Nasty baby food flavors
10 Popular Baby Food Flavors, Ranked Yummiest To Grossest By A Mom
When a not-so-little-anymore little one reaches the exciting phase of starting solids, parents are usually a bit more excited about this new phase than their little ones. But trying new things can be an exciting experience for everyone involved.
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And with all the first food options it can be a little tough to pick just one flavor for a baby's first solid. But, since moms know their little ones and the look on a baby's face at the first taste of his or her first solid food is kind of priceless, take a look at this list of yummiest to grossest solid foods for a little food-spiration.
10 Bananas
Call mom crazy, but bananas seem to be the yummiest choice for baby's first solid food. They are sweet and soft enough for toothless mouths, pretty bright in color and they smell nice. What's not to love? With so many choices of baby food on the market it may be hard to choose just one but judging by the faces babies make, bananas is one of the safest options he or she is sure to love.
9 The Orange Root
If mom is feeling more veggie-friendly for baby's first solid, think carrots. They are high in beta carotene which is great for helping your little one develop great eyesight, not to mention that they are sweet tasting yet really healthy. If jarred goods aren't really mom's thing, try steaming the real deal for a while until they're soft. For an extra kick, they can even be mixed with baby's milk of choice.
8 The Saucy Apple
Apple sauce is such a fun "big boy or girl" choice for baby's first solids. Also, the added spices in apple sauce, like cinnamon, are great to expose your little one to at an early age, not to mention cinnamon's natural antibacterial properties which are great for fighting off yucky illnesses young babies are prone to getting before their immune systems are fully developed.
7 Super Food Avocado
When it comes to a baby's first, avocado, depending on the season and availability should be one of the first. The creamy texture and numerous health benefits is bound to make the famous super-food, avocado a crowd-pleaser. Some moms have found that on occasion babies don't care for the taste, while other babies grin and eat it up, which is why it's ranked in the middle of our list. So give it a try, and let your little one decide.
6 The Sweet Potato
For an iron-rich, fiber-intense, baby food, check out the sweet potato. Most babies really like the earthy nature of the sweet potato and of course the sweetness which is not too overpowering.
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Most stores carry sweet potato as a baby food option, but if you're feeling adventurous steam the potato and mash it up for baby to try. This is lower on our list so mom makes no guarantees that he or she will love it, but of all the baby food flavors available this is by far one of the better choices.
5 Boom! Splat! Squash!
For the coolest onomatopoeia that also doubles as a vegetable, try squash for baby's first solid. Enjoy making a squashing sound while he or she is eating. There are at least 8 types of common squash mom can find around town, most commonly during Autumn, it's hard to go wrong with this as a baby food. Consider erring on the sweeter side for firsts, however. Think: butternut squash or pumpkin to start. Again this isn't all baby's cup of tea so you never know.
4 Rice Cereal
Mom isn't sure if it's the texture or just her tots that enjoy frowning up his and her faces at the sight of rice cereal, but this one is definitely ranked grosser on the list of common baby foods.
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To be fair, there are many different kinds of cereal on the market, which is not to say that your little one will dislike all of the types of rice cereal available, but from mom's perspective the consistency needs to be just right and tricks, like adding milk instead of water or mixing off the heat, can really make all the difference.
3 The Pea Sized Vegetable
Peas! Okay if we're being honest it can be difficult to find any child, from baby to pre-adolescent that gets excited about eating their peas. Unfortunately for moms who are looking for a first baby food, that same sentiment applies. Many babies just do not care for peas. Perhaps it's the pea skin that slips off when mashed, or maybe it's just the way they taste, but many babies spit out their servings of peas.
2 Spinach
If it was good enough for Popeye why not good enough for the baby? Well, for the jarred baby food spinach in the grocery store, sometimes there is a strange smell, one can't be entirely sure if this is the reason little ones shy away from the leafy green, but it's certainly off-putting to mom.
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For the real deal, i.e. the non jarred stuff, it's almost impossible to get the strands ground up into a creamy texture, suitable for a first baby food. Some add cream to make this a non-factor. Either way, most babies frown up and do a hard pass on the stuff.
1 Beans
Yuck! Okay maybe not yuck entirely, but, many moms have found that their little ones do not like beans at all for a first form of solid food. Sure, they can be mashed and made baby edible, but beans are far from being baby's first choice of food. Although there may be hundreds of varieties of beans very few are on the sweeter side, which generally is baby's preference since they are somewhat born with a sweet palate. Happy first solids!
NEXT: 10 Things To Know About Babies & Food Allergies
Horrible Baby Food Flavors » Just Laugh
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I just fed to my child the most disgusting baby food flavor imaginable.
Kale … Broccoli … and Mango
I can’t imagine a baby food flavor brainstorming session where that particular combination was thrown out to the room and didn’t get immediately shot down. Even if you’re the boss’s cousin, or you let your own toddler pick flavors by just pointing to things in the grocery store at random, it never should’ve happened.
I fear for the worst if this is to be the future of baby food flavor combinations here in the civilized world…
- Yogurt + Bleu Cheese + Bananas
- Carrots + Asparagus + Rusty Nails
- Burning Tires + Cherry Tomatoes + Fingernail Clippings
- Unused Diaper Remnants + Particle Board + Nacho Cheese Doritos
- Baby Farts + Baby Boogers + French Vanilla Ice Cream
- Dominos Pizza
- Hazardous Waste + Baked Beans + Discount 4th of July Fireworks
- White Wine Vinegar + The Grey Hair of an Ex-President + Apples
- An XBox 360 + Moose Warts + Cottage Cheese
- 1992 Academy Award Nominee Catherine Deneuve + Totino’s Pizza Rolls + Fresh Strawberry Puree
- Paste, Like That Kind You Ate In Kindergarten + Thousand Island Dressing + Hiccups
- Kale + Kale + Kale
- My First Car, a 1988 Oldsmobile Cutlass Calais + My High School Dream of Becoming a Rock Star + One Year After Graduating High School
- Dog Food + Global Warming + Quaker Instant Oatmeal (Apple Cinnamon flavor)
- Kale + Broccoli + Mango + A Flux Capacitor Forcing Us to Experience This Mistake of a Flavor Combination All Over Again
About Scott Sevener (580 Posts since 2001)
The Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Just Laugh, Scott writes about the random things in life that amuse him - from the miracle of childbirth to the bologna sandwich he just ate for breakfast. He currently resides in Tampa, FL with a girl, a baby, and a dog that never shuts the hell up.
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The appearance of bad breath in children: causes, treatment, prevention
"Halitosis". This word for most people sounds incomprehensible and threatening. In fact, this term in medicine refers to bad breath. Not only adults suffer from this deficiency, but even small children. But, despite the widespread prevalence, parents should not ignore this problem, since it can indicate serious disorders in the child's body. Moreover, each pathological process has its own specific smell. But only an experienced specialist is able to understand the variety of such "flavors".
When a child develops such a symptom, it is necessary to consult a pediatric gastroenterologist first. The children's multidisciplinary center "Edkarik", which enjoys a positive reputation in Kaliningrad, offers young patients and their parents comfortable conditions and a wide range of medical services.
The nature of the origin of an unpleasant smell
I would like to note right away that most of humanity is faced with this problem. According to statistics, almost 80% of adults and children feel bad breath in the morning. The main reason is the accumulation of a huge number of bacteria. The oral cavity is a favorite habitat for many pathogenic and harmless microorganisms. All these microscopic creatures, invisible to the naked eye, emit various foul-smelling substances in the course of their turbulent life. This problem is easily eliminated with a regular toothbrush. But in about 25% of cases, hygiene procedures remove the problem only for a short time, because it is caused by diseases of the digestive system and a number of other pathologies.
So, let's figure out what contributes to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in children.
- Poor oral hygiene. Small children, due to their age, are not yet able to properly perform hygiene procedures, and in babies under 2-3 years old, these skills are still completely absent. Therefore, parents should take care of this and teach the child how to properly care for their teeth.
- Nutrition errors. When changing the diet, the mentioned problem may also occur. The abundance of sweets, as well as protein foods, as well as the use of dishes seasoned with spices, can cause an unpleasant "ambre" from the mouth.
- Change of bite due to intensive teething causes unpleasant symptoms in babies. Against the background of this natural process, halitosis can be very pronounced.
These three causes do not pose a risk to the child's health. After the hygiene procedure, the problem disappears without a trace. But there are more serious causes of bad breath in children.
Pathological causes
To put it simply, each disease has its own specific smell. Such an aroma can come from the skin, but more often it colors the breath, rising from the depths of the body. Therefore, many believe that the source of bad breath is the oral cavity.
We list the characteristic odors and shades in pathologies of internal organs:
- The smell of acetone should alert parents. This condition is characteristic of diabetes, urolithiasis.
- The smell of rot and dampness accompanies stomatitis, ENT diseases, and is also a frequent companion of digestive disorders.
- Sour odor indicates gastrointestinal problems.
- Pungent rotten aroma is noted in children with diarrhea and bloating. This symptom is combined with the appearance of a white coating on the tongue with gastritis, and indicates an increased acidity of the gastric secretion. It occurs in some diseases of the kidneys and liver.
- The smell of vinegar indicates problems with the pancreas or intestinal dysbacteriosis.
- A sweet-tasting odor may indicate liver damage.
- Smell of vomit speaks of problems with the outflow of bile.
The smell from the mouth of a child may be barely perceptible or can be felt from a distance. Only an experienced gastroenterologist can understand the specifics of halitosis in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in children.
Breath odor and age: is there a relationship?
Every mother will remember this touching milky smell that fills the breath of a baby for the rest of her life. This aroma is provided by the activity of lactic acid bacteria. Microorganisms of this group provide a favorable environment for digestion, and act as a barrier to pathogenic flora.
- Healthy babies have this milky smell for up to a year. But by about two years, other smells are added to the natural aroma. All this is due to changes in the diet. Therefore, it is necessary to teach the child elementary hygiene skills from the age of 2.
- Older children develop bad breath most often due to the consumption of large amounts of sweets or carbohydrate foods. Also, this symptom may indicate the development of pathological processes. Preschoolers 5-6 years old require special attention.
- Children over 10 years old forget about their diet. Sometimes high loads at school interfere with proper nutrition. Trying to drown out the feeling of hunger, the child on the go, at best, eats a sandwich prepared by his mother. But more often schoolchildren snack on chips, crackers and other harmful products. A few weeks of such nutrition is enough for the development of pathology.
Treatment of halitosis
A child's oral odor can usually be neutralized with simple hygiene measures and dietary changes. Some folk methods common in everyday life also help mask odors. For example, a decoction of mint and chamomile does an excellent job with this task. But, if these measures do not give a result, and other suspicious signs complement the halitosis, it is necessary to show the child to a pediatric gastroenterologist. A competent specialist will quickly find out the cause of the problem, and prescribe adequate treatment.
Bad breath often causes complexes. Adolescents are especially vulnerable in this respect. Therefore, parents should instill hygiene skills in the child from the first independent steps. In the list of preventive measures:
- Rational nutrition according to the regimen.
- Eating enough fruit.
- Replacing store-bought sweets with more healthy honey.
- Drinking enough plain clean water for the child.
- Regular preventive medical examinations.
If an unpleasant odor persists for a long time, it is worth visiting a pediatric gastroenterologist's office. All patients living in Kaliningrad and the region can apply to the multidisciplinary center "Edkarik". An experienced specialist at a high level will conduct an examination and prescribe treatment, if necessary.
The comfortable conditions of the clinic and a friendly atmosphere will create a favorable mood, which is necessary for effective treatment. We do not have queues, and you can make an appointment in two ways: by phone and by leaving a request on the website.
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Child has bad breath
March 24, 2017
Reading time 26 minutes
Oral hygiene
Oral diseases
Dental problems in children
Prevention of oral diseases
Prevention of dental caries
- Overview
- Forms of pathological manifestations
- Bad breath in a child diagnosed with SARS
- Factors in the development of halitosis in childhood
- Treatment
- Prophylaxis
- Summing up
Breath freshness is one of the indicators of a healthy oral cavity. However, dental practice knows many causes and diseases, due to which the natural biochemical balance may be disturbed. Such signs not only provoke the occurrence of psychological discomfort, interfering with full communication with others, which is especially important at an early age. They should also be considered as a symptom of a disease that can cause other negative consequences. In today's material, we will analyze all the options for the development of events from the point of view of dentistry. Namely: we will consider the reasons why a small child has an unpleasant and rather strong smell from the mouth, why the baby may smell of rot or iron, and what to do with the problem if it occurs constantly.
Halitosis is a condition that occurs both under the influence of temporary factors (for example, stress) and due to pathological changes in the body. Often, the disease is caused due to non-compliance with medical recommendations regarding oral hygiene, as well as from excessive dryness of the mucous tissues of the nasopharynx. In the latter case, getting rid of the problem is not so difficult - it is enough to eliminate the dried mucous deposits and take care of purchasing an air humidifier in the room where the young patient spends most of his time.
However, in some situations, symptoms are a sign of the development of serious pathologies affecting the dentition or the gastrointestinal tract. To understand where the strange and terrible bad smell from the mouth of a child came from, and what the current condition means, one should undergo a clinical diagnosis.
Forms of pathological manifestations
Parents themselves can put forward a preliminary theory about what exactly caused drastic changes, but it is still better to refrain from self-treatment - there is a chance not only to worsen the situation, but also to supplement it with new negative symptoms. To get a rough idea, you should compare the breath with familiar unpleasant odors, and understand what exactly it resembles in the current situation.
Hygiene of RTA cavity
Diseases of the oral cavity
Problems of teeth
Prevention of cavity diseases
Prevention of dental caries
Prevention of dental diseases
against the background of rising temperature - alarming signals that may indicate an excessive concentration of ketone bodies in the blood plasma, diseases of the kidneys and pancreas, dysbacteriosis, diabetes, and infection with worms. In such cases, it is recommended to call an ambulance, and until the doctors appear, gradually give the baby boiled water, limiting the dosage to a few teaspoons at a time.
A characteristic sign of extensive caries, fistula formation, development of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis and tonsillitis, or pathology of the esophagus in a child may be a sharp putrid smell from the mouth. Among the accompanying symptoms - obstruction of the nasal canals, persistent cough, the formation of a whitish plaque. Diagnosis is carried out with the participation of an ENT doctor and a gastroenterologist, where specialists determine the optimal therapy option, as well as the appropriateness of surgical intervention.
Typical for chronic inflammatory processes, as well as an increase in the volume of lymphoid tissues located in the internal cavity of the nasopharynx. It is necessary to check for the presence of purulent plugs in the area of the tonsils, tongue and throat, and in cases where the accompanying manifestations are an increase in body temperature and nasal congestion, it is likely that a course of antibiotics will be required.
Sour smell
Occurs when inflammation is localized in the gastric region and provokes an increase in acidity, ultimately creating a threat of gastritis. The child's body is also characterized by a concomitant reaction in the form of reflux: the movement of the contents of the stomach through the esophagus in the opposite direction, accompanied by a feeling of heartburn and pain in the region of the ribs.
Sweetish aroma
In cases where a child has a cloying smell from the mouth, like after eating sweets, treatment is most likely to be needed by the liver. With such symptoms, it is recommended to immediately seek help from a gastroenterologist, since an extensive lesion can provoke irreversible consequences for the body.
Significantly present in the exhaled chemical shades usually indicate problems with the gallbladder, more specifically - the development of dyskinesia of the excretory tract.
However, despite the impressive name, the pathology is not among the critical - of course, subject to timely diagnosis and the start of competent treatment. The only thing you have to put up with is a temporary dietary restriction of the diet.
Metallic smell requires careful examination of the condition of the dentition. There is a chance that a child will develop periodontal disease, in which the gums begin to bleed and become more vulnerable to infection.
The excess content of a substance whose properties allow it to accumulate in the body, determines the appropriate breathing. As a rule, the symptom manifests itself after a long stay in a maritime climate, against the background of the systematic use of preparations containing the element, and also in connection with violations of the functional state of the thyroid gland. Babies also have a chance of becoming infected with Klebsiella, a type of opportunistic bacterium that adversely affects the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
Violation of bile outflow is a serious problem that requires complex ultrasound diagnostics, as well as analysis of biomaterials.
Considering the factors that cause a terrible breath in a child at 2-3 years old (or even at 5 years old), the first thing to check is the likelihood of anemia. The results of testing, showing the level of hemoglobin in the blood, help to make a decision regarding the need to prescribe a vitamin complex that eliminates the resulting deficiency. Similar symptoms are characteristic of gastritis and dysbacteriosis, as well as other pathological conditions associated with the gastrointestinal tract.
Ammonia or urine
Bad breath associated with urine fumes is a sign of kidney failure and diabetes mellitus. The reason is a low level of insulin, or a violation of the natural cycle of absorption of carbohydrates.
Fecal odor from the mouth is a rather rare phenomenon and is usually inherited. The reasons may be deviations in metabolic processes, as well as acute dysbacteriosis of the intestinal environment. With such symptoms, you should undergo a gastroenterological diagnosis.
Rotten eggs
Often, the symptom manifests itself in combination with the formation of a whitish coating, and indicates the development of liver pathology, gastritis, ulcers, or a violation of the outflow of bile mass.
This is a sign of a fungal infection. However, in cases where the source is the oral cavity, the cause is usually a sick stomach. The best solution is to consult a pediatrician who will give a referral to a specialist.
Bad breath in a child diagnosed with SARS
Viral pathologies, aggravated from one season to another, provoke the development of inflammation in the nasopharynx. The process covers a vast area - from the tonsils to the lungs - and depends on the specifics of a particular disease. Inflamed areas are covered with a layer of plaque or purulent secretions, due to which freshness of breath is lost. Rinsing with antiseptics helps to stop the symptoms, and the treatment of the underlying cause helps to eliminate the problem.
Factors in the development of halitosis in childhood
The occurrence of any pathology is determined by the presence of prerequisites, that is, favorable conditions. Ozostomy is no exception. The following options are commonly considered as potential triggers.
Lack of moisture in the body
Dehydration negatively affects the functioning of all vital systems and organs. One of the accompanying signs is an increase in the viscosity of saliva, leading to insufficient wetting of food, and, as a result, poor digestion. The result is disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the oxidation of part of the salivary secretions on the root region of the tongue.
Poor oral hygiene
The stereotype, according to which hygiene procedures should be carried out only after the baby has a temporary set of teeth, often has a critical impact on health. In fact, such a notion is erroneous. Even a single erupted incisor requires care, and a child should be taught to take care of himself at an early age. The cleaning technique, delivered by the third year of life, must be checked and fixed with a dentist who will tell you the nuances.
Improper nutrition
In childhood, the body is not yet able to absorb the same set of foods that adults consume. Fried, fatty and spicy foods are perceived and processed with great difficulty, and at certain times can be the cause of gastrointestinal diseases. Competent composition of the diet with the maintenance of the drinking regime is an important factor in development.
It is more difficult for babies to cope with strong emotions, especially when it comes to feeling fear. Halitosis may be the result of excessive dryness in the mouth, for which it is enough to give the child some water to eliminate. Ideally, with the addition of a couple of drops of lemon juice, which stimulates salivation.
Bad smell in the morning
A problem that both children and adults face is also caused by lack of moisture during sleep. This is a natural result, which can be handled by regular brushing.
Chronic nasal congestion
Sinusitis leads to accumulation of mucus, which, when dried, makes breathing difficult and causes halitosis. The use of air humidifiers, periodic ventilation of the premises, as well as dust removal help to restore the natural functional state.
Foreign body in the nasal passage
The desire to put a small toy, a detail from a designer or a coin into the nostril, depending on the available size, sooner or later takes possession of every child. However, the prolonged stay of the selected object in the cavity provokes rejection: the body, intending to cope with the "uninvited guests" on its own, begins to actively produce pus and mucus. The best solution is to see a doctor and have the item removed.
Dental diseases
Pathological processes - from caries to gingivitis - extend not only to the indigenous, but also to the milk elements of the dentition. As a result, bad breath in a child that needs to be eliminated in the same way as the underlying disease.
Pathological processes in the upper respiratory tract
Angina, tonsillitis, adenoiditis, bronchitis - all of these diseases are also united by the role of a trigger that can potentially provoke halitosis. The released pus accumulates in different areas - from the lungs to the nasopharynx, which causes the formation of plaque and its subsequent oxidation. Rinsing and taking antibiotics can help, provided that the doctor prescribes accordingly.
Gastrointestinal problems
Digestive problems change breathing in many different ways. It is unlikely that it will be possible to do without intervention from the gastroenterologist - with a strong bad breath, spot or complex treatment is required.
Painful process associated with inflammation of the gums. Redness, swelling, and bleeding are all signs of a problem. In some cases, tissues may become infected, leading to the formation of a purulent exudate. By contacting the specialists of Dentika clinics, you can sign up your baby for diagnostics, according to the results of which the doctor will select the best remedy to eliminate discomfort and restore freshness of breath.
Given that halitosis is a symptom and not the root cause, it is necessary to treat the underlying pathology that provoked its development. Parental input, in addition to choosing a qualified doctor, can also be expressed in the analysis of the diet and control of fluid intake, the organization of air humidification and tracking the primary signs of disease. It is better to be overly vigilant than to overcome severe consequences - the presence of even initial symptoms is considered a sufficient reason to go to dentistry.
The easiest way to deal with a problem is to prevent it from happening. Because of this, experts generally recommend the following precautions:
- Practice good oral hygiene even if your child still has about the same number of teeth as his or her full years.
Three-year-old children can already use the brush on their own, so it remains only to give them the right technique.
- Strive to keep a balanced diet, appropriate for age. Reduce sweets, spicy, fatty and salty foods, increase your intake of fruits and vegetables, and control your daily water intake.
- Periodically visit the dentist from the moment of eruption of the first teeth in order to avoid the development of jaw anomalies and pathological processes.
These recommendations will help minimize the chance that your baby will develop negative symptoms that indicate the presence of more serious pathologies.
To summarize
There are many factors that explain why a child has very bad breath: bad breath is symptomatic of a cause that is of great importance in terms of potential health effects, which is unpleasant in itself. Timely diagnosis and a well-designed treatment plan can not only stop the side effect, but also eliminate its source, eliminating the emergence of new problems in the future, and helping to maintain the psychological comfort of the baby.