Baby cluster feeds at night
Why Babies Do It and How to Manage It – Dreamland Baby
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PrevNextIf you have a new baby who spends the entire evening or night attached to your breasts, never seeming satisfied no matter how many times you feed them, you’re probably wondering what’s going on. It's likely your baby is going through a period of cluster feeding...and it’s completely normal.
Cluster feeding is most common in younger babies and often presents itself in the evening and night hours. Here we’ll discuss more about what cluster feeding is, why your young infant requires so many feeds during a short time, and how to manage this exhausting time period with your hungry, little babe.
What is cluster feeding?Cluster feeding is when your breastfed baby nurses several times during a short window of time. With these back-to-back nursing sessions, it can feel like your baby is feeding non-stop. Formula-fed babies can cluster feed, too, but it is more common in breastfed babies.
There isn’t one reason that babies cluster feed, but it often signals the mother’s body to make more milk. If a baby isn’t getting as much breast milk as they need to get full, they will continue to nurse until they are able to get the nutrition that they need.
Growth spurts, as we write about here, are a time when a baby may be more apt to cluster feed. Typical ages during the infant stage that you may see these occur are 2-3 weeks, 6 weeks and 3-4 months. Older babies don’t generally cluster feed even when they are going through a growth spurt.
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Why do babies cluster feed so much at night?Cluster feeding can happen at any time, but it’s much more common in the evening and through the night. Probably not what you want to hear, right?! You can have a perfect day with your baby, where everything is following the “schedule” to a T, and all of a sudden 5 o’clock hits and your baby wants nothing else but to nurse.
Though it’s likely that your baby is cluster feeding due to a growth spurt or just requiring more milk from you to get full, it’s not always about nutrition. Babies also can be really tired in the evenings and nursing gives them comfort.
Though this isn’t true for all pairings, a baby may need to nurse from her mom more in the evening because she isn’t getting a full feeding from one session like she does at other times of days when the breasts are fuller. According to Lactiful, “A mother’s body typically produces more milk in the morning, and less as the day goes on. This is normal. Therefore, as evening nears it’s normal for baby to ask for more frequent feedings.”
Your baby’s need to cluster feed shouldn’t be a sign that you have a low milk supply. Instead nurse them as they need, and your body should respond by producing more milk over the course of the next several days.
Benefits of Nightly Cluster FeedingWhen you just fed your baby 30 minutes ago and they seem to be asking for the breast again, you may mistakenly think that hunger isn’t the issue. If your baby is upset and nursing calms them, then that’s your sign that they need to feed again. We know these back-to-back nursing sessions can be exhausting, but it’s important that you let them happen.
(If your baby still cries when you offer the breast, you may have a situation where your baby has colic. We recommend reading, “Helping a Baby With Colic: Identifying Symptoms and 10 Soothing Tips.”)
Encouraging cluster feeding when they need it will ensure your baby has enough milk. It will also allow your body to start producing the milk required to keep up with your baby’s nutritional needs going forward. Cluster feeding is temporary, so managing it in a way that keeps you both as relaxed through it as possible, the better.
7 Tips to Manage the Nightly Cluster FeedingsCluster feeding can run you ragged if you let it. And if you’re feeling overwhelmed by it, you’re not alone.
When you’re stuck in the phase where your baby is constantly latched to you it’s difficult to imagine a life beyond that where you have your body and more time back. But it is temporary - usually only lasting on and off for a month or two. In the meantime, the best thing you can do is accept that your baby will need to cluster feed and then focus on managing it in a way that allows you to stay relaxed through it as much as you can.
We’re not going to sit here and tell you to enjoy every moment, but we will tell you that setting realistic expectations for this time will set it up to be a much more positive experience.
1.) Expect It and Plan Ahead
Crossing your fingers and hoping this is the night that your baby decides to stop cluster feeding is only going to serve to let you down. It’s much better to go into your day expecting your baby to cluster feed as they have been and this will help you prepare for when that hour comes.
It’s much better to set realistic expectations for the situation so you don’t end up overwhelmed and frustrated. That way, instead of eyeing the clock and anxiously holding your breath, you can instead plan that time according to your baby’s needs. For example, if you know that your baby typically cluster feeds between 6 and 8, plan to set up shop on the couch during that time. Reframe this time as when you’re not able to get anything accomplished to a time you can just relax and provide comfort to your baby.
2.) Vary Your Breastfeeding Positions
Because your baby latches on so many times during a cluster feed, your nipples can take a beating. Not only do you want to be taking care of your breasts by using lanolin and nursing pads, but changing up the position you feed your baby in can help, too.
Changing nursing positions switches up the angle that your baby is taking your breast, meaning there’s less likelihood of a lot of irritation building in one spot. If you do find the pain to be unbearable, however, it’s important to reach out to a lactation consultant.
Side-lying breastfeeding is a great option. This allows you to lay in your bed to nurse, helping you to relax during these times when your baby won’t let you do anything else but nurse them.
3.) Keep Up with Baby's Bedtime Routine
The last thing we want is for you to feel guilty if you miss any steps of your bedtime routine. But it is important to do as much as you can between your baby’s feeds. This will continue to signal to your baby that nighttime is for sleeping, ensuring that when your baby’s cluster feeding period is over they’ll move right back into their old routine.
On top of that, your baby has come to expect their bedtime routine and it’s calming for them. Sticking with your baby’s bedtime routine is a great way to get them relaxed and ready for bed as you give them those last feeds of the day...which can extend the time before they’ll wake up to feed again.
To calm your baby at night we recommend:
- Swaddling in a Dreamland Baby Weighted Swaddle (or a Weighted Sack if your baby is already rolling over) - the all-over quilted weight of this unique sleep sack will induce feelings of calm for a baby as they top off their milk for the night and prepare for sleep
- Turning out the lights - the stimulation of light may keep your baby up and feeding, which is why we recommend doing later evening cluster feeds in your baby’s dark room
- Singing or using white noise - Utilizing music is a great way to calm your baby as we discuss in this article
Use a Dreamland Baby Weighted Swaddle or Sack to calm your baby during cluster feeds so they'll fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
4.) Try Baby Wearing
Your baby’s need to cluster feed isn’t always about getting more calories. Sometimes they just want to be close to you or have become overstimulated from the day. (It may even be that they need to be laid down for a catnap.)
If you’ve attempted cluster feeding but your baby still seems unhappy, you may want to try wearing your baby through the evening hours. If you utilize a carrier that positions your baby in a way that they can still breastfeed (the Baby K’Tan is great for this), this allows them to cluster feed at their leisure or pull off when they’re no longer hungry. Wearing your baby can get you through some tough evenings - it keeps your baby happy and you’re able to accomplish what you need to get done.
5.) Prep Dinner in the Morning
Your baby may be one of the many who insists on being at the breast starting in the early evening all the way until bedtime. This can make getting dinner ready difficult if that task falls on you. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to have dinner ready ahead of time.
Making Crock-pot meals in the morning that are ready to spoon out will make this time of day much less stressful - especially if you have other little mouths in the house to feed. At the very least, having everything chopped and ready to go will cut down your dinner making time, meaning you’ll have more time to be with your baby. This will help ensure you get fed, too - because if you’re not taking care of you first, it’s very hard to give the best care you can to your little one.
6.) Utilize a Dream Feed
If you have a baby who is frequently waking up at night to feed, utilizing cluster feeding sessions in the evening alongside a dream feed before you head to bed is a great way to help your baby sleep longer stretches at night.
Essentially, you'll feed your baby one last time right before you go to bed. This will likely mean getting them out of their crib and getting them to stir just enough that they'll take a full feed. That's the gist, but we have an entire post about how to dream feed here.
A dream feed will help top your baby off one last time before bed and will reduce the number of times they'll need to feed in the middle of the night.
7.) Take a Break
Even for the most flexible, easygoing moms, cluster feeding can be a lot. It's exhausting feeling like you're doing everything you can to satisfy your baby and they're still hungry. Remind yourself that it's temporary helps, but in the moment it feels like it will never end.
It's important that you give yourself a break, even if it's short. Pass your little one off to your partner and take a bath or go for a walk. You'll want to avoid giving a bottle simply because in order for your milk supply to increase as your baby requires, you'll need that breast stimulation from the cluster feeds. But try to utilize any spare time between feeds to let chores go and give yourself a little "me time" or take a little nap. This will go along way with staying positive even when your baby needs to feed multiple times in the evening or overnight.
How long does cluster feeding last?
Cluster feeding is normal behavior for newborns and typically happens during growth spurts. So while your baby used to feel satisfied in a more predictable pattern (around every 2-3 hours throughout the day), expect more back to back feedings at around 3 weeks old, 6 weeks old, 3 months and 6 months. Keep in mind that every baby is different, so these dates are not one size fits all. But as growth spurts occur, it means that their little brains and bodies are developing, and that extra feeding helps.
In terms of how long a cluster feed might last, well… you may start to feel like a feeding machine. It could be as much as every half hour and/or for longer periods of time, more frequently. But the more your baby eats, the more your milk supply will increase and eventually, things will feel more “normal” again.
What ages do babies cluster feed?
Babies usually cluster feed when they are experiencing a growth spurt. While every baby is different and reaches milestones in their own time, it’s likely that growth spurts happen at around 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months. Growth spurts really can happen at any time and will usually last a few days each time.
How often do newborns cluster feed?
In those early days and weeks of parenting, it may seem like all you’re doing with your newborn is watching her sleep, poop, and eat… and that may actually be the case. A newborn eats at least every 2 hours or so, and spends a good 10-15 on each breast. This averages out to around 20-30 minutes per meal (this includes if you’re bottle feeding). So while not necessarily considered a cluster feed, your newborn will eat a LOT in the beginning as they grow, develop, and get used to life outside of the womb.
Why do babies cluster feed at night?
Some babies cluster feed at night not because they’re hungry, but because it’s comforting. Since feeding is also frequently a part of the nighttime routine, the combination of skin-on-skin contact, eating, and snuggling can be soothing to them which can help them fall asleep for a longer period of time.
Some parents feel that their milk isn’t coming in during evening hours as much as it did during the day, so babies may take longer to nurse. Don’t let this worry you! The more you nurse, the more your milk supply will increase so baby will get the extra milk they need.
Do babies sleep longer after cluster feeding?
Some babies may sleep longer after cluster feeding because they’re going through a growth spurt. This can feel exhausting – to both mom and baby! So a little extra zzz’s due to cluster feeding is a good thing.
When do you stop cluster feeding?
By the time your little one reaches the 6-month mark, chances are they’re done with cluster feeding. Remember, every baby is different and develops at their own pace, so don’t worry if she wants to keep cluster feeding for a few more weeks. Of course, if you’re concerned at all about how much, how little or how frequent she’s eating, please discuss with your pediatrician.
How do you break cluster feeding?
It’s important to remember that there’s a reason your baby is cluster feeding in the first place. It’s because the growth spurt they’re experiencing requires more food to help baby develop and grow. This can be stressful as you may start to feel like a feeding machine. Remember to give yourself a break, rely on your partner or friends/family for support, and practice self-care when you can. Cluster feeding typically doesn’t last past 6-months as older babies don’t generally cluster feed when they are going through a growth spurt.
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Cluster Feeding and Fussy Evenings • KellyMom.

By Kelly Bonyata, BS, IBCLC
It is very common for babies to be fussy and nurse very often in the evenings, particularly in the early months.
My daughter had a fussy time every evening for a couple of months (yes, it does go away!). I spent weeks camped out on the end of the sofa with a constantly nursing and/or fussy baby every evening from about 6 to 10 PM.
With my son, we didn’t have the luxury of being able to sit down. Alex was unhappy and crying unless he was upright and being walked around at this time of day (and sometimes this only helped him to be less unhappy). He would occasionally have a very fussy time during the day, too. Nursing rarely helped to calm his fussiness (unlike with my daughter), so I usually didn’t have that tool to work with (though I always tried). His fussiness was such that I looked into other causes (such as food sensitivity), but we never determined any reason for it and he was all smiles the rest of the time.
The fussiness gradually went away between 3 and 4 months, as is the norm, but the first few months were hard. Nowadays, the typical comment that I hear about him is “Is he always this happy?” So remember: this, too, will pass…
Cluster feeding, also called bunch feeding, is when babies space feeding closer together at certain times of the day and go longer between feedings at other times. This is very common, and often occurs in the evenings. It’s often -but not always- followed by a longer sleep period than usual: baby may be “tanking up” before a long sleep. For example, your baby may nurse every hour (or even constantly) between 6 and 10 PM, then have a longish stretch of sleep at night – baby may even sleep all night.
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Cluster feeding often coincides with your baby’s fussy time. Baby will nurse a few minutes, pull off, fuss/cry, nurse a few minutes, pull off, fuss/cry… on and on… for hours. This can be VERY frustrating, and mom starts wondering if baby is getting enough milk, if something she is eating is bothering baby, if EVERYTHING she is doing is bothering baby… It can really ruin your confidence, particularly if there is someone else around asking the same questions (your mother, your husband, your mother-in-law).
This behavior is NORMAL! It has nothing to do with your breastmilk or your mothering. If baby is happy the rest of the day, and baby doesn’t seem to be in pain (as with colic) during the fussy time – just keep trying to soothe your baby and don’t beat yourself up about the cause. Let baby nurse as long and as often as he will. Recruit dad (or another helper) to bring you food/drink and fetch things (book/remote/phone/etc.) while you are nursing and holding baby.
Does this mean that baby needs more milk than I can provide?
No. Don’t give baby a bottle — supplementation will only tell your body that you need LESS milk at this time, and that will not help matters. Also, keep in mind that formula fed babies experience fussy periods in the evening, too — fussy evenings are common for all young babies, no matter how they are fed. The Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine spells this out in their supplementary feeding guidelines:
There are common clinical situations where evaluation and breastfeeding management may be necessary, but supplementation is NOT INDICATED including… The infant who is fussy at night or constantly feeding for several hours.
Why do babies fuss in the evening?
One frequently-heard explanation for baby’s fussiness in the evenings is that milk volume tends to be lower in the evening due to the natural cycling of hormones throughout the day. However, Dr. Peter Hartmann, a breastfeeding researcher, has said that in the women he has studied, milk volume is not low at this time of day. Even if milk volume is lower in the evening, fat content is typically higher in the evening (particularly if baby is allowed to control this via cue feeding), so the amount of calories that baby is getting should not be significantly different. Milk flow can be slower in the evening, which may be frustrating for some babies.
Doctors often attribute evening fussiness to baby’s immature nervous system (and the fussiness does end as baby gets older, usually by 3-4 months). However, Dr. Katherine Dettwyler (who does research on breastfeeding in traditional societies) states that babies in Mali, West Africa and other traditional societies don’t have colic or late afternoon/evening fussiness. These babies are carried all day and usually nurse several times each hour.
So perhaps none of these explanations is a complete answer to baby’s evening fussiness. For many babies, the fussy time seems to be characterized by a need to have small quantities of milk at frequent intervals, combined with lots of holding, cuddling and movement. Babies who are offered as much expressed milk or formula as they will take by bottle [note: this practice will decrease your milk supply!] often behave in exactly the same way in the evenings. Baby takes a small amount and dozes (and fusses), then a little more, and so on. Perhaps babies “remember” mom being very active during her pregnancy at these times, and want to be held, rocked, and nurtured constantly again.
Perhaps babies simply need to nurse more often at this time — rather than consume more milk.
Soothing techniques for the fussy times
- Wear baby in a sling or baby carrier. This will free one or both hands for other tasks (fixing dinner, caring for other children) while you hold, soothe and nurse your baby.
- Change of pace. Let dad have some “baby time” while mom takes a shower or simply gets some time to herself to relax and regroup after a long day.
- Go outside.
Relax baby (and mom too) with a walk, or just sit and enjoy the outdoors. Try this a little before baby’s regular fussy time.
- Soothe with sound. Sing, hum, talk, murmur shhhh, listen to music, or use ‘white noise.’ Try different types of sound, different styles of music and singers with different types of voices.
- Soothe with rhythmic motion. Walk, sway, bounce, dance, swing, or even try a car ride.
- Soothe with touch. Hold or bathe baby, try baby massage.
- Reduce stimulation. Dim lights, reduce noise, swaddle baby.
- Vary nursing positions. Try side lying, lying on your back to nurse with baby tummy to tummy, etc.
- Nurse in motion (while rocking, swaying, walking, etc.).
- Combine rhythmic motion with soothing sounds.
- Avoid scheduling, even more so in the fussy evening hours.
- More soothing techniques.
More resources for fussy babies
@ KellyMom- My baby is fussy! Is something wrong? What is normal, reasons for fussing, and comfort measures for baby.
- My baby is gassy. Is this caused by something in my diet?
- The Distractible Baby
- Is your baby nursing all the time?
- Fussy babies – is it the arsenic hour? from the Australian Breastfeeding Association
- Cluster Feeding by Lisa Hassan Scott, from the September 2014 Breastfeeding Today
- Infant fussiness from
- The Pitfalls of Supplementing a Breastfed Baby by Cheryl Taylor White
- Fussy periods and wonder weeks from the Australian Breastfeeding Association
Helpful books
The Happiest Baby on the Block: The New Way to Calm Crying and Help Your Baby Sleep Longer
by Harvey Karp, MD
The Fussy Baby Book: Parenting Your High-Need Child From Birth to Age Five
by William Sears, MD and Martha Sears, RN, IBCLC
A parallel study aimed at learning more about Web users revealed that a majority of visitors to the UNESCO site are between 18 an d 3 4 years old , com e mainly from Europe or North America and have a high level of education. | In addition, a study to determine the audience of the UNESCO site showed that most of it is made up of people with a high level of education at aged from 18 to 34 years old, living mainly in Europe and North America. |
Nevertheless, the Advisory Committee believes [...] that an effort should have been made to update the estimated costs for the [...] project, which are now more than fo u r years old . | However, the Committee is convinced that for [...] renovation of the construction estimate, which was [. would take some action. |
The Committee welcomes the various measures taken by the State party [...] in the area of health, including the adoption of the Single Compulsory [...] Medical Insurance for children unde r 1 8 years old . | The Committee welcomes the various measures taken by the State party in [...] areas of health care, including the adoption of a single mandatory system [...] health insurance d e tei c d o 18 l no . |
The Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS) conducted in 2005 suggests that women are increasingly [...] aware of myths pertaining to [...] HIV as most women 15 t o 2 9 years old s u rv eyed in 2005 knew that [...] HIV cannot be transmitted by [...] mosquitoes and that a healthy looking person can have HIV. | According to the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MCS) conducted in 2005, women increasingly understand that [...] such myths about HIV because [...] majority of women n in oz grow 15 − 29 years old, about out of enrolled in 2005, [. knew that HIV cannot be transmitted [...] mosquitoes and that a healthy-looking person may be infected with HIV. |
With regard to humanitarian activities and efforts led by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the World Food Program (WFP), the provision by WFP of 125,000 monthly general feeding rations to Western Saharan refugees continued , along with school [...] feeding and supplementary feeding for [...] malnourished children under fi v e years old a n d for pregnant women [...] and nursing mothers. | In terms of humanitarian action and efforts led by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the World Food Program (WFP), WFP continued to provide Western Saharan refugees with 125,000 general food rations in [. a month, as well as school meals and [...] additional n and ta neither e children malnourished and pregnant [...] women and nursing mothers. |
In ensuring the fulfillment of the right to education and in line with the national goal to achieve the Millennium Development Goals for primary education and literacy, the Government continues implementing the free nine years compulsory [...] educational program for all citizens within [...] the age of 7 t o 1 5 years old t o h ave elementary [...] and junior high school education, as [. regulated in Law 47/2008 on Compulsory Education. | In the implementation of the right to education and in line with the national Millennium Development Goal target on primary education and literacy, the government continues to pursue [...] free life program [...] nine-year mandatory g education d for all citizens [...] aged 7 to 15 who must [...] have primary and lower secondary education as provided for in Law 47/2008 on compulsory education. |
The Committee notes with appreciation that recruits are only [...] sent on military service [. during the dialogue [...] that the Law on Military, Labor and Material Duties explicitly prohibits persons under the age of 18 from joining the armed forces in all circumstances, including in state of war and state of emergency. | The Committee notes with satisfaction that young people [...] subject to mandatory [...] military conscription y wb y in calendar year achievement and mi 19 years, as well as positive [...] evaluates information, [...] presented by the delegation during the dialogue that the Conscription and Military Service Law expressly prohibits the conscription of persons under the age of 18 under any circumstances, including war and states of emergency. |
In case of child restraints to be tested with the manikin [...] representing a 1 0 - years-old c h il d, the longitudinal [...] plane passing through the center [...] line of the manikin shall be positioned up to 80 mm towards the side of anchorage point C with regard to the point midway between the two lower belt anchorages. | In case of child test [...] retaining lips r oh st in s m an ek enom [...] child longitudinal plane through [...] the center line of the dummy shall be up to 80 mm towards anchorage point C with respect to a point equidistant between the two lower harness anchorages. |
In addition, one of Maamar Ouaghlissi’s daughters, Khaoula Ouaghlissi, [...] who is no w 1 8 years old , w as particularly [...] affected by her father's disappearance [...] and suffers to this day from chronic psychotic disorders that require constant and regular medical treatment. | Also on one of the [...] daughters of Maamar Ouaglissi, Kaule Ouaglissi, [...] which now from 18 years , os about very strongly [...] the disappearance of her father affected her and she [. is currently suffering from chronic psychosis, which requires constant and regular medical care. |
She wished in particular to [...] refer to a case which was more tha n 1 0 years old , b ut [...] repeated initiatives [...] and requests for investigation and justice. | The speaker would like to [...] particular, remind about [...] e l more than 10 years n az hell, but s a these 10 were repeated [...] initiatives [... and motions to investigate and do justice. |
Taking into account the fact that for the years an illness called "loose of sense of life" (noogenic neurosis) has spread worldwide, and today they [...] are talking on loose of [...] vital force, especially between 1 7- 9 y o ut h, the root of which falls in the [...] wrong upbringing of children [...] below 14 years, attention of the director and teachers of the center is concentrated on education of the new generation based on the method of A. Martirosyan, which helps to grow the most possible harmony in the inner world of youth. | Taking into account the fact that in recent years a disease called "loss of meaning in life" has come to the fore in the world [. (noogenic neurosis), a [...] Today they also talk about P about TER SI L about UNN O MO 9000 lo de living after 17-18 years, roots [...] which lie in the wrong [...] education of children up to 14 years of age, the attention of the head and teachers of the center is focused on the education of the growing generation based on the method of A. Martirosyan, which makes it possible to lay the most harmonious state in the soul of a child and adolescent. |
Previously Montenegro had [...] stockpiles which were 30 t o 4 0 years old a n its size of stocks08 d [...] was disproportionate to its defense needs. | Formerly in the arsenals of Montenegro [...] contained ammunition n ac s, manufactured 30– 40 years for for [...] was disproportionate to her [...] defense needs. |
Ja'afari (Syrian Arab Republic) ( spoke in Arabic ): The people and Government of Syria had indeed expected that the Security [...] Council, having reached the age of reason - [...] that is, bein g 6 7 years old — w ould act [...] positively and objectively to aid our country. daccess-ods. | ): The people and government of Syria are actually [...] expected the Security Council, which [...] reached maturity about age - 6 7 years, will [...] act positively and objectively and will [...] help our country. |
In parliamentary elections, presidential elections and in European parliamentary [...] elections every Finnish citizen that at the latest on the [...] day of the election is at leas t 1 8 years old h a right to vote the 900. | In parliamentary, presidential and European elections [. parliament every citizen [...] Finland, who was 18 years old at m o m nt in and to , has [...] the right to vote. |
To the Law on manufacture and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products no. 1100-XIV of June 30, 2000 (republished in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova), was added a provision which establishes [...] that the retail of alcoholic beverages to [...] persons unde r 1 8 years old i s u prohibition, [...] and the retailers were bound to ask [...] the buyer to present the Identity Card or other official document with photo. | An additional provision has been introduced into the Law on the production and circulation of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic products no. [...] retail sale of alcohol is prohibited [...] products of persons a m, not to st the most aged [...] 18 years old and sellers are required to claim from [...] the buyer must present an identity card or other official document with a photograph, confirming his age. |
When, on 23rd December 1969, the Grand Duchess [...] Maria was six te e n years old0008 a n d reached her [...] dynastic majority, the Grand Duke Wladimir [. issued two Messages to the Peoples of Russia, the texts of which the reader will find in the Appendix. | When December 23, 1969 [...] Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna [...] turned sixteen y years and O has not reached its [...] dynastic majority, Great [...] Prince Vladimir Kirillovich issued two Appeals to the Russian Peoples, the texts of which the reader will find in the Appendix. |
Those who are over compulsory school age0008 ) h av e no right to education according to the Norwegian [...] Education Act, [...] but there is a Government grant for municipalities who have juvenile asylum seekers over the age of 16 who are in need of primary education. | Persons a older than older school age (1 6 years old) not have the right to education under the Norwegian [...] Education Act, [...] however, the government provides grants to municipalities with minor asylum seekers over 16 who need primary education. |
The average age of employees of the [...] Group's Russian [...] enterprises2 i s 4 0 years old ; T 9000 | Average age of Russian employees [...] enterprises of the Group2 [. |
The Government of Rwanda established Iwawa vocational center ( based at Iwawa Island in the Western Province) [...] where former young street children (who [...] are more tha n 1 8 years old ) a re taught various [...] professional skills like commercial [...] farming, construction, carpentry, tailoring, among others. On 18th of May 2011, a total number of 752 young men graduated from the centre. | The Government of Rwanda established the Iwawa Vocational Training Center (located on the island of [. Iwawa in Western Province), where the former [...] neglected e children and ( over 18 le t) receive professional [...] skills, in particular in [...] areas such as commercial farming, construction, carpentry, tailoring. On May 18, 2011, a total of 752 young people became graduates of the Center. |
Young fish (up to fi v e years old ) t en d to feed in [...] the lower reaches of rivers where they feed on benthic invertebrates. | Juveniles ( to to fry t fry o five years old) feeding at night bottom-dwelling invertebrates in the lower reaches of rivers. |
Certain provocative visions even cast doubt that the expansion of formal education is an adequate measure to guarantee quality education for all young people, if the educational options [...] that are offered today to adolescents and young [...] people from 12 to 1 8/ 2 0 years old a r e not changed resolutely [...] in character. | There are even some provocative ideas that call into question the very need for formal schooling as an adequate measure to guarantee a quality education for all young people in the event that decisive change cannot be made [...] characteristic features of today's education, which [. |
[...] 18, which is designed to progressively eradicate harmful, dangerous and risky child labor (for children between 5 an d 1 2 years old ) 27, which aims at eradicating prohibited and dangerous work and providing protection against work and labor exploitation (for children between 13 an d 1 8 years old ) . | Two of these strategies address the problem of children [...] labor: strategy 18, the purpose of which is to [...] the gradual elimination of harmful, dangerous or risky child labor (for de t le o t 5 to 12), and a strategy 27 aimed at eradicating labor; and protection in matters concerning0007 n os ti and t ru to in 13 to 18 years of operation. |
Due to the fact that the majority of [...] child pedestrian victims are 5 or 6 years old , t hi s value was determined based on the average head diameter of a 6- ye a r - old c h il d ( by averaging the diameter [...] obtained from the circumference [...] of the head and the longitudinal and lateral measurements of the head). | Due to the fact that in [...] Most cases are the age of children-Peshekh About DOV , of those who fall in DT P, is 5-6 years old, this value was determined by A based on of the day of the day head diameter of a six-year-old [. child (by calculation [...] average diameter for head circumference and longitudinal and transverse dimensions of the head). |
However, the complainant seemed unable to say just when her brother had contacted her and even appeared to contradict herself by saying at the first interview that she had not been in touch with [...] her brothers since a final telephone [...] call when she wa s 1 5 years old u n ti l the day of her [...] departure, while claiming later that [...] she had passed information to them by telephone. | In addition, the author of the communication was allegedly unable to indicate at what time period her brother made contact with her, and she contradicted herself when she stated at the first interview that she had no contact with [. by their brothers since their [...] last call o ko and she was 15 years old, [...] until the day of your departure, although then [...] she claimed to have given them information over the phone. |
The GYTS survey organized by the US National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health [...] Promotion also studied the occurrence of tobacco products [...] smoking and consumption among 13 t o 1 5 years old y o hut in Slovakia. |
US National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and [. health promotion, scale also studied [...] smoking and consumption e tobacco products rub unit m youth 13-15 years [...] in Slovakia. |
ATTENTION: all [...] people more tha n 3 0 years old h a ve to pay for [...] New Milan Tourist Tax extra 1.00 euro per person per night ON ARRIVAL. | ATTENTION: Guests older than e 30 years vol lang pay [...] City of Milan tourist tax/€1.00 per person per night upon arrival. |
In order to be elected to the Chamber of [. Deputies or the bodies of [...] local public administration, the candidates must have turned, up to or on the Election Day, at leas t 2 3 years old . | For election to the House [...] deputies or to the local administration bodies for candidates for in bonds inclusive should be l b E not 9000 e 2, 3 years. |
The Ministry of Health runs a ‘vulnerable group feeding programme’ that [...] distributes food rations through clinics to [...] [...] lactating women. fao. | The Ministry of Health is implementing a nutrition program for vulnerable groups of the population, under which [...] through food hospitals [...] rations are issued de t yam at to 6 l et receiving insufficient [...] nutrition, as well as for pregnant women [...] and lactating women. |
Velikiye Luki | We publish the material: Velikie Luki through the eyes of a Pskov journalist
On August 20 at 13:00 on the Luki Fm radio station, the Resoner program was broadcast. A weekly program dedicated to resonant events in social and political life is aired on Thursdays on Ekho Moskvy radio in Pskov (102.6 FM). Author and presenter - Konstantin Kalinichenko .
« It seems that I have always lived in a big city. In different cities. But all big cities are the same. They live according to the laws of the big world. Wall Street is no different from Prudential Center. And all this has nothing to do with life. It's all a burp of the big world. When I wanted to see the life of normal people, I went to the provinces. To your favorite Castle Rock. Because that's where the real, genuine life is »
Stephen King, American writer
Today I want to talk about how metropolitan snobs should sometimes be dipped into objective reality. A very useful thing, let me tell you. I answer for the words, because I experienced the dipping procedure on a personal level.
Here I am - I think that a typical resident of the regional capital. Most of my life is spent in Pskov. Naturally, this most “snobbery of a capital resident” developed. Muscovites would probably laugh, but don't care about Muscovites from the high bell tower.
This snobbery is expressed primarily in a dismissive attitude towards the processes taking place in other cities. Well, what interesting things can happen there, for example, in Velikiye Luki? The city is 2 times smaller than Pskov. We have here, to put it mildly, not Las Vegas, and even more so there. Over time, you begin to perceive some kind of Opochka as an annoying mosquito - it’s necessary, what a big village, you have to slow down at the entrance. Often I had to hear something like that from completely different, rationally thinking people.
In fact, such behavior is completely abnormal for a person with rational thinking. Here we, Pskovites, regularly take offense at Moscow, which, using its capital status, lives completely beyond its means. We sometimes feel anger and hatred towards its inhabitants, who look at the provincials as losers who were not lucky enough to leave their Pskovs and Novgorods. But at the same time, we allow ourselves to behave similarly in relation to regional centers.
This Tuesday I had to go to Velikiye Luki. To be honest, I wasn't thrilled about it. Before, I had been there twice, both times with one-day working visits, in not the most comfortable season. Frankly, the city did not make much of an impression.
This time my colleagues and I went to do a joint project with the Luka FM radio station. By coincidence, Luki FM in the southern capital of the region broadcast exactly on the same frequency 102.6 FM as " Ekho Moskvy " in Pskov. Symbolic for the start of a serious long-term collaboration.
Moreover, everything was not limited to this. It turned out to be very productive to communicate with the leaders of public opinion of Velikiye Luki, representatives of the local deputies and authorities. It is premature to talk about the results of the dialogue, but the beginning, as they say, is very encouraging. But it's a little different.
This time we managed to see the southern capital of the Pskov region from a completely new angle. I must say right away that what I saw exceeded expectations and contrasts sharply with my previous ideas about Velikiye Luki.
First of all, the city seemed very "green". For the people of Pskov, the issue of landscaping has become a sore subject in recent years. And yesterday, the public actively lamented about the new look of Lenin Square, where perennial lilac bushes were cut down in the process of reconstruction, and in return some stunted trees were planted in the ground, which look as if they themselves are ashamed to grow there. And in Luki, on the contrary, there is so much greenery that on the sidewalks in places you literally had to bend down to the ground in order to pass overhanging tree branches. This is not a figure of speech now - everything is exactly the way it is. I don’t know if this is an accident or the principled position of the city authorities, but the fact remains.
Next - to the recreational component. I'm not going to tell here that Velikie Luki was turned into a "garden city" - you won't believe it anyway. Yes, not Vienna and not Moscow. There is no reason for the cities of the Russian provinces to meet the highest standards these days. But a lot of interesting things appeared, which we, Pskovites, were forced to look at with a certain degree of envy. For example, the Ferris wheel. Smaller than in London and Singapore, but, as they say, very good. Dinopark with a good selection of indigenous dwellings of the Jurassic period - as it turned out, an extremely popular complex, interesting not only for children, but also for adults. Quite decently restored embankment, interesting modern small architectural forms. I could list here for a long time, but I still do not have promotional material. So I put the enthusiasm on pause. And who does not believe - come to Luke and make your own opinion.
But I'm talking about something else. About the main difference between Pskov and Velikiye Luki. Here is Pskov, the regional capital. Of all the advantages - only the border position - thank God, we border on Estonia, and not on Afghanistan. But perhaps that's all. The city is filled with state employees of all stripes, especially the military and paramilitary. As one good friend says, in Pskov, wherever you spit, you will definitely get on someone's shoulder strap. State employees, as is well known, do not form a surplus product - they only eat it up.
The city lives on subsidies from the budget - if they didn't give money from above, Pskov could simply be “closed”, as chronically unprofitable enterprises are closed. The sector of the economy in Pskov, we can say that it is absent. There is, of course, some kind of business, but all this, with a few exceptions, is like Igor Savitsky's technopark and a couple of other projects. In general, Pskov is a city of officials and state employees, on whose salaries it somehow keeps.
The southern capital of the region has a completely different story. The city, I repeat, with its own features of a long journey, incl. criminal is not a secret. But on this path, unlike Pskov, it was possible to preserve the city's economy, primarily the industrial sector. How and why is the topic of a separate big conversation. You can argue about this until you're blue in the face, but the fact is that up to dashing 90's industry was in both regional capitals. Upon their completion, it remained only in the south.
There is another fact that clearly demonstrates the existing difference in the economic development of our two cities. In Velikie Luki there are several local - Velikiye Luki - banks, which are very successful and visible even on a national scale. In Pskov, it’s somehow inconvenient to think about such a thing today - I don’t even remember when the last Pskov banking project rested in Bose. That was a long time ago. Today, it would never occur to anyone to open a local bank here.
Someone will say, so what? Well, Luki has its own quite serious industrial sector, a banking structure - and what do the residents of the city get from this? But it is precisely such an economy that fills the budget today. Here we, the people of Pskov, are forced in this sense to literally pray to the federal center, because we have nowhere to get money from anywhere. Dances and incantations of officials around the "development of tourism", as we see, which year remain words. Tourism here is strongly reminiscent of "pasture" - at least a dozen travel agencies and fifty guides feed from it. And that's all. This, excuse me, is not economics, but laughter through tears. We will develop tourism in this way for another two hundred years without the slightest hint of progress. And there is nothing more for us to develop here. There was once a Pskov industry, but almost all of it came out. Officials walk with spells in the Moglino SEZ, like Egyptian priests in the temple of Amon-Ra in Luxor. They promise to lift everything from our knees, but they do not get a “stone flower”, no matter how hard they fight.
In Velikiye Luki, the industrial cluster somehow works, moreover, without these “special economic zones” of yours. I noticed that new productions are opening. In Pskov, all officials, young and old, would have gathered for this informational occasion, some metropolitan deputy minister would have arrived, and the media would have been singing praises for a week. In Luki, this happens quite everyday. I was surprised why you are talking so calmly about the complete reconstruction of the enterprise? And what is there to say especially, they answer. It's a common thing, there, a couple of years ago, "ZETO" was reconstructed, others are also trying to keep up with the times. This is not a feat, there is simply no other way to survive - competitors will swallow and not choke.
And what is most interesting is that people in the southern capital think completely differently from Pskovians. Is it good or not good? Yes, I think it's good. It's such a grounded way of thinking, in a good way. I met him before, mostly abroad. Where people do not particularly like to talk about lofty matters and “how could it be if…”. And they prefer to live for today, being aware of what kind of world surrounds them.
At the same time, Velikie Luki is changing - to me, as a person who rarely visits them, this was especially noticeable. They do it without noisy pathos - we always learn about changes when they have already appeared there and put into operation. In contrast to some projecting, characteristic of Pskov in recent years, because of which we have been asking questions for years, when will the opening of the Pskov State University campus take place, after all, they have already promised ten times? What about the stadium? Ah, wait a little longer? Well, well ...
And just as Winston Smith , the hero of the Orwellian dystopia "1984" , believed that "the future belongs to the proles", so it seems to me that the future of Russia is not in Moscow or St. Petersburg. And not in other "capitals". But in such “small towns”, where they were able to wait out difficult times, save the economy and gradually begin to develop in the right direction. So discard the inappropriate snobbery in relation to such cities - they are the real "Russia of the future."
Source: Konstantin Kalinichenko
We publish the material: Velikiye Luki through the eyes of a Pskov journalist
August 20 at 13:00 on the radio station "Luki Fm" broadcast "Resoner". Weekly program dedicated to high-profile events in social and political life,
22:30 20.08.2021 Luki.Ru - Velikiye Luki
The epidemiological situation with the spread of coronavirus in Velikiye Luki remains difficult
Mayor Nikolai Kozlovsky spoke about the epidemiological situation with the spread of coronavirus in Velikiye Luki in a weekly video message.
19:20 08/20/2021 Luki.Ru - Velikiye Luki
Make the Looks Great again!
Pskovskaya Lenta Novosti presents to your attention the text version of the next issue of the Resoner program.
19:34 19.08.2021 Pln-Pskov.Ru - Pskov
InformPskov.Ru A 38-year-old resident of Velikiye Luki was convicted of driving while intoxicated and subjected to administrative punishment for failing to comply with the requirement to undergo a medical examination.
InformPskov.Ru Luki.Ru The head of the city, Nikolay Kozlovsky, spoke about the epidemiological situation with the spread of coronavirus in Velikiye Luki in a weekly video message.
Library them. M.I. Semevsky The cause of the fire on the gas pipeline in the Vsevolozhsk district near St. Petersburg was depressurization.
Pln-Pskov.Ru Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Pskov region Employees of the department for supervisory activities and preventive work of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Pskov Region conduct daily raids and explain to citizens how important it is to observe fire safety,
Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Pskov region Pln-Pskov.

Pln-Pskov.Ru InformPskov.Ru Pln-Pskov.Ru The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Dedovichsky" is wanted by Suvorov Alexander Igorevich, born in 1985.
Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Pskov region The volume of quotas for catching fish in the border lakes was determined by the intergovernmental commission of Estonia and Russia on fisheries at the completed meeting, the press service of the Estonian Ministry of the Environment reported on Friday.
InformPskov.Ru InformPskov.Ru Luki-News.Ru Source: . A wolf attacked a domestic dog in the village of Verkholino, Pskov District, on November 17.
Komsomolskaya Pravda Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Pskov region InformPskov.Ru Pln-Pskov.Ru In dachas, territories of country houses, many build baths. In each bath, a wood-burning or electric stove is used for heating.

Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Pskov region In Nevel there was a fire in the bathhouse. This is reported by the correspondent of the newspaper "Nevelsky Vestnik".
InformPskov.Ru The construction of a house for migrants from dilapidated and dilapidated housing at the intersection of Yunosti and Inzhenernaya streets is going ahead of schedule by two months, the head of the city of Pskov, Boris Elkin, said in his telegram channel..
InformPskov.Ru The likelihood of thrombosis in those who have recovered from coronavirus "on their feet" increases 2.5 times, and in those who have been hospitalized - hundreds of times, so in this regard, the pandemic has not yet ended,
Pln-Pskov.Ru Another person died from coronavirus in the Pskov region, according to the official Telegram channel of the region.
InformPskov.Ru Another death from COVID-19 was recorded in the Pskov region, in total, 1943 patients with this diagnosis have died since the beginning of the pandemic in the region.