5Th month baby feeding
5-Month-Old Baby: Milestones, Sleep & Feeding Schedule
The months have flown by and your baby has been growing like crazy — she may be double the size she was at birth. It’s not just her little body that is getting bigger, but her whole world, too. She may show an interest in complex shapes and patterns, and perhaps even try to babble to you in her early attempts at conversation. Enjoy the ride as you watch your little one grow and develop this month, and read on to see what exciting things your baby will learn to do!
Baby Development Milestones
Let's see what exciting and sometimes challenging changes await you this month.
Growth and Physical Development: Twice the Size
Each baby is different and will develop at her own pace, but once your baby turns about 5 months old, you may notice that she's about double her birth weight. On average, babies this age will gain around 1 ¼ pounds and grow 0.8 inches in length per month. Your baby's healthcare provider will keep track of her growth using baby growth charts to make sure her growth is steady.
Senses: Your Baby Loves Red and Blue
Your baby's eyesight keeps on improving, and by now she can see much farther than before. You might notice reds and blues are her favorites as she may prefer to look at those colors. Your little girl will probably like to stare at more complex patterns and shapes; she will find these really interesting as her sight matures, so don't shy away from showing her picture books and posters with bold and intricate patterns.
Movement: Building Stronger Core Muscles
Your baby is getting stronger and she is working on building those all-important core muscles. By now, she can raise and hold her head and chest when lying on her stomach. She'll continue to strengthen these muscles as she pushes her head and chest further up. Perhaps she'll enthusiastically move her legs and rock back and forth on her tummy. This isn't just her being cute — it's how she's building the strength to eventually roll over and also to start crawling.
related baby tool
Keep an eye on your baby’s average growth by tracking height, weight, and head circumference with our simple tool.
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Head circumference (in.)
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*Input details of your baby’s last measurements. **Source: World Health Organization
Personality: Your Baby Gets Experimental
Babies are fast learners and each experience will teach your little one so many things. At around 5 months old, your baby will start to learn that each action has a reaction. Perhaps she will kick her mattress and notice the crib rocks, or she'll drop something and see that you pick it right up. This will encourage her to become curious and she will test out how she can influence the world around her. This may get frustrating for you as a parent — it's not fun to pick up a dropped rattle for the umpteenth time — but indulge her as long as it's safe. Make sure she doesn't play with anything she can choke on, or that's breakable, sharp, or toxic. Experimenting helps her brain develop and will also help her better understand how she can impact her environment.
As your baby's cognitive abilities expand, you'll be fascinated by her ability to soak up information like a sponge. Engage her eager mind by taking her for walks around the neighborhood, talking to her, and showing her new things. She will love books with large, brightly colored pictures. You can also help her develop her language skills by calling out the names of the new things she sees. She may even babble back as if she has understood you. When you talk to her, pause for a second to let her give you her “answer.” These are your first, early conversations with your little one, and although she may not make much sense at 5 months old, isn't it lovely to communicate with your baby? The more you do it, the better she becomes, and she'll be ready to say her first words in a few months' time.
How to Support Your Baby’s Development
Your baby has been working hard to develop strong neck and shoulder muscles. Over the coming months, she will use these muscles to stay sitting up, roll over, crawl, and eventually walk. Continue with providing daily tummy time sessions to help your little one build up these skills. Try to do it two or three times a day if you can. As she gets used to tummy time, you can do it more often to help her gain strength and confidence. Make sure she is awake during tummy time and never leave her unattended.
Feeding Your 5-Month-Old Baby
At 5 months old, your baby may be taking four to six ounces of breast milk or formula at each feeding, or perhaps even more. She may need to eat more when she goes through a growth spurt, which can happen at any time; you may notice one when your baby turns about 6 months old. Whenever she seems hungry, follow her hunger cues and feed her on demand.
What goes hand-in-hand with feeding? Diaper changes! Although diaper changes may not be too exciting, all those dirty diapers sure can be rewarding! Download the Pampers Club app and turn diapers and wipes into fun toys for your 5-month-old, lovely treats for you, or useful coupons to put toward your next Pampers purchase.
How Much Sleep Does a 5-Month-Old Baby Need?
Around this time your baby will sleep 12 to 16 hours a day. This includes an extended stretch at night with perhaps only a few brief awakenings. Each baby is different but with any luck, she won’t need feeding in the middle of the night by this age. Five-month-old babies still need a couple of naps and will sleep around three to four hours during the day. If you need some help getting your baby to sleep, watch our video guide for tips on establishing a good bedtime routine.
Don’t miss these must-watch sleep tips from the Smart Sleep Coach pediatric sleep consultant:
A Day in the Life of Your Baby
By now you have probably settled into a daily routine that works well for you and your baby, but here is an example for how you might choose to break up the average day:
Your Baby’s Health: Tender Gums
It’s upsetting to see your baby is unwell, or hear him cry when he feels pain or discomfort. You try everything as a parent to make sure your little one is safe and healthy, but there are times when he feels sick, no matter how careful you are. Some common health concerns that may affect a 5-month-old baby include:
Teething. You may notice your baby is drooling, cranky, or crying from discomfort this month. Between 4 and 7 months old, many babies start to get their first teeth. Your baby may get lucky and not feel any pain when he’s teething, but he may still have swollen or tender gums. Soothe his discomfort by giving him a teething ring made of firm rubber or rubbing his gums with a clean finger. If you notice he’s drooling, just wipe his mouth with a clean cloth to prevent a rash. See more tips in our video guides on teething. If you notice your baby is in pain or is feeling irritable, turn to your baby’s healthcare provider for advice.
Conjunctivitis. This is when the white of the eye and the inside of the lower eyelid become red and inflamed. Also known as pinkeye, conjunctivitis is itchy and painful, and usually lasts a week or two. Conjunctivitis is usually caused by an infection, but can also be provoked by an allergy or an irritation to something like smoke.
Take your baby to his healthcare provider if you think he may have an eye infection because treatment will likely be required. Conjunctivitis is very contagious, so wash your hands before and after administering any eye drops, and if your child is in child care it may be best to keep him at home until he’s all better.
Your Life as a Parent: Body Image and Self-Care
Now that a few months have passed since the birth of your baby and you’re settling into a routine, you may be starting to think more about yourself. Good for you! Taking care of yourself is important, and as a new mom, it can be easy to overlook your own needs. You can get started by adding healthier habits into your daily routine. Like many new moms, you may be quite eager to return to your pre-baby figure, but it does take some time to achieve healthy weight loss after pregnancy. The key is slow and steady. Remind yourself that although your body may not look like it used to, it has done something truly incredible by giving birth to a new life. Look at how strong you are! Here are some ideas to help you feel good, or even great, about where you’re at right now!
Healthy eating. Eat more fiber-filled fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; add proteins like chicken, eggs, or fish to meals; limit desserts and treats like chocolate, chips, ice cream, candies, and cookies; and watch your portion sizes.
Exercise. Once your healthcare provider gives you the all-clear, add some gentle exercise back into your daily routine. Keep in mind, you’ll have to slowly work back towards your pre-pregnancy fitness levels, so aim to gradually build up your physical strength and endurance over time.
Me-time. It might be challenging to set aside time for yourself, but it’s important to find balance. Make plans to go to the movies with friends, or on a date night with your partner, or indulge in a spa treatment for a little well-deserved “me time.” Don’t be afraid to ask for help: Get your partner, family members, or your babysitter to come to your aid when you’re feeling overwhelmed or just need a break.
5-Month-Old Baby: Milestones and More
5-Month-Old Baby
Your baby is 5 months old! Feeling a bit like a coach? You’ve been giving baby tons of encouragement over the past month —as they’re (probably!) trying to sit unassisted in a tripod position. Give baby the space to try on their own, but stay within arm’s reach, just in case they start to topple. You’re probably also inspiring baby’s language by having conversations around the house. The ultimate reward for all your efforts will be when you (will soon) hear those wonderful words: "mama" and "dada."
It seems each day brings new 5-month-old baby milestones, and your little one has been practicing their motor skills and showing off their unique personality. As exciting as these moments are, you probably still have some questions surrounding this new stage. What can babies eat at the five-month mark? How can I keep my 5-month old busy? And perhaps most pressing: What time should a 5-month-old go to bed? (This whole early parenting thing is still very exhausting!)
Parenting has a nonstop learning curve, and we’re here to help. From understanding a 5-month-old baby’s feeding routine to structuring a (somewhat) normal sleep schedule, here’s what you need to know as you celebrate this stage.
In this article:
5-month-old development
5-month-old health
5-month-old feeding
5-month-old sleep
5-month-old schedule
Activities for a 5-month-old
5-month-old baby checklist and tips
5-Month-Old Development
Your busy 5-month-old baby is working on a number of skills that’ll really come in handy for moving around and getting things done, and they’re working on getting bigger too.
5-month-old baby weight and length
You probably want to know: How much should my 5-month-old weigh? The average weight for a 5-month-old baby is 15.2 pounds for girls and 16.6 pounds for boys; the average length (aka height) is 25.2 inches for girls and 25.9 inches for boys.
Of course that doesn’t mean your 5-month-old baby should weigh and measure exactly that. Remember: Healthy babies tend to follow a natural growth curve, staying within the same percentile range as they grow older. As long as baby’s sticking to the curve, that’s an indicator of healthy growth. And your child most likely gained about 1 to 1.25 pounds since last month!
You won’t typically hear the phrase “5-month-old growth spurt"—but it’s well known that babies tend to have growth spurts around the four- and six-month marks, and you’re right smack in the middle of those two. As we know, not every baby is exactly the same, so if you suspect yours is having a growth spurt—they’re extra hungry and feeding like crazy for a few days—then they probably are.
5-month-old’s five senses
- Baby’s ability to distinguish between different colors is improving—it’s not just the bright, bold colors they can tell apart but now it’s pastels and other subtle colors too.
- Baby can now spot a toy just out of reach, and grab it. Go baby!
- Baby will turn their head to hear a rattling sound and may start to turn their head when they hear a voice.
- They’re listening to what you’re saying and may soon start to imitate your words. Once they start making some sounds they like—“oh” or “ah” maybe—they might keep on repeating them. How cute!
5-month-old baby milestones
What do 5-month-old babies do? Here’s an idea of what’s likely going on with yours this month:
- Baby’s eyesight is growing sharper by the day. So what can babies see at 5 months old? Babies at this age will start noticing things several feet away and can differentiate between colors. They can also focus on objects without crossing their eyes.
- Baby is fascinated by their hands and may have started bringing both of them together. (Patty-cake time!)
- They’re likely reaching with both hands, grasping things and holding them using all their fingers.
- Baby is about ready to start learning about object permanence. Hide an object and then reveal it, so baby will start to learn that things still exist even when they can't see them.
- They’ve either started rolling over or are swaying side-to-side, getting ready to reach this milestone. Average age to start to roll from tummy to back is 4 months old; after that, baby will start to roll back to tummy. A 5-month-old not rolling over isn’t a cause for concern, but if baby isn’t at least trying to roll by their six-month checkup, you should let the pediatrician know.
- For your 5-month-old, crawling may be on the horizon. Babies tend to start crawling between 6 to 10 months, but some especially determined babies get started earlier than that.
5-Month-Old Health
Having a baby sometimes feels like one minor illness after another. These are some common health questions parents of 5-month-old babies ask:
5-Month-Old Baby Feeding
Feeding baby may be getting more complicated than it used to be. Nursing may have turned into nursing and pumping; bottles may have turned into bottles and baby food.
How much should a 5-month-old eat?
Wondering how much and how often a 5-month-old should eat? Five-month-old babies typically breastfeed or bottle-feed every three to four hours and may have started eating solid foods about two times per day.
- Bottle feeding: How much formula for a 5-month-old baby? Many babies this age eat 4 to 6 ounces of formula about four to six times a day.
- Breastfeeding: You should be nursing baby every three or four hours but each breastfed baby may be slightly different. What’s important is that baby seems content, your boobs seem to have been emptied (they’re soft) and baby’s gaining weight healthily.
- Pumping: If you’re pumping breast milk, you’re probably wondering how many ounces of breast milk for a 5-month-old is enough. Five-month-olds need about 25 ounces of breast milk per day. So you’ll need to divide that by how many feedings your baby usually has. So if you feed baby about eight times per day, they should get about 4 ounces of breast milk at each feeding. That’s about how much milk a 5-month-old should drink.
To double-check that baby’s getting enough breast milk, you can check their diapers. How many wet diapers for a 5-month-old is healthy? About four or five very wet ones per day.
What can babies eat at 5 months?
Five-month-old babies still need breast milk, formula or a combination of both. Does baby watch you intently while you eat your own breakfast? It might be time to start your 5-month-old on solids.
Wondering how much baby food for a 5-month-old is recommended? The five-month mark is an exciting time as baby might be ready to take on solid foods. If you and your pediatrician have decided to move forward with baby solids, go slow and follow baby’s cues. You might start out with one ounce and one meal and gradually increase the amount to about three ounces as often as three times a day.
How much fruit and veggies or how much rice cereal for a 5-month-old largely depends on the baby. The longer baby’s been eating solids and the more they’re interested in eating them, the more you should feel free to feed them—up to three ounces, three times per day.
Can I give my 5-month-old water?
Typically, doctors say to wait until baby is about 6 months old or eating solids before introducing them to water. That said, if they’re eating baby food, you can probably give them a few sips of water too.
5-month-old feeding schedule
Don’t know how to space out feedings? Here’s a basic schedule that might work for you and baby:
Image: Megan Rubey
5-Month-Old Sleep
Is baby sleeping well yet? If not, it might be time to consider sleep training. Read on for some common solutions to get you and your 5-month-old sufficient shut-eye.
How much should my 5-month-old sleep?
How many hours a 5-month-old should sleep depends on the baby! Just like everything else, there’s a range—there are big sleepers and not-so-big sleepers—and oftentimes the amount baby sleeps depends on their own unique sleep personality.
Five-month-olds tend to sleep around 15 hours a day, including about up to 10 hours at night (some babies wake at night and others don’t!) and two or three naps, adding up to around five hours of daytime sleep.
What time should a 5-month old go to bed?
Again, this will depend on your specific scenario and needs. At 5 months old, baby should be on a two- or three-nap schedule, with the last nap ending ideally no later than 5 p.m. Experts generally recommend putting baby to bed for the night around 7 or 7:30 p.m.
5-month-old sleep schedule
Five-month-olds need plenty of rest. Here’s a typical sleep schedule for a 5-month-old baby:
Image: Megan Rubey
My 5-month-old won’t sleep!
We hear parents say “My 5-month-old wakes up every hour” or “They used to sleep and now suddenly they’re not!” If your child isn’t sleeping, it could be for a variety of reasons; one of the most common is sleep regression. The 5-month-old sleep regression is common because babies naturally begin to sleep less deeply, and their brains have developed and become more active.
A soothing sleep routine can help baby get back to snoozing more soundly. Getting baby used to falling asleep on their own in the crib, rather than in your arms (we know—easier said than done!) is also important. That means you want to avoid rocking them to sleep. Pediatricians also recommend not feeding baby to get them to fall asleep; rather, put them down when they’re drowsy but still awake.Don’t worry, this sleep regression stage usually only lasts about two to six weeks. Read more tips for dealing with sleep regression.
Is sleep-training a 5-month-old a good idea?
Maybe! Some families swear by sleep training, others think letting baby cry—yes, there are usually tears involved—feels cruel. Do what’s best for your family.
If your 5-month-old baby does not sleep through the night, and you’re interested in giving sleep training a try, now is probably a good time. Experts say babies might be ready for sleep training if they’ve gotten into a regular sleep routine and have dropped most of their middle-of-the-night feedings. Read more about how sleep-train a baby to see if it’s right for your family.
Is a 5-month-old sleeping on their stomach okay?
Continue to put baby to bed lying on their back to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Once baby starts rolling onto their tummy, there’s really not much you can do about letting them sleep in that position.
In fact, a lot of babies find stomach sleeping really comfy. Some worried parents feel the need to go into the nursery and flip baby over, but rest assured that once baby can lift their head and shoulders and can roll over on their own, it’s okay for them to sleep on their stomach.
5-Month-Old Schedule
Five-month-old babies are just coming into their own, and they want in on the fun! Looking for things to do with a 5-month-old baby? Check out this list of baby activities that will give you an idea of 5-month-old activities, as well as things to do with baby as they grow.
5-month-old baby schedule example
A 5-month-old's daily schedule might look something like this:
Image: Megan Rubey
Activities for a 5-month-old
As baby grows and develops each day, you’re probably wondering: How can I keep my 5-month old busy? Here are some fun activities to keep them engaged and entertained:
- Take baby for a walk.
As their eyesight improves, baby will begin focusing on different aspects of nature, from trees to flying birds. This is great stimulation for baby; plus, a change of scenery and fresh air can be good for you too!
- Put baby on the floor to explore. Whether you put baby on their back or tummy, this floor time gives them a chance to move around, explore and strengthen those little muscles. (Just sure to babyproof the area first).
- Play music. Baby’s hearing is getting better; they’ll love listening to different kinds of music. Sing along and dance with baby.
- Continue to read. Reading every day will help encourage early language skills.
5-Month-Old Baby Checklist and Tips
- Schedule baby’s six-month checkup, if you haven’t already.
- Put an unbreakable baby mirror in front of baby’s face and watch their delight as they admire their own mug and self-entertain.
- Need a new car seat for your 5-month-old baby? Look into a convertible seat that can be positioned both backward (until age 2 or 3) and forward (after that).
- Take baby’s 5-month-old baby milestone photo.
- Baby has likely started putting everything in their mouth by this age, so clear your space of small choking hazards.
Five-months-olds grow up right before your eyes. Your little one will surprise you each day with their new tricks. Their personality is getting more defined by the minute, and you’ll soon have a bubbly 6-month-old on your hands. Where has the time gone?
Medical content was reviewed by Dina DiMaggio, MD, a board-certified pediatrician at Pediatric Associates of NYC and NYU Langone Health in New York City, and a spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics. She is also the coauthor of The Pediatrician’s Guide to Feeding Babies and Toddlers.
what products are possible, features of complementary foods
It is no secret that young and not very experienced mothers receive information on the nutrition of an infant, including recommendations on how to introduce the first complementary foods, mainly from two sources: grandmother's stories and from the Internet. Unfortunately, both of these respected sources of information may voluntarily or not voluntarily, but be very mistaken, since grandmothers grew up in a more prosperous time in terms of environmental conditions, and the Internet is littered with various articles that are rarely written by professionals, moreover, they rely either on explicit outdated guides on baby food, or frankly on unverified information.
In this article, I will try to combine the latest scientific data and recommendations on how to introduce the first complementary foods with many years of observations from the experience of a practical pediatrician and an allergist-immunologist.
At what age is it time to introduce the first complementary foods
According to the recommendations of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the first complementary foods can be introduced from 4.5 - 5 months, regardless of the type of feeding. This is "average". In practice, the choice of when to start introducing complementary foods still depends on the individual characteristics of the child. For example, for a child with widespread atopic dermatitis (diathesis), we will not introduce complementary foods until at least acute skin symptoms, such as cracks, weeping or secondary eczema, have steadily disappeared. Increased dryness and flaking of the skin, of course, require constant application of moisturizers to the skin, but in no case are they a contraindication to the start of the introduction of the first complementary foods.
Another important point when choosing the time to start introducing complementary foods is the dynamics of the child's weight gain. The more intensively the child gains in height and weight, the sooner he may need additional calories, since the energy value of breast milk or artificial formula alone will most likely not be enough for a child who grows faster than his peers by 4 - 5 months. We must not forget that natural products contain a fairly large range of minerals and vitamins, and a mother’s body, alas, cannot be an eternal and bottomless source of useful nutrients, somewhere something will gradually begin to be missed.
In addition, the nature of lactation in the mother has a great influence on the timing of the introduction of complementary foods. If a nursing mother begins to feel a lack of milk, I would prefer to first give her advice on stimulating lactation, and at the same time begin to introduce complementary foods. It will be better than introducing an artificial mixture. But I repeat that the earliest start date for the introduction of the first complementary foods is the age of 4 months, before the child's body is not yet ready, the risk of developing allergies is also high.
So, we agree with you that the first complementary foods can be introduced no earlier than 4 months of a child's life.
First complementary foods: Which foods to choose?
The first complementary foods, as a rule, should consist of vegetable or fruit purees, but in no case juices. Still, juices, even for children, are highly filtered, mainly contain a large amount of organic acids and “light” carbohydrates (that is, sugar, to make it clear to everyone). I will not waste time explaining why juices are harmful to an infant, but I will describe a clinical case from practice.
Parents with an 8-month-old girl came to the reception. Somewhere from 5 months she practically did not gain weight, although before that all indicators were normal. In the analyzes, apart from visible signs of iron deficiency, slightly reduced hemoglobin, no pathology was also detected. The main complaint: "does not eat anything." And when I began to find out what she still eats, it turned out that the child drinks half a liter of juice every day. But porridge or cottage cheese, or mashed potatoes cannot be forced together, they spit everything out. I don't like the taste. And so - for three months. The child, of course, became very nervous, yelling at night, demanding juice.
So draw your own conclusions and be careful.
For the first feeding, this is now recognized by everyone, the best dishes are vegetable purees from green varieties of vegetables: zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. The first complementary foods are introduced, starting with half a teaspoon, in the morning for three days, then gradually increase the amount of the product to 40-50 grams per week. Supplemented with breast milk or formula.
For problems with stools, constipation, it’s good to start introducing prune puree, green apple, you can try pumpkin, even apricot puree, but in no case start with carrots. Beta-carotenoids, which are abundant in carrots, are generally poorly absorbed and can cause allergies in a child.
Second food. Porridge or meat?
Even 5 - 6 years ago, we taught students at the medical institute that from 5 - 5.5 months old, an infant should begin to give cereal porridge for complementary foods. This is rice, buckwheat, corn. The first week you can cook 5% porridge: 5 grams of ground cereal per 100 ml of water. Then the porridges are cooked already denser: 10 grams of cereal per 100 ml of water. But now, basically everyone uses instant (soluble) cereals, which are diluted with water according to the instructions on the package. In addition, ready-to-eat liquid cereals are on sale: for example, Bellakt, Frutonyanya, etc.
Why meat? You ask. According to modern recommendations (they really began to change quite often), but in this case I support: if a child has a pronounced decrease in hemoglobin in the blood below 100 g / l by the age of 5 months, it makes sense to start introducing fruit or vegetable purees as a second types of complementary foods - meat purees as a source of the most well-absorbed heme iron. You need to choose from varieties such as turkey, rabbit, lamb. Beef and veal can only be offered to children who did not have red cheeks and diathesis.
In the absence of problems with low hemoglobin, feel free to introduce porridge as the second meal of complementary foods, especially if the child is small and does not gain weight very well. In this case, we can recommend breeding cereals with the addition of breast milk or a mixture (Nan, Nutrilon, Celia, Nanny). With mixtures based on goat's milk, parents of children with a predisposition to allergies should be very careful. Goat milk formulas are not the best choice for babies who are allergic or intolerant to cow's milk protein, whatever the internet says. Believe me, there are serious scientific articles by foreign authors, which provided data on a very high frequency of cross-allergy between cow and goat milk proteins in children who were transferred to goat milk mixtures. And I saw it myself in my practice, when a child with dermatitis was transferred to a mixture of goat's milk, there was a clear improvement for a month or two, and then all over again and with a doubled degree of allergic skin damage.
Introduction to fermented milk products
This is the most difficult question. I am sure that most of our grandparents demand that their stupid parents start drinking milk and kefir as soon as possible. In some cases, children really start to absorb sour-milk products quite well after 6 months, but before this age I am very careful even with sour-milk Agusha, and even introducing milk or kefir before 6 months is a bad form, believe me, and can lead to very bad consequences for the child. I understand the Western European medical community, which has recently banned its pediatricians from recommending fermented milk products for complementary foods for children under 3 years of age, just imagine!
They (the Europeans) need to do something with their artificial milk mixtures. Even 20 years ago, we did not know other mixtures after the "two", that is, the second formula for children from 6 to 12 months. Then there were formulas for children from 1 to 2 years old, then from 2 to 3 years old, and now there are already mixtures for children up to 4 years old, and I think if this goes on, then until the age of sixteen there will be their own milk substitutes. Dismiss me, I don't think this approach is correct. But the fact is that our grandparents had much better genetics than the generation of our children, alas. In the context of the growth of medical capabilities, genetically determined diseases are also growing, and in this case, intolerance to cow's milk protein, and with every 10 years there are more and more such people among us. But if a child really suffers from an allergy to cow's milk protein or is severely deficient in enzymes, then he will carry this peculiarity through his whole life, and most likely he will not drink milk or kefir himself, and there is no need to force him if he himself won't want to!
But you are lucky with genetics, and no one in the family has ever had an allergy (which is hard to imagine nowadays), and most importantly, if your child has always had perfectly clean skin, then the first of the dairy products - cottage cheese, you will begin to offer your child with 7 months, kefir - from 10 months. Milk - after a year. It will be better this way.
But if your family does not have a very close and joyful relationship with milk, then it is better to postpone even the introduction of kefir and yogurt into complementary foods for a child until the age of 18 months.
Fish day and first meal
Fish is a very healthy product, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, but it must also be introduced carefully. I advise you to start introducing the first fish food at about 7-8 months. It is better to start with species such as cod, hake, haddock. The rules are the same: the first three days on the "gram," then slowly add. If there are no problems in a week or two, you can try such delicacies as tuna or salmon, of course, canned children, if you can find it. It is better not to mess with trout and salmon in the first year of life, this fish is all stuffed with dyes and antibiotics.
No matter how hard I tried, the article about the first complementary foods turned out to be long. Thank you for reading to the end, I hope it will be useful. If you have questions about the introduction of complementary foods, you can write your appeals on our website in the question to a specialist section. A short answer can be obtained on the Internet, but in order to make a diagnosis and give a detailed consultation, of course, you need to come to a face-to-face appointment with a pediatrician and a pediatric allergist.
what foods can be given to a child
Reviewer Kovtun Tatiana Anatolievna
August 19, 2022
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Complementary foods are any foods other than breast milk and infant formula. Often they are introduced into the baby's diet after the fourth, fifth or sixth month of life. Is this approach correct and how can I feed a child at 5 months?
When do complementary foods start at five months
Current research shows that the optimal age for introducing complementary foods for all children is four to six months. This period is even called the "critical window". It is then that the foundations of the tolerance of different types of food are laid in the body and the need for new nutrients arises. The baby may already lack the nutrients that he receives from mother's milk or formula. The baby needs vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, additional sources of energy and other important nutrients. It's time to introduce him to a variety of taste sensations and form taste habits for life. And of course, learn important chewing skills.
The age of 4-6 months for the introduction of complementary foods is also recommended by the European Nutrition Committee ESPGHAN, the Union of Pediatricians of Russia and other specialists in nutrition and health of children. At the same time, the terms are individual, and you should always consult with a specialist. But for a healthy child, in the absence of additional indications, the best age to start complementary foods is four to five to six months.
It used to be thought that exclusive breastfeeding should introduce complementary foods earlier. But recently, scientists have found that at this age, breast milk no longer always fills the need for micronutrients, especially iron. Thus, the age of 4 to 6 months for the start of complementary feeding is now recognized as the “gold standard” for both breastfeeding and formula feeding [1] .
What foods to introduce into the baby's diet
The best first complementary foods that will complement the diet of a child at 5 months, experts consider children's vegetable purees or children's dairy-free cereals. In this case, the choice depends on the characteristics of the child. For children with reduced body weight or frequent stools, porridge is more suitable, and for babies with excess weight and constipation, mashed potatoes.
The first vegetable purees should consist of only one type of vegetable. Frutonyan's assortment includes mashed marrows, cauliflower and broccoli. It is these vegetables that experts recommend because of their delicate fiber. The composition of products is not allowed the presence of flavorings, dyes, preservatives, added starch, sugar and salt.
The first porridge for feeding should also be one-component. Start with gluten-free cereals: buckwheat, corn or rice. Pediatricians insist on cereals of industrial production, which are enriched with useful components.
Buckwheat, rice and corn porridge "FrutoNyanya" correspond to all recommendations. They contain a complex of vitamins (C, E, PP, pantothenic acid, B2, B1, B6, A, folic acid, D3, biotin, B12) and minerals (iron, zinc, iodine).
It is far from always possible to supplement the nutrition of a child at 5 months with complementary foods the first time. Sometimes it takes 10-15 attempts for the baby to accept a new product. Parents must be calm and consistent, and then everything will definitely work out. And from six months, you can offer your baby several different cereals or mashed potatoes.
It is best if by the year the child’s diet contains 3-4 types of vegetables and the same number of cereals. And you can not delay the introduction of baby meat puree after six months, as these products supplement the diet with essential nutrients.
Complementary feeding rules at five months
Understanding how you can feed a child at 5 months, you can move on to how to do it.
- Use a spoon to feed porridge or puree. Don't give food on your finger.
- A new product is introduced into the diet gradually. For the first time, the portion should be minimal, no more than 1/5 of the recommended rate. Then the amount is gradually increased and brought to the required level within a week.
- Carefully monitor tolerance after each feeding. To make it easier to control the possible reaction of the body, complementary foods should be introduced in the morning.
- Complementary foods should not be introduced during infectious diseases, and should not be combined with vaccination.
After the next vaccination, at least 3-5 days should pass.
- Complementary foods are given to a child who is hungry - that is, before breastfeeding or formula. When breastfeeding, it is important to keep it for the entire duration of the introduction of different types of complementary foods, that is, at least up to a year.
- Complementary foods contain less water than breast milk or infant formula. Therefore, babies are offered water in small portions between feedings. In addition to complementary foods, a child needs 150-200 ml of water per day. It is better to use special bottled, but boiled is also suitable.
Sample menu for a 5 month old baby
- Vegetable puree: 150 g daily + 1-3 g vegetable oil;
- porridge: 150g daily + 1-3g butter.
Once the complementary foods have stabilized, its tentative five-month schedule looks like this:
As they grow older, other foods are added to complementary foods: fruit, meat purees, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurts, baby juices, baby cookies, and so on.
How to feed a baby at 5 months: which porridge and puree to choose
Experts advise not to cook cereals on your own, but to start complementary foods with industrial-made cereals. By choosing a responsible brand, parents can be sure of the quality and safety of the product.
What about puree? In this matter, pediatricians are also on the side of finished products. Purees produced at the factory have a number of advantages:
- high quality raw material;
- compliance with strict hygiene requirements;
- laboratory-tested chemical composition, including vitamin content regardless of the season;
- optimum degree of grinding.
It hardly makes sense to cook mashed potatoes on your own, which is inferior in quality to the factory one. It is better to devote this time to communication and games with the child, so that he grows up not only healthy, but also the happiest.
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