1 year old feeding schedule baby center
11- and 12-month-old feeding schedules
Your 11- or 12-month-old baby is quickly approaching toddlerhood, and their eating may seem much more grown up. Your baby is likely eating three meals a day and some snacks, and can eat the same things as the rest of the family. Picky eating may come into play soon, but keep serving your baby foods with a variety of textures and flavors – it will help them in the long run.
By 11 and 12 months old, your baby is probably eating three meals and one or two snacks every day. They'll continue to nurse or take bottles, too. Experts recommend transitioning from formula to cow's milk at a year old, but you can continue breastfeeding as long as you want.
As your baby gets older, they'll drink fewer bottles or have fewer nursing sessions, but eat more solid food. It's common to wonder whether your baby is eating enough – if you're not sure how much food your baby needs, check out our age-by-age guide to feeding babies.
Most babies at 11 to 12 months eat 8 to 12 tablespoons of food at each meal, as well as a few snacks of roughly a quarter cup of solid food. Your baby can also drink water from an open cup or a cup with a straw.
Your little one might have preferences for specific foods and textures, and turn other foods away. Keep giving a variety of different foods, and don't be discouraged if your baby doesn't like everything you serve. It's also normal for a baby to eat a lot at one meal, while only eating a couple bites at the next.
Do your best to model healthy eating habits by joining your baby at meal time, and including them in your family's meals. If your baby sees you and others eat, it may get them excited about eating, too.
At 11 months, your baby might still be drinking around 24 ounces of formula each day, though they don't need more than 32 ounces. They'll drink three or four 7- to 8-ounce bottles daily. (Here's how to tell if your baby's getting enough formula.)
Beginning at 12 months, you can stop giving your baby formula and transition to whole cow's milk. One-year-olds can drink 16 to 20 ounces a day; more than that can reduce your child's appetite for solid food and can contribute to iron deficiency anemia.
If you're breastfeeding, you can also give your baby cow's milk once they're a year old – and you can keep breastfeeding as long as you want, too. At 11 and 12 months old, you can expect your baby to nurse three or four times a day. (Here's how to tell if your baby's getting enough breast milk.)
When it comes to feeding schedules, it can be a big help to see what other parents are doing. Below, you'll find several sample schedules modeled on those of real BabyCenter parents and reviewed by a pediatrician on our Medical Advisory Board.
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Sample 11-month-old feeding schedule
8:30 a.m.: Wake up and play.
9 a.m.: Breakfast – 8 ounces of formula, small pieces of fruit, and pieces of waffles or toast.
9:30 a.m.: Playtime.
12 p.m.: Lunch – 8 ounces of formula, veggies and grilled chicken, or leftovers from dinner.
12:30 p.m.: More playtime.
1:30 p.m.: Naptime.
2:20 p.m.: Snack – pieces of fruit or crackers with hummus.
4 p.m.: Playtime.
5:30 p.m.: Dinner – leftovers from lunch or ground meat, mushrooms, potatoes, various fruits and veggies.
6 p.m.: Playtime.
7 p.m.: An 8-ounce bottle of formula, bedtime routine, then bed.
Sample 12-month-old feeding schedule
7 a.m.: Wake up and nurse for 10 to 15 minutes.
7:30 a.m.: Playtime.
8:15 a.m.: Breakfast – small pieces of pancakes, fruit, eggs, and a cup of water.
8:45 a.m.: Playtime.
9:30 a.m.: Naptime.
11:30 a.m.: Lunch – small pieces of veggies, whole wheat bread, beans, chicken, and a cup of water.
12 p.m.: Playtime.
1 p.m.: Snack – yogurt with fruit.
1:30 p. m.: Nurse, then naptime.
3 p.m.: Playtime.
4:30 p.m.: Dinner – pieces of cooked fish, avocado, diced fruit, and yogurt.
5:30 p.m.: Playtime.
6 p.m.: Snack – a few crackers with nut butter or pieces of fruit.
7 p.m.: Nurse, then bedtime routine and bedtime.
Meal ideas for 11- and 12-month-olds
At 11 and 12 months old, your baby can eat the same foods you do, as long as you've chopped or cooked them to avoid choking hazards. So you're free to feed your baby whatever the rest of the family is eating for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Just avoid giving your baby overly salted food or foods with too much added sugar. Once your baby is 12 months old, you can also give them honey.
Though your almost-toddler can eat a lot of different foods now, it can be hard to come up with new, baby-friendly meal ideas. When filling your little one's plate, aim to have an age-appropriate serving of proteins, carbs, fruits, and veggies at each meal. Here some ideas to get you started.
- Unsweetened yogurt or cottage cheese with chopped strawberries
- Scrambled eggs with cheese
- Oatmeal with cooked apples or pears
- Toast cut in strips with butter, peanut butter, mashed avocado, or cream cheese.
- Pieces of grilled or roasted chicken, chopped broccoli, and blueberries
- Pasta with spinach and ricotta
- Baby charcuterie with sliced cheese cubes, chopped melon, whole grain crackers, and chopped cucumbers
- Smashed chickpea and butternut squash chili
- Fried rice with shredded chicken, peas, and carrots
- Salmon, asparagus, and peas with pasta or rice
- Pasta with red sauce, butter, or olive oil, and broccoli
- Yogurt
- Bananas
- Whole grain crackers
- Diced or pureed fruit
- Steamed and chopped vegetables
- Cheese cubes cut into small pieces
- Crackers with peanut butter or hummus
Learn more:
- Your 11-month-old's growth and development
- Your 12-month-old's growth and development
- The 10 best foods for babies
Age-by-age guide to feeding your toddler
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Your growing toddler can enjoy a wide range of foods. Expect your little one to have about 2 cups of milk or yogurt, 3 ounces of whole grains, 1 cup each of fruit and vegetables, and 2 ounces of protein a day. Help your toddler eat well by offering healthy foods including dairy products, iron-fortified cereals, whole grains, fruit, vegetables, and protein. Limit added sugars and watch out for choking hazards. It's fine to give your toddler a vegan or vegetarian diet as long as you make sure to include enough essential nutrients.
Photo credit: Thinkstock
Use this guide to find out what and how much to feed your toddler. Don't worry if your child eats more or less than the amounts suggested – they're meant as general guidelines.
Your toddler may actually seem to eat less than before, and that's perfectly normal at this stage. If you wonder whether your child is getting enough calories, follow this guideline: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children get about 40 calories a day for every inch of height.
(See our article about what to feed children younger 12 months. )
What to feed a 1-year-old
Developmental milestones
- Can use a spoon (though proficiency will take a while!)
What to feed
- Whole milk
- Other dairy products (soft pasteurized cheese, full-fat yogurt and cottage cheese)
- Iron-fortified cereals (oats, barley, wheat, mixed cereals)
- Other grains (whole wheat bread, pasta, rice)
- Fruits (melon, papaya, apricot, grapefruit)
- Vegetables (broccoli and cauliflower "trees," cooked until soft)
- Protein (eggs, beans, thinly spread peanut butter, small pieces of meat, poultry, boneless fish, or tofu)
- Honey
How much per day
- 2 cups milk, or 2 cups yogurt, or 1 1/2 to 2 ounces cheese
- 3 ounces grains, at least half whole grains (1 ounce = 1 cup cold cereal, 1/2 cup pasta or rice, one slice of bread)
- 1 cup fruit (fresh, frozen, or canned. Cut fresh fruits into very small pieces.
- 1 cup vegetables (a variety cut in small pieces and cooked well)
- 2 ounces protein (1 ounce = one slice of sandwich meat, about 1/3 of a chicken breast, 1/4 can of tuna, 1/4 cup cooked dry beans, or one egg)
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Feeding tips
- Experts used to say you shouldn't give a young child eggs, fish, or peanut products because the child might develop a food allergy. But the latest research from the American Academy of Pediatrics found no evidence to support this claim. Talk to your child's doctor if you have a family history of food allergies.
- Limit added sugars. Toddlers' added-sugar intake should be no more than 10 percent of their total daily calories. Keep in mind that these sugars and syrups creep into common foods toddlers love, from breakfast bars to mac n' cheese to flavored drinks. Check the Nutrition Facts label on packaged foods, and try to steer clear of foods that list 1 gram or more of "Added Sugars.
- Choking is still a danger. Learn more about which foods pose the greatest hazard.
What to feed a 2-year-old
Developmental milestones
- Self-feeding
- Eagerness to make own food choices
What to feed
- Low-fat milk (It's okay to switch to low-fat or nonfat milk once your child is older than 2, but check with your child's doctor if you have questions.)
- Other dairy products (diced or grated cheese, low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, pudding)
- Iron-fortified cereals (oats, barley, wheat, mixed cereals)
- Other grains (whole wheat bread and crackers, bagel pieces, pretzels, ready-to-eat cereal, pasta, rice)
- Fruits (sliced fresh or canned)
- Dried fruit, soaked until soft to prevent choking (apples, apricots, peaches, pears, dates, pitted prunes)
- Vegetables (a variety cut in small pieces and cooked well)
- Protein (eggs, beans, thinly spread peanut butter, small pieces of meat, poultry, boneless fish, or tofu)
- Combo foods like macaroni and cheese, casseroles
How much per day
- 2 cups milk, or 2 cups yogurt, or 1 1/2 to 2 ounces cheese
- 3 ounces grains, at least half whole grains (1 ounce = one slice of bread, 1 cup ready-to-eat cereal, or 1/2 cup of cooked rice, cooked whole wheat pasta, or cooked oatmeal)
- 1 cup fruit (fresh, frozen, canned, or dried.
Cut fresh fruits into very small pieces.)
- 1 cup vegetables (a variety cut in small pieces and cooked well)
- 2 ounces protein (1 ounce = 1/4 cup cooked dry beans or peas, one egg, 1 ounce of meat, poultry, or fish)
Feeding tips
- Experts used to say you shouldn't give a young child eggs, fish, or peanut products because the child might develop a food allergy. But the latest research from the American Academy of Pediatrics found no evidence to support this claim. Talk to your child's doctor if you have a family history of food allergies.
- Limit added sugars. Toddlers' added-sugar intake should be no more than 10 percent of their total daily calories. Keep in mind that these sugars and syrups creep into common foods toddlers love, from breakfast bars to mac n' cheese to flavored drinks. Check the Nutrition Facts label on packaged foods, and try to steer clear of foods that list 1 gram or more of "Added Sugars."
- At this age, children can have strong opinions about food.
Let your child have a say in what to eat, while you provide the balance, boundaries, and encouragement to make healthy choices.
- Choking is still a danger. Learn more about which foods pose the greatest hazard.
What if we're vegetarians?
If you're a vegan or vegetarian, you can still provide your infant or toddler with everything she needs. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and American Academy of Pediatrics agree that well-planned vegetarian and vegan diets are fine for infants and toddlers. Just pay attention to make sure your child gets plenty of the following nutrients:
- Vitamin B12: Vegetarians can get this nutrient from milk products and eggs. Vegans can use fortified soy beverages, cereals, and meat substitutes.
- Vitamin D: Breastfed babies should get an additional 400 IU per day from fortified cow's milk or soy milk.
- Calcium: Vegan babies may need calcium-fortified foods, beverages, or supplements.
Check with your doctor or a dietitian.
- Zinc: This important nutrient helps the immune system and can be found in beans, fortified cereal, milk, and wheat germ.
- Iron: You can find this mineral in iron-fortified cereal or supplements. Serve with foods high in vitamin C – like oranges, tomatoes, and strawberries – to improve iron absorption.
- Protein: Vegetarians can get added protein from yogurt and eggs. Vegans can get plant proteins from beans, cereals, and fortified soy milk.
- Fiber: Good sources of fiber include whole grain breads, fortified cereals and pastas, and high-fat plant foods like sunflower butter and avocados.
Karisa Ding
Karisa Ding is a freelance health writer and editor with expertise in preconception, pregnancy, and parenting content. A mother of two, Ding finds great joy in supporting new and expectant parents by providing information they need for the life-changing journey ahead. Ding lives in San Francisco with her family.
per month, recommended per hour
The daily routine of the child per year basically remains the same as in the previous 2 months. At this age, the baby needs 13-14 hours a day to rest. Of these, 2-2.5 hours or a little more is enough for daytime sleep. The amount of night sleep will vary from 11 to 12 hours.
By the age of 1, babies are able to sleep through the night without waking up for feeds.
Usually a child's daily routine is based on hours with two naps: when getting up at 6-7 in the morning, it is optimal to start them around 9.30-10.00 and 14.00-14.30 hours. At the same time, early laying is preserved. At one year old, the baby will go into the night about 4.5 hours after the last daytime sleep. So much he is able to stay awake now without overwork.
Maintaining a stable daily routine will help you avoid bedtime protests and improve your baby's sleep.
The child will know exactly when it is time to walk, feed, bathe / wash, sleep.
Approximate daily routine of a 12-month-old baby
Reasons why a child's sleep may get worse
Sleep disturbances at this age are often behavioral. Let's see what problems you may encounter.
1. Baby refuses one of his daytime naps.
Most 1-year-olds are not yet ready to transition to one nap because their sleep needs are still high.
Aim to stick to a two-sleep regimen until 15-18 months of age. By this age, the child's body will be physically ready for a longer wakefulness and a gradual transition to one dream.
If one of your dreams doesn't come true, go to bed earlier to prevent the accumulation of fatigue.
If the baby does not fall asleep during the second nap, limit the morning nap to an hour. Or, move the start of your lunchtime nap to a slightly later time. This dream does not need to be limited.
For more information about daytime sleep, see the free master class BABY DAY SLEEP: 3 STEPS TO PREDICTABILITY
2. Baby learns new skills
Baby learns to walk, understands that he can get up in the crib by himself, holding on to the side, or actively begins to speak .
Sometimes a new skill becomes so exciting for a baby that it causes problems with sleep and behaviour. For example, a child begins to experience separation anxiety, especially during bedtime. Or doing lifts in the crib instead of sleeping.
In this case, give the child the opportunity to practice the new skill while awake. After a week or two, he will get used to it and sleep will improve.
3. A one-year-old baby relies on outside help to fall asleep: bottle, pacifier, motion sickness, chest.
As a result, even many 12-month-olds often wake up at night, have short naps during the day, and fall asleep only when their mother is present.
Identify the negative association with sleep and teach your baby to relax and fall asleep on their own. If necessary, contact a child sleep consultant.
4. Child sleeps poorly due to unsuitable sleeping conditions
Too warm pajamas, high/low room temperature, insufficient darkness or humidity, uncomfortable mattress in crib, noise during sleep.
Review sleep conditions and change if necessary.
5. The baby reacts to changes in the family.
Any deviation from the usual routine can affect a child's sleep: the imminent arrival of a second baby, moving to a new house, the appearance of a nanny.
Prepare your child in advance for important changes in the family so that they do not upset the usual daily routine.
6. The child wakes up because of hunger.
This happens if the baby did not eat enough during the day or his diet is not balanced. At this age, babies are often distracted while feeding and may become malnourished. They are more interested in exploring and playing with toys than sitting in a highchair.
Let's see how to establish a suitable feeding schedule at 12 months.
Child's diet
At 1 year of age, complementary foods make up about half of the child's diet. It can be more or less - everything is individual.
The menu of complementary foods for a baby in the first year of life consists of 5 food groups: vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals and dairy products.
Feed your child one of the foods in each group every day for variety.
If he refuses one of the foods, do not force him to eat.
You will notice that by the age of one your child wants to eat from the common table. Children of this age already prefer to eat in pieces rather than in the form of mashed potatoes, and begin to eat with a spoon, drink from a sippy bowl or a cup.
Cooking methods can be different: baking without oil, stewing, boiling, frying in a pan with a non-stick coating. It is worth remembering that many children now prefer simple monocomponent dishes.
How many times a day should I feed my baby? Excluding breast milk/formula, the baby will eat up to 5 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.
Include in the menu: cereals, soups, steam omelet, meatballs, fish dishes and vegetables. Offer water, juice or compote, preferably without sugar. For an afternoon snack, you can give cookies, fruits or kefir. You can include cow's milk in the menu.
Avoid the following:
- smoked products
- sweets
- fried food
- carbonated drinks
Child development per year
Every day of a one year old baby is full of new events and discoveries. He already understands how to behave in a family, is interested in other children, but does not yet know how to communicate with them. Reaches his hands to the toy he wants. The child knows how to get your attention.
A one-year-old baby knows the names of objects that he sees around him every day. Soon he will utter his first, understandable word.
Speak out the actions that he takes to replenish the vocabulary of the baby and build a word-action connection. You can count the steps as you walk up the stairs, or name the colors of fruits and vegetables in the grocery store. It is also important to read picture books and ask the child to point and name familiar objects.
The child is already strong physically and can do a lot. He has already been sitting for a longer time and can turn in this position to reach for toys. Some babies learn to stand for a short time without support.
Babies are starting to walk. But don't worry if your child hasn't gone yet. Usually this skill is mastered by children in the period from 9 to 17 months.
What is your baby's daily routine by the age of one? Have sleep problems?
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Child mode at 1.

Why does the child not sleep from 1.5 to 3 years?
At night wakes up "out of habit", refuses to sleep during the day. Monitor development and sleep baby with BabySleep timeline.
Watch period
9-18 months
10 development leap:
systems and management
Crisis "no"
Completion of GW
as recommended by WHO
Dressed up for the store!
Predictive mode with 1 sleep
Crisis 3 years:
“I am an adult”
Watch the period
3–7 years
Consultant for sleep will help overcome the difficulties of the period
I am crazy: how to lay the weather!
How to wean from a pacifier?
It's time to end the GW, but I don't know how?
Eat-drink-pee-a fairy tale-song and so on in a circle for an hour!
No regime, but soon to the garden
Impossible to put down! What's again?
Age standards of sleep
Bodging time*
between daily dreams
Night sleep
Dream per day*
hours 9000 : 00
2 years old
5: 00-6: 00
2. 5 years
5 :00–6:00
3 years old
6: 00–12: 00
* all children are different, trust your intuition, focus on the behavior of the baby and his signals. Where do sleep rates come from?
Save the table
How a child sleeps at 1.5–3 years old
Sleep physiology
An example of a regimen
Going to bed
Night awakenings
“You won’t put my child in the evening” - what to do
Solution for a child’s calm sleep in 1.5–3 years old
turnkey decision
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