Cream of lutefisk baby food
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Norwegian cuisine: sausage with elk and cheese with the taste of salted condensed milk
Komsomolskaya Pravda
Dom. FamilyBon AppetitBON APPETIT!Belarus: Culinary Journey
Anna Rybchinskaya
October 10, 2013 1:00
Komsomolskaya Pravda continues the new Culinary Journey column in which Belarusians living abroad describe their gastronomic experiences
In Norway fish, fast food and cheese with the taste of salted condensed milk.We have already written about what people eat in Brazil, China, Turkey, Australia and Austria. And today, Nikolai, a physicist by profession, who moved to Trondheim with his wife and son two years ago, tells us about food in Norway.
“Norwegians go to Sweden for ham”
- We are still surprised by the scarcity of choice in most stores. There are more frozen products than chilled ones, even the fish that is caught here is mostly frozen, - Nikolai is perplexed. - But there is bread both white and black, and with additives, the usual dairy products like kefir or sour cream - too. Very high-quality meat products, but here is the packaging . .. The weight of the package is 100-150 grams, and the cut is less than a millimeter thick. For large pieces of ham, people go to Sweden.
- What specific local products are on the shelves?
Norwegians are very fond of brown cheese with a strange taste.
- Primarily brunost is a brown cheese. It is a mixture of milk, cream and whey that is boiled until the water boils away and the sugar in the milk caramelizes. It turns out a solid mass that tastes like salted boiled condensed milk. Brunust is put on sandwiches and soft waffles. Lutefisk is a pungent-smelling cod, aged in alkali to a jelly-like state. And rakfisk is a partially fermented salmon that has been aged in salt for several months. There is no heat treatment. Oddly enough, the Norwegians eat it, and of their own free will.
And this is what lutefisk looks like - fish aged in alkali.
- Norway is an expensive country. How much money is spent on groceries?
- This is true, but the earnings are appropriate. The average salary in the country is 2700-2800 euros per month, and a person with ordinary needs spends 15-20% of it on food. Bread costs from 1 to 4 euros, milk - about 2 euros per liter, eggs - from 2.5 to 4 euros per dozen. A kilogram of potatoes costs 1-3 euros, a kilogram of apples costs 2-4 euros. The most affordable meat is pork, on average from 5 to 15 euros per kilo. Fish - from 10 euros. Lunch in a cafe will cost 15-20 euros, and dinner in a restaurant with a glass of wine and dessert - from 60 euros.
- In my opinion, Norwegians eat only fish, sometimes exotic meat like elk, and there are very few fruits and vegetables - the north, after all! But how does it really happen?
- The average Norwegian eats 34 kilograms of fish a year. This is more than in Belarus, but less than recommended by the local Ministry of Health. They mainly buy salmon, cod, sea trout. Herring is eaten little, although they supply it to the whole world, but shrimp are popular. In season you can buy crab meat.
Lamb is more often eaten from meat, but venison and less often elk meat are standard restaurant dishes, they are rarely found in stores. But sausage with the addition of elk - this is please! Deer meat is served with sweet berry sauces - lingonberry, cranberry.
There are many imported fruits and vegetables, but Norwegians try to grow them themselves. The price of local fruits and vegetables is higher than imported ones, but here they still try to buy their own: without slogans and campaigns, simply because it is of better quality.
Food in Norway is expensive, but salaries are on the level!
“Hot lunches in kindergartens only happen once a week”
- How often do Norwegians go from the office to lunch in cafes or go out to dinner in restaurants? How about snacking at fast food?
- People here are very fond of snacks, so dinners are mostly sandwiches with different fillings, which are brought from home. Hot food is an exception. The saddest thing is that this has been cultivated since childhood: in most kindergartens, hot meals are only once a week! Norwegians dine, as a rule, at home, they rarely buy ready-made food either. By the way, almost all cafes and restaurants have a children's menu. Even in pubs!
Unfortunately, sweet soda and fast food are the norm for many people. Fast food is the same as everywhere else: sausages, hamburgers, pizza. But there is also a local variety - a potato baked in foil, which is cut in the middle and stuffed with some kind of meat or shrimp salad.
- What about alcohol?
- As elsewhere in Scandinavia, the sale of alcohol here is monopolized by the state. Drinks stronger than beer can only be bought in special stores. In our city, where 150 thousand people live, there are only six of them. On Saturday, these shops are open until lunch, on Sunday they are closed. Beer is sold in ordinary supermarkets, but there are also time limits: on weekdays until 8 pm, on Saturday until 6 pm, and on Sunday the sale is prohibited. Alcohol is expensive even by local standards. So Norwegians drink infrequently, but once they start, they can hardly stop.
Traditional Norwegian alcoholic drink - aquavit, herbal moonshine. Very amateur. By the way, moonshine has been officially allowed for many years.
- Are there any special holiday dishes in Norway?
- They vary from region to region. The Trøndelag region where we live is the birthplace of sodda, a special meat soup. It appeared in the 13th century! The most popular Christmas dish is baked pork ribs. In second place are steamed dried and salted sheep ribs. And for children, sweet milk rice porridge is prepared for Christmas. They say that the local Santa Claus named Julenisse also loves her very much.
Sodd (traditional meat broth from the Trøndelag region)
Cooking sodd - rich meat broth
From the rest of the meat, remove the fatty layers and tendons, leaving it on the bones, and then put it in a large saucepan and cook for one and a half to two hours in salted water until the meat becomes tender.
Next, take the meat out, let it cool, then remove the bones and cut into cubes of about 1 cm by 1 cm. In the meantime, the broth should be kept “very hot, but not boiling”. Add three small pieces of ginger and a little ground nutmeg to it (do not forget to remove the ginger before serving).
For meatballs, mince the lamb several times (up to 15 times in the traditional way). Add salt the second time. In the resulting minced meat, put a tablespoon of starch, a teaspoon of nutmeg and mix well. Add milk and cream to the mince. The minced meat should remain soft, juicy and not fall apart, and at the same time liquid should not flow out of it. If there is too much liquid, add a little more starch. Make meatballs from minced meat and throw into hot broth, on the verge of boiling, let it cook for 10-12 minutes. Add chopped boiled meat there.
Potatoes and carrots should be boiled separately and added to the broth just before serving. By the way, traditionally sodd is washed down with beer.
Skuleballer (traditional Scandinavian pastry stuffed with vanilla cream and coconut sprinkles)
Literally, "skuleballer" is translated as "school buns".
Ingredients (for 24 rolls):
For the dough:
For the vanilla cream:
For the icing:
Coconut for topping
To prepare the dough, activate the yeast: heat 50 ml of milk a little, add the yeast, a teaspoon of flour and a teaspoon of powdered sugar. Cover and let stand 10 minutes. Heat the rest of the milk and add the activated yeast, egg and melted butter to it. Mix the dry ingredients together and gradually add to the milk, kneading the dough. It should be soft and not sticky. Cover the dough and leave in a warm place until it rises and doubles in size.
For cream, beat egg yolks with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar until creamy. Add cornstarch. Separately mix milk and cream and bring to a boil over medium heat. Pour the hot milk into the egg mixture in a thin stream and stir vigorously. The mixture should be put on a small fire and, stirring constantly, bring to a thickening. Make sure the cream doesn't boil!
When the dough is ready, divide it into 24 pieces, make round buns, spread on a baking sheet and wait another 15-20 minutes. Then brush the buns with egg, form a teaspoon in the center of each hole and put 1-2 teaspoons of vanilla cream in each. Bake at 225 degrees for about 20 minutes. After cooling, brush the buns with icing sugar and dip in coconut flakes.
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"Anthill" cake with baby food cream - step by step recipe with photo. The author of the recipe is Nadezhda Chantseva.
Nadezhda Chantseva @nadezhda_chan
Cake "Anthill" is very familiar to many. I used to make it often for my kids. It is very sweet and easy to prepare. It is prepared with condensed milk and baby food. I like the option of cooking with baby food "Malyutka" more. Nowhere in the recipes is the exact amount of baby food indicated, it is only written that one pack is needed. But the weight of the packages is different ... I specifically indicate the weight. Prepare a cake and enjoy.
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200 g Butter (for dough)
2 pcs. Eggs (for dough)
1 st. Sugar (for dough)
1/2 tsp.