Mom breast feeding baby video
Breastfeeding & baby-led attachment | Raising Children Network
Renee Kam (lactation consultant): Baby-led attachment is where a baby uses their own instincts to find the mother’s breast on their own accord. Baby-led attachment really helps to lay down the foundation for breastfeeding. A baby who has had many opportunities, particularly in the early weeks, to do baby-led attachment becomes a lot more orientated towards the breast.
Adele (mother of Charlie, 5 years, Noah, 3 years, and Holly, 4 weeks): I did baby-led attachment because I had a lot of trouble feeding my first baby and getting him to attach and when I saw a video of baby-led attachment it just looked like a natural way to do it, so I thought I would try it to see if that meant that I didn’t have attachment issues with the children I had after my first one.
Miranda (mother of Mattie, 8 years, Tacy, 6 years, Sedna, 7 months): When I had my second baby, when she was born at home and she was lying on me, she all of a sudden attached by herself, which was a wonderful feeling but I never followed-up on it because I didn’t know anything about it. So then when we moved to Australia I so wanted to try it so we tried it with this one. It really started at home, so when we got home we started doing it. You don’t have to do it straight away – baby-led attachment – it’s something that they can do for quite a few weeks after they’re born. It’s imprinted in their being, I guess.
Renee Kam: If a mother wants to do baby-led attachment the tips that I would give her would be the timing of it. So a baby will be able to follow through on their instincts best when they’re calm. So it would be when the baby’s showing early feeding cues such as turning their head from side to side with mouth open, sticking their tongue out, sucking on their hands, or it might be as soon as their baby wakes up from a sleep. So in those situations baby is typically calm and then if the baby is then placed skin-to-skin contact with the mum and the mum, say, is in a semi-reclined position, then that will help a baby to follow through on their instincts to find their mother’s breast.
Narrator: Find a comfortable position. Many mothers find that a semi-reclined position with pillows behind them for support works well. A partially laid-back position allows gravity to assist the baby in moving to the breast. With as much skin-to-skin as possible between you and your baby, place your baby on your chest facing you between your breasts with her head just above your breasts. Start when your baby is calm, such as when she is showing early feeding cues like turning her head from side to side with her mouth open.
As your baby starts to instinctively move towards a breast, she will start to lift her head and bob it around. As she moves towards a breast, you may find it helpful to hug her bottom in close to you and to support her neck and shoulders with your hand and wrist. It is important to avoid putting pressure on her head as she needs her head free to instinctively move it into an extended position to help her attach and feed well.
When her head nears your nipple, she may nuzzle around to find your nipple and bring her tongue toward it. When she finds the right position, she will anchor with her chin, open her mouth wide, attach and begin sucking.
Renee Kam: Straight after a baby is born for the first 1 to 2 hours after they’re born, they’re typically alert and eager and ready to receive their first breastfeed. So when placed into skin-to-skin contact with their mother straight after birth, then that can allow the baby to do baby-led attachment, find the mother’s breasts on their own accord and receive their first breastfeed.
Adele: I did skin-to-skin with all of my children in hospital. So with the baby it probably took a few minutes before like they would kind of just be laying there for a little while and it was a few minutes before they kind of started moving around. But they did the bopping around and choosing a side and finding the nipple and all of that themselves.
Renee Kam: The great news is even if you don’t get to do baby-led attachment straight after a baby is born, babies’ instincts to find a mother’s breasts are easily reproducible for at least the first few months. When a mother and baby are in skin-to-skin contact, there are many benefits of it such as the baby’s heart rate and temperature, blood sugar levels, breathing rate are all kept stable and also when a mother and baby are in skin-to-skin contact it also helps a mother to be able to learn her baby’s feeding cues.
Miranda: As with the baby-led attachment, I also did try the mother-led attachment, attachment and feeding and it was quite painful. I went to see a lactation consultant a couple of times for her to help as well. Of course, they have told me to use the baby-led attachment, which was great.
Renee Kam: Even if the mother doesn’t have any breastfeeding problems, by using baby-led attachment frequently, particularly in the early weeks, it can help to reduce the risk of developing any breastfeeding problems such as the baby simply not attaching at all or sore nipples.
Miranda: Persevering with the baby-led attachment actually did help to heal the wounds and I think it was around 3 weeks that we had a happy breastfeeding relationship.
Renee Kam: A mother can do baby-led attachment whenever it’s right for her and her baby to do so. By having done baby-led attachment whenever she feels comfortable to do so, then it means that when she is breastfeeding in public, it makes it easier because baby knows what they’re doing and baby attaches easier to the mum’s breast.
Adele: So I think the baby-led attachment improved my confidence by I was able to see them feeding well, when I could look at them and I could see that they were attached really well and I could hear the swallowing and I knew we were having a good feed and so I didn’t have to really think about what I was doing with them.
Miranda: It helps to know about the fact that everyone is different. With baby-led attachment, it doesn’t matter because babies just go for the breast; they know what to look for.
Renee Kam: Baby-led attachment – it helps a mum and baby get breastfeeding off to a really good start. Then, it may help a mum to be able to breastfeed for as long as she wanted to and reach her own breastfeeding goals.
Video Blogs | Breastmilk | Every Ounce Counts
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Introducing Solid Foods 6 to 7 Months (4:44s)
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I spent 13,481 ₽ to improve lactation
Elina Kukharskaya
tried to improve lactation
Author's profile
WHO recommends exclusively breastfeeding babies up to six months of age. But I am convinced that this is not always possible.
After being discharged from the maternity hospital, my son did not have enough breast milk. In Fyodor Katasonov's book "Fediatry. A non-anxious approach to the child ”I read that it is quite simple to establish lactation. According to the author, it is enough to often put the baby to the breast, eat a lot, drink, sleep and be less nervous.
I tried to follow the advice, but it didn't always work. At night, I often got up to the child and did not get enough sleep. Plus, I was constantly nervous: either because of newborn acne, or because of seborrheic crusts in my son. In general, lactation did not improve.
I worked with a lactation specialist for two months, stimulated my breasts with breast pumps, tried complementary feeding systems and drank lactation teas. But the child still had to be supplemented with formula.
I'll tell you how I realized I was low on milk and explain why the fight to breastfeed was so expensive.
How I fed my son in the maternity hospital
I live in Moscow, and there are a lot of maternity hospitals here. I was looking for one that supports breastfeeding: immediately after birth, they put the baby to the chest and leave him with his mother in the same room. Such maternity hospitals are also called child-friendly.
They also invite lactation consultants - specialists who help women to improve lactation. They take special courses, pass exams, receive certificates, and only then start working.
5 Moscow maternity hospitals where it is not scary to give birth to a child
I studied the websites of maternity hospitals, watched interviews with neonatologists, and so I chose maternity hospital No. 17 named after V.V. Veresaev. My son was in breech presentation, so I had a caesarean section. After that, they put my son to the chest and transferred me to the postoperative ward. I lay there for six hours, and the baby was brought to me for feeding three times. And then together we moved to the regular ward.
Colostrum appeared immediately after childbirth, and milk came on the third day. My son took the breast well, and I liked to feed him on demand. I heard that some women have a Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex, D-MER - a dysphoric milk ejection reflex. This is when a woman experiences negative emotions at the time of feeding. But I didn't suffer like that.
In general, in the maternity hospital I had no problems with breastfeeding, except for cracked nipples. From them, the cream quickly helped me and the advice of a lactation consultant who worked in the maternity hospital. She said that the baby should capture the nipple with the areola in his mouth - then there will be no cracks.
In three days at the maternity hospital, the son lost 9.3% of his birth weight: he was born weighing 3690 grams and 52 centimeters tall, and on the third day he weighed 3450 grams. The Ministry of Health believes that such a loss is normal and that it is not necessary to supplement the child with formula. And on the fourth day, we were generally discharged with a weight of 3460 grams, so I was sure that my son had enough milk.
ch. 3.3 Breastfeeding Optimization Programs in RFPDF, 5.8 MB
Why is it Important to Choose a Maternity Hospital with Lactation Consultants
Marina Gorgolevskaya
Lactation Consultant
Feeding is not a natural, instinctive process. The mechanisms of sucking are laid down by nature, but the ability to put a baby to the breast and understand how to organize breastfeeding, a woman has to learn.
It happens that mothers experience discomfort in the maternity hospital: it is not clear how to take the child, how to apply it, in what position it is more convenient to feed. At this point, consulting support is very important, especially if the child is the first: it's great if there is a specialist nearby who you can ask a lot of simple questions, sometimes several times, to make sure everything is going right.
It is also important that the mother has a contact with a lactation specialist who she can contact even after discharge from the hospital if any difficulties arise. I recommend choosing face-to-face consultations, especially if the mother has nipple injuries, and the baby has a large weight loss: it is important for the consultant to see with his own eyes how the baby sucks, how the mother’s hands lie, what features the mother’s breast or the baby’s frenulum has. The average price of a full-time consultation in Moscow is about 5000 R.
I suspected something was wrong
Even though everything was fine at first, I wanted to learn more about lactation. For example, I needed to make sure that I was properly putting my baby to my breast and that he was suckling effectively. I was also not very good at lying on my side. Therefore, I bought an online consultation with a lactation specialist who came to me at the maternity hospital. I paid her 3000 R - this amount included the online support of a consultant for the entire period of breastfeeding. Then it came in handy for me.
A few days after discharge, it seemed to me that my son was not gaining weight. At the same time, he could not be torn off his chest. When he released her, he cried. I told the consultant about this, and she advised me to weigh the baby.
How I survived 10 lactostasis and 2 mastitis, but kept breastfeeding
On the twentieth day I bought a newborn scale for 4450 R and followed the advice of a consultant. And then she compared the readings with the WHO standards and data from the charts of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC. So I was convinced that my son's weight did not even correspond to the lower limit of the norm. On the twentieth day, the scales showed only 3620 grams, that is, he did not even reach the indications at birth.
Now we had to find out the reason for this shortfall.
Scales that helped me determine that the child was malnourishedHow I found out the cause of weight problems
In Fediatry, pediatrician Katasonov writes that in his practice there were also healthy children who did not gain weight at all during the first month. But I still got worried and began to think what was the matter.
After being discharged, the local pediatrician came to us, but then I did not know that my son would not gain weight. So I only discussed the problem with a lactation specialist. She suggested that the son may be malnourished, for example, because of the short frenulum of the tongue: sometimes it prevents babies from actively sucking.
I sent a photo of my son's frenulum to the consultant, and she showed it to a dentist friend. He replied that the bridle was a little short, but not so much as to interfere with the child's eating. Then the specialist said that her son, apparently, did not have enough milk.
She suggested doing a "wet diaper test". To do this, you need to leave the child naked and change diapers under him when he gets them wet or dirty. Then calculate how many diapers are spent per day. On the website of AKEV - the Association of Breastfeeding Consultants - it is said that children older than seven days should walk on a small one from 12 times a day, and on a large one - 3-4 times.
But the consultant advised me another test option: to weigh the number of dirty diapers that my son got dirty in a day. And then compare the readings with the weight of the same number of dry diapers. I don't remember the exact results and I don't know how the consultant analyzed them. But in the end, she said that for her age, her son empties his intestines and bladder a little. This meant that he really did not have enough milk.
What I felt
I have read that less than 5% of women have low milk production. And when I realized that I was one of them, I experienced strange sensations.
ch. 3.3 Breastfeeding Optimization Programs in RFPDF, 5.8 MB
I have always felt that breastfeeding is a natural process that requires nothing from a woman. And until six months, I planned to feed my son only with breast milk, and then continue breastfeeding for at least a year. Now I realized that my plan was broken.
In addition, I was upset that my body was not able to give my son the best food. After all, the mixture could not completely replace breast milk: its composition is constantly changing with the age of the child.
But I decided not to despair and decided to fight for breastfeeding with the help of a consultant. And so that her son would not starve, she began, on her advice, to supplement his formula.
Are difficulties with lactation always associated with the characteristics of a woman's body
Marina Gorgolevskaya
lactation consultant
Difficulties with lactation can be caused by a large number of factors both from the side of the mother, and from the side of the baby and interaction with him. In most cases, they can be overcome with competent information support and actions of the mother.
Problems with milk production can occur due to peculiarities in the work of the hormonal system of a woman, with a lack of glandular tissue - this feature occurs in 3-5% of mothers - and other health problems. Often they are already known before pregnancy and require medical supervision. In this case, a face-to-face consultation with a mammologist or endocrinologist is required.
Sometimes feeding problems arise from the structure of the baby's frenulum: a short frenulum does not allow the tongue to achieve sufficient mobility necessary for effective suckling. If you suspect a short frenulum, I recommend visiting a pediatric dentist in person and, if necessary, cutting the frenulum. This is a simple procedure, it is short and helps to improve suckling efficiency.
DMER syndrome is a fairly rare story: it occurs in a few percent of women, so you should not worry about it in advance. Understanding that it exists comes after ruling out other possible problems with breastfeeding.
In some cases, we cannot determine the reasons for the lack of milk. Then it is recommended to support mixed feeding: mother's milk and adapted formula or donor milk. Any amount of mother's milk is good for the baby.
The work of women who support lactation on mixed feeding is sometimes invisible to others, but it is really important and valuable. Mothers who practice mixed feeding need support no less than mothers of children on breastfeeding and IV.
How I supplemented my son with formula
I was given a sample of formula at the maternity hospital. I offered it to my son and did not see any allergies, so I ordered a standard jar. It cost 820 R. The consultant said that since the son will be breastfeeding at the same time, then 240 ml of the mixture per day is enough for him. And when we accelerate lactation, this amount can be reduced to 210 ml. So the first jar was enough for me for three weeks.
The counselor advised to breastfeed her son on demand, but to give him an additional 30 ml of formula every three hours after suckling. The son never refused the mixture, and sometimes he asked for more. But in such cases, I again gave him the breast.
How to get meals in a dairy kitchen
The schedule could be moved up to 30 minutes. To keep track of this schedule, I marked the time for supplementary feeding in the Baby+ app.
Baby+ App:
Google Play,
App Store
Our feeding schedule | Diagram of the daily intake of formula in the Baby+ app |
I read somewhere that breast milk is like a salad for a baby, that is, it is quickly digested. And the mixture is like a burger that takes a long time to digest. That is why it was undesirable to give it ahead of time. At the same time, if the baby was sleeping, I didn't wake him up just to feed him formula.
I diluted the mixture according to the instructions before each feeding. Only at night I cooked it in advance and put it in the refrigerator, and when my son woke up, warmed it up. It was faster and more convenient than making a fresh batch of formula in the middle of the night while the baby was screaming.
For convenience, I bought a 2 in 1 sterilizer: it could not only sterilize bottles, but also heat the mixture. It cost 3606 R.
This is what my sterilizer looked like. To sterilize the bottle, I covered it with a transparent cap. Source: ozon.ruAt first, I fed my son from a bottle with a nipple - I took the first one that came across in the store. It cost 344 R. But the consultant said that the child can get used to the nipple and refuse to take the breast. After all, the mixture pours from the bottle itself and the baby does not need to make an effort to eat. And milk from the breast must be carefully sucked out.
She advised giving her son formula from a silicone spoon, a special drinker, or pouring it into his mouth from a syringe. Better yet, use a special feeding system. It works like this: mom hangs a jar of mixture around her neck, to which thin tubes are attached. And the ends of these tubes are attached to the nipples with special tape. As a result, when the baby suckles at the breast, the mixture also flows through the tubes into his mouth. That is, he simultaneously receives supplementary feeding and stimulates the nipples. And this is necessary for successful breastfeeding.
My supplementary feeding system cost 2622 RUR.
This is how my supplementary feeding system was arranged. Source: It was also possible to use, for example, such a drinker. Its soft silicone tip would not hurt the baby's mouth. But a drinking cup would not stimulate my lactation. Source: The feeding system required care. And before the first use, the parts had to be boiled. Source: medela.ruSupplementing with formula took time and effort, and it was unpleasant. For example, sometimes my son woke up on a walk, screaming from hunger, and I had to rush home with him. And at home, dilute and heat the mixture for a long time, put on a bottle, install tubes and stick them to the nipples. All this time, my son was screaming, and I wanted to sink through the ground.
In addition, immediately after use, the system had to be disassembled and washed, otherwise the mixture could dry out inside. This also took time.
But when I introduced supplementary food, my son became less capricious and hung on his chest less. I breathed a sigh of relief, because before that I only did what I fed him. And sometimes I couldn’t even go to the toilet or eat. In addition, my son began to sleep longer before the first nightly feeding, and I began to sleep better.
I weighed my son every three or four days. And I noticed that with the mixture he finally began to get better. By three and a half months, he added 2.37 kilograms and weighed 6 kilogramsWhat feeding positions did the consultant advise me
The consultant sent me a memo on how to properly attach the baby to the breast so that he sucks well and stimulates the breast. Here are the rules in it:
- The child must be turned with his whole body and pressed against his mother.
- The nipple should be at the level of his nose.
- When the baby opens its mouth wide, you need to move it to the chest.
- You can move the lower lip a little with your chest and, as it were, “put” the baby on the chest.
- Keep the baby's chin close to the breast while suckling.
Plus, the consultant gave me advice that made breastfeeding more comfortable for me. Even at the maternity hospital, she showed me the three most popular positions for feeding: sitting, lying on her side and in a biological position, when the mother lies on her back and the baby lies on her. It was very helpful.
11 positions for breastfeeding
At first, I recorded a video of how I feed my baby, and the consultant commented on them. For example, when I was on my side, the child could not press his chin to his chest. I don't think it affected the sucking technique, but it seemed to me that it was important. Then the consultant advised me to lower my son a little lower, press him closer to you and put a roller under his back. This helped us.
But most importantly, the consultant supported me psychologically and was in touch almost around the clock. Once my family and I went to see friends at the dacha, my son did not sleep for five hours in a row and behaved restlessly. I tried to calm him down: I rocked him, sang lullabies, and also gave him a mixture. As a result, he ate twice as much as usual, and I was very worried. After all, I tried to reduce the amount of formula and breastfeed more, and this case went against my plans. But the consultant did not condemn me, but reassured and supported me.
How I stimulated my breasts by pumping
To further stimulate my breasts, the consultant advised me to express six to eight times a day for 5 minutes. For this, I decided to buy a breast pump.
They are manual and electric. In manual ones, you need to press the lever yourself, and the device sucks out the milk. And in the electric one, it is enough to press a button. I didn't know which one I would like better, so I ordered both. The manual one cost 1505 R, and the electric one cost 4399 R. As a result, I used the electric one.
How much I spent per baby in the first year
I pumped immediately after feedings—usually five or six times a day. But most often she received drops, and only at three or four in the morning she could express 10-15 ml. In such cases, I supplemented the child with this milk instead of formula. For a day, my maximum was 30 ml.
When I actively pumped, there really was more milk - I realized this because the baby's weight began to increase. And the consultant advised to reduce the amount of the mixture from 240 to 210 ml. But I was not ready to pump so constantly. For example, we often left home, and on trips it was impossible. In addition, we had guests, and at that time I also could not be alone with the breast pump. So after a month I had to pump less often and the amount of milk decreased again.
This is a manual breast pump. To express, I put it to my chest and pressed my hand on the curved pedal.![]() | This is an electric breast pump. Just press the button and it will work |
What drugs I used
A lactation consultant told me about the so-called lactagons - drugs that supposedly promote milk production. I knew that none of them had officially confirmed their effectiveness, so most likely it was a placebo. But I decided to try anyway.
Relactation. Review of existing experience and recommendations for practical usePDF, 1545 KB
Consultant suggested brewing fenugreek seeds. The package cost 174 R, and it lasted me for a month. I also bought lactation tea with fennel for 1067 R. I love herbal teas, so I drank them almost constantly and even took them for walks in a thermos. The fenugreek was bitter, but not nasty, and I really liked the fennel tea.
I did not really believe in the effect of these teas, but the consultant said that any hot drink stimulates the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for lactation. This is what I hoped for - and after drinking tea I really felt a surge of milk.
Another consultant advised me tablets with the active ingredient domperidone. It was supposed to stimulate the production of another hormone associated with lactation, prolactin. Two packages cost 714 R, and they were enough for two weeks.
What is the result
I don't know what affected more - pumping, supplementary feeding system or lactagons - but I kept lactation. However, I never managed to completely transfer my son to breastfeeding. In the first month of his life, he gained 170 grams, in the second - 700, in the third - 790 grams. But the consultant and I decided that this increase was not enough to abandon the mixture. And I didn’t consult with the pediatrician: she reacted quite aloofly to any news about his weight.
Now my son is almost five months old. To keep my milk supply going, I still pump occasionally and use a supplement system. But less often than before: we began to visit more often - messing around with a bottle and a system is inconvenient.
And recently I increased the amount of formula to 300 ml per day. I want to be sure my son is eating. But I hope that after the full introduction of complementary foods, we will finally no longer need the mixture.
To improve lactation, I spent 13,481 R in three months
What I spent | How much |
Electric breast pump | 4399 P |
Accompanying a lactation consultant | 3000 R |
Supplementary system | 2622 R |
Manual breast pump | 1505 P |
Lactation Fennel Tea | 1067 R |
Domperidone tablets | 714 R |
Fenugreek seeds | 174 Р |
What did you spend on
How much
Electric Milk -Osos
4399 R
Exploration of breastfeeding consultant
3000 3000 R
Fertilization system
2622 R
714 R
Fenugreek seeds
174 R
I spent 14,400 R on scales, formula and supplementary feeding equipment
What did you spend on | How much |
First three months formula | 6000 R |
Infant Scale | 4450 R |
Sterilizer | 3606 R |
Bottle | 344 Р |
What did you spend on
How much
Formula in the first three months
6000 R
Libra for newborns
4450 R
3606 R
344 P
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for a woman, but it is not always easy. Along with the individual aspects of breastfeeding, there are some general problems that new breastfeeding mothers may face.
One of them is mastitis, an inflammatory disease that causes tenderness and tenderness of the breast tissue.
The incidence of lactational mastitis among women in different countries ranges from 2% to 33% and averages about 10%*.
Mastitis in breastfeeding women is caused by a bacterial infection of the milk ducts that enters through cracks, irritation of the nipple, or a nipple piercing.
Lactational mastitis is dangerous because it can cause pain while breastfeeding, interfere with the bonding process between mother and baby, or even interfere with milk production.
To protect the health and comfort of mother and child, and the mother's milk supply, this problem must be addressed urgently.
So, here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about mastitis and the fight against it: “How does mastitis occur?”, “What are the symptoms of mastitis?” and "Is it possible to breastfeed with mastitis?".
Ask your doctor for more information.
Signs of mastitis
What does mastitis feel like? In addition to pain and discomfort, symptoms of mastitis can also include fatigue and a feeling of exhaustion.
How mastitis manifests:
- fever (>38.5°C) and/or flu-like symptoms;
- nausea;
- vomiting;
- yellowish discharge from the nipple;
- chest warm or hot to the touch;
- pink or red breasts.
These symptoms of mastitis are similar to the symptoms of breast engorgement, but there is a fundamental difference between these conditions. Mastitis differs from engorgement in that it usually only affects one breast, not both.
Causes of mastitis
Mastitis can develop in a new mother at any time, but it usually occurs within the first two to three weeks after childbirth. A common cause of this disease is long breaks between feedings - for example, when the baby begins to sleep through the night.
Other possible causes of mastitis are:
- improper breastfeeding;
- incomplete outflow of milk from the mammary glands, for example, due to blockage of the milk duct;
- unattended breast engorgement;
- regular pressure on some part of the breast, wearing tight clothing;
- chest injury caused by injury or impact.
In short, mastitis usually develops as a result of too much milk in the breast, known as milk stasis. Stagnation of milk provokes the growth of bacteria, which causes mastitis and symptoms of pain and fever. Therefore, to prevent mastitis and stagnation of milk, it is important to make sure that it is removed from the breast properly.
Blockage of the milk ducts can also be the cause. Mastitis is indeed caused by milk stagnation or too long milk in the breast, but this condition and the subsequent symptoms of mastitis - fever and pain - are precisely due to the rapid multiplication of bacteria due to milk stagnation.
Prevention of mastitis while breastfeeding
The good news is that there are many ways to prevent mastitis. Below you will find some tips on how to avoid mastitis.
1. Care for your breasts to prevent nipple irritation. Proper breast care can help prevent mastitis by gently massaging and keeping your nipples dry with soft bra pads.
Find out more about breast care in our article here.
2. Feed your baby often. For complete emptying of the breast, it is important to feed regularly and on time. Even if the baby is sleeping, it should be woken up when it's time for feeding. If the mother cannot be with the baby during feeding, she should express milk from the breast using a breast pump.
Choose an easy-to-use pump, such as a single electric breast pump. It allows you to express gently and naturally thanks to its special Natural Motion technology. Many of the complications of breastfeeding can be avoided if the baby latch on properly. Try different breastfeeding positions to find one in which the baby will properly latch onto the breast. This will help prevent mastitis and other problems. We talk more about breastfeeding positions in the article at the link.
4. Wean your baby gradually. To minimize the chance of complications, it is necessary to reduce milk production by gradually reducing the number of breastfeeds.
If you're interested in stopping breastfeeding, check out our tips for weaning your baby in the article here.
Treatment of mastitis in women
One of the most common questions that breastfeeding mothers face with mastitis is: “Can I continue to breastfeed?” Answer: yes. What's more, breastfeeding for mastitis can help clear the infection without causing harm or side effects.
An important point: if you have symptoms of mastitis, contact your doctor immediately. Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics (eg, acetaminophen or ibuprofen) to relieve the symptoms of mastitis after making sure the drug is safe for breastfeeding.
Mastitis can be uncomfortable, but there is no reason to panic or despair. This is a common problem that many new mothers experience when breastfeeding for the first time. By following the advice in this article, you can reduce the likelihood of developing mastitis, but if something bothers you, you should seek the help of a specialist.
Articles and tips from Philips Avent
*Lactational mastitis and lactostasis: tactical contraversion.