What foods upset breastfed babies
8 Foods to Avoid When Breastfeeding Your Baby
We’ll say it over and over again: breastfeeding is one of the best things that you can do for baby. Breastmilk contains essential nutrients that help to nourish a growing baby and provides unbeatable immunity support. The benefits of breastmilk are far and wide, plus it’s free and provides a wonderful bonding experience. Yet all good things come with some problems every now and then. While breastmilk is the best thing for your baby, it can make your baby fussy. When this happens, it’s understandable to get confused and even a little bit worried—but don’t worry. Often times the reason that your breastfed baby is getting fussy is because of something you’ve eaten that puts strain on your baby’s digestive tract. In this article, we’ll explore eight foods to avoid while breastfeeding as they could be making your breastfed baby fussy.
Common Foods that Make Breastfeeding Babies Fussy
Gas is completely normal for both babies and adults. It’s a byproduct of your gastrointestinal system and isn’t cause for concern. However, as we all know, sometimes gas can be uncomfortable. When it happens to adults, we can take an over the counter medication to help ease discomfort but when it happens to babies, it’s a little different.
Babies can’t directly tell you what’s wrong. The way they communicate is through crying or getting fussy. If you notice a trend where your baby gets fussy after breastfeeding, it’s likely because something you’re eating is upsetting their stomach. Here are some common foods that make breastfeeding babies fussy:
1. DairyDairy is the most likely culprit behind fussiness. Cow’s milk is much harder for underdeveloped bodies to digest and can cause excess gas or discomfort in babies. When you drink milk caseins, the proteins found in dairy, pass through your blood and into your breast milk production. Newborns and young babies cannot digest caseins, so they become fussy and gassy. If your baby is a little older and they’re still getting fussy from dairy, it could be because of an allergy. Try eliminating all forms of processed dairy and see if it makes a difference.
Soy is another common allergen that babies react to. Many breastfeeding moms equate fussiness with their soy intake, so if you’re dairy-free and using soy alternatives, you’ll need to consider a different alternative.
3. Wheat and CornIn addition to dairy and soy, wheat and corn have been known to cause food allergy responses and have subsequently been found as the source of a breastfed baby’s fussiness. If you think that you might be sensitive to wheat or corn, of if you have a family history of allergies in any of these areas, you should consider eliminating them from your diet. This is more difficult than eliminating dairy products, as wheat, corn, and even soy are found in many different processed foods. Make sure that you read the labels and talk to your doctor about alternatives that are safe for breastfeeding.
Caffeine gives you a much-needed energy boost during motherhood, but it can actually contribute to problems. A lot of babies are sensitive to caffeine, which causes fussiness. Your caffeine is transmitted through breastmilk, so try to limit your caffeine intake to one cup of coffee or tea in the morning.
5. Spicy FoodsIf you love spicy foods, you’ll probably need to dial it back while you’re breastfeeding. The spices can upset your baby’s stomach and tends to change the way your breastmilk smells and tastes, which could lead to a refusal to eat altogether. The main spicy foods to avoid whilte breastfeeding are garlic, curry, chili pepper, and cinnamon as these are known to cause higher levels of indigestion.2
6. High-fiber FoodsWhile eating a breastfeeding diet that’s high in fiber is good for mom, it can cause fussiness in your baby. The high fiber content in a baby’s diet can contribute to uncomfortable gas and indigestion, so you’ll want to dial it back a little bit. You can still eat a diet that gives you fiber but try to avoid certain vegetables while you’re breastfeeding such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and cabbage.
Some women notice that their breastfed baby gets fussy when they eat chocolate. This is completely normal. A lot of times, it’s more-so due to the amount of chocolate that’s eaten, not the chocolate itself.2 If you like to indulge, try limiting yourself to one square of chocolate at a time to help ease your baby’s fussiness.
8. Citrus FruitsCitrus fruits can cahuse discomfort in newborn and infant digestive tracks, so it’s best to limit them in your diet until your baby’s older. The acidity of the fruits cause irritation to their digestive tract, which in turn leads to fussiness. Other fruits that may cause fussiness include pineapples, strawberries, kiwis, cherries, and prunes.
While these are the eight most common foods that tend to make breastfeeding babies fussy, there are still other foods that can cause discomfort. To minimize this, don’t overdo it on any one food group. Try to spread out your nutrition and eat a balanced diet filled with a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean protein. When you saturate your diet with one food, it can cause digestion difficulty for your baby. They’re digestive tracts are still developing and the best way to help avoid fuss is to keep a balanced diet. For more information on the best foods to eat while breastfeeding, check out this article.
How to Determine Which Foods are Making Your Breastfed Baby Fussy
The hardest part about eliminating the food from your diet that’s making your baby fussy is knowing exactly what it is. Luckily, by following an elimination diet, you can get a better understanding on your baby’s sensitivities. There are three primary steps to determining which foods are making your breastfed baby fussy: getting organized, eliminating certain foods, and testing for confirmation.
Step One: Get Organized
The first step requires you to get a little bit organized. You’ll need to track what you’re eating each day and record how your baby is reacting. Some women go as far as tracking everything they eat while others only focus on the foods that are most likely to create problems listed above. Whatever you decide to do, just be consistent. It’s going to take a few weeks for this process to work, so you’ll need to stay organized and committed. In addition to recording your baby’s fussiness, keep notes on whether they’re crying or colicky, are bloated or suffering from constipation, are gassy, experiencing diarrhea, or have a red ring around the anus.
Step Two: Eliminate Foods
Next, you’ll need to go on an elimination diet for a few weeks. Start by eliminating one of the main foods that cause irritation and fussiness—dairy. Dairy is one of the most common foods that cause babies to get fussy. Abstain from eating any dairy (or at the very least any cow’s milk) for at least 10 to 14 days. Keep an eye on your baby to see if they are still fussy or if they start to calm down and the symptoms go away. If your baby is still fussy, move on to the next food listed above and repeat the process. You’ll need to continue working down the most common foods that cause irritability until your baby’s symptoms go away. When they do, move on to step three.
Step Three: Test Your Results
After you’ve pinpointed the trigger food, it’s time to do a little home experiment to confirm. If all of your baby’s symptoms have subsided, reintroduce the food that you suspect as the cause of fussiness.If your baby starts showing symptoms of discomfort or fussiness within 24 hours of breastfeeding, that food was the culprit and you should remove it from your diet for now. As your baby grows and develops, their stomach will get stronger and adapt to a wider variety of foods. If you have any questions about this process, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor first.
ConclusionBreastfeeding your baby is an excellent way to bond, but it means that whatever you consume, your baby consumes. To make sure they’re comfortable, you’ll need to make some adjustments to your healthy diet. Talk to your doctor if you’re concerned or have any questions about allergens. If you need a breast pump for your newborn, don’t forget that the Affordable Care Act means that expectant mothers are eligible to receive an electric breast pump covered by their insurance provider! Just head over to our home page and browse our selection.
If you’ve had a fussy baby while breastfeeding and tried any form of an elimination diet to pinpoint the source, head over to our Facebook page today and let us know what food was the culprit!
Foods to Eat or Avoid When Breastfeeding
Reviewed by Poonam Sachdev on June 26, 2022
It’s a good source of protein. Some, like salmon and tuna, also give you omega-3s, which your body needs. But what about mercury and other contaminants? You can have cooked seafood twice per week. Each serving can be up to 6 ounces, which is the size of two decks of cards. Choose types that are lower in mercury, such as salmon, tilapia, and trout. Avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish, which have high levels of mercury.
Love hot sauce? Most babies can handle it and other fiery foods in your diet. But if your little one is gassy or colicky and gets diarrhea every time you sprinkle red pepper flakes over your pizza, cut back on the heat for a few weeks to see if that helps.
They’re full of flavor. But some herbs may affect how much milk your body makes. For instance, eating a lot of parsley could curb lactation. And too much sage and peppermint may cut your milk supply. For some nursing moms, even peppermint-flavored toothpaste and candies are a problem.
It’s rarely a problem. But see how your baby does. Tell your pediatrician if your tot gets skin problems, has trouble breathing after breastfeeding, or has other symptoms.
As refreshing as your cup of chai or Earl Grey may be, it has some downsides. It’s got caffeine, which can affect your sleep – and your baby’s. It may also make it harder for your body to absorb iron, which you need for energy. If you drink hot or iced tea, try not to sip it when you eat foods that are rich in iron, such as lean meat; dark, leafy greens; and fortified breakfast cereals.
What if you aren’t allergic, and you want to prevent your baby from developing an allergy? Sorry, but there’s no proof that you can do that by skipping specific foods. Cutting certain foods out of your diet may make the skin condition eczema less likely for your little one. Ask your doctor or pediatrician for advice.
Breastfeeding can make you thirstier than you usually are. If that’s the case, drink a glass of water every time you breastfeed. But no matter how parched you feel, don’t go for regular sodas or fruit drinks, which give you calories without nutrition.
It's best for your baby if you don't have any booze at all. But if you do choose to drink, don’t breastfeed until the alcohol has completely cleared your milk. For 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1. 5 ounces of liquor, wait at least 3 hours. Pumping doesn’t speed that up.
Common culprits include beans, broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. Bloating, burping, and passing gas are normal. But if your baby is gassy or has colic, avoid these foods for a few weeks to see whether they relieve the symptoms.
Both have caffeine. You’ll also find it in energy drinks and cola. If you’re lost without your latte, limit yourself to 2-3 cups per day of the brewed kind. Or you could switch to decaf.
1) Getty
2) Getty
3) Getty
4) Getty
5) Getty
6) Getty, iStock
7) Getty
8) Getty
9) Getty
10) Getty
Mayo Clinic.
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
La Leche League.
The American Academy of Pediatrics.
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
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The period of breastfeeding is one of the most important stages in a child's life
The period of breastfeeding is one of the most important stages in a child's life, which can be regarded as a transitional period from intrauterine development to a full-fledged independent existence.
Man is born completely dependent on his mother, and nature has provided for the possibility of transferring all the necessary nutrients to the child through mother's milk.
The best food for a baby is the milk of his own mother, and this is understandable. The fact is that during pregnancy, the child and mother are practically a single organism, and it is very dangerous for the baby to lose this connection immediately, from the first minutes after birth. No wonder it is often said that 9months of pregnancy and at least 9 months of breastfeeding - this is the full cycle of "carrying" the baby, necessary for its proper growth and development, as well as for the normal state of the mother.
So why is breastfeeding so important?
First of all, mother's milk is the optimal food for the baby. The mother's body produces milk with exactly the properties that are necessary for a particular newborn - for different women, the composition of breast milk is somewhat different, adapted to meet the needs of her baby.
Mother's milk also changes its properties as the child grows. Often women try to "check" if their milk fits certain regimens and are upset that it is "low fat" or, conversely, "too fat". But it would be enough for them to simply understand that their body produces exactly the product that is designed specifically for their children, and that the differences between the milk of different women are caused precisely by the fact that their children are not the same.
However, if for some reason the mother cannot breastfeed the baby, then it is better for him to receive donor milk from another woman than artificial formulas or cow's milk.
It should be remembered that just as a woman cannot raise a healthy baby of any animal on her milk, so a cow is not able to give milk that is optimal for a human child. Cow's milk is for calves, just like women's milk is for children.
Human milk contains more than 400 components necessary for the optimal development of the child. Some of them have an anti-infective effect, they gradually form the child's immune system, protecting it from various infections.
Some of the antibodies contained in mother's milk protect the baby's gastrointestinal tract from the introduction of pathogenic microflora and help him develop normal microflora.
The amino acids contained in breast milk are involved in the proper development of the baby's central nervous system and brain.
It is not for nothing that children who are fed with mother's milk for at least a year develop better than their "artificial" peers, learn more easily both in the garden and then at school, grow up more calm and balanced.
It is no coincidence that we started talking about school: we must always remember that breastfeeding a baby is important not only during his first year, but throughout his life. In addition, it should be recalled that the enzymes that make up breast milk help the child to digest it more easily, breast milk vitamins are easily and completely absorbed by the baby's body, and proteins and fats are in the optimal amount for the newborn.
Many substances necessary for a child are contained not only in milk, but also in colostrum, which some time ago was considered a product completely useless for a child. And only in recent years, it has become clear to scientists that in no case should children be fed during the first hours and days of life with donor milk, which is not designed for them.
The baby is much healthier than its mother's colostrum, which contains substances that help the child's immature intestines adapt to a new way of eating. A child needs very little colostrum - just a few drops, and this is justified by the fact that the body of a newborn cannot yet digest a large amount of liquid.
Therefore, we can say that the practice that exists in some maternity hospitals, and previously existed everywhere, the practice when the baby was fed with donor milk from a bottle for three days, and only on the third day was brought to the mother, does not hold water. Its results are mastopathy in the mother, jaundice in the child, and problems with the establishment of feeding in both. Colostrum is necessary for the baby, and early, immediately after childbirth, attachment to the breast is for the mother.
Early attachment to the breast is a natural end of childbirth, which is needed not only to feed the baby. The child begins to suckle the breast, the mother's uterus contracts, which helps to easily and painlessly exit the placenta.
In addition, contractions of the uterus during suckling by the baby of the breast rather quickly "put her in place" - and usually, the figure of a breastfeeding woman is restored somewhat faster than a woman whose child is bottle-fed. But, of course, much more early breastfeeding gives mom and baby psychologically.
During the 9 months of intrauterine development, the child was in close contact with the mother. Having been born, he remembers her smell, her voice, her heartbeat, the taste of amniotic fluid. If you immediately pull him out of his usual environment, then the stress experienced by the baby may be unbearable for him.
Therefore, nature provided for such a kind of "return" to intrauterine life as breastfeeding. A child at the mother’s breast experiences almost the same sensations as before birth: he hears the familiar rhythm of his mother’s heart, her voice, inhales her smell, feels the warmth of her body, and the taste of milk, according to many experts, really resembles the taste of amniotic water.
That's why breastfeeding is more than a feeding process for a baby. It is also a kind of “relaxation” necessary for its normal growth and development.
Mom experiences the same thing. When she puts the child to her breast, she feels especially clearly that this is the same child that was in her womb. In addition, breastfeeding is the most important process of communication between mother and baby, necessary for both. Therefore, nothing should distract the mother from feeding: neither the phone, nor the book, nor the conversations, nor the TV. This is a complete concentration on the child, the moment at which mother and baby again become one.
Mother's breasts are not only a source of nutrition. An anxious, frustrated child can also be attached to the chest. He will not eat more than necessary, and then he will not seek solace only in food - this is not true. He will just feel calm and comfortable next to his mother. In general, one should not be afraid to once again attach the baby to the chest, take it in his arms - this will not spoil the child, but on the contrary, will give him a sense of security and self-confidence.
Having started to crawl and walk, he won’t be able to pick himself up so easily, and as practice shows, by the end of the first year of life, the most active discoverers of this world are precisely those children who spent infancy in their mother’s arms, and not at all those whom forced to stay in bed. Mom's hands, a patchwork holder, or a "kangaroo" is much more natural than a crib, the baby's habitat.
The same can be said about the notorious scheduled feedings. More and more neonatologists agree that breastfeeding should be as frequent as the child needs. Surprisingly, after a while the baby “sets” his own daily routine, and goes on for about the same three to three and a half hours between feedings.
The fact is that a child needs a mother's breast not only as a source of nutrition, but also as a "comforter", a source of warmth, comfort, a kind of link between him and the outside world.
In addition, even if we only talk about the nutrition of the child, then, as you know, everyone has a different appetite: in order to feel good, someone needs to eat three times a day and a lot, and someone needs six times a day, but only a little.
Newborn babies are as individual as their parents. Sometimes a baby, especially a young one, needs to be breastfed every hour, and sometimes more often. But all the inconvenience associated with feeding will pay off with interest. The main thing is not to be afraid to understand your child, listen to him and have no doubt that he is the one who knows what he wants better than all the authors of books.
Mom's secrets: feeding outside the home.
Summer is the time for joint walks and small trips around the city, and it is very disappointing to be dependent on constant feeding when it comes to a baby in such a wonderful time of the year.
Our secrets for moms will help you to go far away from home and at the same time not cancel breastfeeding:
- - the baby sling can be adjusted so that the baby's mouth is just opposite the breast. And if you cover it with a hood, which usually comes with a sling, no one will even guess that the baby is doing an important job;
- - A nursing bra, a button-down shirt and a small shawl (or neckerchief) will allow you to feed your baby while sitting on the subway, in the park, cafe or on the beach. If at the same time you do not bend to an unnatural position, but sit in a relaxed position, they will not pay attention to the nursing mother at all;
- - in summer everyone prefers open terraces, and the halls inside the cafe are often empty.
You can sit at one of the tables, and for complete peace of mind - put something voluminous on the table - the intimate process will go unnoticed;
- - in large cities, large shopping centers are equipped with mother and child rooms, and polyclinics are equipped with healthy baby rooms. You can build your route in advance, given the proximity of buildings where you can feed the child;
- - now in fashion - transformer capes of various shades. There are several options: some turn from a car seat cover into a shelter for mom and baby, others play the role of an apron that is worn around the mother’s neck and completely hides the child from prying eyes;
- - a time-tested option - a bottle with pre-expressed milk: simple, convenient, for the most shy.
Have a nice summer adventure!
Mother's nutrition during breastfeeding.
During pregnancy, expectant mothers actively prepare for the arrival of their baby. They carefully think over the interior of the child's room, lovingly choose things for the baby, attend classes to prepare for childbirth. But not many people think about how important its first food is for the baby, or rather, the mother’s diet during breastfeeding. In fact, this is a separate topic that should be given special attention.
Mother's milk is very important for the development of the baby, it contains all the necessary substances for the baby. In addition, during feeding, a close bond is established between mother and baby. Clinging to his chest, the baby feels the warmth of the mother and the beating of her heart, at these moments he is absolutely happy and calm. In order for milk to regularly arrive and not disappear in one day, women need to consume at least 2000 calories, but the list of products should be limited.
So, in the first months of a baby's life, experts recommend sticking to a strict diet and focusing on proper nutrition while breastfeeding. At first, the list of products is very scarce, since the baby's gastrointestinal tract is still developing and adapting to our world. Mom's nutrition during breastfeeding during this period is as follows: buckwheat, barley and oatmeal, millet, pasta are allowed. You can also introduce lean meats and white fish into the diet. From vegetables it is worth giving preference to potatoes, cauliflower and broccoli. Carrots and beets are allowed to be used in soups. For the fat content of milk, a young mother is recommended to include thirty grams of butter in her diet. Most likely, at the time of the rush of milk, you will want to consume dairy products in large quantities. Here it is worth noting one important point: choose milk, kefir and yoghurts without fruit additives and fillers. The ban includes: everything fried and smoked, black and red caviar, as well as products that cause the fermentation process - legumes, grapes, fresh bread. White cabbage, cucumbers, and apple peels can cause colic in a newborn.
Remember, if you eat even a small piece of fresh bread or a handful of grapes, it can affect your baby greatly. The baby will simply have a stomach ache, the baby will cry during feeding, sleep poorly due to pain. Another reason for the diet is the possible occurrence of allergies. Juicy strawberries and bright oranges can cause breakouts on baby's skin.
After the first month of a baby's life, it is allowed to gradually introduce new foods, but you should carefully monitor the baby's condition: if you notice any deviations from the norm, you should immediately eliminate this product from your diet. Experts advise trying new products once every three days.
As for the drinking regime: in order for the milk to come in the right amount, young mothers need at least 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day, and in pharmacies and children's stores today you can find special drinks that improve lactation. In addition, in the first months of breastfeeding, it is allowed to use dried fruit compotes, rosehip broth and tea with milk. Coffee and carbonated drinks should be abandoned, and, of course, alcohol must be completely eliminated.
Mom's diet: what foods can cause a stomach ache in a child with breastfeeding?
Although breast milk is the best food a mother can offer to a baby, some babies may actually have adverse reactions to breast milk, and the mother's diet may contribute to this. Some foods that a mother eats may not be well absorbed in the baby's tummy. All babies are different, and of course, not all breastfed babies respond in the same way. There are certain foods that are notorious for causing gas and tummy problems in young children. If you notice that your baby is showing signs of pain or discomfort after feeding, you may want to skip some of them.
Green vegetables may cause gas
If you eat foods high in sulfur, you can indirectly cause some stomach problems in your baby. Green vegetables like broccoli can be especially hard on the little man's digestive tract.
Many mothers notice that their babies show signs of fussiness or irritability after feeding if the mother has recently eaten a cruciferous family (most often cabbage). If you notice that your child is particularly sensitive, you may want to cut out green vegetables for a while, especially sprouts, brussels sprouts, broccoli, and peas.
Onions may contain too many probiotics
Onions are high in fructans (which are considered probiotics) and fiber. Eating too many onions can cause indigestion for both mom and baby. This does not mean that you should give up such a healthy vegetable: in moderation, onions, as a rule, do not cause a reaction.
However, breastfeeding mothers should be aware that this vegetable can be the culprit in a sensitive baby showing signs of gas after feeding. If you're used to adding onions to everything, try reducing the amount and see if that changes.
Remember that, depending on your body and metabolism, it may take between one and 24 hours for the elements of the food you eat to reach your breast milk and reach your baby's tummy.
Breastfed babies may get indigestion from garlic
Garlic contains a lot of starch, which is difficult for the body to digest and break down. Not to mention a change in taste in your child's palette! Some babies really like the taste of "garlic" breast milk, while others are not big fans.
In fact, garlic is believed to be a lactation stimulant, meaning that it can help increase breast milk production and production. This is really great news for moms.
However, some babies may develop colic-like symptoms, so you should watch for this symptom after breastfeeding if you have eaten any foods containing garlic (especially fresh).
If you are looking for a product that increases breast milk production, look no further than ginger. This fragrant root is on the official list of lactogenic plants that increase prolactin. In research by scientists from Naresuan University, Thailand, it has been proven that ginger actually increases the amount of milk in the first month after natural childbirth.
Bran can cause bloating in a child
Just as folic acid is very important during pregnancy, it's incredibly important to include folic acid foods in your postpartum diet, especially if you're breastfeeding. A great way to get that much-needed folic acid is to eat bran. Oats, cereals, whole grain pasta, rice, and whole grain bread are all great sources of bran. Oats at the same time also enhances lactation.
All bran foods are high in fiber, and an increase in fiber can cause the bacteria in your gut to produce more gas than normal. This can cause gas in both you and your baby.
After you eat any of these bran foods, it can take up to three days for them to completely leave your body. Therefore, if you regularly eat something with bran - for example, whole grain bread, you need to exclude them for 3-4 days to understand if they are the cause of gas in the baby.
Citrus fruits are not easily digested by children.
Citrus fruits are highly acidic, which can lead to digestive discomfort in a child. Among the most acidic fruits, vegetables, and berries (even if you don't taste the acid) are oranges, lemons, limes, tomatoes, pineapples, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, and gooseberries. It is also important to note that citric acid is often used as an additive to foods.
If you're looking to add some fruit to your diet without being too acidic, try bananas (considered fairly alkaline), carrots, apples, melons, blueberries, and watermelon.
Coffee upsets baby's tummy
Coffee wakes us up and prepares us for a new day (especially if we managed to sleep for only a few hours!). Unfortunately for tired breastfeeding moms, this morning drink can actually contribute to tummy pain and baby's restless behavior.
Regular consumption of coffee leads to its accumulation in the body and can cause sleep disturbances, gas and irritability, especially at an early age. Young children cannot break down and properly process the caffeine in breast milk. Some alternatives to coffee that will provide much-needed energy may be licorice or tea. For other options, see 6 Coffee Alternatives for Expecting and Breastfeeding Moms.
The safe amount of caffeine for a nursing mother is 200-250 mg of caffeine per day. The average cup of black coffee contains 130-150mg of caffeine, black tea about 50mg, and green tea 25-50mg.
Spicy food banned
Spicy food certainly has a special taste, it is full of flavor and spiciness! But if you like cayenne pepper, chipotle or cajun, be aware of the side effects that a newborn can experience after breastfeeding. For the most part, babies tolerate spicy foods well, but some babies are more sensitive to moms' fortified diets.
If your little one is nervous after breastfeeding, try eliminating spicy foods for about a week or so, and then slowly reintroduce them back into your menu.
Did you know?
There are children who, already in kindergarten, can eat hot peppers without grimacing. And scientists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) suggest that one of the reasons is their mothers' love for curry.
Experts studied the composition of the breast milk of such lovers, and found that it contains the alkaloid piperine, which makes not only curry, but also pepper spicy. Its concentration cannot be distinguished by taste, but it can really reduce sensitivity in the future and instill in a child a love for spicy piperine. Interestingly, the same compounds from chili peppers do not pass into breast milk.
Potato makes the stomach work too hard
Potatoes are a great way for breastfeeding moms to get the carbohydrates and calories they need while breastfeeding. This root vegetable is tasty, but very starchy. And while your stomach is great at handling these starches, your baby's stomach isn't developed enough to process them through breast milk.
Naturally, this is not about completely excluding potatoes from the menu of a nursing mother. But if you eat it regularly, it can really cause discomfort in the baby. In addition, eating with a potato base will not give you the necessary variety of trace elements.
Since infants do not have the amylase enzyme responsible for the breakdown and digestion of starch, it is recommended that starches not be introduced into complementary foods until the child is one year old.
Chocolate can be difficult to digest
Anxiety and increased gas formation in a baby can be explained by mom's craving for chocolate and cocoa. When you consume too much chocolate while breastfeeding, you get quite a bit of natural caffeine. This caffeine passes into breast milk and can make the baby cranky.
Try to limit sweets and try natural sweet alternatives like dates, raisins, or frozen yogurt (all of which are caffeine-free and much healthier for moms!).
Prunes - natural laxative
There's a reason it's advised to eat prunes or drink prune juice after giving birth: prunes are a well-known natural laxative and help keep the gastrointestinal tract working. This is due to the high content of sorbitol.
But for babies with sensitive stomachs, it can cause gas and discomfort. If you're eating prunes for any other reason, you might want to take a short break to see if it helps your little one's tummy. If prunes are needed to combat constipation after childbirth, consult your doctor: there are drugs that soften the stool and do not pass into breast milk, for example, lactulose.
The fiber in apricots causes stomach upset
Apricots are superfruits. They are good for bones due to their high calcium content, full of vitamins A and C for beautiful skin, good for the blood because they contain iron, full of antioxidants, help the heart and contain a lot of fiber.
Due to their high fiber content, apricots help move the food bolus through the gastrointestinal tract, and this benefit is passed on to your baby through breast milk. So while your baby is getting all the amazing benefits of apricot while breastfeeding, they are also absorbing this fiber. This can cause abdominal discomfort and anxiety.
Peaches can cause stomach problems
Like prunes, peaches contain sorbitol. It is also found in apples, pears, plums, but it is especially abundant in peaches. Sorbitol is a type of sugar that draws water into the colon and can cause a bowel movement. Peaches are a great fruit if you need help with digestion and eat them in moderation, but be careful.
Note: Sorbitol can also be found in toothpaste and as a sweetener in foods (such as sugar-free gum) and medicines.
Child cannot digest fructose in pears
Another fruit containing sorbitol is the pear. Pears also contain pectin, a type of soluble fiber. This contributes to bloating in the baby and may cause or mimic some of the colic-like symptoms. Pears also contain the sugar fructose, which is often poorly absorbed in the digestive tract.
If you love pears, just reduce your weekly intake or try other sweet yet healthy alternatives.
Of all the ways to consume pears, pear juice is the worst for breast milk and baby's digestion because it contains almost as much fructose as some fructose-rich sodas.
Dairy products may be difficult for infants to digest
Dairy is found in most foods (even some canned meats!), and is really hard to avoid. They contain sugar and lactose, and some children have very sensitive stomachs when it comes to digestion time.
If you are consuming a lot of dairy products and you are concerned that this may be causing problems for your breastfed baby, try cutting them out of your diet.
It can take up to 3 weeks to completely get rid of all dairy products in the body, but in some cases 10 days is enough.
Corn can be difficult for mom and baby to digest
Corn contains cellulose, a fiber that the human body cannot break down. In addition, although corn is considered low allergenic, there are babies who do not react well to it. So be careful with the desire to eat a couple of cobs at once or a jar of canned corn kernels.
Restrictive, and even more so elimination diets for nursing mothers, doctors today do not prescribe for everyone, but only if the child has problems due to the maternal diet. The main rule of successful lactation is a variety of food. However, it is worth looking closely at how the baby reacts to a number of products. If his tummy is not happy with these products on your table, remove them for a few days and look at the reaction. And to get through these periods of anxiety and whims, read the article "The Science of Colic: What Helps Children, and What It's Time to Forget About.