Snow globe baby food jar
Craftaholics Anonymous® | Baby Food Jar Snow Globes Tutorial
Have a bunch of baby food jars hanging around? Here’s a great upcycle for all those cute little jars! Turn them into mini snow globes with a few household items. Baby Food Jar Snow Globes are easy to create and make a fantastic gift idea!
This is Part 3 in the #JustAddMichaels promotion! Check out Part 1 {announcement} and Part 2 {Dream Christmas tree reveal}.
My baby girl is just starting to eat solids, so I have a bunch of baby food jars hanging out. So I turned a bunch of them into mini snow globes and they turned out so stinkin cute!! I’m seriously in love with them! Oh, and I might just be handing these out to neighbors and friends. They make such a cute little Christmas gift!
I love it when I find a way to reuse and make it beautiful!
How to Make Snow Globes TutorialSupplies:
- empty baby food jars {Stage 2 size is the cutest, in my opinion, but all sizes work just fine!}
- mini fake trees
- Goo Gone
- Glycerin {I found it at the Walmart pharmacy}
- Glass & Bead glue OR Epoxy
- Glitter {colored chunkier glitter works best.
Don’t use clear or fine glitter}
- Gold spray paint
- distilled water
- Remove the labels off the jars and clean off the glue with Goo Gone.
- Spray paint the lids gold {or desired color}.
- Put a little glue on both the inside of the lid and the bottom of the fake tree. Allow to dry for 1-2 minutes and then press the tree onto the lid. Allow to dry for 24 hours.
4. Add about 1 teaspoon of glitter into each jar.
5. Fill with distilled water and add 5 drops of Glycerin. {5 drops seemed to work the best.} Screw the lid {with the tree} onto the top and you’ve got yourself the cutest mini snow globe ever!
And that is how you make Baby Food Jar Snow Globes!
Mini Snow Globes
What could you do with this tiny snow globes?
Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Michaels. I received free product{s} featured in this post. All opinions are 100% mine!
Check out my Gold Ombre Christmas Tree! It turned out gorgeous! {and yes, I can’t believe I already have my tree up this year! haha}
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Hi! I'm Linda, the craft addict behind Craftaholics Anonymous®, a craft blog. Crafting is cheaper than therapy, right? When I'm not DIYing something, I can be found taxiing around our 4 crazy kids or working out. Or shoe shopping... because you can never have too many shoes! Happy crafting! ♥
Photo glitter globe from baby food jar
Last month was Big Sister's moving-up day at school! She left her beloved 'yellow' room and moves up to 'green' room this month! She also had her dance and piano recitals last month. I absolutely adore, definitely not envy, the teachers for being with kids the whole day, being so patient and caring while they are at it. And return home to their own kids at the end of the day! RESPECT!
As we got ready to say our byes and Thank Yous to all her beloved teachers, we wanted to give each one of them something special...something we made together. So, I rummaged around my pending projects and settled on this. Customized photo glitter globes...
And the best part. ..this is reuse-recycle project. You can buy a glass jar or bottle. OR you can use baby food jars if you have them around.
Want to make this?
Read on for my step-by-step...
First up...start saving up on the baby food jar once your little one is done with it.
Peel of the sticker and scrub off any glue residue.
Paint the lids...
We made one for ourselves first. Let it sit for a week, to make sure everything stayed the way it should and there were no leakages. The photo size depends on the size of jar you are using. If you make the picture too small, it will float around in the jar. If you make it too big, the picture will bend distorting the image. So I experimented by cutting up old contact cards into the jar to come up with just the right size.
If you are using a 4oz baby food jar, 2"X2.5" is a perfect picture size. We chose 2 pictures and glued them back to back.
This picture is going to spend its life soaked in fluid. So we now have to 'laminate' it. Garb a strip of heavy duty packaging tape. Make sure the tape is stretched out on a flat surface. Place the picture carefully on it so there are no air bubbles.
Now place another strip of tape over on the other side of the picture so that the 2 tapes stick together around the pictures and form a tight seal.
Squeeze out with your fingers any air bubbles that might be there. Cut the tape seal around the picture leaving about a 1/4" frame. Press the edges tightly to make sure the tapes are sticking together without any gaps.
Now's the fun part! Fill up to 3/4 of your jar with water. Add about 10-15 drops of glycerin.
Insert the picture upside down. Add lots of glitter! Big Sister also wanted 'fancy' sequins. Why not?! The glycerin makes the water more viscous. This helps the glitter and sequins to float more slowly around the jar and not just sink to the bottom.
Top it off with some more water to the brim and close the lid. If you can close it without spilling any water from inside, you will have bubbles. More often than not you will end up with a small air bubble.
Turn it upside down, give it a little shake and watch the 'glitter rain'. If everything looks okay, seal the lid to the jar with superglue.
And that's it! You can also glue small toys to the lid using superglue to add more texture.
options for the use of waste containers (120 photos + video)
All young mothers with the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods are faced with the question - where to put small jars from the baby's food? They are usually used for further storage of food (very convenient, for example, to cover jam or jam in small portions) or as a container for spices.
To make them not banal and boring, you can decorate them. Just look at the photo of crafts from jars and understand that such crafts cannot be boring. nine0003
Painting with bright colors
Glass jars can be painted with stained glass paints or special paints that are used for painting on glass. They can be easily purchased in specialized stores for creativity.
In order to apply a beautiful design on a glass jar, you need to carefully work with paints so that they do not spread over the rounded shape of the workpiece.
To give a background to the design, the glass surface can be painted in a single color. In the case of working with stained glass paints, the background can be omitted.If it became clear that the pattern is not to your liking, you can wash it off as soon as it is applied. To do this, use plain tap water and a cotton pad. If the paint has already hardened, then you will need a special solvent.

Special stencils can be used for beautiful painting on glass surfaces. Thus, you should get original crafts from jars. nine0003
Mom, I found this cartoon! I've been looking for it all my life!
It turned out that we are talking about a cartoon about minions. Where they say “banana”, ride cars and get into accidents.
Of course, I did not share the artistic taste of the child. And she dragged him away from the computer with a magic phrase: “Come on, let's make the minions ourselves.”
And we made them. We painted the jar yellow on the inside, and painted eyes and a mouth on the outside. The child made a whole army of colorful minions, and I got an hour of silence. nine0003
Other ways to use jars
There are quite a few options where empty jars are used:
- Box for storing needles. To do this, you need to make an additional pad with soft filling on the lid, where it will be convenient to insert needles.
- Fantasy houses for fairies. If you have a desire and imagination, you can make a wonderful house for a fairy. If desired, you can insert a small candle inside the jar and light it in the evenings. Your kid will be just delighted with this idea! nine0050
- Small aquarium for toy fish. If the baby wants to have fish, but the parents do not allow it, you can find a compromise and start such a cute aquarium for a toy fish.
- To do this, it will be necessary to pour a little soil inside the glass jar, place algae there - the aquarium is ready! Fish can be made together with the baby from plasticine.
- Terrarium. To do this, you can use moss and plants that do not need care.
- Candlesticks or stands. nine0050
- Cans can be used to feed migratory birds in winter.
- Storage for miscellaneous items. If the metal covers that are unscrewed are screwed to the locker with screws, you can get excellent containers for storing various little things.
- Few people guess, but green onions can be grown in such jars! To do this, you need to pour some water into a glass jar, place the bulb there and wait just a few days!
- If there are a lot of pencils and pens in the house, you can store them in baby food jars. nine0050
- A wonderful craft - a snow globe! Instructions on how to make the craft are very simple. To do this, you need to glue a small figure on the lid, pour some glitter into the jar and add regular baby oil. Close the lid very tightly and shake the jar! Your snow globe is ready.
- Jelly molds. The capacity is just the right size for one person.
As you can see, there are so many options for making old baby food jars. The main thing is to connect your imagination. nine0003
Jelly jars
Mama, make some jelly.
I hear this phrase about once a month and every time it scares me. Because I don’t want to mess with jelly, which I then invariably throw in the trash can. I still haven’t bothered to buy molds for jelly, so I pour it into deep plates. And my little one digs into such a plate once, arranges “ruins” in it, and then shouts that this jelly is ugly, and therefore tasteless. nine0003
But this time the child was delighted. Actually, me too. Because finally, the jelly was beautifully served, and therefore - eaten whole in small portions.
Educational games with jars
If your baby is still very small, you can use his empty baby food jars for educational games. To do this, you need to stick a few multi-colored pieces of paper on a jar and arrange the necessary colors according to the colors of the pieces of paper.
You can stick drawings with letters on the jars. Use them instead of developing cubes. Then try to put simple syllables and words together with the child. nine0003
From childhood, you can teach your baby to save money and make a piggy bank together with him. To do this, you need to make a small slot in the lid of the jar.
You can play fishing - make a fishing rod (you will need a stick or pencil, a rope and a small magnet for this). Caps from small baby food jars will serve as fish.
We usually buy cotton buds in a plastic box. We store them in it. But one day I threw away the box and bought cotton buds in a bag. nine0003
The situation is, of course, insignificant. But habit - if not a substitute for happiness, then certainly - a reason not to get annoyed in the morning. The very next morning, I heard my husband’s sleepy grumbling: “Where did the sticks go, they always stood here.”
In the evening, my son and I again organized the "Skillful Hands" circle. They rewound part of the jar with tape, and smeared the rest with transparent glue and sprinkled with sparkles. Then they removed the tape and did the same with the bottom of the jar.
It turned out to be a good organizer for storing sticks. Next time we'll do it with vertical stripes.
Photo of crafts made from baby food jars
Do-it-yourself decorations for home and garden
I'm talking about all kinds of interior things with a functional load. First of all, about candlesticks. The original candlestick is easy to make using the methods listed above. Small jars of baby puree, turning into a candlestick, can create coziness and a romantic mood in the room. nine0003
You can make vases, photo frames, chandeliers, funny figurines, needle beds and even educational toys for kids.
In addition to small glass jars, you can use tins from milk mixtures such as Nan, Nutrilon. They are perfect for storing pencils, scissors, and other little things. They can be painted, wrapped with twine, glued with buttons, decorated using decoupage technique. If you fasten several cans together, you get a real organizer.
Cans are used to make indoor and garden lamps.
You need to carefully make holes in the wall of the jar, and put a candle inside. Arrange the lamps in the right places or hang them. Tin cans also make pretty bird feeders.
Cans accumulated a decent amount? Paint them in different colors and arrange a cheerful flower bed on the wall of a country house.
Need bird protection? Scarecrow doesn't hurt. Tin cans will come to the rescue. And you can also make an original weather vane, bright and lively. nine0004
Not far off New, in anticipation of thinking about souvenirs with our own hands. It is doubly pleasant to receive a homemade gift, it carries the love of the giver. Various beautiful little things for decoration and workshops on making interesting little things will help us make a present.
Remember the snow globes from the Christmas miracle movies? Such a ball is a symbol of hope and faith, only a happy life lies ahead. From the glass jars left after baby food, wonderful snow globes are obtained. nine0003
They are easy to make. But you can present a gift that is sure to make you smile.
You will need a luminous paint prepared on the basis of a phosphor, which has the property of accumulating light energy during the day and releasing it at night. Inside the glass jar, make tiny dots with this paint (the more, the more beautiful it will be). Another option: cut a neon stick, pour the contents into a jar, then add sparkles. To start the firefly, just shake the jar, after closing the lid. nine0003
luminous paint
How to make snow in a jar. DIY glass ball with snow - a step-by-step master class with photo
WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 10 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.
Do you want to have fun next weekend with your kids (or parents) doing something together? Then you can make a snow globe! The snow globe looks cute and interesting and can be made using common items that are in every home. Alternatively, you can buy a ready-made kit online or at a craft store to make your snow globe look truly professional and enjoy year after year. Whatever you choose, read step 1 to get started. nine0003
Making a snow globe from household items
Find a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Any size will do, as long as you have the right figures to fit inside the jar.
- Olive, mushroom or baby food jars are good - as long as there is a tight-fitting lid; just look in the fridge.
- Wash the jar inside and out. To clean the label if it doesn't come off easily, try rubbing it under hot soapy water using a plastic card or knife. Dry the jar thoroughly. nine0050
Think about what you want to put inside. Anything can be placed in a snow globe. Cake figurines or small winter-themed children's toys (such as a snowman, Santa Claus, and a Christmas tree) that can be purchased at craft or gift shops are good.
- Make sure the figurines are made of plastic or ceramic, as other materials (eg metal) may start to rust or turn over funny when submerged in water. nine0050
- If you want to get creative, you can make your own clay figurines. You can buy clay from a craft store, shape it into any shape you want (snowmans are easy to make), and bake them in the oven. Paint them with water-repellent paint and they're done.
- Another suggestion: take a picture of yourself, your family or pets and laminate them. Then you can cut out each person along the contour and put their photo in a snow globe, it will turn out very realistic! nine0050
- Even if it's called snowy balloon, you don't have to limit yourself to creating only winter landscapes. You can create a beach scene using seashells and sand, or something playful and fun like a dinosaur or a ballerina.
Decorate the inside of the lid. Apply hot glue, super glue, or epoxy to the inside of the jar lid.
You can first rub the cover with sandpaper - thanks to this, the surface will become rougher and the glue will hold better. nine0003
- Place your decorations on the inside of the lid while the glue is still wet. Glue your figurines, laminated photographs, clay sculptures, or whatever else you want to put on there.
- If your piece has a narrow base (such as laminated photographs, a piece of garland, or a plastic Christmas tree), it might be best to glue a few colored pebbles to the inside of the lid. Then you can simply clamp the object between the pebbles.
- Keep in mind that the decoration you are making will need to fit in the neck of the jar, so don't make it too wide. Place the figurines in the center of the lid.
- After you've created your story, set the lid aside for a while to dry. The glue must dry completely before you can submerge it in water.
Fill the jar with water, glycerine and glitter. Fill a jar almost to the brim with water and add 2-3 teaspoons of glycerine (found in the bakery section of the supermarket).
Glycerin "compacts" the water, which will allow the glitter to fall more slowly. The same effect can be achieved with baby oil. nine0003
- Then add glitter. The amount depends on the size of the jar and your tastes. Just add just enough glitter to compensate for the fact that some of it will get stuck in the bottom of the jar, but not too much or it will completely obscure your decoration.
- Silver and gold sequins are great for a winter or Christmas theme, but you can choose any color you like. It is also possible to buy special "snow" for the snow globe online and in craft stores. nine0050
- If you don't have glitter on hand, you can make pretty realistic snow out of crushed eggshells. Use a rolling pin to crush the shell well.
Carefully put on the cap. Take the lid and fasten it firmly to the jar. Close it as tightly as you can and wipe off the displaced water with a paper towel.
- If you are unsure if the lid will close properly, you can make a ring of glue around the rim of the jar before closing it.
You can also wrap some colored ribbon around the lid. nine0050
- In any case, sometimes it will be necessary to open the jar to touch up loose parts or add fresh water or glitter, so think about this before you seal the jar.
- If you are unsure if the lid will close properly, you can make a ring of glue around the rim of the jar before closing it.
Decorate the lid (optional). If you wish, you can finish your snow globe by decorating the lid.
- You can paint it in bright colors, wrap it around with decorative ribbon, cover with felt or stick on holiday berries, holly or bluebells. nine0050
- Once you're done, all that's left to do is give the snow globe a good shake and watch the glitter gently fall around the beautiful decoration you've created!
Create a snow globe from a store-bought kit
- Add glitter, beads or other small particles to the water. Anything will do, the main thing is that they do not obscure the main decoration.
- For an unusual effect, try adding a few drops of food coloring to water before adding glitter, beads, etc.
- An object inside a snow globe can look more fun with glitter or artificial snow. This can be achieved by first painting the object with clear varnish or glue, and then pouring glitter or artificial snow on top of the wet glue. Note: This must be done before the item is placed in water, and the glue must dry completely. Otherwise, this effect will not work!
- Small plastic dolls, plastic animals and/or elements from board games such as Monopoly and a set of model trains can be used as the main item. nine0050
There are many holidays ahead, and you want to somehow surprise your loved ones with unusual gifts. Consider how to make a snow globe with your own hands at home.
With your own hands, with a strong desire, you can make a beautiful and stylish New Year's snow globe from a jar with your own hands. In this material, we will give several master classes, after which there will be no more questions about how to make a snow globe without glycerin with your own hands or using glycerin. nine0003
Separately, I would like to emphasize the fact that many people think that it is difficult to make a ball with snow inside with their own hands. In fact, there are not only no difficulties, but the whole process of crafts is quite simple and understandable. The presence of glycerin in the composition of the original components should not confuse you. This substance can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription for a penny, it is not difficult to work with this substance.
Simple and easy
To create such a ball, you will need a jar with a well-twisted lid, that is, the vessel must be airtight after closing and not lose this tightness during use. Additionally, to protect against leakage, it is recommended to glue the thread of the finished craft. nine0003
Christmas decorations, figurines of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden or an angel can be used as decorations inside the jar. Houses and trees look especially beautiful with falling snow. The glue needs to be waterproof, they will need to glue the selected figures to the lid of the jar.
As for snow, without which it is impossible to imagine a New Year's ball with your own hands from a can, then to simulate it, you can simply take artificial snow, sparkles or even crushed white plastic. Glycerin in this craft is needed so that the snow falls slowly, and not all at once. The more glycerin is diluted in the water, the higher the viscosity of the water will be and the snow will fall more slowly. nine0003
Tip! If the snowflakes in your craft are large, then you need to take a large amount of glycerin. For a 400 ml jar, 100 ml of glycerin will be enough. But it is recommended to add glycerin slowly and each time check how much this amount of this substance changes precisely the speed of your snow fall.
As for craft water, it is best to use distilled water if the ball is being given as a gift or if you plan to keep it for a long time. Otherwise, just tap water will do, the main thing is that there is no excess sediment in it (for this, water should be additionally defended). Work is recommended to be carried out in disposable gloves. nine0003
How to make a snow globe, a specific assembly process and step by step photos, we will tell later in this material. You need to take about an hour to work, try to do everything according to the instructions, so that the craft turns out beautiful the first time.
I propose to make a version of the snow globe, which you probably saw on the shelves of the store.
A small glass jar (100-300 ml) with a rounded shape is well suited for such a ball. Depending on what kind of holiday you have ahead, you can pick up small figurines or figurines. The figures from under the eggs in Kinder look good. My daughter always selects figures that are repeated for this. And especially for the New Year, you can do it yourself. nine0003
An integral part of this craft is glycerin, it will help to keep small sequins in the water. You can buy glycerin at a pharmacy.
Well, of course, many different sequins or glitter are needed in this work.
Take some time, call your children and start collecting all the elements to make a snow globe.
What is the snow globe "Angel" made of:
- water;
- glycerin;
- glass jar with lid; nine0009 - glass pebbles for decoration;
- figurine;
- acrylic paint;
- sequins;
- cosmetic glitter;
- glue gun.
How to make a snow globe out of a can
When choosing a figurine for a jar, take one that is clearly visible and occupies at least half of the future ball. In my case, this is an angel, well suited for a gift to a loved one.
When making a snow globe from a jar with your own hands, always use clean water, passed through a filter, mix it with glycerin (in a proportional ratio, the amount of water to glycerin will be 2:1). nine0009 Combine water with glycerin in a container, mix well.
The lid of the jar can be painted with a brush lubricated with acrylic paint if the color is not to your liking. Take only acrylic paint, it dries quickly and smears your hands. To make the figurine a little higher, you can glue glass pebbles or something else on the lid to help elevate it.
Glue the angel figurine onto the stones with a glue gun or other glue that is strong after drying.
Pour different sequins and glitter into a clean jar, you can also use very small beads.
Pour the liquid into the jar almost to the top, stir the glitter.
Now take the next step responsibly. Lubricate the neck of the jar with glue, and tighten the lid tightly.
Let the glue dry well for 15-25 minutes and you are ready to shake and flip your snow globe from the Angel Can. You can also decorate the lid, paint it and glue a beautiful fabric. nine0003
And together with the children you can do
Fascinating and magical holiday. At this time of the year, everyone wants to give and receive gifts. In this article, you will read how to make a "snow globe" with your own hands to please loved ones.
Why make a "snowball"?
Before embarking on any work, a person asks himself: "Why am I taking on this particular job?" In the case of this craft, the answer to this question is simple. Firstly, everyone loves to receive handmade gifts, especially in the modern world it is also very fashionable. Secondly, even children can make such an original gift, which is even more appreciated. nine0003
Thirdly, the New Year's "snow globe" looks beautiful, symbolic, suitable for a person of any age. And if you turn on your imagination, then you can create a unique and memorable surprise! And for its manufacture it will take quite a bit of time and a minimum of financial costs.
What do you need to work?
In 1889, the first New Year's "snow ball" was made. It was presented in Paris and had a small size (could fit in the palm of your hand). A copy of the famous Eiffel Tower was installed in it, and fine sifted porcelain and sand played the role of snow. Today, anyone can create a "snow globe" with their own hands. How to make such a miracle? Let's start by preparing the necessary things. So you need:
- Glass jar with resealable lid. It is better that the container is airtight, otherwise you will have to strengthen the place of screwing in order to prevent the craft from leaking;
- Figures for creating the main composition - these can be houses, animals, Christmas trees and so on.
- Glue gun or good super glue.
- Distilled water. If you take an unpurified liquid, it will darken over time, spoiling the appearance of the craft.
- Artificial snow - sparkles, finely chopped tinsel can act in its role. Some even use cut disposable utensils or styrofoam.
- Glycerin - for thickening water. It is he who will help you see how the snow falls in your ball.
- Decorations for the lid.
Getting Started
When all the necessary preparations are completed, you can proceed directly to the creation of the ball. First, thoroughly wash the jar and figurines to create an exposure. You can even pour boiling water over them. This is done to better preserve the snow globe from the can. If any bacteria remain on the figurines, the craft will quickly become cloudy. nine0003
Now start creating a decorative composition on the lid. Wipe the underside of the cover with sandpaper, so the glue will lie better. Then treat the surface with glue and install the figure of your choice. Work quickly before the compound dries.
If the base of your figure is very narrow (for example, like a Christmas tree), place a couple of pebbles on the lid, and already place a spruce between them.
Place the shapes in the center of the lid and don't make them too wide or they won't fit into your glycerin snowball. When the plot is ready, set the lid aside. Glue must be completely dry! nine0003
You can also place your figurine on a snowdrift. Cut it out of styrofoam, glue it to the lid and paint it with white paint.
Treat the snowdrift with glue and sprinkle with glitter. A wonderful platform for fairy-tale characters is ready! Now you can place any hero on it. You can also create a unique figurine if you mold it yourself from polymer clay.
Preparing mortar and artificial snow
In the question of how to make a "snow ball" with your own hands, the nuance of preparing a mortar of the desired consistency is very important. Take a jar and fill it three-quarters full with water. Then pour in 2-3 teaspoons of glycerin (you can buy it at a pharmacy and it is quite inexpensive). How slowly the snow falls in the composition depends on the amount of glycerin. When the solution is ready, the children's favorite stage begins - loading "snow" into a jar. Gently place the glitter in your balloon. Their number depends only on your desires, but you should not put too many sparkles, otherwise they will block the entire view of the composition. Gold and silver glitter works best, but any shade can be used. nine0003
If there is no glitter at hand, a white eggshell will save the situation, it needs to be thoroughly crushed, and it will perfectly cope with the role of snow in the New Year's craft.
Mix the glitter gently with a clean spoon and observe how it behaves. If you see particles that do not settle to the bottom, carefully remove them. They will float on top of the composition, spoiling its appearance.
Now proceed to the crucial moment - immersing the figurine in water and screwing on the lid. Turn the compositions over and lower them into the water. nine0003
Screw the lid on tightly, using a towel to remove any water that has leaked out. For insurance, it is better to once again go through the glue along the junction of the can and the lid.
Decorating the lid
The lid is also worth thinking about. Before you make a "snow globe" with your own hands, prepare everything you need for decoration.
Decorating the lid is optional, but it will make the ball look complete. The decoration will help hide the joint between the lid and the jar.
Cut out a couple of strips from cardboard and glue them into a circle. Cover the stand with gold self-adhesive paper and place the jar in it. This stand can be decorated as you wish. nine0003
You can cover the lid with nail polish, wrap it in a bright decorative ribbon, decorate with felt or glue on small decorative elements: bells, swirls. The ball is ready! Shake it and watch the fabulous snowfall.
Create a "snow globe" from a set purchased at the store
If you don't feel like looking for the right items to create a snowy New Year's gift, you can create a snow globe from a ready-made set. They can be found in many stores. The kits can be different: some already have grooves for photographs, others - clay for creating ceramic figurines. Most importantly, follow the instructions exactly! There are kits in which children have to paint and color some details on their own. Most often, the decoration is installed on the lid and glued to the plastic or glass dome. Then, through a special hole, a solution and artificial snow are poured into the ball. The cork from the kit will allow it to be tightly closed. nine0003
"Snow globe" without glycerin
Is it possible to create a New Year's surprise without glycerin? And what can replace the glycerin in the "snow globe"?
It is not bad to replace the substance with baby oil, it is also capable of thickening water. And you can create a ball only with water. There is an option to create crafts without a solution at all. Take round Christmas balls with transparent walls. Remove the rope holder, insert a small figurine and pour snow. Set the toy on a stand or decorate a Christmas tree with it. nine0003
A magical surprise will please both children and adults. Everyone will follow the snowfall of sparkles swirling behind the glass. A handmade gift keeps a piece of the soul, and it is very expensive!
How to make a "Snowball" with your own hands step by step with a photo
Yunusova Alsu Rifkhatovna, teacher, Kindergarten No.

Description: Master class of a simple "snow globe". A great option for Christmas crafts. Suitable for making by older preschool children. Useful use of baby food jars. nine0009 Purpose of the workshop: Do-it-yourself creation of a New Year's "snow" globe.
Tasks: to acquaint teachers and parents with the method of making a wonderful "snow globe". Show the steps and suggest the secrets of manufacturing.
New Year is the time of miracles and magic! Waiting for the New Year and preparing for it is probably even more interesting than the holiday itself. In kindergartens, teachers and children, in homes, children and parents are immersed in the process of creating a New Year's mood. They decorate rooms, watch movies and cartoons, buy gifts and toys, interior decorations such as snow globes... Snow globes have long been one of the main symbols of the New Year. And do-it-yourself snow globes are symbols of creativity, magic and New Year's mood at the same time! nine0003
To make a "snow globe" you need:
baby food jar, glitter and sequins, toy (this time my daughter and I chose Olaf the snowman), super glue, glycerin, water, rhinestones and ribbon or ribbon to decorate the jar, hot glue gun.
Ball manufacturing progress
First of all, you need to see how the toy will look inside the jar, is it too small.
The photo shows that the toy is less than half of the can, so I placed a lid from the hand cream under the toy, thereby lifting the snowman above the middle. You can choose toys higher, there will be less hassle. nine0004
Then I glued the stand and the toy with super glue. Glue used a lot, one might say, flooded the edges. I left the lid with the toy to dry overnight. Hint: Even though it's super glue, when it's thick it takes a long time to dry.
The next step is to prepare a liquid where sparkles and sequins will float. The proportion of water and glycerin is about 50% to 50%. I always pour by eye. Keeping the proportion exactly in milliliters is not so important. Sequins are light, they fall for some time even in water. nine0004
Before adding glycerin to the water, add glitter, sequins and stir well so that they are saturated with water.

The turn of glycerin has come. When adding it, you need to take into account the volume of the toy and the stand (in my case).
I did a couple of fittings.
The main thing is that when the lid of the jar with a toy is tightly closed, the liquid should be exactly along the edge so that there is no air left in the jar.
It remains to decorate the edges of the jar. I used golden braid and rhinestones to match the color of the braid. They were glued on with hot glue. nine0004
The snow globe is ready))
Such snow globes can be not only snowy, but also so glamorous with princesses))))
Last year my kids and I made these funny souvenirs.
It is customary to present gifts to each other on New Year's Eve. Usually valuable things are given to relatives, and inexpensive but nice souvenirs are given to friends and acquaintances. Such a present may well be a glass ball. It is filled with a transparent liquid, and inside it is a New Year or winter composition. When the ball is shaken, snow rises from below. Sometimes it magically shimmers in the light with different lights. Such a souvenir is nice to give. And yes, it's easy to do it yourself. nine0003
Materials and tools for work
To work on a souvenir in the form of a glass ball with snow, you will not need so many materials, if you wish, you can find everything in your home:
- It is necessary to choose directly a container made of transparent material, preferably rounded. Usually they use jars with lids or wine glasses, as in the case shown in the master class.
- To create a tight seal, you can take a lid from a jar of cosmetic cream, suitable in size. nine0050
- Waterproof glue or silicone sealant - for fixing the composition and processing the joint between the lid and the edge of the container.
- Figures for the composition are chosen by the master according to his own desire and taste.
- White plasticine can be used to simulate snow underfoot.
Glitter plays the role of snowflakes flying from the sky. However, you do not have to buy them - you can make sparkles from Christmas tree rain, ordinary foil or candy wrappers. They also decorate the bottom of the lid with sparkles - remember how fabulously the snow flickers under your feet on New Year's Eve? nine0003
You will need scissors to cut the glitter.
Note. Fill the container with distilled water. Experts recommend adding glycerin to the water - then the snow will settle smoothly down. Although the latter is not necessary.
Selection of figurines for composition
Usually for glass balls they use houses, Christmas trees, toy Santa Claus, a snowman. Such figures can be found in a box with Christmas decorations. Only before use, close the hole in the toy. To do this, you can use plasticine or polymer clay. nine0003
You can also make your own figurines. Polymer clay is perfect for this. By the way, the bag with gifts in this composition is just made by hand.
The bag itself is molded first. Then a tie is made from a thin sausage. If a one-color mass is used, then after the figure dries, it is painted. Paints need to be taken waterproof - such will be stained glass paints or nail polish.
Someone uses miniature toys from kinder surprises for composition. This is also an option! Such a souvenir will be especially romantic if the figurine (albeit not New Year's) is associated with some kind of memory. nine0003
And the figure can also be a symbol of the year, as in this proposed case, for example, a dog. True, the poodle in the original had a circus yellow cap. But as soon as it was painted red with nail polish, a simple toy figurine turned into a New Year's one.
And this is how an interesting composition turned out: instead of Santa Claus - a cute poodle with a whole bag of gifts!
Let's start making a snow globe nine0173 Step 1:
Glue our poodle to the bottom of the lid.