first foods. In the composition - only the vegetable that is indicated on the package, without extraneous additives.
Meat is a product necessary for development, rich in iron and protein, which is well absorbed in the body. Start with homogenized options. The product must contain only one type of meat (diet turkey, rabbit, chicken, veal) and no additional components. If the crumbs have a tendency to food allergies, choose meat very carefully, it is better to consult a doctor in advance. Pay attention to the composition of baby food and its age-appropriate baby. First, let the baby try half a teaspoon. If no adverse reactions occur, gradually increase the meat rate to 60 grams.
Find out more: Gerber® Meat Purees
Fruit juice is great for snacking and menu variety. Young children tolerate clarified apple and pear juice better, so they should be introduced first. Give the baby adapted baby juices: they do not contain sugar or other additives undesirable for the child. Ordinary store-bought juices can only be drunk by children over three years old.
0004 Tip Introduce your baby to juices after the introduction of cereals and vegetable purees. Often the child gets used to sweet juices and then does not eat foods with a less bright taste. Learn more: Gerber® Juices
Egg Yolk
In addition to cereals and purees, boiled egg yolk is introduced at 7 months of age as it is an excellent source of omega fats, selenium, phosphorus and vitamins. Please note that you need to give the egg not the whole, but only the yolk. But, like any other product that you give to try for the first time, it should be introduced carefully and little by little to make sure that the baby does not have an allergy. Do not combine with other food! Only when you "test" the yolk, it is allowed to add it to cereals and vegetable purees.
Important It is believed that allergic children can be fed quail eggs. But it is important to remember that quail eggs can also be allergic, as they also contain egg white - an allergen that is found in chicken eggs. Therefore, do not experiment, but seek the advice of a pediatrician. See also: Introduction of complementary foods to children with food allergies
Baby biscuits and crackers
At seven months, some babies begin to erupt their first teeth. Therefore, you can add crackers and children's cookies to food. But do not forget that they should not be too hard so that the child does not get hurt and choke. It is also better to choose special products without added salt, sugar, synthetic leavening agents and preservatives.
Important The child should eat solid food in a sitting position and strictly under adult supervision.
Consistency of dishes
The main component of the diet remains liquid and homogeneous (without lumps) - breast milk or milk formula, milk and dairy-free cereals. As the baby grows, the baby's food should change from liquid and homogeneous to thicker and puree, mashed. When the body adapts and is able to digest solid food, they begin to carefully introduce small, medium and coarsely ground foods, give children's cookies and crackers.
At 7 months, some babies already have teeth, but they cannot yet chew thoroughly and safely swallow vegetables, fruits and meat. Therefore, solid food should be given only in a grated form. It is important that the puree is not too thick, otherwise the child may accidentally choke.
Tip If you are preparing puree yourself, carefully remove everything that is not frayed and can get into the respiratory tract of the crumbs: bones, fat, veins, skin, films. To make the puree easier to swallow, add some boiled water, unsalted vegetable broth, vegetable puree already familiar to the baby, or breast milk (milk mixture).
By about 7 months of age, the baby has mastered the “palm grip” skill and can independently hold solid food in the handle. From now on, you can give your child special baby cookies or snacks. At the same time, make sure that the baby eats slowly, in a sitting position and does not choke.
Important The baby should be ready to receive more viscous or solid food. Therefore, before changing the consistency of food for a child, consult a pediatrician.
Meal schedule and approximate daily menu
What can be given to children at 7 months and at what time to feed? Parents can begin to form a classic division of food consumption per day. But at 7 months, the baby needs to be fed not three or four, but five times a day at intervals of four hours. The first and final feeding is mother's milk or formula. Complementary foods are not given at this time in order to prevent overeating.
*Dairy-free porridge should be diluted with breast milk or infant formula given to the baby. Milk porridge is diluted with water.
Tip Do not salt or sweeten food. It is better to introduce the baby to sugar and salt after a year.
Sample diet for a 7-month-old baby allergic to cow's milk proteins: table
Nestle® Dairy-Free Rice Cereal*
Vegetable Oil (add to meal)
Gerber® Apple or Williams Pears Fruit Puree
130 g
approx. 1 tsp.
70 g
III feeding
14 hours
Gerber® vegetable puree Broccoli, Cauliflower
Vegetable oil (add to the dish)
Gerber® meat puree 170 g024 with rabbit 90 g02
about 1 tsp.
30 g
IV feeding
18 hours
Vegetable puree or dairy-free porridge**
Vegetable oil (add to meal)
Gerber® Tender Turkey Meat Puree
170 g
approx. 1 tsp.
20 g
V feeding
22 hours
Breast milk or formula for infants with intolerance to cow's milk proteins
200 ml
**you can either alternate porridge or vegetables, or offer a mixed dish - porridge with vegetables.
Now you know what products and in what form can be introduced into the menu of a child at 7 months. It is preferable if it is certified baby food that meets all age requirements and high safety standards.
See also: Do we cook ourselves or use baby food?
Frequently Asked Questions
1. At what age should complementary foods begin?
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends introducing complementary foods to your baby's menu at 6 months of age.
2. How to start complementary foods?
Experts advise starting complementary foods with one-component homogenized vegetable purees.
3. How much should a 7-month-old baby eat?
At 7 months, a baby needs a portion of food per day, which is equal to about ⅛ of body weight. This is 1000-1200 ml of food, excluding water, juices, children's tea. Divide this amount by 5 feedings and you will get an estimated amount of food per meal - 200-210 ml.
Articles on the topic:
Baby menu at 7 months: what is possible and what is not yet
- Anastasia Ivanovna, what are the nutritional features of children at 7 months?
— The menu of a baby at seven months is different from the menu of a newborn and a baby at one year old. This difference exists due to the fact that a number of body systems, including the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity, have not yet been formed in a newborn, he is only learning to suck. From four to six months, the diet begins to include complementary foods - food that is different from breast milk or infant formula. In the year of the child, in ideal conditions, they are transferred to a common table.
Some pediatricians recommend introducing complementary foods from five to six months, sometimes even from four. But the enzymatic system of the baby's body has not yet been formed, so pedagogical complementary foods are possible at four or five months, and pediatric complementary foods by six months.
— How to combine breastfeeding or bottle feeding with complementary foods?
— Pediatricians and nutritionists recommend separating these meals and giving the main dairy food and complementary foods in separate meals so that the child understands what he is eating.
If complementary foods started at 4-5 months
— What rules of baby food should parents know?
— The functions of the gastrointestinal tract are formed in such a way that the body needs to adapt to the incoming products. With proper complementary foods, it is important to monitor the child's condition in the food diary and, if necessary, consult a doctor.
Basic feeding recommendations for seven-month-old babies
- One new product is given in small doses at the beginning of the day every four days to monitor for allergies, constipation, peeling and other reactions.
- One new food can be given per feeding.
- Water is best offered between feedings and not given with complementary foods.
- Do not force-feed: if the child refuses some food, it can be offered at another time and in a different form.
- A child is not given unfamiliar food when he is not in a very good mood, teething, or has just been vaccinated.
- How to identify food allergies and find the allergen?
Observant mothers will see or hear the problem. The baby will have something on the body, constipation or indigestion will begin. A restless child will cry. To track the allergen, it is advisable to keep a food diary and keep your finger on the pulse. If there is a connection with the pediatrician, ask questions and, taking into account the vaccination calendar, the physiology of the development of your child, offer him certain products so as not to once again provoke an immune response.
What foods can be given at 7 months
Read also
- Why it is necessary to introduce meat complementary foods into the baby's diet and what foods can it be combined with.
— What purees and cereals can be given at 7 months?
- If this is the first complementary food for a baby, then monocomponent purees, dairy-free and milk porridges with one cereal in the composition are good: they are easier to digest and it is easier to track the body's reaction by them.
— In what order can complementary foods be given?
— If your baby is overweight by seven months, it is better to feed him vegetable puree. If everything is in order with weight, then preference can be given to cereals. All new products are introduced gradually: they begin to feed in the amount of 5-10 g, gradually increasing the volume to 50 g. By seven months, a portion of porridge at one time can reach up to 200 g. The third option for complementary foods, if parents want, can be fruit. It is in this sequence, because fruits are sweet, and the child does not always eat unleavened vegetables or cereals after them.
Each product will also have its own processing specifics:
- vegetables and fruits are given in the form of puree;
- purchased cereals are prepared according to the instructions;
- homemade porridges are boiled in water, then milk or mixture is added if desired;
- cottage cheese is properly stored in the refrigerator, tracking the expiration date;
- dairy, vegetable broths are brought to a single consistency (puree) so that the child develops the correct perception of the product.
— How many times to feed a child at 7 months and how much food to give?
- You need to focus on five feedings per day. If your baby cannot tolerate the interval between meals, it is worth supplementing with breast or formula after the introduction of complementary foods.
How to calculate the amount of complementary foods
A seven-month-old baby should weigh about eight kilograms. 1/8 of the child's weight is the daily amount of food, that is, approximately a kilogram of food, taking into account all feedings, or 200 grams per meal.
Sample menu for a 7-month-old baby (Russian Federation)
— At what age can semi-solid and solid foods be introduced into a child's diet?
- By 6 months, most babies are ready for a new food: the baby realizes that something is hard in his mouth. By the age of seven months, the skill of palmar grip is formed: the child is able to hold solid food in his hand, and he can be given biscuits and crackers to grind. Allergists and pediatricians consider 6-10 months as the optimal period to begin the introduction of semi-solid and solid foods. But if the swallowing apparatus is not formed, there may be problems with chewing and swallowing disorders up to the gag reflex.
— What should parents do if their child refuses to eat? How to create food interest?
— It is necessary to understand the reasons for the baby's refusal to eat, among which may be: The pediatrician will track changes in health by analysis and, if necessary, adjust the diet.
At seven months, significant changes occur in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the child actively shows interest in "adult" products, in new tastes. It will be easier for the baby to readjust if you choose products that will match his physiology and fully cover his needs for growth and communication.