What to feed baby wrens
Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species, Troglodytes aedon, house wren: INFORMATION
What do they look like?
House Wrens are small, squat birds that lack bold or characteristic markings. They have long, curved bills and are seen perching in the "wren posture" with the tail held up. Their heads, napes, and backs are almost uniformly brown with their throats and chests a uniform light grey. Some black, dark brown, or pinkish spots appear on their flanks, tails, and wings. There is a faint, white stripe above their eyebrows. They are usually 11 to 13 cm long and weigh between 10 and 12 g.
- endothermic
- bilateral symmetry
- sexes alike
- Range mass
- 10.
0 to 12.0 g
- 0.35 to 0.42 oz
- Range length
- 11.0 to 13.0 cm
- 4.33 to 5.12 in
Where do they live?
House Wrens are native to the Nearctic region. During the breeding season they live from southern Canada to southern Argentina, Chile and the Falkland Islands. They spend the winter in a narrower range; the southern limits of the United States, southwestern California east to Florida and south throughout the Gulf Coast and Mexico.
- nearctic
- native
What kind of habitat do they need?
In the wild House Wrens live in open, shrubby woodlands. However, they were named for their preference for small town and suburban backyards and human-made bird houses. Small wood-lots and forest edges are also well known habitats for these birds. Human farming and towns have created more good breeding habitat for the wren by fragmenting forests, which explains why the House Wren has expanded its range and numbers in North America. During the winter wrens live in thickets, shrubby and brushy areas, riparian forests, and savannas in the southern United States. In Mexico, they prefer tropical evergreen and semideciduous forests.
- temperate
- tropical
- terrestrial
- chaparral
- forest
- scrub forest
How do they reproduce?
- monogamous
House Wren nest sizes range from 4 to 8 eggs, with one egg laid per day. Females develop single large incubation patches (bare areas of skin on their bellies) and will spend over half of their time incubating the eggs, once their entire clutch has been laid. Hatching begins about 12 days after the last egg is laid and occurs only during daylight hours. House Wrens are able to breed (have reached sexual maturity) when they are 1 year old, but some first time breeders skip the regular breeding time and choose instead to breed alongside the older birds who are attempting a second clutch in a season. House Wrens nest in tree cavities, such as old woodpecker holes. They preferring cavities closer to the ground with small entrances.
- iteroparous
- seasonal breeding
- gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate)
- sexual
- fertilization
- internal
- oviparous
- How often does reproduction occur?
- Breeding occurs in late April to early May with the majority of nests started in mid to late May.
Some females that start a nest early will sometimes make a second nest in late June to early July.
- Breeding season
- Late April to July
- Range eggs per season
- 4.0 to 8.0
- Average eggs per season
- 7
- AnAge
- Average time to hatching
- 12.0 days
- Average time to hatching
- 14 days
- AnAge
- Range fledging age
- 15.
0 to 17.0 days
- Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
- 1.0 years
- Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
- 1.0 years
The young are completely helpless and depend on their parents, who both care for the young. They fledge after about 15 to 17 days and all leave the nest within a few hours of each other.
- altricial
- male parental care
- female parental care
How long do they live?
The oldest House Wren has been known to live is 7 years. It is hard to keep track of the age of individual birds because they do not always return to the same spot every year.
- Range lifespan
Status: wild - 7.0 (high) years
- Range lifespan
- Average lifespan
Status: wild - 108 months
- Bird Banding Laboratory
- Average lifespan
How do they behave?
House Wrens mostly hop while on the ground and have a direct, steady flight only about 1 meter above the ground in open areas. House Wrens are most active during the day. They migrate yearly between breeding and wintering areas. They are very territorial and are usually found alone, in pairs, or in immediate family groups. Males take primary responsibility for defending the territory and will chase away intruders. They usually only have one mate, and both parents help to raise the young.
- diurnal
- motile
- migratory
- territorial
How do they communicate with each other?
House Wrens are widely known for their songs. While both sexes produce calls and songs, the males' songs are more complex. Altogether 130 different song types are known from House Wrens. Unmated males can sing for up to 10 minutes. Males with a mate are known to produce a "whispering song", where he sings without opening his bill to produce a very quiet song. This song type only occurs around the time of copulation. The purpose of the quiet song may be to not reveal the location of his fertile mate to other males. The female sings during the first days of pairing when she responds to her mate's song.
They will also communicate using body language. If a predator is approaching the male will crouch, droop his wings, erect his back feathers, and lower his fanned out tail.
- visual
- tactile
- acoustic
- chemical
What do they eat?
House wrens feed primarily on small, terrestrial insects. The independent young and adults consume mostly spiders, beetles, and bugs while the babies still in the nest (called nestlings) are fed mostly grasshoppers, crickets, and caterpillars. Adults will feed their young, and supplement their own diet, with sources of calcium such as mollusk shells.
- carnivore
- eats non-insect arthropods
What eats them and how do they avoid being eaten?
Adults respond to predators by chasing and striking at the predators while giving a loud, harsh alarm call. Cats, rats, opossums, woodpeckers, foxes, owls, raccoons, squirrels, and various snakes are known predators of this species.
- Known Predators
- domestic cats
- rats
- Virginia opossums
- woodpeckers
- foxes
- owls
- raccoons
- squirrels
- snakes
What roles do they have in the ecosystem?
House Wrens help to control several insect populations. They also supply an abundant food source for many different types of animals.
How do they interact with us?
House Wrens eat many insects that humans consider to be pests.
- controls pest population
Are they endangered?
House Wrens are a very abundant species. They live in semi-forested areas, which is a common habitat type so conservation management is not necessary. However, House Wrens are protected under the U.S. Migratory Bird Act. These birds are quite tolerant of habitat change and nest disturbance, allowing them to live and reproduce successfully even in human populated areas.
- IUCN Red List
- Least Concern
More information
There are roughly 30 different subspecies of House Wrens. These subspecies are divided into 5 groups: Northern House Wrens, Brown-throated Wrens, Southern House Wrens, Antillean House Wrens and Cozumel Wrens. Southern House Wrens have 20 of the subspecies in their category.
Brown-headed Cowbirds sometimes lay their eggs in House Wren nests. These birds act as a parasite to House Wrens but, because Brown-headed Cowbirds usually are too big to enter House Wren's cavity nests, this is a very rare occurrence.
What Do Baby Wrens Eat?
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A Rare Blue-Colored WrenWrens are frequently encountered across North America. These birds construct their nests in a variety of unusual locations, including old boxes, discarded cans, and even within barns and garages. It’s not uncommon for humans to discover abandoned wren babies or youngsters who’ve fallen from the canopy. It’s difficult to care for a wild wren, but with the right tools and understanding of how it works, it becomes much easier.
If the baby wren is uninjured, return it to the nest. If you can’t find the nest, wrap some newspaper around a berry basket and conceal it among dense bushes. Take any injured bird to your local veterinarian or a wildlife conservation organization if possible. If the parents are not contacted for three hours after the bird is returned to the nest, assume they have abandoned it and take it to a veterinarian, an animal shelter, or an indoor facility where you can care for it.
Caring for a baby wren requires effort and consistency. In this article, we explain how you can help a baby wren in an effective manner.
What Do Baby Wrens Eat? Baby Wrens Eat GrasshoppersThe diet of a baby wren is exclusively small terrestrial insects. The young and adults eat mostly spiders, bugs, and beetles while the youngsters still in the nest are fed mostly grasshoppers, caterpillars, and crickets. Adult wrens will feed their young, as well as supplement their own diet, with mollusk shells.
Wrens eat a wide variety of foods, most of which are high in protein. If they’re unable to find any bugs nearby, Wrens will resort to consuming insects. If insects aren’t found either, then their alternative option will be to feed on berries. Mealworms, peanuts hearts, peanuts, suet, and occasionally snail shells are all used to provide digestive grit in baby wrens. Digestive grit refers to the grinding of food in their stomach, which is aided by the presence of larger particles. You may attract a house Wren to your yard by putting some peanut butter on a stump or hanging a suet feeder. Wrens are an important part of your yard. They can consume all of the bugs and they’re fascinating to watch. The House Wren eats berries and insects, making it an omnivore.
Beetles Are Consumed By Baby WrensWarmth is important for baby wrens, especially if they’re abandoned in the wild. Line a shoebox with newspaper or paper towels and fill it with hot water. Small holes should be cut in the box’s lid and the baby bird should be placed inside. Keep the box hidden from children and pets by keeping it covered and away from them. Use a desk lamp with a high-wattage incandescent bulb to provide warmth. Fluorescent lights, on the other hand, do not give enough heat.
Baby wrens should be fed on a regular basis. Baby birds require food every 15 to 20 minutes when the sun is shining. To create a thick liquid, combine one part protein, such as canned puppy pup food or dried beef baby food, with two parts high-protein baby cereal or powdered grain meal. Feed the infant via a syringe or eyedropper.
Baby Wrens Eat SpidersNow it’s time to teach the baby wren how to eat insects. Offer tiny crawling insects, such as mealworms, at each feeding when your youngster is younger. To encourage a feeding response, press an insect against the beak of the baby wren. Because feeding is natural, don’t worry if it takes some practice.
Peanuts Are Also A Part of a Baby Wren’s DietReplace the container with a larger box as the bird matures. Old birds will become claustrophobic in a shoebox and require more space. Take the pet outside in a cage or box on occasion to acclimate it to the outdoors. Do not allow the baby wren to fly about freely in its habitat.
Once the baby wren is released, turn on some music and start dancing. Place the cage or box in an outdoor space that you’re familiar with where no dogs or cats are allowed to roam. Leave the lid or door open, and watch the bird fly off on its own. Leave the wren in its cage for several weeks so it has time to get used to you, but don’t handle or talk to it. The wren will revert to being wild at some point.
How Much Do Baby Wrens Eat?Feed the baby wren every 15 to 20 minutes throughout the day. Soak the kibble in water until it is soft and pliable. Dry out the water before mixing in a kibble and baby cereal with a ratio of 1:2. This will create a fluid mixture. It must be a liquid state. Fill the dropper or syringe and press the food into the bird. Make sure the food does not end up under its tongue if you’re feeding a fledgling nestling since this might obstruct its airway.
Place newspaper on the shoe box and line it up. Place the baby bird inside and punch holes in the top of the shoe box. Cover the shoebox with the lid and shine the lamp on it. Turn on (insert the light bulb and turn it on).
Can Baby Wrens Be Kept As Pets?No, house wrens are not a good choice as pets. These little birds may be aesthetically appealing, but they do not function well in a living environment. These are wild birds that require ample area to fly and explore. It is illegal to keep one as a pet in most areas.
It is against the law to keep wild birds, and they must be released as soon as feasible. It’s critical that little human interaction occurs so that the bird does not become domesticated. When a wild bird is discovered, it is HIGHLY advised to turn it over to the proper authorities.
Put your finger in the baby bird’s feet to determine whether it is a nestling or a fledgling. A fledgling has a firm grip on your finger if it does. It is a nestling if there is no hold on your finger at all. Watch the birds‘ nest for two hours after you put the wren back in. Assume that the parents have died if there is no parental care and contact your local wildlife conservation. It’s a myth that parent birds would abandon their young if they come into touch with humans.
The top portion of a wren is reddish-brown and has fine darker brown bars on the wings, tail, and rump. The lower sides are pale brown with numerous, heavier streaks across the shoulders and abdomen. They have a short chestnut-hued tail with dark brown streaked sides.
The crown of a wren is browner, with fewer streaks and a pale supercilium from the bill’s base to just beyond the eye. They have long, thin bills that are slightly downcurved and black on top, with yellow on the bottom. The eyes of wrens are dark brown, and their feet and legs are pale browns in color. Male and female wrens appear identical.
The House Wren is tiny yet has a loud voice. This creature makes chatters, rattles, and scolds when it detects potential predators. The house wren is a mundane little brown bird whose plumage varies by gender. Because of the sound it creates, you may identify a House Wren if it’s male or female.
Another indication that you’re looking at a wren is because it has white dots on its back. The wrens have evolved to blend in with their surroundings, which aids them in hiding from predators while still feeding on food. The House Wren weighs approximately half an ounce. That’s the size of half of a slice of whole-wheat bread, which is about five to six inches long. They live for up to nine years. They are typically around four to five inches long. The House Wren’s wingspan is approximately 6 inches. The House Wren flies near to the ground in its airborne method of transport. They are bright and lively, just like their music. However, they may be rather territorial.
The head, nape, and neck of baby wrens are crimson with streaks, while the underparts are streaked with black.
What Are The Natural Predators of Baby Wrens?The Wren is vulnerable to a variety of predators, including cats, opossums, rats, and woodpeckers. The female will lay one egg each day until five or six eggs are laid after choosing and constructing the nest.
At 12 to 15 days, the nestlings remain in the nest for 12 to 15 days. The mother leaves the nest periodically to obtain food while she is incubating. The period of time when the baby remains in his or her parent’s nest is known as incubation.
House Wrens’ songs are very strident, as they are produced in periods of time. They frequently do so during the breeding season to bring in additional mates. The House Wren leaves for warmer climes during the winter, but the trip is hazardous. The Wrens live in the southern United States, and they are among the most distinctive birds. Because of how harsh winter is, only half survive. The House Wren is a fantastic creature with an amazing song.
The house wren is a tiny bird that commonly flies and nests low to the ground, thus it is consumed by a variety of predators. Rats, opossums, foxes, squirrels, raccoons, owls, kites, and snakes are among the many creatures that may be found in any environment. Woodpeckers, like wrens, can also take revenge on tiny birds for stealing their eggs. The pugnacious little songbird, on the other hand, does not shy away from attacking predators with its sharp beaks and claws.
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Wren bird - description, habitat, species, photo and video, singing
Troglodytes troglodytes | |
English name: | Wren|
Kingdom : | Animals |
Type: | Chordates |
Grade : | Birds |
Detachment : | Passeriformes |
family : | Wren |
Genus : | True Wrens |
Body length : | 12 cm |
Wing length: | 4-5 cm |
Wingspan : | 20 cm |
Weight : | 12 g |
- one Description of the bird
- 2 Nutrition Features
- 3 Distribution of wren in nature
- four Is the wren a migratory bird?
- 5 bird species
- 5.
1 common wren
- 5.2 house wren
- 5.3 Long-billed rock wren
- 5.
- 6 Male and female: main differences
- 7 Keeping a wren at home
- 7.1 What to feed the wren?
- eight Interesting bird facts
- 9 Singing
Bird description
Wren is also known under the names of nutlet, podroot and derichtail. All these folk names indicate the features of the appearance of these songbirds. Wrens are very small, about 12 cm long, with a dense round body, a short neck, a large round head and a long tail sticking up. Their brownish chestnut plumage is soft and downy, slightly lighter on the belly than on the back. In addition, birds are distinguished by a thin and long beak bent downwards.
These birds - round fluffy balls - are very mobile and sing surprisingly loudly and loudly. Their size does not exceed the size of a house sparrow. Body length on average 10 cm, weight about 12 g, wingspan up to 20 cm.
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In general, the wren prefers animal food. The bird feeds on insects, beetles, grasshoppers, larvae, spiders. In autumn and winter, in order to feed himself, he adds plant seeds and berries, such as elderberry or blueberries, to his diet.
Since wrens always live near bodies of water, they can prey on small fish and tadpoles in shallow water.
Distribution of wren in nature
The birthplace of all birds of the wren family is North America. Scientists believe that real wrens and their relatives moved to Eurasia through the Bering Strait.
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That is why the common wren and similar species are most often found on the North American continent. Birds also live in Asia and Europe.
Wren lives in mixed and coniferous forests near rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. This little bird avoids open spaces, but can settle next to a person - in gardens and parks. Wrens are found both on the plains and in the mountains. For example, in Nepal they can be seen at altitudes up to 4800 m above sea level.
Is the wren migratory?
Most birds from the genus Wren belong to sedentary species. Only a few of them can roam in the winter in search of more favorable conditions.
Bird species
Common Wren
The body length of the bird is 9-10 cm, even less than that of a sparrow, the wingspan is up to 17 cm, the body weight is about 10 g. The color of the plumage on the back is brown, on the abdomen with a gray tint. Dark gray stripes are located throughout the body, which stand out especially on the wings and on the tail. The wings are short, the tail sticks up. Legs are pink. Females and males look the same.

House Wren
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The species is distributed in North America. The body length of the bird is 11-13 cm, the wingspan is up to 17 cm, the body weight is 10-12 g. The plumage on the head is brown, on the belly it is reddish or gray, lighter than that of the common wren. Breast and neck are brown-gray. There are black stripes on the wings and tail. The tail is short, the beak is thin and long, curved down.
Rock Wren
Lives in North America. The body length of the birds is about 12 cm. The birds are brown in color with small black and white dots. Their chest is light gray, the tummy is brown. The tail is decorated with dark stripes. A light gray stripe is visible above the eyes. The beak is thin, long.
Male and female: main differences
Wrens have little or even no sexual dimorphism. And even young individuals practically do not differ from adults.
Keeping wren at home
For the wren, you need a cage with a distance between the twigs of no more than 1 cm, since this small and agile bird will escape from an ordinary cage very easily.

What to feed the wren?
Wren's diet is, first of all, animal food: flour worms, bloodworms, larvae, insects. Gradually add chopped chicken egg, cottage cheese, ant eggs to the feed. The bird will not refuse to eat vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs.
Bird lovers appreciate the singing of this baby, which is why wrens are often planted, but breeding them at home is not practiced.
Interesting facts about the bird
- In the language of the Ojibwa Indians of western Ontario, the house wren's name translates as "he who makes too much noise for his size";
- Wrens often destroy the eggs of other birds that also nest in hollows. Why they behave so aggressively is unknown, since bird eggs are rarely eaten.
- Wrens rarely gather in large flocks, but during the cold period they can spend the night in groups of 10-30 individuals, lying with their heads to the center in several layers and tightly clinging to each other.
Iridescent trills of the wren are comparable in sweetness to the songs of canaries and nightingales. They consist of characteristic dry crackling sounds and sonorous overflows. Wren males sing all year round, dying down only during molting, at the end of summer. And their songs are always performed on elevated places, for example, on the tops of trees.
How and what to feed city birds - KUST
Text: Masha Teacher Photo: Eugene Schneider
In Home Alone 2, Kevin befriends a woman who feeds pigeons. He fed them biscuits and she fed them grains. In Good Omens, the demon Crowley and the angel Aziraphale meet in St. James's Park, which has "always been the best secret meeting place in London". As they say in the series, "secret agents fed the ducks here so often that they developed a conditioned reflex: more picky ducks prefer rye bread from the Russian cultural attache."
The intelligibility of ducks is questionable - in fact, it is not recommended to feed birds with bread, especially rye. Together with ornithologists, we figure out what and how to feed them properly.
Why feed birds at all?
Birds have a fast metabolism, cold is not as terrible for them as hunger. With the onset of cold weather, insects die or fall into hibernation, their share in the diet of birds is greatly reduced, and the birds switch mainly to grains and fruits, until this food runs out.
Birds that are fed regularly are more likely to survive until spring and hatch new offspring.
But not all city birds need feeding.
Which birds can be fed in winter?
Birds of those species whose existence depends on people (they are called synanthropic species). These are, for example, gray pigeons, sparrows, urban mallard ducks.
Small garden and forest birds. Tits, nuthatches, greenfinches, woodpeckers can survive without people, but feeders will help them a lot. Tits are very useful for gardens, they destroy even more pests in winter than in warm weather. If you feed them, some birds may stay with you after wintering, especially if you install a titmouse (tit house) at the end of winter.
There are birds that you don't want to feed. For example, an increase in the number of crows and magpies can be harmful to other birds.
Other species forage for food on their own and rarely come to feeders on our territory - bullfinches, fieldfares, waxwings, goldfinches, buntings, siskins, tap-dancing, pikas, kinglets.
Suddenly the birds get used to feeding, is it not dangerous for them?
Some ornithologists say that birds get used to the feeder and can forget how to get food themselves. Others – that they prefer natural food when it is available and do not depend on feeders. We advise feeding birds only when they really need it (more on that later).
Birds of different species can fight each other on the feeder. To avoid this, you can focus on a few favorite species and choose the appropriate food.
By "accidental" feeding on the beaches or open areas of cafes, birds can become more aggressive towards humans: just look at how crows, pigeons and sparrows demand treats.
The biggest danger for birds is if you start feeding and then stop. Bird flocks already in autumn begin to notice places for feeding, in winter the "zones of influence" are relatively distributed. If the bird does not find food in the usual feeder, it may simply not have the strength to fly far in search of food. Therefore, if you started doing this, continue all winter, especially on snowy frosty days. Don't start if you're not sure.
Feeding birds is dangerous if you choose the wrong food or put the feeder in the wrong place.
So that the bird can fly freely towards it.
But do not hang or place it in places accessible to predators. In the middle of an empty clearing, it is accessible to birds of prey, and if it is placed over thick low branches, on a tree trunk, near a fence, among low bushes or on a pole, it can attract cats.
If there are bushes or thickets near the feeder, the birds can quickly hide in case of danger.
The hanging feeder can be placed at a height of one and a half meters. It should be convenient for you to serve it every day or every other day.
Feeders should not be placed where cars, cyclists and people walk all the time.
Hanging the feeder on the windowsill is good for watching, but not very good for the birds: they can get used to people. And there is also a risk that the bird will hit the window, which reflects the sky. If you live in a high-rise building, food and droppings can fall on the windowsill of your neighbors from the lower floors.
If the feeder is on the edge of a clearing in a park or forest park, birds that are less common in the city, which have a harder time in winter, will be able to drop in on you.
The type of feeder depends on which birds you want to attract. You can read about it here.
How to care for the feeder?
1. Keep clean - regularly remove old feed and droppings. Rotten or wet food must be thrown away; mold is dangerous for birds, as well as for us.
2. Wash every two weeks with soapy water and dry.
3. It is advisable to decontaminate every 4-5 weeks in order not to spread bird infections.
4. Feed is best added in the morning.
When to hang the feeder?
It is believed that it is possible to start in the autumn so that the birds have time to notice a new feeding place. But feeding is most necessary for birds with the onset of stable frosts (-10 ° C) and with the appearance of deep snow and ice on branches and ground.
They won't start arriving at the feeder right away, and that's normal: the birds need to find a new place and get used to it.
Feeding is especially important in the second half of winter, when natural food has run out, and during bad weather.
Which food is harmful to birds?
Never pour into the feeder:
1. Rotten, rancid, moldy.
2. Salty.
3. Roasted (including salted or roasted nuts).
4. Sour.
5. Acute.
6. Citrus fruits.
7. Rye bread.
8. Oatmeal (it is sticky and can dry on the beak of a small bird). You can put dry oatmeal.
9. Barley and buckwheat (swell in the stomach).
Do not use:
1. Millet (it does not have a protective shell, it forms mold and substances harmful to birds).
3. Raw meat or bones (may attract cats to the feeder or cause disease).
We have been feeding bread to ducks all our lives. Why suddenly not?
Rye bread begins to ferment in the stomach and can lead to the death of the bird. White bread is less dangerous: it swells and creates a feeling of satiety, while in fact the bird is malnourished. This does not necessarily lead to serious consequences, but no expert will advise specifically giving bread to birds .
Then why feed the swans and ducks in the parks?
Actually, they don't need to be fed.
It is believed that the mass feeding of urban ducks and swans, which in nature eat aquatic plants, disrupts migration, and they remain wintering in the wrong place.
In nature, swans and ducks feed on algae, grass, sometimes molluscs, worms and even frogs. In water bodies, they have enough natural food.
It is necessary to support them only if they obviously stayed for the winter, and the pond was covered with ice. Then you can give them compound feed, wheat or corn grain, lightly boiled barley, barley porridge, potatoes, sunflower seeds, lettuce or spinach.
Do not lure them to land: there may be not only good birdwatchers, but also people with other intentions, dogs, cars.
What do other birds like?
If you don't get attached to the species, here's what you can feed the birds with:
1. Raw sunflower seeds.
2. Raw peanuts and other nuts (you probably don't want to put almonds in the feeder, but if you do, remember that they are poisonous to squirrels).
3. Various seeds: pumpkin, melon, watermelon, burdock, hemp, linseed.
4. A small amount of wheat and barley (only crushed!)
5. Millet.
6. Crushed corn.
7. Lard and butter (without salt and spices).
8. Raisin.
9. Pieces of dried or fresh apples, pumpkins, carrots, plums and various berries.
10. Boiled rice without salt.
Many human wastes can be harmless bird food if you remember not to eat salty or fried foods. You can use the remnants of bacon, bone marrow, the remnants of melted fat, crumbs from cookies and pies, boiled or baked potatoes.
Here's what you need, to attract certain types of birds :
1. Sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon, melon seeds - for tits, sparrows and many other birds.
2. "Bird pie" from bacon and seeds - for tits, sparrows, woodpeckers and greenfinches.
3. Fat (butter) and lard - for tits, thrushes, wrens, nuthatches, woodpeckers, jays.
4. Dry crumbs of white bread are eaten by sparrows, pigeons and tits.
5. Laid out on the ground or on the snow, fresh or dry fruits and berries suspended on branches will attract thrushes, waxwings, robins, tits, starlings.
6. Bullfinches eat berry bones.
7. Whole peanuts are loved by tits, greenfinches, sparrows, nuthatches, woodpeckers, jays, and crushed peanuts are loved by robins and wrens.
8. Hard cheese - robins, blackbirds.
9. Potatoes can be fed to small passerine birds, wild ducks, geese, swans, pheasants.
10. Thrushes love carrots, corn and pumpkin.
11. Bullfinches and goldfinches in our territory feed exclusively on natural food. Goldfinches love the heads of burdock seeds, and bullfinches love the "wings" of ash and maple.
12. Jays, grosbeaks and woodpeckers love unroasted unsalted peanuts, pumpkin seeds, pine cones.
13. Siskins and greenfinches love poppy in small quantities.
14. Rapeseed is eaten by greenfinches, linnets and other finches.
How to make a bird pie?
"Bird Pie" is made with unsalted lard, beef fat (but not from cooking!) or gelatin.