Protein baby food ideas
Best Proteins for Babies – Happiest Baby
By Gabrielle McPherson, MS, RDN, LDN
You might think of babies as mini bodybuilders…though they’re far from pumping iron, they make incredible gains during their first year of life! Babies triple their size by 12 months, and that massive amount of growth requires plenty of nutrition (especially from protein).
When introducing solids, many parents’ first instinct might be to load Baby up with fruits and veggies. And while, yes, fruits and veggies offer lots of valuable nutrients, they come up short on the protein babies need. On average, your babbling bundle needs about 11 grams of protein daily, which can be broken down into one to four tablespoons servings between 6 months and 12 months of age.
So, alongside those carrot and spinach purees, make sure you’re serving up plenty of muscle-building proteins too. A good place to start? These 10 protein-rich foods that will help support your baby’s growth and development.
Though your baby isn’t quite ready for sushi or sashimi, fully cooked salmon is a perfect match. Salmon boasts lots of potassium, brain-building choline, and—you guessed it—protein! Two tablespoons of salmon contains a whopping 5.6 grams of protein. The pink fatty fish is rich in omega-3s, to boot, which supports your little one’s vision, brain, and nerves. And good news for busy parents: There’s no shame in offering canned salmon, which has higher amounts of bone-friendly nutrients like calcium and vitamin D!
Ground Beef
Though many parents may feel nervous about offering babies meat, know that beef is a gold-mine of good nutrition. Beef contains must-have nutrients for babies, including iron for healthy blood cells and anemia prevention, zinc for an immunity boost, and choline for brain power. To serve, brown some raw lean ground beef on your stove until no pink parts are left. You can puree the meat while it’s hot and moisten with water, breastmilk, formula, or a low-sodium broth. Blending beef with pureed veggies or rice is another option, too! Two tablespoons of ground beef supplies 5.5 grams of protein.
A popular first food, chicken doesn’t disappoint nutrition-wise because it’s a healthy source of niacin for energy, selenium for healthy skin and heart tissues, and protein for growth. You can prep cooked chicken by shredding, pureeing, or cutting it into tiny pieces. Create your own baby-food blend by pureeing chicken with green peas or pears.
Peanut Butter
There was a time when parents held off on introducing peanut butter out of concern that their little one would have an allergic reaction. Now, there’s evidence that introducing peanut butter early can lower the chances of developing a peanut allergy. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025, your baby can benefit from eating peanut butter at around 6 months of age.
However, straight peanut butter is too thick and sticky for babies and can pose a choking risk. So, before offering peanut butter to your little eater, thin it with breastmilk, formula, or pureed fruit. When possible, stick to varieties that are low in sodium or salt-free. Babies have immature kidneys, which can become overloaded with too much salt. One tablespoon of peanut butter gives your babe 3.5 grams of muscle-building protein.
There isn’t much to eggs-plain, as eggs are famous for their protein benefits (two tablespoons of eggs have 2.7 grams of protein). They also contain choline for your baby’s brain health. Thoroughly cook eggs by scrambling them on your stovetop, you can make your scramble softer by whisking your raw eggs with breastmilk or formula milk before cooking. Babies who are eating finger foods can try a cut-up omelet or hard-boiled egg.
Tofu is an easy-to-munch nutrient powerhouse, making it a great food for infants. In addition to serving up 1.8 grams of protein, tofu is excellent source of calcium to protect your baby's teeth and gums. You can offer small pieces of soft tofu or puree with fruit for a creamy snack that’s sure to fill little tummies.
Cottage Cheese
Add some new textures to your wee one’s diet with cottage cheese. Two tablespoons of cottage cheese give your babe 1.6 grams of protein. The dairy-based food loads your little one up with calcium, choline, and vitamin A for those developing peepers. Stick to lower sodium varieties with under 100 grams of sodium per serving. Serve cottage cheese plain or mix it with mashed sweet potato or a fruit puree.
Greek Yogurt
While cow’s milk is a no-no for babies until they reach 12 months, yogurt is fair game. Greek yogurt is one of the most protein-wealthy yogurts and is a good source of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous to nourish your babe’s growing bones. Two tablespoons of Greek yogurt contain 1.4 grams of protein. Offer your mini muncher plain whole milk Greek yogurt mixed with some pureed fruit for a spoon-able snack.
Lentils are easy-to-digest plant proteins that are a must-have food for babies because they’re brimming with nutrients like iron, calcium, phosphorus, calcium, choline, and folate, as well as 1. 1 grams of protein. Before cooking, rinse and sift through raw lentils to remove any possible debris from harvest, making them safer for your tiny nosher to nibble.
Quinoa grains are soft-cooked edible seeds. They’re chock-full of nutrients like folate and iron for your baby’s developing brain. Quinoa is considered a complete protein. That means it’s packed with all nine essential amino acids the body cannot make on its own but relies on to support rapid growth. There’s a natural coating of saponin on quinoa that you’ll need to rinse off before cooking as it can have toxic effects and a bitter taste. Boil quinoa seeds in water or a low-sodium chicken or veggie broth for extra flavor. Two tablespoons of quinoa have 0.5 grams of protein.
More advice about feeding babies:
- Happiest Baby's Feeding Guide
- Best Puree Recipes for Babies
- What to Know About Baby Led Weaning
- Best Foods for 6- to 9-Month-Olds
- Best Foods for 10- to 12-Month-Olds
About Gabrielle McPherson
Gabrielle McPherson, MS, RDN, LDN is registered dietitian in Missouri who specializes in community and pediatric nutrition. Gaby is passionate about encouraging families to eat well in simple, practical ways that are realistic...and delicious! When not working, Gaby loves cooking, baking, and making messes and memories with her sous-chef/preschooler Charlotte.
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10 Protein-Rich Finger Foods for Baby-Led Weaning
When your baby is starting solids it’s tempting to stick with fruits, vegetables, and grains like cereals or toast. But, babies need other nutrients, like protein and fat in their diets too. These mostly single-ingredient, protein-rich finger foods are an easy place to start.
There are good reasons to add protein-rich foods to your little one’s daily diet, beyond, well, the protein. First, if your little one is breastfeeding, at about six months she will need added sources of iron and zinc in her diet. (Formula is fortified, so if your baby is formula-feeding, this is less of a concern.) Iron and zinc are both crucial minerals for your baby. Iron allows blood cells to carry oxygen to muscles and organs and is key for brain development. Zinc is important for a strong immune system.
And, many protein-rich foods also happen to be good sources of iron and zinc, such as tofu, lentils, beef, chicken, and eggs. Keep in mind that the iron and zinc from animal sources is more easily absorbed than that from plant sources.
Protein-rich foods, especially dairy products, can also be full of beneficial fats (which babies need for vitamin absorption, satiety, and brain development) and other nutrients like calcium and Vitamin D. Just a reminder that babies shouldn’t drink cow’s milk as a primary beverage until age 1, but it’s a-ok to serve them yogurt and cheese.
Finally, when your baby is starting solids she’s also taste-training. If you introduce meat and/or other protein sources now, she’s more likely to continue to enjoy them as she gets older. Remember, your child will never be more open to new flavors than she is now, so take advantage!
If you’re spoon-feeding, consider stirring whole-milk Greek yogurt into fruit or vegetable purées for a kick of protein. And, of course, meat, fish, bean, and lentil pureés are also great sources. To get started you can try these recipes: Baby’s First Fish Dinner and Red Lentil and Spinach Purée, both from Real Baby Food.
But, what if you’re practicing baby-led feeding? Good news–there are lots of easy options! Here are my favorite, mostly single-ingredient options.
10 Protein-Rich Finger Foods for Baby-Led Weaning
- Cooked and flaked fish, such as cod or omega-3-rich salmon; spritz with lemon for extra flavor.
- Chickpeas or other beans, lightly smashed. If canned, choose low or no-sodium beans and rinse well and drain.
- Lentils. This will be messy, but your baby can pick them up by the handful. Or, smash with olive oil and smear on toast.
- Baked or poached and shredded chicken breast or thigh. This is especially nice tossed with a little veggie purée.
- Slow-cooked or pressure-cooked beef, pork, or lamb (RELATED: How to Prep Meat for Baby-Led Weaning)
- Chopped hard-cooked eggs, yolks and whites
- Shredded medium-firm cheese, such as cheddar, mozzarella, or Monterey Jack
- Cubed firm tofu
- Chopped meatballs or ground meat patties
- Toast strips spread with peanut butter, almond butter, ricotta cheese, cream cheese, or hummus (RELATED: 15 Toast Toppers for Babies and Toddlers)
Remember that finger foods need to be a safe texture and size to help prevent choking. They should be soft enough to be mashed with gentle pressure between your thumb and forefinger. In terms of size, they should either be shredded, cut into strips about the size and length of your pinky finger, or cut into chickpea-sized pieces.
Looking for more baby-led weaning ideas and family feeding tips? Sign up for my newsletter! As a thank you for signing up, I’ll send you three of my favorite healthy smoothie recipes for the whole family. I look forward to being in touch!
Jenna Helwig
[email protected]Protein snacks for picky eaters
Victoria Levchuk©In general, feeding a picky eater with protein is very problematic. Offering protein snacks is like death. What to do? Get behind the child or keep offering meat.
I wrote an article The child does not eat meat about protein alternatives, and today I want to offer protein snacks that a child can eat. He will accept them, this is a secondary question, it depends on the method of the proposal and the perseverance of the parents. To begin with, briefly my story of adding protein to the diet of a child and tell you a little why protein is needed in the body.
Our Protein Story
Table of Contents:
Protein for KidsFor some reason, my child decided at 2 years old that he was a vegetarian. And for almost 2 years he lived on meat and fish broth. And, probably, he ate it only because he did not understand that it was water in which meat or fish was boiled.
Quite by accident, during a home celebration, we noticed that a child was sitting quietly eating shish kebab. My mother reacted so violently that the stereotype was fixed that shish kebab is super and good. During the next year, all the meat that was offered to the child was called "kebab". And during the year there was a search for a way to feed the baby with meat products. The meat was prepared in different ways: baked, boiled, stewed, fried on a fire and on a grill.
As a result, at the age of 8 he calmly eats pilaf with meat (the last preference), baked chicken legs, boiled chicken, barbecue (any meat), homemade sausage and sausages (in the form of sausages), of course, purchased sausage, children rarely they refuse it, cutlets from chicken pieces, not from minced meat, dumplings (the very first option for eating meat). And here the variations of dumplings are also positively perceived. Those. manti, khinkale and even lazy manti are eaten in a short time, here I ask you only to chew carefully.
Let me remind you that protein is not only meat. The child still eats well cereals (quinoa), egg scrambled eggs, nuts and lentils (once a month, but he eats it in soup), and do not forget about potatoes, which also have protein, his picky eater eats every day. Yes, protein is different, but there should be an equal amount of them in the child's diet, approximately 50 to 50.
And behind this list of favorite foods is the long and hard work of parents. I will not devalue it, I must praise myself. Periodically, we drink additional protein, but the doctor prescribes it for analysis. We do not forget about the active growth of the child, when he needs additional vitamins and minerals in the modern rhythm of life.
Why is protein so important for children?
Protein Snacks for the Picky Eater Protein is important for kids for a lot of reasons. It is part of every cell in the body and is involved in building and maintaining muscles, bones, internal organs, hair, skin and nails. Also, protein is important in such processes of the body as maintaining fluid balance, the immune system, blood clotting, the production of hormones and enzymes and much more ! Our children are constantly growing, so they need protein not only to maintain overall health, but also for growth and development!
How much protein do children need each day?
The amount of protein a child needs each day varies by age.
- 0-6 months: about 9 grams per day (with breast milk and/or formula)
- 7-12 months: about 11 grams per day (combo of breast milk and/or formula + solid food)
- 1 to 3 years: about 13 grams per day.
- 4 to 8 years: approx. 19grams per day.
Numbers are good, but how much is in products. For example, a three-year-old child needs about 13 grams of protein per day. This will look something like 1 boiled egg, 20 grams of Dutch cheese and a small glass of milk. Seems easy?!
The best sources of protein for children
Protein snacksOf course, there is no shortage of foods containing protein. Parents often overestimate a child's daily protein needs. If the child has a balanced diet, then most likely there is no lack of protein. It is also important for parents to understand that it is completely normal that children do not like meat. The absence of meat in the diet of a child is not the same as a lack of protein in the body. Meat is a great source of protein, but protein is also found in fish, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, eggs, dairy, tofu, and whole grains. This is enough for any person, not just for a child!
If the child does not like meat
Protein snacks for the picky eater The child may not like meat. It is important to understand whether this dislike is temporary or already the value of life. After all, some children refuse meat, because they feel sorry for the animals and this should be respected. Of course, at 2-3 years old, a child cannot consciously refuse meat, most likely there is another reason. Maybe the meat was too difficult to chew, so it was easier for the child to refuse to eat it. Or the child choked on meat, as a result, a traumatic situation in the past prevents him from eating meat products. Let's not forget about the psyche of the baby. The usual fright during the first feeding with meat can spoil the first impression of the product. There can be many reasons not to eat meat, but parents should not despair.
Any animal protein can be replaced with vegetable protein. For example, almonds, almond oil. One serving (about 23 almonds) contains 6 grams of vegetable protein, 4 grams of dietary fiber, "good" unsaturated fats, magnesium, antioxidant vitamin E and more, making almonds the best addition to a child's diet. Almonds can be sprinkled on toast, mixed with oatmeal, or added to smoothies. Almond butter is added to salads, and sliced almonds are added to vegetarian dishes for crunch and flavor.
Why can protein foods be difficult for picky eaters?
The child does not eat meatMeat, fish and poultry are second on the list of foods to avoid after vegetables. It's not entirely clear why, and it's usually a phase that goes away with time (with parental patience), but it has something to do with the texture and flavor of the meat. It can be tough, hard to chew, and just not appealing to more fussy eaters at certain stages. The fish has a strong flavor that may also be uncomfortable for some toddlers. The trick is to continue serving these foods without pressure, without expecting your child to eat them. If a child regularly sees an example of eating meat and meat products, then someday he will again eat meat with the whole family.
Why protein snacks are important for picky eaters
meat for children Children have small stomachs but high nutrient requirements. Protein is the raw material a growing body needs to build cells, tissues, muscles and bones. Sufficient daily protein intake also plays an important role in the metabolism of other nutrients, the formation of red blood cells and the strengthening of the immune system. Protein foods also help form new blood cells and body tissues. Also, protein snacks make you feel fuller for a longer period than other foods.
Therefore children should be able to eat every 2-3 hours which means a balanced meal with nutritious snacks in between. Make sure to offer protein-rich snacks so your child has plenty of opportunities to try and learn to love protein-rich foods.
- Almond, cashew or any other nut.
- Apple slices with almond butter
- Fruit slices and any nut butter
- For sweet cravings… Banana or Chocolate protein shake. You can buy for children, they have a complete list of minerals and vitamins, as well as additional protein. We look carefully at the composition and choose easily digestible ingredients.
Very filling and rich in protein.
- If you want something salty... Egg muffins with spinach and goat cheese. Super easy, all you need is cupcake molds. Or muffins with vegetables and eggs.
- Salty Flavor - Baked chickpeas with salt, garlic, paprika and nutritional yeast.
- Sweet chocolate peanut butter rice cake.
- Hummus with healthy chips. Now chips from 3 cereals have appeared in stores, tasty, with spices and healthy.
- Raw vegetables and hummus
- Greek yogurt mixed with frozen banana and strawberries and some vanilla
- Greek yogurt with a scoop of protein (choose a kid-friendly one, or look for kids cocoa with extra protein)
- Hard-boiled eggs with your favorite seasoning, I like paprika and soy sauce There are many recipes on the internet. Whether the child will enter or not will need to be specified by the sentence method. We also take into account the age of the child, since soy sauce is possible after 5 years.
Protein snacks are a picky example.
Protein examples for kids - CLICK ME!!!
Protein snacks that are soft and crunchy in texture
Below are protein snacks that are soft and crunchy in texture. Children do not like meat because it is hard or dry when chewed. Therefore, for children with sensory needs, I offer soft protein snacks.
Soft and smooth protein snacks:
- Tofu
- Eggs (pouched scrambled eggs, scrambled pancake)
- Yoghurt
- Cottage cheese
- Cream cheese
- Yogurt
- Coneys
- Caified salmon
- Pea soup
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Yoghurt
All of the protein snacks above are great and easy to make or buy. But the question arises how to persuade / force the child to eat these types of protein.
In my case, a fastidious eater began to eat proteins only with the daily systematic supply of meat in the diet. Another very good result was given by the “One Spoon” method, when you agree with the child to eat only one spoonful of food, you can not eat more. The purpose of is to taste food, children refuse food because of the appearance, not always understanding whether it is tasty or not. Therefore, the first spoon is important. Here parents use different methods of persuasion and contracts. Forcing is not a good idea, because The pressure at the table only works in the short term.
The choice method was also positively used, when the child can choose a favorite food during the meal from 2-3 other dishes.
Personal example is also a good way to help your child eat meat. If the parents are vegetarians, then meat may not be introduced into complementary foods. Although there are also exceptions.
Don't expect quick results. It may take more than 10-20 offers of meat for the baby to try and eat it.
In order for the child to get enough protein, it is necessary to think over the menu in such a way that there is protein in every meal. It is not difficult.
A piece of cheese for breakfast (26 grams per 100 grams, but we give the child no more than 10-20 grams), mashed potatoes for lunch (2 grams of protein per 100 grams), yogurt for an afternoon snack (4 grams per 100 grams), a glass of milk for dinner (2.9 grams per 100 grams). Difficult? It turned out about 13.9 grams.
10 signs of protein deficiency
I advise you to write down a sample menu for the day and see how much protein your child eats. It often seems to parents that the child eats little protein. The following symptoms will help determine if a child has a protein deficiency.
- Slow or slow growth
- Decreased immunity
- Poor concentration
- Pain in bones or joints
- Constant hunger
- Lethargy or constant fatigue
- Slow healing
- 0033 Reduced muscle development
- Brittle nails
- Thinning hair
Age-specific protein tables work well, but all children do not grow evenly. And now children are larger in height and weight than the previous generation. Therefore, a rule of thumb can be used, children require 1 g of protein per kg of body weight. A little more for active and sporty kids.
Next, simply add the right amount of protein per day with yogurt, milk, eggs, soy, lentils or protein snacks.
I hope you liked the article. Waiting for your comments!
Recipes for children rich in proteins and vegetables
Getting kids to eat right is an odyssey for many families. There are toddlers who deny any strange taste. That they don't open their mouths when they bite a strange color, or that they're just never hungry. But a healthy diet is essential for its development. In Recipes for children, rich in proteins and vegetables , they guarantee a strong body that accompanies the constant accelerated development of children.
The problem is that while healthy, not all children enjoy healthy food. That's why today we're opening the options menu with some delicious and nutritious recipes.
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- 1 Protein meals
- 2 Easy recipes with meat and vegetables
Protein meals
cook children's high protein recipes it's not difficult. Mainly because it's easiest to cook some meat and then add a vegetable side dish. Perhaps the most difficult is the last one. Not all children like lettuce, carrots or beets. Then the possibilities begin to be limited. In other cases, you will have to "disguise" vegetables, because if children see them, they automatically close their mouths.
Why is it important for children to eat protein and vegetables? Because they are part of the nutritional balance. Proteins are made up of a chain of amino acids, which are the main components of the body's cells and tissues. For this reason, they are necessary for the body for both development and growth, as well as for the general good condition of the body.
Protein must be present in any healthy diet as it allows the body to regenerate tissues throughout life. They are a source of energy and are part of the main hormones that allow the body to function in a balanced way. In turn, they are involved in the immune system when it comes to fighting viruses and bacteria.
As for vegetables, they guarantee the intake of nutrients such as vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, etc. Depending on the type of vegetable, the benefits are achieved. For this reason, a nutritious vegetable dish is said to be one that contains all colors. In diversity - the richness of the issue. There are many vegetable and protein-rich recipes for kids that are perfect for this stage of high energy needs.
Easy recipes with meat and vegetables
Nowadays, you need to think about Recipes for children, rich in proteins and vegetables to make them easy and fast. We know families have a lot to do and quick recipes are much needed. This does not mean that we forget aspects of nutrition. On the contrary, when it comes to protein recipes for kids, it's very easy to prepare a hearty and delicious recipe in a few minutes.
Open the refrigerator and look inside: you must have a piece of beef. Maybe eggs and potatoes. With these few ingredients, you can make a tasty and nutritious meal that your kids will love without complaining. Potatoes are flexible and adapt to different cooking methods. You can make them baked, fried, scrambled or mashed with butter and a little milk.
Eggs are also a source of protein, so they can be part of the meal. And the meat can be fried in a pan and seasoned with a small amount of fried onions. Or cook the meat in the oven by making a broth with chopped vegetables. If you don't want the kids to see them, you can remove them when serving, but the vegetables have already released their juice.
Article topic:
3 quick, nutritious and delicious breakfast recipes for kids
Dairy products are also rich in protein, so any puree with milk and eggs will add the necessary dose of protein.