Man feeds baby to pitbull
2021 Dog Bite Fatality: Newborn Killed by Family Pit Bull in Johnston County, North Carolina
A newborn baby boy was killed by a family pit bull in Johnston County, North Carolina.
Family Dog Kills Infant
Kenly, NC - A newborn baby boy is dead after being attacked by a pit bull. Just after 5:00 am, Kenly Police and emergency responders were dispatched to a residence in the 200 block of South Church Street. Arriving officers discovered that a male infant had been attacked inside the home by a female pit bull. The North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation and Johnston County Medical Examiner’s Office will be assisting Kenly Police with the infant's death investigation.
Police Chief Josh Gibson said the death is being treated as accidental. “First and foremost, we offer our sincere condolences to the family and their friends during this difficult time,” Chief Gibson said in a prepared statement. The pit bull was taken into custody by Johnston County Animal Services. Officials said the dog was surrendered to them. After a 72 hour hold, the dog will be euthanized. Counseling will be offered to all of the first responders who were at the scene.
Audio dispatch logs from Johnston County Public Safety at state it was a family dog. "Family dog, code blue, code blue," states the dispatcher. "Respond to a 1-month old male," states the dispatcher. The infant's death comes after 10-month old Malia Winberry was fatally attacked by a pair of family rottweilers in the same county back in May. The father of Malia was a law enforcement officer in Wake County and her mother worked for Johnston County's EMS.
In late April, 7-year old Jayden Henderson was killed by her neighbor's two pit bulls in the adjacent county of Wake County. After months of court proceedings, those pit bulls were finally euthanized. The death of Jayden, and the subsequent legal actions by the dogs' owners to have the dogs returned to them, received enormous press coverage in this area. Why "any" parent or caretaker would have a newborn baby in the same household as a pit bull is simply unimaginable to us.
On Thursday, WRAL News provided new information about the 8-day old baby boy's mauling death. Initially, Chief Gibson said the family had taken in the pit bull as a stray just a few days prior to the fatal attack. On Friday, Detective Rayne Biggs clarified that the dog was rehomed and familiar to the family. "The dog was rehomed, and the family was familiar with the dog from previous encounters," Biggs said. The identity of the infant boy was not released by police.
Infant Dog Bite Fatalities
Despite the fact that all dog breeds are "capable" of killing infants (< 1 year old), most dog breeds do not. Over the 16-year period of 2005 through 2020, canines killed 72 infants in the U.S. Pit bulls accounted for 49% of these killings, followed by huskies, 13%, rottweilers, 10%, and German shepherds, 8%. 16 different dog breeds inflicted these infant deaths, the majority of these breeds having only 1 death attribution. The AKC currently recognizes 197 different dog breeds in U.S.
Dog breeds "capable" of killing infants in no way reflects the breeds that actually do kill infants. Pit bulls alone accounted for half of these deaths.
Area of the fatal pit bull attack, the 200 block of South Church Street in Kenly, North Carolina.
Home on South Church Street where a newly taken in stray pit bull fatally mauled an infant.
View the Google State Map: North Carolina Fatal Pit Bull Attacks.
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Baseline reporting requirements:
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
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2022 Double Dog Bite Fatality: Pair of Family Pit Bulls Kill Two Children, Seriously Injure Mother in Tennessee
A pair of family pit bulls killed two siblings, a 5-month old boy and a 2-year old girl.
King Lion Bloodline
UPDATE 10/11/22: On October 5, a pair of pit bulls a young family had owned for eight years fatally attacked their two children in the home, 5-month old Hollace Bennard and 2-year old Lilly Bennard. The mother, Kirstie Bennard, 30, was critically injured from trying to save her children. She remains hospitalized. Both pit bulls, a male and female pair, Cheech and Mia respectively, were confiscated by Memphis Animal Services and euthanized a day after killing the children.
We located the breeder of the female pit bull that was acquired by the Bennard family in 2013. Part of her bloodline is RGB's King Lion.
Less than a day after the attack, the father and mother deactivated their Facebook pages, but we had already taken screenshots of the dogs. We then noticed that one of their friends, Jason Perry, stated on a 2017 photograph of Mia, the female of the pair, "I'd say Chunk did a good job..." indicating that a dog named "Chunk," which is Perry's dog, sired Mia. Sure enough, that turned out to be true. Jose Rubio of NextgenBullies is presumably the kennel where Perry obtained Chunk.1
On Perry's 2013 thread advertising puppies from the breeding of RGB Jefe Son RGB Mulatto AKA Chunk to RGB King Lion Daughter RGB Circe, Perry speaks directly to the father of the children, Colby Bennard. Since Colby deactivated his Facebook page, part of that conversation is missing. Needless to say, Perry tells Colby there were only four girls in the litter, one of which was named "Mia." Eight years later, Mia, along with the male dog, Cheech, will kill Colby's two children.
Perry placed the puppies for sale in a photo album called, "Royal Cross Kennels -- pups for sale." Royal Cross (RCK) did the breeding, but the dog's bloodlines are "King Lion," which is the foundation stock for Jose Rubio NextgenBullies. RCK, apparently now defunct, billed itself as a "well-established kennel located in Memphis, TN. We are dedicated to producing top quality XXL American Pit Bull Terriers with great temperaments." They called their dogs "traffic stopping."
Royal Blue Generation, AKA Saul Cervantes (as seen on Perry's advertisement for the puppies) may be related to RCK, which promoted the "Royal Cross Bloodline," or they may be one in the same. Royal Blue Generation (RBG) is the beholder of RBG's King Lion. That dog was on the cover of the Bully League magazine Issue #6 after it died. A "special tribute to The King, 2002-2010." RGB also memorialized "El Jefe" on the same webpage, the bloodline of Mia's sire.
In 2018, Cervantes claimed that King Lion was "the Godfather of the XXL Movement" and that the RGB bloodline became the foundation of "new up and coming kennels." Another "Godfather" of the XL movement that became the foundation of the XL breeding community is UKC's Most Wanted Kimbo. That dog had multiple offspring that attacked people, including killing at least one child in 2014. Kimbo was well known to "spit HA (Human Aggression) in his offspring." XL dogs that have killed people are among the "XL American Bullies you want to see in your pedigree if you're truly purchasing a top quality dog," according to the XL fan club.2
RGB Pit Bulls, King of the XL, Home of KingLioN and KingLiger, continues to have an active Instagram and Facebook page. The owner, Saul Cervantes, loves to hashtag the terms #LionsOnLeashes, #LionOnaLeash, #LionKing, #KingLion, #Lioness, #Monster, #FreakOfNature, #FrozenSemen and more. The idea that the parents of Hollace and Lilly, who purchased these XL pit bulls over eight years ago, did not know they were high-risk, "freak show" dogs is doubtful.
What we know about the family's male dog, Cheech, is that he was brought into the home about a year before Mia. The father of the children, Colby, referred to both of his dogs as "house lions." Therefore, it is conceivable that both dogs carried the King Lion bloodline, #LionsOnLeashes. At the very least, both dogs were papered. We wonder how Perry feels now? Does he still feel that "Chunk did a good job," producing the offspring Mia? Gee, what else are motorcycle buddies for?
The horrific tragedy of two innocent children killed by a pair of designer pit bulls, known interchangeably as XL pit bulls or XL bullies, is further marred by their parents who purchased dogs advertised as #LionsOnLeashes, #Monster or worse. NextgenBullies even warns buyers, "If you're looking for a gorgeous pet or a freak on a leash, this boy is the ticket! PM me if you're interested. Please speak to your spouse, partner, financial advisor, etc. before contacting me."
The father called both pit bulls "house lions." At least one came from the King Lion bloodline.
10/07/22: Mother's Condition Improving
The pair of family pit bulls that killed two young children and seriously injured their mother on Wednesday had never been aggressive before, according to a family friend who spoke to Fox News. "If there was any inkling of danger, she would have never had those dogs near her kids," Kelsey Canfield, the mom's best friend, told the news group. The couple had owned the two pit bulls, Cheech and Mia, for over eight years without a violent incident, according to Canfield.
On Friday, Canfield and the mother's sister were on their way to Regional One Health in Memphis to visit the mother. Kirstie Bennard suffered critical injuries trying to pull the dogs off her children. Her condition has been upgraded from critical to stable. She's awake now, and she's aware [of what happened]," Canfield told Fox News. Both of Bennard's children, 5-month old Hollace and 2-year old Lilly, were pronounced dead at the scene after being mauled by the family's pet pit bulls.
The father's uncle, Jeff Gibson, stated in a Facebook post Thursday, "Kirstey is still in the hospital with an uncountable amount of stitches and bite marks over her entire body including her face. Both arms and legs are bandaged/wrapped up completely. As of now it looks like there isn’t any permanent damage." He added that the "attack lasted over 10 minutes and she never gave up trying to save these babies." So far, no funeral arrangements have been made for the children.
10/06/22: Pit Bull Kill Two Children
Millington, TN - Late Wednesday, WREG reported that a pair of family pit bulls attacked and killed two young children. The multi-victim attack, which also left the mother critically injured, occurred at a home in the 700 block of Sylvan Road near Shelby Forest State Park around 3:30 pm. The pair of pit bulls attacked a 2-year old girl and a 5-month old baby boy. Both children were pronounced dead at the scene. The Shelby County Sheriff's Office said both dogs appeared to be pit bulls.
Both dogs were seized by animal control. The mother was transported to Regional One Health in Memphis in critical condition. WREG and Fox13 continue to keep pressing the Shelby County Sheriff's Office for more information. In the history of this nonprofit, which turns 15 years old on October 15, we have never recorded a double fatal dog mauling perpetrated by family dogs on household members. We have located photographs of both dogs on the father's Facebook page.
On Thursday, the Daily Mail named the parents and their two dead children. The couple had many photographs of a male and female pit bull on their Facebook pages. The father, Colby Bennard, referred to the two dogs as "house lions" in 2014 and referred to the male dog, "Cheech," in 2017 as "our little home security system." The two young children, Hollace and Lilly, seen in the Daily Mail article are absolutely precious. It's unfathomable that both of these children are now dead.
Shelby County Fire paramedics transported the mother in critical condition to Regional One Health. This remains an active investigation. 2/2
— ShelbyTNSheriff (@ShelbyTNSheriff) October 6, 2022
Male pit bull, "Cheech," on left and female pit bull "Mia" seen on the father's Facebook page.
The father has spoken out against BSL: "I can assure you, nobody will take Cheech and Mia from myself ... Ignorance is no excuse to take so many 'best friends' out of this world."
View the Google Map: Tennessee Fatal Pit Bull Maulings.
1We suspect this because Jose Rubio of NextgenBullies posted many comments on photos of "Chunk," such as "Chunk looking good as ever" and "love this boy" and "The man right there." Cervantes also thanks Rubio for taking on several of King Lion's sons. Rubio of NextgenBullies based his foundation on a son of King Lion (screenshot).
2The Top 15 XL AMERICAN BULLY LEGENDS! Pitbull Legends!
1. Juan Gotty - Gotty Line
2. RBG's King Lion
3. ICK's Disciple
4. NIS Arnold The Terminator aka Arnold
5. Lor's Blue Terminator aka “Comet”
6. BGK's The Rock
7. BGK's Cujo
8. Next Level - Show Stopping Ace
9. Probulls - King Kong aka Kong
10. UKC's Most Wanted Kimbo
11. The Unstoppable Juggernaut
12. De La Cruz - Escalade's 5150
13. DDK's The Hulk
14. Mugleston's Blue Boogie Monster aka Boogie
15. Mr. Markoff
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06/26/20: Family Dog Characterized as 'Docile' Kills Newborn Twins in Brazil
Baseline reporting requirements:
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
Komsomolskaya Pravda
Anastasia Mashkaleva
April 16, 2019 16:00
We asked the owner what is the secret of education ideal dog
Photo from the archive of the hero of the article
A native of Ukhta, breeder Evgeny Botygin filmed how he feeds his mega-obedient pit bulls. The video went viral: in three days it was watched by about 10 million people around the world. We asked the owner what the secret to raising the perfect dog is. nine0004
One and a half minute video touches and touches. Pit bulls and primers look lovingly at their owner, waiting for the start of dinner. But the breeder Evgeny Botygin made the task more difficult to show the high degree of training of his dogs. He called nicknames one by one, the pit bulls approached the bowls and froze in anticipation of the final command - you can eat. Dogs have shown miracles of endurance, which many people can envy.
Feeding dogs. Author: Evgeny Botygin
Evgeniy was surprised by his unexpected fame. He recorded this video for a kennel group to show that dogs of these breeds are very easy to train, but he did not expect such a response. In an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda in Komi portal, he told how he raised mega-obedient dogs.
- How many years did it take to train a dog so perfectly?
- The dogs in the video have been trained since two months. This is everyday work throughout life: now they are from 2.5 to 6 years old. Every dog needs to be trained from early childhood. This will be problematic later. nine0004
- Is such hard training necessary?
- The concept - training - is rather more suitable for animals in the circus. I would call it a strict upbringing. We have very strict rules and this is a must! But at the same time, everything is built on great mutual love and complete harmony! Understand, a perfectly educated dog is a happy dog: he is proud of his success and the strength of his master. Pit bulls never bite their owners, even if they hurt them!
Photo from the personal archive of the hero of the article
Primers are dogs without the aggression gene, they were bred through a long selection process and have never taken part in battles! If a pit bull can be called a dog for fighting, then the primer is certainly not! Pit bulls, primers, staffs and all those who belong to them are created to be friends, partners, companions. No wonder they say that these are nanny dogs. They have tremendous patience, which representatives of other breeds cannot boast of.
- There is an opinion in society that a dog of a fighting breed is very dangerous. Is it so? nine0028
- There is no such thing as a fighting dog in dog breeding. The generally accepted classification is service, hunting, decorative breeds. Regarding the danger of pit bulls, this is an established stereotype. Isolated cases of aggression are inflated by the media, and people believe. Few people know that dogs of these breeds work as rescuers, guides, therapists in orphanages. If a person commits a crime, then they look for motives, reasons, pass a sentence, and do not blame everyone who looks like him, has the same profession, nationality. In the case of dogs, this generalization is the norm. nine0004
But the dog cannot be responsible for his actions, he acts as his master teaches him - consciously or not. And so the dog is not to blame. Never. And those who belong to the same breed or breed group - even more so. The dog is like a child. If a child behaves disgustingly, then they talk about his bad manners and blame his parents for this. No one generalizes and explains such behavior only by saying that, they say, this is a child, all children are like that!
Pit bulls have long ceased to be "fighters". Of course, no one is responsible for the quality of dogs bought for a bottle of vodka and for puppies from private matings (“Do you have a pet?” — “Yes! Lets do it!"). Unfortunately, no one is responsible for the mental health of the owners either, so you should not judge the entire breed by a few unfortunate dogs that are not lucky with people! nine0004
Photo from the personal archive of the hero of the article
- How to raise a dog that is safe for society?
- I will not give advice and lessons on how to raise a dog. There is only one postulate - the owner must begin education first of all with himself. If you don't have patience you will never teach patience to your dog, if you are not disciplined you will never teach your dog discipline! If you do not have kindness, then do not plant a grain of softness in a dog! If there is no certainty, then how can it appear in a dog? If nervous, irritable, unrestrained, then it is unrealistic to teach a dog to be calm! A pet needs a spiritually strong person - a leader! If you are not like that, then the dog will become the leader and will set its own rules! nine0004
Photo from the personal archive of the hero of the article
A dog has no morals, but it also has no cruelty. There is only man and his actions. And all these problems are not spaniels, shepherd dogs, chow chows, spitz, yorkies, pit bulls. These are their owners' problems. There are no potentially dangerous breeds of dogs to apply this or that method of education to them. Any dog of any breed requires a responsible and serious approach to education. The owner makes the dog.
Photo from the personal archive of the hero of article
Hachiko from Moscow region ran after the car of the owner, who threw away his annoying pet
Despite the betrayal, the dog waited for the owner's return for a day. Fortunately, there were kind people who took care of the abandoned girl (details).
Feeding dogs. Author: Evgeny Botygin
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A man from Komi made a video about how he feeds his dogs and became famous in Russia and the world
Photo from the personal archive of Evgeny Botygin / Man performing with his pets at exhibitions and competitions
The video of Evgeny Botygin from Ukhta, which has already been watched by 10 million people, is becoming popular on the Internet. The man filmed how he feeds his five dogs. Eugene told the journalist of the portal about how he came up with the idea to make a video and how he found out that it became so popular.
A dog breeder from Ukhta, Evgeny Botygin, published a video on the Web in which a man filmed how seriously he raised his pets. Eugene put down a bowl of food and called each of the pets by name. And while the animals did not hear their name, they stood still. The video appeared on the Internet on April 7, and has already been watched by 10 million people. The man did not even think that he would become popular:
- We made this video for our kennel group to show that dogs of this breed are very easy to train. They show results in endurance, commands and obedience. But we did not expect that the video would scatter around Russia and the world. A lot of familiar dog breeders from other countries, such as France, Estonia, Thailand and even Poland, wrote and called me. They said that even this video reached them. Also, acquaintances posted foreign sites where this video is in the top, - says the dog breeder. nine0004
Although the video is known even outside of Russia, the popularity of the man did not "fell". Eugene told why this happens:
- There is no glory. My family is modest and calm people. Although a lot of people write to me and ask questions about how to train dogs this way. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this. After all, the video shows elementary, basic exercises, which I slightly altered and fantasized.
The main thing is to fix the base: endurance, “sit”, “no” and “you can”. In our training, everything is built on the calming of excitement and encouragement, - says the Ukhtin. nine0004
In total, Evgeny has seven dogs in his family, but now only five live with him: two pit bulls and three primers. Another pet lives with Evgeny's mother, and the other one lives with his wife's parents. And the man knows how to get along with this breed of dog:
- My whole life has passed side by side with dogs. I first started training a Doberman when I was three years old. And now I compete with pit bulls at various competitions and go to exhibitions with them. My dogs know a huge number of commands. I know all their pros and cons. These dogs love human contact. Pit bulls cannot be beaten because it is useless. They understand everything in words, without any pressure or shouting. This breed loves to be praised and given a treat, says Eugene. nine0004
Evgeny said that now he lives with his family in St. Petersburg with dogs. And about how the pets themselves live with each other:
- We have a small house - 100 square meters. Plot 13 acres, where there is a small pond. In summer, pets frolic there. In winter, they are only at home because pit bulls are pets. They are very easy and interesting with each other. They constantly play and learn everything together. And everyone is trying to be the best version of themselves. They even sleep together. No one climbs into each other's bowls. Drink and eat in turn. They are cool with each other, - the man confesses. nine0004
At the end of the conversation, Eugene said that if a person wants to take a pit bull or primer, he should not hesitate or be afraid. The main thing is to properly educate dogs. They also get along with other animals and adore people, especially children. They don’t need a lot of space, because, according to the man, a small corner is enough for pets. And they are much better off when several pets live in the family at once.