Food for 6 months baby boy indian

6 Months Baby Food Chart with Indian Baby Food Recipes - GKFoodDiary

last updated: by Kalyani

6 Months Baby Food Chart, Indian Baby Food recipes, By six months, your baby will be completely ready for solids and showing signs of readiness. This post will help you decide what foods you can introduce at six months with sample food charts.  Prefer homemade foods to buying packaged or ready-made foods in the market because homemade is the safest and healthiest.

Also, remember that solids food can't replace the nutrients breastmilk or formula provides during the first year. So consider including solids in your baby's diet as complementary feeding. Please read on how to introduce solids to the baby before you plan a food chart for your six months baby.

What foods can be included in 6 months of a baby's diet? 

This stage is a little tricky as six months is the starting of solids. Safe, less allergic, easily digestible, healthy, and nutritious foods are recommended when you start solids for the first time. Here is the list of safe options you can include in 6-month-old baby's diet.

  • Fruits: Apple, Avocado, Banana, Pears, muskmelon, Peaches, Plums, Prune
  • Vegetables: Carrot, Pumpkin, Sweet Potato
  • Cereals & Grains: Rice, Ragi, Barley, Semolina/Suji/Rava, sabudhana/Sago/Tapioca, Ragira/Amaranth/Phool Makhana, Quinoa
  • Pulses: Yellow Moong Dal
  • Dairy: Ghee, Butter (in moderation)
  • Non-Vegetarian: None

How much quantity per day? 

For the quantity of food, always be guided with your baby's hunger as appetite varies from baby to baby, and most babies change daily. Here is an approximate amount:

  • 1 tablespoon of fruit or veg puree. Gradually increased to 4 tbsp
  • 2 tablespoon of cereal. Gradually increased to ¼ cup

6 Months Baby Food Recipes

Here is the collection of 6 Months Baby Food Recipes. Please customize the below sample charts with the mentioned recipes that can be included in 6 months baby’s diet based on availability, convenience, and your baby’s preference.

Sample Indian Food chart or Diet plan for 6 month old baby: 

One meal a day would do for a 6-month-old baby. Gradually you can shift to two meals around seven months. When you begin, start with small portions. Baby's first food should be semi-liquid. Gradually move to a thick consistency as your baby learns to eat.

Introduce one food at a time and follow 3 days rule, which will help determine allergic reactions to a particular food. Here are the sample food charts(weekly)  for 6 month old baby. You can customize these charts with recipes for 6 months of baby food based on availability, convenience, and your baby's preference.

Week 1:


Early Morning






Bed time

           Week  1

Day 1




Banana Puree




Day 2




Banana Puree




Day 3




Banana Puree




Day 4




Apple Puree




Day 5




Apple Puree




Day 6




Apple Puree




Day 7




Carrot Puree




 * BM/FM-Breast milk/Formula Milk


Week 2:


Early Morning






Bed time

           Week  2

Day 1




Carrot Puree




Day 2




Carrot Puree




Day 3




Pumpkin Puree




Day 4




Pumpkin Puree




Day 5




Pumpkin Puree




Day 6




Rice Gruel




Day 7




Rice Gruel




 * BM/FM-Breast milk/Formula Milk

Week 3:


Early Morning






Bed time

           Week  3

Day 1




Rice Gruel




Day 2




Rice Porridge 




Day 3




Rice Porridge 




Day 4




Rice Porridge 




Day 5




Dal Ka Pani 




Day 6




Dal Ka Pani 




Day 7




Dal Ka Pani 




 * BM/FM-Breastmilk/Formula Milk


Week 4: 

 * BM/FM-Breast milk/Formula Milk

Last Updated: April-2018

Notes :
  • Sterilize the bowls and spoons used for feeding your baby in a vessel with hot water for five minutes and keep it immersed in the same vessel until use.
  • Never introduce more than one food at a time when introducing solids to your baby.
  • Salt and sugar are not recommended in baby's food until 1 year of age.
  • Check for allergy symptoms when introducing new food to your baby, and stop feeding you if you find any symptoms.
  • Feed your baby with breastmilk or formula milk on demand other than the timings mentioned in the chart.
  • Always check with your pediatrician before introducing any new food.
  • Steaming is a healthy option for baby food than pressure cooking. So I prefer steaming using an Idli pot or steamer.

Also, Check out the below links for 7 - 11 months of Homemade Baby food recipes

  • 7 months Baby food recipes
  • 8 months Baby food recipes
  • 9 months Baby food recipes
  • 10 months Baby food recipes
  • 11 months Baby food recipes
  • 12-18 month baby food recipes

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6 months baby food chart with baby food recipes

By Swasthi on August 6, 2022, Comments,

6 months baby food chart with baby food recipes. The best time to start solids for babies is after 6 months. There are many sources suggesting introduction of solids from 3 to 4 months. But an early introduction of solids can lead to more colic, digestive troubles and allergies.

A baby develops digestive enzymes in between 4 to 6 months which are crucial for digestion of foods. It is a good choice to wait until the baby develops these enzymes completely.

A baby typically begins to develop head control from 3 to 4 months and gains strong head to neck muscles by 6 months. A strong head to neck control helps the baby to accept solids well and can easily swallow.

So by 6 months a baby has a better digestive system and a good head control which are needed before the introduction of solids.

Breast milk is the best bet for the overall growth of a baby. It is recommended to exclusively breast feed a baby for the first 6 months.

As an exception, formula milk is an alternate for women who cannot breast feed baby due to professional, personal or medical reasons.

If you have a baby older than 7 months, you can follow this complete
baby food chart for 8 months old and above

How do you know your baby is ready for solids?

1. The baby’s head & neck are stable. This means baby can accept food and swallow.
2. Baby must be able to sit stable with or without support.
3. Shows interest in food when others are eating.
4. Baby must be able to open the mouth when food is offered.
5. Baby is still hungry after breastfeeding or formula feed.

Tips on how to start solids for baby

First consult your pediatrician to confirm if your baby is ready for solids. It is very important to plan well before you introduce any other foods apart from breast milk.

Make your own feeding schedule along with the foods you intend you try and get an approval from your pediatrician. Most clinics and hospitals also provide a diet chart or at least a guide.

I have made this from the guidelines I got from the Clinics here in Singapore. I have followed the same for both my babies.

1. Always start with a single food. Either a fruit, vegetable or grain. Avoid a mixture of foods. You can start with mashed fruit first. The presence of digestive enzymes in fruits helps the baby to digest them better.

2. After a week, while you continue feeding fruit, you can start rice water (kanji), after a week clear dal soup or boiled vegetable broth / water.

3. Always follow the 3 day wait rule for every food you introduce. Wait for the results until the 4th day. Please see the doctor immediately if your baby develops rashes, runny nose, watery eyes, colic etc.

4. Introduce new foods to your baby during breakfast or lunch. Avoid trying new foods during the later time of the day as it is easy to get a control over the problems.

5. A 7 month old baby can eat only a tsp of mashed food initially. Slowly by 4 weeks increase the quantity to a tbsp and then more.

Helpful tips – introducing solids for baby

1. Use stainless steel or glass bowls and cups for preparation of baby foods. Avoid plastic ware even made of any superior material, including virgin plastic or graded as BPA free. Any kind of plastic ware consists of plasticizers that are used to make the containers flexible.

Plasticizers are similar to BPA and are an endocrine disruptor. Even BPA free plastic and virgin plastic ware have chemical plasticizers. Please use google search for more info.

2. Always feed the baby in a calm, quite environment and in a steady place like – on the lap, in a high chair or on the floor.

3. While feeding, refrain the baby from activities like watching a TV show, playing with a hand held gadget like mobile, and tablet or game devices. Some of these emit radiation that is not good for the baby.

4. Meal time has to be a learning for the baby, speaking to your baby about the food – its texture, taste and color helps the baby to develop a liking for the food. Or narrate a good story to the baby, do not encourage the baby to talk while eating. This may seem to be over disciplined but this is the only way i have found to grow fuss free kids. They will begin to love any food that is served.

5. Introduce water from a steel cup or a glass not from a feeding bottle or sipper. A 90 ml cup is best suited. This makes the transition from teat to cup easy when the baby grows up.

6 months baby food chart

To follow this baby chart please ensure your baby has completed 6 months and you have an approval from your pediatrician for the same.

A baby usually consumes milk every 2 to 3 hours. Solids should be served in between the feeds. Use plain boiled and cooled water to puree the fruits if needed. Avoid mixing milk or any other ingredient with fruit.

The combination of fruit and milk products results in indigestion, loss of appetite, no weight gain and accumulation of toxins.

Clear soups can be used to make pureed rice, oats or ragi cereal. Feeding only clear soups regularly is not a good idea as they lack the nutrition that is provided by a semi solid food or milk.

I have shared a sample baby food chart below which shows the quantities of fruits and vegetables. From the chart (day 13 to day 20), you can replace potato with rice porridge (kanji) or dal soup or ragi porridge.

This is an alternate table which you can follow if your baby is in between 6 and 7 months.

Wake up
Breastfeed or formula milk. What ever time your baby wakes up.
7.30 to 8 am fruit puree
One of the following: (only after 1½ to 2 hours of milk). You can use boiled cooled water to thin down the puree.
1. Banana- mash with a fork or run in a blender.
2. Apple- peel,core,steam for about 5 to 6 minutes. Puree in a blender
3. Chickoo (sapota)- mash with a fork and spoon
4. Pear- peel and core, steam for 5 to 6 minutes
5. Papaya – mash with a fork or blend
6. Ripe avocado – add it to a blender and puree
11. 30 to 12.30 pm
After introducing fruits, you can try these. Continue to feed fruits for breakfast.
first 1 week – rice cereal
2nd week apple rice  or rice cereal with boiled carrot
3rd week ragi porridge Or apple ragi or oats porridge Or apple oats Or clear moong dal soup
4th week – Repeat the foods mentioned above. You can also introduce soupy khichdi. You will have to make it following the same method I mentioned for rice cereal above.
rest of the day
Breast feed or formula (only after 1.5 to 2 hours of lunch)

Baby food recipes for 6 months old along with ingredients and instructions to prepare

These are the quantities i followed for my kids i got from the Health Promotion Board,Singapore.Use any one
Quantity of fruits for 6 months to 9 months
½ small apple
½ small pear
½ cup sapota
½ cup papaya
½ medium banana

How many times can the same fruit be given in a week?

Including a variety of fruits will provide different kinds of nutrients to the baby.
Banana – 3 to 4 times
Apple – daily
Chickoo- daily
Pear- 3 to 4 times
Papaya – 4 to 5 times
Avocado- 3 to 4 times or daily

Do read the complete post before you attempt any of these recipes
More tips on preparing Lunch

from 3 rd week – Rice, ragi or oats. Clear dal soup with veggie.
first 7 days (from 3rd week) -Single grain with milk (formula or breast milk). You can also use gluten free or baby oats or ragi to make porridge.
next 7 days – Rice with a single veggie or apple. You can use steamed or boiled carrots.

VEGETABLES to prefer
1. carrots
2. pumpkin

LENTIL/ DAL to prefer
1. moong dal
2. toor dal

About Swasthi

I’m Swasthi Shreekanth, the recipe developer, food photographer & food writer behind Swasthi’s Recipes. My aim is to help you cook great Indian food with my time-tested recipes. After 2 decades of experience in practical Indian cooking I started this blog to help people cook better & more often at home. Whether you are a novice or an experienced cook I am sure Swasthi’s Recipes will assist you to enhance your cooking skills.

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diet for a 6-month-old baby with breast and artificial feeding, an approximate menu for a week in the table, a diet for a day

Published: 02/10/2021

Reading time: 4 min.

Number of reads: 213881

Author of the article: Ponomareva Yuliya Vladimirovna

Pediatrician, Candidate of Medical Sciences, allergist-immunologist

Changes in a child in the first year of life are very rapid, and each month is not like another. The 6-month milestone is very important, it is largely evaluative and transitional. By this age, most babies have doubled their birth weight, are about 15 cm tall, and some babies have already erupted their teeth. The age of 6 months is also transitional in terms of nutrition. Breast milk or an adapted formula is still the basis of the diet, but with the beginning of the second half of life, all children, without exception, should begin to receive complementary foods. Despite the general graph of growth and weight gain and indicators of psychomotor development, the status and diet of children at 6 months can be very different.

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  1. The first feeding of 6 months
  2. The start of complementary foods at 4-5 months
  3. The second half of the life
  4. for a week for a child at 6 months

The first feeding of

If the baby is healthy and breastfed, and his mother eats a full and varied diet, exclusive breastfeeding is possible until this age. Cereal complementary foods in this case are preferable to start. This is due to the high energy and nutritional value of cereals, the ability to significantly enrich the baby's diet with a delayed start of the introduction of complementary foods.

However, the rate of expansion of the child's diet in this situation will be accelerated. Before the 8th month of life, it is necessary to introduce all basic food groups into the baby’s menu, since in the second half of the year the need for additional intake of nutrients and micronutrients is very high. Another reason explaining the importance of the rapid introduction of complementary foods is the formation of immunity of the immune cells of the intestine to ordinary food. If a child is introduced to these foods at the age of 4-8 months, the risk of developing food allergies has been proven to be reduced.

Complementary feeding starts at 4-5 months

In today's life, the nutrition of a nursing mother, unfortunately, is not always complete. Therefore, for most breastfed babies, complementary foods already need to be introduced from 5 months in order to prevent deficient conditions.

If a child is bottle-fed, then by the 4th month of life, the baby will not have enough adapted formula alone, and in this group of children, the timing of the introduction of complementary foods usually shifts a month earlier than in breast-fed babies. Accordingly, by 6 months, children will have vegetable puree and gluten-free porridge (buckwheat, corn and rice) in their diet. In the first half of life, monocomponent meals are used (that is, from one type of grain and vegetables), prepared on the basis of water, breast milk or an adapted mixture.

Fruit puree and juice can be another possible complementary food for children under 6 months of age without allergy symptoms. In a child with a risk of developing or manifesting allergies, the timing of the introduction of fruit complementary foods is shifted to the 8th month.

Second six months of life

Children over 6 months of age can supplement their diet with cereals containing gluten. First of all, these are oatmeal and wheat porridge, and then multi-cereal dishes with the addition of other cereals (millet, barley, rye). If the child does not have any manifestations of allergies, milk porridge can be included in the menu at this age. Bebi Premium industrial baby food products include specially prepared milk that is safe to use in healthy babies in the first year of life.

From the age of 6 months, the baby's diet is expanded with such important products as meat and cottage cheese. These products are a source of high-quality protein, fats, and are also rich in minerals such as iron, calcium, and phosphorus. Pediatricians and nutritionists recommend introducing meat and cottage cheese as part of combined dishes based on a fruit and vegetable and / or grain component in a ratio of 1 (cottage cheese / meat): 4–5 (fruits / vegetables / cereals).

To enrich the diet with polyunsaturated fatty acids in the second half of the year, the menu includes vegetable oil in the amount of 3–5 grams per day, which can be added to the complementary food dish. The volume of each feeding is approximately 150-170 ml, and the child can already stand up to 3. 5 hours between meals.

In the table below, we offer a menu of 6 months for a week for a child who started receiving complementary foods at the age of 4-5 months, and by the time the second half of life begins, dairy-free gluten-free cereals, vegetable and fruit purees have already been introduced into his diet.

1st day

0065 50
Lunch (12.30) vegetable soup with beef, olive oil 100/30/3
compot of drocked 9006, 9006 9
Afternoon snack (16.00) Plum puree with cottage cheese 60/40
Breast milk/formula 60 062
food reception menu ml/g
Early morning breast milk/mixture 150
Milki ’breakfast (09 cherry Bebi Premium» 100
0065 Breast milk/mixture 150
children's soluble cookies "BEBIKI" Classic
Bebi Premium Kids Instant Herbal Tea 50
Bedtime 065 Breast milk/formula 150

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Spices and passions. What food is considered healthy and unhealthy in India

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Spices and passions

What food is considered healthy and unhealthy in India

Olga Tsynskaya

Incredible spices, hot chili peppers, masala tea, a meal according to the rules of Ayurveda - Indian cuisine is famous all over the world. About why Hindus do not eat onions, garlic, tomatoes and beets, as well as recipes for chicken curry and Ganesha's favorite delicacy - laddu - in the RIA Novosti material.

Brijesh Chowdhury, chef from Mumbai

In India, they know how to create a culinary masterpiece from the simplest products.

Our cuisine is based on three main ingredients: rice, seafood and freshly ground spices. It seems to be nothing special, but the Indians come up with such bizarre combinations by adding other products that the dishes become unique and are loved all over the world. It is curious: in our restaurants and cafes, mostly men cook, and only women cook at home.

Indian workers picking fruit at a market near Hyderabad

Dairy products have a special place.

And this is understandable, because milk is given by a sacred animal for us - a cow. In the north of the country, ghee is often used - and this is also a symbol of well-being.

Cow in Rishikesh, India

© Fotolia / bawan

India is a predominantly vegetarian country.

It is forbidden to eat beef, again because the cow is a sacred animal. There are many Muslims in the country, so pork is rare here. But chicken and fish are popular.

Cooking in India is also an extremely complex philosophy.

Going on a gastro tour around the country, you need at least in general terms to study the basics of the Hindu creed about food, its types and methods of taking. Ayurveda, a system of Indian medicine, is known all over the world for its serious approach to nutrition. According to ancient tradition, the well-being, mood and fate of a person directly depend on the way of eating. All food is divided into three types.

Ayurvedic medicine

© / nilanewsom

Rajasic . Very tasty, spicy. Meat, alcohol. This stimulates the body and causes hyperactivity, irritability, promotes passion and ignorance.

Vindaloo with rice, a popular meat dish

CC BY-SA 4.0 / Asen89 /

Tamasic . Fatty and sweet foods, canned food, pasteurized foods, flour products, reheated food. Such food makes a person stupid and lethargic.

Traditional Indian dish

Sattvic . Vegetables, cereals, fruits, juices, nuts, fresh dairy products. It has a beneficial effect on a person, fills with vital energy, is easily digested, cleanses the body, and calms the mind. It should be noted that food must be prepared in a favorable, positive environment, otherwise even a sattvic dish will become tamasic.

For example, onions and garlic are not liked in India.

It is believed that they make a person aggressive, awaken passion. Tomatoes and beets are also rarely eaten because they are the color of blood.

Red onion

Many sauces are used.

The most beloved and popular is chutney. Its taste is built on the contrasts of fruits, vegetables and spices. Chutney is even called differently: both sauce, and seasoning, and salty jam, and marinated compote. And they serve it both with the main dish and with pastries.

Green chutney

© Pixabay / Pixabay / PDPics

Indian cuisine is full of healthy sweets.

God Ganesha is depicted with a laddu tray in his hands. These are sweet balls of chickpea flour with nuts, butter, sugar and spices, rolled in coconut, sesame or almond crumbs. In Hindu culture, they symbolize abundance and prosperity.

Jalebi served with rabri. A popular Indian dessert

CC BY-SA 4.0 / Sahil tiwarie /

The meal is usually completed with "Indian chewing gum" pan - betel leaves, which are wrapped in crushed betel nuts and spices.

Both men and women chew. It is a good mouth freshener that is good for digestion.

Pack of betel leaves

© / tawintaew

Elvira Borislavskaya, connoisseur and lover of Indian cuisine

My first encounter with Indian cuisine can be called romantic.

I got carried away by this country: culture, traditions, history and, of course, food. An incredible variety of dishes with the simplest basic products at the base. But quite unusual for the uninitiated taste - new and unexpected. It's all about the spices and their combinations.

It was a discovery for me that you can live without meat!

And I am a meat eater, what else to look for. But in six months in India, she only ate chicken once, and that was by accident. And no meat chips.

Indian feast

© / Rawpixel

These dishes are probably one of my favorites.

Kheer . A very popular pudding-like dessert in India. Remember when we were given sweet rice porridge in kindergarten? This is it, only in an Indian way: rice well boiled in milk, seasoned with cardamom seeds. Hindus cook khir on special occasions: for guests, for family and religious holidays, in honor of the birthday of Ganesha, for pujas for offering to Shiva. Served as the final dish of a festive feast. It is not only tasty, but also useful: it helps to remove excess salt from the body, to cope with swelling.

Kheer Sweet Rice Pudding with Nuts and Raisins


Okra Curry . Faceted green pods, outwardly reminiscent of hot peppers. In India they are called "bhindi", in Europe - "okra", in Russia - "ladies' fingers", in the East - "gombo". A very simple, tasty dish. And a good side dish for any meat. Served both hot and cold.

Masala tea with milk and spices . This spicy Indian drink will warm both the soul and the body. Masala in India is a traditional mixture of spices and seasonings: cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, black pepper (or pippali pepper), and fennel seeds. By the way, in the West, the word "masala" is most often associated with a warm spicy drink prepared by boiling black tea in milk with spices. They drink it to keep warm and feel a surge of strength. Most gourmets note that this tea has invigorating properties and a wonderful aroma, which makes you want to enjoy life and love the whole world.

Masala-tea is a good alternative to coffee, it tones well and is indispensable with drowsiness and lack of energy

CC BY 2.0 / Ute /


Chicken Curry


Chicken fil both white meat and red meat) - 800-850 grams

Large onions - three to four pieces

Head of garlic (medium) - one piece

Zira - half a teaspoon

Kurkuma - one teaspoon

Garam Masala - one teaspoon (with a hill)

Acute pepper - one pod

Ginger root (with walnuts) - one piece - one piece

Cardamom - 2-3 grains

Sunflower oil - 30-50 ml0003

Wash and dry the chicken well, cut into pieces (I cut the thigh into four pieces). While the meat is drying, prepare the marinade.

Put Greek yogurt, half a teaspoon of turmeric and garam masala in a bowl. Mix everything and put the chicken pieces in the marinade. Set aside and start preparing the curry sauce. Ideally, the chicken should be marinated for three to four hours.

Chicken carcass on a cutting board

© Fotolia / EBelikov


Grind onion, garlic, ginger and pepper in a blender. We should get a mixture of the consistency of liquid semolina.

Pour cumin into a hot frying pan (cauldron). It should ignite, but not smoke, so do not forget to stir. As soon as it begins to darken and a fragrant smell appears, pour in the oil. Reduce fire to medium.

In a thoroughly heated oil, put the mixture chopped in a blender. The most important process begins, it takes 20-25 minutes - we fry the base of the curry sauce. It should turn out to be a uniform ruddy-golden color, so it must be constantly mixed.

Onions, garlic, pepper, ginger

© Photo: Kira Kuvykova

leave on fire, stirring.

Then put the chicken in the same pan with the sauce, mix, salt, close the lid and reduce the heat to just below medium. Thirty to forty minutes the chicken boils - that's enough.

You can let it brew for another 30-40 minutes. And everything is ready!



chickpeas or wheat flour - 400 grams

GHYA or Basily - 450 grams

COMPOSE or sugar 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 two tablespoons

Grated hazelnuts or walnuts - two tablespoons

Ground cardamom - half a teaspoon

Cinnamon - one teaspoon


Melt the butter in a large pan, add the flour.

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