When can i feed my baby cereal in a bottle
Cereal in a Bottle: Solid Food Shortcuts to Avoid
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While the habit of adding cereal to an infant’s bottle is one that has been around for a long time, there are several compelling reasons why you really shouldn’t do it unless advised by your pediatrician.
Ready or Not:
A baby’s digestive system is not thought to be well prepared to process cereal until about 6 months of age. When he is old enough to digest cereal, he should also be ready to eat it from a spoon.
The AAP recommends breastfeeding as the sole source of nutrition for your baby for about 6 months. When you add solid foods to your baby’s diet, continue breastfeeding until at least 12 months. You can continue to breastfeed after 12 months if you and your baby desire. Check with your child’s doctor about vitamin D and iron supplements during the first year.
Too Hard to Handle:
Offering cereal in a bottle (or even on a spoon) before babies are developmentally ready can increase the likelihood of gagging and/or inhaling the thickened mixture into their lungs. Unless there’s a medical reason for giving it early, it’s not worth jumping the gun.
Allergy Activation:
Exposure to solid foods before the age of 4 months may put babies at risk for developing food allergies in the future—a risk that can be minimized by simply waiting until 4 to 6 months when the time is right.
Perhaps the biggest reason not to take the addition of cereal in a bottle too lightly relates to overfeeding. By instinct, your baby knows how much
breast milk or
formula to drink based on volume, not calories. While it is said to be difficult to overfeed a baby, this applies when you’re talking about breast milk or formula alone. As soon as cereal gets added in, things get a little murky—so murky, in fact, that putting cereal in the bottle is considered by some to be a form of force-feeding that can cause babies to “overdose” on calories.
Additional Information:
Switching to Solid Foods
Working Together: Breastfeeding and Solid Foods
- Author
- Laura A. Jana, MD, FAAP and Jennifer Shu, MD, FAAP
- Last Updated
- 5/14/2015
- Source
- Adapted from Food Fights, 2nd Edition (Copyright © 2012 American Academy of Pediatrics)
The information contained on this Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your pediatrician. There may be variations in treatment that your pediatrician may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
Putting Rice Cereal in Your Baby’s Bottle: Is It Safe?
Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors
Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on March 02, 2021
In this Article
- Solid Foods for Babies
- Is Rice Cereal Safe to Put in a Baby’s Bottle?
- Arsenic in Rice Cereal
- How to Feed Your Baby Cereal
- Other Supplementary Baby Foods
During their first 6 months, most babies’ diets consist of mostly breast milk or baby formula. Sometime between 4 and 6 months, you may decide to start supplementing your baby’s diet with solid foods. Most babies’ digestive systems aren’t ready to process anything but milk or formula prior to 4 months of age, at the very earliest.
For years, many new parents have started their babies out on solid foods by adding rice cereal to their baby’s bottle. However, new research has provided several reasons why parents should avoid this method.
Solid Foods for Babies
Before the age of 4 to 6 months, babies are not yet ready to eat solid foods. It’s around this time that your baby’s digestive system can start to handle certain supplementary foods. They also usually stop using their tongues to push food around or out of their mouths.
Signs that your baby is ready to start eating solid foods as a supplement to breast milk or formula include when they:
- Can support their head steadily on their own
- Can sit upright without help
- Show interest in your food when you eat, at times moving their mouth around while watching
- Can grab at objects
Is Rice Cereal Safe to Put in a Baby’s Bottle?
Your baby’s first foods should be simple, one-ingredient foods with no added salt or sugar. For this reason, many new parents turn to cereals like rice, oatmeal, or barley.
It was once thought that adding rice cereal to a baby’s bottle at night would help them sleep longer without waking up to feed during the night. Recent studies now show that there is no reason to believe that this is true.
Babies usually can’t sleep more than 5 hours at a time at this stage. They also naturally wake up to feed, whether or not they are full. Not only does adding rice cereal to a baby’s bottle not keep them asleep, but it can also raise their risk of choking.
Adding rice cereal to your baby’s bottle makes the liquid thicker. Babies who get used to drinking thick milk like this might later develop a difficulty telling solid foods apart from liquid foods. This can make it hard for your baby to start eating solid foods.
Arsenic in Rice Cereal
Another risk associated with putting rice cereal in a baby’s bottle is that rice has higher levels of arsenic in it as compared to other cereals and grains.
Arsenic is a naturally-occurring substance in soil, water, and air. Rice that grows with trace amounts of arsenic in it can have lasting effects on your baby’s health.
Arsenic is a carcinogen that is linked to several different diseases. Even low levels, like those found in rice cereals for babies, can affect their development. Instead, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) now recommends that you introduce oatmeal to your baby instead.
How to Feed Your Baby Cereal
No matter which cereal you decide to give your baby when introducing solid foods, you should never put it directly into the bottle for the reasons mentioned. Instead, you can feed cereal to your baby with a small baby spoon.
To do so, mix 1 tablespoon of single-ingredient, iron-fortified cereal with 4 tablespoons of baby formula or breast milk. Once your baby is sitting upright, offer them about a teaspoon of the cereal. This kind of feeding takes practice, so it might get messy. As your baby learns to swallow and manage the cereal, you can increase the thickness over time.
If your baby enjoys the food, try giving them a little more. If they aren’t interested or don’t like it, don’t force it. You can try it again in a few days.
Other Supplementary Baby Foods
It’s important not to introduce solid foods, like cereal or others, to your baby before they’re ready. Introducing your baby to cereal too early is linked to obesity later on in their life. There is also a higher risk of allergy activation, especially with cereals that contain gluten.
When introducing a new food to your baby, wait a few days to see if they develop symptoms of allergies or diarrhea before introducing another new food. Doctors recommend giving your baby foods with potential allergens when you start giving them supplemental foods. It’s a myth that waiting to introduce foods like peanuts, fish, or eggs can prevent food allergies.
Once your baby has mastered eating cereal, try giving them pureed fruit or veggies with no added ingredients. Only give them one kind of fruit or vegetable at a time. You can also try giving your baby pureed meat. Wait 5 days after introducing each food to check for a reaction.
Questions and answers - Gorenje
One child - many questions
Being a mother is difficult. Especially for an inexperienced mother. Does the baby breathe at night? Is he overeating? Do I need to clean his nose, reheat food, wash toys?
Don't worry. You can rely on us. We asked Slovenian pediatrician Denis Bas to answer some frequently asked questions about newborns and babies.
Denis Bas is a qualified pediatrician and works with children of preschool and school age in the children's day clinic of Kamnik Medical Center. He performs infant pelvic ultrasounds, lectures expectant mothers, and is a vocal advocate for the prudent use of antibiotics in children.
These tips will help you spend less time researching childcare information so you can experience the joys of motherhood to the fullest.
Expressed breast milk
solid food
Respiratory system
How do you make milk for your baby if he can't breastfeed sometimes?
Breast milk is the preferred food for newborns for several reasons. Despite many studies, its composition is still not fully understood. Manufacturers are trying to make milk substitutes that are close in composition to breast milk, but breastfeeding still remains the gold standard for newborns and infants. There are various circumstances in which mothers are unable to breastfeed (premature birth, pathological changes in the breast, the mother returning to work, etc.). In these cases, we recommend expressing milk manually or with manual or electric breast pumps. After expressing, milk must be stored properly.
Breastfeeding your baby is easy. But when I try to express milk, there is not enough of it. What am I doing wrong?
If you have already tried to express milk and it is not enough, this does not mean that you do not have enough breast milk. The sensations during pushing and expressing by hand are different from breastfeeding by an infant, so practice is required for successful pumping. For more efficient and stress-free pumping, you can use a variety of methods, such as expressing milk with a manual pump or an electric/double breast pump. To stimulate the formation of milk before pumping, put hot heating pads on your breasts and massage it with light movements, try to relax.
How should I store my expressed milk?
To ensure the safety of baby food, store your expressed milk properly until you use it if you are unable to breastfeed. Before pumping, wash your hands and clean any equipment you need to pump to prevent bacterial contamination. Store your expressed milk in small bottles (60–120 ml) that are large enough for one meal. Label each bottle with the date and time you pumped to determine the expiration date. Store expressed milk safely for up to 6 hours in a sealed container at room temperature, 3-5 days in the refrigerator (4°C), and up to 3 months in the freezer (-18°C). Once defrosted, milk can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours, but must not be refrozen.
How do you prepare breast milk that has been stored for breastfeeding?
Expressed milk must be warmed up properly before being given to the baby. The best milk temperature for nursing is 37°C. To check your temperature, put some milk on your wrist where you would normally take your pulse. Expressed milk must not be heated above 40°C, as this will destroy the nutrients.
The best way to heat milk is to put it under hot water for a while or in a bowl filled with hot water. You can also use a special bottle warmer. After warming up the bottle, shake it gently. Thanks to this, the temperature of the contents will become uniform, and the fat that has separated from the liquid as a result of storage will be mixed with it again.
Can breastmilk be heated in a microwave oven?
Microwave heating of breast milk is not recommended as microwave radiation destroys some of its beneficial properties and nutrients. It should also not be overheated or cooked. Temperature control is easiest when heated with steam or immersed in hot water. In this case, it is necessary to constantly check the temperature by dripping milk on the wrist.
How long does it take to heat a bottle of milk in hot water?
After placing a bottle of milk in hot water, it is usually necessary to wait about 15 minutes for the contents to warm up to the temperature required for feeding. The temperature of the milk should be regularly checked on the wrist. During heating, the bottle must be constantly shaken so that its contents are heated evenly, and the sediment in the form of fat is mixed with the rest of the liquid.
My child puts everything that comes to hand in his mouth. Should it be banned?
Parents often worry that young children put everything they can reach into their mouths. The use of the mouth is an important stage in the development of the child, contributing to the acquisition of experience and knowledge about the world around him. With the help of the mouth, the child learns new shapes, textures and tastes. This is absolutely normal. In this case, of course, it is necessary to make sure that the objects that the child tastes are large enough, not sharp and made of safe materials. Parents also worry that the child may catch an infection in this way. In any case, it is recommended to thoroughly clean and disinfect objects that the child plays with every day from time to time. This can be done naturally with heat. Specially designed steam sterilizers can be used for disinfection.
How do you clean children's toys?
The child comes into contact with favorite toys every day. Other children play with them too, and often the toys end up on the floor or in someone's mouth. They are close to children during meals and sleep. They are especially useful when a child is sick, so toys need to be washed frequently.
Rubber toys are constant companions of children during their first steps on the way to understanding the world. In addition, they can be used to relieve pain when the first teeth are cut. Since such toys often come into contact with the child's mouth, it is important to clean them regularly and thoroughly. To do this, wash them with hot water using dishwashing detergent and disinfect them from time to time in a sterilizer.
Plush and fabric toys are machine washable. Use a hand wash program and a small amount of detergent. Also add disinfectant to wash baby clothes.
If toys cannot be washed, spray them occasionally with a disinfectant spray that does not need to be rinsed off. Before using the spray, make sure it is safe for small children.
When can I start giving my baby solid food?
Complementary foods are best introduced into the diet of an infant who is still breastfeeding at four months of age or older. Children under this age are strongly discouraged from giving complementary foods, as their digestive system is not yet sufficiently developed. According to research, don't wait too long - complementary foods should be introduced into the diet before the age of six months. At this age, breast milk no longer provides the optimal amount of macro- and micronutrients (iron, zinc).
How should I start giving my baby solid food?
Parents should be especially patient and persistent at the beginning of this process. During this period, solid food formulas are a new experience for the baby, and not the main source of nutrition. It is important that he gets used to different tastes, thicknesses and textures of dishes. Traditionally, in our culture, mixtures of vegetables, meat and potatoes are first introduced into the diet. Fruits and cereals begin to be given a little later, as children prefer sweets and may refuse vegetables. Products should be introduced into the diet at intervals of one week. Thus, the child easily gets used to new tastes. In addition, it makes it possible to observe which products he has problems with.
At first, some children eat less than a teaspoon of formula, others two or three, others more. This is fine. Food should be at room temperature or slightly warmer.
From 10 months onwards (if the child is already teething), solid foods may be given in addition to liquids and purees. Meat, fish, vegetables and fruits no longer need to be mashed or mashed - only finely chopped.
What types of cereals or purees should be introduced to an infant's diet at the very beginning?
First you need to give low-allergenic foods: vegetables (zucchini, carrots, potatoes, cauliflower and cabbage), rice, corn flakes, meat (poultry, veal, rabbit meat). Then you can add fruits (apples, bananas, pears). As a first mixture, rice porridge can be prepared, which goes well with breast milk due to its mild, neutral taste. When after a week the child gets used to the feeding spoon, you can introduce porridge in the form of grated carrots or zucchini into the diet, prepared as a separate vegetable puree or added to rice and breast milk. New foods should be introduced at one week intervals. It is better to start giving cereals containing gluten (wheat, oatmeal) when the child is still being fed mainly by breast or expressed milk, that is, between four and six months of age. Thus, the likelihood of developing gluten enteropathy (gluten intolerance) is reduced.
What if my child does not like vegetable-based purees?
The process of introducing solid foods into the diet requires patience and perseverance from parents. According to studies, a new taste should be offered to a child 7-11 times, and you should not give up if he splashes cereal on himself and others. When you offer your baby the first spoonful of food, you don't know what he thinks of the new taste. During the first try, most children purse their lips and do not perceive the taste of food. Therefore, continue only when the child opens his mouth again. Remember that while new nutrients are being introduced into the diet, the baby is still getting most of them from mother's milk or formula. Many parents give up after three attempts to refuse food, but perseverance will help overcome resistance.
How do I prepare my first solid food formula for my baby?
Fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables are best for this purpose, but frozen vegetables can also be prepared. Vegetables are usually boiled in water or steamed. Do not use salt or spices during cooking. When the food is ready, stir it until it becomes soft, or puree it to the consistency of a thick porridge. For growth and development, the child needs high-quality fats, so it is recommended to add vegetable oil (canola, olive, corn) to dishes based on vegetables, cereals and meat. In one serving of porridge (150–200 ml), you need to add a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
How do you prepare meals that your child will love?
When accustoming a child to solid foods, it is very important to choose the right ingredients for first courses. Choose not too sharp and unusual tastes. For vegetables, you can, for example, use carrots, potatoes or zucchini, and for fruits, apples or bananas. Citrus fruits are too acidic to begin with. In addition, it is not recommended to prepare meals with the addition of cow's milk until the child is at least six months old.
Food mixtures can be prepared in a kitchen blender or with a fork. Their consistency should be thick and dense, but not liquid. Harder vegetables and fruits should be steamed first. Do not add sugar, salt and spices with a sharp taste to dishes. A teaspoon of apple or pear pulp will help sweeten the porridge a little. To add flavor to vegetable dishes, add vegetable oil to them.
What are the best foods to give to children?
In addition to the taste of food, we must ensure that it contains all the necessary nutrients. The following are some general guidelines for introducing different foods into your diet:
- Bread: from 10 months
- Cow's milk: as a single drink from 1 year, in small amounts at an earlier age (add to porridge or mashed potatoes)
- Gluten (wheat, whole grain wheat flour , rye, barley, oats, oatmeal, spelled wheat, pasta): from 4 months with breast milk
- Eggs (white and yolk): from 6 months
- Sugar, salt: from 1 year
- Honey: from 1
- Fish: from 6 months old (fresh young fish, e.g. mackerel, herring, sardines, salmon)
- Seafood: from 1 year old
The child's diet should be balanced and include plenty of vegetables, fruits and cereals. Red meat is the most important source of iron for the body. The following are some foods rich in vitamins and minerals:
- Vitamin A: carrots, kale, spinach
- Vitamin D: fish oil, oily sea fish, egg whites (recommended to replace these with 400 immunizing units of vitamin D per day)
- Vitamin E: rapeseed, sunflower and corn oil, wheat germ, hazelnuts
- Vitamin K: green vegetables
- Vitamin B1: legumes, some fish, potatoes, oatmeal
- Vitamin C: fresh fruits (citrus fruits, gooseberries, black currants), vegetables (peppers, broccoli, fennel, kale, spinach, tomatoes)
Which foods should be avoided when preparing meals for a child?
When preparing food for your baby, follow the guidelines above and include certain food groups according to age guidelines. Until 1 year old, goat and sheep milk, as well as honey, should not be given to the child. It is not recommended to give nuts and peanuts to children under 5 years of age, as they are hard and the child may choke. However, you can offer him processed foods containing these ingredients. You should also avoid raw or undercooked eggs, extra-salted or sweetened foods, carbonated drinks and foods intended for adults (sauces, coffee, tea). Soy milk is not recommended for children who are allergic to cow's milk, as they are often allergic to soy as well.
My child does not want to eat. What to do?
When accustoming a child to solid food, many parents face the problem of refusing to eat. At least that's what they think. In fact, the child is gaining weight and growing at a good pace. Remember that your appetite is also fickle and even you don't always eat the same amount of food. It happens that the child simply refuses to open his mouth and does not want to eat cooked meals. In this case, use your imagination: pretend the spoon is an airplane, tell a story, or decorate the food in a fun way as you prepare your child to eat. There is no unique recipe. There are as many ways to get a child to eat as there are children. First of all, patience is required. The cute stubbornness of children often marks the defeat of parents in the battle at the table.
When you finally convince your child to try a new dish again, get creative. Offer him fruits and vegetables, but discreetly. If the child does not like the taste of vegetables, improve it by adding grated cheese or butter and bread crumb dressing. If he grimaces at the sight of fruit, mix it with milk or yogurt and offer him a fun baby shake.
In addition, children may refuse food simply because they are not hungry, as they have a more developed sense of satiety than adults. A child's stomach is only the size of a small fist, and parents often exaggerate the amount of food they need.
During the transition to solid foods, my child is constipated. What to do?
A change in diet may result in a change in bowel habits. As a rule, when switching to solid food, this process begins to occur daily. Some children may become constipated during the transition. Most often this happens if the child consumes little fluid and fiber. Here are some simple ways to solve the problem:
- Get the child to move more.
- Thanks to certain movements, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is accelerated.
- Massage your baby's abdomen to stimulate peristalsis.
- Make sure your child is drinking enough fluids (chilled boiled water between meals).
- Offer him as many vegetables and fruits as possible (NOT bananas and NOT carrots).
- Give your child sweetened tea or prunes soaked in juice.
- If the problem persists, it is recommended to use laxatives that are not addictive. It is important that during a bowel movement the child does not experience pain or painful colic.
How can I check if my child is breathing at night?
At night, a child's body slows down its functioning, so it is sometimes difficult to know if he is breathing. To make sure everything is in order, use this method: moisten your finger and hold it to the nose of a sleeping baby. His breath will feel like a light breeze.
I have noticed that the child often coughs at night. What needs to be done so that he sleeps peacefully?
Cough is a frequent companion of children. It is usually associated with respiratory viral infections and therefore often occurs in autumn and winter. First, you need to make sure that the child breathes through the nose and not through the mouth, since breathing through the mouth dries out the mucous membrane of the throat, making coughing worse. Also, make sure your child is drinking enough fluids and that their bedroom is regularly ventilated. In residential premises, it is recommended to maintain humidity at the level of 40-60%. Heating causes indoor air to be too dry, which increases cough symptoms as the skin and mucous membranes dry out. For this reason, it is recommended to maintain an optimal level of humidity in living quarters. A trick that has been used for this since time immemorial: put wet towels or put bowls of water on the radiator. However, in our time, special devices are also available - humidifiers - which quickly increase the humidity and create favorable conditions in the room.
How to clear a baby's stuffy nose?
Young children often suffer from stuffy noses and runny noses. In order for the child to be cheerful, breathe deeper and eat more willingly, the nose must be cleared. If a child has a stuffy nose or cannot breathe normally, we recommend cleaning it with saline saline solution or hypertonic sodium chloride solution. It is important to instill or spray the solution into the nose with a weak stream, not a strong one. If you inject the solution under high pressure, all the mucus will pass into the channel connecting the ears and the nose area, which will increase the risk of an ear infection. If the child does not know how to clear the nose on his own, the mucus can be gently sucked out, and the dry discharge visible at the nostrils can be removed with a gauze pad. To prevent nasal congestion with dried mucus, it is important to maintain optimal humidity in the rooms where the child is.
Winter is coming. How to make sure that the child remains healthy?
In autumn and winter we spend more time indoors. Since at this time the air temperature contributes to the spread of viruses, we are more susceptible to attacks by pathogenic organisms of various infections. These viral infections are particularly hard on infants and young children, whose immune systems are not yet adequately protected. To protect them from infections as effectively as possible, you need to follow a few simple rules.
In any case, it is better to avoid crowded places (shopping centers, playgrounds, etc.), especially during periods when sick people may be there. Most viruses are transmitted by airborne droplets, and many by hand-to-hand contact. Therefore, it is important to wash your hands, spend time outdoors, and avoid sick children. Limit visits to newborns and infants by children who go to kindergarten or school.
Boost your immune system by balancing your diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits and supplements (vitamin D) as needed. Remember that physical activity and good sleep strengthen the cells of the immune system.
Can a pacifier hurt a baby?
Like a coin, there are two sides to using a pacifier. First of all, there is no evidence that babies who suck on a pacifier eat less or worse while breastfeeding. However, it has been found that children who are given a pacifier after 1 year of age have more malocclusion. However, it is up to the parents to decide whether to give the baby a pacifier. If he doesn't need a pacifier or doesn't want to use it, don't force him. It is best to offer a pacifier only when the child really needs it. After 1 year, the use of a pacifier is not recommended due to its effect on tooth growth. In addition, it is important to ensure that the child takes the pacifier out of his mouth before going to bed. Teats need to be washed and periodically disinfected to eliminate any visible or invisible contamination that accumulates on them.
Artificial feeding for the little ones
The advantages of breastfeeding are indisputable: the child receives the necessary vitamins and minerals, strengthens the immune system, besides, food invented by nature itself is the best suited for the stomach and intestines of the newborn. But there are circumstances when a woman cannot breastfeed: due to illness, stress, and also after a caesarean section, milk can disappear very quickly. The baby has to be transferred to artificial feeding, but this does not mean that he will not grow up healthy if you follow some simple rules.
Only a pediatrician can advise what is the best mixture to give to a newborn, since only he and the mother herself know the baby and the state of his health best of all. And how to feed a baby from a bottle, the mother's intuition will tell. If a woman does not have milk at all, the first days will have to worry a little for both the mother and the child. It does not matter if the child does not immediately take the nipple: newborns are usually fed only after 10-12 hours, and the first time the baby does not drink much milk - no more than 20 g. After discharge from the hospital, he will drink more, so you can artificially feed gradually and more often.
Hold the bottle so that there is milk in the nipple at all times so that the baby does not swallow air. Still, a baby who is not yet able to suck properly from a nipple will still swallow some air. He may stop sucking and become anxious when air interferes with milk flow to the stomach. The newborn needs to be lifted, putting his head on his shoulder, and hold it for several minutes. Perhaps he will burp and calm down, but if he does not want to eat more, no need to insist.
It is important that the hole in the nipple is the correct size. You can check this by turning the milk bottle upside down and seeing how the mixture flows. It should come out in a thin stream for the first seconds, then drip. If it continues to pour, then the hole is too large, and if it only drips at first, then it is too small. The hole can be pierced with a hot needle of the required thickness. When the child grows up, but will continue to drink from the bottle, the hole can be made larger.
For older children, you can alternate artificial milk formula with liquid cereals. After 2-3 months, you can start giving your baby oatmeal. It is prepared as follows. A little oatmeal is poured with hot boiled water and allowed to brew until a liquid paste is formed, then filtered through gauze. This paste is added to boiling milk, then cooled to a temperature normal for feeding a baby. Liquid oatmeal is ready, it can be given to the baby from the nipple in the amount that the baby usually drinks. By 6 months, you can cook semolina porridge and give it from a nipple with a slightly larger hole.
Vegetable and fruit purees can be started along with oatmeal. If the pediatrician does not mind, they can be bought ready-made, or you can cook it yourself. For example, applesauce is prepared like this. A peeled apple is simmered in an enamel saucepan with a small amount of water and sugar. If the apple is very sweet, you can skip the sugar. Then the whole mass must be wiped through a fine strainer and the puree should be given to the child from a spoon. At 3 months, the baby is already able to grab a little food from a teaspoon, then he will be able to eat from a spoon better. In the same way, mashed potatoes can be prepared from soft vegetables - potatoes, carrots, pumpkins.
From raw fruits, you can give a banana mashed with a fork, and a little later, fresh fruits grated into a fine grater - an apple, a pear. It is better to choose green or yellow apples, especially in the first months, since red fruits often cause diathesis. If the baby does not have diathesis, then little by little you can give red vegetables and fruits.
Many mothers are very worried when they lose their milk and have to feed their baby artificially. Breastfeeding should not be abandoned if a woman has milk, but if she does not, there is nothing wrong with artificial feeding. You just need to follow the advice of the pediatrician, include the necessary foods in the child's diet and trust your baby not forcing him to eat what he does not want.