Baby wriggling while feeding
16 Reasons Behind a Baby Squirming When Breastfeeding
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Do you ever feel like your baby is constantly squirming when you’re breastfeeding? It can be really frustrating but don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many mothers experience this phenomenon. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the possible reasons why your baby is squirming and how to deal with it. We hope that this information will help make breastfeeding a more enjoyable experience for both you and your little one.
When breastfeeding, it’s normal for your baby to squirm and move around.
Babies often squirm when they’re breastfeeding because it feels good and they’re getting milk. However, if your baby is squirming a lot, seems to be in pain, or is just being a fussy baby, it may be a sign that something isn’t quite right.
In most cases, baby squirming is nothing to worry about. However, in this article, we’ll discuss possible causes behind squirminess during feeding time and important things you should keep in mind.
Table Of Contents
- Reasons Why a Baby Squirms While Breastfeeding
- Slow Letdown
- Fast letdown
- Gas
- Hunger
- Tiredness
- Overstimulation
- Growth Spurt/Developmental Leap
- Diaper
- Distracted
- Uneven Breasts
- Reflux
- Thrush
- Positioning
- Teething
- Illness
- Finished Eating
- Is baby squirming a cause for concern?
- How can I make breastfeeding more comfortable for my baby?
- What should I do if my baby is in pain while breastfeeding?
- More Articles You May Enjoy:
Reasons Why a Baby Squirms While Breastfeeding
There are some common reasons why breastfed babies squirm while breastfeeding. In most cases, baby squirming is just a sign that they’re comfortable and get all the milk they need. However, there are a few things that might be the culprit your baby is squirming excessively or seems to be in discomfort.
These are the top reasons:
- Gas
- Slow letdown
- Fast letdown
- Hunger
- Tiredness
- Overstimulation
- Growth Spurt/Developmental Leap
- Diaper
- Distracted
- Uneven Breasts
- Reflux
- Thrush
- Positioning
- Teething
- Illness
- Finished Eating
Slow Letdown
If your baby is squirming and seems frustrated, it could be because your milk is taking too long to let down. When the baby begins to nurse, they stimulate the release of oxytocin, which causes the milk to let down. In some cases, this process can take a few minutes. If baby gets impatient, they may start to squirm.
To help with a slower letdown, you can :
- Do breast compressions/massage before and during your nursing session
- Hand express to a letdown for a particularly fussy baby
- Switchback and forth every 1-2 minutes to keep baby engaged and to help elicit the letdown
Fast letdown
If your baby is squirming because of a fast or overactive letdown, it may be because the milk is coming out too quickly for them to handle. Managing a fast letdown can be tricky – sometimes they happen because of an oversupply of milk, while other times it just happens.
Certain positions can be better for a fast letdown than others. Some women find success with blocking off a milk duct by gently applying pressure in a “karate chop” position to the breast.
Another common reason baby is squirming might be because they have a lot of gas in their tummy. This can sometimes make the baby feel uncomfortable or bloated, which can lead to excessive squirming.
This is common in the early days of breastfeeding, due to infants having immature digestive systems. It can also happen if they have a poor latch which makes them bring in a lot of air, from a fast letdown where they get a fast flow of milk, or because of food allergies/intolerances.
Here is a great article about the different causes behind a gassy baby. But sometimes, all you need to do is help your baby get a good burp to help with gas issues.
Your baby might just simply be hungry – which might make them more impatient for a letdown. If you find that this is happening frequently, you may want to pay closer attention to early hunger signs to ensure you are feeding your baby when they are in the early hunger stages – not the late.
If the baby is squirming and seems to be falling asleep, it could be a sign that they’re tired. When a baby is tired, they may start to fuss and squirm. They may settle and fall asleep as they start to nurse, or they may just not want to eat right then. Try giving them a short nap and try to feed them again later.
Another common reason for baby squirming is overstimulation. When a baby is breastfeeding, they are also taking in all the sights and sounds around them. This can be overwhelming for them, causing them to squirm and try to escape the situation.
Growth Spurt/Developmental Leap
The baby may be squirming because of growth spurts or a developmental leap. During these times, babies may be extra hungry and need more milk to keep up with their growing bodies.
During these times, they can be more interested in the world around them and have less patience. In this situation, just try and offer the breast as much as you can and be patient – this stage will pass!
A wet or dirty diaper can also cause the baby to squirm. If a baby’s diaper is full, they will squirm and cry until you change it. Some babies are more sensitive to soiled diapers than others, so you may want to make a habit of making sure your baby has a clean diaper before feeding.
Your baby may squirm if they’re getting distracted while breastfeeding. This is common if the baby is trying to look around the room or if there’s something else going on that’s grabbing their attention.
Here is some great advice on how to manage distracted nursing – 14 Tips for Surviving Distracted Nursing.
Uneven Breasts
Most women have a “slacker” side, or one side that seems to have a slower flow or produce less milk. If your baby doesn’t like that side as much, they may squirm more to show their dissatisfaction.
More on this topic – Lopsided Breastfeeding? How to Fix a Slacker Breast
If a baby has gastroesophageal reflux disease, they may start to squirm and cry at the breast. This is because the acid from their stomach is coming back up, causing them to feel uncomfortable.
Laidback nursing can be helpful as it keeps your baby in a more upright position. Chiropractic adjustments can also be really helpful for helping with reflux.
If a baby is squirming because of thrush, it’s important to take them to the doctor for treatment. Thrush can make the baby uncomfortable and fussy while breastfeeding, so it’s essential to get medical help right away.
Sometimes your baby just doesn’t like the position they are in, and they are squirming to get more comfortable!
There are different positions you can try and experiment with. While a newborn baby can’t tell you why they are uncomfortable, sometimes a different position is just the trick. I am personally a fan of the cross-cradle hold and side-lying.
The baby may start to squirm and cry when they’re teething. This is because the pain from teething can be uncomfortable and the baby may want to find a way to relieve it.
If a baby seems to be fussy all the time, it could be a sign that they are sick. the baby may start to squirm if their illness is causing them discomfort or pain. Ear infections are one of the more common ailments to cause a disruption to breastfeeding.
Finished Eating
If the baby seems to be done nursing, it may be a sign that they are full and no longer need any more milk. In this case, you should try burping the baby and then putting them down for a nap or cuddle session. Ultimately, the best thing you can do is pay attention to the baby’s cues and respond accordingly to their needs.
Is baby squirming a cause for concern?
The good news is, this type of behavior while breastfeeding is not usually a cause for concern. However, if you have any concerns, make sure you reach out to a lactation professional or your child’s care provider.
Here are a few signs that maybe this squirming is more than just normal infant behavior:
- baby’s fussiness occurs all day long
- poor weight gain
- drop in diaper output
- frequently falling asleep at the breast before taking in a full feed
When you are trying to determine the cause of the squirming, here are a few questions to consider:
- Is it happening at the start, middle, or end of the feed
- Does it last the whole feed or just for a short time?
- Will they still nurse?
- Is it combined with other fussy behavior?
- Are you experiencing cracked or damaged nipples?
How can I make breastfeeding more comfortable for my baby?
There are a few things you can do to make breastfeeding more comfortable for your baby. Here are some things to try:
- Try a new position
- Remove distractions
- Do skin-to-skin contact
- Nurse in a bath
- Burp baby
- Stop and try again later
- Ensure a good latch
- Determine underlying causes
What should I do if my baby is in pain while breastfeeding?
If baby squirming is accompanied by signs of pain or discomfort, such as increased agitation, pulling away from the breast, and grimacing, you should consider reaching out to a medical professional In some cases, baby squirming may be a symptom of an underlying condition that requires treatment.
To get help for your baby, speak to your doctor or a lactation consultant. They can help you identify the root cause of the baby’s discomfort and work with you to come up with an appropriate treatment plan.
If your baby is squirming a lot, it could be for any number of reasons. Hopefully, the tips in this post have given you some ideas on how to troubleshoot and alleviate the problem – most of the time, this is just a normal stage that will get better after a short time.
Always remember to consult with your pediatrician if you’re concerned about your baby’s health or well-being. And please share with us what solutions worked best for you in the comments below!
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Katie Clark, CLE, CBS
Katie Clark is a Certified Lactation Educator, Certified Breastfeeding Specialist, and IBCLC student. She has helped thousands of mothers and families around the globe navigate breastfeeding challenges and questions since 2015. She has a passion for creating research-based, helpful breastfeeding education and helping parents find a way to make breastfeeding work for them. Katie is a mom of three little boys and lives in the great state of Colorado. She also has a degree in Communications with an emphasis in print journalism.
Why Is My Baby So Squirmy While Nursing? – Tabeeze
Let’s be real; we all envision nursing in that picturesque way. Baby suckling calmy, you relaxing as they feed — all in the world is right. The reality, however, is that feeding your little one can be tricky to get the hang of when they are a newborn.
Just like our babies are learning the rules of fine dining, so are we. Each baby nurses differently, with different habits and preferences. There’s no way to predict what our little ones will do; one child might tend to fall asleep while breastfeeding, and their sibling takes this as an opportunity to learn some new dance moves.
Being a new parent isn’t always easy, but we look forward to the challenge. If your baby seems to have ants in their pants (or diaper) when nursing, relax — that is much more normal than you think. Babies squirm while nursing for various reasons, including milk flow, latch position, growth spurts, or common early childhood conditions like colic.
At Tabeeze, we’ve got some ideas as to why your baby might be so squirmy while nursing. Below are ten common reasons babies move while feeding. We hope they help you get to the bottom of it with your little one.
You Have an Overactive Letdown
Ah, homophones. Let’s talk about “letdown.” While “letdown” can mean a disappointment, in this case, we’re talking about breast milk flow.
What Is Letdown?
Letdown is the technical term for the reflex that encourages the flow of breast milk brought on by two hormones: prolactin and oxytocin. Prolactin is what makes the milk, and oxytocin pushes the milk from the nipples.
At the start of any feed, your baby will suckle faster to encourage your body to produce more oxytocin and literally “let” your milk “down.” Some moms report tingling or feelings of fullness. Right after giving birth, brand-new mamas might feel their uterus contract at this point.
Sometimes, your milk comes down faster than your baby is prepared for or faster than they would like. This is called an “overactive/forceful letdown.” If your baby is coughing or squirming, it could be a sign that the letdown is a touch too fast for them.
How To Slow an Overactive Letdown?
Luckily, there are a few techniques to keep in your toolbelt if this is the case. Some mothers with an overactive letdown prefer to hand express or pump before their baby nurses at the breast. Especially if your breasts are engorged, this can reduce the pressure in your breast, thereby slowing the letdown.
Another technique is to gently push your hand into your breast or hold your nipple between your middle and forefinger as your baby drinks. Nursing positions that can make it a bit easier for your baby to nurse include the laid-back position and the football hold.
How To Correct Bottle Flow Problems
If you’re bottle-feeding and your baby is squirming, the reason could be somewhat related. If the milk flow from the bottle nipple is too rushed, try swapping it for a slower nipple type or helping your baby into a sitting position while bottle feeding.
Your Letdown Is Too Slow
Babies can be a tad picky sometimes, looking for the Goldilocks of breastfeeding situations. There is a chance that your baby is squirmy and wriggly because your letdown is slower than they would like — they want their food, and they want it now!
If your baby is crying, refusing the breast, or wiggling (or worst of all, biting the nipple), your letdown might be a bit slow for them. This can lead to some fussiness if your baby is hangry and doesn’t want to wait.
What Causes a Slower Letdown?
Slower letdowns can be caused by a number of things. Some possible lifestyle contributors include caffeine, smoking, or alcohol use. Other possible causes could be cold temperatures or breast surgery. Mental health issues like stress, exhaustion, and depression may also be behind this struggle.
If you’re bottle-feeding and the milk seems like it’s lagging, try swapping the bottle nipple or changing the baby’s position.
How To Help Speed Up Your Letdown
Some mothers find it helpful to stimulate their letdown by briefly pumping or hand expressing before breastfeeding. Breast massages and warm compresses might also be your new best friend. With time and some help (reach out to a local lactation consultant for advice), you and your baby can work together to get this feeding thing figured out.
Your Latch or Feed Position Needs Adjusting
In movies, it seems like babies instinctively know exactly how to breastfeed, instantly settling into the nook of their adoring mother’s arms.
Unfortunately, this is often more movie magic than real life. Some babies take to breastfeeding like a duck to water. Others might need a little bit of guidance. A good latch is something new to both you and your baby. If you’ve got a squirmy baby who can’t seem to find a comfy latch, you’re definitely not alone.
If your baby can’t seem to get a good latch, they probably aren’t getting as much milk as they should either. Your baby may be squirming because they’re uncomfortable or are struggling to access their dinner.
How To Adjust Your Latch
Think of this as a sign to adjust positions. Again, you and your baby are getting to know each other in a new way. Taking some time to figure out a comfy latch position can make a world of difference.
Just like we said: You’re not alone. Ask your healthcare provider, lactation consultant, or midwife to show you a few other latch positions that might be the perfect fit (literally).
Nursing in a calm, quiet place is also a great tip; even without the ability to check their email or Instagram, babies can get very distracted by the world around them.
Starting your feed with skin-to-skin contact may also help your baby breastfeed to the best of their ability.
What Are the Signs of a Good Latch?
Some indicators that your baby has a proper latch include:
- You aren’t in any pain.
- Your baby’s lips are turned out, and their chin rests on your breast.
- Your baby’s mouth isn’t clamped solely on the nipple but extends further around your breast.
As you keep trying new feed positions with your baby, you’re bound to find one that works for both of you and prevents any wiggling due to an improper latch.
Your Baby Is Full
We all know that “too full” feeling after a huge meal, and it is so uncomfortable. Our babies know this sensation as well.
Your baby might be squirming all around because they’re full. Their adorable squirming might be their way of letting you know they’re done.
Of course, we get used to how long our babies typically feed, but like our own hunger, this can vary. Your baby may be less hungry at some times than others; this isn’t necessarily a cause for concern, just something to keep an eye on.
They Have Tummy Issues
Squirming can signify some sort of bodily discomfort. Sometimes, breastfeeding is more art than science, and no matter how hard we try, not every feed is likely to be perfect.
Feeding can lead to some air in your baby’s belly, which means gas and burps are on the way. Trapped gas can make feeding itself and latch positions uncomfortable or even painful for your baby.
How To Burp a Baby
If your baby is squirming and it seems like gas might be the issue, practice some methods of getting that gas out. Pull your burping cloth out of your diaper bag (because you can never truly know how much spittle will come out).
There are several techniques for burping a baby, and only time and practice will let you know which works best for your family. Some babies will need to be burped more than others.
Keep in mind that gas might also be a product of other things like food sensitivity or overeating. If you suspect that to be the case, it’s time to have a chat with your pediatrician.
Once that gas is passed, you should find yourself with a much more content feeding baby. If their belly is happy, they are bound to squirm less and give you that award-worthy toothless smile once again.
Voila! Happy you and happy baby.
Your Baby Might Have Colic
If your baby is squirming with no solution in sight (especially if a lot of crying accompanies this), it could be the phenomenon known as colic. Colic is characterized by excessive crying from an infant who is otherwise perfectly healthy.
Colic vs. General Crying: Which Is Which?
Your infant may be experiencing colic if they follow the rule of threes. If the crying persists for more than three hours a day, for more than three days a week, and occurs for more than three weeks at a time — there’s a chance it’s colic.
Colic can be an extremely frustrating thing to tackle both for new parents and for your baby. This excessive crying can ultimately be painful for your baby and can increase some discomfort while feeding.
Any discomfort, whether emotional or physical, can cause squirming in your little one. Your baby may also be hungry but crying too much to want to eat: a terrible Catch 22.
When Does Colic Go Away?
Colic will eventually go away on its own. After three months of age, some babies will stop the unprompted crying spells. Most cases of colic dissipate by a baby’s six month birthday.
Sadly, there isn’t much we can do as new parents other than being patient, keeping them soothed, and ensuring you’ve crossed off any other possibilities as far as baby health and safety.
They Are Sick
Naturally, we don’t ever want our precious babies to get sick, but life happens. If it feels like you’ve exhausted any other options for why your baby is squirming, or you have a bad feeling about your baby’s health, it is possible they may not feel good. Even as adults, eating is the last thing you want to do when you feel sick.
If you have this worry, bring your infant to see their doctor. Even if it’s a mild bug, a doctor will be able to tell you how to proceed and how to keep your little one comfortable and on the mend.
Once they are feeling better, you should see your baby go right back to normal. Feeding patterns should return, and any squirmy behavior should subside. If this behavior doesn’t change once they are all healed up, consult a doctor or revisit other reasons for the squirming.
They Are Exploring and Curious
Your newborn is adjusting literally every day to being earthside. As they continue to grow, so does their awareness, which adds to curiosity about what is happening around them.
Feeding is such a comfortable and consistent thing in their lives that they feel safe and relaxed enough to explore their surroundings while eating. This can add to extra wriggling and squirming while they are feeding.
How To Minimize Distractions
Nursing in a dimly lit, quiet environment can help a baby zero in on the goal at hand: growing big and strong. Your baby might find a nice moment of zen with soft, peaceful music or a white noise machine in the background.
If you’re breastfeeding outside, a nursing cover can help your baby resist the temptation to partake in one of humanity’s favorite activities: people-watching while eating lunch.
Another reason your baby might be squirming is if they are teething. As we’ve already established, any form of discomfort can lead to extra movement while your baby feeds. Teeth coming in are definitely no exception.
Teething is painful for your tiny angel, and feeding could potentially intensify this pain. When teeth are growing in, a baby’s gums get extremely sore. This soreness and inflammation can make your baby’s mouth pretty painful when they’ve got to eat.
How To Soothe Teething Pain
If your baby is starting to teeth, causing lots of movement and wiggles in your feeding routine, you have some options. For example, your baby might like a frozen teething toy right before feeding. Opt for gentle, chemical-free options, like our personal favorite 100% organic cotton.
Your Baby Wants To Switch Breasts
That’s right… it really is possible that your baby is just picky. If your baby is fussy and you can’t figure out why it is possible, they may want to get switched to the other side of your chest. It can be that one breast produces more milk, or your baby is finished on one side and wants to eat more.
We know this sounds silly, but if you’ve got a little one who tends to be fussy, it may be that they want their favorite side. Generally, there’s no real harm in that, as long as you are able to keep your other side comfortable and pumped if necessary.
If your baby gets wriggly on one side but still seems to be hungry, it could be that they are ready to swap sides to get more milk as well.
Your Baby Feels Stressed
From time to time, things like feeding can be stressful for a newborn due in part to all its newness. If your baby feels stressed or frustrated, they might start to squirm.
One of the best remedies for a stressed baby (and parents) is a session of skin-to-skin contact or “kangaroo care.” Skin-to-skin contact helps promote healthier weights, slow rapid heart rates, boost the immune system, and more. Plus, it increases the presence of oxytocin, so baby and parent get a nice dose of the love hormone.
We suggest the Bottom-Up Bodysuit for easy access to skin-to-skin contact. This suit’s patented design allows you to undress your baby from the bottom-up since no calming session has ever involved maneuvering your baby’s head through the tiny gaps that onesies usually have.
You’ve Got This!
Whether the answer is a teething toy, a growing pain, some burping, or a comfier outfit, your baby will be calmer and happier, and you can be more anxiety-free.
At Tabeeze, we believe in making everything as stress-free for you, and as fuss-free for your baby, as possible. Good luck, parents – you’ve got this, and we are here to help.
Breastfeeding: Benefits, Considerations, How to, Supplies | Healthline
Why Babies Have A Favourite Boob When Breastfeeding | HuffPost Parents
Overactive Let-Down | Johns Hopkins Medicine
Steps and Signs of a Good Latch | WIC Breastfeeding Support
Burping Your Baby (for Parents) | Nemours KidsHealth
Colic | Johns Hopkins Medicine
Kangaroo Care: The Benefits of Skin-to-Skin Contact | Parents
90,000 12 causes of concern for a child when breastfeeding.
In the first weeks after birth, a newborn and his mother only get used to each other, and much of the baby's behavior is unclear to the mother. Why, for example, does a child worry at the breast during feeding? There are many reasons for this, and we decided to describe them and offer ways to overcome difficulties. Let's start with the cause of the child's anxiety, which mothers call the first, but which really exists least of all.
Lack of milk
This is the first thing that comes to the mind of a nursing mother whose baby cries a lot, including at the breast. One of the biggest challenges with breastfeeding, oddly enough, is that breastfeeding moms don't know exactly how much milk their babies are getting or if they're getting enough.
If your child is overly restless, most outside well-wishers will likely point out to you that the baby is probably hungry. Since you are a mother, such remarks can make you feel guilty. After all, it is your responsibility to feed the child! How to dispel doubts and fears associated with a lack of milk?
- Watch your baby urinate and defecate. After the sixth day of life, you should receive at least six wet diapers and one dirty diaper per day. If so, then your baby is getting enough milk.
- Frequent feedings are normal. In the first few weeks of life, a newborn usually needs 8-12 feedings per day. At the very beginning, you may at times have to keep it near your chest almost all the time. For several hours, he will demand it very often, and then fall asleep for four to five hours. As the baby learns to suckle more effectively, the number of feeds decreases.
- Keep track of your baby's weight. By two weeks, the baby should have regained the weight it was born with and gain at least 150 grams per week for the next two to three months.
If you are still worried that you are not getting enough milk, you may find it helpful to have a lactation consultant who will monitor, assess your baby's weight gain and suggest ways to increase your milk supply, if needed.
Swelling of the breast
Sometimes the child's restless behavior at the breast is caused by breast swelling. Excessive breast swelling most often occurs in the first weeks after childbirth. To reduce it, express some milk manually or with a quality breast pump to make the breast softer and easier for the baby to take it. Don't express too much milk, as this can cause you to produce too much milk later on, which will only make the swelling worse. Apply cold compresses to your breasts between feedings to reduce swelling and soreness.
Flat or indented nipples
Also, the baby may be nervous to latch onto the breast if the mother has flat or indented nipples. To stretch them, you can wear special pads between feedings. Turning on the pump for a few minutes before putting the baby to the breast will help elongate the nipples and also start the flow of milk so that the baby will immediately receive it and is more likely to continue sucking instead of dropping the breast and crying.
In some cases, a woman has to use pads that encourage sucking until her nipples become more prominent. This should happen after about two to four weeks of breastfeeding. If you are having trouble with flat or sunken nipples, seek help from a lactation consultant as soon as possible.
Incorrect attachment, awkward posture
Another cause of restless behavior at the chest is incorrect position . Both the mother and the baby may be uncomfortable, due to which the effect on the breast is not as it should be, and a sufficient flow of milk is disturbed. If your baby is very nervous, your best bet is to use the underarm position (when you hold the baby to your side, holding him tightly against your nearest breast) or the "cradle" position (when you hold the baby horizontally at your chest), as these positions allow you to control his head.
These postures allow you to guide the baby to the breast and hold him there. The baby's nose and chin should be pressed into the mother's chest. As a rule, he suckles better when his mother holds him tightly. If something makes you feel uncomfortable while feeding, contact a consultant. Perhaps this is the reason for your baby's anxiety.
Gastroesophageal reflux
Almost all children have some degree of gastroesophageal reflux. This medical term refers to a condition in which the annular muscle (sphincter) that blocks the entrance to the stomach has not yet fully formed and does not always completely close the opening. Because of this, some milk, along with gastric juice, can flow back into the esophagus, causing a sensation that we call "heartburn."
As anyone who has ever experienced it knows, it is quite an unpleasant sensation. Just as an adult can relieve heartburn by sitting with a straight back, a child can also usually benefit from being held upright.
Sometimes reflux can occur during feeding. Its appearance can be prevented by holding the child more upright or periodically taking breaks so that the baby “stood” a little. As the child develops, so does the musculature, so that cases of reflux become rarer.
Sometimes the problem is so severe that the child is unable to eat normally due to reflux. In such cases, you must consult a doctor.
Increased flatulence
All newborns have flatulence . When a child begins to eat, he starts reflex gas production, which is necessary for the waste generated during nutrition to be removed from the body more quickly. This prevents constipation.
Since breast milk is very easy to digest, it takes very little time for this food to pass through the baby's gastrointestinal tract. You can often hear characteristic sounds while the baby is still suckling. Although all children have gas, some tolerate it better than others. The time of day can also influence this. Apparently, the problem of flatulence becomes more noticeable at the end of the day. Traditionally, this time is considered the most hectic. The child seems to not want to let go of the breast at all, and this, in turn, can aggravate flatulence. This problem disappears on its own as the baby develops.
How to calm a crying baby
Many of the methods that promote calming are somehow related to the imitation of intrauterine conditions. Make sure that the air temperature is comfortable - not too hot and not too cool. Change diapers promptly. The baby can feel peace if he is held tightly to him or rocked. Swaddling or monotonous sounds - music or the buzzing of electrical appliances - may turn out to be effective. You can carry your baby in a sling, thereby providing him with comfort and getting the opportunity to do some business at the same time.
You can involve one of the family members in calming the child - for example, a father, grandmother or grandfather; in this case, the baby will not feel the smell of breast milk coming from the mother, which can excite him. In addition, this will give the mother the opportunity to devote some time to herself.
Physiological lactase deficiency
At the beginning of feeding, mother's milk is more saturated with milk sugar - lactose. It's called "front". After 10-15 minutes of feeding with the same breast, she begins to produce "hind" milk. It is richer in fats, which neutralize lactose and thereby reduce gas formation. If the baby is getting too much foremilk and not getting enough hindmilk, an excess of lactose and a lack of the lactase enzyme, which increases flatulence.
Try to have your baby suckle from one breast for at least 12-15 minutes to get the hind milk. When the baby grows up and sucks more efficiently, it will get to him in a shorter period of time after the start of feeding. Hindmilk has a calming effect and helps restless babies fall asleep. Most newborns naturally fall asleep at the end of a feed due to the calming action of hindmilk.
The baby chokes on milk
While the baby is just learning to breastfeed, the so-called milk ejection reflex can be too powerful for him and lead to him choking. Because of this, the baby can drop the breast and start to get nervous. Press firmly on the breast for about a minute to stop the too rapid flow of milk, and then put the baby back on the breast. Try expressing some milk before feeding and see if you can trigger the ejection reflex before the baby takes the breast. Feed your baby in the underarm position. As the baby gets older, it will be able to cope with the consequences of the milk ejection reflex in any position for feeding without any problems.
In rare cases, the baby becomes nervous and throws up the breast because of the soaps or creams you put on the breasts or nipples . If you start using some new remedy, and the child becomes more nervous, wash it off and start feeding again.
The baby may develop a yeast infection in the mouth or on the nipples - the so-called thrush. You will see white spots in the child's mouth.
Your nipples may become bright red or itchy and burn after feeding. During feeding, the baby may be more restless than usual.
See a doctor. If he confirms that you have a fungal infection, both you and the child will have to undergo treatment.
Too noisy and too bright
In some children, excessive anxiety is associated with overstimulation. They can behave more calmly during feeding if it takes place in a darkened and quiet room.
Wants to calm down with the breast
Before 12 weeks, babies have little ability to soothe themselves and often reach for the breast just for comfort. They begin to suck to calm down, not experiencing at this moment the need for food. For parents, this need of the baby should be on a par with all the other vital things that you provide to the child.
The main causes of restless behavior of the newborn disappear after the first six weeks. Some problems may exist for a little longer, but they are usually resolved by three months.
During this period, you must definitely take care of yourself. Eat well. Drink plenty of fluids and exercise outdoors. Try a variety of relaxation techniques—yoga, meditation, massage, or a warm bath—to help you get through the tough times.
Share your feelings with the child's father and other family members, and have them take turns comforting, lulling, and rocking the child.
Set small goals for yourself, like reading one chapter from a book or going for a walk for 15 minutes.
Group classes for young mothers are very useful, because there you will find out that other mothers and their children, like you and your child, go through exactly the same period of adjustment.
The main thing you need to remember is that this is a very short period in your own life and the life of your baby. Try to hug and cuddle your child as often as possible to help him get through a difficult time for him. Together you will succeed.
Why does the baby cry while breastfeeding
Yakovleva Ekaterina Andreevna
pediatrician, lactation consultant
Why does baby cry while breastfeeding? The answer may lie on the surface and depend on the situation. Some mothers themselves begin to put forward theories that are often incorrect - “I don’t have milk”, “I ate something wrong”, “The milk became tasteless and bitter”, “I shouldn’t have bought silicone pads” ... Consider the most frequent causes of crying at the breast and options for helping the baby together with Ekaterina Andreevna Yakovleva, pediatrician, breastfeeding consultant and mother of two babies. She knows about the tears of babies not only from professional, but also from maternal experience.
— Ekaterina Andreevna, is crying during feeding dangerous?
— Crying during feeding is a normal way for a baby to communicate with the outside world. So he calls his mother, shows that he wants to eat or something bothers him. The only thing that crying can affect is that the baby will come off the chest and take in air. This will lead to more abundant regurgitation, increased pain in the tummy.
Table. Newborn cries during feeding - 9 reasons0135
— Can a change in a baby's priorities affect his behavior at the breast?
- Up to three months, babies have one priority - they need to either eat and sleep or change a wet diaper. After the children become more active, they are already interested in the world around them. Therefore, when feeding in public places, and also when the mother combines the process with talking on the phone or watching TV, the child can be distracted: suck - turn away - suck, ask for different breasts in turn, indulge.
After three or four months, the baby should not be on the breast very often, but mothers find it difficult to readjust and continue to breastfeed constantly to soothe him. But in fact, the child’s needs are already different - he wants to be vilified on the handles, paid attention to him, played with him, showed him toys.
- Let's discuss misattachment in more detail. What can a mother do wrong if the child does not eat well and cries?
- A very common symptom of improper attachment or refusal of the breast is trouble-free feeding only in sleep. When the child sleeps, he eats calmly, and when he is awake, he begins to twist at the chest, cry. Mom can get tired of this, and in order to calm and feed the baby, during the day she gives him a bottle. In such a situation, it makes sense to talk about breastfeeding and work to restore normal feeding.
Problems may arise from awkward or repetitive posture during feeding. By trial and error, the mother should choose the position that will be most convenient for her and the child. However, if a baby is fed only lying down from birth, at an older age he may refuse to eat in his arms, break out and cry.
- Ekaterina Andreevna, everything is very individual for small children. How to understand why a child eats and cries?
— If the baby cries during feeding, the mother should examine the possible reasons for such behavior step by step and:
- Eliminate the reasons related to the child's well-being, which she can deal with herself.
- Practice breastfeeding techniques.
- Seek medical attention if all else fails - child continues to cry and has additional questionable symptoms.
A triad of symptoms that are always alarming
You should also consult a doctor if, during feeding, the child wriggles and cries from constant acute pain, cannot calm down, vomiting, blood and mucus in the stool, rashes in the mouth, stuffy nose are observed. Fever is an acute condition that is not associated with constant (for example, for a month) baby crying during feeding.
— What should I do if my baby refuses to breastfeed?
— The main thing for a mother is to remain calm and adequate. For a breastfed baby, one break can last an hour, and another five to six hours if the baby has slept long and well. Taking long breaks during the day, the child will still finish his daily allowance in order to develop normally. For example, if he has not eaten for six hours during the daytime, he will breastfeed more often at night. Therefore, in feeding children in the first half of life during the day, it is better not to take breaks for more than 3-3.5 hours. With the introduction of complementary foods, the intervals may be slightly longer.
Night breaks are individual and depend only on the child - some children are born with a 6-8 hour interval, and some sleep at night for eight to twelve hours or eat every hour.
Read also
- About the reasons why a child refuses breast milk and whether it is necessary to switch to mixed or artificial feeding in such cases.
- Should I stop feeding if the baby is naughty?
- Depends on age. Mom should feel what exactly the child needs at this moment. If a newborn cries and refuses to breastfeed, you can calm him down, vilify him with a column, shake him, and then attach him to the breast again. If, having calmed down, the child turns away from the chest, then he has eaten.
An older child is distracted from the breast, becoming interested in something else. Do not force feed him. We must try to remove all irritants - feed in isolation in a separate room, not be distracted by gadgets, sounds, or give the child the opportunity to satisfy his interests, and then offer the breast again.
— What else can help calm the baby?
- Since most causes of crying are not related to medical problems, medication is not needed. It is necessary to relax, set up the baby, pump him, try to competently organize breastfeeding - apply correctly, do not give a dummy, nipple, supplement from a cup or syringe without a needle. As a rule, this is how most feeding problems go away.
— In what situations can a breast be replaced with a bottle?
— It is not worth replacing breastfeeding with formula feeding without acute vital signs. When a baby is not accepting the breast well, it is worth removing all bottles, continuing to supplement with “non-sucking” items, and contacting a breastfeeding specialist to try to establish attachment and breastfeeding. This is done by a lot of people.
- Does changing the feeding regimen help to get rid of crying?
- Rather, these are unrelated things. It is not worth forcibly adjusting the feeding regimen, you need to listen to the child - in the first three months, the children constantly hang on their chest, after they begin to form a regimen and the intervals between meals increase. It is important to feel the needs of the child, because not only hunger, but also other things can disturb him, and if he constantly poke his chest, he will not be very pleased.
Table. Errors during breastfeeding
The baby cries during breastfeeding for many reasons. It can be improper attachment to the breast, "tangled nipples", inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, runny nose, colic, teething, lactase deficiency, or a very nervous state of the mother. It is possible to understand what the problem is only by eliminating the organic and psychological causes of crying.