Sage spoonfuls baby food storage
Sage Spoonfuls | Homemade Baby Food Products & Storage
Sage Spoonfuls | Homemade Baby Food Products & StorageMom Created. Pediatrician Approved.
We make healthy easy with products you can trust.
Sage Spoonfuls provides parents and caregivers with all the tools they need to make mealtime a breeze for babies, toddlers, and big kids. From easy-to-use baby food prep, serving, and storage products to meal prep solutions for big kids and parents, healthy and nutritious meals are effortless with Sage Spoonfuls. |
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At Sage Spoonfuls, we believe that healthy should be easy, because if it’s not easy, it’s not happening.
I created Sage Spoonfuls so parents and caregivers would have everything they need to quickly and easily provide the healthiest meals for their babies, toddlers and kids.
From baby food prep, serving and storage to toddler and big kid mealtime essentials to reusable bags for litter less school lunches and snacking on-the-go, Sage Spoonfuls has you covered.
Parenting is hard. Mealtime doesn’t have to be.
With love,
"There are so many reasons why homemade baby food is a better choice for our babies, including preventing them from becoming picky eaters as they grow into toddlers. Sage Spoonfuls provides a stress-free and convenient way for parents to give their babies the most nutritious start to life."
- Dr. Laura Pagnotta
"Sage Spoonfuls is, hands-down, my favorite baby food system on the market."
– Jamie Grayson, The Baby Guy NYC
“Making food for your baby can be intimidating, but Sage Spoonfuls makes it easy. The book is beautiful and easy-to-follow, even if you’re not a cook.”
Amy – Mom of Four
"As a busy working mom, I'm pulled in many directions. Sage Spoonfuls is a grab and go system that fits easily into my busy schedule."
Suzanne – Mom of Two
"I was shocked by how simple it was to make homemade baby food! I seriously don't cook, ever, but your recipe book was beyond easy to follow and the food processor was much easier to use and took much less time than I expected. I have a seemingly endless amount of baby food now stored away in the freezer! Thank you SO much!
Erika - Mom of One
"I received my package last week and am already obsessed with cooking my way through your book!! Cole absolutely loves the smoothie recipe in there! We've even had a baby food making demonstration for a couple of pregnant friends and they are going to go the homemade route now that they know it’s so easy. We can't thank you enough!"
Stacey – Mom of One
"I just got your book in the mail today and finally got to sit down and look at it. It looks awesome! You make it seem so easy, I can't wait to try all the recipes! Thank you SO much!"
Traci - Mom of One
"Your book is absolutely awesome. I am so impressed with the information and recipes! For someone who never cooks, I can’t believe I am now making the majority of James’ food. It’s become my go-to guide on how to shop and what to give him. Thanks so much!"
Susan - Mom of One
"I have a wonderful 5 month old boy and I was really thinking about making homemade food for him. I love that I can make a big batch at once rather than other brands which only make a small batch at a time. Thank you! All parents out there, Sage Spoonfuls is a great product!"
Lisa-Marie - Mom of One
“I’ve been a fan of Sage Spoonfuls for a long time and I’m obsessed with their new food pouches! The absolute BEST on the market!”
Kathie - Mom of Five
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pharmacy on Lenin 22
Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
for the medical use of the drug
Shalofa leaves 9000
( Salviae 9000 9000)
Trade name of the drug: Sage leaves
Dosage form: crushed leaves
Composition: sage leaves
Sage leaves contain essential oil, flavonoids, tannins, organic acids, phytoncides, vitamins and other biologically active substances.
Leaf pieces of various shapes with a small amount of other parts of the plant (pieces of stems, flowers with and without pedicels), green, grayish green, silvery green or silvery gray with whitish and brownish blotches, passing through a 7 mm sieve. The smell is fragrant. The taste of the water extract is bitter-spicy, slightly astringent.
Pharmacotherapeutic group
Anti-inflammatory agent of plant origin.
Pharmacological action
Infusion of sage leaves has a local antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and astringent effect.
Indications for use
Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis), pharynx and larynx (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis).
Hypersensitivity to the drug, children under 12 years of age.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
Use is possible if the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and child. For the use of the drug during pregnancy or breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor.
Method of application and doses
About 10 g (3 tablespoons) of leaves are placed in a glass or enamel dish, pour 200 ml (1 glass) of hot boiled water, cover with a lid and heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature , , , , , , , , , , , , 45 min. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml.
Applied topically for rinsing in adults and children over 12 years old, ½-1 cup of infusion 3-5 times a day in a warm form.
It is recommended to shake the infusion before use.
Side effects
Allergic reactions are possible. If any of these side effects get worse, or if you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.
When used correctly (topically), overdose is unlikely, when taken orally in high doses (more than 15 g of dried leaves) - tachycardia, tinnitus, vomiting, convulsions, symptomatic treatment.
Interaction with other drugs
Not described.
Influence on the ability to drive vehicles, mechanisms
The drug does not affect the ability to perform potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (including driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms).
Crushed leaves. ,
50 g of crushed leaves in a pack of box cardboard or chrome-ersatz cardboard, with an inner bag of food packaging paper, along with instructions for use. It is allowed to apply the full text of the instructions for use on the pack.
Storage conditions
Store in a dry place protected from light.
Ready infusion should be stored in a cool dark place for no more than 2 days.
Keep out of reach of children.
Shelf life
1 year 6 months
Do not use after the expiration date.
Dispensing conditions
Available without a prescription.
Name and address of the manufacturer's production site
Fito-Bot LLC
369260, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Urupsky district, Pregradnaya village, Podgornaya st., 62a, Liter L.
Fito-Bot LLC
How to take sage to stop lactation
Tags: Lactation It's hard to find words to describe the beauty of breastfeeding. During this period, the infant receives with mother's milk the optimal vitamin and mineral composition necessary for the proper development of his body. In addition, the baby feels mother's warmth and love, which he needs so much at this age, and a woman at the time of feeding can enjoy the presence of her child and unity with him. But lactation is not endless, and there comes a point when breastfeeding is no longer as necessary as it used to be. And then the question arises,0042 how to properly stop breastfeeding, and how to take sage to stop lactation . Today we will consider these issues and understand whether it is possible in principle to use sage to reduce the production of breast milk and how safe it is to drink decoctions from it.
Why choose sage?
Cessation of lactation may not always be successful: if simple rules are ignored, problems such as mastopathy, milk stagnation in the ducts, the formation of malignant tumors, etc. can occur. Therefore, it is very important to properly organize the reduction of breast milk production. Of course, you can use "grandmother's" methods or special medications. However, both methods are very risky.
- Many argue that lactation is reduced by tightening the breast with a tight bandage (in particular elastic) or applying ice to the mammary glands. Perhaps this method is really effective. But in this case, there is a risk of injury to the chest, as a result of which mastitis or lactostasis may occur. And then you need urgent medical care, and sometimes even surgery.
- Lactation is reduced if you limit the daily intake of fluids. This statement is also very controversial, since the liquid you drink does not really affect milk production. Cessation of lactation in this case can cause stress, depression, deterioration in general well-being.
- The use of special medications will help to reduce milk production in a short time. But these drugs are made on a hormonal basis, and the instructions for them warn that a woman expects a number of side effects from their use: hormonal imbalance, worsening of the gastrointestinal tract, depression, headaches. In addition, before you start taking such drugs, you need to consult a doctor. Self-treatment is unacceptable!
As you can see, it is safe to stop lactation and is both simple and difficult at the same time. And in order not to risk your health, you can use sage to stop the production of breast milk.
But how does sage affect the lactation process? According to scientific studies, sage contains a high concentration of phytoestrogens. These substances are very similar to estrogens - female sex hormones. In fact, phytoestrogens are an analogue of female estrogens, which are responsible for women's health, namely the reproductive system, the condition of the breasts and the whole body. A decrease in prolactin occurs when the level of estrogen in the female body rises. To speed up this process, women who continue to lactate are prescribed sage. With it, the cessation of milk production is reduced to zero. At the same time, the oil or tincture of this plant strengthens the entire body of a woman and helps to stop lactation painlessly and without stress.
How to drink sage correctly?
There are many recipes for using sage. The plant can be infused in a water bath, brewed like tea, use the oil of this herb. Each recipe has its own instructions, which must be followed unquestioningly. You can buy grass in any form in a pharmacy in the public domain. But first you need to determine for yourself the most suitable method of application, having consulted with a specialist in advance.
So, let's look at some of the most common recipes, the termination of lactation with which will be carried out faster.
- Sage infusion. Drinking such a tincture, as the instructions say, is recommended 4-6 times a day. However, a single serving should not exceed ¼ cup. But first, the sage drink must be insisted: take a teaspoon of sage herb and pour boiling water (250 ml). Leave the sage to infuse for an hour. Before drinking the tincture, strain it through cheesecloth. It is recommended to brew a fresh portion of sage every day and drink it before meals.
- Clary sage in sachets. A similar tool resembles tea bags with the difference that inside is not finely chopped tea leaves, but sage herb. According to the instructions, sage tea should be infused in a glass of boiling water, adding 1 or 2 bags, and then take 50 ml during the day, but not more than 5 times.
- Lactation disappears if sage oil is used, and this method is more effective than others.
They explain it this way: oil is a highly concentrated substance, which means there is more phytoestrogen in it. It can be taken orally 4-5 drops four times a day. However, the oil must be of high quality. It is recommended to make compresses on the chest with sage oil: slightly moistened gauze is moistened in 25 ml of the substance and applied to the chest for half an hour or an hour. To stop lactation in this way, compresses are done several times a day.
- Sage decoction is prepared from a tablespoon of dry plant and 2 tbsp. boiling water. The mixture is kept in a water bath for 10 minutes, then you need to insist the sage for another half hour. Take an infusion so that lactation ends faster, you need 4-5 times a day, 1-2 tbsp. l.
- Alcohol tincture. The instruction to the drug says that this method can be used if the baby has already refused the breast. Cessation of lactation with this tincture is quick and painless. The use of an alcohol preparation is carried out as follows: tincture (30-60 drops) is diluted with water and taken about 6 times a day.
When choosing the method by which milk production will be stopped, be guided by the following principle: if the child has already refused breastfeeding and you need lactation to stop as soon as possible, choose more concentrated infusions. If you are still putting the baby to the breast and you want to make the cessation of lactation softer and smoother, choose less concentrated decoctions.
When is sage not recommended?
Despite the miraculous properties of sage, its pleasant nutmeg aroma and slightly bitter, but not at all unpleasant aftertaste, this plant can be dangerous to health. So, the cessation of lactation cannot be carried out if the woman:
- pregnant;
- suffers from epilepsy;
- has acute kidney disease;
- is prone to severe allergies;
- has gastrointestinal problems.
If you are in doubt about the appropriateness of using sage tinctures or oil of this plant, ask a specialist for help: a pediatrician or gynecologist will tell you how to effectively and safely stop lactation.