Baby food test game
Guess The Baby Food Game
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I organised several games and activities for my sister’s Pink Flavoured Baby Shower and they were a whole lot more successful than I had anticipated! Everyone really got into the spirit of things and they were great fun, as well as bringing all the guests who didn’t know each other together.
The first game I’m going to tell you about is ‘Guess The Baby Food’. And if you’re thinking, “OMG, do we have to eat baby food?!” Let me tell you yes, yes you do!
2015 Update – By request, I’ve added these as free printables for you to download here: Guess The Baby Food Game – Baby Shower Free Printable
It was a fun game…even if a little on the gross side – do we really feed babies this jarred stuff? Blech! Everyone joined in, except for me, because, you know. Answers… >_>
It’s easy enough to set up – you just need a little preparation! I bought 6 jars of baby food – 3 savoury and 3 sweet. You could have more or less if you like, but it felt like a good amount. It’s best to try and get varying flavours if you can.
To keep the jars a mystery you will need to take off the labels. I created some custom labels to stick on, but you could just as easily use sticky labels that you write numbers (or letters on) and keep tally of what is what on a hidden sheet of paper.
What I did, was put each label into a corresponding envelope to reveal when everyone had made their choices.
I also made a sign to sit next to the game, along with answer sheets. But you can be as creative (or non-creative!) as you like!
I also provided lots of plastic teaspoons so as not to double dip! Initially, the weather was looking a little suspect on the morning of the baby shower, so I set everything up inside, eventually, as the sun came out to play, we all moved outside, including the games!
When game time came around, I removed the jar lids, and gave out some paper plates for people to scoop food onto to taste from. It was quite amusing to watch people’s reactions to the taste of the food and to hear their guessing of what each jar was!
I think you only have to look through the reaction photos to know how this one worked out!! It was hilarious, and if you’re holding a baby shower for someone, I encourage you to give this game a try!
You will have to excuse the minging-ness of my garden in the outside photos – it really needs ‘doing’!
Mummy and Daddy to be start the proceedings! |
My brother is keen to start with |
Eventually he proclaims that the food tastes like feet! |
My brother’s face in the background cracks me up! |
My brother-in-law thinks “what the hell is this?!” |
Then he thinks “hmm, not bad!” |
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How to Play "Name that Baby Food" Baby Shower Game
Name that baby food is an awesome baby shower game that requires some set-up, but is totally worth it! In this baby shower game, your guests will taste different selections of baby food and try to guess what it is. The person with the most baby food friendly palate wins the game.
- Jarred Baby Food - 6-12 flavors
- Wastebasket
- Container - where guests can put their completed answer sheets
- Permanent marker / pens / pencils
- Paper to cover the jar labels
- Answer Sheets - these can be blank or pre-numbered so guests will just write their guesses about the flavors that correspond with the number
- Tasting utensils - plastic spoons or popsicle sticks (enough so that guests don't reuse the utensil for each flavor)
Prepping for Name that Baby Food Baby Shower Game
To prepare for this game, you will need to purchase some baby food jars in advance. To keep the game fair and simple, it's best to choose baby food jars that only contain one type of fruit or vegetable.
There are a lot of combo flavors (like apples and bananas or mangos and pears, etc...), but that may really stump your players, so just sticking to one ingredient per jar is best.
To keep things interesting, you may look for baby food that look somewhat alike - it's tricky but not too tricky. For examples, apple baby food and pear baby food may look very similar in consistency and color, so that might be a good choice for a couple of flavors. Carrots and sweet potatoes also look similar, so that could also be a nice couple of flavors that you can choose.
Once you have the baby food jars purchased, make a note of which flavors are in which jars (you'll need to know this for the answer key as the labels will be removed). A quick numbered list with the flavor and numbering the bottom of jar with a permanent marker can be a quick way to keep track.
Once you have the baby jar flavors noted, you can take off the wrapper (or you can always cover the wrapper with some patterned baby to hide the flavor). If you choose to take off the wrapper, there might be a little bit of adhesive left, so you might need some adhesive remover to get those last bits of stickiness off.
Now with your "naked" jars, you can number them with a permanent marker or get some colorful construction paper and make a new label for the jar with just the number.
For the game, your guests will get a blank numbered piece of paper and they will write their guesses that correspond to the number on the jar.
Baby Shower Game Set-up
To set-up the game, you will need some space where you can put out all the materials - jars of food, game sheets, pens, popsicle/spoons, wastebasket, etc... You should opt for a dedicated space so the stuff doesn't get mixed up with other things. A small table or countertop should be fine.
How to Play Name that Baby Food
There are a couple of ways that you can play the game. You can have the game be passive, meaning the guests can play it throughout the baby shower event and drop their answer sheets in a container and you can tally up the correct answers later and announce the winner. Or you can make the game a main event and ask for volunteers to play while the rest of the guests become the audience.
If you choose to play the game passively, you might consider having the instructions out on display so guests know what it's all about - the last thing you want is guests thinking you're serving appetizers!
If you are expecting guests of all ages to attend, then you might think twice about letting the game be passive - depending on the age of the kids, they may not quite understand the game and the results could be...messy.
The other way to play this game allows for everyone to enjoy the action. You'll need to carve out some time to play the game during the event. At the time, you can ask for volunteers who want to play - not everyone will feel comfortable tasting baby food in front of an audience, so asking for volunteer players will just make things easier.
Once you have the volunteers, have each of them taste one baby food at a time, then write down their guess. When they've had a chance to taste each one, you can announce the type of food, the person with the most correct wins!
It may be more fun to play this game with an audience as everyone will be able to see the reactions of the players as they taste those mushy peas and squashed carrots. It will also be fun to announce the winner right away.
Baby Shower Game Prizes
For this game, you may want to prepare a few prizes just in case you have a tie. As the game is all about food (albeit baby food), it might be fun to have your prizes be food-related too.
Here are some food prize ideas that you might consider:
- Homemade Jars of Jam: If you love canning, then consider making some special treats for your winners. A cute label "Adult Food: Apricot Jam" or something that ties the prize back to the game can be a clever and memorable baby shower game prize. If you're not into making jam, then buying a few fun flavors and relabeling them with cute labels is an option.
- Mason Jar Recipe Kits: A recipe in a jar prize is always fun and can be a play on the baby food jars. There are tons of recipe in a jar kits you can find online and if you think you might have more than one winner, then this is an easy prize to duplicate.
- Food Cooking Kits: As this baby shower game is all about flavor, consider some food kits for your winners so they can add more flavor to their next dish! A collection of exotic salts, a variety pack of BBQ sauces or salsas. Some nice oils or spice mixes can also work.
- DIY Food Gift Basket: A little themed food gift basket is another option. A small container filled with goodies for a movie night, breakfast in bed, or a picnic would make a great baby shower prize.
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Fundamentals of cooking and baby food. Test with answers
1. The least important function of the large intestine is:
• Water absorption
2. The third growth jump is performed:
• in the period of puberty
3. More total vitamin E contains the following foods
• vegetable oils (corn and soybean), germinated wheat, corn, lettuce
4. The main sources of carbohydrates for allergic children should be:
• vegetables and fruits
6. Remains in the stomach the longest:
• mixed food
7. During the primary processing of the brain, the following should be done:
• soak the brains in cold water for 30 minutes, then remove the shell and rinse thoroughly
thermal (thermal) processing of food products include:
• stewing, sautéing, baking, baking, breading, blanching
10. It is best to use fish in baby food:
• maritime
11. To prevent nitrate poisoning, vegetables should be:
• soaked in water.
• 1-3
13. The most successful combination of calcium and phosphorus in the following products
• in milk, dairy products, vegetables
. .
• proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins
16. The offal, especially useful for baby food, includes:
• liver, brains, kidneys, tongue, heart
17. Phosphorus-calcium exchange is facilitated by vitamin
• D
18. A child suffering from chronic gastritis is recommended to feed:
• 5-6 times a day
vegetable origin
21. At birth, the greatest changes occur in:
• the digestive system
23. How to eat bread correctly
• take bread from the breadbox (plate) with your fingers; do not bite off the whole chunk, but break a piece in half or break off a piece with your left hand
24. It is recommended to attach a newborn to the mother's breast after
• separation of the umbilical cord and toilet
25. Normal ratio of proteins in food fats, carbohydrates
• 1:1:4
26. With an increase in the diet of proteins and fats
• their digestion slows down
• at 5-5.5 months
29. The content of total blood protein in children reaches a maximum level
• in adolescence
30. Carbohydrates are not absorbed in the intestinal tract:
• Pulp
31. Meat dishes eat:
• Using a knife and forks
32. When organizing proper, rational nutrition, it is necessary to consider the following conditions
• age characteristics of the child, his physical condition, season
33. The following are of particular importance in the nutrition of a sick child:
• proteins
34. The main methods of thermal (thermal) food processing include:
• boiling, steam method, frying
to make him hungry beforehand
36. Failure to comply with the diet leads to:
• diseases in children
37. Intestinal tract dysbacteriosis is eliminated when:
• Normalization of intestinal microflora
38. In the large intestine, the norms are normal:
• Bifidum-Bacteria
39. The body of a nursing mother per day is necessary
• 100 g of proteins, 100 g of fats. , 400 g of carbohydrates
40. In accordance with the rules of the temperature regime of food, cold dishes must have a temperature of:
• not lower than 10 degrees
41. Biological age criteria are not:
• height and weight
• worse
44. Caloric content is commonly understood as the energy value of the diet
• energy of all foods in the diet, expressed in kilocalories or kilojoules
46. It is optimal to start complementary feeding of children from:
• the fifth month
• Whole fish is defrosted in cold water by adding 7-10 g of table salt per 1 liter of water, gutted, washed thoroughly, head, fins, tails, bones are removed, and then washed again well in running water
49. Food culture includes:
• the ability to properly behave at the table, to respect food, especially bread; the ability to perceive the aesthetics of table decoration and the ability to set the table correctly
50. Chemical sparing excludes:
• strong broths, fried and breaded dishes, spices, fresh soft bread and pancakes
51. Diet is:
• a set of food products indicating the amount of consumption and calorie content necessary to satisfy a person's need for various nutrients and energy
52. The inner wall of the intestine reaches its maximum area through microvilli up to ...
• 500 sq.m.
53. Iron is mainly found in:
• by-products (liver, kidneys, tongue), egg yolk, meat, fish
54.0 :
• the heart is freed from fat, cut lengthwise, blood clots are removed, thoroughly washed in running water, soaked in cold water for 1 hour and thoroughly washed again
55. Second complementary foods are best introduced into the child's diet
• during the 2nd morning feeding
56. Most calcium contain:
• Bones
57. The main place in the nutrition of young children is allocated:
• Vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs
58. The optimal temperature at cooking, creating favorable conditions for the digestion of food by a child, is the following
• 96-107 degrees
59. Children suffering from food allergies have a number of peculiarities in the intake of basic nutrients
• increased need for protein; an important place is occupied by fats, especially vegetable; the amount of carbohydrates in the diet of sick children should strictly correspond to the age norm
60. For children with acute respiratory infections, nutritionists recommend:
• sparing diet, plenty of fluids, vegetables and fruits, dairy products
61. Potassium is found mainly
• in plant products: potatoes, peas, beans, black and red currants, bananas, apricots, etc.
62. Immunodeficiency states cannot be caused by diet
63. Physiological weight loss in newborns is:
• 5%
64. Culinary food processing is carried out:
• in two stages: primary (cold) treatment and secondary (heat, thermal)
66. Nutritionists recommend eliminating children with food allergies from the diet
• confectionery and honey
67. Recommended meal frequency for school-age children
9 • 4 times a day0007
68. Rational nutrition ignores:
• Energy balance
69. The most intense, relative increase in growth occurs in the age period
• intrauterine development
70. A large amount of vitamin D contains a large number of vitamin D :
• fish oil, egg yolk, liver (especially cod), some fish (halibut, salmon, tuna)
71. Meal times for children under four months
• up to 6 times a day
72. When one breastfeed is completely replaced with complementary foods, the baby should be switched to __________________ feeding.
• 5-time
73. Fittor are rich in
75. It is advisable to use vegetables at the beginning of a meal in the form of cold dishes, snacks and salads because ...
• they increase intestinal peristalsis and secretion of digestive juices
76. The creator of the science of the correct combination of food products is:
• G. Shelton
77. Acidity of gastric juice is not higher than
• 0.5%
78. Bile is produced c:
• liver
81. The most rich in the phosphorus products
• Egg yolk, meat, fish, cheese, oatmeal and buckwheat cereals
82. Liver
• Synthesizes bile 9000
83. For full synthesis of protein to the child necessary
• 10 essential amino acids
84. The optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet for a preschool child is
• 1:1:4
91. In the diet of patients with diabetes, the use of the following products should be limited:
• sugar, coffee, smoked products, meat, fatty foods
92. Iron is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin 93. The main food for children of all ages, according to nutritionists, should be: 9,0005 96. From the second week of term, babies add daily 97. Nutritionists recommend using in the 1st half of the day (for breakfast and lunch): 98. For young children, proteins 99 are especially valuable. 100. For the first time, body growth, regardless of nutrition, slows down relatively at the age of 101. Vitamins, especially 102. The highest indicators of protein assimilation aged 103. Natural, mixed and artificial nutrition should primarily determine: 104. Normal growth of bifidobacteria requires nutrition 105. Rational nutrition is: 106. Not digested in the duodenum: 107. 108. Boiled vegetables ), compliance with the diet 110. At the age of 1 year, the volume of the stomach reaches: 111. Salivation is not activated enough: 112. The main purpose of the culinary processing of food is: 113. German 114. The main nutrients are: 115. 116. Of the proteins that a child aged 1 to 3 years old should receive with food, proteins of animal origin should be: • after a year 118. According to the food compatibility rules (according to G. Shelton), meat, poultry and fish dishes go well together: 119. With intestinal diseases, it is primarily suffered by: 120. The cause of allergies is less common: 121. Women's milk will satisfy the baby's needs for minerals during the first months 122. Vitamins are especially important for baby food 123. 124 126. At school age, you need to receive: 127. The level of glucose in the blood rises with insufficient insulin • 9005 excess nutrition, especially protein, widespread use of preservatives and dyes (in industry), chemical fertilizers and pesticides (in agriculture), as well as human exposure to any drugs, food products 129. Carbohydrates are utilized in the sections of the digestive system 131. The most valuable are: 132. The fiber base is: 133. In the first year of life, the most complete protein products should be given: 134. 135. Fats are split by the enzyme 136. Immunity structures of the digestive system. are: 0007 138. Through the skin and lungs, it takes: 139. Of the offal, the greatest value in baby food is: 140. Primary processing of vegetables suggests the following: 141. Experts recommend using as a third complementary food: 142. Recommended as a second complementary food:
• 20-30 g
• Meat, fish dishes, eggs
• dairy products The child’s body weight is doubled at the age of
• 5 months
• 3 years
• Vitamin C
• Up to 1 year
• The state of health mother and child
• fiber
• physiologically complete nutrition of people, taking into account their age, gender, nature of work, etc.
• fiber During the primary treatment of the kidneys
• the kidneys are cut lengthwise for 4 hours, soaked in cold for 3 hours water, then washed again in running water until the specific odor is completely removed
• not cut with a knife, but separated with a fork
• 300 ml
• up to 4 months after birth
• to make food tasty, easily digestible, to preserve the main nutrients in it as much as possible
• fluorine
• proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins Not produced in the stomach:
• insulin
• 2/3 parts
• With vegetables (raw or boiled)
• Liver
• Previous milk
• the first months
• C, A, D, E, B vitamins During the first month of the child it is recommended to feed:
• 6 times a day
• 2-2.5 g of fat per 1 kg of body weight per day
• in four sections
• Dairy fats
• Pulpam
• With the first portion of food In the body of schoolchildren, water is:
• 66%
• Lipaza
• Lymphatic follicles (Peyer's patches) of the intestine
• Up to 75% water
• Liver
• before cooking, soak vegetables in strong salted water for 8-10 minutes, then peel and rinse in cold water
• any fermented milk product
• secretion of gastric juice
146. In the nutrition of young children, cereals are most widely used:
• oatmeal
147. The main source of animal proteins in the diet of children are:
148. Most of vitamin C is found in:
• rose hips and parsley
149. Primary processing of meat involves the following:
• frozen meat is thawed in large pieces at a temperature of 7 degrees for no more than 18 hours, then, after removing contaminated places and places of branding, the meat is washed in a whole piece in running water
150. Optimum frying temperature
• 125-170 degrees
151. Composition of normal human milk
• proteins - 1.3%, fats - 3.3%, carbohydrates - 6.6%
152. A larger amount of carbohydrates contains:
• Rice Croats
153. The main treatment method for obesity is:
• Strict and systematic observance of a special diet
154. Content of lysozyme in the female more than in cow's milk in:
• 300 times
156. Squirrels are not split by an enzyme
• Lizocime
157. In the first year of life, it is recommended to give the most complete, rich in protein, products:
• cottage cheese, yolk, meat
158. Biochemical immaturity of children's immunity is manifested in:
• underdevelopment of enzymatic systems
159. Iodine is part of hormones
• thyroid gland
161. From cereals, it is preferable to cook for young children:
• Buckwheat and oatmeal
162. Recommended ratio of food in preschool age
• at least 5 times a day 9000
163. In the center of the hepatic lobule is located:
• central vein
164. The body can do without fatty acid
• oleic
166. Conducted fruits are eaten using
• forks
167. Animal fats are contained in the following products
• Salo, Egg oil, Milk, Cottage cheese, sour cream
168. Fats are best absorbed by the body of a school-age child
• dairy fats
169. The reason for the inevitable obesity is:
• Overfigure in childhood
170. In the large intestine,
tests are absorbed | RIPI
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Tests | 2021, Baby food | Food products, Dairy products
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Please check the quality."
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"...I am interested in the quality of nutrition. It became even more relevant during the pandemic, when my child and I were at home. I bought a lot of dairy products and was not always satisfied with the quality and taste of cottage cheese, butter and sour cream.
You couldn't would you like to test local dairy products?"
This request from Yaroslavl was received in March by the Hotline for parents on school meals, organized as part of the implementation of the grant project of the President of the Russian Federation.
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Test: curd mass
Tests | 2019 | Food products, Dairy products
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Test completed long ago, but...
Test: fresh potatoes
Tests | 2019 | Food products, Fruits, vegetables, herbs
November 25, 2019
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Test: carrots, beets and herbs from Crimea
Tests | 2019 | Food products, Fruits, vegetables, herbs
November 25, 2019
RIPI, together with a volunteer partner from the Crimea, Alexey Petrovich Antonov, checked the safety of vegetable products sold on the Crimean Peninsula, in the city of Simferopol. The purchase was carried out in two well-known local retail chains - "PUD" and "Big Apple" stores. In total, it was bought: 2 samples of fresh carrots and beets and 5 samples of greens (dill, parsley, stem celery, Chinese cabbage). All samples were tested for nitrates, and carrots, beets and Chinese cabbage (which we examined for the first time) were also tested for pesticide residues.
The results are interesting. Crimean greenery was able to take a special place in the "Russian niche".
Test: doctor's sausage
Tests | 2019 | Food products, Sausages
November 28, 2019
RIPI tested two samples of relatively expensive boiled "Doctor's" sausage, manufactured by Klinsky Meat Processing Plant JSC and Miratorg TC LLC. The basis for the check was the appeals of citizens.
In contrast to the tests of doctor's sausage from Ryazan producers, which we recently reported on (article), this product pleased with its quality. And most importantly - this is a real "Doctor's", strictly according to GOST.
Test: soft curd
Tests | 2019 | Food products, Dairy products
December 4, 2019years
RIPI conducted a study of soft curds. The basis for the verification was an appeal to the Information System "SPROSpotrebnadzor", in which there was a request to check the naturalness of the product of two well-known brands.
We complied with the request and tested soft cottage cheese of popular brands: three Belarusian production ("Savushkin", "Sarafanovo", "Russian milk") and one domestic ("Agusha").
Test: natural classic yoghurts
Tests | 2019 | Food products, Dairy products
November 27, 2019
Natural yoghurts without additives RIPI researched for the last time in 2016 (article “Why do yogurts “starch?”). The main violations were in microbiology, starch was also found, which the manufacturers kept silent about.
In September, the information system "SPROSpotrebnadzor" received two applications from residents of Moscow, in which there was a request to check the naturalness of yoghurts, in particular the trademarks "House in the village" and "BIO MAX".
In October, RIPI specialists purchased five samples, three of which are domestic (TM "BIO MAX", "House in the Village", "lactica") and two from Belarus (TM "Verkhovye", "Savushkin").
The naturalness and quality of classical yoghurt without additives has been tested...
Test: ghee
Tests | 2019 | Food products, Dairy products
November 26, 2019
RIPI checked the quality of ghee twice - in 2016 and this summer.