Is it good to feed baby in sleeping position
How to Effectively and Comfortably Do It
Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors
Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on March 02, 2021
In this Article
- How to Breastfeed While Lying Down
- Why Breastfeed While Lying Down?
- Is Breastfeeding While Lying Down Safe?
Breastfeeding often means staying in one position for an extended period of time, multiple times each day and night. Fortunately, some breastfeeding positions allow the mother (or person breastfeeding) to lay down and effectively feed a baby. Not only are these reclining positions potentially more comfortable for the mother, but they can also provide some benefits in other situations, too.
How to Breastfeed While Lying Down
The key to breastfeeding while lying down is finding a position that is comfortable and safe for both you and the baby. Here are two common positions you can use for breastfeeding while lying down:
Laid-Back Breastfeeding. In this position, the mother leans back on a couch or bed to nurse her baby. It is best to not lay all the way flat, but prop yourself up partially with some pillows. Make sure that your head and your back are fully supported so that you can completely relax for the feeding session. Baby can lay across your chest, or lengthwise down your torso. There are plenty of benefits to this position including:
- Baby can achieve a deep latch on the breast
- Relaxing for mother
- Can be used on all sizes of babies
- Can be used while feeding twins
- Gravity can help slow the flow of milk if it is too fast for your baby
Side-lying breastfeeding. This position is when a mother lies on her side next to her baby and nurses. It is easiest to do in bed, on the floor, or a large couch. Keep your head and back in a straight line, and put your head on a pillow or your arm. You may need to lift your breast or nipple to your baby's mouth. Sometimes, it's more comfortable to bend your knees, or even put a pillow between them.
Benefits of side-lying breastfeeding include:
- Easily used in bed
- Allows mother's body to rest
- Avoids pressure on C-Section stitches or other painful areas during recovery
- Can be helpful for mothers with large breasts
Why Breastfeed While Lying Down?
After having a baby, breastfeeding lying down can be helpful for many reasons, including:
Recovery. If a mother is recovering from a C-Section, an episiotomy, or vaginal birth, sitting up for an extended period may be uncomfortable or painful. Nursing while lying down may help to avoid pain while recovering from birth.
Comfort. Supporting the weight of a nursing baby can be hard on a mother's shoulders, arms, and back. For some women, nursing in a reclining or lying-down position eases the strain on her upper body.
Sleep. Falling asleep while breastfeeding can be very dangerous for an infant. However, many mothers who co-sleep (defined as baby sleeping in the same room, on a separate and safe sleep surface) find that night feeds are easier while laying down.
Clogged ducts. It is not uncommon for a breastfeeding woman to experience a clogged milk duct in her breast. Nursing in different positions can help a clog pass, including nursing lying down.
Is Breastfeeding While Lying Down Safe?
Yes, when done correctly, breastfeeding while lying down is perfectly safe. Follow these tips to make sure your baby is comfortable and safe:
- Practice during the day before trying to use it at night
- Ensure that your space is free from excess pillows and bedding
- Do not fall asleep while nursing in a lying-down position
- Always pay attention to your baby
- Always use safe sleep practices for your baby
Side-lying or laid-back nursing can be dangerous if a mother falls asleep; if a baby falls or is smothered by bedding, clothing, or a mother's body, it can be extremely dangerous. But when done correctly, breastfeeding while lying down can be relaxing for both mother and baby.
Ultimately, learning how to utilize a variety of positions for breastfeeding can be very helpful for both mother and baby. Being able to adjust to different situations and locations can make breastfeeding easier and less stressful for both of you. If you have questions or need breastfeeding support, consider reaching out to a lactation consultant or speak to your doctor.
How and When to Do It
You see your baby smacking their lips and sticking out their tongue, and you know it’s time to feed them. But you’re feeling groggy, exhausted, and physically weak. How are you possibly going to get through another feeding?
Breastfeeding your baby every 2 to 3 hours is hard work! You deserve a break, and breastfeeding while lying on your side can help you relax. You can rest while also bonding with and feeding your baby.
Sound too good to be true? It’s not! Breastfeeding on your side is considered one of the most popular breastfeeding positions. It just might be worth a try.
One of the best parts of side lying breastfeeding is having the opportunity to rest your body while feeding your baby. Allow us to walk you through some simple steps to make it a comfy experience for both you and your baby:
- Place your baby on their back in the middle of the floor or on a large bed. If you’re on a bed, remember to keep loose sheets, blankets, and pillows away from baby’s face to minimize risk.
- Lie down next to your baby, with your stomach lined up near baby’s head. You can use a pillow under your head, just make sure that it’s in a place that your little one can’t reach it! (You can also use a pillow as back support or between your legs if that will make you more comfortable lying on your side.)
- Slide your little one up so their nose is level with your nipple and your arm is above their head. Or cradle baby with their back along your forearm. (But don’t rest baby’s head on your upper arm.)
- Roll your baby onto their side pulling their hips or knees close to your hips.
(Your spine and your baby’s spine may form a “V” shape.) You can put a rolled blanket or pillow behind baby’s back to support them and prevent them from rolling away from you. Encourage baby’s nose to make contact with your nipple, but do not squash their face into your breast!
- Try to position baby so their ear, shoulder, and hip are in one line. This will help them get milk more easily.
- If needed, use the arm not resting on the bed to shape your breast and guide it into your baby’s mouth. However, many babies (especially older babies) will naturally latch on their own.
You may find that it is most comfortable to roll yourself and your baby to the other side to drain the second breast. If this is the case, you’ll want to follow the same latching routine described above, facing the opposite direction.
Some breastfeeding parents find that once the lower breast is empty, they can simply lean forward and feed their baby off their full top breast. If you choose to do this, make sure to completely drain the lower breast first.
Occasionally women will find that their breasts don’t drain fully or evenly after feeding in the side-lying position. Excess milk in your breasts can lead to engorgement, plugged ducts, mastitis, or a decrease in milk supply, so you’ll want to keep a lookout for this!
If your breasts aren’t fully draining, you should consider sitting up to finish the feed or expressing some milk to make sure that your breasts are appropriately drained.
If you’re feeling tired, side lying breastfeeding is a great option to help you and baby get a little more rest. But remember: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) still recommends that you and your baby return to separate sleep surfaces after the feeding is done.
Side lying breastfeeding may also be a good position if you had a cesarean delivery. Being able to lie down and not have the baby put weight on your scar is certainly appealing as you heal.
You might choose to use side lying breastfeeding to feed your baby during your recovery period. If you gave birth at a hospital, the hospital bed rails can help you feel confident that your little one won’t roll backwards during the feeding, which is an added bonus!
If you have oversupply or a forceful letdown, side lying breastfeeding can help your baby manage the flow of milk. When you lie on your side, gravity has less effect on your milk letdown, and your baby can more easily let extra milk dribble out of the corners of their mouth.
If you have larger breasts and struggle to help your baby find the right position, side lying breastfeeding can make it easier for baby latch.
Figuring out the picture-perfect latch can take a while! No one position is guaranteed to bring success for you and your little one, but side lying breastfeeding may be worth a try if you’re struggling with other positions.
Remember that with any breastfeeding position, your baby’s latch shouldn’t hurt. If your nipple is being pinched, put your finger into the corner of your baby’s mouth to break the seal. Then you can try to help your baby latch back on with a wider mouth.
Your newborn may seem so tiny and fragile that you’re wondering if it’s really OK to feed them while lying on your side. If you take the proper safety precautions, side lying breastfeeding can be done as early as the very first feed.
If your little one is very tiny, you may need to give them extra support. Use pillows or blanket around their bottom and lower back to support the proper feeding position. Just make sure to keep pillows away from their head and face!
Be sure to stay awake while feeding your newborn. Due to the higher risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) when bed sharing, you’ll want to make sure that if they fall asleep, your newborn is placed in a separate, safe sleeping environment.
If you’re a new parent, chances are high that you’re feeling pretty tired! Breastfeeding while lying down can be an amazing opportunity to rest your body and feed your baby at the same time.
Remember, if you’re having problems with breastfeeding or feeling pain when your baby latches, don’t hesitate to reach out to a lactation consultant. They can help you and your little one master new positions and troubleshoot problems so your breastfeeding relationship is successful.
interpretation of dreams about breastfeeding according to the dream books of Miller, Vanga, Freud, Loff
According to Carl Jung's theory, dreams are the guiding words of the soul. Although there is still no consensus on why we see them and what they mean, the analysis of night visions can help us understand the hidden area of our mind. A dream about breastfeeding can have a direct personal message to the sleeping person, hinting that one of your loved ones needs love, tenderness and care. Let's figure out together with an expert why breastfeeding is a dream from the point of view of psychology.
Breastfeeding in Longo's dream book
Yuri Longo believes that a dream about breastfeeding a child symbolizes love and affection. The script may hint that someone or something in your life needs care and protection. Also, this dream can reflect your own emotional need for love. Sometimes a dream is inherent in pregnant women. Such a night vision can appear to anyone. For example, if a man dreamed of such an action, it symbolizes the manifestation of your hidden talents to achieve everything you wish.
Breastfeeding a baby in Miller's dream book
A dream about breastfeeding a baby means that your unconscious desires to cultivate its creative ideas and start a new life.
The dream of a girl who has recently entered into a relationship with a partner represents the need to develop an alliance that has become very dear. You want to be loved and cared for. Thus, by maintaining close relationships, you can feel emotionally secure.
Women's breasts are a symbol of deep care. It also symbolizes the close bond between mother and child. A dream may advise you to take care of the people around you, you must support your family members, be close to friends in difficult times.
Breastfeeding in Vanga's dream book
A dream about breastfeeding symbolizes maternal affection. It represents a mutually beneficial relationship, full of tenderness, compassion, love and mutual care. A dream promises emotional support and your deepest desire to take care of people close to you. Sometimes such a dream can be interpreted as the satisfaction of primitive needs for protection. You are encouraged to nourish and cherish, love and comfort others who need it. Also, such a vision of breastfeeding symbolizes that life is beautiful and all good things will come to you.
Many believe that dreams about breastfeeding a child symbolize love and affection.
Breastfeeding in Loff's dream book
According to Loff's book, a dream asks you to give up old habits and go on a new journey full of love and care. The unconscious may hint at motherhood. The dream symbolizes harmony, prosperity, growth and new beginnings.
Also, vision represents a sense of belonging that you cannot live without, a deep attachment that is difficult to get rid of. You are not ready to let this person go out of your life.
Breastfeeding in Freud's dream book
Perhaps deep down you have a feeling of helplessness and insecurity. You need someone who will protect you, guide you the right way in life. There is an unconscious desire to depend on someone who is able to make decisions on your behalf. Sometimes a dream hints at the need to become independent and let go of your addiction.
Breastfeeding in the Hindu dream book
You cling to something or someone for emotional support. It is not easy for you to let go or separate from this source of care. You are holding on to past habits that you no longer need. But you are in love with them and they limit your growth path. Sleep symbolizes the fear of separation, it also means your inability to leave your comfort zone and emotional well-being.
Just remember that as you get older you will have to make room for new things in life.
Breastfeeding in the Family Dream Book
The dream symbolizes a low level of confidence and self-esteem. You are uncomfortable in your own body. Feelings of dependency on others usually come from feeling insecure. You are not happy being yourself.
The dream reminds you to stay positive. You have the power to change and live the life you want. Just focus on the positive things that surround you. Learn to challenge your negative beliefs and erroneous thoughts.
Breastfeeding in Tsvetkov's dream book
A dream about breastfeeding a child symbolizes kindness and positive. It represents parenthood, new beginnings, self-development, and achieving your life goals. As well as favorable changes that will come into your life. Thus, a dream promises hope for a better future.
Breastfeeding a baby in a dream, according to Tsvetkov, may mean that you will receive good news soon. This may be the news of pregnancy or building a new relationship. The dream portends pleasant events in the near future. Do not hesitate, all your problems will soon clear up, and you will achieve the best and greatest.
Breastfeeding in the dream book of Nostradamus
Breastfeeding in a dream symbolizes the creation of a new family. A vision can warn you of a possible pregnancy. And if you are expecting a baby, then it projects your subconscious concern for the fetus. The vision encourages you to embrace new changes and take the next step towards success. This dream is a sign of good luck, spiritual bliss, financial stability, as well as family happiness.
Breastfeeding in Hasse's dream book
When you dream of breastfeeding, be sure that changes will soon take place in your waking life. You can move to a new job or start a relationship. The dream action carries a message of positive change. When in real life you are not married and not pregnant, but still see this dream, it means that you are hatching a creative idea in reality. You are on the path of self-development.
Expert comment
Victoria Borzenko, astrologer, tells the meaning of sleep:
Such dreams can be instinctive, that is, reflect the intuitive desire for pregnancy in reality. This happens to many women even before the tests actually confirm the upcoming happy event.
By the way, such dreams are often seen by men who dream of having a child and starting a family.
Night visions about breastfeeding a baby can be associated with the concepts of protection, guardianship, fatherhood, creating and strengthening bonds between family members. The very act of breastfeeding in a dream usually has a positive meaning. Subconscious illusion will bring good luck.
Why dream of breastfeeding a child
Why dream of breastfeeding a child
A dream in which you had to breastfeed a child predicts enrichment. It will bring a new job, high position, part-time job or entrepreneurial activity. Having solved all the money problems in one fell swoop, you will feel relief.
Focus your efforts on the professional sphere. They will be rewarded with high salaries or paying customers.
Content of articleBreastfeeding a baby
A vision where it happened to breastfeed a baby indicates the humane qualities of the sleeping person. Among them there is caring, good nature, attentiveness with which you surround your family and friends. When they feel bad, they know that they can rely on you.
Breastfeeding someone else's child
Breastfeeding someone else's child in a dream - to troubles in reality. They will be created by an outsider, to whose request you will gladly respond. Due to a colleague's report or an elderly neighbor's illness, there will be no time to do things you love.
Breastfeeding a boy
Breastfeeding a boy - to sudden joy in reality. Most likely you will be presented with a pleasant surprise, a declaration of love or a profitable offer. A hurricane of positive emotions will make it easier to look at current problems.
Breastfeeding a girl
I had to breastfeed a girl in a dream - in the near future you will be swallowed up by household chores. They will be associated with moving, repairs, visiting relatives or organizing a magnificent celebration. Composure and diligence will help to successfully resolve the tasks that have come before you.
Breastfeeding a baby according to Miller's dream book
The dream in which you are breastfeeding a baby is a hint that in reality you can finally realize your plan. Any of your undertakings will be crowned with great success. You will have a chance to realize your potential, thanks to which your financial situation will noticeably stabilize.
If in a dream you saw someone breastfeeding a baby, this dream promises a happy marriage and the birth of several children.
An unmarried girl dreams that she is breastfeeding a baby - to joy, luck, which may turn out to be fleeting. Do not relax, so as not to miss the moment of change. For a married woman, such a dream portends happiness, success in business. The dream in which you are breastfeeding promises the fulfillment of your desires.
Breastfeeding a child according to Freud's dream book
If you dreamed that you were breastfeeding a child, you feel embarrassed before entering into a relationship. Such a dream suggests that you are a sensual, vulnerable person who knows how to enjoy intimate relationships.
Breastfeeding a child according to Hasse's dream book
Happiness; for unmarried - fragile fun.
Breastfeeding a child according to Evgeny Tsvetkov's dream book
Why dream of breastfeeding a child in a dream - not wanting to pay attention to your own vices and take measures to eradicate them. The dream in which you are breastfeeding a child indicates that you will suffer from your own laziness and inconstancy. You are prone to frequent tantrums and changes in your sexual partner, which cannot but affect your mental state.
Breastfeeding a child according to the Islamic dream book
Breastfeeding - indicates a need. And if a woman sees in a dream that a certain man is sucking her breast, then, verily, he will seize her property for himself. Why dream that you are feeding a baby - And if the patient sees that she is breastfeeding, then she will recover.
Why dream of breastfeeding a baby in a dream - to the opportunity to realize what was planned and favorable changes in life. The dream in which you are breastfeeding a baby suggests that soon you will meet a person who will radically change your life. Such a dream is interpreted as positive.
Breastfeeding a child according to the Christian dream book
Breastfeeding a child (for women) - a happy marriage and healthy children. Imagine that you are feeding not one, but two babies at the same time - certainly girls.
Breastfeeding a child according to the Women's Dream Book
If you dreamed that you were breastfeeding a child, this is a very good sign. Such a dream predicts the onset of a period of your life that is favorable in all respects. Without a doubt, you can take on the implementation of plans and the embodiment of your plans in reality - everything will certainly work out. Relations with the opposite sex will also be favorable. Married women are waiting for a family idyll and harmony in relationships, and the girls will meet their future husband.
Dreaming of breastfeeding in a dream - you need help and care or seek to help and support someone else. If you dreamed that you were breastfeeding someone else's child, your help will not be appreciated by those to whom you provide it. Such a dream means empty chores, useless deeds, a senseless effort to help others. Those people for whom you are trying will be ungrateful and will not appreciate your efforts.
Breastfeeding a child according to the dream book of Nostradamus
Breastfeeding a child in a dream means taking care of your future and the future of your children. Such a dream symbolizes faith in oneself and hope for a happy future, which will undoubtedly be justified.
Breastfeeding a child according to Loff's Dream Book
Seeing in a dream breastfeeding a baby in public means that your hidden thoughts and hidden desires can become public. Do not rush to share them with others to prevent the fact of disclosure. If a pregnant woman dreams that she is breastfeeding a baby, her birth will be quick and painless, and the baby will be born strong and healthy. Why dream that you are feeding a baby - A woman dreams that she is breastfeeding - to worries about her partner.
Often such a dream personifies caring for one's sexual partner, because in a relationship a woman is partly a mother for her husband, taking care of him.
Breastfeeding someone else's baby in a dream - to the betrayal of people whom you once helped a lot or continue to help at the present time.