Wic food for baby's first year
First Year Milestones | Texas WIC
The first year is full of exciting changes. Your baby will begin to eat new foods and develop new skills. The way you respond will shape his understanding of how things work. “He learns that when he’s hungry, someone feeds him. When he’s uncomfortable, someone changes his diaper, and when he’s crying, someone picks him up,” says Veronica Hendrix, LVN, IBCLC, nurse and lactation consultant.
As a parent, you play the MOST important role in the way your child develops. Here are some milestones you can look for and things you can do to make sure your baby has the healthiest start in life. If you’re ever concerned about your child’s development or feeding habits, talk to your health care provider or a WIC nutritionist. We’re here to help!
Great Job, Mom!
First year parenting tips:
- Breastfeed your baby for as long as you can.
- Give your baby breastmilk or formula until he is at least a year old.
- Touch and cuddle your baby.
- Talk, sing and read to your baby every day.
- Get regular medical checkups for your baby.
- Take your child for their routine immunizations at ages 2, 4, 6 and 12 months.
- Every baby grows in their own way.
- If your baby was born early, it may take him a little longer to develop than other infants his age.
- Ask your baby’s health care provider if you have any questions or concerns.
0-3 Months
Welcome little one! At 0-3 months old, your baby will:
- Drink only breastmilk or formula.
- Show he is hungry by:
- Moving his head from side to side and opening his mouth toward your breast or the bottle.
- Sucking on his hands and fingers.
- Clenching his fists.
- Crying; it’s a late sign of hunger so try not to wait till your baby starts crying. Feed your baby as soon as he shows you he’s hungry. - Eat and sleep A LOT without really having any kind of schedule.
- Have 6-10 wet or dirty diapers in a 24-hour period. Change dirty diapers as soon as you can to keep him from getting a rash or being uncomfortable.
- Cry often — sometimes crying is the only way that your baby can communicate. Be patient and ask for help if you find yourself getting frustrated. Never shake your baby.
Expect your baby to:
- At 1 month, follow moving objects with his eyes.
- By 2 months, smile at people and respond to loud sounds.
- By 3 months, move his arms and legs, especially when excited.
- By 3 months, hold his head up when on his tummy.
Positive parenting tips:
- Pick your baby up when he cries. Hold him and snuggle often — you CANNOT spoil a baby.
- Your baby likes hearing your voice - read and sing to him every day.
- When he’s outside the crib, put toys near your baby so he reaches for them.
- Act excited and smile when your baby makes sounds.
- Begin to introduce a routine, such as daily walks or a bath at the same time every day.
- Feed your baby on demand. Watch for his hunger and fullness signs.
- To learn more about baby behavior during those early days, take our online lesson “How Do I Know What My Baby Is Trying to Tell Me?”
- If you would like more information on feeding your newborn, check out our online lessons “How Should I Feed My New Baby?” and “Feeding Your Baby Birth to 6 Months.”
4-6 Months
Your baby will:
- Continue to drink only breastmilk or formula until about 6 months old.
- Sit with support and have good neck and head control.
- Be ready to try pureed foods at around 6 months. It is a good idea to talk with your health care provider or WIC nutritionist before starting solid foods. Choose foods with only one ingredient and wait 3 to 5 days after introducing each new food to be sure there are no food allergies.
- Turn his head, push the spoon away or hold his mouth shut to tell you he’s done.
- Be ready to start learning to drink from a cup.
- Still need breastmilk or formula until 1 year old.
- By 6 months old, he will weigh at least twice as much as he did at birth.
Expect your baby to:
- Grab things and put them in his mouth.
- Love to shake things and listen to the sounds they make.
- Recognize familiar faces, voices and objects.
- Get distracted by the world around him when he is feeding.
- Start making sounds by the age of 4 months.
- By 6 months of age, babble a lot and try to imitate sounds.
- Roll over from his tummy to his back by 6 months old.
- Start to recognize his own name.
Positive parenting tips:
- Cuddle your baby often.
- Continue to breastfeed! Nurse in a dimly lit room or private area if your baby is easily distracted.
- When your baby looks at something, point to it and talk about it.
- Read colorful picture books to your baby.
- Play on the floor with your baby every day.
- To learn more about introducing solid foods to your baby, take our online lesson “Baby’s First Bites.”
7-9 Months
Mealtime is getting more exciting! Your baby will:
- Bring his head toward the spoon.
- Take many tries before liking some foods.
- Like to play with a spoon, but not be ready to use it very well.
- Slowly get better at drinking from a cup.
- Be ready to try foods that are strained or mashed with a fork.
- Learn to move food to the sides of his mouth and chew.
- Still need breastmilk or formula until he’s 1 year old.
- Need his gums and teeth cleaned twice a day.
- Start teething! Getting teeth doesn’t mean that your baby is too old to breastfeed. Sometimes, when a baby is teething, they may try to comfort their gums by biting down. There are many ways to help avoid this.
If you are concerned about teething while breastfeeding, ask your WIC peer counselor or lactation consultant for help.
Expect your baby to:
- Copy sounds — your baby is starting to learn language.
- Sit without help, then crawl or move forward by scooting.
- Move toys from one hand to the other.
- Look for things you hide. Your baby will want to explore the world with his hands and mouth. It’s important to keep an eye on your active baby.
- Get upset and cry when you leave, then be so happy when you come back.
- By 9 months of age, use his fingers to point at things, and look where you point.
Positive parenting tips:
- Continue with routines. They are important at this age.
- Your baby enjoys showing off and getting praise. Ask for the behaviors you want to see. For example, instead of saying “don’t stand” say “time to sit” and congratulate behavior.
- Play lots of games involving back-and-forth play, like rolling balls to each other, pushing toy cars, and moving blocks into and out of a container.
- Play peek-a-boo and hide-and-seek.
- Be sure to talk and read to your baby often. Explain to baby what you are doing and how much you love him!
10-12 Months
Your baby will get into everything! Your baby will:
- Learn by making a mess! Be patient — your baby is just curious.
- Hold a spoon but need your help using it.
- Drink from a cup most of the time.
- Pick up small things like green peas between his thumb and index finger.
- Still need breastmilk or formula.
Expect your baby to:
- Shake, bang, throw and drop objects.
- Be afraid of some things that used to be okay, such as taking a bath or certain toys.
- By 12 months old, say single words like “mama” or “dada.”
- Say one or two words and repeat them over and over.
- Copy what you do with your hands, like wave hello and goodbye and even blow kisses!
- By 12 months old, he will be crawling and pulling up to stand.
Positive parenting tips:
- Give your baby time to get to know a new caregiver. Bring a favorite toy or blanket to help comfort your baby.
- Add words or phrases onto what your baby tries to say or what he points to.
- Help your baby play with blocks and toys that encourage him to use his hands. Pushing toys like a wagon will also help with his development.
- Hide small, baby-safe toys and have your baby find them.
- Provide lots of safe space for him to explore.
- Talk to your health care provider if you are concerned about your baby’s growth and development.
If you are still concerned about your baby’s growth and development after discussing it with your health care provider, you can contact an Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) provider at 1-877-787-8999 . You do not need a medical diagnosis or referral to have your baby evaluated.
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with Maya
Food Packages | Texas WIC
- Pregnant Women
Your WIC foods:
- Are low in fat and high in fiber.
- Provide nutritional variety.
- Help promote a healthy weight gain and a healthy baby.
Food Package
- Cereal: 36 ounces
- Whole grains: 1 pound
- Fruits and vegetables: $11.00
- Juice: 144 ounces (3 - 12 ounce frozen or 48 fluid ounces)
- Low-fat or fat-free milk: 4.5 gallons
- Yogurt or low-fat or fat-free milk: 1 quart
- Cheese: 1 pound
- Eggs: 1 dozen
- Beans and peanut butter: 1 pound dry or 4 cans and peanut butter 16 to 18 ounce jar
Before your baby is born, speak to a WIC counselor about choosing one of the three food packages for you and your baby.
- Moms and Fully Breastfeeding Babies
This food package is the largest and does not contain any formula. Moms and babies can get this food package until baby’s first birthday.
You will receive breastfeeding support throughout your baby’s first year. WIC and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend you feed your baby only breastmilk for the first 6 months of life. When your baby is around 6 months old, introduce solid foods and continue to breastfeed for 2 years or longer, as desired.
Mom’s Food Package
- Cereal: 36 ounces
- Whole grains: 1 pound
- Fruits and vegetables: $11.00
- Juice: 144 ounces (3 - 12-ounce frozen or 48 fluid ounces)
- Low-fat or fat-free milk: 5 gallons
- Yogurt or low-fat or fat-free milk: 1 quart
- Cheese: 2 pounds
- Eggs: 2 dozen
- Beans and peanut butter: 1 pound dry or 4 cans and 16 to 18 ounce jar of peanut butter
- Canned tuna, salmon, sardines and mackerel: 30 ounces
Mothers who are fully breastfeeding multiples (twins, triplets, etc.
) will receive additional amounts of foods.
Baby’s Food Package
When your baby is age 0-5 months:
- The best and only food source your baby needs during this time is your breastmilk.
When your baby is age 6-11 months:
- Infant cereal: 24 ounces (8 ounce or 16 ounce containers)
- Baby food fruits and vegetables: 64 containers, 4 ounces each
- Baby food meats: 31 containers, 2.5 ounces each
- Moms and Partially Breastfeeding Babies
This package is for families who are feeding both breastmilk and formula. It contains less food than the fully breastfeeding food package but more than the formula feeding package, and it includes some formula. The amount of formula will vary depending on how much your baby needs and her age. Moms and babies can get this package until baby’s first birthday.
As a WIC mom, you will receive breastfeeding support throughout your baby’s first year.Mom’s Food Package
- Cereal: 36 ounces
- Whole grains: 1 pound
- Fruits and vegetables: $11.00
- Juice: 144 ounces (3 - 12-ounce frozen or 48 fluid ounces)
- Low-fat or fat-free milk: 4.5 gallons
- Yogurt or low-fat or fat-free milk: 1 quart
- Cheese: 1 pound
- Eggs: 1 dozen
- Beans and peanut butter: 1 pound dry or 4 cans and 16 to 18 ounce jar of peanut butter
Baby’s Food Package
Breastfeed when you and your baby are together.
In your baby’s birth month
- Formula: You may be able to get 1 can of 12.4 ounce powder formula. Ask the staff at your local WIC office.
When your baby is age 1-3 months
- Formula: up to 4 cans of 12.4 ounce powder*
When your baby is age 4-5 months
- Formula: up to 5 cans of 12.4 ounce powder*
When your baby is age 6-11 months
- Formula: up to 4 cans of 12.
4 ounce powder*
- Infant cereal: 24 ounces (8 ounce or 16 ounce containers)
- Baby food fruits and vegetables: 32 containers - 4 ounces each
*All formula amounts are approximate
- Moms and Formula Feeding Babies (also includes some breastfeeding)
This package is for families who are feeding mostly formula with some breastfeeding or only formula. It includes more formula than the partially breastfeeding package, but not all the formula your baby may need. Moms who choose this package will receive foods for the first 6 months after baby is born.
If you choose this package, your baby will receive the following foods throughout her first year. You will receive foods for yourself only during the first 6 months.
As a WIC mom, you will receive breastfeeding support throughout your baby’s first year.
Mom’s Food Package
- Cereal: 36 ounces
- Fruits and vegetables: $11.00
- Juice: 96 ounces (2 - 12-ounce frozen or 48 fluid ounces)
- Low-fat or fat-free milk: 3 gallons
- Yogurt or low-fat or fat-free milk: 1 quart
- Cheese: 1 pound
- Eggs: 1 dozen
- Beans or peanut butter: 1 pound dry or 4 cans or peanut butter 16 to 18 ounce jar
The Formula Feeding food package provides these foods for six months after your baby is born. Moms who choose the Fully or Partially Breastfeeding food packages will receive more food for one full year.
Baby’s Food Package
Breastfeed when you and your baby are together.
When your baby is age 0-3 months
- Formula: up to but no more than 9 cans of 12.4 ounce powder*
When your baby is age 4-5 months
- Formula: up to but no more than 10 cans of 12.4 ounce powder*
When your baby is age 6-11 months
- Formula: up to but no more than 7 cans - 12.
4 ounce powder*
- Infant cereal: 24 ounces (8-ounce or 16-ounce containers)
- Baby food fruits and vegetables: 32 containers - 4 ounces each
*All formula amounts are approximate
- Children 1 to 2 Years
Your child’s WIC foods:
- Are low in fat and high in fiber.
- Provide nutritional variety.
- Help promote a healthy weight.
Food Package
- Cereal: 36 ounces
- Whole grains: 2 pounds
- Fruits and vegetables: $9.00
- Juice: 128 ounces (2 - 16 ounce frozen or 64 fluid ounces)
- Whole milk: 3 gallons
- Yogurt or whole milk: 1 quart
- Cheese: 1 pound
- Eggs: 1 dozen
- Beans or peanut butter: 1 pound dry or 4 cans or peanut butter 16 to 18 ounce jar
- Children 2 to 5 Years
How is this package different from the food package for children 1 to 2 years old?
- Whole milk is replaced with low-fat (1%) or fat-free milk.
- Peanut butter and canned beans are included as an alternative to dry beans.
Food Package
- Cereal: 36 ounces
- Whole grains: 2 pounds
- Fruits and vegetables: $9.00
- Juice: 128 ounces (2 - 16 ounce frozen or 64 fluid ounces)
- Low-fat or fat-free milk: 3 gallons
- Yogurt or low-fat or fat-free milk: 1 quart
- Cheese: 1 pound
- Eggs: 1 dozen
- Beans or peanut butter: 1 pound dry or 4 cans or peanut butter 16 to 18 ounce jar
- Whole milk is replaced with low-fat (1%) or fat-free milk.
Union of Pediatricians of Russia
Nutrition for children from 1 to 3 years of age
The period from 1 to 3 years of life is a crucial stage in the transition to an adult type of nutrition, which has certain features. In order to ensure that all the necessary nutrients enter the child's body and at the same time prevent an excess of individual nutrients, nutrition should be balanced and varied.
The daily amount of food for children aged 1 to 1.5 years should be 1000-1200 g, from 1.5 to 3 years - 1200-1500 g, the amount of food in one feeding should not exceed 300-350 ml. The diet consists of three main meals per day and two snacks. It is considered optimal when breakfast is 25% of the total energy density of the diet, lunch is 30–35%, dinner is 20%, and additional meals are about 10%. In general, the child can eat the same food as the rest of the family.
In the diet of a child of 1–3 years of age , must be present daily: meat of animals or poultry, dairy and sour-milk products, vegetables, fruits, bread, cereals, vegetable and butter; fish and eggs are included in the diet 2-3 times a week.
Cereal products: bread - 2-3 servings per day, cereals and side dishes - 1 time per day
Fruit and/or vegetables: at least 5 times a day
Dairy products: at least 3 servings per day (including those used to make cereals, yoghurts, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese, infant formula or breast milk).
Domestic pediatricians recommend, when compiling a diet for children aged 1–3 years, preference should be given to specialized children's dairy products of industrial production that meet high quality requirements and safety indicators for this age. Most children's dairy products are additionally enriched with vitamins and/or minerals and other biologically active components, taking into account the physiological needs of children of this age. At the same time, in foreign recommendations, children over 1 year old are offered the gradual introduction of whole cow's milk, which is rich in fats necessary for proper growth and development, the absorption of vitamins A and D, the development of the child's brain and nervous system.
Meat dishes: 2-3 times a day
Fish dishes: 2-3 servings per week
Eggs: 2-3 per week
Dietary fats: 3-4 teaspoons of butter and/or vegetable oils per day
When cooking, use the minimum amount of salt and sugar, and do not add them to industrial products.
Offer your child a variety of foods and let them choose for themselves. Children love to eat on their own, so if possible, offer food that the child can eat with their hands.
It is important to remember that a baby can choke on pieces of food, so whatever you give your baby should be crushed or cut into small pieces that can be easily chewed.
Do not give to a small child: nuts, whole grapes, cherry tomatoes (unless quartered), whole carrots, seeds (such as pumpkin or sunflower seeds), round candies, legumes, raisins, because a child can eat them choke.
Also in the diet of children of the first 3 years of life should not be present:
Mushrooms; canned snacks, pickled vegetables and fruits
Home canned food
Dry concentrates for side dishes
Hot sauces, mustard, horseradish, pepper, vinegar, mayonnaise
Natural coffee
Juices and drinks in the form of dry concentrates; sweet carbonated drinks
Products containing food additives (flavorings, dyes of artificial origin, including chewing gum), popcorn
Combined fats; cakes and pastries
It is important to remember that children of this age should not be given too spicy and spicy foods.
The 21 Best Online WIC Classes in 2022
When it comes to preparing for the birth of a child, it is very important to attend WIC birth courses, especially online classes.
Learning about the stages of labor, breastfeeding, and labor interventions will provide you with the information you need to prepare for and after childbirth.
If you're looking for the best online classes to enroll, WIC, also known as the Women's, Infants and Children's Special Supplemental Nutrition Program, is a nutrition program for pregnant and lactating women and families with children. under five years old.
Texas WIC Online Classes is dedicated to providing high quality nutrition and education services to all eligible women, infants and children for the sole purpose of teaching new mothers to live healthier lives and raise healthy babies by feeding them the right foods. food.
That's why the Texas Department of Health has created online WIC classes that allow women to study a specific topic from the comfort of their homes.
To understand how WIC online classes work, this article explains the benefits, who is eligible, how to apply, and the top 21 online WIC classes for expectant mothers.
Read more!
What is WIC?
WIC is for women, babies, and children, a complementary nutrition program designed to teach pregnant women, new mothers, and young children about proper nutrition and how to stay healthy through food.
The WIC program provides nutrition education, counseling, and access to nutritious food and health care for low-income women, infants, and children.
You can attend workshops, connect with other families and get personalized nutritional advice to help you make informed decisions and cook great family meals!
WIC sessions are designed to be easy and convenient, and you can access them at any time of the day or night.
So you can complete the course whenever you have free time.
Basically, as a WIC client, you get:
- Healthy food
- Grades of food
- Individual consultations with dietets
- Recipes and culinary demonstrations
- Support for breastfeeding
Verify: the best free online courses of the UN in 2022 9009 9 participating in online WIC courses?
Who can apply for WIC courses and what are the requirements to take the online program are two frequently asked questions.
The following people are eligible for WIC:
- ladies waiting
- You can apply for your child if you are the parent, foster parent, guardian or adoptive parent of an infant or child under 5 years of age.
- If you are the parent, foster parent, guardian or adoptive parent of an infant or child under age 5, you may apply for your child.
Basically, you don't have to be married to be eligible for WIC. If you have a job or have private health insurance, applying for WIC is simple and painless.
Meanwhile, you cannot apply for WIC if you are the father of a child under the age of five, but you can enroll your children in the program.
Fathers, like any other parent or guardian, can bring their children to classes, participate in nutrition lessons, and receive rewards on their behalf.
In addition, fathers are encouraged to actively participate in WIC programs to help keep WIC children healthy.
Read also: 12 Free Online Psychology Courses with Certificates in 2022
How do I apply for WIC online courses?
Applying for any online WIC course is easy.
Generally, to become a WIC client, you will need to apply online or find a WIC office near you to make an appointment.
If you don't already know who WIC clients are, they include:
- Pregnant women
- Breastfeeding women
- Babies
- Families with children under 5
You have 3 options to start the application:
- Call (800) 942-3678 for more information. We will ask you a few questions to see if you qualify. If you qualify, we will contact the WIC office to set up an appointment.
- Call to make an appointment at a WIC office near you.
- Start your application by going online. It will only take a few minutes. Someone from the WIC office will contact you after you complete the application to determine if you qualify and set up an appointment.
Launch the application online
21 Best online course WIC in 2022
1. Feeding a child aged 8 to 12 months ( Living discussion ) 9000 Date: EVERY WATER
Time: 7:00 am - 8:00 am
WIC always has great online classes and this lively discussion stands out.
Join WIC for a live conversation about transitioning to table food if you have an older infant who has mastered baby food and is ready for the next step.
Switching to canteen food is a great journey, but they understand how daunting it can be.
WIC baby nutrition experts will delve into the audience's most pressing concerns and answer frequently asked questions about introducing new food textures and getting the most out of the WIC food package.
This is an event you won't want to miss because there will be an opportunity for an open conversation.
This event will be broadcast live in both video and audio. You can join using an internet-connected computer, tablet, or mobile device, but a computer will provide the best viewing experience.
What do you learn:
Register now
2. Soft approach to rejection of breastfeeding (live discussion)
Date: Jew, Tuesday 9000
: 8: 30pm - 9: 30pm - 9: 30pm - 9: 30pm - 9: 30pm - 9: 30pm - 9p. 30PM
You've probably received a lot of conflicting advice about when and how to stop breastfeeding your baby, making it difficult to know what's best for you and your baby.
Join these online WIC classes for a LIVE conversation about weaning with a special guest expert!
This is an event you won't want to miss because there will be an opportunity for an open conversation. This event will be streamed live in both video and audio.
You can join using an Internet-connected computer, tablet or mobile device, but a computer will provide the best viewing experience.
Note. When using a mobile device to connect, standard carrier charges apply.
What you will learn:
- When should a baby be weaned?
- What are the most effective ways to wean a baby from breast milk?
- How should you take care of yourself during weaning?
- If you need to wean your baby quickly, here are some tips.
Register now
0100 )
Date: Every Monday
Time: 7:00PM - 8:00PM
Are you looking for an alternative to giving your child sugary drinks to keep them hydrated?
You can learn easy ways to make water more inviting for your child by joining this online WIC class for live conversations and cooking activities.
In this course, we will learn the truth about many popular drinks and show you how to prepare recipes that will be interesting not only for children, but for the whole family!
This is an event you won't want to miss because there will be time to talk.
As a rule, online lessons are delivered to your computer or phone in real time. Schedules and dates available.
What You'll Learn:
- Recommended Drinks for Young People
- Easy Ways to Drink More Water and Reduce Sugar
- How to Make Fun Infused Drinks and Ice Cubes for Kids
Register now
4. Feeding tips for 1-2 year olds.
It goes without saying that feeding a baby is a challenge!
Developing healthy habits can bring benefits for the rest of your life.
WIC nutrition experts offer advice on how to properly feed your baby in these online courses.
You can take interactive online classes at your own pace. Available at any time of the day or night.
What you will learn:
- What should your baby eat and how often should he eat?
- How can I be a good role model for my child?
- What are the different dietary groups and why are they important for babies?
- What are good drinks for babies?
Enroll Now
5. Thinking of You and a Healthy Pregnancy Too
This online WIC program is for you if you are pregnant, expecting another child, or just thinking about starting a family.
Find out what you can do right now to ensure a healthy pregnancy, baby and family in the future.
What you will learn:
- What is prenatal care and why is it necessary for all pregnancies?
- If my baby is healthy, why should I wait at least 39 weeks for delivery?
- What are the signs and symptoms of prematurity and preterm labor?
- What can I do right now to ensure a healthy pregnancy, baby, and family in the future?
Register now

Substance abuse during pregnancy can cause birth problems such as neonatal withdrawal syndrome (NAS).
You can take interactive WIC online classes at your own pace. Available at any time of the day or night.
What you will learn:
- Neonatal Withdrawal Syndrome (NAS)
- How to care for a child who has
- Resources for families
Register now
7. Healthy eating, healthy pregnancy.
During pregnancy, you do everything you can to ensure that your baby grows and develops properly.
Get professional advice on how to manage common pregnancy pains such as heartburn and nausea, what foods to avoid and how to stay healthy and active during pregnancy.
These online WIC classes will guide you through what you need to know.
What will you learn:
- products that are useful for you and your child
- heartburn, nausea and constipation: how to deal with them
- Other options for maintaining health during pregnancy
Now register 9000 8. Breastfeeding and child care.
Breast milk helps prevent illness for both you and your baby.
When you return to work or school, planning ahead will make it easier for you and your baby to continue breastfeeding.
These online WIC classes will guide you to what you need to know.
What you will learn:
- Getting ready to return to work or school
- Tips for formula feeding a breastfed baby
- Choosing a baby to breastfeed
Register now
9. Bottle feeding
Congratulations on your baby!
If you are or plan to bottle feed your baby, it is very important to understand how to do it safely.
These online WIC classes will teach you everything you need to know about bottle feeding your baby.
You can take interactive WIC online classes at your own pace. Available at any time of the day or night.
What you will know:
- You can tell when your baby is hungry or full.
- Prepare a bottle safely
- Bottle feed your baby.
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10. Baby's first skills: 2 months to 1 year.
Milestones are skills like taking the first step or smiling for the first time.
This online WIC course covers the milestones that most newborns reach between 2 months and 1 year of age.
Knowing what to look out for and when to worry will help your child's development.
What you will learn:
- Most newborns reach certain developmental milestones by the age of one.
- What to do if you are concerned about development?
- Positive Parenting Tips to Help Your Child Grow and Learn
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11. Breastfeeding Tips for the First Few Weeks
Let's face it, breastfeeding is hard!
Knowing what to expect during the first few weeks of your new baby will help you plan for your breastfeeding goal.
In summary, these online WIC classes will open your eyes to what you need to know about breastfeeding.
You can take interactive WIC online classes at your own pace. Available at any time of the day or night.
What you will learn:
- Frequently asked questions about breastfeeding
- Worries about the baby
- Mom's worries
- When and where to seek help?
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12. Breastfeeding after 6 months
You want to continue breastfeeding your baby after 6 months.
These online WIC classes will guide you through what you need to know about breastfeeding your baby over 6 months old.
You can take WIC online interactive classes at your own pace. Available at any time of the day or night.
What you will learn:
- Why is it important to breastfeed your baby when he is older?
- How breastfeeding benefits the mother.
- How to maintain a good attitude
- General concerns about: nutrition and teething.
- Distracted feeding
- Nurse strikes
- Outdoor breastfeeding
- Your baby's breast milk levels change as they get older.
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13. Balanced Breastfeeding
Do you have older children and are you breastfeeding or planning to breastfeed your newborn?
Breastfeeding while you are caring for another baby can be difficult. This can be done easily with a little planning and knowledge.
These online WIC classes will guide you on what you need to do to balance breastfeeding, especially if you have a baby.
You can take interactive WIC online classes at your own pace. Available at any time of the day or night
What you will learn:
- How to prepare an older child for the birth of a child.
- When you start breastfeeding a newborn, what to expect from an older baby.
- How to bring up the topic of breastfeeding with your older child.
- How to distract your older child while you are breastfeeding.
- You have the right to breastfeed in public.
- How to balance the breastfeeding needs of two babies.
Register now
14. Baby blues and postpartum depression.
It is natural to feel unhappy, nervous, irritable and depressed after childbirth. It's called "baby blues".
Childhood melancholy usually resolves on its own, but the mother may not feel better. As a result, the mother may develop postpartum depression.
All in all, these online WIC classes will teach you everything you need to know about childhood depression and postpartum depression.
You can take interactive WIC online classes at your own pace. Available at any time of the day or night.
What you will learn:
- Baby Blues
- Postpartum depression
- What to do if you have postpartum depression and don't know where to turn
- When you have childhood depression or postpartum depression, you need to take care of both your baby and yourself.
Enroll Now
15. Nutrition and Personal Care for the New Mom
There are many things to adjust to after pregnancy, including restless nights, meeting the needs of your newborn, and the constant changes in your body.
After your new arrival, you may have questions about what to eat and how to take care of yourself.
This session will answer many of your questions.
What You'll Learn:
- WIC products can help you recover from pregnancy and childbirth by providing nutrients and foods.
- Here are some recipes, snacks and ideas for your busy schedule.
- After giving birth, you need to know what is normal and what is not.
- When it's time to seek help from your doctor.
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16. Building a successful breastfeeding plan.
Having a baby is a wonderful thing and you deserve the best experience.
These online WIC classes will teach you how to develop a breastfeeding strategy that works for both you and your baby during the following periods:
- Pregnancy
- Birth Certificate
- After Birth
You can take interactive WIC online classes at your own pace. Available at any time of the day or night.
What you'll learn:
- Build a strong support base during your pregnancy.
- What to expect and ask for during childbirth
- After childbirth, you need to know where you can get help.
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17. Alcohol and pregnancy: what do I need to know?
You must have heard conflicting information about drinking alcohol during pregnancy.
Is it safe? What consequences?
Get the facts and find out what you can do to protect your child from these online WIC classes.
What you will learn:
- Is it safe to drink alcohol during pregnancy?
- Why is drinking alcohol dangerous for my child?
- What if I drank alcohol while I was pregnant with my child?
- How can I create a safe alcohol-free environment for myself and my baby during pregnancy?
- Where can I get help?
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Babies speak their own dialect. Parenting becomes easier when we get a deeper understanding of what they are trying to say.
This online WIC course will teach you how to interpret your child's behavior and how to respond to their demands.
You can take interactive WIC online classes at your own pace. Available at any time of the day or night.
What you will learn:
- How do babies communicate their needs to us?
- Why is my baby crying?
- What can I do to help my child get better?
- Why is my baby awake
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19. The Importance of Exclusive Breastfeeding
There are many benefits to exclusively breastfeeding your baby during the first month of life.
This online WIC course will teach you
the importance of exclusive breastfeeding for your baby.
You can take interactive WIC online classes at your own pace. Available at any time of the day or night.
What you will learn:
- You should know about more foods a mother gets when she breastfeeds only.
- Explain why it is important to exclusively breastfeed your baby during the first month of life.
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20. Breastfeeding and Back to Work
One of the best things you can do for your baby is return to work while breastfeeding.
Learn how breastfeeding and work can complement each other with online courses from experts in breastfeeding.
You can take interactive WIC online classes at your own pace. Available at any time of the day or night.
What you will learn:
- Continued breastfeeding has benefits for you, your baby, and your employer.
- Getting ready to return to work.
- Make you work and breastfeed.
- Here are some helpful tips for your caregiver.
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21. How do I feed my newborn baby?
I don't know how I will feed my newborn baby. This question arises in many expectant mothers.
Expert advice is available to help you decide how to feed your baby.
You can take interactive WIC online classes at your own pace. Available at any time of the day or night.
What do you learn:
- Advantages of breastfeeding
- How to get help
Register now
Frequently asked questions about online courses WIC 9007
Enter your email address, and you will see your email address and you will see you My Classes and Class Catalog . Start the class you would like to attend. Upon completion of the lesson, you will receive a certificate. You can save, download, or print the certificate to show at your WIC appointment. You can also enter My Classes Present WIC Enrollment Certificate
You only need to complete one course before being admitted to WIC to receive credit.
No. You can take any course that interests you.
Email [email protected] and let us know the site is down. If you are unable to complete the course, you can still receive WIC benefits at your appointment. However, you may be asked to take a self-study course or participate in a group class at the WIC office.
WIC online classes are a real treat for every pregnant and expectant mother. You have a complete list of online courses that you can take in your own office.
No, there is no specific course you must take. You can attend any class you like.
You can take multiple classes, but each certificate is only valid for three months, so keep that in mind.