Indian ringneck baby parrot food list
Feeding Your Indian Ringneck -
Ringnecks and Asiatic parrots are not picky eaters. Most ringnecks and Asiatic parrots will eagerly devour fruits and vegetables if they are given the chance. Only a few selected birds might refuse to eat alternative foods other than seeds. In my experience, if I ever did come across an Indian Ringneck who chose not to eat pellets, fruits, or vegetables–they were easily converted to a healthy diet in weeks. Asiatic parrots in particular seem to be birds that really enjoy trying different foods. My Indian Ringnecks have such an appetite that anything that is placed into their cage is quickly eaten up.
The Diet Of A Wild Ringneck
Wild ringnecks eat many things in their natural surroundings. These parrots enjoy fruits, blossoms, and seeds. Because of their need to eat fresh fruits many farmers around the world regard ringnecks as a serious pest. For example, it’s not uncommon for south east Asian farmers to complain about these birds. More recently many farmers located in Bakersfield, California are starting to complain about crop damage due to feral ringnecks. There, they are said to feed off orchards and damage the fruits before they can be picked. A majority of these feral ringnecks are also supported and fed by enthusiasts by backyard birdfeeders.
In the wild these birds seek fresh samplings that can easily be devoured. If none are present, many will resort to dandelion leaves on the ground. Some ringnecks dine on an occasional insects for protein. These birds eat a variety of foods and noting is off limits if it’s edible.
The Diet Of A Captive Ringneck
Feeding your ringneck does not need to be complicated. In fact, feeding them is quite enjoyable. These birds need a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, and pellets to enjoy a long life.
Many ringneck owners will only provide seeds while others only provide pellets. I believe doing so limits the optimal nutritional value. Ringneck were designed to eat a variety of foods and providing only one type of food is boring, unnatural, and could cause major health problems down the road. Many owners swear by one product while others dismiss products. Finding a food can get complicated and it can be overwhelming if you don’t know what to feed your ringneck. I like to keep things simple and feed a variety of everything.
When I first started breeding my Indian Ringnecks I was told never to use pellets that were artificially dyed. I can’t disagree with this statement more. I have been using a particular brand for a while and I have never run into problems with my bird’s health. I find this information to be misleading and no scientific evidence has been published to prove these accusations. My ringnecks are healthy and active and I attribute this to their diet. So finding a what works for you and your birds is the best answer here.
Seeds should be included in a healthy Asiatic parrot diet. Seeds should not be removed because these birds naturally eat seeds in the wild. Breeders insisted that seeds were bad for their birds because many of the parrots that only ate seeds developed problems. Seeds alone are fatty and can cause serious complications and shorten the lifespan of your Asiatic parrot drastically. If however, they are given in moderation then they are perfectly safe and healthy.
Mixing Seeds & Pellets Together
I would not advise mixing pellets and seeds together. Indian Ringnecks are smart and will easily avoid eating the pellets if possible. It is much better to rotate between the two. I keep the seeds in for four days and the pellets in for three days. This gives my ringnecks the opportunity to really eat and benefit from each food. Giving only pellets can cause a nutrient overdose; giving pellets in moderation will avoid this. The key is moderation and substitution here.
Please note, if your ringneck does not eat pellets, then you have to slowly introduce them into the diet before they are switched with seeds. The ringneck will starve itself if it has not learned to eat pellets.
Fruits & Vegetables
Fruits need to be added to your Indian Ringneck’s diet as well. Apples are probably one of their favorite fruits. Watching them eat their apples is fascinating and it is obvious they enjoy the taste of it. They eagerly drink the juice and chew the flesh into a pulp. It is amazing how quickly a slice will disappear. Grapes also seem to be a favorite and are enjoyed. Be sure to include all kinds of fruits such as oranges, kiwis, pears, mangos, and melons. Spoiled or old fruit should never be given to your parrot. Fruits provide antioxidants and are very healthy.
Though fruit is probably their first choice of fresh foods, vegetables need to be included into their diet as well. I give my Indian Ringneck raw baby carrots. Archimedes, my pet Indian Ringneck, will munch on a baby carrot for hours. He holds the carrot in his hand and takes small bites. Leafy greens need to be included too. I just place the leaves whole into the cages. Most Indian Ringnecks will not hold them but will gently tear off chunks. Warm squashes such as pumpkin, zucchini, or banana squashes are enjoyed if they are cubed and boiled. Be creative and always offer vegetables to their diet.
You also need to feed your parrot items rich in protein. Too much protein is not good; however, a few chunks of cooked meat is ideal. I find that shredded turkey or chicken will do the trick. Once a week I offer some kind of protein item. Just be sure to remove it an hour after being placed into the cage. This will ensure it does not spoil.
Remember, feeding your Indian Ringneck does not have to be difficult. These parrots will eat anything you cook just be sure to avoid oils, salts, and preservatives. If you cook, prepare vegetables and fruits while you make your meals. It saves time and can be stored and given throughout the week. If you properly feed your Indian Ringneck you can expect him to live into his 20s.
Hand Raised Indian Ringneck Information
Hand raised indian ringnecks are only available at one period a year as they only breed once a year. If you are after a hand raised pet and want to lock one of our babies in for your self next season call us the shop on 02 96672555
The fact is, that these birds make wonderful pets with training. Many people are turned off by young Indian Ringnecks as they often become a bit nippy after being weaned, this is due to hormones running through there body. With patience, the right training and care, your bird will soon overcome this stage and become a fantastic Hand Raised bird. So never give up on your bird it is the worst thing you can do. Ringnecks that are handled regularly become a very sweet bird with a pleasant nature. These birds are very inteligent and toys are very impotant. With the right training these birds can also talk.
These birds natural habitat semi desert, open shrub and bushland and ever green forest in India and Asia. They also inhabit gardens orchards towns and cities where they rely on rich fruit bearing vegetation and locals who feed them. The Indian Ringneck have become introduced pests in some countries and has the potential to become another introduced pest in australia. With the right precautions and care we can greatly reduce this possibility.
Description and Sexing Indian Ringneck Parrot’s
The indian ringneck in its natural form is a medium to small sized parrot with a red hooked beak and a long tail. They are 37 cm to 43 cm long including the tail and green in colour. A mature male will develop a black and pink ring around its neck around two years of age, where females will never develop a ring, like a juvinile. In captivity there are many variations in colour. Colours range from bright yellow, blue, albino to violet and mixed variations.
Baby indian ringneck parrot’sCare and feeding indian ringneck parrot’s
feeding your ringneck does not need to be complicated as they are good eaters. These birds will always eat there favourite food usually the least healthy food first. This is not as issue leave the food there and they will eat the rest. Your bird having a varied diet will increase the health of your birds so if they still have pellets and seed left then there is no need to throw it out. This does not include birds under 4 months old as they should be fed an all you can eat buffet.
Diet for Indian Ringneck’s
Seed-Feed your Ringneck’s a good quality small parrot seed, this seed is advisable as it does not contain as much sunflower as the normal Parrot mix. Be wary of some supermarket mixes as the quality may be low grade, if you are unsure of the seed you are using ask your local bird expert.
Sprouted seed– use a cockatoo seed mix to make your sprouted seed mix and be sure to clean your sprouted seed with aviclens before feeding to your birds to remove any bacteria.
Pellets– Feed in a separate dish not with the seed if you want to get the best value and less waste. Many people find their bird will prefer to eat seed which is normal, do not feed your bird more seed until both the pellets and seed dishes are empty. Suitable mixes for indian ringnecks are kaytee pellets, tropmix, vetafarm nutriblend pellets, vetafarm paradise pellets. I have trialed all of these pellets and they have all shown great results in bringing out the best in your feathered friends keeping them in optimum health.
Fruit– apples, guava, mango, pear, stone fruit, rockmelon, orange, grapes in moderation
Greens and Vegetables– corn, pumpkin, sweet potato, spinach, silver beet, seeding grasses, green grass, chickweed, green beans, cucumber, broccoli, squash, bok choy
Vitamin Supplement– added via the water supply, this is not necessary if you feed your bird any of the pellets mentioned above.
Calcium– Calcium perches or calcium bells are recommended for these birds I don’t recommend cuttlebone for Asiatic parrots.
Vitamin D supplement– Essential for Indian Ringnecks that are inside and do not receive direct unfiltered sunlight. Sun through a window is filtered so will not allow your bird to absorb vitamin D. Birds and humans as well are unable to absorb calcium without vitamin D supplement.
Fresh water–
Do not feed Indian Ringnecks avocado, onion or cocoa.
Diet for a baby indian ringneck
Young birds should be provided with an all you can eat buffet of fruit, veg, nuts, pellets and seed. Unlike older birds where you would leave the food until they have dated it all younger birds can be picky and need more encouragement to feed. Baby birds having too much fatty food isnt as much of an issue as it is for a mature bird.
Housing for tame ringnecks
When looking for a cage to house your Indian Ringneck, you want to look for a cage that is large enough for your bird to stretch its wings and have a flap without hitting any toys and food bowls of the side of the cage. Your cage must have room for atleast 3 to 4 toys and 3 food bowls. Keeping all this in mind when buying a cage and get the largest cage you can afford to make sure your bird remains happy, healthy and tame, staff at birdsville can help you with this selection.

Introducing your new bird to existing birds and mixing birds
If you alread have an Indian Rinkneck at home and your get a second one, it is important once you take your new bird home you should keep it in a separate cage and allow the bird to adjust to the environment. Place the two cage side by side to allow the two birds to get to know each other. Always allow at least 2 weeks before introducing the new bird to an existing bird outside the cages or in the same cage. Use this time to get to know your new ringneck and start training.
Your new ringneck will need to be wormed in a few weeks to two month after being taken home (check with the staff from Birdsville, when purchasing). Young birds that have been recently weaned have a delicate bacteria’s developing in there gut, worming at this stage could harm the bacteria’s development and your new bird. Worming will need to be done
every 6 month. Worming your bird is essential for the health of your indian Ringneck.
Lice & Mites
The two most common parasites that you may encounter when owning an Indian Ringneck is lice and mites, but they are easily controlled with a spray, which is available at Birdsville.
Training your ringneck is an important factor of having a well behaved hand raised bird. You need to handle your bird in a quiet, relaxed situation. Spending time with your bird while watching TV or reading is perfect, but don’t over stress your bird in the first few weeks of taking it home babies need rest. The more time you spend with your ringneck, the better it will become. Indian Ringnecks can be tame when you purchase them and turn wild after a few days, this is quite normal with young birds as the hormones levels are very high at this age which is probably a survival tactic in the wild. If this happens it is essential that you handle the bird as much as possible. The worst thing you can do is not handle the bird because you are scared of being bitten, your bird will turn wild if it is not handled. If you are scared of the bird place some gloves on and handle the bird for lengthy periods of time while you are reading or watching tv and it will not take long before your bird settles down and loves your company. Remember your bird will not get a chance to bond with you if your not handling the bird.
Toys are used as a form of environmental enrichment but enrichment shouldnt stop there. As an ex zoo keeper it was a major concern that all animals must have a variety environmental enrichments to keep the critters entertained. This is in no way different for anyone who has a tame parrot at home. Enrichment is important because parrots simply can not thrive with only perches, food and water. The fact is birds provided with enrichment are unlikely to develope psychological problems such as self mutilation, feather plucking and excessive squarking. Enrichment WILL in fact effect your bird in a positive way with its mental and physical development when training your bird you will actually end up with a better, less fearful, friendlier and relaxed bird which will be more easily trained. Enrichment for your Indian Ringneck can be chew toys, play toys, leather toys, acrylic plastic toys, wooden toys, shredding toys, ropes, swings, ladders, bells, balls, birdie balls, plain card board, small boxes, wicker baskets, tray of wheat grass, plants, bird baths, different foods, food kabobs and nuts, Just to name a few (all available at birdsville). You may also find in your local area pine cones, hide food inside pine cones, twigs, bendy branches, flowers and branches- safe flowers are bottle brush, grevellia, eucalypt melaleuca flowers, hubiscus, marygolds, dandy lions leaves and all, roses, violets to name a few.
Note anything found outside should be disinfected and non poisonouse. Toys must be non toxic.
Enrichment tip- the trick to keeping them entertained is regularly rotating toys as they will become bored with the same toy in there cage day after day. Changing them regularly will create interest for your Ringneck as if they are receiving a whole new toy to play with.
photos and descriptions, content features, lifestyle and various facts
Many people who want to have a pet and love birds, after carefully studying the various offers, as a result, decide that the necklace ringed parakeet will be the best choice for them. Why? There are many reasons for this, from beauty to sharp mind. Of course, before making such an important decision, it is worth finding out why ringed parrots are interesting, how to care for them, how many years they live.
Of course, one of the main reasons why these birds are so popular is their beautiful appearance. Indeed, these parrots are amazingly beautiful, even graceful. Their size is average - the length is usually from 30 to 50 centimeters with a wingspan of about 40 centimeters. An interesting sign by which you can immediately identify this breed is a stepped tail.
The beak is quite large, rounded, which makes it convenient to crack small nuts, getting a tasty kernel, and also to pick out the hard shell of tropical fruits, which are the main diet of annelids.
But with coloring, everything is not so simple. For example, the Indian ringed parrot has a green, saturated color. His Chinese relative also has green wings, more likely even with an emerald tint. But the head is gray or even blue. Breast and belly grey. Some breeds can boast of an elegant yellow color, and there are birds with snow-white plumage. But they are all united by the presence of a kind of "necklace" on the neck - a small strip of dark color. Sometimes it has the shape of a "tie".
The wings are long and sharp, thanks to which parrots can develop considerable speed in the wild.
But their legs are not so lucky - they are rather short and weak. Because of this, when climbing branches, birds actively use their beak as a third support.
Where do they live
Some may find this question strange. After all, everyone knows that parrots live only in warm countries. However, ringed parrots broke this tradition a little. More precisely, initially they lived in tropical countries - mainly in India, Thailand, Sri Lanka and a number of small states located on the Indochina peninsula.
But in the beginning and middle of the 20th century, thousands of individuals were taken to Europe - the keeping of bright exotic birds just became fashionable there. Many parrots flew away due to inept care. Of course, some died because of the unusual climate, the surrounding flora and fauna. But, surprisingly, some survived and gave birth. As a result, today ringed parrots can be seen, although very rarely, in Germany, England, Belgium and Holland.
In the wild, they have a rather strict schedule. In the morning, shortly after sunrise, the entire flock, often consisting of hundreds of individuals, flies into thickets of fruit trees. Having had their fill, they rush to the pond.
Shortly before noon, when the hottest hours approach, parrots hide in the dense canopy of trees to wait out the heat.
A few hours before sunset, they repeat their route - eat and drink before going to bed.
However, once in a cage, ringed parrots change their habits quite quickly and easily. They sleep soundly all night, and play actively all day long, eating delicacies brought with appetite.
Where to keep them
Before you make a responsible decision and buy a bird such as a ringed parrot, you need to find out what care is about it.
First you need to decide on the place of residence of the pet. Of course, he can live in a small cage, like budgerigars, but such a life cannot be called happy. The ideal solution would be a spacious aviary. In it, the bird will spread its wings and at least fly a little. Alas, not every parrot lover will agree to allocate half a room for an aviary. Therefore, at least make sure that the cage is spacious enough. Also, do not forget to let the bird out of the cage at least once a day so that it stretches its wings - this breed loves to fly very much.
Not every cage is suitable. Modern designs, in which thin twigs are connected by flimsy plastic or wooden slats, will briefly hold the parrot with its massive beak. He will dismantle such a cage in a matter of hours or days.
The optimum temperature for living is 20-25 degrees. Yes, although the bird comes from hot Southeast Asia, it does not like special heat. But the humidity should be quite high - not less than 60%. Otherwise, the development of diseases that affect the respiratory tract of the bird is possible.
Choosing the right food
The happiness, health and longevity of any exotic animal in captivity depends primarily on proper nutrition. And the Chinese ringed parrot is not at all an exception, like other varieties.
In the wild, nuts and seeds of various plants form the main diet, which is why they need such a powerful beak to cope with thick shells. Therefore, the grain mixture with the following content will be optimal:
- 40% millet;
- 30% oats;
- 20% sunflower seeds;
- 10% fresh vegetables.
An adult, healthy individual should eat at least 30 grams of this mixture per day. If the appetite has deteriorated sharply - do not hesitate to visit the veterinarian.
Also don't forget to add mineral supplements for parrots regularly - these are available at any pet store. A lack of minerals often causes feather tarnishing.
Every two or three days, a little boiled sweet corn, wheat germ, almonds or walnuts can be given. But not too often! These are quite high-calorie foods, and a bird, not being able to fly, burning excess energy, can earn itself problems with being overweight.
But sometimes you can also give soft food - in nature, parrots often eat various fruits. Suitable:
- fat-free cottage cheese;
- porridge with water;
- hard-boiled chicken eggs;
- white bread.
But these supplements should not be given more than once a week.
Follow the rules of feeding and do not give foods that you are not sure about the benefits. In this case, the parrot will delight you with its beautiful appearance and well-being for many years.
Determining the sex of a pet
Many people decide to get a parrot in the expectation that it will bring not only positive, but also a certain profit. Not surprisingly, for such an exotic bird as ringed parrots, the price is set at around 4 thousand or more. So, selling even a couple of fledglings a month, you can strengthen the family budget quite well.
Of course, for this you need to buy a pair of parrots, or better - one male and several females. Accordingly, you will have to learn how to determine their gender.
There is a serious problem here. The fact is that ringed parrots acquire noticeable differences only at the age of three years. Before that, only an experienced ornithologist can determine where the male is and where the female is.
It is by the age of three that the necklace that gave the name to the whole breed becomes clearly visible - it has already been mentioned earlier. It begins to form earlier, but until that time it is almost impossible to distinguish a female from a male.
How to breed them
You have finally got the long-awaited birds, for example, the small ringed parrot breed. Now you need to create all the conditions for them to reproduce.
The selected pair (if you have a whole flock) moves to separate cages. They practically should not contact each other and even more so with other birds. After a week of seclusion, you can bring them together in a common cage - quite spacious. A wooden house should be installed there, having a hole of about 7-9 centimeters. The bottom must be covered with shavings or sawdust - a more suitable bedding cannot be found.
If all goes well, the female will lay eggs within a few days - usually 2 to 4 eggs. They are exclusively cared for by the expectant mother. Dad takes care of the "beloved", feeds her, spins around all day.
The incubation period varies significantly depending on the variety and can range from 22 to 28 days. The larger the breed, the longer the female incubates the eggs. The nest (and, accordingly, the house) small parrots will begin to leave after about 6 weeks. Make sure that all this time the female, as well as her cubs, receive the best, freshest and balanced nutrition.
Average Lifespan
A very important factor that many breeders consider before purchasing a new pet is its longevity. No wonder - one does not want the parrot, to which the owners only managed to become attached, suddenly died. And the other, on the contrary, does not want to have a pet that can live for decades - after all, this is a serious responsibility.
Well, the ringed parrot is a good choice for serious owners who want to have a friend for many years. Most varieties have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years. The larger the individuals of the breed, the longer they live. A large ringed parrot is considered a long-liver.
Is it possible to teach them to talk? It depends on the breed - some are able to master dozens and even hundreds of words. Others are not even able to voice a couple.
Fortunately, ringed parrots are distinguished by intelligence - individuals with which the owners diligently deal with are able to remember 50-60 words and even phrases. To speed up the learning process, you can give a few tips:
- Start learning with the simplest words - short, preferably monosyllabic.
- Reward the bird for any success - stroke it, give it some treat.
- Never yell at a parrot if it fails to achieve success for a long time - there will be no benefit from this, but fear of you may appear.
- Practice in silence, when nothing will distract the bird from your words.
Now you know enough about ringed parrots to decide whether to get these pets or give preference to others. One thing is for sure - if this beautiful, large and intelligent bird appears in your home, you will never have to regret your decision.
Foods Not to Eat a Parrot
If you decide to get a parrot, you should be aware that regardless of the species chosen, it will require careful care and a special diet, as birds are sensitive to any changes in nutrition. Some products are completely contraindicated for them - for good reasons.
Ksenia Ilchenko
What foods should I avoid to keep my pet healthy and alive?
Contents of the article
What do parrots eat?
When compiling a diet for a new pet, you need to know exactly not only what it needs to be fed, but also those foods that are contraindicated for it. Gross violations of the diet can cause serious digestive disorders or even poisoning and death of the bird. We will talk about food groups that are suitable and not suitable for the nutrition of a parrot, regardless of its type.
What can I feed my parrot?
- Fruit. Parrots can eat any fruit, including apples, oranges, pears, apricots, melons, strawberries, tangerines, grapefruits and bananas. Birds need to get a fruit platter daily. Its composition must be changed frequently to ensure diversity in the vitamins and minerals consumed.
- Vegetables should also be part of a parrot's daily diet. You can give your pet spinach, broccoli, chard, endive, carrots, radishes, green garlic, celery stalks, and sweet peppers. As with fruits, it's important to keep them varied.
- Dry bird food. Although not required, experts strongly recommend supplementing your parrot's diet with dry bird food.
It must be specially designed for the parrot family (lat. Psittacidae).
- Plant seeds. They should not be given as often as fruits or vegetables, but they are just as important. However, not all seeds are good for parrots. Below we will talk about toxic species that can cause poisoning in a bird.
List of Prohibited Foods
Pet owners should consider their digestive system. It is very important to avoid foods that can be toxic to parrots or cause multiple and dangerous side effects.
If you want your parrot to always be in good shape, completely eliminate the following foods from his diet:
- salt;
- avocado;
- chocolate;
- milk;
- meat;
- soft drinks and alcoholic drinks;
- carbonated drinks;
- sugar in general;
- coffee;
- raw potatoes;
- eggplant;
- onion;
- garlic;
- fried food;
- food with artificial colors;
- food with artificial flavors;
- canned food;
- artificial juices;
- spices.
Although whole milk is not recommended for a parrot, some dairy products without salt can be added to his diet, but only in limited quantities. Bones and seeds of plants and peanuts should not be given to Amazonian species of parrots, as they are high in calories, and these birds are prone to obesity.
Which fruit seeds are toxic to parrots?
In their natural habitat, most parrots feed on tropical fruits, of course, along with the peel and seeds. Fruits growing in our country are also considered relatively safe for their nutrition, but there are species whose seeds contain toxins that are potentially dangerous for birds. Parrots can only be given pulp, peeled from the core. These fruits include: apples, cherries, pears, plums, nectarines, peaches, apricots.
Symptoms of poisoning in parrots
The use of the above products often leads to unwanted adverse reactions that threaten the health of the bird.