How to defrost baby food in ice cube trays
Tips for Making, Storing, and Thawing Baby Food At Home – Square Baby
Katie Thomson MS, RD | Cofounder
How long can you freeze homemade baby food?
- You can store baby food in the freezer for up to six months.
- I recommend storing in an airtight container with minimal air or headspace.
- For optimal taste, quality and nutrient retention, consume frozen baby food within 1-3 months.
How should you defrost/heat homemade baby food?
- The best way to thaw baby food is to put tomorrow’s food in the fridge and let it thaw overnight.
- You can also use the microwave on the “defrost setting” if your baby food is in a microwave-safe dish.
- Remember, food that has been thawed should never be frozen again.
- Once thawed, keep refrigerated and consume within 2 days.
What's the best way to prep homemade baby food?
Food safety is of utmost importance. Before getting started:
- Wash your hands thoroughly.
- Scrub all working surfaces & equipment with antibacterial soap and hot water
Food Preparation Tips:
- Fresh fruits and vegetables should be scrubbed, peeled (as appropriate), and removed of any seeds that could pose a choking hazard.
- Meats and Proteins: remove bones, skin, connective tissue, and gristle.
Cooking Tips:
- If boiling, use a small, covered saucepan with a small amount of water until tender. The less water used, the more nutrients retained in the food.
- Puree food using a blender, food processor, baby food grinder, spoon or fork.
- Add a liquid such as breastmilk, infant formula, bone broth, yogurt, or water to achieve a desired consistency.
How should you store homemade baby food?
There are a couple options for freezing baby food:
- ICE CUBE TRAYS: scoop pureed baby food into clean ice cube trays, cover them with plastic, and stack them in the freezer.
Ice cube trays are ideal for creating individual, 1-ounce servings so less food goes to waste. And you can mix & match 1-oz cubes for variety.
- Put frozen cubes in freezer bags. This frees up the trays to make your next batch. As long as the cubes remain thoroughly frozen, they won’t stick together in the bag.
- 2-4 OZ CONTAINERS: There are several options in stores or online. Look for containers with a resealable lid. Microwave, dishwasher, and freezer-safe is most preferred.
Once thawed, how long does homemade baby food last?
- Once thawed, keep refrigerated and consume within 2 days.
- Always throw away any leftovers in which the baby’s spoon has dipped. Bacteria is introduced when you put a licked spoon back into a container.
- If your baby is not going to eat a full container, portion out what you think he or she will eat into a separate container and then serve.
The extra thawed food can be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to two days from the date it was thawed.
Square Baby's Story & Mission
100% Daily Nutrition. 0% Effort in the Kitchen.
I’m Katie Thomson -- a mom of 2 boys and a Registered Dietitian with a Masters in Nutrition. I’ve spent 15 years in the food industry leading health and wellness initiatives and consulting for brands like Starbucks, Red Robin, and Naturebox.
My badass cofounder, Kendall Glynn, is a mom of 3 and Certified Genetic Counselor with a Masters in Biophysics and Molecular Genetics. She spent her career in perinatal services and family planning. She was part of the leadership team at CPMC in San Francisco, launched San Francisco Perinatal Associates (SFPA), the first private, full-service perinatal center in SF. Since leaving SFPA, she has been actively involved in philanthropy for both Children’s Hospital Oakland and George Mark Children’s House raising millions for these two worthy causes.
We created Square Baby® to solve for every pain point we had when feeding our kiddos. We were disappointed with the options on the market — often unbalanced, misleadingly marketed, and a sea of uninspiring, shelf-stable, muted flavors.
We didn't want the next generation of babies growing up on so. much. applesauce. PSA: did you know many baby food pouches have the same grams of sugar as a bowl of LUCKY CHARMS? Mind. Blown.
Babies deserve better.
Our handmade meals are made with whole, organic foods — gently cooked, pureed in small batches, quickly frozen, and delivered right to your doorstep. Just like homemade, but better!
With my Dietitian hat on, I created the Square Meal System™ — where every Square Meal is perfectly BALANCED with organic veggies, fruits, whole or sprouted grains, and various protein sources. We even add healthy fats, herbs and spices for optimal nutrition and palate development. Balance is in the numbers! Our meals have HALF THE SUGAR as most pouches!
Our foolproof, interchangeable system means that ANY 2-3 Square Meals per day offers 100% Daily Nutrition! Our meal plans are customizable -- vegan? dairy-free? vegetarian? meat-eaters? looking for extra iron or omega-3's?
We got you!
And most importantly, we are the ONLY fresh baby food company offering a comprehensive allergen introduction option for each of the Top 8 Allergens.
That’s right!
As a science-based company, we are following the research and offering options like Peanut Pumpkin Pie, Coconut Shrimp Fried Rice, Almond Butter & Banana, and Salmon Mash. Because the research has shown that introducing babies to allergenic foods early and often can help prevent food allergies from developing by up to 80%!
Follow us on Instagram @squarebabyfood or reach out with any questions to hello@squarebaby. com -- we're so happy to help!
Whether you prefer to make your own baby food, or need a little help -- we're here to support and cheer you on.
xo, Katie & Kendall
This blog post is for information purposes only and shouldn’t be used as personal, health, nutritional, or medical advice. Always consult with your pediatrician before making any decisions about your child's health or readiness for various foods.
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Almond Butter & Banana
Apple Curry Chicken
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Apple Rosemary Lentils
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Avocado Greens
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How to freeze baby food at home
4 steps to freezing baby food
- Use ice cube trays or small food pots, which have been washed at a high temperature.
- Add the food into the trays or pots. Put the ice cube tray in a plastic bag. Remember that food will expand as it freezes, so don't overfill and leave enough space if you're freezing in sealed pot.
- Label everything, with the name of the food and the date of freezing. "Frozen stewed apple looks much the same as frozen asparagus soup," warns registered nutritionist Jo Travers, "or mealtimes end up like Russian roulette! Write on the date of freezing so you know when it needs to be eaten by."
- Put your food on the top shelf or as high up as possible. This helps to maintain the texture of the food better, as the top is usually the coldest part of the freezer, and so freezes more quickly.
Why and how do I use ice cube trays?
"Freezing baby food in ice cube trays allows you to defrost the small amounts your baby needs, when you need it," says nutritionist Jo Travers.
Flexible ice cube trays rather than solid ones are easier when popping out the frozen cubes.
Once they're fully frozen, quickly pop them all out onto a very clean surface. If you find they won't budge from the ice cube tray, run the back of the tray under cold water.
Place the cubes you want to keep (as long as they're still completely frozen) into a labelled plastic bag and return to the freezer.
How long can I keep food in the freezer for?
- Cooked vegetable purees: 6-8 months
- Cooked fruit purees: 6-8 months
- Beef and lamb: 4-6 months
- Poultry: 4-6 months
- White fish (cod, haddock etc): 6-8 months
- Oily fish (salmon, tuna etc): 3-4 months
- Sliced bacon and sausages: 2-3 months
- Soups and sauces: 3 months
- Bread: 2-3 months
3 things you need to know about freezing safely
- There’s no need to sterilise containers once your baby is 6 months as long as they haven’t had contact (or contained) milk products - but do make sure they’re clean
- Check that your freezer is at the right temperature (below -18°C)
- Cool food before putting it in your freezer
Our mums' advice about freezing baby food
Our forum is full of useful tips about freezing baby food from mums who are doing it every day. Anyone else had flying ice cubes?
Harjeet shares: "I froze food that I cooked for the first and a half month as I found that when I made a batch of food my little lion only ate 3-4 spoons to begin with. After this time, I mostly feed him what we ate as a family, so not as necessary to freeze the food.
"Freezing food really helped me save time; I didn’t have to prepare food 3 times a day. It’s worth freezing food immediately (once cooled) so that there is a stock of food in the freezer for when you have no time to cook or when you are not well! I found that by freezing food I could just grab something out the freezer in the morning for his lunch and at lunch get something for his dinner.
"I food that most foods freeze well, only bananas, avocados, rice and bread I would say not to freeze.
"I froze food for the first month, freezing the food in ice cube trays worked a treat. I would freeze a batch of food, once frozen transfer them into a freezer bag and then the ice cube tray is free for the next batch of food.
"Also, I froze pre-prepared meals that I brought from the shops. If there was some left in the pouch or jar, just pop it into the ice cube trays and freeze to use for next time. Best to freeze on the day of opening the meal."
"That's a great tip about freezing any left over jar/pouch food," says jodie-lou. "I've only frozen home made foods and brought leftovers have gone to waste. I will defiantly do this from now on to save on food costs!
"I have found freezing chunks of fruit is good for when they are teething or just nice for a hot day."
How should I defrost frozen food?
"If you have frozen food in ice cube trays, the individual cubes are pretty quick to defrost," says Jo.
"You can do this in a microwave on the defrost setting straight from the freezer, or use the hot water method by putting the frozen food into a glass bowl and float that in a larger bowl of hot water - this takes 10-15 minutes.
More like this
"Otherwise, leave food to defrost in the fridge, but this can take several hours. Don’t leave your food out of the fridge to defrost as bacteria may grow more easily."
TheOriginalLady77 shared her thoughts on our forum: "I just used to put mine in the microwave frozen, defrost for a min or two and then make it very hot and let it cool down...
"But it's not ideal if your baby is very hungry! You could defrost some overnight and then they won't take as long to heat up.
"I soon got fed up of ice cubes, only did that once! I had a few jars so I used to puree up the food and put it in the empty jars, then leave one jar in fridge for next day and freeze the rest.
"Then I'd take one out of freezer at night and leave it fridge overnight so was defrosted- then put half in a dish for lunch and use the rest for tea."
What food not to freeze
From a food safety point of view, there are few foods that cannot be frozen. However, the following foods tend not to freeze well:
- Raw eggs in shells
- Hard-boiled eggs
- Watery fruit and veg such as lettuce, cucumber, melon
- Leafy herbs like basil and chives
- Egg-based sauces such as mayonnaise and hollandaise
- Low-fat dairy produce like plain yoghurt, cottage cheese
What to do and not to do when reheating frozen baby food
- Do reheat food until it’s piping hot all the way through and allow it to cool before serving.
- Do feel free to freeze cooked food that contains ingredients that have already been frozen when raw (e.g. it’s fine to defrost a chicken breast, use it in a casserole, and then freeze the cooked casserole).
- Do only reheat as much food as you think your baby will eat in one go.
- Do eat food on the day of defrosting
- Don’t just warm food through, as this doesn’t kill bacteria.
- Don’t refreeze raw meat or chicken that has been frozen once already and defrosted.
- Don’t reheat frozen food more than once (e.g. don’t defrost a large batch of puree, reheat it for your baby’s lunch, and then reheat the leftovers next day.
Mum's tip: "I make little homemade lollies"
Babyarama's top tip: "They are good little portions too! I also make little homemade lollies from things such as fruit purees, fresh juice, left over fruit pouches and fruit fromage frais for when my LOs are teething or feeling hot!"
Read more:
- Our weaning and baby food tips and recipes
- How long can you keep frozen baby food for?
- How often should you introduce new flavours to your baby?
How to freeze baby food - Encyclopedia Baby food
Levchuk Victoria ©Levchuk Victoria ©
Knowing how to freeze baby food, you can cook and store whole batches of homemade food for a child, because this is a real find for busy parents.
Table of Contents:
There are several ways to freeze baby food - they all work equally well - but may take up varying amounts of freezer space.
By all means …
… homemade baby food must be prepared and then cooled as quickly as possible to prevent bacterial growth. Any food left at room temperature for more than two hours is not safe for a child to consume and should be thrown away.
To cool cooked food quickly, you can try putting it in a shallow container - you can even dip the container in a pot of cold water to help speed up the process.
How to freeze baby food - Method 1
Thoroughly clean the ice mold and the spoon that will be used in filling each section. An ice tray with a resealable lid is ideal as it prevents food from freezing or picking up any odors from the freezer. If there is no mold with a lid, you can cover with food-safe plastic wrap. Some people use foil, although we don't recommend it as some of the foil will remain in the food!
Place the filled ice cube tray in the freezer, and - once completely frozen - place them in ZIP bags that take up less space in the freezer.
This method produces small portions of baby food that are ideally sized - typically around 30 grams or so. One cube per meal may be enough for a child to start with, but as they grow, you may need to increase the number of cubes at a time or increase the ice cube tray.
You can also make many different flavors of baby food by mixing and matching different fruit and vegetable cubes, for example, the combination of cubed apple puree with cubed carrot puree, delicious!
Which ice mold should I choose?
Some ice cube trays are specifically made for baby food and do not contain potentially hazardous chemicals - but you can use a regular ice cube tray, or you might be advised to try a silicone mold, or even stainless steel trays, although the regular plastic version will do. if there is confidence in the quality of the workmanship.
How to freeze baby food - Method 2
Same as method 1, since the process of freezing baby food is the same, only silicone cupcake molds are used instead of an ice mold! Their flexibility makes it easy to remove food portions - plus, of course, their use is beneficial when the baby starts to eat more baby food!
How to Freeze Baby Food - Method 3
If no suitable freezer containers are available for baby food, baking paper can be used (although a little more freezer space will be needed initially).
Simply spoon the cooked baby puree onto the baking sheet to form small mounds (though note that this will not work if the puree is too thin). We cover the baking paper with cling film, freeze, and then mix the servings of food into bags, as before.
How to Freeze Baby Food - Method 4
Another good way to freeze homemade baby food is to divide the puree into freezer glass jars and place them in the freezer.
However, please note that you should never freeze baby food in glass jars unless the jar manufacturer has specifically stated that freezing is safe and possible.
Jars that are freezer safe must be properly labeled and distinguished from other tins (including commercial baby food tins) that are not strong enough to withstand the expansion of food that occurs during the freezing process.
This means that the jar may burst or, even worse, there may be small microcracks that cannot be seen with the eyes, but which will allow tiny pieces of glass to get into the baby's food.
How to Freeze Baby Food Method 5
Probably the most popular way to freeze homemade baby food is to use freezer trays or jars for baby food, there are so many options to choose from!
Manufacturers, recognizing the growing trend of parents to freeze baby puree, offer special forms of baby food that make life easier, well, because there is a lid! What's more, these molds are free of potentially harmful chemicals, which is something some plastic trays for general consumption are guilty of.
Tracking the finished product
Most types of baby food - especially purees - freeze perfectly. Sometimes you will have to experiment with texture, since the freezing process itself consists in the fact that the water in the product expands when it freezes, destroying the cell walls. This is especially noticeable when the whole food is frozen, for example a frozen banana will be very soft when thawed.
To reduce the hassle of freezing baby food here are some helpful tips.

- Do not puree too thin before freezing. Keep in mind that many foods become watery when thawed (especially fruits and vegetables), adding extra liquid before freezing will then add too much cereal to thicken!
- Herbs and spices tend to lose their flavor in the freezer. If a baby food recipe calls for them, it is best to add them after after the food is defrosted, just before heating.
- Baked foods - like homemade nuggets or fish fingers - are best frozen when almost cooked but not fully done. This is because the structure of the food when frozen and thawed can behave negatively.
— When freezing yogurt, remember that it may be too thin when defrosted. Sometimes stirring it well is enough to solve this problem - but in some cases, the resulting yogurt is too thin to eat with a spoon, so such yogurt can be used in a smoothie!
- A good result is obtained from freezing rice and oatmeal, which is good if the morning is like a nightmare and there is no time to organize a full breakfast. Only cereals should not be made too thin before they are frozen .
- Many fruits - especially apples and pears - can look very brown when frozen and thawed. This discoloration is a natural and harmless result of the fruit being exposed to air, but if it's a concern, mixing lemon juice and fruit puree before freezing can solve the problem. Please note that citrus fruits can cause an allergic reaction in babies, so you can use it with a changed color!
- If you want to make your own stock of vegetable or meat broth, which is convenient, you just need to prepare a large batch at a time and freeze. It's worth trying freezing in ice cube trays or baby food trays, as discussed above - then the ideal size of small portions will be in the freezer to use as needed.
- If baby food has been frostbitten, fortunately food safety is not affected - just thaw and then cut or spoon away the affected areas.
How to defrost baby food
The safest and easiest way to defrost baby food is to put it in the refrigerator overnight before feeding. Frozen baby food cubes take 8-12 hours to thaw in most refrigerators. Thawed baby food should be used within 24 hours.
Never, never refreeze defrosted baby food as this creates a risk of food poisoning for the baby.
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On our site Encyclopedia Baby Food there is useful information on the nutrition of your children, which is useful for everyone, and we update the site "Encyclopedia Baby Food" constantly and try to search and write only excellent, verified and necessary information for you and your children.
Disclaimer No. 1: It must be understood that the author of the articles on the Baby Food Encyclopedia website is not a medical staff, “I am not a doctor. ” The information I share is based on my own experience. My goal is not to teach you how to eat or feed your child, but to talk about how we did it, what new things I learned or read. This expands the picture of Baby Food knowledge, gives you a glimpse of the whole process so you can decide if you like it or not.
Disclaimer No. 2 : However, the above does not replace visiting a pediatrician. Before you start complementary foods, you need to get his professional opinion on the best way to introduce new foods for your baby. I also draw your attention to the fact that you need to look at the original date of the published articles, because some of the "best practices" may have changed. Always check with your child's pediatrician about complementary foods and their health.
Disclaimer #3: Keep in mind that every family is unique, every situation is also completely unique. There are no universal solutions. Only you can find what works best for you. Certain goals require certain sacrifices and priorities - not everyone wants to make those choices, and that's GREAT! Just know what you want to achieve, and be ready to get to work, putting the best of your strength!
Disclaimer No. 4: On the Encyclopedia Baby Food website, photos from books on baby food with attribution are used to better understand the information (Article 1274, paragraph 1, part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Literature on baby food is found in the public domain on the Internet.
Apricot puree with chicken
Banan-global puree
Banana puree
Bousse broth with peas and rice
Botterbrod with kolrabi
Rapid dessert
Spring salad with green Buckwheat porridge with apricots
Buckwheat porridge with banana
Buckwheat pilaf
Children's sausage
Children's milk porridge with banana
Children's vinaigrette
Children's ketchup
Children's cucumber salad
Children's salad Olivier
Children's porridge biscuits
Children's puree of strawberries, bananas, yellow cherries, yogurt and biscuits with cereals
Children's puree with cottage cheese and fruit
Homemade yeast bread with flax flour
Homemade cheese
Homemade pizza
5 Breakfast outside Kohlrabi appetizer
Roasted cauliflower
Roasted carrots
Roasted carrots and cherries with millet
Winter salad with Jerusalem artichoke
Cabbage with white beans
Cabbage salad like in a canteen
Mashed potatoes
Quinoa and pumpkin porridge
Quinoa porridge
Breakfast cereals
Quinoa and apple
Strawberry puree
Strawberry puree with banana
Strawberry compote
Wild apple and raspberry compote
Thermo-steamed fruit compote for children 8 months
Corn porridge
Corn porridge with pear
Corn porridge with pumpkin
Corn porridge with pumpkin and carrots
Corn porridge with apple and carrots
Chicken liver in the oven
Chicken cutlets with carrots
Chicken with carrots, sweet peppers and potatoes
Navy pasta
Pasta with orange sauce
Gremolata pasta
Muffins with vegetables and egg
Jacket new potatoes
Vermicelli milk soup15 Carrot puree
Carrot-rice casserole
Carrots with chicken
Fly agaric from eggs and tomatoes
Meat envelopes
Homemade Tarragon drink for children
Vegetable puree from cauliflower and carrots
Vegetable soup with corn semolina
Vegetable soup with cheese and corn semolina
Vegetable soup with spinach
Vegetable soup-puree with bell pepper
Pollock fritters
Hot yogurt fritters
Omelet and cauliflower 90 in a bag
Spinach and Cheese Omelet
Omelet Pancake
Peach Puree
Baked Apples 7 months +
Zucchini and Carrot Pie
Zucchini Pie
Rice and Zucchini Pie
Fish Pie
Fish and potato pie
White cabbage pizza
Lavash pizza
Zucchini, tomato and sausage pizza
Tomato and olive pizza
Spinach pizza
Rabbit pilaf
Chicken pilaf with green peas and corn Puree 9055 and cherries
Banana, cottage cheese and porridge puree 4 cereals
Broccoli (cauliflower) puree
Broccoli, courgette and cauliflower puree
Blueberry puree
Pear puree
Pear and banana puree
Pear and banana puree, baked
Pear and pumpkin puree 7 months +
Pear, pumpkin and peach puree
Pear, apple, plum and prunes puree
Blackberry puree
Turkey puree
Zucchini puree 90 zucchini and broccoli
Zucchini, carrot and potato puree
Quinoa and banana puree
Quinoa and carrot puree
Quinoa, banana and carrot puree
Quinoa, squash and carrot puree
Quinoa, peach and raspberry puree
quinoa, cauliflower, apple, peas and mint
Quinoa, apple, pear and raisin puree
Quinoa, apple, carrot puree
Rabbit, broccoli and cauliflower puree
Chicken, carrot, potato, apple and pea puree
Raspberry, cherry and banana puree
Carrot and apple puree
Carrot, potato, broccoli and cheese puree
Carrot, potato, apple and quinoa puree
Carrot, pumpkin, apple and prunes puree
Carrot, apple and potato puree
Turnip and carrots
Plum puree
Cottage cheese, strawberry and banana puree
Pumpkin puree
Pumpkin and banana puree
Pumpkin and squash puree
Pumpkin and apple puree
Pumpkin, apple and banana puree
Cauliflower and broccoli puree
Cauliflower puree and potatoes
Cauliflower and rice puree
Cauliflower and apple puree
Cauliflower, green peas and squash puree
Cauliflower, turkey and potato puree
Cauliflower, potato and squash puree
Cauliflower, carrot and broccoli puree
Cauliflower, carrot, cheese and rice puree
Cauliflower, apple and courgette puree
Zucchini puree
Zucchini and potato puree
Zucchini, carrot and apple puree 90 cherries
Blueberry puree
Prune puree
Apple, pumpkin, carrot and some curry puree
Apple and pear puree
Apple and strawberry puree
Apple, strawberry and cherry puree
Apple, peach and banana puree
Carrot and pumpkin puree
Cottage cheese and banana puree
Turkey, potato and carrot stew
Zucchini, carrot and broccoli stew
Fish, potato, carrot and broccoli stew
Rice porridge
Whole grain rice porridge
Rice porridge with pumpkin
Rice porridge with apples
Rice porridge with apple and pear
Rice porridge with apple and pumpkin
Fish cakes with vegetables
Semi-cooked fish
Fish meatballs with ketchup
Baby Fish Soup
Salmon and Celery Fish Soup
Carrot and Kohlrabi Salad
Chickpea Salad
Chickpea and Cabbage Salad
Lazy Soup
Creamy Kohlrabi Soup
Oatmeal Smoothie 90 Sauce Pot
Cheese Pizza
Pea and Bacon Soup
Baked Vegetable Soup
Kohlrabi Soup
Salmon Soup
Cauliflower Soup
Turnip Potato Soup
Meatball Soup for the Picky Eater
Kohlrabi soup with green apple
Rabbit, pumpkin, potato, broccoli and cauliflower soup
Beetroot soup
Pumpkin soup with mushrooms
Broccoli and celery soup
Soup/stew Pork with Potatoes and Carrots
Cheese Pasties
Pumpkin Cheese Sauce (Annabelle Carmel Recipe)
Buzz Lightyear Sandwich
Pumpkin Apple Puree
Pumpkin Apple Juice
Pumpkin Cake
Pumpkin Soup9 Puree
Fruit Salad 7 Bread lavash
Cauliflower with cheese
Linden tea and thyme
Experimental soup-puree with vermicelli and lentils
Apple puree
Apple juice
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"Encyclopedia Baby Food"!
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On our website Encyclopedia Baby Food there is useful information on the nutrition of your children, which is useful for everyone, and we update the website "Encyclopedia Baby Food" constantly and try to search and write only excellent, verified and necessary information for you and your children.
Disclaimer No. 1: It must be understood that the author of the articles on the Baby Food Encyclopedia website is not a medical staff, “I am not a doctor.” The information I share is based on my own experience. My goal is not to teach you how to eat or feed your child, but to talk about how we did it, what new things I learned or read. This expands the picture of Baby Food knowledge, gives you a glimpse of the whole process so you can decide if you like it or not.
Disclaimer No. 2 : However, the above does not replace visiting a pediatrician. Before you start complementary foods, you need to get his professional opinion on the best way to introduce new foods for your baby. I also draw your attention to the fact that you need to look at the original date of the published articles, because some of the "best practices" may have changed. Always check with your child's pediatrician about complementary foods and their health.
Disclaimer #3: Keep in mind that every family is unique, every situation is also completely unique. There are no universal solutions. Only you can find what works best for you. Certain goals require certain sacrifices and priorities - not everyone wants to make that choice, and that's GREAT! Just know what you want to achieve, and be ready to get to work, putting the best of your strength!
Disclaimer No. 4: On the Encyclopedia Baby Food website, photos from books on baby food with attribution are used to better understand the information (Article 1274, paragraph 1, part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Literature on baby food is found in the public domain on the Internet.
Disclaimer No. 5: Content, editing, proofreading, layout, etc. produced ONLY by the author of the site Encyclopedia Baby food. Therefore, I apologize for spelling, punctuation and stylistic errors. If you notice a mistake, please report it, and do not write angry comments about the illiteracy of the author of the article.
Apricot puree with chicken
Banana-apple puree
Banana puree
Broth with peas and rice
Baby mashed potatoes with cottage cheese and fruits
Home yeast bread with linen flour
Home cheese
Homemade pizza
Breakfast on the street
Opeling from kolrabi
Cauces baked carrots
Baked carrots and cherries with a prose of 9015 white beans
Cabbage salad
Mashed potatoes
Quinoa and pumpkin porridge
Quinoa porridge
breakfast cereals
Quinoa and apple
Strawberry puree
Strawberry puree with banana
Strawberry compote
Compote of wild apples and raspberries
Compote of dried fruits steamed in a thermos for a baby over 8 months old
Corn porridge
Corn porridge with pear
Corn porridge9 with pumpkin
Corn porridge with pumpkin and carrot157 Corn porridge with apple and carrots
Chicken liver in the oven
Chicken cutlets with carrots
Chicken with carrots, sweet peppers and potatoes
Navy pasta
Macaroni with orange sauce
Pasta with Gremolata
Muffins with vegetables and egg
New potatoes in their skins
Vermicelli milk soup
Carrot and potato puree
Carrot and rice casserole
Carrot with chicken
Fly agaric from eggs and tomatoes children
Vegetable puree with cauliflower and carrots
Vegetable soup with corn semolina
Vegetable soup with cheese and corn semolina
Vegetable soup with spinach
Vegetable soup-puree with bell pepper
Oatmeal porridge
pancakes from polions
pancakes on hot kefir
omelet in the bag
omelet with broccoli and cauliflower
omnete with spinach and cheese
Persian pyra
pies of 7 months +
cups of cable
Rice and zucchini pie
Fish pie
Fish and potato pie
White cabbage pizza
Lavash pizza
Zucchini, tomato and sausage pizza
Tomato and olive pizza
Spinach pizza
Rabbit pilaf
Chicken pilaf with green peas and corn
Banana and cherry puree
Banana, cottage cheese and porridge puree 4 grains
Broccoli (cauliflower) puree
Broccoli, squash and cauliflower puree
Blueberry puree
Pear puree
Pear and banana puree
Pear and banana puree, baked
Pear and pumpkin puree 7 months +
Pear, pumpkin and peach puree
Pear, apple, plum and prunes puree
Blackberry puree
Turkey puree
Zucchini puree
Zucchini and broccoli puree
Zucchini, carrot and potato puree
Quinoa and banana puree
Quinoa and carrot puree
Quinoa, banana and carrot puree
Quinoa, banana and carrot puree 9055
Quinoa, peach and raspberry puree
Quinoa, cauliflower, apple, pea and mint puree
Quinoa, apple, pear and raisin puree
Quinoa, apple, carrot puree
Rabbit, broccoli and mint puree cauliflower
Chicken, carrot, potato, apple and pea puree
Raspberry, cherry and banana puree
Carrot puree
Carrot and apple puree
Carrot, potato, broccoli puree with cheese
Carrot, potato, apple and quinoa puree
Carrot, pumpkin, apple and prunes puree
Carrot, apple and potato puree
Turnip and carrot puree
Plum puree
Cottage cheese, strawberry and banana puree
Pumpkin puree
Pumpkin and banana puree
Pumpkin and banana puree
and zucchini
Pumpkin and apple puree
Pumpkin, apple and banana puree
Cauliflower and broccoli puree
Cauliflower and potato puree
Cauliflower and rice puree
Cauliflower and apple puree
Cauliflower and green pea puree and squash
Cauliflower, turkey and potato puree
Cauliflower, potato and squash puree
Cauliflower, carrot and broccoli puree
Cauliflower, carrot, cheese and rice puree
Cauliflower, apple and squash puree
Zucchini puree
Zucchini and potato puree
Zucchini, carrot and apple puree
Cherry puree
Blueberry puree
Prune puree
Apple, pumpkin, carrot and some curry puree
toy apple puree apple and strawberry puree
Apple, strawberry and cherry puree
Apple, peach and banana puree
Carrot and pumpkin puree
Cottage cheese and banana puree
Turkey, potato and carrot stew
Zucchini, carrot and broccoli stew
Fish, potato, carrot and broccoli stew
Rice porridge
Whole grain rice porridge
Rice porridge with carrots
Rice porridge with pumpkin
Rice porridge with apples
Rice porridge with apple and pear
Rice porridge with apple and pumpkin
Rice porridge with apple and pumpkin
cutlets with vegetables
Ready-to-cook fish
Fish meatballs with ketchup
Fish soup for children
Fish soup with salmon and celery
Carrot and kohlrabi salad
Chickpea salad
Chickpea and cabbage salad
Laziest Soup
Creamy Kohlrabi Soup
Oatmeal Smoothie
Sauce in a Pot
Cheese Pizza Sauce
Pea and Bacon Soup
Baked Vegetable Soup
Kohlrabi Soup
Cauliflower Soup
Salmon Soup
with potatoes and turnips
Meatball soup for the picky eater
Kohlrabi puree soup with green apple
Rabbit, pumpkin, potato, broccoli and cauliflower soup
Beetroot puree
Pumpkin puree with mushrooms
Broccoli and Celery Soup
Pork Potato and Carrot Soup/Stew
Cheese Chebureks
Pumpkin Cheese Sauce (Annabelle Carmel Recipe)
Buzz Lightyear Sandwich
Pumpkin-Apple Puree
Pumpkin-Apple Juice 9015 Pumpkin Juice
puree soup
Fruit salad
Mango fruit salad
Lavash bread
Cauliflower with cheese
Linden and thyme tea
Experimental vermicelli and lentil soup puree
Apple puree
Apple juice
Frozen puree - harvesting vegetables and fruits for children for the winter » Suseki
Skwerl - Oct 12th, 2016
Categories: Freezing
Tags: Baby Puree, Frozen Pears, Freezing Vegetables, Apricot Puree, Pumpkin Puree, Blueberry Puree, Applesauce
trace elements. In summer, this is easy to do, there are many fresh vegetables and fruits, and in winter you need to come up with alternative options. A large number of manufacturers offer a wide range of ready-made baby purees, but are they really that good? After all, we do not know exactly what is in their composition, whether the technology of preparation and storage of products is correctly observed. And even if everything is fine there, then such a puree consists not only of vegetables and fruits, but at least sugar and thickeners are added there. So how to be? The answer is simple - make your own puree and store it in the freezer.
You can freeze in the form of puree absolutely any fruit, vegetable or even meat that a child can eat.
Ingredients: meat, vegetables, fruits
Time for laying: Summer, autumn
- 1 Furifier from vegetables
- 2 Fruit freezing
- 3 Features of storage
- 4.
Freeze vegetable puree
Most often, mothers prefer to freeze seasonal vegetables, such as: zucchini, pumpkin, rhubarb, celery, green peas, cauliflower, broccoli, spring carrots, spinach. In order to freeze mashed vegetables, you must first bring these same vegetables to readiness. In this case, stewing vegetables is most suitable, this allows you to save more vitamins than boiling. It is necessary to cook each vegetable separately and strictly observe the cooking time, so the zucchini will be ready in 15 minutes, and carrots or cauliflower will need 7-10 minutes more. You can also add pre-cooked meat to vegetables, children love this puree very much. Immediately after cooking, while still hot, it is necessary to turn the vegetables into a puree using a blender or by rubbing through a sieve, put them in a clean, dry dish and send them to the freezer.
Freezing fruit puree
Fruit puree is even easier to prepare than vegetable puree. To prepare it, you just need to thoroughly wash the fruit, peel and puree them in any convenient way. Most often, mothers prefer to prepare mashed potatoes for their babies from apricots, peaches, plums, pears, apples. You can prepare a combined puree, for example, apple puree with blueberries, strawberries, currants or raspberries. These fruits lend themselves well to freezing and do not lose their taste and useful properties.
Storage features
When it comes to baby food, it is very important to follow the food storage technology so as not to harm the baby. It must be remembered that baby puree cannot be re-frozen, so it is necessary to use dishes that fit only one serving. These can be jars of store-bought mashed potatoes, small plastic containers, ice molds. If there was a power outage and the products melted, they will have to be thrown away, it is not safe to give this to a baby (
Consuming frozen baby puree
To feed a child with frozen vegetable or meat and vegetable puree, you need to take out one serving and heat it in a water bath or microwave to the desired temperature, add a little butter or vegetable oil and you can eat.