Baby musk turtle food
Mud and Musk Turtle Care Sheet
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View Mud and Musk Turtles
Most mud and musk turtles are small, hardy, and inquisitive, making them some of the best turtles to keep indoors. A large aquarium with a pair of musk turtles, good filtration, and plenty of driftwood and aquatic plants makes an ideal turtle display.
There are nineteen species of mud and musk turtles ranging from the northeastern United States and south to Central and South America.
Most musk turtle hatchlings are very small. These small babies, however, are great feeders and are very hardy. Offer them an enclosure with water that is filtered and warmed to the 74-78° F (23-26° C) range. They need to be able to climb out of the water to bask, so keep the water level low (3-4 inches), offer them plenty of decorations, and place UVB-emitting bulbs over them. The decorations should provide them underwater exploration sites and also break the surface of the water to offer a good basking site. A spotlight with a low-wattage bulb (40-watt or 60-watt) should be placed over the most accessible basking spot. This basking spot should reach 85° F (29° C) during the hottest part of the turtle’s afternoon. Young musk and mud turtles will feed on a variety of food. They love guppies and mosquito larvae and will feed on blackworms and small redworms and will soon begin taking a variety of commercial pelleted food.
Most remain small, with Common Musk Turtles (Stinkpots) reaching only 4 inches. Most of the Central American species reach 6-7 inches and the very aggressive Giant Musk Turtle (Staurotypus triporcatus) can grow to 15 inches.
Musk turtles make great display animals in aquariums. They cruise along the underwater scenery and hang onto ledges and branches like miniature mountain climbers. They do need to bask so make sure some of their tank's decorations break the surface of the water. Large slabs of slate and driftwood logs have proven to be very effective basking spots.
Many species of musk turtles are found in spring-fed streams. Therefore, most mud and musk turtles will thrive in water that is soft, clean, oxygenated and with plenty of underwater decorations. Water temperature is best kept at 76-78° F (24-26° C) with a decrease in winter and an increase in the spring to stimulate breeding.
The larger species (Kinosternon scorpioides, Staurotypus triporcatus, S. salvini, etc.) will enjoy a deeper setup. To dissuade aggression in these larger species, we add lots of hiding places such as sections of clay or PVC pipe to give the smaller turtles, females uninterested in breeding, and subordinate males a place to escape.
Both indoors and outdoors, mud and musk turtles can be kept successfully with other species as a clean-up crew for fallen food. Use PVC pipes, driftwood, and rock piles to keep combative males away from each other or even better, set up small groups of one male and two or three females per enclosure. They will feed on most types of food and will usually climb up and lay their eggs alongside the other turtles of the enclosure.
Mud and musk turtles eat commercial aquatic turtle diets well, but need some fish and invertebrates in their diet. They are especially fond of snails, guppies, minnows (shiners), earthworms, and redworms.
Like all basking turtles, mud and musk turtles are susceptible to vitamin A and D3 deficiencies. Be sure to offer them a variety of food. For those not given access to direct sunlight, make sure their food contains the proper amount and ratio (2:1) of calcium and vitamins and to have UVB-emitting bulbs overhead.
Those species naturally found in clear, oxygenated streams, often exhibit eye and skin problems if kept in unclean water. Pinkish skin, a pinkish plastron, and puffy skin or eyes are signs that the water quality is poor. Direct sunlight and warm, clean, aerated water will resolve most minor health issues.
Common Musk or Stinkpot Musk Turtles
Stinkpot Musk Turtle (Kinosternon odoratus) – From New England to Florida and Wisconsin, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. 5 inches (12 cm) Babies from 2.2 to 2.9 grams (Tiedemann, pers. com.) These turtles bask high above the water in nature, dropping as much as 18 inches down to the water below when disturbed.
- Wikipedia – Mud and Musk Turtles
- Christianson, J.
L. and A. E. Dunham. 1972. Reproduction of the Yellow Mud Turtle (Kinosternon flavescens flavescens) in New Mexico. Herpetologica 28: 130-137.
- Cox, W. A., M. C. Nowak, and K. R. Marion. 1980. Observations on the Mating Behavior in the Musk Turtle, Sternotherus minor, J. Herp. 14, 200-204.
- Ernst, C. H., J. E. Lovich, and R. W. Barbour. 1994. Turtles of the United States and Canada, Smithsonian Institution Press.
- Gurley, R. 2003. Keeping and Breeding Freshwater Turtles. Living Art publishing. Ada, Oklahoma.
- Gurley, R. 2005. Turtles in Captivity. ECO Herpetological Publishing and Distribution. Lansing, Michigan.
- Pewtress, R. K. 1990. The Stinkpot Musk Turtle; its Natural History and Captive Maintenance. Reptiles (ed. J. Cooke), Proceedings of the 1988 UK Herp Society Symposium on Captive Breeding.
- Pritchard, P. 1979. Encyclopedia of Turtles. TFH, Inc. Neptune, New Jersey.
What Do Musk Turtles Eat? Full Guide for a Healthy Diet
Musk Turtles, also known as the Stinkpot, is named after the foul, musky odor it releases when threatened. Stinky or not, musk turtles have a feisty and fun personality, making them a great pet. Plus, they make wonderful life companions as they can live between 30 and 50 years old — as long as they’re healthy — so make sure you give them proper care and the best diet.
Musk turtles are omnivores and have an appetite for various aquatic foods, meat, insects, and vegetables. These turtles usually prefer fresh and live foods but will easily accept dried foods when their favorite foods are unavailable.
In captivity, a varied diet will ensure a musk turtle lives a long and healthy life. Keep reading as I discuss what you should feed your musk turtle and what not to feed it.
Table of Contents
What Can You Feed Your Musk Turtles?
In the wild, these omnivores enjoy munching on small fish, insects, and plants. The same can be said to musk turtles living in captivity; most of them enjoy a varied diet as well.
You can feed your musk turtles with their favorite foods, including crickets, earthworms, redworms, dragonflies, small shrimps, snails, and crayfish. Musk turtles also enjoy high-quality pellets as well as meats like chicken, turkey, beef, and pork, and vegetables such as kale, spinach, and celery.
There are many more food options your musk turtles will appreciate. Read on as I share with you what you should give to your musk turtles.
Insects and Worms (But Never Wild Ones)
Musk turtles love eating various insects, including crickets, earthworms, redworms, dubia cockroaches, locusts, dragonflies, and damselfly nymphs. Experiment with different insects and figure out which ones your turtles like most.
Avoid feeding your turtles any insect caught from the wild as they may carry harmful parasites. Instead, buy the insects from reputable pet supply stores or try growing them yourself.
Fresh or Dry Aquatic Foods
Musk turtles are also fond of various small fish and aquatic prey. You can emulate their wild diet by feeding them small shrimps, minnows, guppies, small snails, mollusks, and crayfish.
Live aquatic foods are preferred since they encourage healthy hunting behaviors in your turtles. That said, dried foods, such as Aquatic Freeze Dried Shrimp & Mealworms and Zoo Med Sun Dried Large Red Shrimp from are acceptable alternatives that are high-quality and protein-rich.
Just like with insects, it’s not recommended to feed your turtles wild aquatic animals. Instead, purchase them from reputable pet supply stores, or if you have the space and patience, try growing them yourself.
Commercial Foods
Commercial foods are also an excellent addition to musk turtles’ diet. High-quality pellets can help ensure your turtles get adequate nutrition. Commercial foods can be a fantastic staple food if you can’t feed your turtles fresh or live foods.
I recommend that you purchase pellets formulated specifically for turtles and ensure they’re suitable for your turtles’ life stages.
You can try Zoo Med Musk Turtle Food and Exo Terra Adult Aquatic Turtle Food from Amazon. com for adult musk turtles. These popular choices are good for small breeds. Meanwhile, Exo Terra Hatchling Aquatic Turtle Food and Tetrafauna Baby Turtle Formula Sticks from are highly recommended for younger turtles.
Other Meat Products
Musk turtles can also enjoy other meat products, such as chicken, turkey, beef, and pork. It’s best to cook the meat first without seasoning or additives to prevent salmonella poisoning or other health issues.
That said, this type of food can dirty their habitat faster than other types of food. So, it’s best to only give your turtles meat occasionally as a treat.
Can Musk Turtles Eat Fruit or Vegetables?
Musk turtles can and will eat fruits and vegetables. Make sure to wash them to get rid of harmful microbes and parasites. If needed, cut them into smaller pieces so that it’s easier for your turtles to munch on them.
Every musk turtle is different; some may enjoy munching on greens, while some may turn up their noses and refuse to eat anything green. Try experimenting with different veggies and see if your musk turtles like anything.
Avoid feeding your turtles vegetables that contain little to no nutritional value, such as mushrooms, cucumbers, and eggplants. Instead, provide the turtles with fresh, nutritious vegetables, such as kale, collard, mustard greens, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, celery, and watercress.
How Often Should You Feed Musk Turtles?
How often a musk turtle should be fed changes as they grow. Hatchlings and juveniles are more carnivorous, as they need more nutrients and need to be fed smaller meals more often. Meanwhile, adult musk turtles grow to like leafy greens and can go longer periods without food.
Musk Turtles’ Feeding Habits
Adult musk turtles and hatchlings have different feeding habits. It’s essential to feed them accordingly so they can thrive and live long healthy lives.
Let’s take a deeper look into musk turtles’ feeding habits in different stages of life.
Hatchlings and Juveniles
Feed hatchlings and juveniles every day to keep them healthy and happy. You may feed them once a day or split their meals for morning and night.
Only feed your turtles what they can eat within 5 minutes. Or if that’s confusing, their daily meal should only amount to how much can fit inside their heads, minus the necks.
Be careful not to overfeed your baby musk turtles. Too much food at once may hurt their tiny stomachs. Even if they don’t eat everything, the leftover food might disintegrate and create waste in their habitat.
For young musk turtles, commercial foods are often the best choice. Pellets formulated for baby turtles have balanced nutrition and higher protein contents, excellent for encouraging healthy growth.
You can feed multiple pellet brands or types to your hatchlings and juveniles. The key is to give them to your turtles in a rotation to maximize the health benefits.
Additionally, you can also supplement the pellets with meat products, insects, or small fish. Be sure to cut those foods into smaller pieces so your baby musk turtles can enjoy them more easily.
Adult musk turtles can go longer without food. It’s recommended to feed adult turtles twice or thrice a week. Again, only feed your turtles what they can finish within 5 to 10 minutes or what can fit inside their heads. Just like with younger turtles, you can also split their meals for morning and night.
Resist overfeeding your turtles as it can cause them to become obese and more prone to various health issues. Leftover food can also pollute and poison their habitat. Always remove any leftover food and make sure to give them slightly less food next time.
Feed adults a more varied diet of commercial foods, small prey, and vegetation. Avoid feeding them too much protein as it can cause various diseases, such as a pyramiding shell.
Do Musk Turtles Need Supplements?
Musk turtles often need multivitamin and calcium supplements to ensure their health, as most don’t get enough vitamin A, vitamin D, and calcium from their regular diet. Turtles of all ages need multivitamins once a week. Give calcium supplements to hatchlings every day or 3 times a week for adults.
Keep in mind, if musk turtles are provided a varied diet, supplementation may not be necessary.
In general, musk turtles aren’t fussy eaters. So, as long as you feed them a healthy and proper diet, they should be able to live long and happy lives.
As with most reptiles, it’s best to emulate their natural diet in the wild to ensure their health. That said, you don’t need to swear off commercial foods either. High-quality commercial foods can also provide musk turtles with adequate nutrition if fresh or live foods aren’t available.
Also, be careful not to overfeed your musk turtles and feed them properly according to their different life stages.
- Chicago Exotics Animal Hospital: Musk Turtle Care
- Berkshire Museum: Musk Turtles: Smelly but Cute
- Amphibians and Reptiles of North Carolina: Common Musk Turtle
- Animal Hype: Musk Turtle As Pets: Ultimate Guide To Caring For Common Musk Turtles
- Turtle Owner: What Vegetables Can Musk Turtles Eat?
- Turtle Holic: What Vitamins Do Turtles Need?
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How and what to feed red-eared, marsh and other aquatic turtles
Aquatic ornamental turtles are frequent inhabitants of home aquariums. These cute reptiles are very fond of children and adults. In order for the turtle to live a long and fulfilling life in a closed tank, you need to create appropriate living conditions for it and pay special attention to the right diet.
In this article, we will look at popular brands of complete food and treats for aquatic turtles, how many times a day, at what time and how to feed them correctly, whether turtles need mineral and vitamin supplements, differences in the diet of adults and small pets, as well as depending on from the type of turtle.
Features of feeding aquatic turtles
Aquatic turtles eat plant and animal food. During the period of growth and formation of the body, turtles need food rich in protein. Natural products can be added to the diet in combination with ready-made dry food designed specifically for aquatic turtles.
Natural products are served to turtles in small pieces. A single portion is determined so that in a 30-minute snack, the turtle can completely eat the entire piece of food served. For young reptiles, 2-3 pieces of 1 cm3 are usually enough, and for feeding adult turtles, the size of the pieces should be slightly increased. If after a snack there is a half-eaten piece in the aquarium, the portion can be reduced at the next feeding.
A few more important rules for feeding aquatic turtles:
- natural food should be thermally processed before feeding the reptile;
- food served must be at room temperature;
- food can be placed in the aquarium in a special feeder located on the ground in order not to pollute the water;
- feeding with tweezers is allowed;
- To create a balanced diet, you can combine prepared food with natural food.
Overview of artificial food for turtles
Dry food is recommended not as a main food for aquatic turtles, but as a complementary food that goes well with natural food.
The range of dry food for aquatic turtles includes a large selection of products from different world manufacturers. We will briefly review the types of artificial food and other healthy treats for pet reptiles.
Complete dry food
Complete dry food can be given to baby and adult turtles every day. The composition of such a product includes useful components of plant and animal origin, selected taking into account all the requirements of the reptile's body.
Popular brands:
- Sera;
- Zoomir;
- Tetra ReptoMin;
- Dajana.
Non-complete feeds are classified as Treats. They can only be given to adult turtles and no more than once a week.
Popular treats:
- JBL Tortil;
- Tetra ReptoDelica Snack;
- Sera Raffy Royal;
- Zoomir "Tortila M" Strong shell, etc.
Vitamin-mineral complexes
At home, turtles cannot get all the trace elements necessary for their body, which they extract in the natural environment. So that the reptile does not get sick and feels good, it must be periodically fed with special vitamin and mineral supplements. You can buy ready-made complexes in pet supply stores.
Vitamin and mineral supplements for turtles:
- MIX – mineral supplement with calcium;
- MIX - general strengthening supplement;
- mineral block "Tortila";
- Beaphar Turtle Vitamin - vitamin complex;
- FIORY Tarta Vigor - feed supplement with vitamins;
- mineral block Ca+D3 "Tortila M";
- Sera vitamins;
- Dajana – mineral stone for aquatic turtles.
Adult tortoise and small pet diet
The diet of aquatic turtles must be combined - natural food in combination with artificial food. Consider what foods can and cannot be given to aquarium reptiles.
Useful and harmful natural products for aquatic turtles:
- You can give low-fat river fish in crushed form with chopped bones.
You can not feed turtles with bony and oily fish.
- May be fed with live gammarus and small crustaceans.
- Raw shrimp and crabs are allowed.
- Turtles should not be fed squid, although they love them very much.
- It is strictly forbidden to give reptiles the meat of terrestrial animals and factory meat products (sausages, canned food, etc.). The digestive system of reptiles does not absorb such food.
- Occasionally, you can treat the turtle with pieces of beef heart and liver. These products feed the body with vitamin A.
- It is allowed to feed the reptile with food mice and frogs.
- Turtles can be given natural plant foods such as carrots, lettuce, apple pulp, herbs, sprouted oats and barley.
- Non-poisonous grassland plants, as well as algae and some types of aquatic plants, can be included in the diet.
- Limited pieces of pear, watermelon, melon, banana, apricot and raspberry are served.
- Do not give turtles citrus fruits, nuts, soybeans, beans, cabbage, bread, flour products, cereals, fish waste, dairy products, chicken eggs.
- Foods high in phosphorus, stromagenic substances and oxalates are harmful to reptiles.
- With pleasure and benefit, turtles eat various insects and larvae living in the water. They can be fed with coretra, bloodworms, locusts, crickets, fly larvae, earthworms and moths. The insect must first be decapitated. Can be given dried, frozen, or live.
- Live and thawed mollusks, land snails, snails, marizas, etc. are well absorbed by the reptile organism. But it is better not to treat a turtle with slugs without shells.
Turtle menu specifics depending on their species
Water turtles are more often predators, so the basis of their diet is food of animal origin. If your aquarium has a semiaquatic or marsh reptile that prefers vegetarian food, the diet will be based on plant foods. In any case, the nutrition for the turtle must be balanced and varied so that the body of the domestic reptile fully receives all the necessary substances and trace elements.
Features of the diet of turtles of different species:
- The red-eared turtle prefers fry, small fish with bones, insect larvae, chicken fillet, gammarus and shrimp. From plant foods, you can give apples, lettuce and slices of fresh cucumber.
- Chinese amphibian Trionix enjoys beef liver, heart, lean fish, fry and small frogs. From plant foods, she will like fresh herbs and slices of tomato.
- The European bog turtle loves lean meats, fish with small bones, and plant foods.
- Musk turtle prefers to feed on algae, fish and aquatic insects.
How often and at what time to feed the turtles
It is recommended to feed the turtle at the same time. The first three years of life they are fed once a day, mainly food of animal origin. As they grow, the need for such food is lost, so plant foods and dry food become the main part of the diet.
Adult turtles are fed once every 2-3 days. In summer, turtles eat more often, but in small portions, and in winter they may not eat for several days, and then gladly absorb the increased portion. In the cold season, it is recommended to add vitamin and mineral supplements to the turtle's diet.
After the turtle has been fed, the remains of food are removed from the aquarium. In the subsequent feeding, fresh food is served. You can not feed the reptile with spoiled foods, they can cause poisoning of the body.
Major Owner Mistakes
Beginning pet turtle owners often make feeding and diet mistakes that can cause serious health problems for the reptile.
The most common owner mistakes are:
- feeding the turtle food from his table - salty, fried, smoked and seasoned dishes are very dangerous for the body of turtles;
- regular feeding with vitamin and mineral supplements - such complexes should not be given to turtles more than once a week;
- make up an unbalanced diet, for example, they regularly treat a reptile with fish, forgetting about the need to feed other healthy foods, which leads to an excess of vitamin B and a lack of other trace elements in the body.
These are the most common mistakes in feeding domestic aquatic turtles, as a result of which reptiles develop various health problems.
The following symptoms testify to improper feeding of the tortoise: coordination of the movement of the reptile is disturbed, it refuses to eat, shows lethargy, and motor activity decreases. An unbalanced diet of small turtles leads to improper development of the body and growth retardation. To eliminate such health problems for the turtle, make up a healthy and balanced diet for it!
Never try to treat a water turtle yourself. If there are certain symptoms that indicate an unhealthy condition, seek the help of a veterinarian specializing in the treatment of domestic reptiles. An experienced specialist will also tell you in detail how and what to properly feed waterfowl aquarium turtles.
Proper nutrition is the key to a healthy and long life of a domestic reptile!
Muscovy turtle: maintenance and care, description, reproduction, photo.

Nevada 1976 Muscovy turtle: maintenance and care, description, reproduction, photo. 0 Comment
This representative of the family of silt turtles has settled in amateur aquariums for a long time. The reptile is unpretentious, has a modest size and does not require complex care, which makes it popular in many countries. Calm but not always peaceful, the Muscovy Turtle makes an excellent pet that can live for over 20 years in captivity.
Common musk turtles are found in muddy waters in the eastern and southeastern United States, and can also be found in southeastern Canada. The animal's lifestyle is exclusively aquatic, so there are individual specimens overgrown with algae.
The musk turtle spends almost all of its waking time in search of food, slowly moving along the bottom of the reservoir in which it lives, but at the same time it can swim quite tolerably. This species of animals leaves the expanses of water extremely rarely, mainly only for laying eggs or during precipitation. The time of greatest activity is twilight and night.
At times, musk turtles can be seen on the surface, when they expose their shell to the warm rays of the sun and bask, sometimes they even climb onto branches that bend towards the water, and in case of the slightest danger, they quickly capsize back into a safe reservoir.
This species of turtle spends the cold season at the bottom of the reservoir, burrowing deep into the silt. If for some reason the reservoir dries up, then the turtles go in search of a new shelter, at such moments you can even find them in the snow.
External description
A sharp, persistent and unpleasant musky smell released by turtles at the moment of danger from the glands located under the shell, gave the name to this subspecies. The local population in everyday life calls them simply "stinkers" or "stinky Jim".
Despite the ability to swim well, most of the time he spends slowly moving along the bottom of the reservoir in search of food.
The carapace in this subspecies of turtles has an oblong oval shape, with an average length of about 8-10 cm, extremely rare, in large individuals it can reach a maximum of 14 cm. Young representatives of musk turtles also have 3 longitudinal ridges. The plastron, movably connected to the main part in the anterior lobe, also has an oval shape, a small size, and an inconspicuous ligament and 11 scutes. But, despite the movable connection, the scope of movements in this part of the musk turtles is extremely limited, therefore, unlike their closing counterparts, they are unable to close the anterior opening.
The color of the head and neck of musk turtles is dull, dirty brown with a light pattern in the form of stripes.
A shortened plastron, a blunt crest, an elongated tail and the absence of spiny scales on the inside of the hind legs distinguish males from females. By the way, the scales, which were previously called the "chirp organ", help the male to keep the partner in place during mating.
A similar name, still often found in popular literature, scales earned due to the sound they make when they rub against each other with bent limbs. The sound made at the same time is very reminiscent of a bird's chirp or cricket's rolls. The long and agile neck of the common musk turtle allows it not only to reach its own hind legs, but also to sharply bite a careless owner who dares to take it in his hands.
Musky turtles are distinguished from other species by small, wart-like growths located on the neck and lower jaw.
Natural Enemies
All turtles have strong armor, but it, oddly enough, does not guarantee their complete safety - the threat comes from a considerable number of enemies that live in water and on land. The biggest fault in the extermination of reptiles lies with people who harvest turtles for their eggs, meat, beautiful shell, and sometimes just out of boredom.
Beasts of prey
Wild big cats and foxes have learned to split strong carapaces, dropping turtles from a height onto stones . A jaguar, for example, so carefully (according to eyewitnesses) pulls a reptile out of its shell, as if it were using not claws, but a thin sharp blade. At the same time, the predator is rarely content with one turtle, but immediately turns several on its back, choosing a flat (without vegetation) area. On such a cutting board, the reptile cannot cling to something, stand up and crawl away.
Birds of prey
Large birds lift musk turtles into the sky and throw them onto rocks to peck out the contents of the cracked shell. Even crows prey on small reptiles, which should be taken into account when keeping turtles in the open. It is better to cover the aviary with a net or follow the pet when it crawls out to warm itself.
The natural diet of this reptile is quite diverse: crustaceans, mollusks, small fish, insects, aquatic plants, carrion. In an aquarium or aquaterrarium, a musk turtle can eat shrimp, mussels, snails, bloodworms, earthworms, fish fillets, crickets, cockroaches, plants (which they don’t really like). They should not be denied dry food for turtles. To avoid water pollution, it is recommended to feed the turtles on their own, or in a specially designated place.
Young turtles love to feed on aquarium fish such as guppies, zebrafish, rasboras. Therefore, they are not suitable for neighborhood with fish. Feeding adults - 2-3 times a week in such portions that the animal eats everything, but you should not overfeed. Even turtles can be obese.
Housing conditions
For 1-3 turtles, you will need an aquarium with a volume of at least 60 liters, filled with water to a level of 15 cm, with a total tank height of 25 cm. Place stones and driftwood in the nursery. For young turtles, part of the land and a small amount of water should be left (they do not swim well). Both juveniles and adults climb driftwood to get fresh air.
In the aquarium you need to put a quality filter, if there is none, update 30% of the water yourself every week, with dirty water you need to remove all litter and dirt. Fresh water should be of the same parameters as the "old" one (temperature, acidity, hardness). Running tap water that has been infused for several days is also suitable.
How does reproduction take place?
At the age of about one year, the common musk turtle reaches sexual maturity. The mating process takes place in the water, after fertilization, the female can remain fertile for about four more years. Clutch, usually consisting of 2-7 eggs, occurs in the spring-summer period, from April to July. The eggs are covered with a fragile hard shell, the female places them in a small self-dug hole in the ground or in a natural depression, it is not uncommon for them to not bother digging nests at all, leaving future offspring just on the surface.
Eggs mature in 2-3.5 months, the optimum ambient temperature should be within 25-29⁰ C. Hatched turtles grow quite quickly.
This subspecies of turtles has a high breeding rate, so the threat of extinction does not hang over them.
Arrangement of a land island
Since these turtles are aquatic inhabitants and breathe underwater with their tongue, they do not need land to rest like other reptiles. They need a narrow coastal strip only for leaving offspring. You can separate the water and the shore using a glass plate, an artificial mound of sand or brickwork. On land, a container with low sides is installed, filled with a layer of sand, which should be pre-washed.
Breeders from Central Europe often move their wards to outdoor small reservoirs for the summer, such an environment is as close to natural conditions as possible. For a group of reptiles, a rather voluminous tank is required - this is the only way the inhabitants will not compete for food and territory.