Girl with food baby
After This Woman Shared A Picture Of Her 'Food Baby', People Joined To Support Her
Have you ever had a big meal and then your bloated belly got so big that you looked pregnant? If so, this thread that one woman started on Twitter, is for you. Fatimah, a young Londoner, posted a photo of her with a big food baby belly captioned: “I can’t be the only one that gets extremely bloated and starts imagining myself being pregnant?” As it turns out – no, Fatimah, you’re definitely not alone with bloated stomach, as hundreds of Twitter users have responded with their photos of ‘food babies’ and the thread gained a status of a legitimate support group.
This weekend, London-based influencer Fatimah, shared a photo of her with a “food baby”
Image credits: itsjustfatimah
Image credits: itsjustfatimah
She probably did not expect that the thread would go viral so quickly – hundreds of women (and not only them), responded with their ‘food pregnancy’ pictures
Image credits: valeriesolorios
Image credits: hailayyy16
Image credits: mackenzieg___
Image credits: nellamtongana
People were glad to know that they’re not the only ones doing this and that bloated belly is nothing to be ashamed of
Image credits: floridahmapeto
Image credits: shefrmroundaway
Image credits: nauticauzumaki
Image credits: unclecyd
Fatimah later shared a photo of her post-food baby body
Image credits: itsjustfatimah
By sharing so many playful photos of their food baby bellies, women (and men) on Twitter remind us that bloating is not something to be ashamed of because it is all too common. “I’m so glad bloating is being normalized,” Fatimah tweeted on her viral thread. We’re definitely glad too!
And said that she loves the replies from people on the thread
Image credits: itsjustfatimah
People were joyful to see such a fun thread and for some, it even helped them feel more confident
Image credits: toefet
Image credits: ibukunoluwaaji
Image credits: BoyItsBvbyE
Image credits: BlaqNaa
Later, Fatimah told the media: “I had just finished eating a bunch of wasabi while watching anime and I realised how bloated I was and I thought it would be funny to share how bloated women can get.
A little girl from Rostov with Down's syndrome collected food in a supermarket for the needy for two weeks
Natasha Litvinenko is the youngest volunteer in Rostov. Photo: family archive
Natasha Litvinenko is only 11 years old. A Rostov woman has a genetic disease, she was born with Down syndrome. A girl with fiery red hair and an open smile is raised by one mother. Nadezhda Natalya is the fourth, late and long-awaited child.
The little girl loves to draw. Photo: from the family archive
The girl's father disappeared from their lives after learning that his daughter had mental disorders.
- I have no questions or complaints about him. Only gratitude for the fact that there is Natasha, - says woman.
The daughter became for Nadezhda both a gift of fate and a lifeline. Before the advent of the "sunny child" (as children with Down syndrome are called, - approx. Aut .), she already had children. Then the family lived in the village of Razdorskaya.
A woman had to work very hard to raise her son and daughter. She could only rely on herself, because after 17 years of marriage, her husband left the family. And Nadezhda grabbed any part-time job, she even learned how to fish, which she then sold.
That evening, when her son and daughter passed away, Nadezhda was on a fishing trip. And when she returned home, she saw the window in the kitchen burning.
A woman shot like an arrow into the bedroom on the second floor, where her son and daughter were.
I grabbed the children, who had already passed out from the smoke, and took them to the hospital. But the doctors failed to save the boy and the girl. And almost a month later, Nadezhda's mother died of a stroke.
Now the girl is resting in Artek. Photo: from the family's archive
The birth of her daughter helped the woman not to break down from grief. The "sunny" girl became a bright ray of light in the life of a Donetsk woman. Natasha does not let her mother get bored.
- Daughter goes in for sports, plays in the orchestra on the melody (a musical instrument in the form of a small piano - ed.), studies at a modeling school. By the way, she has already participated in the fashion week in Moscow and St. Petersburg, - says the woman.
In her free time, Natasha draws, watches cartoons, plays doctor. And the girl is also involved in volunteering. Natasha is the smallest activist in Rostov. But in terms of stamina, she is in no way inferior to her adult comrades.
The fact is that Nadezhda is the chairman of the public organization “Rays of Kindness”. And during the pandemic, she became a representative of the Give Food charity project in Rostov.
- At that time people didn't communicate much, didn't leave the house. And my daughter and I first started collecting and then distributing food for needy families with disabled children, - says 's interlocutor.
One day Natasha collected food for the needy in the supermarket for two weeks. The task of the girl was to tell people about the action and convince them to put food in the basket.
For two weeks Natasha collected food for those in need in the supermarket. Photo: family archive
- She was shy at first, but only until the first person put something into the cart. After that, she soulfully began to talk about the action. Of course, I was always nearby and looked after her. Every day Natasha collected a full cart of food. So two weeks flew by. During this time, we managed to collect food packages for several dozen families, - smiles mother of a special child.
Natasha is proud to be a volunteer.
- It happens that on some days, like all children, she becomes lazy. And then suddenly he says: “I’m a volunteer!” And she does what she has to do, - 's mother smiled. - I would like to say to women who have just found out that their child will be special: do not be afraid, do not cry. Just do what you must.
Installation: Zakharchenko Natalia
In Rostov-on-Don, a girl with Down syndrome became a "TOP-model" and won a beauty contest
At the age of seven, sunny Natasha Litvinenko already has thousands of friends around the world (more)
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"Save Polina!": a 5-year-old baby from Rostov needs blood of a rare group
A little girl from Rostov was diagnosed with leukemia, and now the girl really needs the help of caring people (more)
The baby refused healthy food. But her mother is a life hack genius
A little girl refused to eat anything but waffles, but her mother figured out how to make her daughter fall in love with healthy food. The woman turned lunches and dinners into a real quest, and it’s time for scientists to take note of such a cool approach to education.
Mum Karis Turner from Manchester noticed that her daughter Scarlett-Mae began to refuse any food except waffles and turkey. The woman realized that the girl’s diet and preferences were turning into a problem, because it was impossible to persuade the baby to try something else, writes The Sun.
Karis was determined to change the situation and bring vegetables and fish to the girl's diet, but the girl did not want to conflict with the child. She decided to make the transition as painless as possible, and her methods can only be admired. Mom invented a colorful chart that listed different types of food and left one column for her daughter's reaction.
I bought several plastic medals, trophies and printed certificates, as well as happy and sad stickers to show her likes and dislikes,” Karis said.
The girl explained that it was important for her to organize an interesting quest for the little girl in order to subtly change her diet.
I thought that if I offer her food and record her reaction on a diagram, it will be interesting. Plus, she'll finally get the nutrients she needs.
When Scarlett makes healthy choices like fish cakes or vegetables, her mom rewards her with stickers and medals. Imagine Karis' surprise when she realized that sad emoticons are not required for the new diet.
All this time I have never taken out a sticker with a sad smile, because Scarlett likes everything. Before that, she had never tried anything other than waffles, and now she realized that she loves chicken curry, and vegetarian breakfasts, and vegetables, and much more.
Mom noted that all this time the baby lacked a push in the right direction.
Now everything is easy for us. Together we choose school lunches - we sit down and find what she would like to try. At the end of the week, if she has eaten all the dishes offered to her, I give her a medal and we can do whatever she wants.