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Support from our Happy Baby Experts is not a substitute for medical advice from your doctor. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem or condition, please contact your pediatrician or a doctor immediately. We provide basic lactation support and information; a consultation with an IBCLC is always recommended for complex or urgent breastfeeding issues. By chatting, you understand and agree to the Happy Family Privacy Policy.
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The Division of Responsibility: Helping Avoid Picky Eating
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Amara | Organic Baby Food | Yogurt Melt Baby Snacks
Not all baby food is created equal
We believe in quality without compromise. Only Amara’s proprietary technology offers the nutrients of fresh, organic ingredients with the convenience of shelf stability.
Our Nutrient Advantage
Eat Well.
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We believe if our future generations eat well now, they’ll eat healthier, think clearer, and feel better for the rest of their lives.
Our Story
Our patented nutrition protection technology (NPT) preserves whole foods in their original structure. With NPT, the fresh, whole-foods ingredients we use all retain their same flavor, texture, color, and nutritional profile — and because NPT doesn’t fundamentally alter food composition, Amara baby foods contain ⅓ less natural sugar than other leading baby food brands.
Our products contain no additives, no preservatives, no binding agents, and no added sugars. We always use the best whole ingredients to bring the benefits of fresh, homemade food direct to your table — with all the ease and convenience of packaged food. We promise that you and your baby will see, smell, and taste the difference.
Yes, of course! All our baby food meals and snacks are certified organic and non gmo.
Nope! From our baby food to our toddler snacks, you don’t have to worry about keeping Amara pouches cold, refrigerating, or thawing — you can simply store at room temperature. We know parenting can be unpredictable; Amara is designed to be ready wherever and whenever you need it.
From 6 months to 48 months old - there’s something for everyone with Amara’s baby food, toddler snacks and beyond. Amara’s line of baby food meals ranges from cereals, to veggie forward, to plant based protein meals and more. Voted “#1 Best Baby Food” by Good Housekeeping two years in a row, discover the rich taste of Amara that’s sure to please. Our toddler snacks are the only melt-in-mouth snack that has no added sugars and make a great snack, anytime, anywhere.
Every one of our suppliers meets annual third-party federal requirements and compliance regulations for heavy metals and organic certification, as well as food safety benchmarks and external food safety audits established by the U.
S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Heavy metals exist naturally in soil and water and are found in all foods that grow in the ground (aka, fruits, veggies, and grains). That’s why all of Amara’s foods use 100% certified organic, non-GMO ingredients, which likely have lower levels of heavy metals due to the higher standards for farming practices. If you’re concerned about heavy metals in your baby’s food, you can read more about how to minimize exposure here.
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1 General provisions
This personal data processing policy has been drawn up in accordance with with the requirements of the Federal Law of 27. 07.2006. No. 152-FZ "On personal data” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Personal Data) and determines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data undertaken by the Limited Liability Company "Center dietetics and personality development” (hereinafter referred to as the Operator).
1.1. The operator sets as its most important goal and condition for the implementation of its activities observance of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the processing his personal data, including the protection of the rights to inviolability privacy, personal and family secrets.
1.2. This Operator's policy regarding the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) applies to all information that the Operator can get information about visitors to the website https://food4baby.ru. 2 Key concepts used in the Policy
2.1. Automated processing of personal data - processing personal data using computer technology. 2.2. Blocking of personal data - suspension of processing personal data (unless the processing is necessary for clarification of personal data).
2.3. Website - a set of graphic and informational materials, and as well as computer programs and databases that ensure their availability on the network Internet at the network address https://food4baby.ru.
2.4. Information system of personal data - set contained in databases of personal data, and providing them processing of information technologies and technical means.
2.5. Depersonalization of personal data - actions, as a result of which cannot be determined without additional information belonging of personal data to a specific User or other the subject of personal data.
2.6. Processing of personal data - any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) performed using funds automation or without the use of such means with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extract, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.
2.7. Operator - a state body, municipal body, legal or natural person, alone or jointly with other persons organizing and (or) carrying out the processing of personal data, as well as determining the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions (operations) performed with personal data.
2.8. Personal data - any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or identifiable Web User site https://food4baby.ru.
2.9. Personal data authorized by the subject of personal data for distribution, - personal data, access of an unlimited number of persons to which is provided by the subject of personal data by giving consent to processing of personal data authorized by the subject of personal data for distribution in the manner prescribed by the Law on Personal data (hereinafter referred to as personal data permitted for distribution).
2.10. User - any visitor to the website https://food4baby. ru.
2.11. Provision of personal data - actions aimed at disclosure of personal data to a certain person or a certain circle persons.
2.12. Dissemination of personal data - any action aimed at to the disclosure of personal data to an indefinite circle of persons (transfer personal data) or to get acquainted with personal data an unlimited number of persons, including the disclosure of personal data in mass media, placement in information and telecommunications networks or providing access to personal given in some other way.
2.13. Cross-border transfer of personal data - transfer of personal data to the territory of a foreign state to the authority of a foreign state, foreign individual or foreign legal entity.
2.14. Destruction of personal data - any action that results in personal data is destroyed irrevocably with the impossibility further restoration of the content of personal data in personal data information system and (or) destroyed material carriers of personal data.
3 Basic rights and obligations of the Operator
3.1. The operator has the right: – receive reliable information from the subject of personal data and/or documents containing personal data; – in case of withdrawal by the subject of personal data of consent to processing personal data The operator has the right to continue processing personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, if there are grounds, specified in the Personal Data Law; - independently determine the composition and list of measures necessary and sufficient to ensure the fulfillment of obligations under Law on Personal Data and adopted in accordance with it normative legal acts, unless otherwise provided by the Law on personal data or other federal laws.
3.2. The operator is obliged: – provide the subject of personal data at his request with information, concerning the processing of his personal data; – organize the processing of personal data in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation; – respond to requests and requests from personal data subjects and their legal representatives in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Personal data;
- report to the authorized body for the protection of the rights of subjects of personal data at the request of this authority the necessary information within 30 days from the date of receipt of such request; publish or otherwise provide unrestricted access to this Policy regarding the processing of personal data; – take legal, organizational and technical measures to protect personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, dissemination of personal data, as well as from other illegal actions in relation to personal data; – stop the transfer (distribution, provision, access) of personal data, stop processing and destroy personal data in the manner and cases provided for by the Law on Personal Data; – perform other duties stipulated by the Law on Personal data.
4 Basic rights and obligations of subjects of personal data
4.1. Subjects of personal data have the right to: – receive information regarding the processing of his personal data, for except as otherwise provided by federal law. Intelligence provided to the subject of personal data by the Operator in an accessible form, and they should not contain personal data relating to other subjects of personal data, unless there are legitimate grounds for disclosing such personal data. Scroll information and the procedure for obtaining it is established by the Law on Personal data; – require the operator to clarify his personal data, block them or destruction if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, as well as to take legal measures to protect their rights; – put forward the condition of prior consent when processing personal data in order to promote goods, works and services on the market; – to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data; – appeal to the authorized body for the protection of the rights of subjects of personal data or legally wrongful acts or omissions the Operator when processing his personal data; – to exercise other rights provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Subjects of personal data are obliged to: – provide the Operator with reliable data about yourself; – inform the Operator about the clarification (update, change) of their personal data.
4.3. Persons who provided the Operator with false information about themselves, or information about another subject of personal data without the consent of the latter, are responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
5 The operator can process the following personal User data
5.1. Full Name.
5.2. Email address.
5.3. Phone numbers.
5.4. The site also collects and processes anonymous data about visitors (including cookies) using Internet statistics services (Yandex Metrika and Google Analytics and others).
5.5. The above data further in the text of the Policy are united by a common concept of personal data.
5.6. Processing of special categories of personal data relating to race, nationality, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, intimate life, the Operator is not carried out.
5.7. Processing of personal data authorized for dissemination, from the number of special categories of personal data specified in Part 1 of Art. ten of the Law on Personal Data, is allowed if the prohibitions and conditions under Art. 10.1 of the Personal Data Law.
5.8. Consent of the User to the processing of personal data permitted for distribution, is issued separately from other consents to the processing of it personal data. In doing so, the conditions stipulated in in particular, art. 10.1 of the Personal Data Law. Content Requirements of such consent are established by the authorized body for the protection of rights subjects of personal data.
5.8.1 Consent to the processing of personal data authorized for distribution, the User provides the Operator directly.
5.8.2 The operator is obliged not later than three working days from the receipt the specified consent of the User to publish information about the conditions processing, about the presence of prohibitions and conditions for processing in an unlimited circle persons of personal data permitted for distribution.
5.8.3 Transfer (distribution, provision, access) of personal data authorized by the subject of personal data for dissemination, must be terminated at any time at the request of the subject of personal data. This requirement must include the last name, first name, patronymic (if available), contact information (phone number, email address or postal address) of the subject of personal data, as well as a list personal data, the processing of which is subject to termination. Specified in According to this requirement, personal data can only be processed The operator to whom it is directed.
5.8.4 Consent to the processing of personal data authorized for distribution, ceases to be valid from the moment the Operator receives the requirement specified in clause 5.8.3 of this Policy regarding the processing personal data.
6 Personal data processing principles
6.1. The processing of personal data is carried out on a lawful and fair basis.
6. 2. The processing of personal data is limited to achieving specific, predetermined and legitimate purposes. Processing not allowed personal data that is incompatible with the purposes of collecting personal data.
6.3. It is not allowed to combine databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for purposes that are incompatible with each other.
6.4. Only personal data that meet the purposes are subject to processing their processing.
6.5. The content and scope of the processed personal data correspond to stated purposes of processing. Redundancy of processed personal data in relation to the stated purposes of their processing.
6.6. When processing personal data, the accuracy of personal data, their sufficiency, and, if necessary, their relevance in relation to to the purposes of processing personal data. The operator accepts the necessary measures and / or ensures their adoption to remove or clarify incomplete or inaccurate data.
6.7. The storage of personal data is carried out in a form that allows determine the subject of personal data, no longer than the purposes require processing of personal data, if the period of storage of personal data is not established by federal law, an agreement to which, a party, the beneficiary or guarantor for which the subject is personal data. The processed personal data is destroyed or depersonalized upon achievement of the purposes of processing or in case of loss the need to achieve these goals, unless otherwise provided federal law.
7 Purposes of personal data processing
7.1. The purpose of processing the User's personal data: – informing the User by sending e-mails; – conclusion, execution and termination of civil law contracts; – providing the User with access to services, information and/or materials contained on the website https://food4baby.ru.
7.2. The Operator also has the right to send notifications to the User about new products and services, special offers and various events. The user can always refuse to receive information messages by sending an email to the Operator [email protected] with the note "Refusal of notifications about new products and services and special offers.
7.3. Non-personal data of Users collected using the services Internet statistics are used to collect information about the actions of Users on the site, improving the quality of the site and its content.
8 Legal grounds for the processing of personal data
8.1. Legal grounds for the processing of personal data by the Operator are: – agreements concluded between the operator and the subject of personal data; – federal laws, other regulatory legal acts in the field of protection personal data; – consent of Users to the processing of their personal data, to the processing personal data permitted for distribution.
8.2. The Operator processes the User's personal data only if their completion and / or sending by the User independently through special forms located on the site https://food4baby. ru or sent to Operator via email. Filling out the relevant forms and / or by sending their personal data to the Operator, the User expresses your agreement to this Policy.
8.3. The Operator processes anonymized data about the User in the event that if it is allowed in the User's browser settings (enabled saving cookies and the use of JavaScript technology).
8.4. The subject of personal data independently decides on providing his personal data and gives consent freely, of his own free will and in your interest.
9 Personal data processing conditions
9.1. The processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subject personal data for the processing of his personal data.
9.2. The processing of personal data is necessary to achieve the goals, provided for by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or law, for the implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation Federation on the operator's functions, powers and responsibilities.
9.3. The processing of personal data is necessary for the implementation justice, execution of a judicial act, act of another body or official persons subject to execution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of Enforcement Proceedings.
9.4. The processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of the contract, the party of which or the beneficiary or guarantor for which is the subject of personal data, as well as to conclude an agreement on initiative of the subject of personal data or an agreement under which the subject personal data will be the beneficiary or guarantor.
9.5. The processing of personal data is necessary for the exercise of rights and legitimate interests of the operator or third parties, or to achieve publicly significant purposes, provided that this does not violate the rights and freedom of the subject of personal data.
9.6. The processing of personal data is carried out, access to unlimited the circle of persons to whom it is provided by the subject of personal data or by his request (hereinafter referred to as publicly available personal data).
9.7. The processing of personal data subject to publication or mandatory disclosure under federal by law.
10 Collection, storage, transfer and other types of processing personal data Security of personal data processed by the Operator, is ensured through the implementation of legal, organizational and technical measures necessary to fully comply with the requirements of the current legislation in the field of personal data protection.
10.1. The operator ensures the safety of personal data and accepts all possible measures to exclude access to personal data unauthorized persons.
10.2. The User's personal data will never, under any circumstances, be will be transferred to third parties, except in cases related to execution of the current legislation or in the event that the subject personal data, consent was given to the Operator to transfer data to a third person to fulfill obligations under a civil law contract.
10.3. In case of detection of inaccuracies in personal data, the User can update them independently by sending to the Operator notification to the Operator's email address food4babyru@yandex. ru with marked "Updating personal data".
10.4. The term for processing personal data is determined by the achievement of the goals, for which personal data was collected, unless a different period stipulated by the contract or applicable law. The user can revoke his consent to processing at any time personal data by sending a notification to the Operator via email to the Operator's email address [email protected] with marked "Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data".
10.5. All information collected by third party services, including payment systems, means of communication and other service providers, stored and processed by the specified persons (Operators) in accordance with their User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Subject personal data and / or the User is obliged to independently in a timely manner review the said documents. The operator is not responsible for actions of third parties, including the suppliers specified in this paragraph services.
10.6. Prohibitions on transfer established by the subject of personal data (other than granting access), as well as the processing or processing conditions (other than obtaining access) personal data authorized for distribution, do not apply in cases of processing of personal data in state, public and other public interests determined the legislation of the Russian Federation.
10.7. When processing personal data, the operator ensures confidentiality of personal data.
10.8. The operator stores personal data in the form, allowing to identify the subject of personal data, no longer than this require the purpose of processing personal data, if the period of storage of personal data is not established by federal law, an agreement, a party to which, the beneficiary or guarantor for which the subject is personal data.
10.9. The condition for terminating the processing of personal data may be achievement of the purposes of personal data processing, expiration consent of the subject of personal data or withdrawal of consent by the subject personal data, as well as the detection of unlawful processing personal data.
11 List of actions performed by the Operator with received personal data
11.1. The operator collects, records, systematizes, accumulates, storage, refinement (update, change), retrieval, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion and destruction of personal data.
11.2. The operator carries out automated processing of personal data with the receipt and / or transmission of the received information via information and telecommunication networks or without it.
12 Cross-border transfer of personal data
12.1. The operator prior to the start of the cross-border transfer of personal data is obliged to make sure that a foreign state, on the territory which it is intended to transfer personal data, reliable protection of the rights of personal data subjects is ensured.
12.2. Cross-border transfer of personal data in the territory of foreign States that do not meet the above requirements may be only if there is consent in writing from the subject of personal data on the cross-border transfer of his personal data and / or execution contract to which the subject of personal data is a party.
13 Confidentiality of personal data
The operator and other persons who have access to personal data are obliged not to disclose to third parties and not distribute personal data without consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided federal law.
14 Final provisions
14.1. The user can get any clarifications on questions regarding the processing of his personal data, by contacting Operator via e-mail [email protected].
14.2. This document will reflect any changes to the processing policy personal data by the Operator. The policy is valid indefinitely until it is replaced new version.
14.3. The current version of the Policy is freely available online Internet at https://food4baby.ru.
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