Baby fetus in food list
State Bill Outlaws Using Fetuses In Food Industry; Meets Visceral Reaction : The Two-Way : NPR
State Bill Outlaws Using Fetuses In Food Industry; Meets Visceral Reaction : The Two-Way An Oklahoma Senate bill that prohibits "the manufacture or sale of food or products which use aborted human fetuses" has some folks scratching their heads, and wondering if it's real.
A scientist holds a tray of stem cells in a lab, in this file photo from 2010. Spencer Platt/Getty Images hide caption
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Spencer Platt/Getty Images
A scientist holds a tray of stem cells in a lab, in this file photo from 2010.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images
A bill introduced in the Oklahoma Legislature has some folks scratching their heads, as it prohibits "the manufacture or sale of food or products which use aborted human fetuses."
Since the bill was introduced late last week by State Sen. Ralph Shortey, a Republican from Oklahoma City, corners of the Internet have been buzzing with the news, as people try to figure out two things: 1) is this real; and 2) is there any reason the bill might be needed?
News of the bill was first reported by the AP and The Daily O'Collegian, a student newspaper at Oklahoma State University. It sparked a lively debate in the O'Collegian's readers' comments section, which is connected to Facebook.
The AP and the O'Collegian say that Shortey didn't respond to calls for comment. Two calls from NPR to the senator's office went to voicemail and were not returned. But Tulsa radio station KRMG managed to get in touch with him to ask about the legislation, Senate Bill 1418.
The senator says that his research shows there are companies in the food industry that have used human stem cells to help them research and develop products, including artificial flavorings.
"I don't know if it is happening in Oklahoma, it may be, it may not be. What I am saying is that if it does happen then we are not going to allow it to manufacture here," Shortey tells KRMG's Nicole Burgin.
To that end, his proposed statute reads, "No person or entity shall manufacture or knowingly sell food or any other product intended for human consumption which contains aborted human fetuses in the ingredients or which used aborted human fetuses in the research or development of any of the ingredients."
My own research suggests that Shortey may have noticed a boycott directed at PepsiCo, which since 2010 has worked with flavor research firm Senomyx to develop sweeteners and other flavorings.
Based in San Diego, Senomyx has been accused of using proteins derived from human embryonic kidney cells in its research, which has been used by many large food companies. An article in the Miami New Times summarizes those claims, notes the company's denial of them — and also notes that in 2003, the company filed a patent for "recombinant methods for expressing a functional sweet taste receptor."
That patent, for what is essentially an automated taste test, was granted in 2008. It mentions HEK 293, or Human Embryonic Kidney 293, a widely available cell line that was originally cultured in the early 1970s from a human embryo in the Netherlands.
Other Uses Of Stem Cells
So, it seems that Sen. Shortey's bill mostly targets the potential use of stem cells in food research. But in the past decade, several attempts have been made to use animal stem cells to produce food. For instance, NASA has tinkered with using pigs' stem cells to grow "lab meat," according to a Popular Mechanics article from 2009.
The article continues, "Today, scientists funded by companies such as Stegeman, a Dutch sausage giant, are fine-tuning the process. It takes just two weeks to turn pig stem cells, or myoblasts, into muscle fibers."
And the group New Harvest has long been involved in the search for "meat alternatives," in the form of "plant-based meat analogs and cultured meat," according to its site.
Shortey's bill was among hundreds submitted just before the state's Thursday deadline, as Oklahoma legislators vied to get their bills entered for discussion in the upcoming session, which runs from Feb. 6 into late May.
Thanks to NPR Southern Bureau Chief Russell Lewis and KOSU's Rachel Hubbard for flagging the story.
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There aren’t human foetal cells in lots of popular snacks and drinks
28 June 2019
What was claimed
Various multinational food and drink companies use artificial flavourings made by Senomyx which are made from aborted foetal cells.
Our verdict
All but one company confirmed they didn’t use the flavouring product made by the company in question. The cells are not flavourings themselves but used in flavouring development. They are clones of cells taken from the kidney of aborted foetus in 1973.
A video on Facebook claims that KraftHeinz, the Coca-Cola Company, Campbell’s, PepsiCo and Nestlé use flavourings made from the cells of aborted babies.
KraftHeinz, the Coca-Cola Company, Campbell’s and PepsiCo all told us this was not the case. Nestlé didn’t respond to our queries.
That aside, the implication that these flavourings are “made of” human cells is misleading. Though cells derived from human tissue may be involved in developing some flavourings, those cells are not in the flavouring itself.
We looked at a very similar claim (focusing solely on Pepsi) in April.
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What does the video say?
The video claims that a company called Senomyx creates flavour enhancements for companies like Pepsi, Kraft, Nestlé and Campbell’s.
It goes on to say that Senomyx grafts kidney cells from human aborted foetuses, replicates these cells, and puts them in products including Gatorade, Lay’s chips, Pepsi, Tropicana (all made by PepsiCo), Dasani water and Minute Maid (both made by the Coca-Cola Company).
Text above the video reads “HEK-239 [sic] artificial flavouring uses aborted fetus cells.”
HEK-293 is not a flavouring, and not directly “made from” aborted foetus cells
HEK-293 is the name given to a specific line of cells used in various scientific applications.
It is not in itself a flavouring, but one of its applications is to help mimic taste-receptor cells in the development of new flavourings.
The original cells were taken from the kidney of an aborted baby in 1973. HEK 293 cells used nowadays are clones of those original cells, but are not themselves the cells of aborted babies.
Senomyx, a biotechnology company, has patents appearing to relate to using HEK-293 cells in developing flavourings. HEK-293 is not in the flavouring itself.
So the video is incorrect in saying that Senomyx themselves “graft kidney cells from human aborted foetuses” and incorrect to say these cells are put into products.
Most of these companies don’t use Senomyx products
When we asked them for comment Campbell’s, KraftHeinz and the Coca-Cola Company said they did not use products made by Senomyx or any flavourings developed using HEK-293 cells in any of their products.
PepsiCo confirmed to us that they do collaborate with Senomyx on research, but that none of that research uses any human tissue or cell lines derived from embryos or foetuses.
Nestlé did not respond to our questions.
The text accompanying the video is more accurate
The caption accompanying the video clarifies that HEK-293 cells are not themselves found in these products. It also only names Pepsi, Nestlé and Ajinomoto as companies who partner with Senomyx.
However for the purpose of checking this post we have focused on the video.
Update 3 July 2019
The Coca Cola Company confirmed after publication of the article that, in addition to not using any products from Senomyx, it does not use any flavourings developed using HEK-293 cells in any of its products.
This article is part of our work fact checking potentially false pictures, videos and stories on Facebook. You can read more about this—and find out how to report Facebook content—here. For the purposes of that scheme, we’ve rated this claim as false because contrary to the claims made in the video the flavourings in question aren’t made from foetal cells, and most of the companies confirmed they do not use the flavourings in question.
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8 foods that pregnant women should not eat
0If you are pregnant, you should reduce the amount of coffee and avoid alcohol altogether. Everyone knows this.
But there are far more insidious foods. At first glance, they seem innocent and even useful. But in fact, they can harm mom or an unborn baby more than a couple of cups of double espresso three times a day.
Here is a list of Foods to avoid in pregnancy of popular foods to avoid during pregnancy. Or at least think twice before you eat.
1. Raw eggs
As well as products containing them: eggnog, homemade mayonnaise, raw dough, poached eggs, fried eggs with raw yolk, tiramisu.
What is the danger
One word is enough: salmonellosis. This acute intestinal infection is fortunately not fatal, but is accompanied by severe diarrhea and vomiting that can cause dehydration. But this is already bad: the normal blood supply to the fetus and the level of amniotic fluid in the uterus depend on the amount of moisture. Water deficiency can result in violations in the development of the unborn baby, as well as an increased risk of miscarriage.
What to do
If you have no strength to refuse eggs, make sure that they are thoroughly washed and heat-treated. Hard boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, baked goods are safe.
2. Raw meat
As well as rare fried steaks (“with blood”), raw smoked and cured sausages, poorly fried minced meat, for example, in fast food.
What is the danger
Raw meat can be infected with parasites. For example, Toxoplasma. They are able to penetrate the placental barrier and cause serious disturbances in the development of the unborn baby.
What to do
Removing parasites from meat is easy - heat it properly. If we are talking about dried or smoked products, freezing them for four days will help reduce the risk.
3. Raw fish
Be especially careful with river and wild ocean fish, shellfish (oysters, mussels), dried, smoked fish of all kinds and sushi.
What is the danger
The range of troubles that you can get by eating a roll or dried perch is wide:0003
- like meat, fish can be infested with parasites;
- in the pulp there are also pathogenic bacteria - for example, listeria or botulinum bacteria, which cause deadly (for mothers as well) botulism;
- river fish can be caught in chemically polluted reservoirs - and all toxic substances will go to both mother and baby;
- oceanic fish accumulate mercury. Particularly dangerous Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy in this regard are shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tile. Mercury poisoning affects the health of both the mother and the unborn baby - this element can cause brain damage and developmental delays.
What to do
Eat only properly cooked fish. You can take a chance with canned food: just keep an eye on the expiration date and in no case use the product from swollen cans.
4. Liver
Plus liver pate and sausage, cod liver oil Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation During Pregnancy.
What is the danger
Too much vitamin A. Too much of it can lead to birth defects in the fetus.
What to do
Do not abuse liver products. Especially if for some reason you are taking vitamin A supplements. Yes, and in no case should you prescribe vitamins and supplements for yourself - only your doctor can do this.
5. Soft cheeses
Special attention:
- soft cheeses with white mold - brie and camembert;
- blue cheeses - gorgonzola, roquefort, danish blue.
What is the danger
Due to the high humidity and mold, such cheeses are an ideal environment for the development of all kinds of bacteria, including those dangerous to the fetus. The same listeria, once in the body of a future baby, can provoke severe developmental disorders, miscarriage or stillbirth.
What to do
The ideal option is to switch to hard cheese (cheddar, parmesan, stilton and others): it is safe. Soft cheeses can also be consumed, but only if they are made from pasteurized milk. These are mozzarella, feta, ricotta, cream cheeses, halloumi, processed cheeses.
6. Unpasteurized milk
As well as yogurt and ice cream prepared from it.
What is the danger
All in the same high risk of bacteria content. Unpasteurized milk is a product that has not undergone heat treatment. Therefore, the same listeria, which is deadly for the unborn child, can be found in it.
What to do
Try to drink only pasteurized milk. If for some reason only raw is available, be sure to boil it before drinking.
7. Caffeinated products
Not only coffee, but also green tea, chocolate, cola, energy drinks, and some cold and flu medications.
What is the danger
Excess of this substance can cause the baby to have a low birth weight - and this increases the risk of health problems in the future. Sometimes the abuse of caffeine products provokes a miscarriage.
What to do
You don't have to cut out caffeine completely - just don't go over 200 mg a day. In order not to cross the line, be guided by approximate values Foods to avoid in pregnancy:
- 1 cup instant coffee - 100 mg caffeine;
- 1 cup espresso - 140 mg;
- 1 cup tea - 75 mg;
- 1 can cola (330 ml) - 40 mg;
- 1 can Energy Drink (250 ml) - 80 mg;
- 50 g dark chocolate - up to 25 mg;
- 50 g milk chocolate - up to 10 mg.
Once again, we emphasize: these are approximate figures. But they can be used for calculation. For example, if you drank a cup of espresso in the morning and a can of cola in the middle of the day, you received almost 200 mg of caffeine.
8. Poorly washed vegetables and fruits
As well as berries that grow close to the soil - the same strawberries or currants on the lower branches of the bush. Freshly squeezed juices are also questionable if you do not know how thoroughly you washed the ingredients before cooking.
What is the danger
The bacteria that cause toxoplasmosis and botulism also live in the soil. There is a risk that an apple picked up from the ground or a poorly washed carrot carries them on itself.
What to do
Avoid vegetables and fruits during pregnancy as part of a healthy, balanced diet. But keeping them clean is a must. Not only the health of the mother herself depends on this, but, possibly, the life of the unborn baby.
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Pregnancy food list: what to eat and avoid
It is always important to eat a nutritious and balanced diet, but especially during pregnancy. If you're expecting a baby, then you might be wondering how to make the most of your shopping for the health of you and your baby. In this article, you will learn how to make a healthy pregnancy food list.
Why the right diet is so important during pregnancy
One of the most important things a pregnant woman can do to help her baby grow and develop is to eat a healthy and balanced diet. This helps to support not only health, but also a good emotional state of the mother, who can also be helped by an experienced psychologist during pregnancy. Proper nutrition during pregnancy can help prevent the following:
- Weight gain
- Gestational diabetes
- C-section
- Infections and anemia
- Poor wound healing
- Preterm birth
- Low birth weight
During pregnancy, you need more nutrients and calories to support the developing fetus. It takes about 300 extra calories a day to maintain a pregnancy. That being said, the source of those calories is of great importance.
Look out for products that have:
- High protein
- Low sugar and refined carbohydrates
- High omega-3 polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) and low-saturated fats and trans fats
Pregnancy Food List for fetal development:
- Calcium is needed for healthy development and growth, especially of teeth and bones.
- Folic acid - helps reduce the risk of developing neural tube defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly.
- Iron is essential for normal blood circulation in the body. Iron also helps prevent anemia due to pregnancy in the mother.
- Many people take iron and folic acid supplements during pregnancy. Discuss the need for folic acid and iron supplements with your health care provider.
It is also important to drink plenty of fluids during pregnancy and avoid sugary and caffeinated drinks.
List of products for pregnant women: what to buy
Here are the calorie recommendations for pregnant women with a healthy BMI:
- Approximately 1800 calories per day during the first trimester
- Approximately 2200 calories per day during the second trimester
- Approximately 2400 calories per day during the third trimester
Fruits and vegetables : Fruits are a rich source of vitamins C and A, fiber and potassium. Vegetables are rich in vitamins C and A, folic acid, iron, magnesium. Dried, canned, fresh and frozen fruits, and 100 percent fruit juice (no added sugar) are all great ways to get these nutrients. Similarly, vegetables can be boiled or raw, canned, dried or frozen.
By eating enough fruits and vegetables every day, you should be getting the vitamins and minerals you and your baby need. A minimum of two servings of leafy green vegetables per day is optimal. Melons, berries, and citrus fruits are all excellent sources of vitamin C.
Some of the fruits you can include on your pregnancy food list: and raspberry
Dairy products
Dairy products are rich in protein, phosphorus and calcium. If you need to lower your cholesterol, choose low fat dairy products. Good dairy products for pregnant women are milk, kefir, yogurt and hard cheeses.
Whole grains
Foods such as cereals, brown rice, bread and pasta are a rich source of carbohydrates that provide the energy needed to support your child's growth and development. Fortified and whole grain foods also contain iron and folic acid.
Here are some products from whole grain , which need to be added to the list of products for healthy pregnancy:
- oatmeal
- Unpleasant rice
- pasta and whole grain bread
- illative cakes
underwater cake protein sources are: meat, seafood, poultry, peas and beans, eggs, nuts, seeds, and soy products such as tofu, tempeh, and edamame.
These foods contain zinc, iron, and B vitamins. Good Springs of protein for your list of products during pregnancy:
- turkey (fresh, not delicacious)
- Chicken
- Pork
- Lenten Beef
- Telatin
- Wild salmon
- Soy milk
- Eggs
- Shellfish
Vegetarian protein meals include :
- Walnuts
- Pace
- almonds
- Flaxseed
- Pumpkin seeds
- olive oil
- Sunflower
- Juices with added sweeteners or sugar
- Unpasteurized milk together with foods made from unpasteurized milk
- Chilled meat spreads and pate
- Hot dogs, cold cuts and meat snacks
- Seafood, meats and eggs - undercooked or raw
- Smoked seafood
FAITH OF THE MOTHING AND RECOMP The oils and fats on your pregnancy food list should be from plant sources. Solid fat intake should be limited. Solid fats come from animal food sources and are commonly found in processed foods.
Pregnancy shopping list to avoid
Remove these foods from your pregnancy shopping list
One last note on making a shopping list for a healthy pregnancy .