Can i feed my baby formula after 12 months
When does a baby stop drinking formula? (And What to Replace it With)
When does a baby stop drinking formula? It’s such a common question that deserves explanation to help you handle the transition with ease. Here’s what you need to know.
When does a baby stop drinking formula?
Babies should stop drinking formula by 12 months of age. There are a few reasons for this.
- When a baby turns a year old, they are typically eating three meals and two snacks a day, and are getting the majority of their nutrition from food.
- Continuing to use formula can reduce a child’s appetite for food and can potentially cause challenges with learning to like a range of foods and textures.
Why does a baby need to be 1 before they can drink milk?
Babies under 12 months of age have immature digestive systems that aren’t very good at digesting milk proteins. The proteins and minerals in cow’s milk can stress a baby’s kidneys and can cause diarrhea. Thankfully, this improves by the time they are a year old.
We want to avoid cow’s milk as a drink, but also cooked or baked in other foods. An easy alternative is plain unsweetened nondairy milk.
What kind of milk is best for toddlers?
When you transition from formula to milk, you should use whole milk and not reduced or nonfat milk. One year olds (and older toddlers too!) need fat for proper growth, so you want to be sure to use milk with fat in it.
Read more about transitioning to cow’s milk here—including ratios, the type of milk that’s best, and how to know if a child is tolerating milk well.
When should a baby stop drinking from a bottle?
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that we start to wean a baby from a bottle between 12-24 months of age. Keep in mind that weaning from a bottle is a process and it may take a little longer for some kids than others.
A good goal is to aim to be totally done with bottles by age 2.
TIP: If your one year old is still drinking a bottle of milk, you can start to transition to a sippy cup.
When do babies stop drinking breastmilk?
This is a much more nuanced and individual decision than stopping formula and some families choose to wean from breastmilk at 12 months (or earlier!) and others much later. I’ve experienced weaning at 14, 17, and 20 months—both because my kids seemed ready and I was also ready to move forward—but there’s no one right way to do it.
If nursing seems to be inhibiting your child’s hunger at meals and snacks for food, you may want to consider starting to wean, or simply offering some food before breastmilk. It can be more difficult for kids to learn how to handle textures and flavors the longer they wait to start solids, so giving them ample opportunity to have a lot of food experiences can be helpful.
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I wean my baby off formula?
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you can start to wean babies off of formula at 12 months when their digestive systems are mature enough to digest cow’s milk.
Do babies need formula after 12 months?
Babies digestive systems mature by their first birthday, allowing them digest the proteins in cow’s milk. If there’s a medical or feeding concern, it may be recommended to keep it for a while longer, but typically babies don’t need formula after 12 months.
Can a three year old drink formula?
Unless there’s a medical reason and information from your doctor, a 3 year old doesn’t need to be drinking formula.
Can I give my 18 month old formula?
Unless there’s a medical reason and a recommendation from your doctor, an 18 month old child doesn’t need to be drinking formula. They can drink cow’s milk, water, or a nondairy milk option.
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I’d love to hear your feedback on this, so please chime below!
This post was first published November 2019.
When Do Babies Stop Drinking Formula?
When you think about cow’s milk and baby formula, it may seem like the two have a lot in common. And it’s true: They’re both (typically) dairy-based, fortified, nutrient-dense beverages.
So there’s no one magical day when your baby will wake up ready to make the leap from formula to straight cow’s milk — and, for most kids, there probably won’t be an a-ha moment when they cast the bottle aside in favor of a cup. Still, there are some basic guidelines for when to transition to whole milk.
In general, experts recommend weaning your baby off of formula and onto full fat dairy milk at around 12 months of age. However, like most baby-raising standards, this one isn’t necessarily set in stone and can come with certain exceptions.
Here’s a look at when and how to get your little one moo-vin’ on up (yep, we went there) to milk.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American Academy of Family Physicians recommend that, in the year between 12 and 24 months old, babies should receive 16 to 24 ounces per day of whole milk. Prior to this time, you’ve probably been discouraged from giving your little one dairy milk — and for good reason.
Until about 1 year of age, infants’ kidneys simply aren’t strong enough to tackle the load cow’s milk throws at them. “Cow’s milk contains high amounts of protein and minerals, such as sodium, which are difficult for an immature baby’s kidneys to handle,” says Yaffi Lvova, RDN, of Baby Bloom Nutrition.
However — even though there’s no flip of a switch from “unready” to “ready” inside your baby’s body — around 12 months of age, their system becomes well-developed enough to digest regular milk. “By this point, the kidneys have matured enough to be able to process cow’s milk effectively and healthily,” says Lvova.
Besides, once your baby reaches 12 months, beverages can take on a different role in their diet. Whereas once your child depended on liquid formula or breast milk to meet their nutritional needs, they can now rely on solid foods to do this job. Beverages become supplemental, just like they are for adults.
There may, of course, be special circumstances where your baby isn’t quite ready to start cow’s milk at age 1. Your pediatrician might instruct you to hold off temporarily if your baby has kidney conditions, iron-deficiency anemia, or developmental delays.
You may also be advised to give your baby 2 percent milk (rather than whole) if you have a family history of obesity, heart disease, or high blood pressure. But don’t do this without a doctor’s guidance — most babies should absolutely be drinking full fat milk.
Also, if you’re breastfeeding, introducing cow’s milk doesn’t mean you have to stop nursing.
“If a mother is interested in continuing the breastfeeding relationship, or in feeding the 12-month-old pumped breast milk instead of switching to cow’s milk, that is also an option,” says Lvova. Just consider this another healthy, supplemental beverage for your growing kiddo.
And now the million-dollar question: How exactly do you make the transition from one creamy drink to the other?
Thankfully, you don’t have to stealthily remove baby’s favorite bottle the minute they blow out the candle on their first birthday cake. Instead, you may prefer to switch from formula to milk somewhat gradually — especially since some babies’ digestive tracts take a little time to get used to a steady intake of cow’s milk.
“In cases where a child experiences tummy upset or constipation, mixing breast milk or formula with cow’s milk may smooth the transition,” says Lvova. “I recommend starting with 3/4 bottle or cup breastmilk or formula and 1/4 bottle or cup cow’s milk for a few days, then increasing to 50 percent milk for a few days, 75 percent milk for a few days, and finally giving the baby 100 percent cow’s milk.”
According to the AAP, babies from 12 to 24 months should receive 16 to 24 ounces of whole milk every day. It’s possible to break this up into numerous cups or bottles throughout the day — but it may be easier and more convenient to simply offer two or three 8-ounce servings at mealtimes.
Despite their apparent similarities, formula and cow’s milk do have notable nutritional differences. Dairy milk contains more protein and certain minerals than formula. On the other hand, formula is fortified with iron and vitamin C in the appropriate amounts for infants.
However, now that your baby is eating solid food, their diet can fill in any nutrition gaps left by transitioning off formula.
At this point, both formula and milk are just a part of baby’s overall healthy eating, which can now include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, meats, legumes, and additional dairy products besides milk.
If you know your baby has a milk allergy, you may be wondering about your options when it’s time to say goodbye to formula. Traditionally, soy milk has been an acceptable substitute for dairy milk at this age because of its comparable protein content.
These days, though, a host of alternative milks on grocery shelves can crowd the decision of which one to give your baby — and they’re not all created equal.
Many alternative milks — like rice milk and oat milk — contain added sugars and nowhere near the protein content of dairy or soy. They also don’t often get fortified with the same extra nutrients that get put into cow’s milk. And many are far lower-calorie than soy or dairy — possibly a boon for adults, but not necessarily what a growing baby needs.
If cow’s milk isn’t an option for your baby, an unsweetened soy milk is a solid choice, but talk to your pediatrician about the best alternative.
Now that your kiddo has more autonomy — and some new words in their vocabulary — it’s likely that, before long, they’ll be asking for other drinks besides milk.
So can you occasionally give in to the requests for juice or a sip of your soda? Best not to.
“Juice can be used medicinally to treat constipation, often a concern during this time as the child adapts to cow’s milk,” says Lvova. Other than that, skip the sweet drinks. “Juice for pleasure or hydration isn’t encouraged because of its sugar content in the absence of other nutrition.”
The AAP concurs, saying, “the best choice beverages are really simple: plain water and milk. ”
Just like how — in your humble opinion — nobody has cuter dimples or a more irresistible smile than your little one, no baby is quite like yours in terms of development, either.
It’s possible that there may be reasons to delay switching your baby to whole milk — but most babies will be ready to transition at 12 months.
Ease into the transition with a mix of formula and milk over a couple of weeks, and talk to your pediatrician if you have questions or concerns.
Formulas for children from the year
05/13/2021 Reading time: 3.5 min 33796
nine0002 Up to a year, the main food of the child is breast milk or milk formula.
After a year, the arrangement of positions in the child's menu changes, and those foods that served as complementary foods become the main food. So should formula milk be kept in a baby's diet, or should it be replaced with whole milk and fermented milk products? nine0010
Why is formula needed after a year?
After a year with food, the child should receive enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals for his age. To do this, on his table every day there should be a variety of vegetables and fruits, meat, fish, dairy products.
Infant formula will no longer replace a full-fledged meal, and it would be incorrect to call dairy products designed to meet the needs and characteristics of the digestion of children older than a year as mixtures, it would be more correct - children's milk drinks. They supplement the baby's diet and help meet his nutritional needs. nine0010
It is important that children's milk drinks are recommended for babies, regardless of the type of feeding. For both IV and breastfeeding children, they will help prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies and promote comfortable digestion. Therefore, even after a year, infant formula should remain on the child's menu.
What are the benefits of formula milk for babies from one year old?
- Meets the needs of the child.
- Easy to digest, comfortable for digestion. nine0027
- Passes strict quality control.
- Does not require special storage conditions.
- Has a long shelf life.
The disadvantages of dry milk formula for children older than a year include the need to dilute it with water of a certain temperature before use and the likelihood of making a mistake with the proportions during preparation. To avoid them, you can give the baby ready-made milk formula. nine0010
How, when and in what quantity to give formula to children from one year old?
For babies from a year old, milk formulas of the third formula are suitable, and after a year and a half - the fourth. The package will have the number 3 or 4 and an indication of the age of the child. A mixture of the second stage, intended from 6 to 12 months, is not suitable for a one-year-old baby - it will not satisfy the need of the body of a grown-up child for the substances he needs.
A baby older than a year should be gradually weaned from the bottle and taught to drink formula from a cup. By the age of one and a half years, the child should confidently hold it and drink it on their own. nine0027
Milk formula in the second year of life ceases to be the main liquid product in the baby's diet. It can be left as the last feeding at night or given for an afternoon snack and before bedtime, that is, leave 1-2 feedings with the mixture per day.
Infant formula should be included in the total amount of dairy products that the baby receives per day. The norm at this age is 500-600 ml per day. Of these, there should be no more than 200 ml of fermented milk products, 45-50 g of cottage cheese, and 5 g of cheese. From the remaining amount, take away the whole milk used to make milk porridge - 50-100 ml. Thus, a child over a year old can receive 200-400 ml of milk formula per day. nine0027
What is the difference between a mixture for children older than a year from milk and kefir?
If after a year the baby will drink only milk and sour-milk products, there is a risk that he will receive more protein than he needs, and not enough vitamins and minerals.
The protein content in the milk formula is adjusted to the age norms. It also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, C, E, D, selenium, manganese, calcium and phosphorus, iron, zinc and copper, necessary for the formation of the brain, there are probiotics and prebiotics. Thus, milk formula better meets the needs of the child's body than whole milk and sour-milk products. nine0010
But unless a child is allergic or intolerant to cow's milk protein, dairy products should not be excluded from his diet. Milk formula will complement, not replace them in the baby's menu.
- Infant milk formula will provide a child over one year of age with comfortable digestion and the intake of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in accordance with age norms.
- Infant formula is easily digestible, safe and does not require special storage conditions, but dry formula must be diluted in proportion before use. nine0027
- After a year, the baby can drink the mixture not from a bottle, but from a cup. It is enough to save 1-2 feedings with the mixture per day - this is 200-400 ml.
- In the mixture for children from one year of age, the protein content is reduced compared to dairy products, there are polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, probiotics and prebiotics.
But if the baby does not have a cow's milk protein intolerance, infant formula should supplement the volume of other dairy products, not replace it. nine0027
(18 ratings; article rating 3.1)
Baby formula after a year: how to choose the right nutrition for your baby -
some parents remove strict restrictions from the children's menu in order to accustom the baby to adult dishes as soon as possible. As a rule, milk mixtures disappear first from the child’s menu. nine0098 Instead, parents offer the baby cow or goat milk from the store. However, according to nutritionists, this is not the best option for a replacement. It is better not to give this product to children under 1.5 years of age. After all, special enzymes that promote the digestion and assimilation of whole milk, the body begins to produce only by 1.5 years.
The second common mistake parents make is continuing to feed their 1 year old second stage formula. But infant formula after 6 months (stage 2) is designed for the age of 6-12 months. After a year, they can no longer fully satisfy the child's need for nutrients. Only infant formulas after 12 months (stage 3) meet such requirements. Some manufacturers also produce infant formula after 18 months, on their packaging is the number "4". But in most companies, artificial milk formulas, which are recommended to be given after 1 year, are designed for ages from one to three years. nine0010
Parents should take into account that after a year the daily norm of dairy products is 400-600 ml. This includes not only milk formula, but also cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt. It is better not to exceed the recommended doses, since the absorption and digestion of dairy products gives a rather serious burden on the excretory and digestive systems.
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Supplement on demand
According to statistics, children often suffer from anemia after a year. 30% of them are found to be deficient in iron and calcium. Iodine, necessary for the formation of the thyroid gland and nervous system, depending on the region of residence, receives less than 20–75%. Almost 50% of children lack polyunsaturated fatty acids that affect the development of the brain and sensory organs, as well as vitamins B1, B6, C and D - active participants in all metabolic processes in the body. Considering that during this period the child begins to speak and walk, and his memory and coordination of movements are actively developing, such an imbalance can cause a lot of health problems. Why is the picture so sad? The need for valuable substances in babies aged one to three years is not met for several reasons. nine0010
Firstly, during this period, children's appetite is very unstable, and the appearance of taste preferences and "food" whims only aggravates the situation.
Secondly, many non-adapted "adult" products sold in supermarkets and markets initially contain insufficient amounts of vitamins and mineral salts.
The reason for this is the intensive technologies used in modern agriculture: they lead to a decrease in the nutritional value of vegetables, fruits and cereals. nine0010
However, there is a way out: mixtures of the “third formula” (or “third step”) are designed to correct the situation, designed for babies aged 1 to 3 years. They perform the same function as vitamin and mineral supplements, but this is far from their only benefit.
Big difference
The second and no less important mission of the "third formula" is to partially replace milk in the baby's diet. Recent studies have shown that this product should be introduced into the children's menu with great care. Everyone knows that up to 1.5 years it is not recommended for a child to give ordinary packaged and even more so whole milk. However, even at an older age, its dose must be strictly controlled. Moreover, the restriction must be imposed on both cow's and goat's milk. The main reason: both are low in vitamins and minerals. In addition, cow's milk contains an excess amount of protein. It takes a lot of fluid to process it, which greatly increases the load on the kidneys. There is less protein in goat milk, but there are still not enough useful substances in it. Products marked "Children's" are not able to solve the problem. Even despite the fact that some manufacturers enrich the composition of such milk with vitamins A, C and lactulose (a synthetic analogue of milk sugar), these measures are clearly not enough. The advantage of the "third formulas" is that they are balanced both in terms of the amount of valuable substances and the amount of protein. nine0010
In most mixtures, the main composition looks approximately the same, the percentage of substances, the composition of vitamins and minerals differ. A specific infant formula is always selected individually, since it is impossible to predict whether the child will like its taste, whether it will cause, for example, an allergic reaction.
Infant formula after 1 year may contain the following ingredients:
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Omega-3 and Omega-6 are unsaturated fatty acids that support brain and nervous system function, improve metabolism, and help fight allergic and inflammatory reactions. The former is rich not only in fish oil, but also in rapeseed and soybean oils, while the latter are found mainly in sunflower and corn. Omega-3 fatty acids include linolenic, eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids. To omega-6 fatty acids - linoleic acid. Docosahexaenoic acid (abbreviated as DHA on the labels) is actively involved in the formation of the brain and organs of vision, and has a positive effect on immunity. Eicosapentaenoic acid (abbreviated as EPA on the labels) ensures the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, and regulates blood cholesterol levels.
Palm oil is included in infant formula because it contains palmitic acid. In human milk, it accounts for up to 25% of all lipids (fats). Palmitic acid is an antioxidant and helps the absorption of certain vitamins, and therefore, in a limited amount, its inclusion in the mixture is justified. In no country in the world is there a question about the exclusion of palm oil from infant formula. In addition, it simultaneously serves as a source of a number of saturated fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids are needed by the child's body as a source of energy and for the construction of hormones and cell membranes. nine0098 It is worth talking about the dangers of palm oil only if it replaces other fats in "adult" products.
Nucleotides are complex biological substances that play a key role in many biological processes. They have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. Adults produce a lot of this substance, while children do not have enough. And it is possible to replenish stocks with the help of special nutrition. For crumbs that are often sick, nucleotides are especially necessary, because they strengthen the overall immunity.
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- Famveld/Getty images/istockphoto
- Lecin - Biological antagonist cholesterol, it facilitates the absorption of the depths, with its help, they are not released, with its help, they are not released in time from the body.
In addition, lecithin has a good effect on the functioning of the liver and nervous system. nine0010
Lactose (milk sugar) and maltodextrin are often used together: they provide a lot of energy and avoid painful accumulation of gas and upset stools. In addition, these components give the mixture a sweet taste.
Probiotics are live microorganisms that improve the composition of the microflora of the digestive tract: resist representatives of the pathogenic flora, regulate stool, and participate in the absorption of important trace elements.
Inulin, galacto- and fructo-oligosaccharides are included as prebiotics to promote the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, regulate stools, and aid in calcium and magnesium absorption. These elements also reduce the risk of allergic reactions and strengthen the immune system. Promote the formation of immunity, increase resistance to infections.
Zinc, selenium, manganese, carotenoids, vitamins C and E are antioxidants that protect the child's body from infections and external adverse factors. Zinc is responsible for maintaining and improving memory, the transparency of the lens of the eye, and for the development and functioning of the genital organs. Selenium, protecting cell membranes, prevents their deformation and damage to the DNA structure, restores damaged cells and promotes the formation and growth of new, healthy and undamaged ones. The normal functioning of the central nervous system, metabolism in the body and the process of digestion depend on manganese. Also, like calcium, bone strength depends on it. Carotenoids are the precursors of vitamin A. This vitamin ensures the normal functioning of the eyes, immune system, skin and mucous membranes. In the human body, this necessary vitamin is formed only from carotenoids. Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of hormones, regulates blood clotting, enhances the body's resistance to infections.