What baby food helps babies poop
Are There Baby Foods that Help with Constipation?
While parenting brings many surprises, one of them is likely how much you’ll think about poop, or lack thereof, especially during that first year. But here you are worrying about your baby’s digestive tract and convinced that they’re constipated.
If you’ve recently introduced your baby to solid food, then your worries may be on target: solid foods can put a strain on your baby’s developing digestive tract and cause constipation. But there are things you can do to help!
Before you begin treating constipation you should determine if there is really an issue at all. So here’s the scoop on poop and how to tell if your worries are founded and your baby is constipated.
Breastfed babies
During the first few weeks, you’ll find yourself changing diapers with alarming regularity. Figure in every feed or so.
But don’t despair, because by the time your baby reaches 6 weeks old, they may have a bowel movement only once or twice a day. On the other hand, they may have one only every 7–10 days. (Yep, the frequency really can vary that much.)
The poop is yellow, soft, runny and sometimes lumpy and the smell isn’t unpleasant.
Formula-fed babies
A newborn, formula-fed baby typically poops up to five times a day. At about 6 to 8 weeks, this may decrease to around once a day.
Formula-fed babies have poop that is a camel to brown color with a thicker consistency, more like paste. Most likely, the less-than-aromatic smell means you’ll hermetically seal soiled diapers before you toss them into the garbage.
Signs that your baby is constipated
You’ve noticed that your baby’s tummy isn’t following the schedule that you got used to. Could it be constipation? Here are the signs that could confirm your suspicions:
- You notice that they cry or fuss while they’re trying to have a hard bowel movement.
- The poop, when it does come, is like hard pellets.
- You notice streaks of red blood in the hard poop.
While it’s not easy for a baby on a liquid diet to become constipated, trouble can start when you start introducing your baby to solid foods at around 6 months. Here’s why:
New food types
Think of it as a learning curve: Your baby’s body is learning how to cope with a new kind of food to digest as they move away from their full liquid diet and you need to soften the learning curve. (Pardon the irresistible pun.)
Changes to fluid intake
Decreased fluids will make your baby’s poop harder and more difficult to push out. If they’ve started solids, they may need to up their fluid intake to offset the solid food. And if your baby is teething or feeling unwell, it can also lead to them taking in less fluid than usual.
Lack of fiber
Even though they’re just starting out, babies’ tummies work like ours. While initially the move to solids that have fiber (from breast milk or formula, which don’t) can cause temporary constipation, their tummies will adjust.
Make sure to monitor your baby’s fiber intake and pair it with plenty of hydration for a smooth ride the same way that you monitor yours.
OK, so you’ve confirmed that your baby is constipated. The next step is helping to alleviate the strain on their developing digestive system.
Remember that you can keep offering these foods as your baby develops into a toddler and beyond. In fact, there is little research or evidence to support specific foods (including high fiber ones) in treating or preventing constipation in infants. Most of these recommendations are based on evidence for older adults and children.
Keep in mind that good practice when introducing solids is to introduce foods as single ingredients. That way, if your baby is allergic to certain foods, you’ll be able to more easily trace the source.
If your little one hasn’t tried these foods before, don’t rush the process. Test out one at a time and then introduce combinations once you’re confident they’re well tolerated.
- Back to basics. Give your baby’s digestive tract a break by feeding them mashed avocado or sweet potato purée. These are easy to digest and may give your baby the kick start they need.
- B vegetables. Think broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and beans. Purée these for a meal filled with fiber.
- P fruits. Your grandmother was right — bring on the prunes for quick work. A purée that includes a mix of prunes plus pears, plums, or peaches should work magic. Try subbing the prunes with dates for a change.
- Bring on the fiber. If your baby is over 8 months, you can offer them whole grains like oatmeal, fiber-rich cereals, whole wheat pasta, and brown rice.
- Water intake. Until 6 months an exclusively breastfed or formula-fed baby doesn’t need to drink water. Above this age, you can introduce small amounts of water.
Plums and pears with cinnamon
Cut 2 or 3 pears and plums into small pieces. Place in a saucepan with a small amount of water and simmer until soft. Add in a sprinkle of cinnamon. Blend thoroughly.
Sweet potato with apple and peach
Cut half a sweet potato, one apple, and half a peach into small pieces. Place in steamer basket and cook until tender. Blend until smooth.
Spinach and apple purée
Chop two apples into small chunks and cook in saucepan with about 1/2 cup of water. When they’re tender, add about 1 cup of spinach and cook another 2 to 3 minutes. Purée until smooth. Can be seasoned with cinnamon and ginger.
Some sources suggest prune, pear, and apple juices help to increase the water content in poop and can ease constipation.
However, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends steering clear of fruit juice for children younger than 1 year old. You can stick with these fruits as purées for similar effects.
What is it about prune juice? The high levels of sorbitol and phenolic substances in prune juice and dried plums act as a laxative and diuretic properties. So if your child is over 1 year old, you can use small amounts of prune juice to encourage their system to run.
Some studies show that constipation may affect as much as 30 percent of children. If your child is part of the unlucky statistic, here are some foods that you may want to give them smaller amounts of until it passes:
- bananas
- dairy products such as cheese and yogurt
- low fiber foods like white rice, white bread, and white pasta
If you’re like most parents, you’ll be up for whatever you can try to help your baby get comfortable fast. Here are a few tricks that you can use to ease your baby’s constipation:
- Warm baths. These can relax those abdominal muscles and get them working.
- Exercise. Lay your baby on their back and push their legs alternately as if they’re cycling a bike. Alternatively, hold their knees and feet together and push their feet towards their belly.
- Massage.
Use your fingertip to draw clockwise circles on your baby’s stomach.
If you see that despite your home remedies, your baby still is having hard stools or hasn’t pooped after 2 or 3 days from their last hard stool, then contact your pediatrician. Especially if you consistently notice blood in their poop or your baby is extremely irritable and appears to be in pain.
While dealing with your baby’s toilet issues may seem a tad unsavory, you’ll soon be so used to it, that you’ll find yourself sharing your insights over coffee with other parents. And don’t be shy about sharing the yummy food combinations you discover to keep things moving.
The Best Foods to Help Baby Poop (And a Few That Make It Worse)
Relieving your constipated baby can be as simple as feeding her the right thing. Load up on these foods to help baby poop (and avoid ones that worsen the problem).
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Relieves Constipation: Prunes
No surprises here; prunes are one of the best high-fiber foods for a baby who’s having tummy troubles. If your little one is just starting solid foods, try cooking and mashing some prunes to feed her. You could also chop cooked prunes into small, bite-sized pieces—or use one of our other creative techniques for introducing new baby foods.
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margouillat photo/Shutterstock
Relieves Constipation: Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are delicious just about any way you prepare them, and they are also magic for a baby who needs to poop. They’re high in insoluble fiber, which will help your baby go right away. Try making your own baby food by cooking and mashing a sweet potato or roast fries in the oven for fun finger food.
This is how you know when to start feeding babies solid foods.
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Mia Stern/Shutterstock
Relieves Constipation: Apples
An apple a day can keep constipation away! Apples (especially with the skin on) are high in fiber and can help pull water into your baby’s colon. This keeps baby’s poop soft and easy to pass. Try offering small pieces of cooked apple or pour some apple juice into a sippy cup to help get things back on track. Apples are a great stage 1 baby food. Learn more about what types of food to start feeding baby once they’re ready to go beyond formula or breastmilk.
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Relieves Constipation: Broccoli
If your baby hasn’t tried broccoli yet, there’s no time like the present! Broccoli is a vitamin powerhouse and is high in fiber. Try blending up cooked broccoli in a food processor or offering small, bite-sized pieces of soft, cooked broccoli. (Consider one of our recommended baby food makers.) If your baby is eating a variety of foods, try adding small pieces of broccoli to brown rice or scrambled eggs.
When he’s a little older, your kid will love these tasty broccoli side dishes.
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Relieves Constipation: Pears
There is nothing more delicious than a ripe, juicy pear. Treat your baby to this seasonal treat to help relieve and even prevent constipation. Pears are one of the first foods babies can try and are high in fiber. They can be cooked, but are soft enough to be offered raw. Your baby can safely gum small pieces of ripe pear without teeth.
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Sea Wave/Shutterstock
Relieves Constipation: Peas
If your baby is just starting solid foods, peas are usually one of the first options. This is good news if your baby needs help in the pooping department. Peas contain both soluble and insoluble fiber to help keep your baby’s poop soft and moving along. This makes it easier and quicker to pass without painful straining.
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Relieves Constipation: Spinach
We usually save the fresh spinach for our own salads, but babies should be invited to the greens party, too. Spinach is loaded with fiber and vitamins that help make your baby’s poop easier to pass. Try blending up some fresh spinach in a fruit smoothie for both of you!
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Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock
Causes Constipation: Cheese
Dairy products like small cubes of cheese or lightly flavored yogurt are easy foods for babies learning to eat solids. While safe and convenient, cheese is a low-fiber snack and can lead to constipation. Try cutting back on the dairy products for a few days and see if your baby improves.
You may think these foods are dairy-free, but they’re not!
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Paulo Vilela/Shutterstock
Causes Constipation: Bananas
Bananas are a great first finger food for babies (and a yummy way to cut calories when baking). Unfortunately, they can also slow down your baby’s digestion, and thus slow down their pooping. Take a brief break from bananas and use this opportunity to give some new fruits a try.
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Causes Constipation: Cereal
Whether your child is just starting out with rice cereal or has graduated to carrying a bag of Cheerios with her wherever she goes, babies and toddlers cannot get enough of this favorite first food. Cereal can lead to more formed poop, which could slow down the number of poopy diapers each day. Try cutting back on the amount of cereal and incorporating more fresh fruits and veggies.
Use up those Cheerios in one of these genius recipes.
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Igor Dutina/Shutterstock
Causes Constipation: Processed foods
Processed foods like cookies, crackers and white bread are common snacks for growing babies and toddlers, but too much can quickly lead to constipation. While you don’t have to cut these foods out entirely, try to limit them if your baby is having tummy troubles. Or, try swapping out white flour for whole wheat. For example, brown rice is a tasty alternative to low-fiber white rice.
Originally Published: May 20, 2019
Carrie Madormo, RN
Now a freelance health and food writer, Carrie worked as a nurse for over a decade. When she isn't hunched over her laptop with a baby in hand, you will find her cooking her grandmother’s recipes, lacing up her running shoes or sipping coffee in the bathroom to hide from her three young children.
Infant formula for constipation: which one to choose
09/23/2019 Reading time: 5 min 47498
Contents of article
- Childhood GI disorder
- Symptoms of constipation
- Constipation during breastfeeding
- Causes of constipation
- Peculiarities of children's diet
- Formula selection for formula feeding and constipation
New parents have many sleepless nights and hectic days. And all because the baby is worried about something. Digestive problems are among the most common causes of yelling and crying. The gastrointestinal tract in newborns is just being formed, so there may be colic, flatulence, regurgitation and defecation disorders. Every fifth child suffers from constipation.
Childhood GI disorder
More often, a violation of the gastrointestinal tract occurs in children who are on artificial or mixed feeding. This is due to the fact that the baby's digestive system in the first year of life is prepared by nature for the assimilation of mother's milk, and infant formulas are created according to the model of breast milk and are only as close as possible to its composition. However, sometimes it also happens that a violation of the gastrointestinal tract occurs in infants. There can be several reasons - from the mother's unsuitable diet to nervous disorders. What to do if a newborn has constipation? First of all, go to the doctor.
What frequency and consistency of stool is normal for a child?
Breastfeeding | On artificial feeding |
stool frequency - from 1-2 to 5-7 times a day | stool can be 1-3 times a day |
yellow color | denser |
homogeneous, mushy | darker |
without pathological impurities (mucus, blood streaks) | |
with a sour smell | |
white lumps (blotches) are allowed | |
The stool of children in the first year of life changes and may be thinner or harder:
- during the first weeks of life
- when switching to artificial feeding
- when changing milk formula
- during the introduction of complementary foods.
Symptoms of constipation
- Bowel emptying irregularly (less than once every 36 hours).
- The feces are dry and hard, which means that later the child may try to retain feces, since the last time a bowel movement caused him pain (relevant for older children).
- The baby pushes hard, pulls his legs up to his chest, but his efforts do not give any results.
- The baby is naughty, frowns, cries when trying to empty the intestines.
- The child has trouble sleeping and refuses to eat.
- There is bloating.
Other conditions can lead to similar symptoms, so you should always consult a doctor to make a diagnosis.
Constipation during breastfeeding
The quantity (and quality) of mother's milk is affected not only by mother's nutrition, but also by the state of her nervous system and lifestyle *. It is, of course, very difficult not to be nervous, but a parent can manage her lifestyle. A woman cannot breastfeed normally if she is in constant stress and nervous exhaustion. The less time a mother spends on household chores, the better for her, and therefore for the newborn. So all household duties can be safely delegated to the second parent, grandparents, other relatives, friends or hired nannies. It is important to pay attention to nutrition:
- Be sure to include in the daily menu at least half a kilogram of various (preferably fresh) fruits, vegetables and berries, as well as other foods and dishes containing fiber.
- No matter how trite it may sound, but drink enough liquid during the day (1.5-2 liters).
You can understand what diet is suitable for mom by the reactions of the child. If in doubt, but really want to eat something special, eat a little and see how the baby's digestion reacts. If the baby does not have reddening of the skin and rash, there are no problems with the stool, there are no colic and constipation, then the chosen dish is quite suitable *. But strict restrictive diets of a nursing woman without special need (individual allergic reactions to food and other food intolerances) are not allowed. For the prevention of nutritional deficiencies, both in her and in the child.
Causes of constipation
- Immaturity of the digestive organs. Due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn is only adapting to new conditions, there may be various functional failures in its work.
- Immaturity of the nervous system. Insufficient maturity of the baby's nervous system prevents him from correctly recognizing signals about the need to defecate.
- Somatic diseases. Rare pathologies include dolichosigma (an increase in the length of the sigmoid colon), lactase deficiency (absence or insufficient amount of enzymes to break down lactose), Hirschsprung's disease (accompanied by impaired innervation in the intestine). Colds and viral diseases can cause constipation, leading to dehydration of the child's body.
Also, constipation can be one of the manifestations of hypothyroidism, rickets, liver disease, myasthenia gravis, and some other disorders.
- Features of nutrition. If a child is breastfed, then the mother's malnutrition can affect the work of his gastrointestinal tract. Doctors recommend that lactating women exclude confectionery, fatty broths, cheeses, nuts from the diet. In artificers, constipation can be caused by a lack of fluid. Also, a sharp change in the brand of the mixture can lead to violations in this area.
- Taking certain medications. Constipation may be a reaction to the treatment of mother or baby with antibiotics, anticonvulsants and antispasmodics.
- Psychological problems. Children often suffer from constipation, whose parents are constantly in nervous tension, often get irritated, violently solve some family problems.
Peculiarities of children's diet
All pediatricians in the world agree that there is no better food for a baby than mother's milk. Dr. Komarovsky gives such advantages of breastfeeding as:
- optimal food temperature;
- perfect purity of food;
- minimal risk of allergic reactions, gastrointestinal disorders;
- the presence in milk of additional useful substances necessary for the full development of the child's body**.
And the composition of mother's milk changes over time, and not for the worse. The older the child, the higher the percentage of fat content and the amount of vitamins. This food is perfect for your baby**.
Long-term breastfeeding will not only benefit the baby, but also the mother: a 2002 Collaborative Group Study on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer found that breastfeeding reduces the risk of female reproductive system and breast cancer***. However, not all women are able to breastfeed their babies. If the mother cannot feed the baby with her own milk, you just need to choose the right mixture for the newborn together with the pediatrician. Fortunately, the modern market offers a lot of options for artificial feeding.
Formula selection for formula feeding and constipation
Constipation in a newborn with artificial feeding is a fairly common problem, which can be solved with the help of a properly selected mixture (after consultation with a specialist).
Fermented milk mixtures. Such mixtures are prescribed for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The laxative effect is given by the special composition of the mixture, which is obtained by fermenting it with lactic acid bacteria. Substances that are released during lactic acid fermentation cause increased intestinal motility and thus prevent constipation. An example of such a mixture is Nutrilak Premium Sour Milk. The product additionally contains a probiotic complex of live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which normalize the intestinal microflora and improve digestion.
Anti-reflux mixtures. These mixtures usually contain a natural ingredient - locust bean gum (natural thickener). Dietary fibers of natural locust bean gum, passing through the intestines, stimulate peristalsis and make the baby's stool soft and with physiological frequency. This ingredient can help eliminate not only constipation, but also regurgitation. Such mixtures may contain other components that aid in the digestion of food, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids and whey protein. An example of a blend is Nutrilak Antireflux.
Remember that in the first year of life, a child is shown only special adapted milk formulas, which are almost identical in composition to human milk. They contain vitamins and minerals, which are selected taking into account the age and needs of the baby ****. You can choose the right mixture together with the pediatrician or on your own, carefully introducing the new composition into the baby's diet and carefully observing the reactions of the gastrointestinal tract. Most modern mixtures are created taking into account the characteristics of the child's body, enriched with probiotics and other beneficial substances, and therefore are easily absorbed. The main thing is to choose the right mixture, choose a natural and safe composition without the addition of preservatives, dyes and artificial substances.
*E. O. Komarovsky - The beginning of your child's life
**E. O. Komarovsky - 365 tips for the first year of your child's life
***Collaborative Group on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer. Lancet. 2002
**** Elena Dobrova - Baby food. Recipes, tips, advice
(2 ratings; article rating 3.5)
is it possible for a child to take, the rules of administration, dosage
Features of constipation in children
One can speak of constipation when the time interval between bowel movements increases in comparison with the individual physiological norm, or with regular incomplete emptying of the intestine.
For babies of the first months of life on breastfeeding, a stool can normally be from one to 6-7 times during the day. With a gradual transition to the “common table”, the chair becomes thicker and less frequent. Constipation can be considered a decrease in stools - less than 6 times a week for babies up to 3 years 1 .
In older children, the frequency of bowel movements can normally range from 3 times a day to 3 times a week. Constipation can be considered less than 3 stools per week for children over
3 years of age 1 .
Non-drug correction
If the baby has constipation, first of all, it is necessary to review and adjust the feeding process: the feeding schedule and the amount of food. It may be necessary to refuse unreasonably early introduction of complementary foods. A nursing mother should drink enough fluids and limit the use of foods that stimulate gas formation and slow down the peristalsis of the large intestine: strong tea and coffee, alcoholic beverages, chocolate, sugar syrups, citrus fruits 2 .
In a bottle-fed baby with constipation, use only adapted milk formulas and avoid frequent changes.
The baby needs to be provided with a sufficient amount of liquid: clean water, you can give herbal tea with fennel or chamomile for babies. Starting from 4-4.5 months, the baby can be given weakly concentrated dried fruit compotes or berry fruit drinks. It is worth introducing complementary foods in the form of vegetable and fruit purees no earlier than the 5th month of a child's life 2 .
Abdominal massage may be helpful for babies with constipation problems before feeding.
Constipation can also be relieved by position therapy (laying the baby on the stomach with legs bent and brought to the body), light massage of the perianal area 2 .
The diet of a child with constipation older than one year of age should contain food rich in dietary fiber and vegetable fiber, fermented milk and dairy products containing lacto- and bifidobacteria
Wheat bran is abundant in dietary fiber, but its use in young children may be limited due to the bran's ability to absorb nutrients in the intestinal lumen. Also, vegetables and fruits should be present in the diet 2 . It is also important for the child to observe the drinking regime - drinking enough water 4 .
Physical activity
A necessary condition for preventing constipation is constant regular physical activity (especially morning exercises), sufficient exposure of the child to fresh air (in cold weather - at least 2 hours, in warm - 4 hours or more) 3 .
Formation of toilet habits
To form toilet skills from the age of one and a half years, a child should be put on the pot 2-3 times a day after meals for 5 minutes (toilet training) 1 . At this time, the baby should not play with toys, look at pictures in books, watch TV 3 .
Suppression of the urge to defecate
Suppression of the urge to defecate may be the main causative factor of constipation if the child is constantly busy and his day is scheduled to the minute, as well as in an unusual and uncomfortable environment 1 . Therefore, for normal bowel movements, a comfortable toilet is important, including a footrest, if necessary, to provide support during defecation 4 .
Drug treatment
It is believed that even the initial therapy of constipation in children should not be limited only to the correction of nutrition and regimen. Such changes may increase the frequency of stools in healthy children, but not reduce symptoms in those with constipation 2 .
Some drugs used in adults may be restricted for use in children for various reasons.
Also, some laxatives may have an unpleasant taste or require a large amount of liquid to be taken, which may make children reluctant to take the medicine 2 . It is important to note that many children may have a negative attitude towards rectal manipulation: the use of enemas may cause additional fear and discomfort in children regarding defecation 2.5 . In addition, it is not uncommon for the use of rectal laxatives to be considered possible only after unsuccessful treatment with oral laxatives.
For the treatment of constipation in children, a doctor may prescribe a drug from the group of stimulant laxatives from the age of 0 years - oral drops Guttalax®
2.7 .The active ingredient, sodium picosulfate, is activated directly in the colon by bacterial degradation. Guttalax® promotes the natural process of defecation 7 .
Guttalax® has a dual mechanism of action:
On the one hand, it helps to increase intestinal peristalsis, stimulating the act of defecation, and on the other hand, it helps to soften the stool by attracting water / electrolytes into the lumen of the large intestine 7 .
What else is important to know about Guttalax®
The drug is not addictive when taken in recommended dosages 7
Guttalax® does not affect the digestion and absorption of nutrients in the intestines 7
Guttalax® drops do not have taste and smell, they can be easily added to the child in any food or drink 9025 2 The drug in the form of drops allows you to choose an individual effective dose for the child 7 The use of drugs, including laxatives, such as Guttalax®, in such a special population group as children, is possible only after consultation doctor 7 According to the instructions for medical use, the standard dosage of Guttalax® for children is: 90474 : Rules of administration and dosage*
7 Children from 0 to 4 years old
Over 10 years old
Dose: 10-20 drops per day
Children 4 to 10 years old
Dose: 5-10 drops per day
Laxative effect may take 6-12 hours to develop
* Use Guttalax® in children only after consulting a doctor.