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Mother birds always love their babies unconditionally. They spend a lot of time to take care of their babies and keep them safe as much as possible.
Also, they don’t discriminate to their babies in terms of feeding them.
Then there is a question among bird lovers. How do mother birds feed their babies? The answer is that most mother birds eat food and then regurgitate it for the babies. They often feed their babies insects so that they can get more protein and grow healthy.
And that’s why we will provide you some necessary information so that you will be able to know how mother birds feed their babies. This writing is also our loving dedication to our beautiful feathered friends.
Baby birds always depend on their parents to eat food. In this case, a mother bird usually digests the food and then puts that food into the babies’ mouth. The babies always open their mouth wide and screech for the food when they are hungry.
However, the feeding method may be different, depending on the species. But every time the baby bird, which screeches louder, usually gets more food than others.
If the baby bird gapes its mouth strongly, then the parent can feed it easily, and the baby will be able to swallow much larger items.
How Do Mother Birds Ensure Which One Needs More Food?
Sometimes each baby bird doesn’t get an equal amount of food. Perhaps it may be sick or is unable to show the parent that it needs food.
In most cases, the other siblings are bigger and stronger. They can shove their other nestmates to get the food.
You may find various species of birds that have a variety of behaviors and sibling competition. So, it is tough to be sure entirely about birds.
Indeed, the mother bird has enough memory to know which one has immediately got food or even, which has not got the food for a while.
Besides, the one which is hungrier screech louder, and the mother usually put the food into the loudest screecher’s mouth.
Again, mother birds observe their babies well. The one which is swallowing silently, putting the food in the gullet, doesn’t get food in that particular time.
Most Mother Birds Provide Protein-Laden Food
Every mother bird usually feeds their babies many different things depending on their species.
Some perching birds like sparrows and finches eat seeds, nuts, and berries. But they feed their young babies insects because young birds need more protein than are found in the adult’s diet.
Songbirds often feed their babies almost 4 to 12 times an hour. They mostly provide the baby birds protein-laden insects and worms to make sure that they will be healthy.
Some Mother Birds Changes Food Habit
Some parent birds that usually eat seeds, such as finches, cardinals, and sparrows, switch to insects during the breeding season.
Generally, the mothers eat the smaller insects themselves and take the larger ones back to the nest for the babies. So, they can carry more food to their ever-hungry offsprings.
Before feeding the babies, the parents hit the insect against the tree-branch or the ground. They kill the insect and soften the hard shell.
Sometimes, the parents chew the insect, and then break up the exoskeleton to make it edible for the baby birds.
Some Mother Birds Feed Substantial Milk to Their Babies
Some birds produce a substance similar to mammal milk. Pigeons are the best-known producers of crop milk, and both sexes produce it.
Crop milk produced by sloughing of special cells in the crop is very nutritious. Even pigeon milk has more fat and protein than that of cow or human.
For the first few days after hatching, crop milk is the only food that the mother bird provides to the baby birds.
Both parents feed crop milk for a couple of weeks. As the babies get older, it gets seeds with the milk. When they are gradually getting older, they get more seed rather than less milk.
Some Mother Birds Feed Their Babies Differently
Some parents, such as pigeons and doves, feed their babies by using different styles and techniques. They usually squeak and tap their beak against the baby birds’ beak to feed the food. The babies stick their beak down the parent’s throat and suck up to food of the crop.
Most of the songbirds do not have an actual crop, which is essentially a sack capable of holding a large amount of food. The baby birds which don’t have a crop can only hold a small amount of food at a time. They must be fed almost every 20 minutes from sunrise to sunset.
On the other hand, pigeons and doves can hold a large amount of food, which passes slowly through the digestive system. Even the youngest baby pigeon or dove can be fed no more than every couple of hours.
Some Mother Birds Feed Their Babies at Night
Most birds sleep and rest at night. But, some birds specialize at the nocturnal activities. Nocturnal birds are in the minority, but there are plenty of genus and species of nocturnal birds.
For example, most owls hunt at night and are inactive during the day. Also, nighthawks kill insects in flight at night.
Besides, some swifts kill airborne insects at night. Bitterns and night herons are nocturnal. But most night herons are not.
90,000 Leonardo da Vinci. "Madonna Litta" - Radio Orpheus (Moscow 99.2 FM)
The Blessed Virgin is sitting in the room. Light streams from the open windows. In the distance is a desert landscape. She tenderly looks at the Baby, and the curly-haired baby looks seriously at us. Mary breastfeeds the baby, and he eats milk with appetite, is saturated with strength.
Nursing Madonna is one of Leonardo's most tender and mysterious works. It has many mysteries, many symbols, shades.
At the beginning of the 14th century, the ladies of high society introduced a fashion: not to breastfeed your children, this is bad form. Nurses appeared. Leonardo despised this innovation. It seemed to him that he remembered the sweet, wonderful feeling - he was being applied to his mother's breast.
At the age of three, his father took him to his place, and since then Leonardo never saw his mother, but always painted her appearance in his fantasies. The image of female beauty is a memory of a mother: a high forehead, a sad look, a narrow, elongated face, copper hair, a light, mysterious smile... This image will always appear in his paintings. The image of a nursing mother worried him - there is no stronger intimacy.
Mary is dressed in traditional clothes for the Mother of God, but they are symbolic, and the red tunic is red, because the color is a symbol of blood, sacrifice, but also determination, courage, God's love, the victory of good. The blue cloak reminds of humility, immortality, chastity. On Mary's head is a gray veil with black stripes and gold sequins. The golden hue speaks of grace, joy, Divine revelation.
In the hands of the Child is a bird, a cheerful, colorful bird - a goldfinch.
Leonardo recalled a dream: “I felt a big bird approaching me. She stroked my lips with feathers.
Leonardo came to the bird market in the morning, bought birds and immediately set them free. He knew a lot about bird habits. The goldfinch pulled out a thorn from the crown of thorns of Christ. Drops of Jesus' blood forever dyed the goldfinch's feathers a bright crimson color. Since then, the goldfinch has been a symbol of sacrifice and fidelity.
Who knows, he understands the secret language of signs, and can feel the invisible.
"All art constantly strives to pass into the state of pure music," said Leonardo da Vinci.
In 1864, the Duke of Milan Antonio Litta offered Alexander II to buy four old works that he inherited. "Madonna" - one of them, arrived in the Hermitage and became known as "Madonna Litta".
Leonardo could not finish this work for a long time. He hesitated and hesitated, played the harp, thought. He dreamed of painting the air, the scent of fog, the breath of a person. In his diaries, he strictly orders himself: "Leonardo, you must show! You need to picture! Tell yourself immediately!”
“The artist,” explained Leonardo, “must be even, like a mirror, in order to reflect the world. Art requires great effort of the spirit.
Duke Litta, his wealthy customer, hurried and hurried the artist.
"Don't worry, - Leonardo reassured him - I just strive for perfection. "
Leonardo da Vinci. "Madonna Litta"
Middle 1490-s
Care And Feeding Newborn Puppies
Caring for orphan puppies or is it hard to be a bitch?
It is very sad when newborn puppies are left without a mother. Usually their owners try to find a foster mother for the puppies - a bitch who recently calved herself, but brought very few puppies. It is desirable that the adoptive mother be similar in size to the mother of orphaned puppies. If the puppies cannot find a foster mother, the owners have to raise the puppies themselves.
Artificial rearing of puppies is the last resort to keep puppies from dying.
Artificial feeding of a puppy
Artificial rearing of puppies has many more disadvantages than advantages:
• Requires a huge amount of time and effort from a person. If a person does not have the skills to raise newborn puppies, then one cannot do without calling a veterinarian or consulting an experienced breeder.
• Artificial formula, whatever it is, is always worse than mother's milk. Mother's milk in the first few hours after birth - colostrum contains vitamins, antibodies that protect puppies from infections from birth to three months. Puppies that have not received colostrum require special attention. Sometimes there are cases of sudden death of artificially grown puppies under the age of 1 month.
• Oddly enough, the character of puppies - "artificial" turns out to be imperfect. A mother dog teaches puppies a lot from a very early age. Maternal warmth, care is a great start in life. In the first 3 weeks after giving birth, the dog is almost constantly in the “nest” next to her puppies, which creates an atmosphere of security and safety. By one month, the bitch begins to teach puppies to be independent, and by two months, she can give the puppy a good "thrashing" for bad behavior.
Orphan puppy at 15 days old
Pros of formula feeding puppies:
• Since the puppies are given constant attention and care, a close bond develops between them and the person who acts as a foster mother.
Orphan puppy care:
Puppies need to survive:
• Warm. Thermoregulation in puppies is not developed. Outside the warm "nest" the puppy dies of hypothermia even at room temperature.
• Feeding. It is important to know what and how to feed, how often, how much the puppy eats in one "feeding".
• Stimulation of urination and defecation. Puppies under the age of 3 weeks cannot go to the toilet on their own. They need stimulation to urinate and to empty their bowels.
Heat for newborn puppies
Puppies need to be kept warm to survive. They are contraindicated in temperature changes or drafts. Puppies can go long enough without food and survive, but they won't survive if they get too cold. Warmth for newborn puppies is no less important than food. The first week of life, the temperature in the "nest" should be 30-35 ° C. Since newborn puppies cannot regulate their temperature, it is completely dependent on the ambient temperature. From hypothermia, puppies quickly catch a cold, and it is very difficult to save them.
Feeding orphaned puppies
Feeding frequency: breaks between feedings for newborn puppies - 2-3 hours.
Milk formula temperature: 38 - 40 °C.
The volume of milk for a 300 g puppy is two full pipettes, but this is only a guideline. If the amount of milk formula is chosen correctly, the puppies sleep peacefully from one feeding to the next. A very common mistake - overfeeding, leads to severe constipation, or vice versa - to a disorder of the "stool".
What to feed? For feeding very young puppies, a pipette or a disposable syringe is suitable, to the end of which is attached a rubber tube with small holes - holes (for example, from another pipette). As puppies get older, you can switch to a bottle with a pacifier. It is important that the holes in the nipple are small, otherwise the puppies will choke! Several small holes in the nipple are preferable, instead of one large one.
What to feed? What is the composition of the milk formula?
Bitch's milk contains almost 2 times more fat and protein than cow's milk, and 1.5 times less sugar. You can use ready-made mixtures - bitch milk substitutes are sold in large pet stores or veterinary pharmacies. You can make your own mixture.
Puppy Formula Feeding Recipes
Recipe number 1 - 0.5 l of milk + 1 raw egg yolk without shell.
Recipe number 2 - 0.25 l of milk + a tablespoon of powdered milk = stir and strain.
Urination and defecation stimulation in puppies
After eating, you need to help the puppies urinate and empty the intestines. To do this, massage the puppy's stomach with a piece of cotton wool or a terry towel moistened with warm water, imitating the movement of the bitch's tongue, in order to cause the separation of urine and feces. Puppies are not able to "empty" on their own until three weeks of age.
Veterinary advice on caring for orphaned puppies
Owners of orphaned puppies periodically turn to our veterinary service "Vasilek" for advice from a veterinarian or for veterinary help in more difficult cases.
Ball with Lusha
From personal experience: bottle feeding puppies twice
Some of our clients are faced with the need to feed puppies twice. For the first time, being caring people, we couldn't get past the puppies, put up by someone in the trash. A box with three newborn puppies stood next to the dumpster. It was early spring outside, the puppies were hypothermic, and I had to call the veterinarian. The condition of the puppies was serious, out of three, only one "girl" was saved. The puppy was given a name - Lusha, surrounded by warmth and care. In a large friendly family, the puppy was fed strictly “by the hour”, the feedings were divided among themselves. As a result, Lusha grew up. She has become a wonderful loyal dog. Throughout her life, Lusha almost never got sick. At the age of 6, the dog had to be sterilized for medical reasons. Since then, a veterinarian call was needed only for routine vaccinations.
And so, when Lusha was 10 years old, history repeated itself.