Warming dishes for baby food
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Best Travel Baby Food Warmers
If your baby is new to solid foods, it’s likely your baby is used to having warm food. But what about when you travel? If having the ability to provide warm food for your baby while traveling, a good option is a portable baby food warmer.
Managing baby food while traveling can be a little more challenging, since you need a place to stop and feed your baby. Rather than returning to your hotel room or vacation rental, a baby food warmer for traveling can make feeding your baby on-the-go even easier, especially for those babies who can be a little finnicky about food temperature.
The best part is that many of these travel baby food warmers work are also travel bottle warmers as well! So you don’t even need to buy a separate baby travel product!
Here’s our list of the best baby bottle and food warmers recommendations to make buying yours a piece of cake.
Best Portable Baby Food Warmers
- Types of Portable Baby Food Warmers
- Using Hot Water to Warm Baby Food
- Electric Portable Baby Food Warmer
- What to Look for in a Portable Baby Food Warmer
- 1.
Size for Travel
- 2. Cleaning
- 3. Compatibility for Baby Food Jars or Pouches
- 4. Length of Warming Time
- 5. Temperature Retention Rate
- 6. Power Outlet
- 1.
- Best Travel Baby Food Warmers
- 1. Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Portable Travel Baby Food Warmer
- 2. BEABA Fast Baby Food Warmer
- 3. Kiinde Kozii Voyager, Compact Travel Food Warmer
- 4. Papablic Mini Portable Travel Baby Food Warmer
- 5. bblüv - Platö - Warming Feeding Plate
- 6. DaCool Insulated Food Jar
- 7. Chicco Two-in-One Bottle & Baby Food Warmer
- More Baby Travel Gear
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Types of Portable Baby Food Warmers
Using Hot Water to Warm Baby FoodIf you don’t like to bother with cables and electricity, using hot water to heat your baby travel food warmer is considered the simplest way. Many parents prefer this type since it allows them to prepare their baby’s food or bottle ahead of time.
Although getting the perfect temperature each time can be a bit of a hassle, water baths guarantee that food is heated uniformly, preserving its natural characteristics.
All you need to do is fill your portable food warmer with warm water and place your baby’s food in it for under 15 minutes. Always ensure that the container is sealed properly to avoid leakage.
Electric Portable Baby Food WarmerElectric or battery-operated baby food warmers are convenient when facilities for a hot water bath are unavailable. These portable travel baby food warmers are compact and favored by parents who value efficiency and function.
While some may be a bit large to travel with, they are great when you have extra space lik eon your next road trip with a baby.
What to Look for in a Portable Baby Food Warmer
1. Size for Travel
Look for a baby food warmer for travel that’s compact enough to fit your travel style. If you pack as lightly as possible, you’ll want one that is compact enough to fit in your backpack diaper bag.
2. Cleaning
When it comes to babies, hygiene is of utmost concern. Finding hygienic and hassle-free food warmers that are built of washable/wipeable and leakproof components is a must for busy parents. All the warmers mentioned on this list are easy to care for and most are even dishwasher-friendly!
3. Compatibility for Baby Food Jars or Pouches
We prefer items that have multiple uses, like a baby bottle warmer that can also be used as a baby food warmer for travel.
Find a versatile warmer that is ideal for warming baby bottles and for baby food jars and pouches. Most of the warmers on this list even come with their own containers, preventing extra utensils and bowls from piling up.
4. Length of Warming Time
Time is of the essence when you are on-the-go. No matter how well-planned your trip, traveling with a child will always have its hiccups. Save yourself the trouble by choosing the right bottle and food warmer for you and your little one.
All the bottle and food warmers on this list are efficient and user-friendly, with the majority of them taking between 10-15 minutes to heat. Some even take as little as five minutes!
5. Temperature Retention Rate
You can even avoid reheating your baby’s food again by keeping it warm in a travel baby food warmer.
6. Power Outlet
The best travel baby food warmers can be juiced up with a compatible power bank or automobile USB cord. A baby food warmer that is compatible with a wide range of outlets makes heating your baby’s food as simple as recharging your phone. You’ll never have to worry about frantically searching for a source again.
Note: Remember to dispose of the warmer at the first sign of damage or leak and always inspect the warmer before each use.
Best Travel Baby Food Warmers
More Baby Travel Gear
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Nutritionist told how to choose the most harmless plastic tableware - Moscow 24, 08.

August 08, 2021, 08:30
Disposable tableware and plastic bottles have long been feared by environmentalists and doctors. In their opinion, such packaging harms not only the environment, but also human health. We tell you which plastic is the safest for food.
Photo: depositphotos/belchonock
Do not heat
The World Endocrinological Society has published a list of substances that disrupt the endocrine system. The document, in particular, states that plastic containers cannot be used for heating in the microwave, and it also provides a clear algorithm for choosing products in plastic packaging.
"There are several types of plastic: polycarbonate, polypropylene, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene. They consist of natural or synthetic high-molecular compounds. Plastic itself does not harm a person, but in its pure form it is a fragile material that melts from heat", - explained nutritionist Maria Rozanova.
Therefore, manufacturers add various chemical and processing additives to plastics in order to prolong its service life. These substances can be toxic and adversely affect human health.
Maria Rozanova
People often bring food to work in plastic containers and heat these containers directly in microwave ovens. Experts came to the conclusion that with a strong increase in temperature, the chemical additive can react and release toxic substances into food.
To avoid unpleasant consequences, the expert advised to reheat food only in glass or ceramic dishes. This will save the endocrine system and reduce the burden on the liver and kidneys, which are already under enormous stress in modern life.
Danger signal
Photo: depositphotos/tezzstock
Choose plastic dishes or products packed in plastic containers based on the recommendations of experts. The nutritionist recommends finding a triangle made up of arrows on a bottle or dish. The number in it will give information about the material from which the packaging is made, or it will tell you which dishes should be completely abandoned.
So, if there is a three in a triangle, then we are talking about polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This soft plastic is used not only in most modern finishing materials, but also for food packaging (cheese, meat, sausage), the production of bottles, as well as films for wrapping products. The goods are very popular because of the low price and are in demand. But this type of material cannot be recycled. And upon contact with fatty or hot foods, it releases heavy metals and vinyl chloride, which is very dangerous for the endocrine system.
The number 6 on the container indicates polystyrene (PS). It is used to make food containers, forks, spoons and even glasses for hot drinks.
"This type is intended only for cold products. And if you pour an alcoholic drink or hot food into such a container, then polystyrene will release a toxic substance - styrene. It accumulates in the liver and kidneys and gradually destroys them," explained the interlocutor of Moscow 24.
If the number 7 is in the triangle, then polycarbonate (PC or OTHER) was used in the manufacture. It is most often used to make baby bottles, multi-layer packaging, water bottles. But in fact, it is strictly forbidden to store food and water in this type of plastic container.
When used, especially for a long time, dishes release a dangerous substance - bisphenol: it disrupts the physiological processes in the body and metabolism, destroys the endocrine system.
Despite the dangers of this type of plastic, most food containers and water bottles are made from it today.
Maria Rozanova
The number 5 indicates that the composition contains polypropylene (PP), which is used to make cups for yogurt, hot food containers and films.
"Polypropylene can withstand high temperatures, but it is forbidden to drink alcohol from such dishes or store fatty foods in them, because formaldehyde is released, which accumulates in the body and destroys the liver and kidneys. In addition, vision and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are disturbed (GIT) It is also not recommended to heat food in such dishes above 100 degrees, "the expert added.
In order not to fall into the trap of harmful substances, buyers should carefully examine the packaging and study the data of specialists.
Which dishes to choose?
Photo: depositphotos/lobur
Containers with the number 2 on the packaging are considered one of the safest. For their production, low-pressure polyethylene (HDPE) is used. It is mainly used for the production of various cans and bottles, that is, mainly rigid containers that can be used several times.
This plastic has high hardness, strength, chemical resistance to alkalis, acids and fats. The melting point of the material is 130 degrees. Dishes made from this material can be easily identified by tapping - low-pressure polyethylene makes a sonorous and strong sound.
High Density Polyethylene (LDPE) is also used for plastic packaging, bags, films and bottles for cooking oil. On such a container, the number 4 is put in a triangle of arrows. It is very safe for human health and is intended for contact with food. The melting point of this material is 110 degrees. High density polyethylene is also resistant to deformation and sunlight.
The leader in the ranking of relatively safe materials is plastic utensils with the number 1 in the triangle. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is used to make disposable cups, plates, jars and bottles. Although the material is environmentally friendly, its shelf life is only a year.
The main rule is that containers made of this plastic should not be reused, because over time it loses its protective properties and can release toxic substances that manufacturers add for its long-term functioning.
Maria Rozanova
Such dishes, like other plastic containers, should not be heated in the microwave, because the material may release formaldehyde.
food society
How to choose safe utensils and cutlery for children / Rules and tips - an article from the "Correct Approach" section on Food.ru
Even very young children need their own dishes to eat from. It’s good if children’s plates and cups are not only bright and beautiful, but also safe. We tell you what to look for, what materials to give preference to and how special dishes will help to avoid unnecessary cleaning.
The main conditions when choosing children's dishes
Safety of materials. Pay attention to what the dishes are made of: some materials are incompatible with the baby's food. So, polyvinyl chloride, melamine and plastic containing bisphenol-A cannot be used for food storage and when feeding a baby. Polystyrene dishes should not be heated.
Marked. Children's tableware must contain on the packaging information about the operating conditions and the list of products for which it is intended.
Cookware quality.
Make sure there are no chips, cracks or scratches. If after repeated washing in the dishwasher the pattern is erased from the dishes, replace the kit with a new one from another manufacturer.
Convenience. Pay attention to such trifles as the thickness of the sides of the cup, the presence of dividers in the plate for second courses, how pleasant the material is to the touch.
The quality of dishes directly affects the health of the child, so choose trusted manufacturers and sellers. Crockery and cutlery from the children's line of popular brands undergo additional certification and quality control.
What children's dishes are made of
Porcelain. Durable, but very fragile material. Porcelain dishes can be heated in the microwave if there is no gilding, and washed in a dishwasher.
Glass. Glassware is wear-resistant, safe, impact-resistant. Even if it breaks, the fragments will not be sharp. Handles microwave and dishwasher well.
However, if hot soup is poured into a cold bowl, it may burst.
Plastic. Lightweight, easy to clean in the dishwasher and can be heated in the microwave.
Silicone. Dishes made of silicone do not slip on the surface of the table, it is easy to care for it. Can be washed and heated.
Bamboo must not be microwaved or washed in a dishwasher. The material is durable, lightweight and durable.
Metal. The disadvantage of metal utensils is that they get very hot and can burn. In addition, you can wash such dishes in a dishwasher only if they are made of stainless material.
Ceramic. In such dishes, the soup stays warm longer. Ceramic is heavier than porcelain, but also stronger. It is suitable for use in both microwave and dishwasher.
Wave-marked, heat-resistant plastic with micro, 5 or PP is dishwasher safe and microwaveable.
The best options are plastic or silicone dishes. They can be washed in the dishwasher, you can heat food in the microwave in them, they are easy to care for, they are safe for the child, and it is from these materials that manufacturers create specialized children's dishes with the most convenient functions.
Bamboo tableware often does not withstand repeated washing and simply breaks.
How to choose children's cutlery
Historically, grandmothers are presented with an engraved silver spoon for the first meal and it is strongly recommended to feed the child exclusively from it. However, this is harmful: with constant contact, silver accumulates in the body, which is fraught with a number of unpleasant health consequences.
When choosing your first cutlery, give preference to silicone and plastic ones.
The first fork should have rounded ends so that the child cannot injure himself while eating.
Other tableware for children
Feeding a child so that not only the baby, but everything around is clean is not easy.