Baby tegu food
List of Best Foods for Tegus – Reptiles Lounge
in Care, Food, Tegu,
If you're thinking of buying a tegu or if you already own one, you may wonder, "What can I feed my tegu?" The answer is a balanced, varied diet of prey, meat, fruit, vegetables with appropriate supplements.
We often hear from owners who rely solely on easy (but unvaried!) diets, such as only scrambled eggs or leftover vegetable scraps. While these options will keep your tegu fed, they likely don't provide the valuable variety of nutrients which can lead to your Tegu living a happy and healthy life.
Below you'll find a full alphabetized list of food for tegus from our experience and research online. Looking for a varied diet that comes pre-prepared? Check out this collection of prepared, canned, and dried tegu food that you can use as part of your Tegu's healthy diet.
REMEMBER: Always balance fresh food with prepared foods!
Whole Prey- Captive-raised insects
- Crayfish
- Chickens (baby)
- Crickets - Flukers Freeze-Dried Grasshoppers
- Earthworms
- Frogs (feeder)
- Gerbil
- Hamster
- Horn-worms
- Lizards (feeder)
- Meal-worms
- Mice
- Pinkie mice
- Quail hatchlings
- Rats
- Roaches - Zoo Med Can O' Cockroaches
- Silk-worms - Zoo Med Can O' Silkworms
- Snails - Zoo Med Can O' Snails
- Super-worms
- Toads (feeder)
- Wax worms
- Soft-boiled or scrambled eggs
- Raw meats: turkey, lamb, venison, fowl, beef - be sure to add calcium - Zoo Med Reptile Calcium without D3, Zoo Med Reptile Calcium with D3
- Fresh fish filets
- Organ meats: liver, hearts, gizzards
- Seafood: Crab, Scallops, Shrimp
- Apples - in moderation
- Bananas - in moderation, peels can be fed if grown organic
- Berries
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Raspberries
- Strawberries - in moderation, high in oxalates and giotrogens
- Cantaloupe
- Casaba
- Cherries
- Concord grapes - higher in oxalate
- Dates
- Figs - fresh or dried
- Grapes- Thompson seedless; green and red
- Honeydew
- Kiwi
- Mango
- Melons
- Papaya
- Peaches- high in goitrogens
- Pears- high in oxalates
- Pumpkin
- Tomatoes - high in oxalates
- Watermelon
- Acorn squash
- Alfalfa
- Asparagus
- Bell peppers
- Butternut squash
- Chicory greens (Escarole)
- Collard greens
- Dandelion greens
- Endive
- Escarole
- Green beans
- Green peas, snap peas
- Kabocha squash
- Leeks
- Mustard greens
- Okra
- Parsnip
- Prickly pear cactus
- Radish
- Rapini
- Snap peas
- Spaghetti squash
- Turnip greens
- Yellow squash
- Yucca root - cassava- tough, should be shredded
- Zucchini
- In Moderation
- Beets and Beet greens - in moderation, high in oxalates
- Bok choy - in moderation, high in goitrogens
- Parsley- good source of calcium
- Broccoli - in moderation, high in oxalates
- Brussels sprouts- high in goitrogens
- Cabbage- in moderation, high in goitrogens
- Carrots and tops - in moderation, high in oxalates
- Cauliflower - in moderation, high in goitrogens
- Celery- low in nutrition
- Coriander - in moderation, high in oxalates
- Corn - feed rarely or never, low in Ca and high in Phosphorus
- Cucumber - low in nutrition
- Flowering plants like- Nasturtiums, Dahlia or hibiscus, - be careful of pesticides and herbicides
- Lettuces - low in nutrition
- Rutabaga
- Spinach - feed rarely or never, high in oxalates and goitrogens
- Sweet potato - feed rarely
- Swiss chard - feed rarely or never, high in oxalates
- Cooked pasta or rice
- Whole wheat bread
- Lentils-cooked
- Zoo Med Reptile Calcium without D3
- Zoo Med Reptile Calcium with D3
- Zoo Med Tegu/Skink/Monitor Food - Canned
List modified from: Tegu Talk: A Community for Tegu Keepers
Other helpful tips about feeding your teguFeeding schedule:Tegus are fast growers with active metabolisms, so regular feeding is important. Juvenal tegus should be fed daily - typically the amount of food that they can eat in about an hour. As they reach adulthood, tegus should be fed small, adequate meals several times a week (every other day or every second day). Decrease feeding during the winter when tegus hibernate. After each meal, clean up all leftover food from the enclosure.
We recommend feeding your tegu with tongs to prevent accidental finger biting!
Tegu Food Options | ReptiFiles' Tegu Care Guide
How much should you feed your tegu?
- Hatchlings (0-6 months) — 5x/week
- Juveniles (7-12 months) — 4x/week
- Subadults (1-2 years) — 3x/week
- Adults (>2 years) — 2x/week
Portion size should be about the same size as the tegu’s skull. This is especially important with whole prey items; tegus don’t really chew their food, and can choke if given something too big. For safety’s sake, always offer whole prey slightly smaller than their skull.
Like other pet reptiles, tegus are prone to obesity, which usually happens when they are fed too often or receive too many rodents, fatty meats, fruit, or human food. Sticking to a schedule and encouraging exercise is a good way to keep your tegu at a healthy weight.
What can be used as tegu food?In the wild, tegus enjoy an extremely varied diet dependent on what is seasonally and regionally available. Aside from providing a variety of flavors and textures, a varied diet more importantly supplies a greater spectrum of nutrients than can be accomplished with a diet of “staples.” Therefore, it is your job as a tegu owner to provide as many different kinds of tegu food as possible.
Insects(These tend to work best with young and/or small individuals)
- Black soldier fly larvae
- Crickets
- Cave roaches
- Death’s head roaches
- Discoid roaches
- Dubia roaches
- Earthworms/Nightcrawlers
- Grasshoppers
- Hissing roaches
- Hornworms (captive only; wild hornworms are toxic!)
- Locusts
- Mealworms
- Silkworms
- Snails (preferably with the shell)
Do not offer wild-caught insects, as these may carry pesticide residues which may poison your tegu!
MeatRefer to ReptiFile’s list of preferred live and frozen prey distributors for high-quality reptile food you can trust. Note that whole prey items will always be superior to meat products, as they contain more complete nutrition (especially calcium!).
- Beef heart supplemented with calcium
- Chicks (chicken and quail)
- Ground chicken/turkey mixed with calcium powder
- Eggs, with shell (raw or boiled)
- Fish (human-grade, whole)
- Crayfish/crawdads
- Shrimp
- Frogs (human-grade)
- Mice
- Rabbit meat, parts, or kits (babies)
- Rats
- Hamsters
- Gerbils
- Snakes (nonvenomous, F/T)
Frozen whole prey items must be prepared correctly before feeding. Thaw it out in the fridge the night before feeding day, then about 15-30 minutes before feeding, stick the prey in a BPA-free plastic bag like a Ziploc and submerge in warm, almost hot, water. The body temperature of a mouse is similar to a human’s, so you’ll want the prey to be about 98-100°F before offering it to your tegu. You can check the temperature with your temp gun.
A quick note about eggs — Raw eggs contain an enzyme called avidin, which decreases a tegu’s ability to absorb biotin (vitamin B7). When a reptile can’t absorb biotin, it can cause skin, scale, and shedding issues. Fortunately, cooking neutralizes this enzyme.
A quick note about fish — some fish contain an enzyme called thiaminase. Thiaminase destroys a reptile’s stores of vitamin B1 (thiamin). Over time, this can cause thiamin deficiency. Thiamin deficiency causes neurological damage and even death if not caught in time. Cooking the fish neutralizes this enzyme.
Fish that contain thiaminase include: bass, catfish, goldfish, herring, mackerel smelt, tuna, and whitefish. For a more comprehensive list, go here.
Fruits & VegetablesAlways wash fruits and vegetables before giving them to your tegu in case they have been exposed to poisonous chemicals like pesticides and herbicides. Be sure to cut them into small, bite-sized pieces before offering.
For a full list of safe fruits and vegetables for reptiles, refer to this nutrition chart by Beautiful Dragons.
- Alfalfa
- Bell pepper
- Cactus pads
- Carnation flowers
- Carrot (root and greens)
- Cilantro
- Dandelion (flowers and greens)
- Greens: collard, kale, mustard, turnip
- Hibiscus flowers
- Parnsip
- Pumpkin (note: laxative)
- Rose flowers
- Squash
- Yam
Do not feed: Avocado, azalea flowers/leaves, broccoli, buttercup flowers, eggplant, lettuce of any kind, marijuana or hemp leaves, onion, rosemary, sage, or spinach. These foods can make your tegu sick or even die!
- Apples
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Cactus fruit
- Cherries
- Dates
- Grapes (green or red)
- Figs
- Mango
- Melon
- Papaya
- Strawberries
Do not feed: Citrus, rhubarb, seeds, or pits. These can make your tegu sick or even die!
Prepared (commercial) reptile diets aren’t a complete replacement for fresh food, but they do make a good addition to your rotation of tegu foods. If you want to offer a prepared reptile diet, make sure that it’s high quality: no grains, artificial flavors, or artificial colors.
These are ReptiFiles’ favorite commercial reptile diets for omnivores, and work well mixed in with other foods as part of a balanced diet:
- Arcadia OmniGold
- Mazuri Tortoise Diet
- Repashy Grassland Grazer
- Repashy Grub Pie
- Repashy Meat Pie
- Repashy Veggie Burger
- Reptilinks
Dog/Cat Food
Believe it or not, dog and cat food is also good for tegus (as a part of the rotation in a varied diet, of course — whole prey will always reign supreme)! Cat food is best used with Colombian tegus and young Argentine tegus, and dog food is good for adult Argentine tegus.
Make sure to use canned food rather than kibble (although kibble is alright occasionally if water is added), and avoid formulas containing artificial colors/flavors. Grain is fine as long as the formula is high-quality and not too high in carbohydrates. The claim that grain-free dog food is best is largely unsubstantiated and may even be harmful, although that claim is still being investigated.
Here are some brands known to be reliable. Brands marked with an asterisk (*) are raw diets complete with bone and organ meat for whole prey nutrition.
- Carnivora*
- Castor & Pollux
- Darwin’s
- Eukanuba
- Evolution Naturally
- Halo
- Hills Science Diet
- Instinct
- Forthglade
- Merrick
- Nature’s Variety
- Nature’s Menu (Country Hunter)
- Primal*
- Purina
- Raw Bistro*
- Royal Canin
- TruDog*
- Wellness CORE
- Whole Earth Farms
- Zignature
Ideally the food should contain as much of the whole animal as possible (meat, bones, and organs), which is why I love raw dog food diets. If you have a question about the safety of a certain brand/formula, check
- If you are in Canada, a full list of recommended raw dog food brands available in your area can be found here at You can also see a list of general brands approved by the Pet Food Association of Canada here.
Whole food items are ideal because they’re more than just muscle (protein) and fat like human-grade cuts of meat. Whole prey comes with muscles, bones, organs, hair, nails, etc. — and all of the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that a tegu needs. These foods don’t need to be dredged in calcium or multivitamin powders.
If you’re offering non-whole food (shelled eggs, ground meat, cuts of meat from the butcher, etc) or insects, then you will need to compensate for the missing nutrition. Specifically, you need to correct the food’s calcium to phosphorous ratio so your tegu can digest it. For meat, this means adding a dash of calcium powder. Insects need to be dusted before feeding.
The following are supplements and supplement combos that ReptiFiles recommends for use with tegus:
- Repashy Calcium Plus
- Arcadia EarthPro supplement system (instructions here)
- Miner-All Indoor + Herptivite
Use each supplement as directed by the label.
Note: All feeder insects should be gutloaded for at least 24 hours before feeding. Ideally, they should come pre-gutloaded from the breeder. If they weren’t, or you buy your feeder insects in bulk, the easiest way to keep them fed and gut-loaded is with reconstituted Repashy Veggie Burger or Arcadia EarthPro InsectFuel.
Live vs frozen preyWhen feeding whole prey, you have a choice to offer the prey live or frozen-thawed (F/T). This poses an ethical dilemma for some, and in some parts of the world, live prey isn’t even an option. But if you have the choice, you must consider the issue from a perspective that places the tegu’s welfare as priority — not your human code of ethics.
Tegus are predators, which means that their brains are biologically designed to hunt on a regular basis. Providing live prey (at least on occasion) is a good way to provide mental stimulation, or environmental enrichment. Not convinced? I recommend reading this article by Legless Army: Environmental Enrichment for Reptiles: What? Why? And How…?
That being said, all live prey interactions should be supervised to prevent potential harm to your tegu. After all, a live prey item is likely to fight for its life. If your tegu gets bitten in the process, treat with an antibiotic ointment like Curad Silver.
Can I give my tegu “people food?”Some people talk about occasionally giving their tegus “people food.” They claim that their tegus love an occasional slice of pizza or some french fries.
My take on the issue? Don’t do it. Even if your tegu gives you “puppy dog eyes” and seems interested in what you’re eating (more on eating when your tegu is around later). In fact, a friend of mine had his tegu steal his bratwurst while his back was turned. This won’t kill your tegu, but if you want to keep them healthy, stick to tegu food.
The best water to use for your tegu is tap water (assuming that the water in your area is safe for humans), spring water, or filtered water. Not distilled or softened. Here’s why.
A large water bowl should be provided, preferably large enough for your tegu to be able to soak its entire body comfortably. Plastic tubs work great for this! Aside from being a source of hydration, this also helps maintain humidity and provides a place to soak while in shed.
Water should be changed every 2-3 days, or whenever it gets dirty. And since tegus have the endearing habit of also using their water bowl as a toilet, be sure to disinfect it weekly with a veterinary disinfectant like Chlorhexidine or F10SC. Use either chemical as directed by the label.
Keep reading:
- Introduction to Tegus
- Shopping List
- List of Tegu Species
- Terrarium Sizing for Hatchlings, Juveniles & Adults
- Temperature & Humidity Requirements
- Substrate Options
- Decorating Your Tegu’s Enclosure
- Feeding Your Tegu
- Handling Tips
- Benefits of Free-Roaming
- Common Problems & Questions About Tegu Health
- Additional Resources
tag: baby food
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October 31 / What's going on?Municipal unitary enterprise "Children's nutrition" - the city of Ryazan on the city website RZN.

Investigators became interested in violations in the "Children's nutrition"
The Investigative Committee has begun a follow-up check on the fact of violations in the "Children's Food" MP.
The Investigative Committee has begun a follow-up check on the fact of violations in the Children's Nutrition MP. This was reported by the website of the regional SU TFR.
“According to information posted in the media about violations identified by Rospotrebnazor specialists in the work of the Ryazan municipal enterprise “Baby Nutrition”, which supplies food and semi-finished products to schools in the regional center and the Ryazan region, the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Ryazan region organized a pre-investigation check” , the message says.
During the inspection, the investigators will give a legal assessment of the actions of officials of the municipal enterprise. According to its results, a criminal case may be initiated.
Recall that violations in the kitchen of the Children's Food Enterprise were found by the film crew of the Revizorro program and Rospotrebnadzor.
Rospotrebnadzor found violations in the Children's Nutrition MP
Rospotrebnadzor conducted an unscheduled inspection of an enterprise supplying food to Ryazan schools.
Rospotrebnadzor found violations in the MP "Baby Food" in the city of Ryazan. This was reported by the website of the regional department of the department.
An unscheduled inspection revealed the following violations:
- non-compliance with the conditions and terms of food storage;
- non-compliance with the terms of the commodity neighborhood of raw materials and finished food products;
- approval of the use of food products with signs of spoilage for cooking.
Employees of Rospotrebnadzor drew up several reports of administrative offenses. “An order has been issued to eliminate the identified violations,” the message says.
Recall that in the spring the film crew of the Revizorro program found several sanitary violations at the enterprise, including cockroaches running around the kitchen. In response, the head of Baby Food accused the TV people of editing.
Anger at mercy. Parents of Ryazan schoolchildren were satisfied with the work of "Children's Nutrition" after the excursion
Contrary to rumors, most of the parents with whom the correspondent managed to talk did not refuse school meals.
Parents of Ryazan schoolchildren were satisfied with the work of the Children's Food Enterprise after the tour. On Friday, April 29, two groups of parents visited the enterprise criticized by the Revizorro program and shared their impressions with
Contrary to rumors, most of the parents with whom the correspondent managed to talk did not refuse school meals. “I understand that I won’t be able to give soup to my child,” one of the mothers explained, adding that at first there were still thoughts of not eating at school. Having personally visited the workshops, inspected the premises for the presence of cockroaches and dirt, talked with the director of the enterprise Natalya Shirokova, and also tasted the prepared dishes, all the parents were satisfied - they did not find anything "criminal".
“Before that, I had no doubts. The child eats and everything is fine, he always liked it, ”said one of the mothers, while three other mothers supported her, expressing collective doubt about the reliability of Revizorro. “It's just a show. Just think, our spoiled pear, one for the whole warehouse, ”they said.
“When I cook in the kitchen, cabbage also falls on the floor. So what? It doesn’t look like anything was recently repaired here, and it’s impossible to fix everything that was shown so quickly,” another guest of Baby Nutrition expressed her opinion.
On the tour, besides mothers, there was also one father. He also positively assessed the work of the employees, noted the cleanliness of the premises and the responsiveness of the management.
Recall that Revizorro did not approve the state of the kitchen and the quality of products at Baby Food. The presenter recorded violations from the first minutes: the cooks worked without gloves, the product storage standards were not observed, and the containers in which food is delivered to schools were not disinfected. During the check, it also turned out that nitrates in fruits exceeded the permissible level, there were lumps of mold in the bag with millet, and cockroaches and flies "felt at ease" in the kitchen. On the eve of the release on the air, Ryazan journalists were given a press tour of the enterprise, during which the management of "Children's Food" called the footage from the announcement a montage.
"Utter disappointment." The host of "Revizorro" demanded the immediate closure of "Children's Food"
Romanovskaya found live cockroaches and flies and demanded an "immediate" closure of the enterprise. The lead employee who accompanied her agreed with this and took the blame.
In the Ryazan issue of "Revizorro" they showed violations in the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Children's Food". In Ryazan, the program will be seen at 18:00 on the Pyatnitsa TV channel, but residents of the Far East and Siberia have already been able to watch it.
Leading program Olga Romanovskaya identified the following violations:
- lack of labeling of products;
- high content of nitrates in pears;
- mold in millet;
- increased bacteria content in food transport tanks;
- storage of fish and meat nearby;
In addition, Romanovskaya found live cockroaches and flies and demanded an "immediate" closure of the enterprise. The lead employee who accompanied her agreed with this and took the blame.
Let us remind you that earlier the director of the enterprise called footage with cockroaches in the kitchen of MUE "Children's Food" a montage.
An excerpt from the program can be viewed on YouTube.
"Friday" responded to the accusations of the Ryazan "Children's Food"
Earlier, the director of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Children's Food" Natalya Shirokova, during a visit by journalists to the enterprise, called the footage with cockroaches in the Ryazan video "Revizorro" editing.
Pyatnitsa TV channel responded to accusations from the Ryazan Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Children's Nutrition", whose management called the footage with cockroaches a montage.
“The purpose of the Revizorro program is to show the real state of the institution, its cuisine, and products. At this enterprise, the film crew, alas, saw an extremely sad picture. Everything that was filmed will be aired today at 18.00. Viewers will be able to watch the story themselves and draw their own conclusions,” said Maria Lyubimova, PR manager of the Friday TV channel.
Earlier, Natalya Shirokova, director of MUP "Children's Nutrition", during a visit of journalists to the enterprise, called the shots with cockroaches in the Ryazan video "Revizorro" a montage.