How much to feed a baby bearded dragon
How Often to Feed a Bearded Dragon (Diet by Age Guide)
If you’re a first-time owner, understanding how to properly feed your bearded dragon can feel somewhat like rocket science!
From figuring out what veggies and insects to feed them, to how often feed a bearded dragon at any age, to even understanding how to use vitamins and supplements… let’s all agree that getting started with a bearded dragon definitely requires doing some research!
It is my hope that no matter how old your bearded dragon is… that this post will answer any question you have in regard to not only how often to feed them, but also what to feed them as well.
The bearded dragon feeding chart by age below is a handy guide to help you remember important information. But there’s a lot of information we couldn’t squeeze into it, so be sure to keep reading!
In This Article
How Often Do
Adult Bearded Dragons Eat?Adult bearded dragons, or those older than 18 months, will need to be fed just once a day every day. Now, if you miss a day here and there it will by no means be the end of the world. But, you really should strive to feed your bearded dragon once daily.
An adult bearded dragon will be one that has reached full sexual maturity. This typically happens around 18 months of age. It is at this point that their diet should consist of only around 20% protein, with the rest being that of a fresh salad.
Healthy adult bearded dragons should eat around 10 crickets per day OR 20 crickets every other day.
How Many Mealworms to Feed a Bearded DragonAlthough many vets or inexperienced owners will advocate for mealworms… they’re actually NOT that great for your beardie.
How Many Super Worms to Feed a Bearded DragonMealworms are comprised of a VERY hard chitlin exoskeleton which is difficult on a bearded dragon’s digestive track. Mealworms have been known to lead to such issues as impaction.
On top of this, they also contain very little nutritional value. Bottom line? Choose a different feeder like crickets, Dubias, or Super Worms.
Since super worms are so rich in protein, you won’t need to overload your bearded dragon with them. As such, you should aim to be feeding your adult bearded dragon around 7 to 10 super worms on an every other day basis.
How Often Do Baby Bearded Dragons Need to Eat?Much like a human baby, baby bearded dragons NEED to eat multiple times a day. For babies under 3 months, aim to feed them 5 times a day.
Babies 3-6 months should be fed 3-4 times a day, while those six months old should be fed 3 times a day, working their way down to 2 times a day as they approach a year of age.
On a personal note, I remember many moons ago having my first bearded dragon how lost I was! Having been new to reptiles at the time, I simply assumed my baby only needed to eat like twice a day… Boy was I WRONG!
Fortunately, it wasn’t long until I noticed her growth stall that I realized my poor girl needed to E-A-T! So, rest assured… if you’ve been underfeeding I TOTALLY get it. As long as you make the necessary adjustments, this is a judgement free zone 😉
How Many Crickets to Feed a Baby Bearded DragonCrickets, along with dusted calcium AND multi-vitamin supplements are essentially the ONLY staples in any baby bearded dragon’s diet.✅ PRO TIP: Around 12 months of age, be prepared to start incorporating more veggies into your bearded dragon’s diet. The ratio at this time should be around 70% veggies and 30% protein.
A little bit of a hotly debated topic, you’ll get a different answer depending on who you talk to…
While some owners believe babies should be allowed to eat as much as they want in 5-10 minute intervals 3-5 times a day, others believe in capping their total cricket intake at around 50 crickets a day, give or take 10-20.
However, here is what the MAJORITY of owners will recommend…
How Long can a Bearded Dragon Go Without Eat?For babies under 3 months, feed them as many crickets as they’ll eat in 5-10 minute increments 5 times a day.
For babies 3 to 12 months old, reduce these feedings to just 4 times a day, then 3 times a day, and eventually 2 times a day by the time they’re 12 months of age.
Just like with people, this answer will slightly vary depending on the current health of said bearded dragon. I’ve actually already taken the liberty of writing a really comprehensive post discussing this very question, so you should definitely check it out to learn the surprising answer!
Can You Overfeed a Bearded Dragon?Oh yes! Just like people, bearded dragons can become overweight from an over-indulgent diet. In fact, obesity can become quite a problem in adult bearded dragons and as such, is something no owner should take lightly.
Typically, obesity in adults occurs when the diet is overly rich in yummy things (Read: insects) and deficient in veggies. Funny how that seems to apply no matter the species, eh?
In short? GREENS! You should be feeding your bearded dragon that is 12 months of age and older greens EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
However, don’t let uneaten veggies sit around for longer than 20-30 minutes if you can help it. This will prevent things like mold and bacteria from spreading in the tank. Same goes for feeders be they dead or alive.
Do Bearded Dragons Need to Eat Every Day?While bearded dragons don’t absolutely need to eat every day, you SHOULD feed them every day.
Now, if your bearded dragon has to go a day or so without eating because you’re out of town briefly, they should be fine. Just don’t make this a regular occurrence.
What is the Best Thing to Feed a Bearded Dragon?There truly is NO better, more reliable, and safe source of protein for a bearded dragon than a Dubia Roach!In terms of protein, there is no better option than Dubia roaches.
In short? Dubias are very easy to digest, are protein-rich, and tend to be safer than crickets which can carry parasites.
You could also feed them Phoenix worms which are so rich in calcium you won’t even need to dust them every time! However, Phoenix worms can be expensive, so just be prepared to splurge…
Crickets are going to be your next best bet after Dubias and Phoenix worms, though they’re definitely not as protein-rich and can be quite dirty if you want to breed them. (Just a head’s up… they can also be quite stinky!)
Although Dubia Roaches and Phoenix Worms pack more protein and tend to be cleaner, there’s NO denying just how easily accessible and cost effective crickets are.
Another feeder that you can feed are mealworms, although they should never be given to a dragon younger than 2 years as their hard chitlin shell is very hard to digest. Because of this, you won’t want to make mealworms your adult bearded dragon’s staple feeder either, but more of an occasional treat.
Truth be told, there are 9 great feeders you can give your bearded dragon for a protein-rich diet… do you know them all?
In terms of the best vegetables… you’re going to want to add dark leafy greens like collard, endive, dandelion, and the like into the bearded dragon diet.
How Many Dubia Roaches to Feed a Bearded DragonBaby bearded dragons 3 months old and younger should consume 10-20 Dubias three times a day until they’re 4 months old.
Between 4 and 12 months of age, give them 10-15 Dubias twice daily, working your way down to one feeding by the time they’re one year old.
For an adult bearded dragon that is 18 months and older give them 10-20 Dubias just one to three times a week, depending on their weight.
Now, if your bearded dragon is pregnant or underweight, you will want to boost their protein intake.
If your bearded dragon is pregnant… you’ll ESPECIALLY want to up her calcium intake as well since egg-laying will deplete her calcium store!
The same goes for scrawny or underweight bearded dragons that need to be fattened up!
How Many Crickets to Feed a Baby Bearded Dragon a DayNow, if you aren’t able to get Dubia roaches for your baby dragon, your next best bet is going to be crickets. A baby 4 months and under should eat between 30 and 60 crickets a day over the course of 3 10 minute feedings.
A baby between the ages of 4 months and a year should eat between 20 and 40 crickets over the course of 2 feedings. Once they’ve reached a year, go down to one feeding a day of 10 to 20 crickets.
What Vegetables CAN Bearded Dragons Eat?Fun Fact: The ONLY thing you can let your bearded dragon indulge in ALL day, EVERY day is a nice, fresh salad!✅PRO TIP: You’ll also want to dust the feeders with calcium AND a multivitamin. Dust a baby bearded dragon’s food with calcium 4-5 times a week, no more than once a day and provide a multivitamin 2 to 3 times a week. For healthy adults, dust their food three times a week and offer them a multivitamin just once a week.
As your bearded dragon ages, you’ll want to switch them from a protein-heavy diet to one with more veggies. Their adult diet should be 70-80% veggies with the rest being comprised of insects.
The vegetables a bearded dragon can eat include…
- collard greens
- kale
- mustard greens
- turnip greens
- bell peppers (raw)
- butternut squash
- carrots
- cucumber (peeled)
- endive
- okra (raw)
- spaghetti squash
- pumpkin
- parsnips
Want a more thorough list? Check out EVERYTHING you can feed your bearded dragon in this comprehensive post!
What Can’t Bearded Dragons Eat?Luckily, this one is simple: They should NOT eat MOST things. If in doubt it’s not for them. Only feed them the foods on the relatively short and simple list of things you know to be good for them.
Basically, any food that isn’t an approved feeder (crickets, Dubia Roaches, Mealworms, super worms) or an approved vegetable or fruit is not going to work.
- Dairy products (cheese, milk, yogurt, ice cream, etc.)
- Avocado
- Meat (red meat, sea food, poultry, etc.)
- Wild caught insects
- Spinach
- Lettuce (loose leaf and iceberg)
- Onion
Wrapping Up how Often to Feed a Bearded Dragon✅ PRO TIP: In addition to things a bearded dragon should NEVER eat… there’s also quite a few things they can only enjoy on RARE occasions. To ensure you’re not feeding them too much of these types of food, check out our Full Bearded Dragon Diet Guide. We also have a dedicated guide on strawberries, as some owners can have (risky) misconceptions on whether their bearded dragon should eat strawberries.
I sincerely hope by now you have a clear understanding of how often to feed your bearded dragon. As a bearded dragon matures, feeding them becomes extremely easy and low maintenance with just one feeding per day.
And as some last-minute advice… if you’re running short on time in the morning, you can always prep your bearded dragon’s salad in advance. Sometimes I would prepare the salads almost like meal prepping for myself. It really helped cut down on time in the mornings.
Feeding Bearded Dragons: How Much, & How Often? (Bearded Dragon Feeding Chart by Age)(with Chart & Guide)
When you first get a new pet of any type, excitement is the only emotion you feel. However, this first phase lasts a very short time as the sudden realization sets in that you don’t really know how to properly care for this new pet! Your first bearded dragon is a stepping-stone into a lifetime of herpetological love, but you must figure out how to properly feed your dragon, which is exactly what you’ll learn in this article.
What Do Bearded Dragons Eat?
Once you understand how bearded dragons eat, feeding them is a very simple process. They don’t have terribly diverse diets. In fact, their entire nutritional intake boils down to just two types of foods: plant matter and insects. Aside from this, you’ll also dust food items with a calcium supplement and provide a multi-vitamin supplement once each week.
Your bearded dragon will eat the same foods throughout its entire life. However, the percentage of plant-based foods versus live foods that your dragon needs will change as they age. Younger dragons require more protein, which they get from live insects. Adult dragons will eat fewer insects; the difference will be made up with fruits and vegetables.
Image Credit: yophoto90, ShutterstockInsects
- Dubia roaches
- Phoenix worms
- Crickets
- Super worms
- Butter worms
- Mealworms
- Hornworms
- Silkworms
- Waxworms
- Collard greens
- Alfalfa
- Squash
- Mustard greens
- Dandelion greens
- Carrots
- Turnip greens
- Bell peppers
- Okra
- Pumpkin
- Kale
- Cucumber
- Snap peas
- Sweet potato
- Green beans
Feeding a bearded dragon isn’t just about the foods they can eat. Equally important to consider are the foods that your bearded dragon should never eat. Some of these might seem like they’re perfectly fine to feed your dragon, but they’re not.
For instance, you never want to feed your bearded dragon any insects that you found in the wild, even if they’re part of your dragon’s normal diet. These insects can have parasites and diseases that could hurt or kill your dragon.
Other foods your dragon should never eat include
- Avocado
- Dairy products
- Seafood
- Poultry
- Red meat
- Wild insects
- Lettuce
- Spinach
- Onion
- Rhubarb
Bearded Dragon Feeding Chart By Age
Age of Bearded Dragon Quantity & Types of Food Number of Meals per Day 1-3 months As many crickets as they’ll eat in 5-10 minutes + 20% veggies 5 3-6 months 50% veggies, 50% insects 4 6-12 months 50% veggies, 50% insects 3 12-18 months 50% veggies, 50% insects 2 Adult (18+ months) 75% veggies, 25% insects 2
How Much Food to Give Your Adult Bearded Dragon
Bearded dragons reach adulthood around 18 months of age when they become sexually mature. At this time, they’ll be down to just two feedings each day, comprised of 75% veggies and only 25% live insects.
Determining how much to feed your dragon is pretty simple. In fact, you’ll let your dragon determine how much to eat by only allowing a certain amount of time at each feeding. When feeding insects, you should allow just 10 minutes for your dragon to eat the insects, removing uneaten insects at the end of the time.
Vegetables and fruits work similarly. Once you put them in your dragon’s enclosure for feeding, only leave them in for 30 minutes. This gives your dragon time to eat its fill while preventing overfeeding and ensuring that leftover food doesn’t cause mold problems.
Feeding Baby and Juvenile Bearded Dragons
Baby bearded dragons, those that are less than three months old, need a diet that’s the exact opposite of an adult dragon. These baby dragons need 75% of their nutrition to come from live insects and just 25% to come from plants. You can split their feeding into five meals. During insect feedings, allow them 10 minutes to eat as many as they can. This could be as many as 50 crickets each day.
Once a dragon reaches three months, it’s considered to be a juvenile. Juvenile dragons need a diet that’s about 50/50 plants and live insects. Young juveniles will eat four times daily, but this number decreases to twice daily feedings as the dragon approaches adulthood.
Monitoring Your Bearded Dragon’s Feedings
Image Credit: Neil Bailey, ShutterstockYou can tell a lot about your dragon’s needs by monitoring their feedings. Some dragons can be very picky eaters. Watching your dragon eat will make it easier for you to tell what foods they like and which ones they have no interest in.
You can also tell if you’re offering them the correct amount of food. If your dragon is eating every bit of the food you provide within the feeding window, then you might need to offer more food. On the other hand, if there’s always a lot of food leftover when the feeding window closes, then you should start reducing the amount of food you’re offering.
- See Also: Australian Water Dragon: Facts, Info & Care Guide (with Pictures)
What’s the Best Live Food for Bearded Dragons?
There are many live insects you can feed to your bearded dragon. Dubia roaches are widely considered to be the absolute best live food for bearded dragons due to their incredibly high protein content. Furthermore, they’re very clean insects and tend to be much safer than crickets, which have been known to carry parasites.
Phoenix worms are also a great choice. They’re full of calcium, so they don’t require you to dust them in a calcium supplement. The downside with Phoenix worms is that they’re quite pricey.
Crickets tend to be the go-to choice for feeding bearded dragons. While they’re not necessarily the most nutritious choice of all, they’re highly accessible and dirt-cheap. They still offer plenty of nutrition to keep your dragon in great health.
Remember, dragons need a varied diet, so cycle through the insects you feed them. You can also offer other insects like wax worms, silkworms, and more; just make sure not to overfeed these as some of them can be quite fatty.
Also, it’s important to gut-load any insects before offering them to your dragon. This will ensure your dragon is getting as much out of each meal as possible. Gut loading is when you stuff the insects full of nutritious food before feeding them to your dragon. You’ll need to gut load these insects for at least 24 hours before you give them to your dragon. You can gut load with special gut loading products or using various other foods like tropical fish food, puppy food, baby food, and more.
Image Credit: Dudley Simpson, ShutterstockWhat to Do if Your Bearded Dragon Isn’t Eating
There are many reasons that dragons could refuse to eat. Stress is a big one. If you’ve recently changed your dragon’s environment, lighting, or diet, then they could be refusing to eat as a reaction to this, which will take a short time to sort out.
Dragons might also refuse to eat when they’re shedding. You can tell they’re shedding when scales become dull-looking and the tip of the tail turns gray.
Sick dragons may also refuse to eat. This could require a trip to the vet.
Temperature can also have a major effect on a dragon’s appetite. If it’s too cold, hot, or humid, it could stop your dragon from feeding, so check on all these basics if you notice your dragon isn’t eating like normal.
- Related Read: How Often Should a Bearded Dragon Poop?
Feeding a bearded dragon is a pretty simple process, but you’ll have to keep lots of insects, fruits, and vegetables on hand. Remember that the ratio of plants to insects your dragon needs will change throughout their life, even though the actual foods they eat remain the same. Baby dragons need more protein, adults need more plant matter. Juvenile dragons eat a diet that’s half insects and half plants. Keep these basic rules in mind and you’ll have no problem keeping your dragons healthy and happy for a long life.
- Next on your reading list: Fancy Bearded Dragon
Featured Image: Vic Rincon, Shutterstock
Bearded dragon - description, care, feeding, maintenance and breeding at home
Bearded dragon is an obedient and easy-to-care pet. These lizards have been kept at home for over 30 years. The natural color is dominated by yellowish, gray or brown tones. The color may change depending on the temperature and condition of the animal. Now you can buy a variety of bred morphs, which makes this species attractive for both beginners and advanced amateurs.
The size of an adult individual can reach 40-60 cm. The body has a flattened ellipsoidal shape. On the body, mainly on the sides, there are scales in the form of prickly spikes. The head has a triangular shape and is framed by spines.
The lizard lives in arid deserts and semi-deserts of Australia. Leads an active daily life on the ground, sometimes climbing onto stones and branches of low trees. He uses burrows of other animals, piles of stones, crevices at the roots of trees and bushes as shelters.
For adults, a 90x45x45 cm terrarium is suitable, for young dragons you can use a smaller 60x45x30 cm terrarium. when the animal reaches 1 year.
Temperature is the most important parameter for keeping a bearded dragon at home. Only with the right temperature regime the animal will be able to fully digest food, develop and grow normally. The lizard's metabolism depends entirely on the correct temperature gradient, which is created by special lamps.
During the day the temperature should be 25-30 °C in the "cool zone" and 38-50 °C in the warm zone "under the sun".
For heating, a powerful directional heat and light lamp is installed, which is recommended for use in a luminaire with a bracket. You can raise and lower the lamp depending on what temperature is required in the terrarium.
Night temperatures can drop to 22°C.
Supplementary heating - eg heat cable, terrarium thermomat, ceramic heater, infrared lamps - may be required if the temperature falls below the recommended range.
Use Desert Sand or Stone Desert as a substrate. It is necessary to install strong snags, stones on which it is convenient for animals to climb, shelters and a small drinking bowl with water in the terrarium.
Several daylight lamps (Natural Light and Reptile Vision) and lamps with strong UV radiation (UVB150-200) are installed in the terrarium for lighting.
Daylight hours for the bearded dragon is 12-14 hours.
Terrarium humidity is not supported. Caring for a bearded dragon consists of bathing. A lizard under the age of 3 months should be bathed once a week in a basin with water at 30 ° C, 2-3 cm deep. From 3-6 months, you can bathe once every 2 weeks. From 6-12 months, 1 time per month is enough.
Only use the terrarium with a proven ventilation system that promotes good air exchange and prevents the windows from fogging up.
Bearded dragons have a diet of insects, greens, vegetables and fruits. The diet of an animal up to a year old should consist of 70% insects and 30% plant foods. As the lizards get older, the ratio should change to about 70% plant foods and 30% insects.
Approximate feeding schedule
1-6 months - ~10 crickets every day.
6-12 months - every other day ~10 crickets or 1-3 locusts.
12 months and older - 2-3 times a week for ~10 crickets or 5-8 locusts.
The numbers of insects given are approximate and may not correspond to the needs of a particular animal. Focus on your pet's appetite. You can also use frozen insects or Repashy special food as food.
Before feeding insects, pollinate with calcium and vitamins. Plant foods can be offered every day. You can feed all kinds of salads, various vegetables and fruits.
Eliminate all types of cabbage, tomatoes, citrus fruits and other acidic vegetables, fruits and berries.
In summer you can give dandelions, clover, knotweed, other weeds. Feed the animal in the morning and afternoon hours, but not at night. Animals under one year old should not be limited in feeding.
The Bearded Dragon should always have access to fresh drinking water.
Bearded dragons become sexually mature, ready for breeding by the age of two. This is an oviparous species. After mating, after 45-65 days, females lay eggs. To do this, they need to dig a hole with a depth of at least 40 cm. The number of eggs in a clutch is from 9up to 25 pieces. After 55-90 days, babies hatch from the eggs.
With proper maintenance and care in your home, the bearded dragon will live up to 12-14 years.
Bearded dragons are very territorial, so males should never be placed together. These lizards should be kept singly or in groups where there is a male and several females.
Like any other animal, the bearded dragon can get sick. Of course, if all the rules are followed, the risk of disease is minimized. If you suspect any disease, call our store and we will advise you.
Signs of illness:
- lethargy,
- lack of appetite for a long time,
- problematic molt.
Bearded dragons get used to human contact very quickly. When the animal understands that there is no danger, it ceases to be afraid and will come out on its own. For the purpose of taming, it is necessary to feed the agama from your hands, take it out of the terrarium for some time and hold it in your hands, stroke it on the back. If she does not experience stress outside the terrarium, you can let her walk around the room, after closing the windows and locking other pets in separate rooms. The lizard should be outside the terrarium only under supervision.
On our site there are many photos of bearded dragons, as well as a video, after watching which you will get acquainted with the habits of a reptile.
Panteric only supplies healthy animals. Our consultants help with the choice of everything you need for terrarium equipment, answer all your questions, and give important tips on care and breeding. For the time of departure, you can leave your pet in our hotel, which will be monitored by experienced veterinarians.
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Keeping and Feeding Bearded Dragons
- Keeping Bearded Dragons
- Feeding Bearded Dragons
The Bearded Dragon is a stunningly beautiful reptile that is great for keeping in a city apartment, good contact with people and can become a real pet.
In the wild, these lizards live in the deserts of Australia. Almost all agamas that can now be bought are bred in captivity. The average life span of bearded dragons in captivity is 10-15 years.
Keeping a bearded dragon
Before you bring your dragon home, prepare a place for it. Of course, like any reptile, dragons are cold-blooded animals, so they should be kept in a terrarium. For agamas, it is better to purchase a horizontal glass terrarium, the optimal size is 180 cm wide, 50 deep and 50 high. The terrarium must be closed with a lid so that the lizard does not escape.
Since bearded dragons are hermits, they need a humidity level of 30-40%. The temperature in the terrarium should be at the level of 26-29g. C, temperature under the heating lamp 36-38gr. C. For this, you can use incandescent lamps or ceramic lamps, you need to hang them at a distance of 45 cm from the place of heating, so that the agama cannot get burned. To monitor the temperature, you need to attach a thermometer to the wall of the terrarium, and you can also use a thermostat.
An ultraviolet lamp must be lit along with the heating lamp throughout the day. Reptiles require UV A and B spectrum lamps. These lamps are available from terrarium and aquarium stores. Day mode: 14 hours - daylight hours, 10 hours - night time.
Sand and pebbles at least 10 mm in diameter are most often used as soil. Sand is poured in a layer of 10 cm, so that, if desired, the lizard can burrow into the ground. There are also ready-made terrarium mats that are sold in pet stores (not rubber mats).
The terrarium should be equipped with branches (without bark), rocks (from the pet store) and a shelter where the dragon can hide if desired. It is better not to put artificial and live plants in the terrarium, as the agama will eat them.
To improve life processes (prevention of diseases, help with molting), the agama can be bathed in a small bath, so that the head is always on top, with a water temperature of 29-32 gr. C. This procedure should be done 1-2 times a week.
General cleaning in the terrarium is enough to carry out once a month (wash the entire terrarium, equipment, change or clean the soil). Food and faeces should be removed as soon as they appear.
Bearded dragon feeding
In the terrarium, you can put a container with water to maintain an optimal level of humidity, a drinker, but not all lizards drink from it. You can spray the agama once a day, and she will lick the droplets from her body, or give moistened greens.
Bearded dragons are omnivorous lizards. In nature, they eat everything from leaves and stems to small mice and chicks. Therefore, at home, it is quite easy for them to choose the right diet.
For plant food, leafy vegetables (Chinese cabbage, lettuce, spinach), vegetables (carrots, green beans, peas, peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant), fruits (pitted apples, bananas, grapes in small quantities) are suitable for them. , juicy green food (dandelion, clover, wheat leaves, germinated oats).
Animal feed suitable for mealworm, zoophobus, crickets, cockroaches and newborn mice. All these "products" can be bought at the pet store. For feeding worms, you need a bowl with high edges so that they cannot crawl out and burrow into the ground. It is better to feed crickets and cockroaches in a separate small terrarium or a plastic jig, a basin is not suitable for this, as crickets can jump out. You can also feed insects with tweezers. You just need to do it carefully so that the agama does not bite on the tweezers themselves, otherwise it can break its face.
Ready-made food for lizards and vitamin-mineral complexes for reptiles can be added to these feeds as top dressing. In Russia, such drugs as Reptilife (Agrovetzashchita), Reptolife (Tetra), Wordley (Calcium and Multivitamin) are common.
Young bearded dragons (up to 5 months old) should be fed 3 times a day so that animal food makes up more than half, and vegetable food less. "Teenagers" can be fed once a day, adult agamas (after 18 months) should be fed every other day so that they have less than half of animal food, and more vegetable food.