Vintage glass baby food jars
Baby Food Jars -
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Baby Food Puree in Glass Jars
Puree Type
- Jar 39items
- Tub
- Pouch
- Natural 17items
- Organic 12items
- 1st Foods 13items
- 2nd Foods 22items
- 3rd Foods 8items
- Pregnancy
- Newborn
- Supported Sitter 12items
- Sitter 22items
- Crawler 8items
- Toddler
- Preschooler
- Apple 13items
- Apricot
- Avocado
- Banana 8items
- Beef 2items
- Blueberry 3items
- Carrot 8items
- Cereal
- Chicken 1item
- Corn 1item
- Green Bean 1item
- Ham 1item
- Kale 2items
- Mango 2items
- Oatmeal
- Pea 3items
- Peach 2items
- Pear 6items
- Pineapple 1item
- Pumpkin
- Raspberry 1item
- Rice 2items
- Spinach 2items
- Squash 2items
- Strawberry 3items
- Sweet Potato 4items
- Turkey 2items
- Zucchini 2items
- Colic
- Crying
- Fussiness
- Gas
- Mild Spit-Up
- Uncomfortable Poops
- Teething
- Vitamin D
- On the Go 2items
- Iron
- Starting Solids 2items
- Expanding Textures 5items
- Probiotics
- Prebiotics/2’-FL HMO
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toys, organizer, set for spices
All young mothers face the question when they start introducing complementary foods - what to do with small baby food jars? They are usually used for further storage of food (very convenient, for example, to cover jam or jam in small portions) or as a container for spices.
To make them not banal and boring, you can decorate them. Just look at the photo of crafts from jars and understand that such crafts cannot be boring.
Painting with bright colors
Glass jars can be painted with stained glass paints or special paints used for painting on glass. They can be easily purchased in specialized stores for creativity.
In order to apply a beautiful design on a glass jar, you need to carefully work with paints so that they do not spread over the rounded shape of the workpiece.
If it became clear that the pattern is not to your liking, you can wash it off as soon as it is applied. To do this, use plain tap water and a cotton pad. If the paint has already hardened, then you will need a special solvent.
To give a background to the design, the glass surface can be painted in a single color. In the case of working with stained glass paints, the background can be omitted.
Special stencils can be used for beautiful painting on glass surfaces. Thus, you should get original crafts from jars.
Christmas decorations
An alternative to the snow globe. Fill a glass jar with small beads, sparkles, mashed styrofoam - this is artificial snow. Then pour water and add 1 tbsp. l. glycerin. This will allow the "snowflakes" to spin as the can moves. As an interior decoration, glue some small New Year's toy to the lid from the inside.
Other ways to use jars
To do this, you need to make an additional pad with soft filling on the lid, where it will be convenient to insert needles.

As you can see, there are so many options for making old baby food jars. The main thing is to connect your imagination.
Educational games with jars
If your baby is still very small, you can use his empty baby food jars for educational games. To do this, you need to stick a few multi-colored pieces of paper on a jar and arrange the necessary colors according to the colors of the pieces of paper.
You can stick pictures with letters on the jars. Use them instead of developing cubes. Then try to put simple syllables and words together with the child.
From childhood, you can teach your baby to save money and make a little piggy bank together with him. To do this, you need to make a small slot in the lid of the jar.
You can play fishing - make a fishing rod (for this you need a stick or pencil, rope and a small magnet). Caps from small baby food jars will serve as fish.
Decoupage of baby formula jars
To create an original box in vintage style, proceed as follows:
- Apply the primer to the mixture jar using a sponge.
- Separate the top layer with the pattern from the decorative napkin and put it on the food jar, stepping back a little from the top.
- Squeeze PVA glue onto the paint palette, put it on the brush and coat the napkin. Napkins should completely capture the entire width of the jar.
- We mix white and green paints on the palette with a sponge and go through the area immediately under the lid (the same indent that we made in step 2). We also paint the bottom.
- We fold the disposable bag in several layers and fix it with tape to the lid of the jar. We put the jar on a flower pot or any other object, and put it on the balcony or on the street.
We process our crafts with varnish from all sides. During work, it is important to protect the face with a disposable mask.
- Remove the tape, remove the disposable bag. We tie the neck of the can along the entire width of the indent from point 2 with a hemp rope. We put a few beads on the end of the rope and tie a knot.
- If there is paint on the lid of the can, remove it with nail polish remover.
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How do I use baby food jars
Where do I start?
First of all, I thoroughly washed all the jars. It is better to first soak all the containers in hot water - some baby food remains on the threads. Yes, and the labels are then better removed from the surface, leaving no sticky layer of glue.
After the container, it is necessary to allow time to drain, dry it until there are no drops of moisture and fumes.
- Tip: After hot water, stains and streaks may remain on the glass surface. It is better to rinse all jars with cold water after washing.
After cleaning, I sorted all the jars according to the size, shape and color of the lids (they differ from each other in different types of puree).
Educational games with jars
If your baby is still very small, you can use his empty baby food jars for educational games. To do this, you need to stick a few multi-colored pieces of paper on a jar and arrange the necessary colors according to the colors of the pieces of paper.
You can stick drawings with letters on the jars. Use them instead of developing cubes. Then try to put simple syllables and words together with the child.
You can teach your baby to save money from childhood and make a small piggy bank together with him. To do this, you need to make a small slot in the lid of the jar.
You can play fishing - make a fishing rod (you will need a stick or pencil, rope and a small magnet for this). Caps from small baby food jars will serve as fish.
Containers for needlewomen
Since all the women in our family love to do needlework, there is always not enough space to store accessories. I solved this problem with cans.
- In a container of the smallest sizes on the bottom, using a glue gun, I fixed the pieces of foam rubber. It is convenient to stick a lot of pins or needles into a soft porous fabric. It is important that the height of the container matches the length of the needle or pin, otherwise the point may become dull.
- In some larger jars I put centimeters rolled up.
- Very small bottles of 60 grams, left over from the first feeding, I use to store beads, buttons and beads.
It is better to display the container in accordance with the size of the beads or the color in the old cropped shoe box.
What materials will help us
A simple and affordable technique that can be used to transform baby formula jars is decoupage.
To work with the decoupage technique we need:
- Plastic jar of infant formula with a lid.
- Primer from an art store.
- PVA glue.
- Decorative napkin.
- Primer sponge (you can use old curlers).
- Car varnish.
- Glue brush.
- Hemp rope.
- Acrylic paints (white and green).
- Scissors.
- Masking tape.
- Disposable bag.
- Protective gloves.
Handyman to help
My husband always has a lot of small items - nuts, screws, nails, bolts and so on in case of unplanned repairs.
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He used to use small food containers that he bought specially to sort and store all the small things.
Now the problem is solved with the help of convenient baby food jars. The size of containers can be different - it all depends on the number and volume of inventory.
My missus used to sign jar lids - he indicated the contents and kept everything in a separate box.
Then he came up with a way to save space - he installed a wooden shelf, screwed the covers directly to it. The jars are simply screwed onto the thread and are suspended.
Household use
It is not good to litter the space in the house when there are empty baby food jars at hand. Use them to store small items.
- Small items storage. It is convenient to store small items in glass jars: beads, beads, buttons, screws, nails, bolts. Through the transparent wall you can clearly see what lies inside. For convenient use, you can make holes in the covers and attach them to a small board with screws.
Jars with small things are screwed to the lids and can be hung as you like.
- Spice containers. Fans of spices and various bulk additives will certainly appreciate the idea of using baby food jars. The lids are very easy to make holes for any spice. Containers with the same decor look stylish: you can stick a label, fabric, paper, beads, sparkles, twine on the lid and glass. And there is another option to decorate the jars with acrylic or make masterpieces out of them using polymer clay.
- Pincushion. Making it is quite simple: you need to cut a piece of foam rubber to fit the size of the lid, cover it with a beautiful fabric and glue it to the top. The jar itself can be decorated with decorative elements: lace, ribbons, beads, rhinestones. Inside it is convenient to store threads, buttons, a thimble, and on top - needles and pins.
To quickly get clean jars without labels, you can use a hair dryer and a sponge with vegetable oil.
First, the area with the sticker warms up, and it easily lags behind. Then the adhesive residues, if any, are wiped off with oil with one hand movement.
Use in the kitchen
The most favorite and convenient use of waste containers is their use in the kitchen.
- If spices are poured into such “storages”, they retain their aroma longer, do not deteriorate, and moths do not start in them.
- I am happy to pour the rest of the oils into small jars - they take up very little space on the shelf.
- Dried herbs are also good to keep in these containers.
- Some liquid products - milk, toppings, sauces and honey - I also prefer to pour into miniature containers that save refrigerator space.
Ways to use
There are other ways to use baby food jars:
- Small items storage. It's time to lay out the screws, studs and nuts. If you screw the lids from the bottom to the wooden shelf, the jars with little things will not be lost and will not take up space in the cabinets.
- Organizer for pencils. Is it difficult to put things in order on the children's table? The child learns the names of colors by laying out pencils and felt-tip pens in multi-colored containers. To do this, glass surfaces are degreased and painted with acrylic paints.
- Flavor. Filling a bathroom, bedroom, wardrobe with a pleasant smell is simple - you need to pour fragrant herbs into a jar, drip essential oil and make holes in the lid.
- Candlestick . Decoupage, compositions with sand and shells, a chandelier for giving - the options are limited only by imagination. The wire handle will turn the jar into a garden lantern. For candlesticks, they take candles in sleeves - the aluminum shape will not allow the glass to overheat, the homemade lamp will not burst.
- Vases for bouquets. Wildflowers, pansies, violets look touching in small vases tied with lace or braid. Such compositions create coziness and summer mood.
- Night light .
To make a lamp, you need an artificial candle. It is not difficult to make a flashlight with a child by decorating a jar in the form of a fairy house. The kid will not be afraid of the dark, knowing that the dream is guarded by a kind sorceress. A night light painted with stained glass paints or pasted over with fabric will create a relaxed atmosphere in the room.
Packing for sweet gifts, growing seedlings, storing jewelry - housewives' imagination is limitless.
Mothers make sorters and piggy banks for children to develop fine motor skills.
Joint production of crafts from jars, plasticine, natural materials awakens the creative skills and taste of the child.
Decorative items
My hobby is creating interesting designer items and beautiful items. And here the banks have found their application.
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Fatigue and age: why Angelina Jolie may end her career as an actress make excellent candlesticks. I just decorated each jar to my liking. I pasted over some with beautiful paper, applied shells and small pebbles to some with a glue gun.
Other ways to use jars
There are quite a few options where empty jars are used:
- Box for storing needles. To do this, you need to make an additional pad with soft filling on the lid, where it will be convenient to insert needles.
- Fantasy houses for fairies. If you have a desire and imagination, you can make a wonderful house for a fairy.
If desired, you can insert a small candle inside the jar and light it in the evenings. Your kid will be just delighted with this idea!
- Small aquarium for toy fish. If the baby wants to have fish, but the parents do not allow it, you can find a compromise and start such a cute aquarium for a toy fish.
- To do this, it will be necessary to pour some soil into the glass jar, place algae there - the aquarium is ready! Fish can be made together with the baby from plasticine.
- Terrarium. To do this, you can use moss and plants that do not need care.
- Candlesticks or stands.
- Cans can be used to feed migratory birds in winter.
- Storage for miscellaneous items. If the metal covers that are unscrewed are screwed to the locker with screws, you can get excellent containers for storing various little things.
- Few people guess, but green onions can be grown in such jars! To do this, you need to pour some water into a glass jar, place the bulb there and wait just a few days!
- If there are a lot of pencils and pens in the house, you can store them in baby food jars.
- Wonderful craft - a snow globe! Instructions on how to make the craft are very simple. To do this, you need to glue a small figure on the lid, pour some glitter into the jar and add regular baby oil. Close the lid very tightly and shake the jar! Your snow globe is ready.
- Jelly molds. The capacity is just the right size for one person.
As you can see, there are so many options for making old baby food jars. The main thing is to connect your imagination.
Sew a needle bar
Every needlewoman needs a needle bar. Moreover, even a girl who is far from working with her hands should have such a thing to sew up a hole or sew on a button. You can make a useful item from a jar of baby food.
From the lid you need to make a pillow where the needles will be inserted. For this, a piece of cotton wool or padding polyester is wrapped with a cloth, sewn up and glued on top.
The joint is then wrapped with tape so that unsightly metal cannot be seen. As an additional decoration, beads, sequins, bows and flowers, lace, beads and other small but bright objects are suitable.
The glass part can also be decorated with fabric, paints or ribbons to create a beautiful arrangement. But if you load the needle bar with the little things you need for sewing (buttons, hooks, etc.), then you should refuse additional decor.
Make a candle holder
Often a candle holder for a small candle is a small glass beaker or jar. So why spend extra money if it is convenient to use ordinary baby food jars, of which a young mother has a lot.
The jar is easy to decorate with improvised materials. Paints, beads, fabric and ribbons, self-adhesive paper and decorative tape are perfect. In addition, to give stability to the candle, stones, shells or coffee beans are poured onto the bottom.
Candlesticks made for a certain holiday also look great. For example, on New Year's or Christmas they are decorated with cotton wool, white paints, tinsel, snowflakes or Christmas trees are painted.