What to feed babies when they have a cold
Common cold in babies - Diagnosis and treatment
If your baby is younger than 3 months of age, call his or her doctor early in the illness. In newborns, it's especially important to make sure that a more serious illness isn't present, especially if your baby has a fever.
In general, you don't need to see the doctor if your older baby has a common cold. If you have questions or if your baby's symptoms worsen or don't go away, it might be time to see the doctor.
Your baby's doctor can generally diagnose a common cold by your baby's signs and symptoms. If your doctor suspects your baby has a bacterial infection or other condition, he or she may order a chest X-ray or other tests to exclude other causes of your baby's symptoms.
There's no cure for the common cold. Most cases of the common cold get better without treatment, usually within a week to 10 days, but a cough may linger for a week or more. Antibiotics don't work against cold viruses.
Try to make your baby more comfortable with measures such as making sure he or she drinks enough fluids, suctioning nasal mucus and keeping the air moist.
Over-the-counter (OTC) medications generally should be avoided in babies.
Fever-reducing medications
You can use OTC fever-reducing medications if a fever is making your child uncomfortable. However, these medications don't kill the cold virus. Fever is a part of your child's natural response to the virus, so it may help to allow your child to have a low-grade fever.
For treatment of fever or pain in children, consider giving your child infants' or children's over-the-counter fever and pain medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others). These are safer alternatives to aspirin.
For children younger than 3 months old, don't give acetaminophen until your baby has been seen by a doctor. Don't give ibuprofen to a child younger than 6 months old or to children who are vomiting constantly or are dehydrated. Use these medications for the shortest time. If you give your child a pain reliever, follow the dosing guidelines carefully. Call your doctor if you have questions about the right dosage for your baby.
Children and teenagers recovering from chickenpox or flu-like symptoms should never take aspirin. This is because aspirin has been linked to Reye's syndrome, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition, in such children.
Cough and cold medications
Cough and cold medications aren't safe for infants and young children. OTC cough and cold medicines don't treat the underlying cause of a child's cold and won't make it go away sooner ⸺ and they can be dangerous to your baby. Cough and cold medications have potentially serious side effects, including fatal overdoses in children younger than 2 years old.
Don't use over-the-counter medicines, except for fever reducers and pain relievers, to treat coughs and colds in children younger than 6 years old. Also consider avoiding use of these medicines for children younger than 12 years old.
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Lifestyle and home remedies
Most often, you can treat an older baby's cold at home. To make your baby as comfortable as possible, try some of these suggestions:
- Offer plenty of fluids. Liquids are important to avoid dehydration. Formula or breast milk is the best choice. Encourage your baby to take in the usual amount of fluids. Extra fluids aren't necessary. If you're breastfeeding your baby, keep it up. Breast milk offers extra protection from cold-causing germs.
Suction your baby's nose. Keep your baby's nasal passages clear with a rubber-bulb syringe. Squeeze the bulb syringe to expel the air. Then insert the tip of the bulb about 1/4 to 1/2 inch (about 6 to 12 millimeters) into your baby's nostril, pointing toward the back and side of the nose.
Release the bulb, holding it in place while it suctions the mucus from your baby's nose.
Remove the syringe from your baby's nostril and empty the contents onto a tissue by squeezing the bulb rapidly while holding the tip down. Repeat as often as needed for each nostril. Clean the bulb syringe with soap and water.
- Try nasal saline drops. Your baby's doctor may recommend saline nasal drops to moisten nasal passages and loosen thick nasal mucus. Look for these OTC drops in your local pharmacy. Apply saline nasal drops, wait for a short period, and then use a suction bulb to draw mucus out of each nostril.
- Moisten the air. Running a cool-water humidifier in your baby's room can ease nasal congestion. Change the water daily and follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning the unit.
Preparing for your appointment
If you need to see your baby's pediatrician or family doctor, here's some information to help you get ready for your baby's appointment.
What you can do
Make a list of:
- Symptoms you've noticed in your baby, including any that may seem unrelated to the reason for which you scheduled the appointment.
- Key personal information, such as whether your baby goes to child care or has otherwise been exposed to someone with a common cold. Include how many colds your baby has had, how long they lasted and whether your baby is exposed to secondhand smoke. It might help to make a note on your calendar the day you realize your baby has a cold.
- All medications, vitamins or supplements your baby is taking, including dosages.
- Questions to ask your doctor.
For a common cold, some questions to ask the doctor include:
- What is likely causing my baby's symptoms?
- Are there other possible causes?
- What tests are needed?
- What's the best course of action?
- My baby has other health conditions.
How can I best manage them together?
- Are there restrictions we need to follow?
- Are there over-the-counter medications that aren't safe for my child at this age?
Don't hesitate to ask other questions you have.
What to expect from your doctor
Your baby's doctor is likely to ask you questions, including:
- When did your baby's symptoms begin?
- Have they been continuous or occasional?
- How severe are they?
- What, if anything, seems to improve them?
- What, if anything, appears to worsen them?
- Has the nasal congestion caused your baby to eat or drink less?
- Is your baby having as many wet diapers as usual?
- Has there been a fever? If so, how high?
- Are your child's vaccinations up to date?
- Has your child taken antibiotics recently?
Your doctor will ask additional questions based on your responses and your baby's symptoms and needs. Preparing and anticipating questions will help you make the most of your time with the doctor.
By Mayo Clinic Staff
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Foods to Eat & Avoid during Cold and Cough for Babies and Kids
If your bundle of joy has a cold and cough, it must be really hard for you to see him suffer. Your child may have a poor appetite during this time and he may even refuse to eat. But not getting adequate nutrition can slow down his body’s natural response to fight infection. You must make sure that he eats the right food to get him immune system back on track. Read this article to find out which foods you can give (and avoid) to your child when he has a cold or cough.
Video : Foods to Eat or Avoid During Cold and Cough for Babies and Kids
Giving nutritious foods to a baby which can be digested easily by him would be the best option. Here are some foods you should include in your child’s diet if he has a cough or cold:
1. Breast Milk
If you have a newborn or a baby below six months of age, breast milk will be the only source of nutrition for him. Breast milk, being a good source of antibodies, can strengthen the immune system of a child. Check to see if your baby is congested before you start feeding your child, as congestion can prevent your infant from feeding adequately.
2. Barley Water
Suitable for infants who are at least six months old, barley water is a great remedy for fever, cold, and cough. However, it is not suitable for children with gluten allergy and caution must be exercised if a family member has such an allergy. This is because the allergy might have been passed on to your child and you could be still unaware of this fact.
3. Applesauce
Also known as stewed apples, these are easy-to-digest and can help a baby stay hydrated. They come in handy during a cough and cold as they replenish the body’s fluid supply.
4. Rice Water or Gruel
Recommended for babies who are above six months of age, rice gruel is a soothing home remedy for a cough and cold. Rice water boosts the immunity of a child thereby helping him combat any infection.
5. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are a rich source of nutrients and strengthen the immune system. They also help the body in producing white blood cells. Sweet potatoes can be consumed in the form of porridge or you can mash and puree them for your little one aged six months and above.
6. Carrots
Carrots have medicinal properties and eating carrots can enhance the immune system and keep away bacteria and viruses. You can steam and mash the carrots to give it to your baby. You can also puree them or make carrot soup. However, give it your baby only if he is above six months of age.
7. Pomegranate Juice
The antioxidants in pomegranate juice can help subdue your child’s cold. Make pomegranate juice and add a bit of pepper powder and dry ginger powder to it. Give it to your baby if he is 6 months or older. This juice will help provide him relief from a cold and cough.
8. Moong Dal Porridge
Moong dal porridge is a wholesome and filling food for babies suffering from cold. It can be given during lunch or dinner. Suitable for children seven months and older, it is a soothing dish that you little one will enjoy.
9. Curd Rice
If your child is over eight months of age, you can feed him curd rice with a little seasoning of ginger and cumin seeds any time he is unwell. If your child has a cough or a cold, ensure that the curd you serve him is at room temperature and not too cold or sour.
10. Idli and Dosa
Steamed idli and dosa make great comfort food and can be given to kids when they are unwell and don’t feel like eating. You can give idli or dosa at any time of the day to your child if he is eight months or older. You can also offer chutney or some homemade jam as a dip.
11. Sabudana Porridge
Sabudana is also known as sago; it is a good source of starch and can give your child a dose of energy. As it easy to digest, it is a preferred choice for children when they are sick. You can make sabudana porridge, serve it with vegetables, or you can simply give the water. It is good for babies aged seven months or older.
12. Broccoli
Rich in antioxidants, broccoli is a good pick for combating infections. It energizes the body’s immune system and is suitable for children over eight months of age. You can make broccoli soup or puree for your little one. He will soon feel better.
13. Tomato Soup
Almost all of us like tomato soup; it is tasty and healthy. And the good thing is that it can be even given to children older than eight months of age. It constitutes a healthy dose of Vitamin C – you can mix some mashed rice in it before offering it to your baby.
14. Mashed Potatoes
Mashed potatoes taste delicious and can be quite filling for a baby. Made from boiled potatoes, they usually appeal to children of all ages and can be introduced from eight months onwards.
15. Dalia
Being soft food, it can be swallowed easily, especially if a child has a throat irritation or pain. It can be made without milk to speed up the digestion process when a baby is sick. Dalia can be given to babies who are eight months and older.
16. Citrus Fruits
Drinking orange juice or lemon juice can help prevent cell damage while easing congestion and thinning out mucus. Make the juice with lukewarm water and add a dash of honey. It is generally recommended for children who are one year or above.
17. Turmeric Milk
A little turmeric powder mixed in warm milk with a dash of pepper acts as a natural antibiotic and can cure a cold as well as throat infection in babies who are one year or above.
18. Mushroom Soup
The health benefits of mushrooms are plenty, and their ability to keep infections away is well known. You can give warm mushroom soup to your baby; it is great comfort food for toddlers with a cold and cough. It is usually given to children who have attained the age of one.
19. Poha or Beaten Rice
It is soft and can be chewed by babies easily. Poha is also easy-to-digest and makes for a filling meal, especially for a child who is unwell. You can give poha to your child if he is 1 year or older.
20. Tulsi Water
Tulsi or Indian basil can provide relief from a cold and cough. Boil a few leaves of tulsi in half a litre of water for about 5 minutes. Strain and give it to your child. You can give it to babies above 6 months of age.
21. Garlic Lentil Soup
Just like rice water, dal ka pani is good for babies. But if your baby is suffering from a cold and cough, you can give him garlic and lentil soup. Garlic has antiviral properties and can boost the immune system. Its antiviral properties can prevent infections as well as speed up the healing process.
22. Ajwain Water
Giving ajwain water can also provide relief from cough and can clear chest congestion. Boil a tablespoon of carom seeds in water for some time. Let it cool then strain the liquid, then give it to your baby at regular intervals.
Foods to Avoid During Cold and Cough
There are certain foods that you should avoid including in your child’s diet if he has a cold and cough. This is because some fruits and vegetables are likely to have a cooling effect and can lead to respiratory infections. These include:
1. Refined Sugar and Sweets
Too much sugar is not good for anyone, especially for babies and toddlers. Hence, sugar and sweets laden with sugar should not be given to a child when he has a cold or cough.
2. Dry Fruits and Nuts
Your child may find it hard to chew or swallow dry fruits and nuts if he has a cold or cough. There is also a risk of pieces getting stuck in his throat if he coughs while eating. So it’s best not to give dry fruits and nuts. However, you can give them in powdered form – add the powder to his milk and porridges when he is sick.
3. Spicy and Oily Foods
Spicy or oily food can irritate the throat and worsen your child’s cough and cold. Thus, it is best to not give them to your kiddo.
Tips to Feed a Child Suffering From a Cough and Cold
If your munchkin is unwell, he is bound to get cranky and may fuss while eating. Here are a few things you should keep in mind to make sure he gets the required nourishment:
- Babies aged six months and younger should be breastfed or can be given formula if they have a cold and cough.
- Babies who are 6 months and above should have frequent small meals instead of big meals thrice a day.
- If your baby’s doctor prescribes oral rehydration solution (ORS) to your toddler, be sure to give it to your child as and when required.
- If your baby does not want to eat something, give him what he wants to eat.
Do not force-feed your sick child.
- If your baby is above six months of age, make sure he stays hydrated. Offer him different types of fluids. These can include water, milk, broth, and fresh fruit juice made with slightly warm water.
These are just some general guidelines you should follow if your child is down with a cold or cough. However, if there are symptoms like wheezing or ear pain, then it is best to consult a doctor immediately as it can be an ear infection or something more serious. Also, do not introduce any new foods when your baby is ill as these can aggravate the symptoms or cause allergies, worsening the matters. Consult your doctor if your child’s condition doesn’t improve over a couple of days. Since dehydration is a possibility because of infections, so keep an eye on your child, note these early signs to ensure you can get your child the help he needs immediately.
Also Read:
Cold and Cough Medicine for Infants and Children
Home Remedies for Children’s Colds and Flu
How to Deal with Dry Cough in Babies
Feeding a sick child
Publication date: 12/15/2016 08:22
April 22nd, 2016 Olga.
While the child grows up, he will be ill with various diseases more than once. About 80% is accounted for by SARS. Any disease (we are now talking about the flu, SARS) is characterized by poor health of the child - malaise, cough, runny nose, weakness, and maybe intestinal upset. And all this affects the appetite of the child. If a child has caught a cold, mothers always ask themselves the question: how to feed him properly? Proper nutrition of a sick child will help to quickly cope with the disease.
During an illness, the baby always has a poor appetite. There are physiological reasons for this:
- at elevated temperatures, blood circulation in the stomach slows down. because the body sends blood to vital organs: the heart and lungs. The process of digestion and assimilation of food slows down and the child needs less food than usual;
- during an illness, the liver actively fights toxins, the products of the vital activity of viruses and the decay of damaged cells, so a large amount of food carries an additional burden;
- the toxins themselves poison the body and the child, when he feels bad, not at all before eating;
- blocked nose, sore throat, difficult to swallow.
- Nutrition should be appropriate for the child's age;
- during illness, do not introduce new foods into the diet;
- food should be sparing - liquid or semi-liquid;
- make small meals if the baby does not want to eat, and the number of feedings can be increased;
- if the child refuses to eat, let him drink more fluids (water, compote, fruit drink, rosehip broth).
From the diet during illness should be excluded:
- Hard-to-digest foods - fatty meat, whole grain cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits.
- Foods harmful to the liver - fatty dairy products, chocolate, vegetable oil, lard, confectionery.
- Rough, which can damage the mucous membrane - nuts, seeds, crackers, cookies.
Useful menu
During an illness, a child needs food that is well absorbed by a weakened body. Therefore, chicken broth, vegetable soups, stewed and boiled vegetables are perfect for feeding a child during SARS.
To avoid mechanical irritation of the stomach, choose foods that are low in fiber. What foods are low in fiber? These are potatoes, cauliflower, pumpkin, rice and semolina, animal products.
Potatoes are especially delicate in fiber, so include mashed potatoes in your menu more often. You can cook mashed potatoes with sausage, cheese. Beautifully decorate the dish.
Animal protein must be present in the diet of a sick child, since it is a building material for protective antibodies. They are rich in lean meat - veal, beef, lean pork. For soups, use secondary broths from turkey meat, rabbit, chicken breast.
What else can you feed a child during illness? Yogurt helps out well, especially homemade, with the addition of berries.
Cook porridge for the child: semolina, oatmeal, you can also add berries from jam or defrosted.
A sick child needs vitamins. You can make vitamin drinks from rose hips, berries, cook jelly, dried fruit compote, berry juice. . Such drinks will alleviate the condition of the baby if the throat hurts. But with indigestion, milk should not be given at all.
To increase the appetite of the dish, it is desirable to arrange it beautifully so that the child immediately has a desire to eat it.
Nutrition for a convalescent child
After an acute period of illness, a period of convalescence begins, when the baby is on the mend and nutrition during this period plays an important role. The food of a recovering baby should be rich in energy in order to restore strength, contain minerals and vitamins, the food should be well absorbed.
As soon as the symptoms of the disease subside, do not rush to pounce on a child with enhanced nutrition, it will take a few more days to restore digestion. Continue to follow the diet, adding lean meat and fish, cheese, eggs, boiled vegetables and fruits to it.
Ideal for casseroles, puddings, steamed cutlets, vegetable soups. Introduce fruits and vegetables into the diet and do not forget about sour-milk products that will help restore the disturbed intestinal microflora. Let during this period the food be fractional, the child eat a little. And when the body gets stronger, the child will return to a normal diet.
Choosing tactics
When feeding a sick child, parents should remember that it is impossible to force-feed a child!
We provide a diet with easily digestible products. Some parents find it difficult to feed the baby during illness, he categorically refuses to eat. Psychologists advise not to turn feeding into a circus with musical numbers so that the child eats "well, at least one spoonful."
If a child refuses to eat once, it will not bring much harm to health. He will not remain hungry, but will ask for something anyway when his appetite wakes up.
And don't scold the baby if he doesn't want to eat. Appetite will be restored.
Information from the site: deti-i-vnuki.ru/pitanie-bolnogo-rebenka/
What to feed a child with a cold and SARS
At the age of 1 to 6 years, the diagnosis of ARVI 6-10 times a year is a common thing. But parents do not need to be afraid of every sneeze. They should know how, at the first signs of illness , to create conditions that will help the sick baby to recover as quickly and without complications as possible. Of great importance is the rational nutrition of a child with a cold and SARS. What is meant by it?
Experienced doctors, answering the question of how to properly treat ARVI and influenza, will advise parents to provide their children with:
- fresh, clean indoor air;
- copious warm drink;
- temporary bed rest;
- proper nutrition.
There is an opinion that recovery is 90% dependent on diet and healthy sleep. Indeed, often a strong children's body can easily cope with the disease itself, without medicines. But how to feed a child with ARVI and a cold, so as not to harm him?
It is no secret that during illness, the appetite of children disappears - the young body is strenuously fighting infectious agents, and the digestion of food requires additional effort and energy.
Parents need to understand: they should not be forced to feed the baby, a short diet and slight weight loss do not pose a threat to his health, since the body has certain reserves of strength in case of illness. After recovery, the child will quickly gain the lost kilograms.
Another thing is drinking. It is necessary to give a sick child to drink as much as possible - from 1.5-2 liters per day. This will alleviate his condition, and most importantly, will contribute to the speedy removal of toxins from the body. Offer the crumbs a delicious fruit drink, warm tea, berry compote or jelly, rosehip broth, cocoa or milk (focus on the preferences of the baby).
Proper nutrition of a child with colds and SARS involves small portions of light and well-digestible food. It is best if the child asks for food himself, and no matter what time of day. Try to offer him something tasty and healthy, it is best that these are his usual dishes.
Why should a menu that is not familiar to a child be avoided? The fact is that the possibilities of digestion during illness are reduced, and instead of the expected benefits, new fruits, sweets or delicacies can cause disorders, and, accordingly, an additional serious burden on the body.
- Make sure that your baby's diet includes vegetables and fruits that will provide the body with vitamins and microelements. Apples, pears, kiwis, lemons, coleslaws, carrots and beets will help stimulate the body's defenses.
- Explaining how to feed a child with ARVI and a cold, the pediatrician will certainly mention well-known antimicrobial products: garlic, onion, ginger.
- The baby needs as much liquid as possible, so juicy fruits such as watermelon, melon, etc. will be very useful.
- Fried, spicy and salty foods should be avoided during this period. The most appropriate would be broths, steamed meat and fish, stewed vegetables, legume dishes, scrambled eggs, fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese).
- Do not get carried away with sweets, as sugar reduces the activity of leukocytes - cells that fight infection.