Feeding baby prunes for constipation
Should You Give It to Babies for Constipation?
Written by WebMD Editorial Contributors
Reviewed by Dan Brennan, MD on March 02, 2021
In this Article
- Are There Health Benefits of Prune Juice?
- How Much Prune Juice Should I Give a Baby?
Giving prune juice to constipated babies is a common health tip, but is it helpful and safe? Here’s what you need to know.
Are There Health Benefits of Prune Juice?
Prunes are dried plums that are full of nutrients, fiber, and natural sugars. One type of sugar called sorbitol acts like a laxative that can help with constipation. As a result, prune juice also has a lot of sorbitol and can help with constipation.
Prunes have many benefits that can improve your health and be a part of a healthy diet.
Energy provider. The simple sugars in prunes are a good source of energy and don’t cause a spike in blood sugar.
Fiber. Prunes are a good source of dietary fiber. They have soluble fiber, which draws water into the bowel and makes the stool soft and easier to pass. They also have insoluble fiber, which adds bulk to the stool and makes it move faster.
Vitamins and minerals. Prunes are high in boron, which is thought to help prevent osteoporosis, a disease that makes bones weak. One serving of prunes gives you all the boron you need. Prunes are also high in other vitamins like potassium, vitamin K, vitamin A, niacin, riboflavin, and vitamin B6.
Phenolic compounds. Prunes have lots of phenolic compounds, which adds to the laxative effect. These compounds in prunes might also be helpful for heart health and preventing chronic diseases.
While prune juice can help constipation, it doesn’t have all the benefits of the dried plums they're made of.
High water and sugar content. Fruit juices, including prune juice, are mostly water and sugar. This high sugar content is what helps with constipation, but you should only give kids small amounts of juice. Children who drink too much fruit juice can have diarrhea because of the high amounts of sugar.
Not as much fiber. Strained and pulp-free juices don’t have as much fiber as the whole fruit. Prune juice with pulp might be a better choice for children.
Constipation. Prune juice can help with constipation, but not pooping is also common in babies and children, so it may not always be necessary to give your children prune juice. It’s normal for babies to go a few days between bowel movements.
Cavities in teeth. Even though prune juice has natural sugars, too much fruit juice can cause cavities, especially if the juice is given at night in a bottle.
Breastfed babies might go longer than formula-fed babies between bowel movements. If your baby is under six months old and is formula fed, it’s important to make sure the formula is mixed carefully and to talk to your doctor. For older children, constipation is usually caused by not eating enough fiber. Adding more fruits, vegetables, and water to their diets can help.
You should see the doctor if your newborn, infant, or toddler has signs of constipation, including:
- Bloody stools
- Large stools, which might mean they’re holding it in
- Hard, pebble-like stools
- Pain while passing stools
How Much Prune Juice Should I Give a Baby?
It’s safe to give children one year old and older some prune juice to help with constipation. Prune juice is pretty safe and low risk, but prune juice for babies under 12 months is not recommended unless your doctor agrees. Also, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says that babies under six months should only be fed breast milk.
The best way to give prunes to your baby is when you start introducing foods around six months. You can give your baby whole mashed or pureed prunes instead of prune juice. Your baby will get both the sorbitol and the fiber from whole pureed prunes, which will help with constipation. This will also help them develop good eating habits.
If your doctor says it’s the best thing to do, you can give two ounces of prune juice with two ounces of water. It’s best to give the juice in a cup at meal times, but you can use a syringe if your baby can’t drink out of a cup yet.
Prunes for Babies - First Foods for Baby
When can babies eat prunes?
Prunes may be introduced as soon as your baby is ready to start solids, which is generally around 6 months of age. Dried fruit is a choking hazard so be sure to rehydrate whole prunes and finely chop or offer prunes in the form of a purée.
Background and origins of prunes
Prunes are simply dried plums—a diverse species of stone fruit that range in color, shape, and taste, from immensely sweet to deeply tart and tangy. While any plum can technically become a prune over time, the dried plum labeled as “prunes” in your local grocery store most likely came from California or France, the world’s leading producers of the “prune plum” variety. Glossy and wrinkled, they taste of caramel and grape, with plump, sticky flesh that exudes concentrated sweetness. They stand in stark contrast to huamei, a salty, tangy dried plum from China; umeboshi, a deeply tart dried plum from Japan; and aloo bukhara, a sweet-and-sour dried plum from the Caspian Sea region. As the range of flavor suggests, dried plums are used worldwide in both sweet and savory dishes—from candy seasoned with a dried plum powder called li hing miu in Hawaii; to the rich and jammy tarte aux pruneaux of France, to sweet-and-sour plum chutneys in India, to khoresh-e aloo esfenaj, the savory Persian lamb and spinach stew.
★Tip: Constipation is a common problem when starting solids but thankfully it can be curbed with fiber-rich foods.1 Try serving beans, chia seeds, flaxseed oil, or the “P” fruits: peaches, pears, plums, and yes, prunes—and make sure to let your baby’s healthcare provider know about the constipation.
Are prunes healthy for babies?
Yes—in moderation. A prune is a nutritional powerhouse that offers lots of protein, fiber, and nutrients, including vitamin B6 to help process protein, potassium to balance fluid levels, vitamin K for healthy blood, and antioxidants that give the fruit its deep purple color. A prune’s beneficial nutrients offer myriad health benefits—from bone health to cell protection to a strong immune system—however, they are very sweet.2 3 4 Naturally-occurring sugars account for nearly 50% of their weight.5
On the plus side, prunes contain sorbitol, a naturally occurring sugar-like substance that helps soften stools. The combination of sorbitol and fiber makes prunes work wonders for gut health.6 So while prunes and other dried fruits should not be served with regularity to children due to the high sugar content, for babies and toddlers who are constipated, a prune can help get the job done!
Prunes are sold with and without their pits—and both are equally delicious. However, what the pitted fruit saves in time, it gives up in flavor and texture. Once the pit is removed, the inner flesh is exposed, and the fruit begins to lose some of its potency. Look for prunes in see-through containers so you can assess the freshness. Fresh prunes are soft and shiny—not hard and dull.
★Tip: Plums (and all stone fruits) are heavily sprayed with fungicides, insecticides, and pesticides so it’s a good fruit to buy organic if you can.7 8 9 Organic prunes not only have less of an environmental impact, but they may contain more beneficial phytonutrients.10
Are prunes a common choking hazard for babies?
Yes. Dried fruit is a choking hazard for babies up to 12 months old.11 Check out our age-appropriate suggestions on how to prepare prunes.
For more information, visit our section on gagging and choking and familiarize yourself with common choking hazards.
Is prune a common allergen?
No. However, individuals who are sensitive or allergic to birch trees or who have Oral Allergy Syndrome (also called “pollen-food” allergy syndrome) may be sensitive to plums/prunes.12 13 Oral Allergy Syndrome typically results in short-lived itching in the mouth and is unlikely to result in a dangerous reaction. Individuals who are sensitive to apricots, peaches, and plums may also be sensitive to prunes.14
As you would when introducing any new food, start by offering a small quantity on its own for the first couple of servings. If there is no adverse reaction, gradually increase the quantity over future meals.
How to cut whole prunes for babies with baby-led weaning?
Every baby develops on their own timeline, and the suggestions on how to cut or prepare particular foods are generalizations for a broad audience. Your child is an individual and may have needs or considerations beyond generally accepted practices. In determining the recommendations for size and shape of foods, we use the best available scientific information regarding gross, fine, and oral motor development to minimize choking risk. The preparation suggestions we offer are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for child-specific, one-on-one advice from your pediatric medical or health professional or provider. It is impossible to fully eliminate all risk of a baby or child choking on any liquid, puree, or food. We advise you to follow all safety protocols we suggest to create a safe eating environment and to make educated choices for your child regarding their specific needs. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen here.
6 to 12 months old: A prune pouch or purée is the way to go at this age. If you’d like to work with whole prunes, take care to remove the pits and rehydrate the fruit in hot water for 15 minutes. Once soft, finely chop, mash, or purée and fold into other foods, such as oatmeal or yogurt.
12 to 18 months old: Finely chop cooked or dried prunes (there’s no need to rehydrate them at this age though cooking will reduce any risk further). You can, of course, continue to use prune pouches or jars if you are in need of a constipation fix.
18 to 24 months old: At this age, your toddler may now have the biting, tearing, chewing and swallowing skills needed to eat a whole prune. You can also cut prunes into smaller pieces if you are not confident that your child can bite through and tear the whole prune adequately. Dried fruit is a choking hazard so trust your gut and wait to serve whole prunes until you feel your child is ready. When that time does come, model how to take a bite by showing your teeth as you bite a prune and verbally coaching your child to follow your lead. Note: Prunes are sold with and without the pits. Be sure to remove the pit before serving.
For more information on how to cut food for babies, visit our page on Food Sizes & Shapes.
Recipe: Move-It-Along Prune Parfait
Yield: 1 child-sized serving
Time: 15 minutes
- 1 prune pouch or 3 fresh prunes
- ¼ cup unsweetened, full-fat Greek yogurt
- 1 teaspoon chia seeds (ideally pre-hydrated in some warm water)
- 1 pinch ground cardamom, cinnamon, or lemon zest
- If you’re starting with fresh prunes, rehydrate in hot water for 15 minutes, then mash with a fork or a small food processor until smooth.
- Soak the chia seeds in 1 tablespoon of hot water for 15 minutes.
- Mix the Greek yogurt, prune puree, chia seeds, and seasoning in your baby’s bowl.
Place the bowl in front of your child along with a baby spoon. To encourage self-feeding, pre-load the spoon and either hand it in the air or rest it on the edge of the bowl for your baby to grab.
This recipe contains a common allergen: dairy. Only serve to your child after this individual allergen has been introduced safely.
Flavor Pairings
Prunes are very sweet with flavor notes of caramel, honey, and wine. Offset the sweetness with tangy foods like fresh blueberries, cherries, goat cheese, mascarpone cheese, orange, tomato, or yogurt—or enhance it by pairing with rich meats like bacon, beef, lamb, spare rib, or venison or heart-healthy nuts like almond, hazelnut, or walnut. Prunes taste delicious with spices, so try seasoning your prune dishes with cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, or your favorite spice.
Reviewed by
J. Truppi, MSN, CNS
V. Kalami, MNSP, RD
K. Grenawitzke, OTD, OTR/L, SCFES, IBCLC, CNT
S. Bajowala, MD, FAAAAI. (allergy section)
R. Ruiz, MD Board-Certified General Pediatrician and Pediatric Gastroenterologist
- Rowan-Legg, A., Canadian Pediatric Society, Community Pediatrics Committee (2011). Managing functional constipation in children. Pediatrics & child health, 16(10), 661–670. Retrieved November 20, 2020
- Piga, A., Del Caro, A., Corda, G. (2003). From plums to prunes: influence of drying parameters on polyphenols and antioxidant activity. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 51(12), 3675–3681. DOI:10.1021/jf021207+. Retrieved November 20, 2020
- Morabbi Najafabad, A., & Jamei, R. (2014). Free radical scavenging capacity and antioxidant activity of methanolic and ethanolic extracts of plum (Prunus domestica L.) in both fresh and dried samples. Avicenna journal of phytomedicine, 4(5), 343–353.
Retrieved November 20, 2020
- Wallace T. C. (2017). Dried Plums, Prunes and Bone Health: A Comprehensive Review. Nutrients, 9(4), 401. DOI:10.3390/nu9040401. Retrieved November 20, 2020
- McGee, H. (1984). On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen. New York, NY: Scribner
- Lever, E., Scott, S. M., Louis, P., Emery, P. W., & Whelan, K. (2019). The effect of prunes on stool output, gut transit time and gastrointestinal microbiota: A randomized controlled trial. Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), 38(1), 165–173. DOI:10.1016/j.clnu.2018.01.003. Retrieved November 20, 2020
- European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Brancato, A., Brocca, D., et al. (2018). Setting of import tolerances for flubendiamide in apricots, peaches, nectarines, plums and soya beans. EFSA Journal, 16(1):e05128. DOI:10.2903/j.efsa.2018.5128. Retrieved November 20, 2020
- Oregon State University. (2018). Prune and Plum Pest Management for Willamette Valley. Retrieved November 20, 2020
- Słowik-Borowiec, M.
, Szpyrka, E., Rupar, J., Matyaszek, A., Podbielska, M. (2015). Pesticide residues in stone fruits from the south-eastern region of Poland in 2012-2104. Roczniki Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny, 66(3):211-6. PMID: 26400116. Retrieved November 20, 2020
- Cuevas, F.J., Pradas, I., Ruiz-Moreno, M.J., Arroyo, F.T., Perez-Romero, L.F., et al. (2015). Effect of Organic and Conventional Management on Bio-Functional Quality of Thirteen Plum Cultivars (Prunus salicina Lindl.). PloS one,10(8),e0136596. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0136596. Retrieved November 20, 2020
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Choking Hazards. Retrieved November 20, 2020
- American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. (2020). Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS) or Fruit Pollen Syndrome (PFS). Retrieved November 20, 2020
- Mayo Clinic. (2019). Food Allergy. Retrieved November 20, 2020
- Pastorello, E. A., Ortolani, C., Farioli, L., Pravettoni, V., Ispano, M., Borga, A., Bengtsson, A.
, Incorvaia, C., Berti, C., & Zanussi, C. (1994). Allergenic cross-reactivity among peach, apricot, plum, and cherry in patients with oral allergy syndrome: an in vivo and in vitro study. The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 94(4), 699–707. https://doi.org/10.1016/0091-6749(94)90177-5
Author, editor and medical expert - Zavgorodnaya Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
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Health effects of prunes
Use of prunes for constipation
Constipation - difficulty in the process of emptying the intestines. This unpleasant condition is very common, the frequency of chronic constipation in the population reaches 31% 1 . As a result of a delay in stool, the general condition may be disturbed, performance may decrease, mood may deteriorate. Thus, constipation contributes to a decrease in the quality of life.
The treatment of constipation is complex and includes a change in diet, diet, if necessary, medications are prescribed. Folk remedies have also proven themselves well. Prunes for constipation are a time-tested product for difficult bowel movements. It is effective both on its own in the form of berries, and as part of mixtures, dishes and drinks. Prunes can become an alternative to medicines when their use is limited due to the physiological state, for example, in the elderly, a child, pregnant women. Let's see what benefits prunes bring to the body, why it is effective for constipation and how to use it correctly.
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Health Effects of Prunes
Prunes are a dried fruit that is obtained from a special dark variety of plums by drying with hot air in multi-level belt dryers for 12-16 hours. This allows you to reduce the moisture content of fresh plums by three-quarters, preserve useful substances, vitamins and minerals in the fruits, and even increase their concentration. The color of quality prunes is uniform black with a bluish tint, there should be no visible damage to the peel. It is better to choose a fruit with a stone, as seedless berries are more prone to rotting. If the peel is shiny, most likely, the prunes were processed with fat or glycerin to give it a marketable appearance. Such fruits after purchase should be washed well with hot water.
In addition to a pleasant aroma and a characteristic sweetish taste, prune berries contain 2 :
- Polyphenolic compounds - increase bone formation and slow down the processes of bone tissue destruction. Studies have shown that dried plums have a beneficial effect on bone mineral density 2 .
- Organic acids (malic, citric, oxalic, salicylic) - are involved in maintaining the acid-base balance in the body, improve the process of digestion of food 2 .
- Vitamins of group B (B1, B2) - normalize the activity of the central and peripheral nervous system, are part of many coenzymes, ensure the development of an immune response and increase cognitive abilities 3 .
- Vitamin A - is part of cell membranes, therefore, contributes to the normal functioning of the mucous membranes and skin, their growth and recovery. A sufficient level of retinol in the body maintains visual acuity, has a protective effect in respiratory diseases 4 .
- Vitamin C - increases the body's resistance to stress factors, has an anti-anemic effect, protects cells from damage. The most famous effect of ascorbic acid is the stimulation of the immune system, increasing the ability of immunocompetent cells to recognize and destroy pathogens 5 .
- Vitamin P - strengthens the vascular wall, increases elasticity and reduces capillary permeability. Enhances the action of vitamin C and prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
- Potassium - necessary to maintain water-salt balance, heart and kidney function, plays a key role in neuromuscular conduction, being responsible for the process of muscle fiber relaxation. Sufficient potassium intake reduces the risk of arrhythmia, heart failure, type 2 diabetes mellitus 2.6 .
- Phosphorus — together with calcium provides bone tissue mineralization, regulates heart rate, actively participates in the formation of tooth enamel 2 .
In addition, prunes are a storehouse of trace elements that are necessary for the synthesis of enzymes and catalysts for the biochemical reactions of the body: sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron. Trace elements are part of hormonal receptors and hormones, play an important role in the processes of their formation, transportation and excretion from the body 6.7 .
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The use of prunes for constipation
The benefits of prunes for constipation are due to its laxative components. 100g of prunes contains about a quarter of the recommended daily intake of dietary fiber for adults 1.8 . Dried fruit contains pectins, fiber, sorbitol and organic acids 2 . Fiber helps to increase the volume of feces, sorbitol attracts fluid into the intestinal lumen, softening the stool, and organic acids stimulate peristalsis. All together contributes to facilitating and accelerating bowel movements 9 .
Pectins and fiber, which are part of prunes, are a substrate for the nutrition of normal intestinal microflora. Maintaining the growth and reproduction of beneficial microbiota is important for normalizing stool pattern and frequency 8 . As a result of the vital activity of beneficial bacteria, enzymes, vitamins, substances that stimulate intestinal motility (short-chain fatty acids) are formed. In addition, the normal intestinal microbiota has immunogenic and protective effects: it competes with pathogens for food, releases substances that stop the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi, and promotes the maturation of lymphocytes.
Dried plum also has a choleretic effect, as a result of which lipid breakdown is improved and digestion is activated. The bile acids that are part of the bile, in turn, contribute to the secretion of intestinal mucus and improve the promotion of the food bolus.
For a laxative effect, prunes can be consumed raw, added to foods and dishes, made into decoctions, compotes and infusions.
To obtain a targeted laxative effect, dried fruit is added to the diet, starting with 5 berries per day. With good tolerance, you can increase the number of fruits to 15-20 pieces per day, dividing them into 2-3 doses. It must be borne in mind that the use of prunes in large quantities can lead to diarrhea and bloating.
To prepare a decoction, pour 100 g of prunes into 200 ml of cold water and simmer for 30 minutes. It is taken warm, 100 ml twice a day. Instead of a decoction, you can prepare an infusion. To do this, 100 g of fruit should be poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused for 10 hours, wrapping the container with a towel. The infusion should be drunk during the day, divided into 3-4 doses.
A good way to maintain normal intestinal microflora and obtain a laxative effect is kefir with prunes. To do this, several pieces of prunes are mixed in a blender with a glass of kefir. It is better to drink this mixture in the evening before going to bed.
Fresh fruits and medicinal drinks with prunes should be taken on an empty stomach or at bedtime. The laxative effect may appear within a day.
When treating constipation, it is important to consider the cause. Correction of the diet and the addition of products with a laxative effect to the menu does not replace the advice of a doctor. To determine the constipating factor, the doctor will conduct an examination and, in addition to the diet, will select an adequate therapy 1 .
Top of page
Prunes are a natural product with virtually no contraindications. However, under certain conditions, it should be included in the diet with caution. Due to the large amount of sugars that make up its composition and high calorie content, prunes should be avoided by people with obesity, diabetes, and insulin resistance. Dried fruit is contraindicated in inflammation of the gallbladder and pancreas, urolithiasis, as it can worsen the course of diseases. You should not consume large amounts of prunes in the third trimester of pregnancy due to the risk of increased uterine tone due to gas formation in the intestines.
The information in this article is for reference only and does not replace professional medical advice. For diagnosis and treatment, contact a qualified specialist.
Constipation in children. Diet and gymnastics of a child with constipation.
Constipation is a very common problem in children. Why?
With the start of complementary foods, stools in infants most often improve. This is due to the introduction of fiber into the child's diet, as well as an increase in the child's motor activity.
But after 1 year, the number of children suffering from constipation starts to grow again. This is due to the refusal of breastfeeding, the transition to solid food, a decrease in the amount of water in the diet. Approximately every fifth child after a year suffers from constipation. How to deal with this problem?
For your health - the recommendations of the pediatrician of the clinic "Lor Plus", doctor of the highest category Anna Gennadievna Marakulina .
What are the most common causes of constipation in children?
- Insufficient fluid volume.
- Diet, poor in fiber.
- Insufficient physical activity.
How to avoid constipation in a child?
To prevent constipation, the child must drink enough fluids. Be sure to teach your child to drink ordinary water. A child over 3 years of age is required to drink at least 2 glasses of water a day.
— Do not give your child sweet and carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee. They have a diuretic effect, contribute to the development of dehydration and constipation.
- Cold water stimulates peristalsis. And warm water has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and is quickly absorbed. Therefore, in case of constipation, it is recommended to give a child up to 3 years old 1/2 cup, and over 3 years old - 1 glass of cool water in the morning on an empty stomach. Start with water at room temperature. If the effect is not achieved and the state of health permits, the water temperature is gradually lowered. It should be pleasantly cool. In this case, peristalsis is stimulated by rapid filling and irritation of the stomach, and then the intestines.
- There are drinks that have a laxative effect. Dairy products, plum and beet juice, dried fruit compote (prunes, dried apricots, raisins), chamomile decoction, children's teas with fennel and dill. By including these drinks in your baby's diet, regular stools can be achieved. But this should be done gradually, starting with small amounts, so as not to cause a digestive breakdown in the child.
Does diet help with constipation?
Everyone knows that a diet for constipation should include a lot of fiber-rich foods, and these are vegetables and fruits. But not everyone knows how much and what kind of fruits and vegetables a child needs.
Yes, most children to normalize the stool are quite simple to establish the drinking regime and gum according to age. But not for everyone.
Some people need to supplement their diet with laxative foods. These include: plums, beets, prunes, raisins, figs, dates, dried apricots, legumes, nuts. They should be present in the diet of a child prone to constipation. Include them in the diet should be gradually. For some, it will be enough to consume one of the listed products daily, while others will need to include several in the diet.
Cereal porridges with shells (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, wheat) and wholemeal bread are also useful.
Fermented milk products (kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk, biolact) are best consumed before going to bed. 1 glass a day is enough. You can increase the daily intake of kefir to 2 glasses per day.
Refined rice, blueberries, pears, sweets and buns, flour products from premium flour, strong tea, animal fats have a fixing effect. It is better for children prone to constipation to abstain or significantly limit their use.
I recommend trying several recipes for constipation tested by me and my patients:
— Take equal amounts of dried fruits: figs, dates, dried apricots, prunes, wash well, pour over with boiling water, destone, turn through a meat grinder or chop in a blender . Take daily in the morning on an empty stomach (30 minutes before meals) 1-2 teaspoons with 1 glass of water with lemon. Children under 3 years old - 1/2 cup of water.
This recipe can be used by children from 1 year old, but be sure to first test how the child tolerates each dried fruit separately, and then prepare the mixture.
— Sour milk + prunes for the night: 10-20 pieces of prunes are well washed, brewed with boiling water for 5-10 minutes, a small child can be mashed. Eat before going to bed with 1 glass of kefir, biolact, fermented baked milk, curdled milk.
Wheat bran is a very useful product, because contain approximately 50% fiber, as well as many vitamins and minerals. You can buy them at a pharmacy.
Wheat bran can be included in the diet of children after 1 year as a remedy for constipation. Start with a daily amount of 1 teaspoon, gradually, every 2-3 days, increasing the dose until a regular stool is achieved. The maximum dose for children is up to 2 tablespoons per day.
The daily dose of bran is brewed with a small amount of boiling water. It is kept under the lid for 30-40 minutes, then the excess water is drained, and the swollen bran is added to the child's food, most often to porridge. You can add them to kefir, cottage cheese, vegetable and fruit puree. You can add the entire daily dose of bran in one serving of food, can be divided evenly into breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Gymnastics for constipation. Helps or not?
In my experience, it helps a lot! Active and mobile children are less likely to suffer from constipation. For the prevention of constipation, sports are useful: running, swimming, gymnastics, squats, tilts, exercises to strengthen the abdominal press.
A child suffering from constipation, in addition to following a diet and drinking regimen, is recommended to perform several simple actions in the morning:
- Get up early so that there is enough time for all morning activities, including going to the toilet, water (possible with a mixture of dried fruits),
- Perform the following exercises - Starting position standing: take a deep breath, then a deep exhale, then draw in the stomach as much as possible and stick it out. Repeat the exercises several times.
There is a good chance that the child will want to go to the toilet afterwards.
Abdominal massage is also useful.
Is constipation so dangerous?
The causes, and hence the consequences of constipation can be different:
• stress - you need to create a calm environment for the child,
• rectal fissures - you need to contact the surgeon,
• arbitrary retention of stool - you need to talk with the child, try to work out morning defecation schedule.
And the consequences can be different. It is always better to find out the causes of the disease with your pediatrician. So you can avoid dangerous consequences.
It is not recommended to give a child laxatives and suppositories on their own, as well as to repeat cleansing enemas frequently. If for a long time (more than 1 month) it is not possible to establish a regular chair for a child, you need to see a doctor. Diet
Let your baby be always healthy!
And the pediatricians of the clinic "Lor Plus" are ready to answer the questions of mothers and fathers about the well-being of the child and the prevention of childhood diseases.
Come to our clinic!
Experienced paediatricians see children in our clinics:
Marakulina Anna Gennadievna (pediatrician, doctor of the highest qualification category, experience 29 years)
Fedoseeva Olesya Andreevna (pediatrician).
Our doctors:
- They will pick up the key to a crying baby,
- They will calm the worried mom,
- They will quickly make the correct diagnosis,
- They will prescribe an effective treatment.
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You can make an appointment by phone. +7(342)258-258-8 or through the registration form below. Appointment with a doctor through the Administrator of the clinic Leave your details, our Administrator will call you back in the near future, consult on the cost of services, select the best time for your appointment. Your name Your phone number Message By clicking on the button, you consent to the processing of your personal data. |
Please note that:
- When visiting the clinic for the first time, it is advisable to arrive 10 minutes before the appointed time in order to complete a medical history and sign an agreement, informed consent for medical intervention.